After some initial brainstorms, I developed a personal DMC journey map to visualise my learnings, insights and how it’s all wrapped up so far. I recapped the DMC tools we looked at over the last three years, and this reflective process helped clear my headspace for the beginning of FMP.
The start of my FMP journey was rather convoluted. Not knowing where to start, I explored areas such as social interactions, hyperdigitalisation and humancentred design principles like business relevance and agility. It helped reaffirm my learnings to prep myself for a long, independent project.
With some of these goals in mind, I thought about what the intention of my project could be and what starting point I could work from. In the beginning, I had a number of different ideas that served different interests. I thought about gamification in particular and used Miro as my primary workspace during this process. After a series of brainstorms and exploration of key terms, I had an idea to ‘reimagine’ design in a hyperdigitalised, post-COVID society.