Urban Masía
AUTHOR(S) — Marta López Rubio (ES), Gonzalo Pardo Díaz (ES),
CONTACT — T. +34 660083302
contact@masia-urbana.com, www.masia-urbana.com
TEAM POINT OF VIEW — The materialization of discontinuity
is proposed to build the gap between two places that possess opposite densities. Rather than concentrating the entire housing programme in a single building, we opted for a fragmentation of the space to be constructed as a strategy, shaping the lot as an isotropic landscape and with isomorphic qualities in its built spaces, as well as in its voids. With a clear objective to naturalize the urban spaces we bet on creating a great productive field according to the practice of the cultivation system based on the logic of the Japanese philosopher Fukuoka. The design of the dwellings takes into account the different lifestyles of the user and the public spaces of each building respond to the same strategy: a core where collective life is developed at different levels.