2020 wasn’t what we hoped for, especially for us
as Local Organization Presidents. We started with the President’s Academy full of enthusiasm and the desire to take on challenges for the year ahead. However, things didn’t go as planned, a lot has happened and all our plans were disrupted. We had to shift to the thing called the “new normal” f rom the earthquakes, to the eruption of Mt. Taal, to this COVID-19 pandemic. Quarantine happened and we had to stay indoors. Only minimal movements were allowed, but that didn’t stop us f rom doing what we are supposed to do. We innovated, f rom physical meetings to online meetings. We did things virtually and ended up with positive results. It wasn’t as easy as people expected it to be. “Easy lang yan kasi puro virtual na ang lahat”. I beg to differ. It wasn’t. I doubted myself. Yet with the help of my batch Hiraya presidents and my board, I could
Written by: JCI Mem. Samantha Kamil A. Sasin 2020 President, JCI Davaoeña Daba-daba
honestly say, I bounced back and got up on my feet and made everything work. I didn’t want to dwell on the things that aren’t relevant. Instead, I decided to choose what’s best especially for JCI Davaoeña Dabadaba. Hiraya is also a deeper form of the word hope in which, this year, we have been giving hope to those who are hopeless. Despite the pandemic, we made a difference. I am proud of what batch Hiraya has accomplished. If I could only hug each and every one, I would. We may have had cancelled plans or wasted ideas, but we are resilient. We gained more wisdom, we overcame. But most importantly, we gained f riendship. Never did I ever regret becoming a “Pandemic President”. Here’s to 2020 and here’s to overcoming inevitable circumstances.