AUTHOR(S) — Alexis Lecaplain (FR), Ondine Boutaud (FR),
CONTACT — Quimper (FR)
Anne-Gaëlle Elin (FR), Gaspard Vivien (FR), Architects
T. +33 680429225, alexis.lecaplain@gmail.com
TEAM POINT OF VIEW — The Sédimontières project offers a town
planning strategy through 4 phasing-in periods of the Montière area, all of which dealing with the surroundings development. Both the project’s temporality and spatiality have specifically been designed to accommodate to various uses in a versatile and sustainable city. This evolving structural guide sets out a comprehensive resilient perspective of the city through a gradual project mechanism. Pressure points are the first foundations of the project within the expanded site. These micro-actions operate independently or through a constellation of subjects, as they develop the area in partnership with the Alliance/Immochan and Orion/Step projects. As a geological mechanism processes, 4 steps of varying intensity deal with the territory at one time.