Savoir Terre
AUTHOR(S) — Florence Carrières (FR), Architect-urbanist;
CONTACT — Paris (FR)
Perrine Vouillon (FR), Sabine Bachelet (FR), Nelly Revol-Buisson
T. +33 695364346
(FR), Architects; Guillaume Blaise (FR), Building engineer
TEAM POINT OF VIEW — The project uses the landscape as
raw material and structure for the future rural territory aiming at highlighting the existing heritage. The river Jordanne is the link of the project, which allows exploring the territory. All along its banks, the limited facilities will become gathering places. From the edges to the city centre, the rural landscape, with its productive nature, returns gradually into the urban landscape. The program combines local, agricultural, energy, economic and social production in order to bring back attractiveness to the heart of the city and an additional offer on the banks of the river. Free from parking lots, the public spaces are dedicated again to pedestrians. These new spaces, which were developed with the participation of the inhabitants, offer a new dynamism to Aurillac.