Make Laajasalo Productive Again
AUTHOR(S) — Laura Martínez (ES), Paula Fernández (ES),
CONTACT — Ciudad Taller
Architects; Wojciech Kębłowski (PL), Geographer;
Aníbal Hernández (ES), Anthropologist
TEAM POINT OF VIEW — This project brings production back to
the city; production considered as a life centered process whose purpose is to satisfy material and social needs of communities. By expanding the definition of production to embrace activities outside the generation of exchange value, we also unveil the “productive” model of urbanism that may be encouraged, how it may be implemented, and who should be the key agents involved in its development. We delineate three PRINCIPLES as central to making any neighbourhood productive: Embeddedness, Progressivity and Self-Management. These guide open DIRECTIONS for Laajasalo’s transformation: Collectivization, Renaturalization and DeMobilization. They materialize in a system of PLUG-INS that support the transformation of the area.