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Gallery Magazine Guernsey

Gallery ran as Guernsey's style magazine from 2011-2015. Categorised and organised, the magazine covered a breadth of subject matters, targeting a mindset rather than an age group. Each month Gallery was themed and is full of cultural and lifestyle features that include a fashion shoot using local fashion, models and stylists, beauty product and treatment reviews, home and property features and profiles, restaurant reviews and food features, local culture and music events reviews and listings, test drives and hardware pages. Following the desolution of a franchise arrangement with Qube ltd, Gallery was withdrawn from Guernsey in December 2015. Please see for more information.


Gallery December 2015

November 26, 2015

Gallery Guernsey #42

August 26, 2015

Gallery Guernsey 38

April 1, 2015

Gallery Guernsey #35

February 1, 2015

Gallery Guernsey #34

November 24, 2014

Gallery Guernsey #32

September 1, 2014

Gallery Guernsey #31

August 26, 2014

Gallery Guernsey #26

March 27, 2014

Gallery Guernsey #25

February 28, 2014

Gallery Guernsey #24

January 31, 2014

Gallery Guernsey #23

November 23, 2013

Gallery Guernsey #21

September 25, 2013

Gallery Guernsey 20

August 12, 2013

Gallery Guernsey 19

July 22, 2013

Gallery - 16 - 1984

April 9, 2013

Gallery #14 - Lust

February 8, 2013

13 - White

December 3, 2012

Gallery - 11 - Homme

October 10, 2012

Gallery 10 Vintage

September 9, 2012

09 - Action

August 5, 2012

Gallery - 05 - Hijack

April 15, 2012

Gallery - 03 - Love

February 3, 2012

gradu8 Media pack

February 2, 2012

Gallery GSY Media Pack

January 13, 2012
gallerymaggsy Publisher Publications - Issuu