Rock the Block!
AUTHOR(S) — Lorenzo Ciccu (IT), Simone Langiu (IT),
CONTACT — Spaziozero atelier, Berlin (DE) / Cagliari (IT)
Carlo Pisano (IT), Architects-urbanists; Elisabetta Sanna (IT),
T. +49 17688017631
Roberta Serra (IT), Landscape architects,
TEAM POINT OF VIEW — The proposal aims at connecting the
inner city of Linz with the southern districts, creating a new vibrant neighbourhood which will introduce productive, commercial, residential spaces as well as cultural and social services. A new framework plan is provided to start an urban transformation in which the site will keep the potential to offer spaces for work within the city. Instead of trying to foresee the future program, the project provides the maximum diversity in the productive and public spaces. Along with a series of pocket areas, the piazza along Wienerstrasse, the park along the railway and the one on the Unionstrasse are the three large public spaces that will foster the creation of a vibrant open neighbourhood seen as the inception of the new urban development south of the tracks. JURY POINT OF VIEW — The proposal blends into the existing
context and is clearly readable. It is well elaborated and very advanced. The fact of integrating remnants from the former industrial site into the new urban plan is considered as positive. The various public spaces are well proportioned and aerate the orthogonal grid. The proposed block structures are a flexible urban system that works well with different uses. At the same time, the size of the blocks is questioned, they seem rather small and appear more like large buildings than multiple-plot block structures, a larger grid seems more adapted to productive facilities.