CHAMPIONING BEYOND BORDERS Written by: JCI Mem. Charis I. Gutierrez 2020 President, JCI Manilena
JCI Manilena’s theme for 2020 is “Growing
Beyond at 40.” I am honored and at the same time
Anniversary online. Members were able to celebrate
challenged to be entrusted to lead a group of
together in our colorful dresses with masks and
empowered women where we also celebrated the
shared a virtual toast. To top our year off, JCI
chapter’s 40th anniversary. We envisioned 2020
Manilena was able to win 6 Titan Awards during the
with programs that will enable members to grow
Metro Area Conference.
individually and for these programs to transcend to sustainable projects for the community.
I am happy that I accepted the challenge of being the 2020 president. With this, I grew beyond as a
Together with my BOD, we jump started the year in
person and experienced so many new things that I
full force. Just when we all thought we f igured it all
could only imagine before. It may not be a normal
out, the challenge began. Taal Volcano erupted and
year as a president, but I hope I was able to give
not long after, the COVID-19 pandemic forced all of
justice and was able to represent JCI Manilena well.
us to be on lockdown.
Indeed, one year to lead is a lifetime achievement. Our JCI values will be permanently carved in my
A new normal brings hope, as adapting poses new
heart to have “Faith in God” and “Service to humanity
challenges. While we were constrained to shelve
is the best work of life”.
our original plans, the innate creativity of a true JCI in each of us refuses to wither in the midst of pandemic. The role of JCI to the community is more meaningful than ever. JCI Manilena has activated more than 50 Oplan Kaagapay projects whereby members cooked meals, made face shields, created learning videos for children, pro-actively raised signif icant funds; and extended help to the f ront liners, people who lost their jobs, victims of f ire and typhoon, Hydrocephalus children and a lot more. We were also able to raise worth Php 1.3 Million in donations for those affected by the recent Typhoon Ulysses. JCI Manilena did not only continue its flagship community projects, but also ensured training for self and mental growth of its members. We had 9 online GMMS with more than 30 fun and engaging trainings. The chapter boosted participation and growth in membership. No pandemic can also stop us f rom celebrating our Mardi Gras themed 40th