SCOop* Savoir Coopérer
AUTHOR(S) — Charlotte Durand-Rival (FR), Chloé Durrieu (FR),
CONTACT — Marseille (FR), T. +33 666011313
Simon Forget (FR), Mickle Bourel (FR), Architects,
TEAM POINT OF VIEW — On the Pantin site, the various elements
of the program, put in place, interact. The departure point for the giant SCOP is the confrontation of the scales of production: industry and crafts, craftsmen and handymen! Our aim is to create a system where organs complement each other and together create an added value. The encounters of different profiles of the site will entice the feeling of ownership and belonging by usage and will create a local economic system. The emphasis is put on the sharing of knowledge and cultures by integrating the industrial and craft industry. Already in our toolbox of “availabilities”, the Parc de la Villette is a source of inspiration for innovation and for the diversity of the existing transport networks: rail, river and road. The place bears industrial traces, an essential basis for reinventing it without disregarding the past. No! In Pantin, the dinosaurs will not disappear!