Spotlight Bulletin nº131

Page 8

What we do

Indicators from January to July/2021

Care Programme

This Programme organises and provides escorts for the elderly to their medical appointments. A staff of professionals assists them in their urban commute as well as in the minor difficulties involved in seeing doctors and undergoing clinical tests. This applies to the treatment of both chronic and sporadic illnesses as well as for preventive treatments.


medical carer-escorts carried out acompanhamentos médicos realizados

Extended Programme

This Programme supports public long-term residential institutions for the elderly. By applying its knowledge, accumulated over several decades of experience, the FBB directs financial, material and human resources to suitable entities that work with sheltering the elderly who are in a serious situation of vulnerability. Institutions: Casa Madre Teodora dos Idosos e Lar Bênção


institutions supported organizações beneficiárias

Conviviality Centre for the Elderly

Space that offers several free activities that contribute to the process of healthy ageing, the development of autonomy and sociability, the strengthening of family ties and community living and in preventing social risk situations for people over 60 years of age.


people enrolled in the activities idosos matriculados nas atividades

Protection Programme

Under this Programme the FBB shelters the elderly in institutions of Long Term Residency for the Elderly (ILPI), and provides for their welfare. This involves full care and the supply of basic needs, be these medical, social or financial.


Programme participants over age 60 participantes do Programa com mais de 60

Support Programme

This Programme provides aid to the elderly to help them with their basic needs, such as housing, food, healthcare, and medication. This benefit requires a socioeconomic assessment as well as an appraisal of the respective family ties.


Programme participants over age 60 participantes do Programa com mais de 60

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total beneficiaries (60+ years old) of our projects total de beneficiários (60+ anos) dos nossos projetos


contacts with our beneficiaries (phone, WhatsApp, home visits, etc.) contatos com nossos beneficiários (por telefone, WhatsApp, visitas domiciliares etc.)

British Society São Paulo | Fundação Britanica de Beneficência | Spotlight N° 131

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Articles inside

Thank you to our partners Agradecimento aos parceiros

pages 47-48

Obituaries Obituários

page 46

Chicken Ballotine Rocambole de frango

pages 43-45

I’d like to make you a special invitation Quero fazer um convite especial a você

pages 32-33

Operation Brazilian Bellows: Brazil’s Contribution to the RAF Operação Brazilian Bellows: As Contribuições Brasileiras para a RAF

pages 37-42

History of the Anglican Institute A História do Instituto Anglicano

pages 30-31

São Paulo Yacht Club São Paulo Yacht Club

pages 34-36

Plans for an exciting & more diverse future Planos para um futuro empolgante e mais diverso

pages 22-24

Royal British Legion A Real Legião Britânica

pages 25-27

My Journey: from Scouting to the world Minha jornada: do escotismo para o mundo

pages 28-29

Olympic Pride Orgulho olímpico

pages 20-21

Don’t stop creating Não deixe de criar

pages 10-11

Retrospective: Second Semester of 2021 Retrospectiva Segundo Semestre 2021

pages 4-5

British Society São Paulo (BSSP

page 12

Fundação Britânica de Beneficência (FBB

page 7

A new teaching: face-to-face and online Um novo ensino: presencial e online

pages 17-19

The return of face-to-face classes and the new normal A volta às aulas presenciais e o novo normal

pages 13-16

From the Editorial Council De o Conselho Editorial

page 3

What we do O que fazemos

pages 8-9
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