Selah Yearbook 2008-09

Page 12

G* "3 i n**, <

Block Party//20-21

Demoss 3rdFloor//22-23



Studentsin Ministry//28-29

Risky Majors//30-31


The Bakery//34-35

DistanceLearningProfiles// 36-37

Homecoming // 38-39



UndertheShadow //44-45


NorthCampus Businesses //48-49


Mike Koech//52-53

SuiZing Ngun//54-55

Crowd Control// 56-57

OffCampus Living// 58-59

Hotel Housing//60-61

Campus PastorsProfile//62-65

FalwellFarm // 66-67



Mike Godsal//72-73

Vote4Sparky Campaign //74-75







The HeartofWorship// 96-97

JasonBaum // 98-99

TheChampion //100-101

Kappa DeltaPi//102-103

CampuSERVE //104-105

Tom Shoes//106-107












% "*1 * W»*P Selah Vol 35 ^vvw.liberty.*11,500 Residential Students

Th e Ultimate Sacrifice


As ateenager, Dr. Ergun Mehmet Caner, member ofaSunni Muslim family, made adecision thatsevered him from hisparents, friends, culture and heritage. "Inmost Islamic countries, you areput todeath forconversion,"he said "I was completely disowned because we were livinghere inAmerica.Ilosteverything inone singlemoment."

After emigrating with hisfamily from Turkey toToledo, Ohio, Caner was befriended by aChristian high schooler, JerryTackett, who persistently reached outtohim and ledhim toChrist "Though Idressed differently, looked differently, atedifferently and spoke differently, Tackett kept afterme foralmost fouryears-witnessing and inviting me tochurch He reached me for the gospel by not giving up on me," Caner said Caner's father, adevout Muslim architectwho had worked on the mosque inColumbus, Ohio, never forgave hisson forturning from hisfamily'sreligion Ina paraphrase ofRomans 9:3, Caner revealed hiscryforthose, likehisfather, who did not believeon Jesus Christ. "I wish Icould be damned so my kinsmen according tothe fleshcould be saved,"hesaid Caner's gratefulness forGod's grace and unconditional love- a concept non-existent inIslam -pressed him todedicate his life tospreading the gospel message. Upon accepting the positionas president ofour Theological Seminary,Caner became thefirst former Muslim tohold aposition ofleadership atan evangelical seminary He brought hisevangelistic fervorwith him "Evangelism is required for the believer. Without it, you are justlazyand ungrateful The Seminary motto reflectsthis-'Preach, Teach,

Reach orShut Up and Get Out oftheWay,'" hesaid

Before arriving inLynchburg,Caner pursued an extensiveeducation, culminating inaDoctorate ofTheology from theUniversityof South Africa. He had previousteaching experience and had pastored churches inKentucky, North Carolina, Indiana, Colorado andTexas

He made the move toLynchburg completely assured that this was where God wanted him "I knew itthe moment I walked on campus,"he said. "This is livingmy dream, every singleday. I have been here forseven yearsand thesheen has notworn off one bit."

Despite death threatsfrom Muslims,Caner did not shirkthe spotlight Instead, he embraced it A Christian apologist, he debated Muslims, Hindus, Buddhists and Bah'aiacross the world.He authored numerous booksincluding, "Unveiling Islam,""Voices Behind theVeil"and a book co-authored with hisbrother, EmirFethi Caner, "Christianjihad : two former Muslims look atthe Crusades and killinginthename of Christ." MM

Working atacollege, pastoring and speaking tostudents, Caner loved the unquenchable passion and eagerness he saw in young people "Every singleday, Igettobe around these studentswho would crawlacrossa live minefield towin someone toChrist," he said "They arecompletely sold outtoChrist They devourtheirBibles They hungerto know God more deeply and they believetheword ofGod."

His Wednesday night church servicesdrew thousands each week ashe spoke toan enthusiastic audience drawn tohishumor, energy and spiritualwisdom "Inmost places, Iam likeanchovies -an acquired taste Here, Ifit inperfectly," he said ST<«YBYAUBREYBL-ANKENSHP

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Around the age ofsix, he fled forhislife Running with about 25,000 other boys desperate to escape Sudan inefforttofind refuge in Ethiopia


Mayom Bol Achuk was from the Dinkatribe inBor, Sudan where people were not educated and could not writedown birthdays After coming to the United States in2000, hisage was approximated and he was given a birthday

Achuk grew upinatraditional Dinkan home Histribewas amale-dominant society where polygamy was practiced He was the 13th of19children and had fourmothers

Achuk and the other "lostboys" from Sudan fled afterawar against the government broke out in 1983 Many family members ofthe boys died during thewar.

"[The government]imposed alotof bad

things onAfrican tribes The tribesdon'tsee themselves being Muslim,"Achuk said. People inhistribestarted to rebel because they did not want to comply with the government, which caused the second civilwar inMay 1983

The troops were told, "If you only have onebullet, use it on boys because they arethe ones who will grow up and trytofight back,"Achuk explained Rebels came inand triedto protect them and help evacuate boys Achuk said, "The boys had no safe haven anymore."

Allthey could dowas run away Without clothesor even apairofshoes, the boys ranto Ethiopia, where the rebelstrained It took Achuk about amonth, but others up tothree months to reach the camp in Ethiopia Some boys never reached the camp at all.




The dress code opened itsdoor; denim inthe fall of2005,but no one could have predicted the impact such adecision would bring justthree yearslater.

Inthe spring of2008,evangelist David Nasser challenged the student body to present an offering inthe amount they paid forthejeansthey wore thatnight.

"Inthe middle ofour night, God dropped inour lapthismandate to go out inthe world with more than our songs and prayers, butto go out with our pocketbook," Nassersaid.

Not initiallyknowing what the offering wasfor, some students immediately felt a prompting ofthe Holy Spiritto give while others were more reluctant

Sylvia Cleare said her initialreaction to the proposal was "shock."That night, Cleare was wearing $140 designer jeans.

"[As Nasser]continued totalk, I felt ^obligated to follow through with his request,"

|are said "Can I really put aprice on J:h?How much doI love God?"

|cBrunell Charles was wearing $60 arles also debated over Nasser's vonderedflHsT'v''' \MaMiM God get me through ifI gave?"

At the next service/ Charles decided to answer ' the calland the feeling ofelatedness overflowed

"Isaid to myself I can't believe I didthat That was one ofthe biggest things I have ever done forGod inmy life." Charlessaid

Inthe end $86,000 was raised and one-third ofthat was donated tothe adoption ofthree Ethiopian orphans

"It was incredible,"said Nasser "Itwasn't so much the amount ofdollars Itwas the amount of students. it was really the kingdom ofGod atwork."


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Week welcomed back : Nasser. Wearecalied tohelp theorpha and the wio students togivethecostof I offering tohelpthreei : ofbeing adopted weres ages Junior Amanda Sm cool presenting the family I really d : it costso much toadopt I thought [theidea was a] reallycreativeway forpeople togetto contribute."As theold saying goes, money does not grow on trees.' Thisillustration represents theway studentsdug deep into theirpockets and gave fortheseorphans PHOTO

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Strength and Surviva


With blood streaming down herface,sophomore Maria Feijoo stood up and yelled, "Who hit me?"

At theage of12, she and some friendswere inthecourtyard ofa building playingwith fireworks inher home country, Venezuela Aftera round offireworkswent off,sheran from them,satdown and covered herears

"Iheard avoice tell me what to do," Feijoo said The voice told hertoget up and turn around While doing so,astrong force hitherchin causing hertobleed

A bodyguard ofVenezuelan President Hugo Chavez thought Feijoo and her friends were too loud and fired a warning shotthey never heard because ofthefireworks The second shot —aimed atthe back ofher head — was intended to kill Feijoo Because she turned her head, thebullet went through thetop ofherchin, out the bottom, through hershoulder and then intoherarm Instead of breaking herarm bone,the bulletsplitin half Being shot wasn'tthe only hardship she encountered during heryouth.Feijoostruggled with several thingsgrowing up which caused her to become angry with God.She was losingher

hearing in one earand hergrandfather died the day before her15th birthday — orquinceahera — an important time inagirl's life inSpanishculture

When she was 16,Feijoo became a Christianwhile inKentucky asan exchange student "The same voicewas talking to me,"Feijoosaid. She felt the voicetellinghertoget baptized atachurchthere

As time went on, Feijoosaid, "Istopped blaming God foreverything that happened to me."

Returning toVenezuela a Christian, herCatholic family and friendslooked down on her Feijoo said, "My mom took my Bibleand started torip it."

Despite the difficultiesshe faced, Feijoo said, "Ijustkeep showing them who I am and the change God has made inmylife."

Feijoo'sSpiritualLifeDirector, Danielle Napieralski, said, "Maria leavesa big impact wherever she goes, so itisonly naturalthatthe girls on our hall[loveher] Maria isa verygiving person and has encouraged me so much as well."

Determined tofollow God through everything, she said, "Iwillleaveeverything justfor Christ. I justwant to live the life that He wants me to live."

In1999,Hugo Chavez took officeas the president ofVenezuela In Chavez the people saw an opportunity fora new beginning and the chance to break |jfreefrom corrupt politicians.However, once inoffice, Chavez threatened newspapers and TV networks with S'| closure, attacked the Catholic Church, \ik\ fired federaljudges,handpickmg their replacements, and was involved in a variety ofother scandals.Hisdesire was toinstallhimselfas thedictator. modeling after Cuba's FidelCastro Chavez granted himselfmore power through taking control ofasocial ;' investment forexcess resources from *J state-run enterprises.He increased •iS* a|; statecontrol offood production and •J commerce,and punished business 'owners who failed tocomply with pricecontrolsand regulations He also '• received the power to take possession ofgoods from privatebusiness owners without theapproval from the National Assembly The Chavez government was supported tocreate a socialist-style I economy atthe community level

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FITVON a as headmonished

•n Washington, DC,ayoung Ameri c On Pennsylvania Avenue ,n Wa * ^ ^ ^ ^ an d mother stood balancing awide ey g lQve ,ife.

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Mark Phillipsand Maria Weisz were not the is there for the good and the bad, and only ones to enjoy engagement while in everything inbetween Although difficult, school "I could not imagine persevering my relationship has elevated my GPA, focus through the trialsand tribulations of and potential for a brighter future.School academia without the support of my is tough;relationships are harder;but love fiancee,"said Brett Gates, senior "A fiancee never fails PI II fTOBS 5ABREIIA

Embracing in a field, juniorJacob Clee and seniorAlysha Orme anticiaptetheir wedding day "Jacob and I are high school sweethearts and he told hisdad when we were eleven yearsold, as I was walking across ourchurch parking lot, that I was the girlhe was going to marry Inplanning the wedding,we have triedto not get caught up inthe 'day' but in our marriage," Orme said "Jacob proposed when we werein Rhode Island forour friendswedding He had packed a picnicforme and took me out toa rock on the ocean and popped the question."FH

Couples likeNathan Taylor and Rebekah trusting that he'llcontinue to provide,"said Stumberg pictured here didn't cut Casey Johnson "We both have part-time costs likeengagement photos despite a jobs right now and that's barely enough struggling economy. "One of the ways that for us to get by on when we get married. both of us are having to trust God is that but we're hoping for full-timejobs."11 li Ti i the economy seems to be tanking and HASTE nobody seems to be hiring so we'rejust


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look past the wedding and to the long term commitment that it stands for "The wedding is not the fairytale,"said Erica Waddle, senior "The marriage is." PH01 I i

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Zach f . '
and Crystal Weider share a moment together inOld City Cemetery while on their photo shoot This location has become a popular Lynchburg photo destination for engaged couples While some anticipate the wedding others

Most girlsonly dreamt ofthe kind of nightsenior Katie Morrow experienced on October 12.She and her boyfriend, alumnus Adam Miller, celebrated their two-year dating anniversary inan unforgettable way.What started out as a nightofmemories quickly became a moment thatchanged theirlives forever.

With a little help from the Chancellor's wife, Becki Falwell, Millertook Morrow back tothe siteoftheirfirstdate—the roofof DeMoss Hall—complete with sparkling lightsand a table setfor two

The words "Happy Two Year Anniversary" were projected on a nearby wallfollowing a video thatdepicted their

lasttwo years together. Then he asked her to dance "As we were dancing,I could feel hisheart beating so fast,"Morrow said

When the song ended,Millerread a letterhe had writtentohisfuturewifeatthe age of15 He then got down on one knee and asked Morrow tomarry him.With tears streaming down herface, she saidyes.

Perfect proposals aside, balancing marriage, work and school was the realityforsome couples who chose toget married whilestill incollege

Freshman Albert Garcia and sophomore Melissa Brown got engaged four months afterthey met Students like Garcia and Brown often feltsociety'spush todelay marriage "People say, 'You'rerushing things It's too quick,'"Brown said

Junior Rachel Dunham, engaged tojuniorCraig Cooper, feltpressured by otherstoenjoy singlenessand see theworld before settling down.

She disagreed "You must decide which one you love the most.I'drather be with that special person than travel the world alone,"Dunham said


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"At this momen t I had thought to myself that this might be it — that he might nave mad e a really important decision."
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After a politically charged summer,the fall came with a flurryof historicalannouncements and Lynchburg became a hotspot for politicalaction

Out ofthe blue,the Obama campaign announced alast minute stop inLynchburg The lineof people waiting toenter E.C Glass High School circled around the block and the presence ofsome faculty members and a good amount of students was evidence that the campus was dominantly, though

not exclusively, Republican.Obama's visitwas an indication of things tocome as Virginia became a battleground state throughout the next few

outside donors sponsored a group of students to attend the Republican National Convention Reporters and photographers swarmed the group from Lynchburg,plying the Christian college students with questionslike "What does itmean to be a young conservative?"

"What does it mea n to be a young conservative?"

Sophomore Jared Smithillustrates the state oftheeconomy as many are being laidofffrom theirjobs Junior Ben Taylor,majoring in advertising and graphic design said,"I'm worried that my career field is getting increasingly competitive I feel like a lotofwhite collarjobs willbe effected, and I should have a back up plan



"My parents cashed intheirretirement fund thissummer to help pay for my financial check-in,"sophomore Alyshia Allisonsaid She and her parents were determined to defy odds to secure her college financialsituation "The economy is not good," she said

Like Allison, college students feltthe national economic crisishithome "It is disconcerting considering how well we've been doing,"Nathan Hepler, a freshman, said.

The failing housing market, collapse offinancial giants Lehman Brothers, AIG,Merrill Lynch and Wachovia,and an unstable stock market, were evidences ofthe financial meltdown.

"Most economists today think that we are ina recession,"Robert Mateer, the Chairman of Finance and Economics School ofBusiness, said."I think that's reasonably obvious."

Forcollec students who had never experienced anything similar, the situation was one they expected to read inhistory textbooks ratherthan today'sfront-page

Senior Business Finance major Andrea Wingfield said, "The economy hasn'treally been inbad shape sincethe early'80s."

Students saw evidence ofthe downturn everywhere."I had a Wachovia account. Wachovia doesn't existanymore and it's weird,"said Christie Quarton,a senior Business Finance major Seniors likeQuarton faced tough job searches "After you graduate,you are not only competing with your peers,but with other people who have been laid off,"said Jarda Trojan, a senior Business Finance major who began the school year on the heels ofa Wall Street internship

To address the crisis, Congress passed $700 billion rescue plan Senior History major David Icesaid it was "the greatest transferof wealth from the private market to the government inAmerican History."

Mateer added,"It's a great deal ofconcern that we're seeing a socialization of our country I'm not worried formyself,I'm worried formy grandkids."

The economic stimulus plan enacted by President Barack Obama in February was something everyone watched to see the impact it would have on the economy Chancellor Jerry Falwell, Jr implemented hisown stimulus package by cutting tuition costs forthe next year inan effort to help out students ina struggling economy

Students likeAllison were thankful for God's provision "Imight have to tighten my belt buckle a littlemore,but the Lord has called me to be here and he knew that bad times would come, so he willprovide forme,"she said


;s Smoothing OUt allOf the rOUgh edges andproducingafinishedproduct >d. AllowingtheFlSe 3DOV e languagebarriers, cultural differencesand introvertedtendencies to a hall is ResidentAssistant. AllowingustoseehowOOQ DrOVlded duringatimeoffinancialuncertaintyand used lelD Other peoplefindalovingfamily Allowingusto remember toputGod aboveall oftheresponsibilitiesof life :k and realize what IjOQ W3 S QOing 11 t OUT llVeS duringatimeofchaosand confusion, to bringusthroughto


Mesmerized by the skater's tricks, students lineup next to the ramp at Block Party "I had fun watching the skateboarding, because they were off the hook and throwing it down I think it is awesome to show who God is through extreme sports,"Mitch Lintjer, senior, said PHOTOBYSATTAEKTRAKUL

"After spending a semester training for the National Guard, I can't wait to get back to LU." - Brock Nardozzi,JR "Ihave lived off campus for the past three "I'll catch up on my sleep when I die Until "Jeff Barber is the best thing that hashap years and I can easily say I had no idea that then I'll study."-Andrew Brittain, SO pened to Liberty sinceJerry Falwell."they remodeled the Rot to look likethe set Talley,SR ofSaved By The Bell." -Logan Powell SR

Fo r one lasttime, Lacey Judd,a second year graduatestudent, j JI ^f PamDus North scanning the walked around thecrowded lot ofCampus1

A „t Rlork Party forafew familiar faces. massive crowd ofBlock Party Q { "We'dallbeengoneallsummerlong,Ihadntsee friend, orknew what had been gomg on intheirlives, Judd said With musicalperformances, freegiveaways and mor e ridesthan everbefore, theannual BlockParty provided studentswith abash tobe remembered^ But forJudd, Block Partywas more thanjust thekickoff


L d found BlockPartyto be theperfectplace £«•* .


thetype ofmoments theywork hard toachieve

T h reisalot ofwork thatgoes intoBlock Party, and we mere isa i Misiano, director havebeen working on itsincespring, ChrisMtsia , ofStudent Activities, said "[We] seekto providethe student itSth agreat'back-to-school' eventthatallows everyone togettheyear started right."


"I'm a freshman and Ireally don't know "Ialways liketo see our other teams win "Common ground isa great uplifting ser- "I like ESPN com because Iget all my about what allthe complaining isabout I believe it encourages the restofathletic vicewhen you need it most intheweek I sportsinfo for basketball, footballand col-

I'm not sure how much I'lluse [theSnow- body and theschool"-NicoleMighs, SO always enjoy the messages and the wor- lege football I can alsoget all theup-toflex], but Ihave no problem with it."- ship "-PhilBrotzman. JR

datenews, scores and stats there - Aaron ChristinaMitchell. FR Beasley. JR

Interact/Inspire RISK refinement 21




As the parking lotwas cleared forthe construction of Barnes & Noble and the Tilley Student Center made itsgrand opening,the year brought one change that silenced many whispers and rumors.

"When I was a freshman there were many misconceptions about the third floor [of DeMoss]," senior Liz Mizer said "Iheard that the third floor couldn't have classrooms on it because the building structure could not support the weight of students and supplies."

Senior Kim Cross said, "They had a movie a few years ago at Christmas convo about the third floor and they showed it as thisUtopia."

DeMoss Hall opened itsthird floor with the start ofthe new school year and offered a place, called the Learning Commons,for students to study New classrooms were also added

"I think it's really cool we have a study section as opposed to the craziness of the computer lab," junior Rachel Kaz said Kaz,a graphic design major,was a member of one ofthe firstclasses to be held on the newly finishedfloor

"Ilove the new Mac lab It's awesome we now have more places to do our work and we don't have to fight over the Macs likewe do [on the second floor of DeMoss]," Kaz said.

"Itlooks likea real university study area," senior Amanda McCann said "I'm happy that [our school] is offering facilitieswhere you can take studying seriously,unlike the second floor, which has become a socializing zoo."

Putting an end to all the rumors,while giving students a place where they could hear themselves think,DeMoss'newest floor finally became a reality

"I lovetoplaytennis, [but] now thatthey "Myfavorite places oncampuswould
have "The hallway in the Communications "My favoriteplaceon campus is the thir toredown thetenniscourtsI
to be everywhere the guys got together Office [is] the very first place I ever floor of Demoss It has such a modern, -FabricioPicanco, SR aridplayed soccerin thegood old days." laid eyes on my future husband." freshfeel toit." - Dar -Samuel Roy, JR - CarrieBrown, JR anielleMooney, SR

Senior Angela Swearingen studieson the newly finished third floorofDeMoss.

"It's quieterand there'sa lot more space I hope it staysthis way I reallyenjoythe cubical stylestudy area aswell," Michelle Lust, senior, said


Sporting events were once held intheSchillingCenter and have now moved into the VinesCenter toprovideabetter facilityfortheathletes, as well asa way to accommodate seating forthe fans

The dining hall was recently updated toincludeavarietyof new food selections, modern lightingand additionalseating

The first game was playedin 1973, with theteam wearing Liberty BaptistCollege jerseys The team is now atop competitor asa Big South Conference title holderas well asmaking stridesinthe NCAA Division1 AA Conference

The thirdfloorofDemoss was completed in 2008 and provided study lounges, classrooms and computer labsfor students Once held in the SchillingCenter and now moved totheVines Center Convocation reaches full capacity each Monday, Wednesday and Friday, where students gather together and hearvariousspeakers and spend time in worship.

Interact/Inspire RISK
11 r
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favorite place on
campus would have "I want to move back to Ghana After "[I dislike] Terrell Owens because he's "[I don't like] Hines Ward I don't know I tobeanyoftheplaces that'proudly brews Ifinish my business over in the U.S. I'll good, but I rather have somebody let reallythought he was overrated asa w,de
Starbucks coffee.'"- Jason O'Hara SR move back."- Althea Azu,Alumnus their game do thetalking ratherthan their out - Richard Cannie SR mouth." - Geren Woodbridge, JR

Doc's Diner, located on Campus East, is now open tothepublicand students may use theirmeal points forpayment.Senior Daniel Klock said, "Doc's iswonderful It gives usaplace tohave the'eating out' experience whilenottaking all of our money Besides,thereareno other places togetrealfood on campus after the [dining hall] closes."PIIOTOBSBRE11 HASTIE




What happened to the tennis courts? They

"My hammock isnotavery good study tool, butitisgreat for napping."Jacob Purvis, JR

"Painting therock isreally the best Hallmark card youcan give."April Butterbaugh, SR


"Ialways putmygum inthegum tree before I go totheReber Thomas Dining Hall Sometimes when I don't want mygum anymore,I still just keep chewing itanyway and wait untilI gettothegum treejustso I can throw itin." Caleb Acree, JR


'sophomore Daryl Cyrus Jr. said during week ofschool Students arrived on i to find afaculty parking lotin place courts,aswell asnewroads,new traffic s and newparking regulations worked hard tomake many ions over the summer Some changes making Liberty Lane a one-way :losing offthe road above the baseball constructing Regents Parkway, the :er road onthe west side of campus "lomore Denise Roberts hadpositive on the newperimeter road "The back IIbea lotbetter fortraffic,"she said d iswider and safer forpedestrians."

Accommodations were made for commuter students,including afree park andride service from the Plaza and River Ridge Mall anda carpool decal.

Commuter andgraduate student Laura Putney welcomed the road changes "There are real crosswalks andsigns.Itlooks a lot nicer," Putney said. Greeted bythe newlook andfeel, the largest incoming class sawthat the growing college could no longer afford a small campus mentality New student Heidi Melin thought that any initialconfusion would dissolve quickly Adjustments were made tocater tothe growing student body Bray said,"Traffic isbetter and parking isnot somuch of a hassle Students do not want to worry about those things when coming to classes. That's what the administration wastrying toachieve with the changes made."


-Jordan LoSasso, SR minds me that Ican't do iton my own " he gave me a new passion fordesign." Ranger Rick magazine when I wassix."

-Nathan Maharg,JR

ROA: he-d vanis thefirs campu of the patterr C modi inclu street fielda perime Sop thoug road w The ro< The no lone withth
700-car parking lotbelow David's Place er gave cars adust bath."This year 2paving ofthe David's Place parking dsd rd hts
lot,allofour areas are paved," said Lieutenant Bobby Bray, the University Police Department officer incharge of parking and traffic
-Stephen VanderHaar SR Shannon Forbes, SR
Interact/Inspire RISK refinement 25
"[My favorite memory was] the world pre- "An inspirational message that gets me "I would most want to travel to Scotland "If you're looking for good food you came miere of the Dorm Supremacy" through the day is[the phrase] 'Can't be because it isthe birthplace of the great Sir to the wrong college, but we still lineup at
Lee McPherson, SO scared "'-Brian Marker JR Sean Connery" -LizMizer SR the Rot toeat"
-Stanley McDonald III FR



Athletes practiced putting and chipping at the local Poplar Forest Golf Club while others bumped volleyballs ina small YWC A gymnasium downtown They defied odds to improve their skillsand set the new season of Lynchburg's Special Olympics in motion. Dr.Jim Schoffstall, co-coordinator and coach, was excited about the upcoming year

"Most think that Special Olympic athletes can't do a whole lot," Schoffstall said "However, I've seen some Special Olympic basketball teams that could compete well in varsity level competitions."

Schoffstall and his wife Heather worked at the University and teamed up to coordinate Special Olympics in Lynchburg for the firsttime.

"Let me win, but ifI cannot win,let me be brave inthe attempt" isthe Special Olympic motto uttered by over two million children and adults with intellectual disabilities worldwide Schoffstall said the athletes "get a true sense ofjoy insports It'snot about the competition."

"Ontheroad,inhotels,atthevenues—theathletesareprettyuninhibitedandlots offun,"Schoffstallsaid."ltteachesmetobethankfulforwhatlhave.Anyoneinvolved inathleticshasinjuries.[Theseathletes]havetoovercomesomuchmorethanthat."

In addition to their three-year-old son Toby,the Schoffstall's fostered four kids,ages 10 to 21, most of whom participated in Special Olympics.

Whenhewasnotpassingvolleyballs.hetaughtHealthScienceandKinesiology SeniorJessGlausersaid,"Ineach classhe isverythorough,wellversed in the information and confident indemonstrating procedures and protocols."

Junior Jane Kim said,"He's not just a teacher,he's experienced inthe field that he isteaching."

Schoffstall explained his philosophy behind hisactions He said,"Being a Christian,I see it as a chance to share and help use my gifts,really giving back to people who can use the gifts we have been blessed with."


"Ithought I had a lot ofpatience before entering into Special Education, but everyday isa challenge Working with special needs people has taught me how toloveunconditionally and seethe potential ineveryone."KerriPorter, SR

"Working at Camp Daniel, with people ofall ages andall kindsof disabilities, has taught me the essence ofhaving a childlikefaithand worshiping without inhibition. Ithas been not only a humbling experience but ithas challenged me in examining my own faithby making sure I don'tget so comfortable inmy walk with God that I begintoignore hiscorrection and voice ofdiscipline."ErinReynolds,SR

"Iworked ata camp overthe summer fortroubled, special-needs, inner-city kids. It was tiring but I was blessed witha good group ofkids and itwas cooltosee breakthroughs happen inthe livesofthe kidswe had been working with." Jared Brown,SR

"Leadership is a great ministry to get "Ireally like the verse Psalm 27:14 It has am a full time minister and theonline tosit directly under a professor and really involved in It helps you to get to know taught me a lotabout being patient and classes provide theflexibilityI need with get toknow them." girlson the hall that you may have never waiting on the Lord " -Kittery Maine,SO my schedule."-Terry Lanford,GS -Nick Dodson,Grad Student reallytalked tobefore."-KristiCress,FR

"Ienjoy theonline program because I "Being a GA ina great job,you are able


After the volleyball match,senior Kyle Bryant follows inlineshowing good sportsmanship by offering a high-fiveto the opposing team "I volunteered with the Special Olympics because of my professor Dr Schoffstall He works with special needs people all the time and strongly encouraged us toget involved forexperience inour future field I was blown away by the ability levelof some of the special needs athletes,"he said

Students volunteer with the Special Olympics at a Young Women's Christian Association gymnasium in downtown Lynchburg Senior Morgan Goodson said, "I thoroughly enjoyed working with the Special Olympics The people nvolved have the greatest attitudes and really enjoy life They surprised me inhow well they played volleybal together and inspired me inhow well they look beyond the physicaldisabilities and see who people are at the heart"

"Phihppians 4 13 is one of my favorite "Every time I go to Doc's Diner is it a "My Coach Carey Green says 'those "One thing I always try to remember is to verses itreminds me that no matter what unique experience" - Crystal Kern FR quickest to change are quickest to never give up" - Devon Brown FR

I face all things are possible with God's succeed " - Rachel Hammond, SR strength" - Sarah McDonald JR

Educate/Equip RISK 27


D rape d on the wall in Samuel Murray'sroomwas a full-size Israeli flag, and on his top shelfwere boxesofgospel tracts Murray, a sophomore, was an Intercultural Studies major with acallingto goto Israel

Though from Bridgeport,West Virginia, Murray's^-" Star-of-David necklace,beard,and occasional yamaka made people ask if hewas Jewish "No," Murray would reply, "But my God is."Murray considered himself "Messianic,"explaining that he turned the Jewish traditions intoa"focus of • • what God has done for usthrough hisSon."

Murray compared Christianity toatree, saying that the church should nourish itshistorical roots inorder to grow "That's how my faith hasbecome a Hebrew styleofChristianity—going back to its **••,.. original roots,"said Murray Hefollowed Kosher laws and observed the Jewish feasts "He's notafraid to bewhoheis," said hallmate Brian Strathdee.

Murray said he'd received the calltobea * ' missionary to the Holy Land in2007 "My outreach is to the Jewish people,"hesaid Hisvision was to bring warrelief, help the growing number of orphans and witness to the Israelis Murray said he adopted Jewish customs tobecome all things toallpeople •

In2008, Murray began following hiscall Heactively ministeredto Jewsoffcampusandalsocultivatedfriendships withinternationalstudentson campus, includingMuslims He wasregularly active inCampuSERVE, a campus ministry that shared the gospel around Lynchburg.

Murray stood out because hewasso passionate about taking the gospel to the people of Israel. "He's got aheart for missions andevangelism. He's trusting God forsome pretty impossible things inour eyes," hallmate Chad Simpson said.

Murray had hisheart set onthe peopleof Israelandhishope set onthe God of Israel.

"Ultimately I want toberemembered by the phrase'He pleased God'." NTAYLOR

V*'' •*••; "+m w 'yajl • . •••'' .'^*3 i •'v'-'^': « • J'
"Mr Perry brought to life the fingerprints "Academics areimportant, but make sure
"Professor Honeycutt showed me howto "Dr Kelly and Mrs Huff were always God hasleft in his amazing creationofthe toinvestin thelives ofotherstudents Life open myeyes, ears and heartto seekwhat willing tolistenandadvise when it cam human body."- Liberty Egloff, JR is all about loving others, so live it out." Goddesiresofus " - Troy Gonda, JR tolife issues."- Kerah Kemmerer, S -Emily House, SR

•jps. onboard surgeriesandothi

medicalcare."David Kapu sophomore, said



As a determined pastor-in-training, sophomore Erie Ryaf^«aw a need forthe youth inhis hometown of Philadelphia,Pa,that hischurch was not meeting An alternative style of worship was what the youth asked for and Ryals had the means to getit

"Our ministry, Soul Star, was allabout getting teens and young adults to use their giftsin performing arts.It started out primarily with poetry and is blossoming inso many ways now," Ryalssaid

It began with Ryals and hisfriend Pearl trying to find for students to fellowship together on Friday nights.Since Eric was employed at the local YMCA, he was able to find a temporary spot untilhe was approved fora room ata.Philadelphia high school Sophomore Taylor Cruz said of Eric'sministry, "Of allthe people I know, Eric is extremely prepared to be ableto"StartTrministry, especially foryouth He's a great man of God with a passion for leading people to the Uord This ministry really provesthat."

After the alternative worship sessions,which I Ryals said lasted "as tong as the Lord led,"Ryals and • other speakers would give messages to the youth "that would impact'.them in-theireveryday lives Ryals ?Bkf "We re'eliy wantto be able to reach out to these kids:aT%5 show them that worship doesn'f have to'be oneSv;ay We want them to be able to worship intheir awn ways'and please e - - •• ' -•••'..:<-.,- S"?-"' JG^od

Belong/Become medical fieldand
calmissionson Merc\
...t •f •:••:..•.• -.yVti^-'.v
inthepracsss."* [Of V->**' j£"
My firsttime hearing myselfon the radio "Do not be afraid to change your major "Dr.Kellyis my all time favoriteprofessor. "My freshman year we did twenty-five was most memorable I hadn'teven taken Be sure thatyou lovewhat you aregoing He genuinely cares about all of his hours of rest in one day from Friday COMS 101 when I got the job [at the into." - Drew Mernard SR students and treatsthem as ,f they were night to Saturday night Itwas daylights radio]."- Saquoia Freeman.JR his own " - KirstenWilson, SR savingstime"- PaulMeissner, SR



Students considered many factors inchoosing acollege and major Some chose topursue careers such asBusiness, Nursingor Education Forothers, amore unconventional routewaschosen

Courtney Landwerlen,ajunior Theatre major, knew that although her major wasunique,shewaspursuing herGod-given passion.

After areconstructive surgery onherankle, Landwerlen decided on Theatre ashermajor. "This surgery and decision somewhat changed my lifelong dream ofbecoming aprofessional dancer andtriggered my interestinbecoming amore well-rounded performer,"shesaid.

"I likedthe idea ofattending ahuge Christianschool, and unlike many Christian schools,[this] theatre dept had a great reputation I alsoknew I'dhave more opportunities here because it isn'tascut-throat,"Landwerlen said

Senior Emma Vought,aWorship major, believedthe Worship program was"unlike anyinthe country." Shesaid it "offersmore than atraditionalchurch music degree inthat it teaches students how towork inacontemporary setting."

ForVought,classeswere notjustclassesbutpreparation forfuture ministry "It wasthisprogram that drew me to this school simply because it wastheonly program that would prepare me bestforwhat Godis callingme to do."

Kevin VanDuser,ajunior Sports Management major, said, "I wanted tobeabletogosomewhere thatwasgoing togive me ministry experience, aswellasteach me how tomanage."

No matterwhat the major, every student tookthe same required faith-based core classes. VanDuser said, "I like the integration ofBiblicalprinciples inoureverydayclasses."

Professor Linda Cooper,Chair ofthe Theatre Arts Dept., believed thatincorporating those principals prepared students forlife after college Shesaid, "We trainthe studentstochange theculture instead ofbecoming part ofthe culture." STOW BY

"I likeattending here because it is aplace "Scmetimes it'sa struggle to be so far

"After three years here I am stillcertain I "I really likegoingtofootball gamesbecaus where I canconnect withyoung Christians away from home I know this isa place I made therightchoice I love it somuch I it is atimeoffellowshipwithother student like me who share ambitions like mine." cangrow inGod and I love itmore than haverecruited my brotherand mycousin." oncampus."- JosieMcCuiston, FR -Sarah Morgan, JR anything."- ErickaMaynard,SO - AliciaMacLeod, JR

A student walks down the runway modeling anoriginal designat the student fashion show located inthe Schilling Center. Every spring the Family and Consumer Science department has held a student fashion show givingthe opportunity toexperience the process of fashion design Similary, the music department has held concerts each semester which allowed students to showcase their musical abilties. Senior Jenn Smith, a Vocal Performance major,said, "God supplied allreason for me to come to Liberty and provided understanding for me tostudy music I only pray that Godwill use the knowlege that I've gained these past four years tospread His love thorugh music."

Starringasthe Fiddler, seniorNatalie Bealsexpresses both heracting and fiddletalentsin "Fiddleron the Roof."Junior Laura Zaloom,aTheater Education major, said, "Inthesecular world, many people say 'Theater is my life.' I say, Jesus is mylife.' Whenit comes toacting everyone knows the chances ofmaking it big areveryslim. but I feelif God instills apassion in you and you commit touse it forHis glory He will open any doornecessary."

Taking thelead role, juniorJason IrizarryplaysTevye in thesceneentitled "Anatevka"from "Fiddleron theRoof."

Senior KatieKnight wrestled with declaring hermajor "I waited two years tochange mymajortoWomens' Ministry asmany warned meI would not beable tofindajobaftergraduation I finally realized that if I followed thepassion God had given me then He would provide an avenue in which touse it," shesaid.


"Because of the basic nutritional background I already have asa result of being diabetic,I cangointo this particular field andbecreative and fun in presenting nutritionto various areas such as universities, nursing homes,restaurants, government agencies,daycare centers or wherever Godmaylead Itismy desire to be self-employed, which would give me the option of working from home as wellas traveling around when necessary."

Rachael Lake, JR

Major: Family and Consumer Science, Nutrition Concentration

Minor: Business

"Iwant to beacommercial pilot and then eventually bea private pilot transporting famous people as well as my family,working minimal hours and having my ownfamily." Lauren Balken, FR

Aviation Major

"Broadway of course,but ona smaller note,I would liketobe the choreographer of a professional theatre aswell asanactress in the theatre." Sarah Seaman,JR

Double Major: Math / Musical Theatre Arts, Musical Theatre Concentration

"I am in theNursing program and love "You can't goanywhere elseinthe coun- "Ilikegoing to the Lahaye Ice Center Its "Myfavorite part about dorm lifeis gethow helpful the professors are and tryand find thekind of people-friendly relaxingafteratough day ofclassesand it tingtoknow differentpeopleand cultures how much they want you to succeed" environment you findhere"' is fun toskatewith friends." from all around theworld."

Belong/Become RISK refinement 31 /
-Marie Killius JR
Preston Turpin SR
Picht SO - Tiffany Talley, JR


"Ibegan te old I taught

and guitar • about five years and at one point I had about twenty-eight students It prepared me and gave me discipline and the mindset I needed to have my own business for the future I learned how to keep contracts with my customers and book records to keep track of payments and income."


Toby McKeehan: A professional musician, producer,and songwriter also known as Toby Mac Hewas firstknown forbeing one third oftheChristian music group

Dc Talk, with Kevin Max and MichaelTait, whom hemet while attending Liberty University Hehascontinued asuccessful solo career with therelease ofthree studio albums;Momentum (2001),Welcome to Diverse City (2004),and Portable Sounds (2007),aswell astwo remixed versionsof hisfirst two albums,Re:Mix Momentum, and Renovating Diverse City


Anthony Richard "Tony" Perkins: A graduate from Liberty University is an American Republican politician From 1996-2004, heauthored legislationto require public schools to install Interne filtering software,provide daily silent

establish the firstcovenant marriagela' and to authorize theAmerican History Preservation Act,the state ,to"preventcc

•itaqe" inpublic schools

Bernard Eric Green: A former professional American footbal

the 1stround of the NFL Draft by t the enc

Mitchell Bryant, sophomore, became interested inphotographyafter a basicphotographyclass in high school Herealizedhisartwasgood enough to sellafter someoneofferedtohire him.

"I trytomake things thatareordinary look awesome I alsotrytomake everyshot unique and differentfrom everyshootinthepast," Bryant said.

As for thefuture,Bryantwasunsureif he would make photographyhiscareer."If that happens forme, I would bethrilled And even if it doesn't turnoutto bemymeans for living, I still thinkI'll shootaslong asI'mable to."

^ *V"-»
for pla Pi V th /e( on tee Baltin ttsburgh S /as a two3 Stoelcrs 1 in 10 NFL ms such a ore Raven teeler ime F n 199 seas s the s, anc s Gr 3 anc ons 1 MiaiT J the eer . jnn J 19 ron li D Ne , a tight selection 94 He 11990-1999 olphins the w YorkJets.
"It'seasy toget with the kids in CampusSERVE. I'man elementary Thiselection said "America hascome along The games I've been to it seems like My favorite place to eat on campusis way".. when I think about thefact that like they're physical and not afraid to fight East Market Cafe They have like the best education major,[The time] goes by fast 40 years agoblacks couldn't vote This is Hockey games are always a good time orange juice there;I don't know I just reall 10 am
isn't solong when you're great'-Kendra Thomson, SR -Craig Porter,SR love it -Katie Albright,SO nut with the kids."-Danielle Harris, JR

After growing up ina house full of girls, juniorAnna Gonzalez became interested incutting and stylinghair Gonzalez received customers through word of mouth.She began charging people after her mom and others reassured her that her talentwas worth money

"I took up an interest when my mom letme cut my sistershair attheage oftwelve I have sincelearned and perfected my skillsthrough practice,"Gonzalez said Gonzalez desired to use her skill postcollege.She said,"Ihope to open up my own shop someday inthe future, after I graduate."

From the age of12, sophomore Logan Johnson found an interest inInformational Services with hisfamily's company He took a two-year internship in Dallas, Texas then decided to attend college.

"After much self-taught education I decided it was time to get a four-year college degree to both further my technician skills and alsolearn how to affectively run a business,"Johnson said

Johnson hoped to continue hisbusiness as a career He said, "Ihave a passion forwhat I do,I'm good at it and it pays extremelywell."

Educate/Equip RISK 33
-i i™ ,,n >«,it-h the | loveChinesefood General Tso'schicken The place I would most like to travel The hardestpartabout schoolat least right I like to research and keep up wun me i,jv,= vo, r ,-oiiw ^horWina one of mv favorites -Leah Ramey, JR to would have to be Ghana I love the now isthe workload I'm a Biblical studies latest running news Basically cnecwiiy ^> = ^ y •.k f„=,m ranUmns culture, plus I have family over there maior and itsmy senioryear,but the work the teams or incollegethe team rankings -j ,;^,,=i rankmos - JessicaDriver,SR hasbeen intense - MatthewTarr SR or in the pros the individual rankings —. - rv—.1

A unique variety fills the boxfrom

The Bakery Dorm 22-2 is not alone in theirefforts toreach theLynchburg community Senior Kelsey Baker regularly participates inthe Campus Serve Ministry

"I believe that it is extremely important to show the love of Christ tothose who do notseeit on a daily basis I have been able tobuild relationships with thekids, take them tofootball games,outtolunch and tothe movies By showing them that I care,they are willing tolistentowhat have to sayabout my relationship with ;<Jesus I would encourage students to get involved and show the love of Christ."


"Mine is vanilla glazed with colorful dotsprinkles."-Eric Reynolds,SO

"My favorite kind of doughnut is a Boston creme."- Jeremy Bourdon, SO

"A long John vanilla pudding filleddoughnut with white icing."- Wade Roberts, FR

"Boston creme is my favorite type of doughnut." -TimTalley, SR

"I likechocolate-covered doughnuts with sprinkles."-Clay Lindner, SR

"My favorite doughnut is glazed."- Luke Sarchet, FR

"I likeworking with thekids It'ssomuch "I reallyenjoy getting toimpact the lives of "The area surrounding Dr Falwell's "I wanted todo something I enjoyed as m fun They're sofriendly and I've heard a kids and seehow they grow and change Memorial is such a fantastic display of Christian Service [Working with kids] is lotof good things about CampuSERVE." overtime." God's artistry." more funand thekids have more energy."

- Rebecca de Rosset,FR -Tara Houston SR - Chenoa Freeman,JR -Nathan Edwards, JR



Freshmen Justin Warner,Perry Petro and Justin Hughes came to their Resident Assistant Tyler McClure with an idea.The idea brought over 50 students from residence hall22-2 and theirsister hall, residence hallone,to a doughnut shop on Timberlake Road called The Bakery

It started when Warner and Petro went doughnuthunting and discovered The Bakery.There they met the owner Jyl Van Dusen Her husband Bill, who helped her startthe business,was very ill "He couldn't get out of bed,"McClure said "They weren't able tosupport and pay the billsbecause the shop wasn't doing too well."Van Dusen had to work long hours inaddition totaking care of her husband.

McClure and hisRA partner, Chris Fournier, called a brother-sister hallactivity On a Thursday night,over 50 students showed up atthe shop with a seating capacity of15 "We were standing outside,inthe lobby, wherever we could fit," remembered McClure

"Our intention was to bless her, to be able to pray for her, to be able to donate a littleofour time and our money to her,"said McClure "Inreturn, she prayed forus She blessed us so much more."

They collected money ina small paper bag but never counted it. "There was $504 in that bag," Van Dusen told WSET news. "What they didn't know was one of my medical bills that was about to go intocollection was about $500."

"It's been crazy how God used three freshman guys who were willing tojustreach out toform a relationship,"McClure said

Van Dusen told WSET, "These kids just continue blessing." /:•:, •• : P.

"My favoriteplaceISatWilliamsStadium "When working with kids around the "My favorite place on campus is the "I wanted todo somethingreally with15,000other screaming Flames fans community,I'venoticed it's amazing how baseballfield Thereis nothing betterthan meaningfulwithmy Saturdaysand not watching thefootballteam dominate!" God made in [thekids] thatneed to iust abaseballgame on aniceSpring day" just something tofill time"
JakeJohnston, Graduate Student be held"- Candace Davey, JR
- Alex Huddleston, JR -Maureen Lovetro, FR

Brenda Warwick, a mother and grandmother from Raleigh, N.C.,desired to be a counselor after herself receiving beneficial counseling for many years

"Christ changed my life through this counseling, and I longed to give the same gift to others," Warwick said "The only problem was that I had quit college, not once, but several times."

Warwick first received her Associates of Arts in Business Degree from the University of Phoenix "Irisked personal failure when I enrolled incollege again after allthese years," Warwick said "Ihad to step out infaith."

"Once I had completed this first step, my counselor challenged me to think interms of attending a Christian college,"Warwick said Warwick enrolled inthe online program here to pursue her B.S in Multidisciplinary Studiesin Business and Psychology with an eventual goal of obtaining her Masters in Christian Counseling.

Although she was hesitant to work toward these degrees at 52 years old,Warwick desired to influence others the way she had been influenced, TORYBY

"My favoriteplace intheworld is the fourth shower on the rightin the Dorm 8 bathroom,because I love a hot shower."- Clay Whipple,FR "TheWhite Hartwould be agreat placefora date inLynchburg because it is a relaxing environment with plentytodo."-Stephanie Chan,JR "The Lahaye Student Center ismy favoriteplaceon campus because I lovetoplay some basketball and this is wheretodo it." - Clayton Carver,FR "Serving asan SLD thisyearis a privilege thatI don't take lightly When youseek Christfirst and commit all the position detailstothe Lord inprayer, lives are changed." - Christina Pallaria, SO

Shortly after moving to America from the Philippines and four days after the birth of her firstchild, Florena Paurillo learned that her husband was to be deployed to the Middle East as part of the Virginia Army National Guard

Paurillo said,"Ihad to face allthe challenges ahead of me — moving inand living with my in-laws, adjusting to a new country and new culture,working fulltime and being a single mother of a newborn."

During this busy season in her life, Paurillo's pastor prodded her to attend an online school She chose the online program and graduated with an Accounting.

Paurillo enjoyed the online program "The best part of my experience was how the professors tried to integrate Christ and living a godly lifeinallour lessons," she said "They not only taught the lessons,but they were truly there to encourage me and pray for me That helped me make it."

After a year of deployment, Paurillo's husband returned and worked toward completing his bachelor's degree through Liberty University Online They also received good news "We are expecting our second baby," she said "God has truly made a good thing come out of a very challenging circumstance and I praise Him daily for that."

Earning a college degree while serving inthe military was no easy task, but the Military AffairsOfficeand Liberty Online University made it possiblefor our servicemen and women

"God has truly been good. Not only because He kept me safethroughout four separate deployments,but alsobecause He worked it out so that I could start my degree plan inwhat was one ofthe worst places to be during Operation IraqiFreedom," Army veteran Alejandro Martinsaid.

Martin, 29,completed his Business Management degree in December.

"I didn't reallytake advantage of theironline courses untilI returned to Ramadi,Iraqtocontinue my work as a contractor with the first Armored Division,"Martinsaid

He said, "The school'smilitary specialistsworked with me to transferall ofmy Army and civilian transcripts intotheirown system and startme down the path to earn my B.S.inBusiness Management."

Along with serving in the military and working toward his degree,Martin was a husband and had three children. He said,"We long toservethe Lord in full-time ministry one day I know thatwith Hisguiding hands,and the blessings He has given to me through Liberty University, we willend up right where we loveto be,inthe center of His will."

Due to a high-intensityjob, junior Evan Cater was unable to physically attend collegeclasses

Cater, 24,was a Senior Airman inthe United States AirForce When he first enrolled, he was "a member ofa unitthat provided directsupport tothe President ofthe United States,working long and unpredictable hours, traditional college was impossible."

"I initiallyenrolled inLiberty University Online while assigned tothe US AirForce Honor Guard atBoiling AirForce Base inWashington DC," hesaid

The online program continued to be an assetto Cater even after he was transferred from Washington DC As a husband and fatherof two girls, it allowed him to spend time with his family He said, "After doing a great deal of research, I found Liberty'sonline program to be the most practical way for me toobtain a college education without having tosacrifice precious time with my family."

Cater excelled inthe online program and was a member ofthe chapter ofAlpha Phi Sigma,the national Criminal Justice Honor Society

The online program benefited him inmany ways "Not only have I been ableto increase my knowledge,' Cater said, "but I have found that the spiritual support I have received has strengthened my relationship withChrist."

The girl must be abletolaugh aswell"- Jeffrey

Educate/Equip RISK 37
"I was a huge fanofElmer Towns speaking in convocation I enjoy when people talkabout thepastand explain why Liberty is actually important It wasa very funny speech."- David Parker. Jr., SR
"The best restaurant is Chicago on the James Pizzeria"- Ashley Kline FR
'"Mamma Mia' was my favoritemovie of2008 because it was amusical and full oflaughter"-Jessica Pixley, JR
"The most important quality tolook forward in agirlfriend is character
Baird JR

Alumnus Michael Taitperformsthehalf time show atWilliamsStadium "I hav ea lot offriendswho arestill in town but we'reall sobusy it's hard tocatchup Homecoming weekend isagreattime togather with theoldcrew."said Kena Wilson, alumnus -OT0BY1

How much money doalumni giveeachyear?

g\ Alumni have donated more than $1 million over 1/-V9 the lasttwenty-four months

® Whe n alumnidonatemoney,dotheydonatewithaspecific ® Fintentforsomethingtheywantbuilt,orjustageneralcontributionfortheschooltouseasitsees fit?

M* Alumni are able to designate their giftto the program,school or (/—&• department of their choice Most of the things alumni give to are a result of petitions initiated by the Chancellor

(Q) What are some things on campus that have been funded by alumni?

Alumni give to annual fund efforts from the [department] they graduated from They give to capital campaigns likethe Towns Halland the recently launched endowment fund

"The book Lone Survivor by Marcus Luttrell is a great depiction of American patriotism and heroism Based in Afghanistan,it's an excellent war story that I'd recommend," -Talloch Pino, SO

"I liked Old Testament with Dr. Hindson because I learned a good amount about the Bible He made itinteresting and when he did the stories with hisvoices itwas pretty funny." - Drew Holley, SR

TheFal ,well Family fanstheflamesto vjctory atthe Homecoming football game against Charleston Southern

Earlier in the day inclement weather d,d not stop the homecoming parade fro m making its way down University Blvd Alumnus Rebekah Nortonsaid, remember thatmy dorm and my brother dorm always entered the homecoming parade competitions Our themes varied from atank with artilleryguns and Jerry Falwell to Mar ,o Brothers, toMonty Python and th e Holy Grail Floatbuilding meant hours oflaughter and deepening of F -fSSINGHAM relationships

"Common Ground was very personal, "I really likethe Star Wars movies because because itis pretty open Itmakes me feel for the time it was way ahead of its time very secure."-Sam Roy,JR It's epic The music is phenomenal andthe acting isreally good - Caleb Peavy, SR

V :


When Greg Clendenin, the catcher onthe 1972 inaugural baseball team,retired from hiscareerin Orlando,Fl., heresolved togive back to hisalma mater "God hadblessed me in my business,"hesaid.

"A few years back I decided toreconnect."

Clendenin provided support to our college because hebelieved that itenhanced the spreading of the Gospel message "Part of what God has called me to do isto fulfillthe Great Commission in thisway," hesaid "Liberty puts out thousandsof people whoenter into different domains ofsociety as Christians carrying the Gospel with them."

They spread farandwide,yet "alumni stay connected in many ways," Melissa Small,Director of Marketing andAlumni Relations, said

Many became involved inalumni chapters active throughout the country or the Career Center's Mentoring Program which connects "current students with other alumniand alumni with each other,"Small said

For many alumni,the goal toglorify God did not stop ongraduation day "I was an RA for two years andI liked doing that type of ministry," 2000 alumnus Adam Barnes,anestablished photographer,said."NowI'mtaking careof clients and I minister through deeds It's really about serving people."

Educate/Equip RISK jHlfiBBH W 39
mm*. : rr-+-+
The Honors Program hasbeen agreat way topush myself toward excellence It hasalsoallowed me toget toknow some brilliantand idiosyncraticprofessors and students"-Angela Dion SO "There is this amazing placethat sells homemade fudge inLynchburg'Fabulous-Fudge' I lovegoing there withfriendsand gettingcoconut hot chocolate - Autumn Berliner, SR "Obama's the ticket for change America "The best placetotakea date needs tostand united behind their 44th inLynchburg is the dollar President"- TerrelColes, SR theater because it'son a college budget" - TiffanyPerez SR


"The best place to take a date in Lynchburg isMacado's on Friday night -cinnamon sensation: $2.00"

"My favorite movie was 'The Curious Case of Benjamin Button ' It was a moving meander through the lifeand ridden with missed opportunities and regrets."-Daniel Webb,

A candle illuminatesa station atthe fall communion service, describing the practice ofmaking and eating mud cookiesthat some 3rd world countries usetokeep themselves from starving Events put on by the Office ofStudent Leadership were designed to put life inperspective It functioned to setthe spiritual temperature forthe campus and toequip thenext generation ofChristiansto lead and serve ineveryday life "I like thattheygive students an opportunity to be a part of leadership The office provides workshops that give students the resourcesto learn how todiscipleand lead,"Amber Dubberke, junior RA on 33-2 said

"Philippians 4:13 lets me know that even though I can't see the outcome of my prayers,it is there There's no prayer God doesn't answer." -Will Bond, JR

a best friend should have are honor,selflessness and charity, one who stands for what he or she believes in."-Brian Fielding,JR
-Bonnie Styer, FR

Jordan Henderson and Danyelle Hudgen sit atone ofthecommunion tablesand follow along with thepassage being presented Many residence hall leadershii teams planned thecommunion services asa hall activitycausing relationships tobe built alongsideof spiritual encouragement. "The leadership on the hallisaone ofa kind entity."Raymond Loving, sophomore said "Most of the guys on thehallhave been heresince theirfreshmen year Itisexactlythe type ofatmosphere thatI wouldlike toreturntoforyears to come."



Freshman Hope Basinger was amazed that girls on her leadership team went out of their way to invest time in her life "They always check inand ask for certain ways in which they can pray for me," she said "This really helps me to feel comfortable to open up to them knowing that they are there to help."

Student leaders were often ready to drop everything, not just because they cared about fulfilling theirjob descriptions,but because they genuinely cared about the students they served

Those on Student Leadership never knew what situations would arise from day to day. "It seems your lifeisreally never your own — you never know when you will be needed by either those in authority over you,your partner or any of the [students] on the hall,"junior Kristi Mann, a Resident Assistant (RA), said

Senior Jung Lee faced an unexpected trip to the hospital for a stranger. "Ihad to go to the ER because one of the CFAWers (College for a Weekenders) on my hall was skating and broke his fall on the ice with hisjaw," Lee,an RA, said "Iwas in the ER

for several hours and even went with him to the dentist afterward for an emergency appointment."

Handling situations regardless of convenience was simply a part of the job description "Today during my exam Igot a text message and after the exam Itook a brother to get an X-ray taken," senior Yang Lu,a prayer leader, said Sometimes a day held unexpected twists "I know a prayer leader that had a shower interrupted with a phone call from a student needing a ride," Prayer Leader Jenna Shoffner,sophomore, said. "To be an effective student leader you have to rearrange your priorities to put other people before yourself in order to truly serve others,even ifthat means taking time out from whatever you happen to be doing whenever they have a need."

Being available to people on the hall allowed student leaders to invest themselves inothers Lee said,"Building a relationship with the guys by showing them that you care isthe first step in making an impact in theirlives."


"Iwould liketohave lunchwith Elmer Towns because he has a lot ofgreat storiesand agreat sense ofhumor" -Jon Roeber SO

Interact/Inspire RISK refinement 41
Italy I want tosee the "The best placetogo on adate is history behind all the famous buildings anywhere in downtown Lynchburg and places."-Amanda Baker SR It'sa lotmore atmospheric than Ward's Road" -TessMarshall, SR
most important characteristicfor a boyfriend tohave isthat he has tobe a man ofGod because ifnot we have nothing in common."-Jazzmin Duff JR

"I'll never forget my Communication Perspectives class with Dr CliffKelly I wish every student had to take a class with him to graduate."- KristinAntes, SR

"At no other school can you get whole "My job is awesome I get to do dorms to pray together - it'sawesome." - everyday mundane things but know Jared Groenewegen, FR forcertain that what I do has a lasting and eternal impact inthe Kingdom of Heaven." - Angela Whitworth, Staff

"North Campus Cafe ismy favoriteplace to eat since it has a lot of options and I really likeChick-fil-A."-Katie Gilligan, SO


^—* Learning toserveinthe background

The inner-workings and belly-maintenance of the school left us with a number ofunnamed faceswho ensured everthing ran properly Maintenance workers secured our bathroom cleanliness and often picked up afterstudents that left belongings behind Grounds keepers raked leaves, planted flowers and improved the aesthetics around campus Each church service and special event was run by ateam oftrained volunteers and staffmembers

Michael Gerringer, an audio technician, said, "There is a great need for technical support atjustabout every large event." Gerringer has worked atwhat he called "the ministry"since 1992 atThomas Road His position included "managing the media equipment inthe classrooms — deciding what equipment willbe standardized on and heading up the installation ofthatequipment."Though hisfacewent unseen, none ofthe audio and visual classestook place without hisservice

Senior Anna Foy expressed that working maintenance gave a whole new meaning to"Jesus' feetwashing principle."In additionto freetuitionand a paycheck,Foy said thisjob taught her a lotabout service "It's a hard thing tolearn, and unless you're forced to do itday inand day out, I'm not reallysure many people get a grasp on it."

Junior Danielle Bringham,a student worker forTechnical

Production, came tothe school her freshman year with no audio ortechnical knowledge whatsoever "I had some experience with cameras which pertainstomy video broadcasting major, but other than thatIhave learned everything from thebottom up," shesaid Bringham chose towork behind the scenes because she believed she possessed "more technical aptitude than stageaptitude."

"Ihave a servant's heart,"she said "I don't feelthedesire toperform on stage. Ienjoy working inthe background to make surethings run smoothly."

Convocation: The jobs performed on a daily basis by the many who remained nameless

"BuildingServices' ProjectCrew is in chargeofsettingup thestageand all the chairs on thefloor They start their portion of the setuparound 6a.m At7:30am, theTechnicalProduction team, along withthetelevisioncrew come into setup thelights, cameras and sound system

Around 8:30 a.m theCampus Praise Band comes intosetup their equipment

Building Services: 12-14 people

Technical Productions:10-12 people

TOTAL: 35-41 people

and do asound check withthe Technical Productionsteam Atthesame timethe immediate staff comes intosetupthe convocation green room and prepare theagenda for thatday'sproduction At 11:00 a.m., we break it all down and pack it up until thenextConvocation This is done about ninetytimesaschool year."

ScottRay, Directorof Convocation

Band: 8-10 people

Spiritual Programs Staff:5 people

"My favoriteplaceon campusis eithertheswimming poolorthe ice skating rinkbecause you can spend more timewith your friendsand have funyourself"-

"I had theprivilege ofhaving two missionarieswho had years of field experienceteachananimism class They incorporatedfascinating and enticingstories with Biblical truths - Anna Kiewit JR

Belong/Become RISK refinement 43
The most rewarding thing about my job isthat itisa shortwalk from my dorm and it'san incredibleplace towork with unbelievableChristian employees."- Jeremy Bourdon. SO
"I'dlovetowork foraMissions Organization asa photographer and a journalist Traveling theworld is a dream ofmine and photography ismy passion"' - Jake Ford SO
Grace Ju, SO


Students with parents in the campu s spotlight speak out W e noticed them around campus. "Hey, isn'tthat the campus pastor's daughter?" And,"There goes my professor's son." Have you ever wondered what itisliketo be one ofthose students? Some ofthem shared their perspectives on being recognized forwho their parents were These are theirstories..

"IfI could invitesomeone tospeak atconvo I would inviteJoni Eriksen Tada,because I always looked up toher"- Danielle Puig, SR

"My favorite professor is Dr Volk He "Atthiselection theresults were reallycares about hisstudents and wants trulyamazing It said we asa nation them tosucceed inlife and psychology areready forchange I'm proud of He'salways there totalkwhenever thepeople" - Shaoneke Kelly, JR anyone needs him."- Nikki Libby, JR

"I've always wondered what it would look liketobein ahelicopterlookingatthevines centerrightafterconvoandseeingeveryone flood outofvines"KristiTaylor, JR

NAME: Meagan Van Engen,FR

RELATIVE:Dr RobertVan Engen

Q: What isit like being related to a popular professor?

A:"Being related to my dad is great I love my dad and it'sso nice to have him so close to me while I'm at school There have been numerous times where I've justneeded to chilland hisoffice is a great place to do that He's such a great influence on me too,and is always encouraging me to grow closer to God I couldn't have a better dad I love when we go to sporting events and the kids recognize him and actually acknowledge him with a,'Hey Van Engen!'It'sniceto know that I'm not the only one that thinks my dad rocks."

NAME: KristiCarson, FR

RELATIVE: Dwayne Carson

Q: What are some things you don't necessarily like about being "in the shadow" of a campus pastor?

A:"I was a littleworried about people viewing me differently and being known as 'Dwayne Carson's daughter'instead ofjust Kristi But that has not been an issue atall. People joke about it and make itseem likea big deal,but they know it'snot and they treat me like justanother student,because I am justanother student.There probably could be a lotof negatives to being inhis shadow, but I haven't found one yet."

NAME: Dana Wheeler,JR

RELATIVE: Dr.David Wheeler

Q: What are some positive aspects of being "in the shadow" of a professor?

A: "My dad is an amazing role model not only for my family and me, but forhisstudents Itmakes me so proud when students come up to me and tellme how much they love him and how he has helped them grow in their relationship with the Lord."

NAME: Trevor Rasberry, SR

RELATIVE: Professors Rick and Tamera Rasberry

Q:What is it likebeing related to popular professors?

A: "Ihave the greatest parents inthe world and I have relationships with them that I wouldn't trade foranything. Having parents that are faculty has also allowed me to develop friendships and relationships with other faculty members that are friends of my parents Getting to see the way the professors act around each other, other faculty and students outside ofthe classroom gives me a very candid look at the livesand hearts ofa good bit ofthestaff."

"Themost rewarding partofmy job asa student worker in theParent Programs Officeis theenvironment and people They make an afternoon at work enjoyable"- Chelsey Lester, SR

"I would want tobe stranded on a desert "Basketballgames areveryexciting island with Chris Deitsch because I think because oftheexcitementthe he's hilarious " Libby Acree, JR fansbring I lovewhen it getsloud and thatseems tospark theteam toawin"- ChrisCrigler, SR

"God continuestoblessLiberty m academics, athleticsand in preparing young men and women to make a differencein their respected areas ofstudy"- ChrisMandell SR

Belong/Become RISK m m 45

Senior Brittany Cross blows blueberry and lemon scented bubbles with achild from an orphanage inGuatemala. The organization thatfounded themission siteis called Esperanza de Vida,Hope ofLifeMinistries Senior Krista Gillikin, who had been on a similartrip, said "I went toSoutheast Asia forthe summer where I worked mainly withMuslims I learned a lotabout trusting God Trusting him with my activities,my confusion, where he wanted me to go and notgo and my life It was extremely difficult attimes, but was ultimatelyan unforgettable experienceofa lifetime."

"It's like taking a testand grading it with no answer key, something that can'tbe simulated in the classroom," Nathan May,ajunior, said May was the firstengineering student tocomplete an internship He gained experience at Advanced Manufacturing Technology,Inc., inLynchburg

"I help get an ideafrom paper tothe assembly line, optimize workflow and design and layout the prototypes fornew market products,"May said Thisexperience allowed May to "have'realworld'encounters with actual products,"hesaid

Senior Lindsay Beth Ethridge, a worship major, interned ata Baptistchurch inArkansas.She ledworship, conducted the orchestra and taught privatevoicelessons

"It was a totallydifferentenvironment, just totake what I learned inclassand actually be part ofit inministry,"Ethridgesaid

"I would want to be stranded on adesert island with Michael Miller, because he would be abletofinda door from reality intoNarnia."- Matthew Bryant, SO

Sarah Wilson,ajunior BiblicalStudies major and InterculturalStudies minor, journeyed to Ecuador forher internship She helped with variouschildren and youth ministriesand taught vacation Bibleschool fortwo months

"I learned how to relateto people, and it helped me a lot to learnabout another culture," Wilson said "It definitely gave me more ofa perspective on long-term missionsand how you can impact someone's life more as a long-term missionary than a short-term missionary."

Senior Sport Management major,NicoleSullivan, improved her marketing techniques sellingtickets over the phone forthe Orlando Magic NBA team

"I learned patience working insales because you've got to have that,"Sullivansaid

Experientialeducation through internships allowed students to put what they learned into practice Sullivansaid, "It validated forme that I'm definitely inthe right field."

"My favoriteplace tohang out on campus "I lovestudying atPeaks View Park is thenew thirdfloorlabarea. It hasagreat because it's so relaxing I lovebeing atmosphere for hanging out or studying." outside, so sittingon a picnicblanket

-TiffanyAllan, SR barefoot inthe park is my favoriteplace tostudy"- Victoria Doughty,SR

"I lovebeing abletohelpfirst time college parentsfeelatpeace withleaving theirstudent It's greattosee their faces change from astateofuncertaintyto being confident."- Emily Smith, Staff

o o in in < ^ j u Q JZ en CU C E u in _QJ Q ro JJ ro > c c CU

LU ABROAD:/ Brittan yHerrSR

Where did you go and what did you do?

"Iwent to Saints Bible Institute in San Lorenzo,Italywhere my window looked out onto the Alps I took twelve credits infour weeks during June."

What was thebest part ofyour experience?

"Getting the chance to study church history where it happened and then go and see the actual churches where so much took place willforever be cemented inmy memory."

Junior Sarah Payton holds young Mimi in her arms The girlsPayton worked with were called the Manposas,orbutterflies They were the youngest girlsat the orphanage Senior William Wittenbrook also got a taste of reallifethrough his intership inWashington, D.C I interned atthe International Association of Chiefs of Police (IACP) I was assigned to intern with the Research Center Directorate where I did research on gun violence inseveral cities throughout the United States I was also able to travel with the IACP to Chicago,III and Madison,Wis to assist them with Law Enforcement Leadership Roundtables on Gun Violence Reduction.I really enjoyed my internship, and I foundit to be extremely complementary to my degree inCriminal Justice,"he said SeniorSarah Haslund blowsbubbleswitha little orphan girl She explained her intership by stating, "I spenttwo months in Guatemala this pastsummer withtheLibertyUniversity Spanish Institute Forthefirst month we took Spanishclasses and worked in villages ministeringand evangelizing The second month I livedwithafamilyand worked at aschool I, along withtwo othersfrom Libertyhelped teach Englishfor aclass of girls trainingtobe bilingualsecretaries This was such arewarding experiencewhere I wasabletoservetheLord while learning Spanish."

How hasit challenged you?

"Getting out of your comfort zone, learning and really going foran in-depth study on one classata time was such a refreshing way to learn something."

Would you recommend thisprogram to others?

"Definitely!You learn so much about yourself,your views of lifeand how other people liveand theirget to experience different cultures, allof which ispriceless Not to mention if you have to take the class, why not take it inan amazing location!

"The most rewarding aspect of my job is the people I work with I work with a dynamic set of individuals,focused on exemplifying Christ'sactions through serving."- Jonathan Micol Staff

"Ikind of knew Obama would win In the debates he shmed and spoke well on the topics I was happy,but not really surprised" - Breland Grant SO

"Homecoming was a pretty sweet experience This ismy firstyear at LU and the homecoming rush, the seas of red everybody justenjoying themselves it's great!- Kyle Powers FR

"I really love the worship at Common Ground The atmosphere is very encouraging and Christ centered" - Ashley Beck SO

Educate/Equip RISK 47




Convenience was the word of choice for students whovisited the Arte'Dei Capelli Salon orTan State on North Campus

"[Arte'Dei Capelli]is different because we're on a campus,"said Donna Weaver,a 26-year veteran stylist "It's justadifferent atmosphere here It's always hopping," she said Receptionist Rebekkah Damiani said, "I love the stylistsandthe environment It's a lot nicerthan the other places around here Everything here is just sowelcoming."

"They did agreat job," Sarah Brown graduate student said

Down the hallfrom the hairsalon, Tan State featured fivetanning beds, tan accelerators anddietproducts

Senior Tristyn Olsen said,"I've been to a lotof tanning salons in Lynchburg. [Tan State]is clean,it'snewandit's nice."

Tyler Falwell, owner,alumnus and second cousin to Jerry Falwell Jr., said,"Our beds are as good aseverywhere else Ourprices are better than everywhereelse."

Falwell added, "There are notanning salons on a college campus such as this,under the same roof as classrooms Now [students]don't have to go offcampus andtryto find a ride."

Overall,guys frequented the salons nearly as much asgirls "Maybe twenty to twentyfive percent of our tanners are guys," Amanda Riley, junior and manager of Tan State, said Falwell said,"The amount of space here could have made only aten person classroom Having a ten person classroom does the University no good Meanwhile,having a business that generates income for the school does a lotof good."



"Our brothersister dorm activities are awesome.We had ascavengerhunt with theguysall overcampus and it was amazing."- JenniTarr, SO

"I chose EastCampus because I only had tosharea bathroom with one person instead of 70."

-Rebecca Ascencio, JR

find it
bed is nexttoLightMedical because that's where they areall going tobe twenty tothirtyyearsfrom now."
POLL: IS A TANNING SALON ON CAMPUS BENEFICIAL? (Surveyed one hundredstudents)
JenniferBlackwell, SR
67-N O
"I'mapartofROTC herebecause I wanted to jointhemilitarybutalsohave thatChristianeducation background."
- Jake Allen, SO
is what makes thisplacewhat it is Our school would be nothing without Christ."
JulieSagaard, JR

Styling it up on a busy day at the Arte Dei Capelli Salon This salon has a unique layout so as many as eight stylistscan work at one time "The Salon is very professional and they do a quality job likeback at home Iwould recommend it to anyone who needs a haircut,"Jake Shelton,freshman,said

The hairstylists serve students as well as those who liveinthe community "Stephanie was so nice, sweet and friendly as she engaged inconversation with me and my boyfriend I was pleased with my haircut and eyebrows because she did whatI wanted Iwas a walk-in and she squeezed me in, which was nice,"Cindy Harrison, sophomore,said

"I really likethe gym facilities here Its an awesome place to work hard and really tram big."

Aherns JR

"Football games are one of my favorite parts of fall Now that our team is actually winning, itmakes the games very exciting " - Jenny Ball. JR

"When I'm having a crummy day Ilove "People here are unlike anyone else in going to the Rot knowing I can eat pizza the world Iknow that sounds lame but for dinner" - Jen McNamara JR itsone of those things you |ust have to experience"

Barry Bozwell, SR

Interact/Inspire RISK

"I'll catch up on my sleep when I die. Untilthen I'll study."- Andrew Brittain,SO

"I because I get all my sports infoforbasketball, football and college football.I can alsoget all the up-to-date news,scores and statsthere."- Aaron Beasley,JR

"Common ground is a great uplifting "I'm a freshman and I reallydon't know service when you need it most in the about what all thecomplaining is week.I always enjoy themessages and the about.I'm not sure how much I'll use worship."- PhilBrotzman,JR [the Snowflex],but I have no problem with it." - Christina Mitchell FR



iat'show Joshua Davies was made to lood.He was born out of wedlock and Worthless father wanted nothing to do with him A few short years lats Davies'grandfather died After an attempt to grow close to the only family he had left, he was molested by an uncle.

"Questions began to fill my head Doubts,depression—I became more and more into myself and hardly had any frier The hurtins of me beqa know where to go

te began to build likea snowball I didn't who to trust, what to do,"he said

Tother began to attend Farmington Heights Wilson,N.C A few months later, during a New Ye; :elebration,Davi ie a Christian While his step-grandmother was battling cancer,he found out his mother also had cancer.

As his mother began chemo, Davies began a sp attlewithin himself "During these years itwas very hard to comprehend how God could letthis happen to my mother,to the rest of my family and to me

Davies'mother passed away during hisjunior year of high school

"The lossofeveryone around me began to make me feel so alone inthe world,Davies said "It seemed as ifmy lifewas nothing more than a mistake."

"Iran out of hope. Iran out of everything.Ihad to make the decision to do one of two things:to completely give up on life, God and everything inbetween and justend my life, orto the decision to do one i God an everythinc

callon God to save me from this life."Davies chose thelatter

Two years later D to attend school here. that God started to reveal the things he had instore for me He began to show me that through allofthe past and loss of my earlieryears,he was carrying me through itall,not putting more on me than Icould bear."

Davies now knows the callGod has placed on hislife "I am called to be a catalyst,no matter where God sends me He doesn't want me to be anchored inanything other than Him and Him alone My past isstill there,but every day Ihave to remind mvself that Iam a new creation." STOWBYAIMEEHUTTON

"Ialways liketosee our other teams win "Jeff Barber is the best thing that has

"Ihavelivedoff campus forthepast Ibelieveitencourages the restofathletic happened to Liberty since Jerry Falwell." threeyearsand I caneasilysay I body and theschool."-NicoleMiglis SO -Tim Talley SR had no ideathatthey remodeled theRottolook like thesetofSaved

"After spendingasemestertrainingforthe NationalGuard.I can'twaittoget backto LU" -Brock Nardozzi. JR

Belong/Become RISK refinement 51
. , •> »«-r..-, •• <'-e."


"The news thatJerry died was so unexpected It was like another man of faith was gone" - Amos Mburu,SR

"I wasn't doing very good in COMS 210and Dr Kelly met with me and prayed with me and forme It was reallycomforting."- ErikaGreene, JR

"Watching Josh McDougal win the NCAA National Championship was amazing and I am so glad I was able to [see] it firsthand."- Dan Hibbs,SO

"[Inmy spare time] Its fun togeta group offriendsand watch a movie then talk about if it was good,bad or whatever."

-Andrea Beckles, SR

"I liketo research and keep up with the latest running news Basically checking the teams [and their rankings]" - James Doak SR

"Sometimes I liketo go up to LaHaye and "[Iwant to travel to]London England shoot some ball make sure my shot is I liketheir way of life [Its] different still clean" - Clarence Powell SO from Americans,and trust me I love theiraccents " -Joanna Ocran, SO

"I'd want to go to the Alps in Switzerland

If I could run m the Alps that would be sweet altitude training" - Jake Reed JR

Belong/Become RISK refinement / 53

International Students Tell Their Stories: hmim

"A graduate student and friend of mine gave me information about Liberty I applied online, which was very easy I had to get a visa which took about two months,and then twenty-one hourslater I was inthe United States I plan to go to Chicago forChristmas to visitfamily and then I'll go home to the Jordan forthe summer."

"One day in church I asked God to provide a scholarship for me to come to America It was something I wanted fora long time and I wholeheartedly believed God was going to provide a way for me to come I faced some complications and attimes found myself doubting or questioning whether thiswas really all going to happen. Exactly one year from the day I asked God to send me to America,I found myself there I have relied on Jeremiah 29:11and it is by God's grace that I arrf here."Allen

"I'ddefinitely [want totravel to] Ireland, I'm Irishso it would be cool to see my heritage and stuff." - Cory


"When I get my law degree,I really would liketo traveltoAustralia, Spain,Italyand New Zealand."

-Olubusola Oluwo, SO

"I want to travelto France and England I want to travelto France and see the different styles because fashion is big over there."-Maku Azu, SR

"I am Irishand Norwegian and I would love to travel to the places where my great grandparents came from"

- Luke Garvey, SR

jr "OS > 1 I y



Originally from Myanmar,formerly Burma, senior Sui Zing Ngun had toovercome obstacles to bring her toLynchburg,Va Shefaced her firstschool year half-funded and inanew country.Sheprayed, "God, I know youaren't going toleave me alone.Who can I trust except you?" Shebelieved inthepower of prayer

Her plans toattend another college in America folded suddenly Inher confusion and disappointment,Ngun spent six months onher knees "I surrendered myself back toGod's w and I feltliberated,"she said.

With thisnew sense ofliberation, Ngun googled "Liberty College"and found what would become hernew school.Shearrived here on campus,knowing nothing more than what her online search had produced,determined to adjust

"She wasbrave and humbly soughtout connections with girlson thehall," said Courtney Stephens,her former Resident Assistant."Inthe end,we are all the ones who benefitted most from knowing herand being challenged by herlife and faith."

Ngun's childhood inMyanmar contrasted with that ofherBuddhist classmates "Every morning they would risefrom their seats, take offtheir shoes,cuptheir hands and say a chant," sherecalled."I would tellmy teacher 'I am a Christian and I don't do things like that.'"

Ngun's father, a pastor,latermoved hisfamily to Thailand toserve Burmese residents

Ngun had a similar heart for ministry. "My ong term goal is togo back toBurma -to my hometown -and starta Christian schoolthere."

Her Resident Director Zion Tankard was confident that Ngun would succeed "She has crossed color lines, social barriersandcultural fences," Tankard said."Sheis an example to all people ofbeing more than a conqueror through JesusChrist."

Belong/Become RISK refinement 55
inBangkok Thaila the weekends and Bpndors who sold p jlrom furniture to a [present atthe schoi Beam aswell as con| Sout about Liberty t •went toLiberty Af K)know thepeople and theirviews ofChrist,I knew |hisis where I wanted to getmy education,"Sherylyn low,a senior from Chile, said
want togo toRome It's been a lifetimedream toseeplaces therelike the Coliseum,Circus Maximus and Vatican City" - Jason Morris JR
"My heritage is German,well German and Italian, butI want togo toGermany more andjustseethe atmosphere"
-Elizabeth Siljander, SR
"I want togo toGreece more than any "My favorite place toeat on campusis other place right now It is a beautiful East Market Cafe They have the best place I enjoy the cultureand the style the orange juicethere."- Katie Albright FR people have" - Ashley Teer,

Students eagerly waittoget on the Express bus tohead to Campus North Transportation and parking were improved on campus overthe summer toalleviatethe flow of traffic due tohigherenrollment Seniorand commuter CaitlynSikkema said, "I find it more accessible tofind parking because no matter what stickeryou have all commuters can park in any open commuter spot oncampus."



A record-shattering 3,600 new incoming studentsarrived inthefall, accordingtotheRegistrar'sOffice The staggering amount ofpeople on campus did notgo unnoticed

Junior Liz DeCastro struggledwiththeamount ofpeople ridingthe transit "The largecrowds arehorrendous and extremelydifficultwithpeople pushing andfightingtogeton thebus," DeCastro said She claimed shewas late to classmultipletimes due to thegreatnumber ofpeoplewho tookthe transit

"There is alwaysaseaofpeoplethatrush ontothebus," sophomore Emmanuel Theartsaid "Usuallytwo busesfill up beforeI cangetone from North to Convo."

Bus driverKatieCortezsaid, "The team is handling thepopulation rise prettywell." Shewent on tosayit was her"desiretotry and get thekidsback and forthassafelyand quicklyas possible."

Another areaon campus swarming withpeoplewas thedininghall. Supervisor Augusta Fostersaidalthoughtherewas nothingtheycoulddo about thenumber of

students, their goalwas "togetthepeoplethrough thelines asquicklyas possible."

Finding aseatinConvocation alsoposed achallengefor somestudents

Sophomore Josiah Jones said, "Our dorm'ssectionfor Convo is always full Even ifyou come inon timetherearenever any seats open."

To accommodate theoverflowofstudents, convocation was streamedin multiplelocationsincluding DeMoss and theThomas Road sanctuary

The schoolremained thelargestevangelicalChristianuniversity despiteChancellorJerryFalwellJr.'s proclemation ofcappingoff enrollment "We want tofocuson accommodating thegrowthwe've seen overthepastfewyears," hetoldthestudentbody at Convocation

Campus PastorChrisDeitsch said, "I am excitedthat [weare] becoming what Brigham Young is for Mormons and what Notre Dame is for Catholics." ST( iR,'51 BRi < <- E MCDOWELLANDMATTHEWGREGORY

"It's greatthatthe LUnatics have so much "I think it's a unique thing that we school spirit and they reallyget students get an opportunity to know who our excited atthegames."- Kelly Clark, SO Chancellor is That is differentfrom other schools."- Crystal Kern,FR

"If Sheetz had adrive-thru, I'dlive there.'

-Dr Ergun Caner, Faculty

"The Falwellfarm is one of the most beautiful places I haveever seen."- Erica Mesman,SR


Intra Campus Transits:

Over 94,864 passengers were carried during the firstfullweek ofservice

Arthur Williams Stadium:

12,000 seat football stadium

Highest attendance record: 15,631

Convocation Locations: 8,500 seat Vines Center, filled tocapacity every Wednesday Convocation

Overflow viewing airedat

Enrollment: On Campus: 11,330

Distancelearning (onlineand residential): 32,120


Thomas Road Baptist Church 341 Full-time faculty and DeMoss Hall1113/1114 23:1Student/professor ratio

"I likewatching the LUnatics groupat the games Their excitement really gets the fans pumped up" - Ashley Grigg FR

"I want togo toSouth America on a medical mission trip I think that willhelp me decide if I want tobe a doctor ornot" - Richlynn Yond SR

"The menu [at Doc's Diner] is great and it'snice togo toa sitdown restaurant every once in a while" - Emily Funderburke.SR

"My favorite place toeat isTexas Roadhouse Thesoft rolls lust brought out before the main course are delicious"- IfyIkeakanam,SR

BEYOND THE MOUNTAIN Hundreds of .stud* fl "Itiswhat it is atLU." -Ashley Goldstein,SO "The Lady Flames Basketball Team rocks "Liberty University gives students "My favorite Bible verse isRomans 10:15.1 my socks " - Erin Willard,JR opportunity tonot only further education, likeit because it shows that the Lordfinds but togrow inChrist aswell." those whoarefilledwith thegood newsas
Land,JR beautiful."-
Anna Gonzalez

Q.How much do you spend each month by living off campus, and is it a benefit and savings tolive offcampus?

$305 Rent

$50 Electricity

Around $100 ingroceries

$250 Gas

Total:$705 (per month)

"Off cam pus offers a lot more freedom and chances to grow up and take on more responsibilities before going out intothe realworld and getting a

Rent,Electricity, Gas,Groceries,Other


Total:$375 (per month)

"In the long run it might be cheaper to liveoffcampus, but I think it's a loteasier to liveon campus because you don't have to worry about food or utilitiesor buying furniture."

Ricky Murray and sophomore Isaiah Clemmons watch election coverage on election night from the comfort oftheirapartment

Clemmons enjoyed the quiet environment of living offcampus He said, "You don't get to see as many people as often,butit's relaxing and I love it. There are a lotlessdistractions so it's easierto get your work done."

Sarah Wilson, JR Chris Oldham, SR &MW3msMma Senior
"One ofmy favoriteverses is Isaiah40:31 "I like goingto watchthehockeygames It "I like the atmosphere at Liberty It so "My favorite time at Liberty is the fall It reminds me that with the Lord we can is averyfastpaced and excitingsport" welcoming and you feel likehome when because of the beautiful trees on the do thingswe neverthought possible" - JamieMarnot. SO you arehere." - MelanieNegron,JR mountains " - EricaMesman. JR
- KatieCornell JR

They lived steps away from a pool and a volleyball court,used a card key to enter their room, had a quiet place to study,afullsize bed and a free meal during the week

Almost 200 male and female students embraced these features as they took residence at the Lynchburg Inn off Route 29 for the school year

Since experiencing record enrollment and with no additional residence halls, the school needed a place for the extra students The Inn was used to provide housing for many international students and brand a unique mark of experience intheir college careers

The high number of international students atthe hotel provided for some eclectic exchanges of culture "We're international students We get to exchange culturalideas," Christine Awvor, a freshman from Kenya said.

The students at the hotel seemed to enjoy theirstay "I prefer it more than a dorm," said Awvor "There's nothing I don'tlike."

Inaddition,freshman Karl Jonsson from Sweden said the hotel lobby acted as a sort of central meeting place."Everybody gets together and gets to know each other,"he said.

The Police Department (LUPD) monitored the hotel premises 24 hours per day "LUPD and the school have done a phenomenal job with [safety],"Resident Director BlissSpillarsaid

Students stillhad Resident Assistants, Spiritual Life Directors and Prayer Leaders Hall meetings and prayer groups were stillinsession Men could not enter women's rooms and viceversa

The off-campus feel, the on-campus rules, the international flavoring and the full-size beds made the Lynchburg Inn a different kind of residence hallfor students, STORYBYCHARLIEGOSS

"[ThethirdfloorofDeMoss is]calmerand "Beingactivelyinvolvedin[CampuSERVE]
"Tanning is an art Some people turn red, "I likewatching the volleyballgames The chill It'snot just allwhite and the color allows me togo outand show the loveof some orange and others achieve the excitement is great It is fun when the makes me feelmore athome."
Christtounderprivileged children."
ultimatelookofsun-kissed brown." games areclosebecause the fans get into -PattieForeman,FR -JessieByers, JR -Ryan Robertson, JR it." -Sarah McDonald, JR

Students gather toeat dinner in the hotel dining area Freshmen

Vicky Yeand May Zhao from China, agree that "the roomsare bigger than therooms on campus but thefood is notasgood " They come toMain Campus to eat lunch and dinner because there is notenough time to go back to the dorm inbetween classes


The hotel lobby provides a place for students tohangout and study The Orange busroute traveled to and from campus every thirty minutes Freshman Blair Holland said, "I wish there were more buses back and forth, butit [the hotel]is reallynice"

"As a second year Resident Assistant, Ialmost prefer tostay overat the hotel Some ofthe benefits I have found are cable TV,the pool, diverse international community and a peaceful off campus setting Ienjoy itand would nothave it any other way." -Buffie Jordan SR

"Lynchburg Innis a very good place to study,aswell astorest The Inn has fullsize beds,one bathroom per room, large parking lots and a swimming pool A disadvantage includes thelack ofwireless internet inall therooms.Therefore, most students need togo tothelobbyor outside to get wireless reception "

-Bmg Yang,Graduate Student

"LaHaye has a wide variety of exercise "What I really like is that all of my "InNursing, thelevel ofdifficultyforcesusto "This is an amazing school with Godly equipment and classes for all of the professors open the class with prayer bond withourfellow studentsandencourage leaders and a great student body I[feel] student body Ienjoy going there during That's something Ihad never experienced each other."-Chelsey Speaker JR blessed toattend Go Flames'" the week." - Amanda Land, JR before." -Krishna Cress FR -Ashley Cheshire JR

Interact/Inspire RISK refinement 61



From the ukulele sitting beside the fireplace, to the stacks of news magazines on the coffeetable, the home of staffmembers Chris Deitsch,David McKinney, Michael Millerand Johnnie Moore spoke volumes to their different personality traits. Sitting around the coffee table, the four men expressed theirgenuine enjoyment ofspending time together

"Our schedules are insanely different." Moore said "We rarely [get to]see each other."

"Sunday afternoon,after church,is usually [the]time we spend together with the four of us and those who are closest to us," Deitsch said.

The four men firstmet as co-workers at the Campus Pastor's office Moore and McKinney were the firstto form a friendship as they shared an office together in2003 Moore had just begun his first year as a campus pastor and McKinney was working as the student director ofthe campus praise band That same year,Millerand McKinney were paired up together as resident assistants on residence hall 17

In2004, Moore and McKinney moved into a townhouse together and Millersoon joined them Deitsch was hired as a student worker inthe Campus Pastor's office in2005 and moved into the townhouse next door

"When I got the position we allstarted around the same time,"Deitsch said "Iknew that their roommate was moving out.I wrote Johnnie an email [while he was] in India and said can I livewith you guys."

But it was not until McKinney bought a home in the summer of2007 that their schedules and lives finally coincided and they allmoved intogether

"We had thisdesire to make it work but it never

happened until lastyear,"Deitsch said When it comes to theirdifferent personality traits, the pastors had more than enough words to say,describing Miller as a super cleaning,Chronicles of Narnia fanatic who pays very close attention todetail

"Michael is quite possibly the cleanest person you've ever met inyour life,"Deitsch said.

"He can walk ina room and justfeelthat something is out of place,"Moore said "Ifhe were a super hero,he would have Lysol as hisweapon."

But they all also agreed that itwas Miller'sattention to details and individuals that aided him inhisministry

"Michael is so individualistic,he doesn't want tojust have a meeting with 10 Spiritual Life Directors, he wants to have a meeting with 10 ofthem one-on-one," Deitsch said McKinney was next inthe hot seat and described as the group's spontaneous socialite who often times lacked a sense oftime and organization, but made up for it in hiseclectic personality and hisability to quickly connect with people

"David isprobably the most social person I have ever met inmy entire life,"Millersaid

"On one side he is thistough gun-toting, animal-killing,sweet tea-drinking,eat-whatyou-kill, Georgia boy,and on the other side he's thiseclectic, artistic, social butterfly," Moore said "He's a man's man,yet he'sanartist."

The group of pastors described Deitsch as the resourceful servant ofthe group McKinney called him a "jack-of-all-trades."

"A reallygreatway tobuildunityonour hallis towear pink every Wednesday." -Sarah McDonald,JR "Libertyoffers greatopportunitiesto grow "Liberty offers opportunities for "I have had theopportunity to experience in Christ." - Amanda Land, JR international students unlike any other a whole different culture and make some college."- Maria Feijoo, SO very good friends."- Mihyun An,SO

I love Winkm' Pinkin' Wednesdays "

Interact/Inspire RISK efinement 63
"One of my favorite things is going to "I love spending quality time with the "I liked having Election Dayoff." Doc's Diner every week with my friends" lifelong friends that I've made here at -Melissa Kaiser,FR -Josie McCuiston
FR Liberty."- Charity Holland FR
Jenna Land SR



"He willdo anything foryou at anytime no matter how inconveniencing itisforhim,"Moore saiddescribing Deitsch as "insanely brilliantand very disciplined" with a hidden talent as a "fantastic cook."

As for Moore,the pastors described him as the one who gives mini-sermons in everyday conversation because he is"so good with words." With this, they allboldly admitted that sometimes theirattention spans could be a bitshort for the amount of words Moore liked to pour out

"And yes,"McKinney said,"he is just as crazy at home as [he is] on stage."

They said on any day,you could find Moore in the corner of a coffee shop reading or watching the news to keep up with current events.

"Itreallyisajoytowork withhim," McKinney said "I've nevermetanothertwenty-five-year-oldwhoissoanointed by the Lord to accomplish so many differentthings.' Inthe public eye,students looked to them t as leaders, but intheirown home,they were justfour friends making their way through life together

1 *

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"There'salwayssomething todoat Liberty." - Jonathan Negroni,FR "I really enjoy the Christian atmosphere "Don'tputTwinkleson your pizza." and all the spiritual programs offered - Adam Long,FR here."- Tim Milazzo,SO "Liberty is a place where God is alive and moving When you step on campusyou can'tdeny His presence" -Brittany Hileman,SR

Pastors,David McKinney, Michael Miller, Johnnie Moore and Chris Deitsch interact together intheir house offcampus Senior Amy Sabatini, former prayer leader and a current SLD,has interacted with these pastors over the years "They have helped challenge me by their teaching and preaching, but even more so by personally living out what they teach by their display of integrity and character They have shown me that the Christian lifecan actually be lived out It isnot impossible."

Interact/Inspire RISK refinement 65
"Campus Church isdefinitely going to be "Liberty is a place to live grow,and learn "I thank God for all the blessings he has "Give it up to 23-2 the best hall alive" ,hard to part with when I graduate." I learned how to be an example to my not only given thisschool, but given me as -John Gilliam SO -KristieBowler SR friends and family" -David Reed FR a result of thisschool" -BJ Williams, SR

Students gather fora photograph with Chancellor Falwell and hiswife Beckiat the senior pinic "Itis such a blessingto have a Chancellor that cares abouthis students and wants togettoknow them. He and hiswife definitely displayed their compassion forusstudents when they •'invitestudents totheir home I am so grateful tobea part of a university that reaches outtoevery student," Melanie Negroni, junior, said."

Attending the seniorpicnic, two students relax together on the lawn Junior Amber Kostura explained, "I went with my sisterto the senior picnic lastyear It wasreally awesome

The Falwell's were very invitingand 'hospitable They have a beautiful home land farm W e had agreat time"

ve music entertains guestsat the firstsenior picnic from the deck above the lake Students enjoyed a '*'' bonfire lateron that night Senior Erica Mesman said,"The Falwell farm isone of ; themost beautiful places I've everseen."


"The picnic wasgreat.There wasatonofgood food, good people

^ F and great music from Six Chasing Seven Everyone sat onthe side ofthe hilland watched people on the jetskis,playing volleyballand the band played on a platform right over the lake Jerry Jr wasincredibly nice toinvitethe seniors outfor anawesome daywith a lotof great people He really went through a lotjusttoshow hisappreciation tothe seniors." Kyle Patrick,SR

"I seethe depth ofGod inRomans I grow tounderstand my relation to God, my faults, God's justice, and the grace that heshows me."- Daniel Klock, SR

"I like Psalm 18 because Ican see itas "Dr Jaeshil Kim invests in her students' "Ben Gutierrez is biblically sound and very practical with my life and how God lives beyond academics I'm thankful for up to date with today's churches He's protects me."- Jessica Holcombe,JR how she has helped me understand my preaching God's Word." purpose inlife." -Karin Hutson,SR - Steve Cole,SR

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Becki Falwellgathers with a groupof students thatwant toget in a human pyramid A varietyofstudents were invited over thoughout theyearto hangout and relaxattheFalwell's farm Freshman PhilipGrayexplains "I thinkit is greatofthe Falwellsto invitestudents overtotheirfarm so often, and I like thatwe havea Chancellor who caresabout getting tbknow the students inthe school."


Not only was Jerry Falwell,Jr the Chancellor of the world's largestevangelical university, but he and hiswife Becki also found time to be friends with the students Jeremy White and Bryson Goss were just two students who frequently spent time at the Falwell's house.

"At first I was like, 'Wow, I'm actually hanging out with Jerry Falwell, Jr.,'" White said "But they are just normal people and they're not high and above everyone else."

"Ifyou had afriendand hisparentswerereallycool,that wouldbehowtheyare,"Gosssaid."Youcanhaveconversations withJerryprettymuch likeyouwoulddowithyourparents."

White and Goss, cousins from North Carolina, were part ofthe LUnatics, a group of students who attended sportingeventstoshow theirschoolspirit Falwellinvited the group to the farm in February 2008 for the Super Bowl, and the two got to know Trey,the Falwell's son Often times,White and Goss tagged along with Trey and ate dinner out with the Falwell's

"They make us feel likewe're a part of their family,"Goss said."[Jerry and Becki]check up on us to see how we're doing and how school isgoing."

White said,"Jerry will email me sometimes and ask me for my opinion from a student's standpoint."

Gossand Whitehad highremarksforJerryJr.andBecki.

"They're awesome, down to earth,really relaxed and easygoing," White said "They want to be close to the student body They want to interact with the students They really care about and want to have a relationship with the students."

Interact/Inspire RISK refinem 67
"Debate has pretty much shaped my "My favoriteplacetogo on campus is the "My favorite asnect of Liberty is the "Serving as an Spiritual Life Director is entire college experience I really enioy PrayerChapel tomeet with theLord It's a Christian environment It'sgood to have a privilege that Idon't lightly When you competing against kids from allover the nice, quiet setting" that surrounding even with a liberal arts seek Christ first He isfaithful and livesare country."- Ross Garrett JR - Lauren Bassie JR degree"- Micah Vanella SR changed forHisglory" -ChristinaPallana SR



Coming offits first conference championship win, thefootball team faced a promising year gaining the national spotlight Despiteshovelingout crushingdefeats, the players knew theyhad more toaccomplish to make it totheNCA , motto for theseas oach Danny Re a otunfinished busm

^A FCS playoffs, and do it m isunfinished business,' iqqest theme under the he idea orcharactf

Director ofSpiritual Development Ed Gomes fostered theidea terr

"Four Wheels"—social,spiritual, athletic and academic "He emphasi that if oneisflat, then it's going tobe a bumpy ride,"running back Ra: Jennings,senior, said "Ifwe're noteligible [academically],we can'tpi If we getintrouble socially, we can't play If we're notinto it spiritually our minds arenot into it andwe'llhave a difficult time on theheld."

"Ihave set theLord continually before me He is atmy right hand Therefore,I willnotbeshaken."

Psalm 16:8

-Jamie Crandall, JR

Instituting a program entitled "Winning with Character and Team

ve can t pla\ Unity,"coaches focused theplayers inmonthly discipleship meetings "We talk about character qualities and things towork on,"offensive lineman Zach Davis, senior, said "We're really transparent with each other."It proved successful astheteam took home theBig South Championship title

The players incorporated "Four Wheels" ingrueling off-season workouts as well asin-season practice. "It'sso nice tobe able tocome into thelocker room and have apeace about playing with them and knowing that we're allstanding forthe same thing,"quarterback Brock Smith,senior, said

came here it wasn't otball,'"Smith said

: at all it was Rocco ispushing tor that wholeson development It'snotabout you,it's ab

aething biggi

What kind of activities, food and fun accompanied your tailgating parties?

"The times we have tailgated we've played Frisbee, taken lotsof pictures, and we eat A lot."

"Most ofthe time there would be afew guys grilling out, cooking hamburgers and hotdogs Themost popular game was a game called cornhole,abag toss game that is kind oflike horse shoes We justwanted everyone to have funand gettoknow each other and really experience true Christian fellowship."Andrew Patterson SR

"My most memorable moment was the Casting Crowns concert in spring of 2006 when I got saved."-GiselleColbert, SR

"Professor Kevin Corsini inspired me to liveinaforeign country forawhile before settling down and todo things while I'm young." -Allison Brooks, SR

"My dorm fired ourbrother dorm We put for sale signs [outside]theirdorm and that night we allsung Usher's 'Burn'tothem." -Amber Tatem,SR

ie thunderous roar PHOTOBY

"Averse that is alwaysa constant reminder toonly look forthe Lordfor strength to make it through the dayis Psalm 105:4."- Amanda

"Dr DeLong always inspired hisclass to seek the Lord dailyand told ustogive beyond our best."- Amber Kostura, JR

"I want totraveltoAustralia I think it would be an awesome time and a really cool experience."- Tracy Johnson, JR

"I miss Korea a lotnow,so when I graduate I want totravelcountry side ofKorea."- Sam Seughyeon Lee, JR

Crawford JR

"Even when it's not baseball season the baseball field is a nice place to sitand enjoy being outside."

"Thebesttimeat theJerryFalwell Memorial is at dusk when the sky is absolutely beautiful It's such a fantastic display of God's artistry."-

Freeman, JR

"I've become reallypassionateabout being "At Doc's, you can order whatever you Jesus to the kids I meet inmy elementary want whenever It's got the restaurant school practicum," experience, but we get to use our meal

- Justin Johnson FR

SO points"

-Alex Huddleston, JR Chenoa -Colleen Cook,

I like Dr Saxon, who teaches Western "Phil 4 13 letsme know that even though "Harvey Hartman keeps me interested and Baseball is America's pastime and a Civilization II He'll talk about what we're I can't see the outcome of my prayers,it identifies with me personally by relaying leisurely game I can spit sunflower seeds supposed to learn but make it more is there" personal storiesofhisown " and lustrelax ata baseball game" interesting."-

Play/Persevere refinement/ 71
^5 Brennan Lewis FR - Will Bond JR -Mike Pagano SR - Ryan Mowen SR

"IfI could pick someone to inviteto come and speak at convocation I would invite Beth Moore because she is an incredible speaker." -Molly Edwards, SO

"I don't want to be cliche but America "Liberty has fulfilled allof my needed a change. I just hope this is the expectations.I came here looking right step" - Melissa Hanks,SR for teachers who cared about God, teaching and their students, and that is what I found." - Olivia Blessing, SO

A"Studying to be ina creative field like Graphic Design requires that you stretch yourself as much as possible to grow inyour technique.Edman helped me do just that."

r I

"I would invite Bear Grylls to speak at convo because he has done a lotwith hislife at such a young age He has also overcome many obstacles to get to where he istoday" Alex

"The best place to eat in Lynchburg would have to be La Carreta on Timberlake because of the atmosphere and its affordability Plus, the foods great" - Matt Robbie, SR

"History has been made I hope America sticks by their new President and gives him and hisplan afair chance." - Reese Anderson SR

"IfI could invitesomeone to convo it would be Rick Warren because he showed that it isbossible to bring democrats and republicans together" - Andrea Marcilio, Staff

Play/Persevere RISK 73


Sparky fueled by the excitement of the crowd, busts a move during hisslot at Christmas Coffeehouse where he promoted hiscampaign The campaign was a way to help generate publicity and differentiate Sparky from any other school's mascot "So many other birds try to copy ours. Hokies,Jayhawks, Gamecocks, whatever...They'reall posers." Tanner Blankenship,senior said PHIITOBYBRETTHASTE

Sparky visitsthe dinning hallwhile on the campaign trailand recruits 90.9 the Light workers to help rake in votes

Getting people to vote,"was the most challenging part of the campaign accodmg to Paul Watson, graduate student "Itwas one thing to ask people to vote,but to get them to actually do it proved to be quitedifficult."


A modified version ofUncle Sam plastered the hallsand message bbards of academic buildings across campus drawing on school spiritand patriotism to rallystudents for the cause "I do believethatthe Sparky Campaign brought a greater awareness tothe contest By posting flyers, getting the word out verbally, passing out cards at games,and putting attention getterson the splash page people were abletosee the importance ofthe contest for Liberty," said Lyndsay Keith, graduatestudent

"When I was able totalkwith students one on one about the out come ofthe contest (If Sparky won) they were more apt to pledge theirvote on a daily basis So,I do believe thatthe Sparky Campaign brought about a greater awarenessto the Capital One Bowl Mascot Challenge GRAPH! '_• • PHILIPPEOARRA5C

"If someone would pay for me tovisit another country I would go to England because I liketheir history, theiraccents, their location,and,yes,their red doubledecker busses."-Whitney Bondy, SO

"A best friend is the person that can make you laugh and smile when you feel likeburying your head and crying." -Anna Kiewit,JR

"My favorite restaurant in Lynchburg is Logan's because we don't have one back home and steak ismy favorite food ever! It's so yummy." -Rachael Hartman, SO

best friend should be trustworthy You should be able to tell them anything They should always be there for you."-Amanda Shively, FR

I On The Campaign Trail


He danced and jumped among fans at the basketball game, waving to thecrowd and struttingschoolcolors "Votefor Sparky!" yelledagroup ofstudentswho crowded toslaphishand

"He'sprettymuch thecoolestthingwith wings," BrittneyLeanne Martin, freshman, said A Politicsand Media graduate classorganized acampaign to place Sparky asthenumber one write-infortheCapitalOne National Mascot Challenge They pushed studentstovoteonlineonce adayup toDec 15

"Forafinal projectI have studentsform acampaign committeeto support orelectacandidatetoany office that theycan imagine," Dr. Terri Cornwell, Communications Studiesprofessor, said "Severalstudents were interested informing acampaign committee toelect Sparky."

The class divided into threegroups— creative, operational and administrative— tospread theword aboutthecompetition

'We spraypainted sheetswith'Votefor Sparky,' handed out flyers and hung up posters," Amy Nipper, graduate student, said Voting was simplebutsignificant The winning write-inmascotwould receive $5,000fortheschool'smascot program and two freenational commercials

"Allit takesis afew secondseach daytomake thefaceofLU athletics thenumber one 'people'schoice' mascot in thenation," graduate student Allyn Lyttle, acampaign supervisor, said "There is averytangible chance ofgaining nationalrecognition for ourfeatheredmascot."

Once informed aboutthecompetition, supportersquickly cast their votes "The studentsareverysupportiveofSparky," Lyttle said "Perhapshisname is notasrecognizable ashis presence, which, if absent from theseevents, would leaveanoticeable void."

Sparky represented ourschooland ourathletics Though students ralliedbehind thecause, he finishedthechallengeinsecond place. Sparky enthusiasts, however,were proud oftheir bird Freshman Elizabeth Hefner voted for Sparky She said, "He'll neverletyou down." 1

What is your motivation to take on thischallenge?

"Mascotting is one ofthe few things thathelps me make it all worth it right now The feeling I get when I hear 15,000 people screaming when I run out ofthe tunnel easilyoutweighs any number ofpapers I have to write,"

What is your most memorable moment?

"The one moment that reallysticksout in my mind and still gives me goosebumps was the 2008 footballgame against Stony Brook I was standing hidden in thetunneland I justfelt extra pumped up forsome reason I took a deep breath and ran out ofthe tunnel full speed The fansmust have had that same pumped up feeling because when I ran out of the tunnel by myselftothefiftyyard line like I had done forthe past two years, I felt the earth move when thefanserupted. They were absolutely crazy and that intensity never died It was amazing."

What time commitments do you have as Sparky?

"Sometimes I'll get aweek off, other times I'll do up toeighttotenevents in one week During Homecoming 2007 atLiberty, I was incostumefor sixeventsand about eight hours in one day Football season doesn't requiretoo much except convo and the footballgames,but I trytomake it to volleyballand fit insoccer Basketball season consumes me because I have todo all the home women's and men's games,then post-season Marchis usually full ofSparkyevents."

"The best movie of2008 was The Dark Knight' because it was filledwithaction packed fun."- Jason Brawster JR

"If someone was willingto pay for me togo toanother country, I wouldvisit Germany My ancestors lived in Bavaria and I would like tosee where my family originated" - Nathan Treese FR

"McDonald's is the bestrestaurant because it is thecheapest"



"If I could enjoy a freelunch witha professor I would choose Dr Peters because he is very personable, fun tobe around, and an all around great guy" - Beth Crum,JR

Play/Persevere RISK refinement 75

Senior Hope West competes for possession ofthe ball The ladiessoccer team was known fortheirtestimony JulieGagne, a junior, said "It's justso amazing how one group ofyoung women can glorify the Lord so much afterevery game,despite what the scoreboard may say Whether they win orwhether they lose, I'venever seen them compromise theirtestimony."

intodouble overtime "I lovewatching my buddiesplay

Eightor nineofthe guys on the team are my buddies, and it's awesome to cheer them on and heckle the other team in their favor—of course, always inthe name ofthe Lord,"Josh Ahier, senior, said

Joshua Boateng,a senior, fightsto keep the ballinthe game against UNC Asheville This game ended inatie aftergoing
"Ilikebiking the trailsaround LU Mountain biking on unending trails, it's sweet."
-Mark Brucker, JR
"Ireally want to go to Italy I'm Italian and I have family there."
-Amy Miliano, SO
"[Iwant to visit] Brazil, I've actually been "The place I would most liketotravel to a couple of mission trips there I like to would have to be Ghana I love the the people They were pretty friendly," culture,plus I have family overthere."
-Joel Beck, SR -Jessica Driver, SR

perspective man tnose 01ms ornerteammates

J Junior Juan Guzman captained the men's team despite an injuryearly intheseason

"When anything happens with the referee, [I want to]make sure the team's settled," Guzman said

Defender Brittany Tyson,a senior, desired the admiration ofthe younger players as she led the Lady Flames soccerteam "I want to seta standard and I want toleave a standard so other girlswill continue't-_

Senior midfielder and defender Mallory Neff said she played forher teammates on the field "We're a family,"she said "You don'twant toletyour family down.If you stop working, you're lettingthem down on thefield."

"We won the Big South Championship freshman year,"Neff said "We want that feeling again W e came so close sophomore year, and last yearwas so disappointing. As seniorsyoujust wa tofinishstrong and have those _

Senior Mike Gelatt, defender, hoped to improve his game on thefield."Iwant toget more shut outs and have a lower 'goals against' average than we did lastseason,"hesaid

Gelatt alsosaid he wanted to grow closertothe team "The more we learn about each other, the more confidence we will have ineach other and the betterwe willplay," hesail

Every soccer player w.____ had unique goals and motivations behind every ounce of sweat and determination on and offthefieldSTORYBYCHARLIEGOSS

Mike Gelat senk during anearearlyseason game. "Liberty s been a big part ofmy life t threeyears I havelearned gs through this experience

life The friendsI have made through these yearsaremore thanjust friends or teammates they arenow part of my family In theend we know there is more toit than justtowin or lose We play forsomething way bigger and more important than thegame of soccer, we play forGod,"JuanChavez,

"I'mso busy, but afterI get my degree I'll be relieved "

Play/Persevere refinement / 77
"[I want tovisit] Peter Island in the BritishVirgin Island'sbecause the theirsuitescost $15,000 anight"
- Justin Savini. JR
"[It's hard] managing tostay on top ofa full course load whileworking a job but you do what you gottado"
-John Adams.SR
"The hardest partabout school, atleastrightnow,is the workload"
- Matthew Tarr SR
-Kevin Kalibbala SR

The Golf Simulator:

How does it work?

"Basically thesimulator isalarge projection screen with sensors that you canhitgolf ballsinto and the sensors cantellyouhow far you hit it, the distance your ballflew in the air,how much ballspeed you produce,theangle at which the ball takes off,and italso shows your flight patterns compared toyour other shots Youcanplay on a driving range, chipping area, oreven play famous golf courses that are builton the computer like, Harbour Town,Firestone and Castle Pines."-JayCalvo, SR

Do youfind it effective?

"Itisvery effective especially when it istoocold outtohitballsoutside The winter months are very difficulton the golf team tohave quality practice time with the weather Thegolf simulator allows ustohit ina comfortable eason andalso allows ustowork >n fixing and improving ourpersonal wings." -Preston Dembowiak, SO

"After the election I feltlikehistory was made. I definitely feltmy vote counted." -Brandon Toombs JR

"Have youever gone tohang out with a person justasfriends, and than realized they thought itwasa date?

Welcome toLiberty."-Alex Aker,SO

"Even though I liveinLynchburg,I "The volleyball team isstrong againthis don't come by campus a lot.This year's year asusual.There isa lotof talent homecoming wasagood time togive flowing. We'll seemore inconference, I'm myself a break and getback to the alma sure W e have time." -Kristyn Dalton, SR mater." -Mynique Robinson, Alumnus

t; 3JMV'*'
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"Common Ground isagreatplace



When itcame totheworld ofgolf,freshman Tobias Pettersson waswilling togo the distance Pettersson wasrecruited from Sweden, over 4,000 miles away,toplay on the team

"During the time I washaving contact with different schools.Coach Thomas showed the most interest and gave me some really good offers," Pettersson said "At that time my interest in Liberty had grown,so I decided tocome here."

Golf coach JeffThomas recruited talented golfers from America and abroad thisyearto play on the team and improve their swing

"The team is great. There are a good variety ofpeople on the team. W e have two South Koreans,oneMexican and guys from allparts ofAmerica," Pettersson said

The best five members played ineach of the season's tournaments,consisting ofthree rounds of 18 holes each Theother players practicedin order toqualify for an upcoming tournament

Senior JayCalvo, a fourth year veteran and one ofthe starting five, said, "Your goal is to shoot aslowaspossible Every year my scoring average hasgone down. My freshman yearit was about 75strokes,and at the end of last year my scoring average wasa good 74.6."

"This wasoneofthe few Division 1 schools that offered me an opportunity toplay golf at the college level,"Calvo said "They flew me down here to check out the school,and assoon asI stepped onto thecampus I liked it So I came here."

Inhisseventh year on the coaching staff, Thomas said, "Ilikeworking with the guys and helping them grow their games and become bettergolfers."

Thomas explained hisgoal forthe golf program "Ihave a vision ofLiberty being a place forthe best Christian golfers in the country todevelop theirgame."

"Proverbs16:3 is avery simplebut profound proverb: "Commit your work totheLORD,andyourplans will succeed " It'san incredible promise."- JustinMorgan SR

"Ilike BuffaloWild Wings because everyone elsegoes thereandyou can get allyou can eat Plusevery timeI go there I gowithfriends What's notto like9"

Play/Persevere RISK refinement 79
"I think[Snowflex]isareallygood marketing ploy Peoplewill definitely recognizeLUmore."- Amanda Jones JR
where truefellowshiphappens It is smallenough thatyou can connecton a personal level." - Greg Forrest, JR

"The homecoming eventsand things are great, but it's alsoa time forme tocatch up with friends."- Don Wood Alumnus

"Common ground is a great place where students areabletogather and worship ina personable manner outsideof campus church" - Grant Ingvalson,SO

"Thefaculty is helpful They know what they'retalkingabout, and they letme know exactly what I need todo forme toget thehighest possiblegrade Zach Seelinger, FR

"The best place to take a date isthe Mezzanine because it's small but classy and you can enjoy each other'scompany"

Baker, SR

"IfI could invitesomeone to speak at "My favorite place to study is the library "I enjoy helping and encouraging young "I would want to be stranded on a desert convo I would invitePresident Obama It'd because itkeeps me less distracted than people to see the world and expand their island with Johnnie Moore because be nice to get a personal 'talk' from him being at home where I can watch TV or view of God's work inother countries he is constantly talking so I would especially him to a group of conservative clean instead of study" - Sarah Wilson JR learning to trust God throughout the never be bored,and he isextremely Christians." - Sherylyn Row. SR fund-raising " - Evan Sprankle.JR spastic - Jacob Singleton. SO

Play/Persevere RISK refinement 81



A roaring crowd packed out the Lahaye IceArena on Friday and Saturday nights during the fall semester The standswerefilledwith eager fans out to see the men's hockey team battle itoutwith opponents

During workouts, the team was pushed past its limitswith the help ofFitness Director and Liberty Alumnus Drew Kearns

"Imentally and physically exhausted these boys twice a week for about an hour,after their already grueling workouts on the ice," Reams said

Josh Ahier, a senior forward on the team,looked forward to the weekly workouts on and off the ice "I know thismight sound weird, but Ithrive on the opportunity topush my mind and body past its threshold inorderto excel inthissport," he said

Ryan Mcevoy,ajunior on defense, felt the repercussions ofplaying a high contact sport "My sophomore year I was hitand tore my Achilles tendon,and itwas the most pain I have everbeen in,"he said

Both the team doctor and trainerreported thathisAchilles was torn one-fourth ofan inch - a serious injury "Iwas so disappointed Ifigured my season was over," Mcevoy said

On the Sunday following hisaccident, Mcevoy met a man atchurch who told him he would pray forhim ashe went tothe doctorthe next day. On Monday,hisdoctor toldMcevoy thatthe tendon was no longertorn Mcevoy was surprised by the incredible recovery and went on topractice with the team again

"Iwas amazed and knew it was God working inmy life," Mcevoy said Hockey proved tobe more thanjusta game tothese men It allowed them toexperience trials, pushing them past theirlimits to refinetheirskillsand achieve theirgoals


What has been the

"Ifsomeone would pay forme to visit another country I would go to Spam because I have spent years learningthe language have an interestinBasque people."-Patricia Boquist, JR

"I would want tohave lunchwith Dr Dave Earley because he is an awesome teacher, hasa huge heart forGod and evangelism and he's really good looking."- RitaWieland,SO

"Ledo Pizza has the best BBQ chicken calzones ever!"-Emily Dye, SO

"My favoriteplace on campus is the Prayer Chapel because you canspend time with God freelyand with no distractions -dance,sing, anything you want todo."

-Labonne Hines, JR

most rewarding experience playing on the Women's Hockey team?

Flames forward Stephen Mollergains control over the puck ina game against the Oakland University Grizzlies The game went intoovertime and resultedin a 5-4 Flames victory "I lovethe up close action from the LU hockey team and the amazing excitement from thefans," April Hagan,sophomore, said

A group of students cheer forthe Flames as they take on the Stony Brook Seawolves The Flames were unable to hold off the Seawolves.ending the game with a 3-4 loss inovertime Fans of both the men's and women's teams packed intothe LaHaye Ice center into catch the action Senior Alison Stultz said, "The girlsare doing great thisseason!Their games are intense and they have an awesome winning record with only a few losses."

"If someone would pay forme to visit another country I would go to South Africa because I have always had the desire togo there since I was seven years old."- Sharon Cordts SR

"At Doc's Diner you can order whatever you want whenever It's got the restaurant experience,but we get to use our meal points "

-Justin Johnson FR

"I likeDr Saxon who teaches Western Civilization II He'lltalkabout what we're supposed to learn but makeit more like a story and lesslike a history fact book" - Brennan Lewis. FR

"The most important characteristicfor a boyfriend is that he must be spiritually mature If you both are striving to get closer toGod you willthen grow closer together"- Bethany Burton JR

Play/Persevere ISw refinement 83

"Dr Harvey Hartman keeps me interested and identifieswith me personally by relaying personal stories of hisown He gives students a reason to listen." -Mike Pagano, SR

"My favorite place on campus is Sub Connection with Angela because they have amazing sandwiches." - Garrett Martin,FR

"A best friend should be a good listener, have the same interests and always be there when you need them because that'sjusthow afriend should be."-Luke Mathisen, SO

"I would liketo go to Guiana because I love to minister tothe people." - Katrina Kadolph, FR

"Baseball is America's pastime and a leisure seeds game

ly game and just - Ryan

1can spit sunflower relax at a baseball Mowen, SR

"Nigeria is a culture rich country, very diverse and the people are one of the happiest people inthe world,and it has lotsof historical and touristattraction I'd liketo see" - Marian Owolabi, SO

"I see the depth of God in Romans Igrow to understand my relationto God my faults God's justice and the grace that I get from him -the grace that he shows me" - Daniel Clock, SR

"My favorite place to go on campus is the Prayer Chapel to meet with the Lord It's a nice, quiet setting,I go whenever I can inbetween classes' -Lauren Bassie JR

Interact/Inspire RISK refinement / 85



A doctor told a couple that their son would never walk again,would be mentally retarded,would probably not survive, to put him inan institution and forget ever having him These words were heard by Betty and Claud Offield about their son,Martin Littledid they know theirtrustin God would allow their son to receive hisdoctorate and become a professor

Martin Offield was born with spina bifida, and atthe age of12 had major back surgery that kept him out of school for about three months At the end of hiseighth grade year he was able to get back on hisfeet somewhat It was during that time when he decided he wanted to study medicine. He said from middle school to high school, "I started taking allthe science and math that I could."

Offield,an alum,decided to attend school here partially because he received a scholarship forattending a Christian high school One week there was an evangelistic meeting with John MacArthur who gave a powerful message on the sovereignty of God That message caused Offield to completely turn his lifearound. He said,"Ihad pretty much planned my lifeon my own I hadn't really consulted God much about it So I really started rethinking things atthat point inmy life."

From that point on he decided not to attend medical school but to become a teacher instead He said,"Most of my abilities were tilted towards teaching and administrative work."

After receiving hisdoctorate from Vanderbilt inNashville, Offield spent six years doing his postdoctoral rotation at UVA before returning here as a professor of biology, embryology and biochemistry

"After having visited Liberty,I knew that

God was calling me to come to this

plus conviction

equals "Libertyhasopened doorsI neverthought "I like being on the basketball team
legacy"- Gary Ashley, FR possible."- Jonathan Pierce, SR because I get to travel and it is m school."- Zachery Litz,SO passion."-
Danika Dale, FR

Working inthelabratory, Professor Offield uses theeye-dropper during hisexpenement Offield got toshare hiswisdom and love forthescienceswith hisstudents

Senior Dorothy Emami, a Molecular Biology major, explained, "More than anything Dr Offield hastaught me thevalueofhard work, long hours,intensestudy andgiving glory toGod throughout He puts inthetime forhisstudentsand we areexpected togiveback.While oftenourcoursework andlives seem overwhelming,heis one ofthe professorsyouwillalways remember and thank foreverything they taughtyou."

particles. Everyone had a purpose inthislife even when othersbelittle thatreality Senior DesireeSarchet had Dyslexia, ADD,and Dysgraphia "Peopleand what they have arenot a mistake God made them thatway for a reason according toPsalm 139:14 My passion is toreach outtopeople likeme and givethem hope through teaching art." HOTO n I i .


Born with a visual impairment,Junior Howerton explains hisdisability and how he overcomes a variety ofdaily obstacles.

"Of course there have been the obvious visual barriers that have somewhat hindered my learning experience But then again,it has not hindered itina way because professors have always been pretty good about explaining things such as visual aids that they use,etc I think that iswhat separates this from a secular school is the fact

that the professors care about us as students Ihave lots oftechnology that helps me within theclassroom I have a speech software package Itreads everything to me on the screen and allows me to use the computer and maneuver around it justlike any other sighted person. I also have a Braille printer inwhich I can

take any printed document and translate itinto Braille and then print it out into Braille In class, I also record lectures and then go back later and take notesfor myself.As faras getting to class, I just hook up with friends who have the same schedule or a similar schedule as me and walk with them toclass"

Educate/Equip RISK
. 3RE
"The greatest possession that ever comes "I am extremely pleased with how our "I'monthePeacemakers crew andJericho, "I thinkLaHaye isagreatplacefor students toaman inthisworld is awoman's heart" students represent [Kappa Delta Pi]with two dance ministry teams here atLiberty, togo towork out or play basketball with - Josh Curtas.SO positiveand enthusiasticattitudes " we arelike afamily." friends"- Jamie Marriot.SO -Apryl Rowan,SR - Justine Dechiara,SO


Three professors inthe Department of English and Modern Languages had more in common than their expertise in linguistics and literature Dr David Towles,Mrs Carolyr Towles and Dr Matthew Towles were family

David and Carolyn were pleased when th

joined them the University a blessing I couldn't anticipate," Carolyn said

Matthew jumped int isposition as an English professor "Within a week I started school bought a house and had a baby," he said nthusiasm and intensity marked the Towles family "There isa high energy that allthree of us bring," Matthew said

SophomoreHeatherTaintersawthisreflected inMatthew' lectures.Tainter said,"He told us one day,'I'm goingti come inhere likeI'm about toexplode out ofa cannon!

David had been a Spanish professor for 32 years H> said."This place islike it was designed exactly forme.'

Carolyn worked as an English professor "Her personality foremost demonstrates a Christ-likeness that isalways evident in her teaching," senior Matt Te cares not only for the academi: her students but also their ituallives.'

David and Carolyn grew up inthe same Texas town. "She isstilla Texan. I outgrew it,"he said with a smile "This is where I found where God wants me tobe."

"This iswhere God wants me to be,but I just brought Texas with me,"Carolyn said inreply

The paraphernalia on Carolyn's office walls declared her Texas roots."Inever had a problem living here, I just had a problem not living in Texas," she said David and Carolyn settled on a small farm in Matthew ar fe frequentl visited with thei family affair

"I am passionate abouttalking topeople and gettingtheir opinions on any giventopic."

"The intramural sports here are amazing We have [a great] staff and there isa place foreveryathlete."


"My favorite part about livingoffcampus "I am passionate about helping tospread has tobe thetranquility." the Gospel to the uttermost parts of the


•'"'• ' ' '•• V •'" ' : •'•" -ationship developed.
-Genette Bartlett, SR
Walzak SR
-Brittany Jenkins, SR Earth."
Granger, SO

"On a cold winter's day,my favorite thing "I love football on campus due to the "My favorite campus pastor would have "On a cold winter's day, my favorite thing to do iswear tons of clothes,drink coffee amount of fan support that our students to be Johnnie Moore because he can take to do is snuggle in a warm blanket and and stay inside where it's warm" show for the team." Scripture to a whole new level" drink hot chocolate with my family"

Educate/Equip RISK 89
-Colleen Cook SO " Christopher Puma Weiss,SO -Kirsten Buist JR - Grace Ju SO



*Js ' When juniorBrittneyFugharrivedattheSan Salvador airport inElSalvador fora mission trip in2004,thelast thing she expected tohappen toherwas tobe detained

"When we got up to the security checkpoint, they took our passports and told us we couldn't go on through customs We weren't allowed to have our bags and we weren't even allowed to get anything toeat."

Fugh, along with 12 members of her church, organized a mission tripto El Salvador to work with underprivileged children

"Thereweresixty-twoAmericansthatarrivedintotheairport atthesametime.andpoliceandothergovernmentofficials suspectedthatweweretryingtodisruptandillegallyviewan upcomingelectionthatwastakingplaceinNovember2003."

The group was forced to wait for hours,not knowing what was going to happen next.

"We weren't taken to lockdown or anything They just sectioned offa part of the airport and security monitored us to make sure we didn'ttry to get away."

"We called the missionary,Chris Bowser,who was at the airport waiting for us He contacted the American Embassy to try and find out what to do to helpus."


"A representative from the American Embassy spoke with the Department of Immigration and was able to get us our stuff back and get us released."

After almost 12 long hours of sitting on the dirty airport floor,Fugh's group and the rest of the Americans were able to leave theairport

"Ialways new you could get introuble for witnessing insome countries,but I never thought I would end up being detained by government officialswho thought we were going to try to harm an election candidate."


"I thinkthebiggestthingfor our group was thatbeforewe got toChina ourcontactmoved to a differentpartofthe country So that made making plans verydifficult However,God trulyalready had it worked out becausewhen we gotthereHe provided opportunities togo into aschooland otherplacesthatwe would not have had withouroriginal contact Our groupreally saw thatGod'stiming isn't necessarilyour planning."

VictoriaCowell, JR, China, Spring Break 2008

"Patience is notalways my greatest strengthbut this trip taught me thatGodis in control He is theone who softened heartsand would allow ustoshareHis love."

"When I started going toCampusSERVE, I never imagined thatI would meeta little girl who looked up tome asking, 'Who is Jesus?.'"- Janessa O'Connor, JR

"I lovetheatrebecause it providesan outlettounderstand people deeply and pushes me totakethatknowledge and make adifference."- ChristinaForshey, SR

"I lovethefights on campus,butsomehow "The highlight of my semester has been they always turn intoahockey games." creating relationshipswith wonderful, fun,

-Genette Bartlett, SR God-lovingpeople."

-Carmen Granger,SO

Robin Sauerwein. SR,India, 2006


Light took tripsto Cambodia, East Asia, Peru,Mexico,France, North Africa, India, Senegal,Bosnia,Central Europe,Brazil and Nepal.

Approximately 225 spots Fourteen tripswere The average cost ofa are available to go on a planned thisyear. mission trip is around $3,100. tripwith Light each year

Belong/Become RIS K M m 91
"My favoritedish atDoc's Diner isthepie"
-Colleen Cook SO "The best thing about Liberty theatre productions is the heartfelt desire of the whole company to bring glory to God and worship Him " -Christina Forshey, SR This is my firsttime at Campus Serve,it's "I really enioy getting to impact the lives my sociology activity Ilike working with of kids at Campus Serve and see how the kids They are so friendly" they grow and change overtime"
-Rebecca de Rosset FR -Tara Houston SR



Regardless ofthe reserved demeanor of Chancellor Jerry Falwell, Jr and his proclaimed dislikefor public speaking,students were drawn to him forhisabilityto relateto them

As a 1984 alumnus and parent ofan enrolled student,Falwell, Jr took the opinions ofthe student body seriously HisFacebook profileboasted nearly 3,500 friends— most ofwhom were students or graduates leaving comments like2005 alum, Phillip Baucom's sentiment of missing the school.Or words ofgratitude from freshman Josh Head,saying, "Thank you so much for letting God useyou."

He had hishand on the pulse ofthe student body — mostly because he was notjustleading them, he was with them.The Falwell's hosted more than 70 students attheirhome forthe Super Bowl and regularly invited groups totheirprivate suiteduring football and hockey games.

Going beyond the casual settings,Falwellstarted focus groups during the spring semester where students, faculty and staffcould gather and discuss hottopics, make suggestions and be heard by the Chancellor

Falwell, Jr said, "I relatetothe students because I was one ofthem and I have invested so much of my life inthe school It is rewarding forme to see that my investment inLU is paying offinthelives ofthese students They are worth everything that we had toendure inthe difficultfinancialyears."

Hisoldest son,sophomore Trey Falwell, enjoyed being part ofthe planning process "Hearing about all the new projectsfrom [my dad]isprobably my favoritething todo.He'lltell me about new projectsand ask my opinion about it," hesaid

Students such as senior Laura Feagan remembered the leadership of Founder Jerry Falwell, Sr but alsoliked

how Falwell, Jr kept the originalvalues ofthe school "I think he has maintained the vision hisdad created for the school but brings a fresh new perspective,"she said. "And he'sgreatatcontinuing the legacy ofhis father."

Dr Elmer Towns,co-founder and Dean ofthe School of Religion, said, "Jerry [Sr.] was a visionary leader He led on the future, on vision, and he painted a picture ofwhere we were going togo And he had faithto believe God when we had nothing. Jerry, Jr... leads by management Jerry, Jr is twice the manager ofJerry, Sr. [He]is exactly what we need today and Jerry, Sr was exactly what we needed back then."

Junior Brandon Milksappreciated the leadership of Falwell, Jr "Jerry, Jr is a quiet yet impactful leader It is evident through my experience here atLiberty that Jerry, Jr. has made an impact business-wise.He works behind the scenes on a lotofthings that we as students don't even hear about untilthey come tofruition."

Students quickly learned how approachable their Chancellor, and even hiswife Becki, were Often sending Facebook messages oremails tovoice opinions or suggestions, the Chancellor took those students seriously, saying, "I schedule most ofmy meetingsin the latemornings and afternoons and tryto respond to e-mails and messages from students intheevenings."

While taking intoconsideration the opinions of the students,Falwell, Jr. had hisown visionforthe school He said, "I want tocontinue to move LU toward the originalvisionofa world class university providing academic excellence,NCAA Division I athleticsand all the programs and facilitiesofa major university within a distinctively Christian atmosphere No other university has achieved thisgoal but I believe it can be done and that we are wellon our wa y here." STCRI

"My favoriteconvocation memory is "My idealspring break would be togo to "My biggestgoal is toceaselessly when Jerry Falwellmet withthefreshman thebeach witha bunch offriendsfrom serve God whilestrivingto and talked about being thesaltand light my dorm and do whatever crazy stuff accomplish all thesmallergoals oftheworld."-Scarlet Welborn, JR pops intoour head."-Catlyn Smith, SO inlife."- NicoleMazzarella, SR
"My favoritething todo on theweekend is tospend my boyfriend's money or relax and work out."-Emily Erlenbach,SO

The Falwells pose outside of Demoss fora family photo. Some studentsfelt almost a part ofthisfamily because of how the Falwellsinteracted with them on a daily basis "Jerryand hiswifetake time to provethat they are notjust some big honchos on campus,but thatthey genuinely care about us students and want tospend time hanging out with us," Katie Baines,sophomore said. -

Jerry Jr and Becki enjoy a football game amongst a crowd of students at Williams Stadium The Falwells were no stranger to campus events according to freshman, Victoria Mamoquin. "You can tellhow the Falwell family cares about [us]by their involvement inschool events and games The LUnatics have a cheer forJerry during the Basketball games,because he is always there with Becki and the restof the family,"she said

Chancellor Falwell addresses the media regarding the Snowflex ski slope that is currently under construction This new facility was part ofthe Ultimate LU program intended to provide additional recreational outletsfor resident students "The Falwells have done an exceptional job at making Liberty University what it is today Mr and Mrs Falwell have went above and beyond theirtitles I mean what other student can say theirchancellor talks to them on facebook," Sarah Workman, sophomore said

Educate/Equip RISK 93
"My funniest convocation memory is "ToddRukessang, "I'mYours" at thebeginning
"My biggest dream would be tospend my "My favorite hallmeeting memory was when Dr Elmer Towns talked about a girl ofChnstmasCoffeehouse I love that song, and life learninga language ofa tribewho has yet dressing up as celebrity couples and he called Fat Pat" - Robert Heverly SO I was really excitedto hearit Thatwasthebest tohear theGospel, and in theend being able me being Nicole Richie I honestly felt way tostart off coffeehouse." -KatieMasten, FR totranslate it for them."-Meghan Gillis JR likea celebrity" -Justine Wagner SO

For the Vice President for Executive Projects and Media Relations, Campus Pastor and professor Johnnie Moore,the "to-do" list seemed never-ending

"I manage the day-to-day media inquiries received by Liberty University whilealso overseeing the Center forGlobal Ministries, and the Officesof Spiritual Programs — Convocation and Campus Church — Technical Productions and Online Ministries,"Moore said."I also teach a course each semester,speak inCampus Church on most Sundays and periodically on Wednesdays and supervise various specialprojects."

Three key items helped him stay on task throughout the day "Jesus, coffee and books ensure my brain isfresh,my day is productive and that I make the best use of my time," he said

As forfreetime,Moore said, "I also love great food and great restaurants.I loveto travel and experience other cultures andI especially loveto spend quality time with my family and good friends. Recently,I've been spending a lotof my freetime with Andrea [Marcilio]planning our summer wedding."

Moore,an alumnus,had been here since 2001 and had a passion forfurthering the school'sgoal. He said, "I intend on using every ounce of my influence to press on the mission ofthe university so that every graduate may be used by God in their life and career to demonstrate the message Jesus to the ends oftheearth."

After being a Campus Pastor since 1988 and Director ofthe Office of Student Leadership (OSL), Dwayne Carson was named the Vice President of Spiritual Development

Intackling hisdaily tasks,Carson said, "I learned a long time ago to identify my roles, then to attach the responsibilitiesto them, then rollmy sleeves up and get itdone."

As a 1987 alumnus,Carson reflected on hisfavorite memories including a snowball fightwith hisgirlfriend, Donita Hershey,who laterbecame his wife

Another occurred with his Resident Assistant partner "I had three TVs in my room that I confiscated from all the guys So I'm an RA and watching a confiscated TV because the Miami Dolphins were playing Igot ina lotoftrouble when the Dean of Residence Lifewalked on thehall

Carson had astroi among the students "Ultimately drives me day-in and take the customer become a champi them insuch a way as the prod a cha%M^N6r Ch

"IfI could invitesomeone to speak atconvo I would inviteJoni Eriksen Tada,because I always looked up to her."-Danielle Puig, SR
"Myfavoriteprofessoris Dr Volk He reallycares "At thiselection the results were abouthisstudentsand wantsthem tosucceed truly amazing It said weas anation in lifeand psychology. He'salwaystheretotalk are ready forchange I'm proudof wheneveranyone needshim."-NikkiLibby,JR the people."-Shaoneke Kelly, JR
"I'vealwayswondered what itwould look like tobe in ahelicopterlookingatthevines centerrightafterconvo and seeingeveryone floodoutofVines"- KristiTaylor, JR

In November,the Executive Director of Resident Recruitment,Chris Johnson,was promoted to Vice President for Enrollment Management.

Johnson,a 1994 graduate,met hiswife

Katherine,a 1993 graduate,while attending school

Recalling hiscollege days,Johnson said, "Liberty is a place that changed my life."He added, "I came to school here,met my wife here, now I'm working here and giving back It's an amazing opportunity I've had forover sixteenyears."

After receiving his new title, Johnson's duties included being incharge of resident enrollment,financial aid and online enrollment

One of Johnson's favorite activities involved taking hisfour children to school most every morning "Ienjoy that opportunity to talk and laugh and pray with them on the way toschool

Each week at LCA they have to memorize a verse and that's really pushed me and my memorization because it started offwith just one of them — now I have four kids learning averse."

Johnson and hiswife shared a special moment in May 2008 being able to graduate with their Master's degrees together. He said,"We thought it was neat for our four children to come to Williams Stadium when we walked together."

Vice President of University Advancement

Ron Brown came here inAugust 2007 following a newspaper career that spanned more than three decades.

"I was always drawn to Liberty'sChristcentered mission,"Brown said,who covered the school and its founder for severalyears "Iwas convinced that Dr Falwell'svision forthe school was inspired by God."

Brown, was originally hired to convert the former National Liberty Journal tabloid newspaper intothe magazine,a high-quality promotional piece that focuses on exciting activities and individuals associated with the university

Shortly after Brown arrived,Falwell Jr asked him to take on more responsibility by consolidating the university's graphic design,photography and marketing personnel intoone cohesive department.

While the new department was originally named the Office of Promotional Publications, it transitioned to the Office of University Advancement. Falwell Jr. added the oversight of the university's development officeand alumni relations department to Brown's duties with his newfound title

"Liberty and Thomas Road Baptist Church have always made the best stories in Lynchburg," Brown said "Now I have an opportunity to tell that story 365 days ayear."

Belong/Become RISK 95
"I would want tobe stranded on adesert
"Basketballgames areveryexciting
"Godcontinues to bless Libertyinacademics studentworkerintheParentProgramsOffice islandwithChrisDeitsch because I becauseoftheexcitementthefansbring athleticsand in preparingyoung men istheenvironmentandpeople.Theymakean thinkhe'shilarious." - Libby Acree. JR I lovewhen it getsloudand thatseems to andwomen to makeadifference in their afternoonatworkenjoyable"-ChelseyLester,SR sparktheteam to awin." - Chris Cngler. SR respectedareas of study" - Chris Mandell, S

Students listen during one ofthe weekly Common Ground services inthe prayer chapel Small groups provided another form of growing,learning and investing inthe word of God "A lotoffreshmen come here and seem to get lostinthe crowd," said Greg Forrest, junior "Student led services [...] reallydraw students likethis in and give them a niche of their own Common Ground is a great place where true fellowship happens Unlike other events at LU,it is small enough that you can connect on a personallevel."

Ben Forrest, founder ofCommon Ground, waitstocloseup before heading to Macados with the restofthosethat attended theThursday nightservice Other student ledservices alsomet weekly and provided additionalopportunities forBiblestudy "ThePoint is unique in thatit is a service led by studentsfor students in an attempt todo a verse by verse study ofthe Bible,"Leslie Phelps, senior, said

"The gym ismy favorite place on campus because you get to get away from class and relax and have fun,"- Zach Huff, SO

™**W*-^ ^:m ^.; Jg "^
"My favorite place on campus is the walking trailsinthe woods."
Hannah Bowling, SO
"A best friend should have a good sense of humor They can cheer you up on the darkest of days,so a great sense of humor is essential."-Kristin Rinoldo, SO
"My favorite movie of 2008 was 'The Dark Knight.' Since I am a psychology major,I enjoying seeing a movie with a psychotic, disturbed character,"- Samantha Peterson,SR

The Heart of Worship

Students Challenged Each Other inPeer-ledWorship Services

Worship came in all forms. For some, it was the collaborative group atCampus Church Others enjoyed a more intimate setting inthe forms ofstudent-led services such as ThePoint and Common Ground

"ThePoint is a peer-led worship servicethatis designed totake an honest look atthe Bible, verse-by-verse, while promising notto waste people's time,"seminary student Charlie Bussey said.

Meeting each Sunday night inthe Towns Alumni Center, ThePoint was led by Bussey and four otherleaders

"ThePoint has helped me personally by keeping me sharp, inthe Word and always mindful ofmy testimony,"he said "It's forced me to seriously study God's Word on a consistent basis, even when Isometimes don't feellikeit."

Common Ground,another student-led service on campus, met weekly inthe Prayer Chapel Alumnus Ben Forreststarted the group a few years ago as a student-led ministry that emphasized growth and discipleship on a personal level

"We existto create an atmosphere thatis conducive tospiritual growth Discipleship cannot take placewithout the context of relationships."Forrest said "Personally, thisministry has been a huge blessing in my life It has taught me how to'do' ministry."

Students enjoyed the chance to learn and grow in the small, personal, on-campus gatherings.

"Common Ground has been a place ofgrowth and encouragement forme," Rod'Esther Castor, sophomore,said "We come togetherto hearwhat God has brought us through and what he is continually teaching us W e are more encouraged when we're running thisrace beside someone That'swhat Common Ground is." i iRYB


Why did you decidetostartyour own off-campus biblestudy?

"Iguessthemain reasonwhy we decided tostart ourbiblestudy was first and foremost because it'sbiblical You can getmore outoflife groups/smallgroups thanyou can from yournormalcorporate worship setting Thatisnottotakeaway thesignificanceand importance of Sunday morningsbutyou canobviously getdifferentthingsfrom thegroups thansittinginthechurch seats."

How do you spend yourtime during your biblestudies?

"My Biblestudies areactuallyapart of anorganizationcalledSweet Monday Each evening hasatheme sowe do something relatingto thetheme and then haveafive minutedevotionrelatedto it I alwayshavecoffeeand dessertand we just chill and haveawonderfultime together. Sweet Mondays aresupposed tobe "simple, sweetand salty." Simple we onlymeet on thefirst Monday of each month sothatneither thewomen nor thefacilitator everdreads it Sweet it'sa sweet timeoffellowship Saltytheyleave wanting more, whether it is fellowship orwanting toknow more aboutGod."

My favoriterestaurant isTaco Bell because itisthe best place to getreal authentic Mexican food"-Michael Newhall,FR

"Characteristics thata bestfriend should have areloyalty, trustworthiness honesty and they need tobe someone who will always be there foryou." -Emily Lietzan, FR

"Iwould definitelygo toIsraelifI had thechance because itwould be too amazing forwords towalk in Jesus' footstebsand see where Helived and taught"-Joshua Vaughan JR

"Ihaven't been tomany placesaround Lynchburg,but I think adate downtown would be something differentand exciting"-Cordia Lewis JR

RISK refinement 97

The concentration was almost audible

The only sound was the swishing and clicking ofthe littleplastic devices as members of the club desperately rushed to solve the puzzles against the time on the clock.

Senior Jason Baum started cubing three years ago,and decided to start an official Rubik's cube club on campus inthe spring of 2008.

"It's open to anyone People who haven't had a clue how to solve come inand I can teach them, but it's mostly those who want to improve," Baum said "We not only race but talk about who's got new types of cubes,cool designs we can make with them and I'S cube moves theeasiest.'

Heath Hudnall got a Rubik's cube last Christmas and says it's hisfirstsemester cubing

"Iheard about [the club]through word of mouth and Facebook,and I have been coming every other week," Hudnall said

s so comfortable inhis hands, he went through the motions without skipping a beat to answer questions.As he switched his 3-by-3 cube back and forth, Hudnall went on to say,"It'sa step by step process to solve a Rubik's cube." But he insisted that anyone can learn

Junior Jordan Harper also learned how to cube only thissemester Though it was hisfirsttime ata meeting,he said hisaverage time on a "solve" was 50 seconds but hisfastest clocked inat45 seconds

If you think that's fast, that's nothing compared to Baum

Baum said his unofficial fastest solve was 7.43 seconds and the world record solve was 9.18.

Sophomore Mike Canderlirio said, "Jasonis en inHmidatina It's onlv an evenly matched raced between us when he is doing it one handed.'


Barton was agood speaker His presentation on theConstitution was functionaland he knew what he was talkingabout." - Andrew Chastain, JR
"I wasahugefanofElmerTowns
speaking "One of
my favorite
being 'statuesofLiberty,' meanin inconvocation I enjoy when people talk around campus with my carfull of friends, sittingon theporchoftheDeMosson nic about thepast."- David ParkerJr., SR windows down and singing atthe top of sunny days."- Melanie Negroni, JR ourlungs." - Sarah Blanzy, JR

"My favoritegame was MallMadness My mom would even putmy sticker pictures on thecreditcardsso they lookedreal" LeslieHunt, JR likedcheckers because it was easy." Stephen Peters, JR

"My favoritegame was Guess Who because I always won." Nicole Buckingham, SR

80s Fashion Trends leggings, layers, chunkyjewelry oversized sweaters and skinnybottoms, straight-legged jeanswithpointy heels, ripped jeans, acid-washedjeans jeanjackets, tunics, bigger belts, upturned collarand suspenders

80s Music Trends New wave, Rap Hard Rock,Heavy Metal, BigHair Bands,Glam metal, Madonna Michael Jackson, Prince, BruceSpringsteen, Run DMC, The Police, Whitney Houston and Metallica

80s Game Trends SpaceInvaders, PacMan,Donkey Kong, Frogger, Super Mario Brothersand Trivial Pursuit

Interact/Inspire RISK 99
T lustwant everyone to know I'm not an "I think the Jonas Brothers should speak "Jenna Land is the best RA (Resident "Liberty is like aspiritualincubator and it's international student." forgraduation" -Lauren Bassie JR Assistant) ever"- KristiCress FR exciting towatch God work" - Danielle Napieralski JR -Jesse Mohn,JR

Making Headlines

Student newspaper gainednationalattention

Crafting a spread for the weekly Champio n student newspaper demande d late nights from its editors and talented writing from reporters

Th e effort put forth landed the m first place in five of its seven years of competition against other Christian college newspapers at the Baptist Press

Fall semester Editor-in-Chief Jennifer Schmidt, senior, worked with the staff of news, sports, life and opinion editors, as well as a group of contributing writers and photographers "I would liken it to coaching a n all-star team I get to wor k with and lead som e of the best writers, designers and editors at Liberty," she said

Although in charge of separate sections, each editor cared about the newspaper as a whole "W e all wor k hard to mak e sure that not only is our [individual] area the best it can be, but that the other sections are putting forth their best," New s Editor Natalie Lozano, senior, said Th e editors learned to wor k with deadlines as well as with each other "You only have thirty-six hours to put out a n entire paper," Schmidt said "Wor k can be stressful, but w e are constantly joking around and teasing each other as well."

Faculty adviser since 1998, Debora h Huff acted as coach to the budding editors and writers "The skill to craft a well worde d sentence is essential, but if yo u can't mee t a deadline, yo u won't hold a job," she said "This is a safe place to get in and splash around an d try things."

Each week's final product wen t throughout campu s to update readers o n pertinent current events. ?'The [newspaper] provides real opportunities for students to keep the local communit y informed about campu s happenings and entertained about a yariety of events and personalities," Huff said

Several writers and editors put their skills into action whe n Chancellor Jerry Falwell pied during finals wee k in Ma y 2007 Th e Champio n had already closed its doors for the year but produced an issue just a few days after to honor Falwell's life

"The students kicked hemselves in gear," Huff said "I think they could have piroduced it without me."

Workin g at the paper gave the staff real life experience Sports , "I've learned ho w to deal with other people [Being a n editor] is a great wa y for m e to gain experience needed to exceed in the journalism ATOrid after I graduate." STORVBYCHARLIE

"A best friend should be a Christian, share many of the views I hold, be able to have silly fun with m e and know m e really well."

"If someone would pay for m e to visit "I would choose [to eat with] Dr Ben another country I would go to Romania to Gutierrez because of his love for God find m y sisters' mother and share the love The opportunity to sit and talk with of Christ with her." - Chelsea Hertzler, FR him would probably change m y life m five minutes!"

"The green room is m y favorite place on campus It's like the 'batcave' of the theater department, minus the bats, and the cave."
- Alex Miller, FR
- Jordan Chen, S O

"When following God's footsteps, we are following the rightsteps. My point is we should always do things God's way and blessingwill come our way"

"The best place to take a date inLynchburg is Crab TreeFalls because of its beautiful scenery" Jonathan Thompson SR

"Liberty University still stands firmly on the Christian morals and values that were set forth from the beginning It's unfortunate other universities cannot say the same" -Tyler Lee, JR

"The mansion lawn ismy favorite place on campus because it has an amazing view of the mountains and it is where Dr Falwell is buried It reminds me of the incredible legacy he left"-Magm Mills.SR

Interact/Inspire refinement

Miranda Arnold and Apryl Rowan collect boxes forOperation Christmas Child. The boxeswere then delivered topoverty strickenchildren overseas Thisis just one ofmany volunteer effortssponsored by Kappa Delta Pi "I joined KDP my sophomore yearatLiberty I am now the President I'veloved every moment I wanted tobe a partofsomething that was making a difference intheworld, and KDP is justthat We are actively involved in theLynchburg community taking partinlocalschoolfunctions, such asScholastic Book Fairs, providing school supplies, fall festivals, reading days and much more,"Danielle Clark, senior, said, ft

Children from kindergarten to fifth grade gathered at Linkhorne Elementary School during an October festival hosted by Kappa Delta Pi (KDP), the international honor society for education majors With a variety of activities including a petting zoo, pony rides,chilicookout and inflatable bouncing games, KDP hoped to achieve their main purpose of helping education majors give back to the community, specifically to local schools,through service

"Individual university chapters of KDP, including Liberty's chapter, Pi Sigma, participate in service projects throughout the year,and we try to help out local schools as much as we possibly can," Kristy Genung, the historian and a field officer,said

"Ithought that one of the best things about the event was that it was during the school day so that the kids got to participate in it for school and enjoy everything with their classmates," Barbara Winstead, senior,said "They allseemed to have a great time and allthe activities were very age appropriate."

According to Genung, the organization gave seminars that offered a variety of resources and teaching tips to teachers in addition to serving the community

Other activities KDP were involved with included a scholastic book fairto help a local charity,a writer's conference at Liberty Christian Academy and Literacy Alive,where members of KDP read to students and donated books to the classrooms at Linkhorne Elementary School

Overall,the festival provided a fun day of activities for the children to attend Senior Hilary Colette Cox said,"The kids had a blast They were running around, laughing, asking if they could do the obstacle course again They loved itso much they didn't want to leave when their time was up."

The administration at the school appreciated the help from KDP. Principal Jason Mack said,"They were a big help They made the fallfestival run a lot smoother. Itwas fun for everyone." STOP

"If I could enjoy afreelunch witha professor I would choose J.J Cole because I admire herasa person, just asmuch asa professor. She alsohas greatstories!"- Rachel Sibley, SR

"My favoriteplace inLynchburg is "Best friendsshould be loyal. You have to Chicago on theJames Pizzeria because it have someone who you can depend on hasthe bestpizza."- Jonathan Finley, FR and count on Someone you don'thave t doubt theirmotives" - Nathan Renell, JR

> Z o LJ UJ X I— Q LJ 2 > LT) m£ O O in o < LJ Q
"My favoriteplaceon campus is my bed because I love sleeping."- Jason Garber,FR

Danielle Clark and Kristy Genung help with crafts at the Kappa DeltaPi Fall Festival. Rachel Dunham,junior, enjoyed the opportunity towork with kids andgive back tothe community

"There were atonofkids that came through of allages from kindergarten to 5th grade It wasgreat becauseall the kids enjoyed it no matter what age they were," Dunham said A student leads apony ride during the Fall Festivalwhich alsoincluded apettingzoo "Thekids seemed tohaveagreattime at thefestival They were veryexcitedto be there.," HilaryColetteCox, senior, said


"Ichose to participate in Kappa Delta Pidue toitsservice-oriented mission that seeks tohelp the Liberty, local, andglobal communities Each semester, members ofKDP volunteer for service projects that take place here at Liberty orinthe localschools Inthe Spring semester of 2008, our

members hadthe opportunity to impact several schools inthe Philippinesby sending essential school supplies for the children. Serving others is one of the most rewarding experiences, and we want tohelp students tocapture the joys ofserving," Apryl Rowan, senior PiSigma Treasurer, said

"The school ofgovernment isnotonly "Myfavorite place on campus is at the

"Ifsomeone waswilling topay for preparing students for today's political top ofthe 'princess stairs'[onTheHill] me togo toanother country I would battles,buttraining students tobetop where my friend Craig fellinfront of visit Israel tounderstand God's holy Christian political leaders for tomorrow's many ofhis friends,much tohischagrin." nation This would accomplish my society" -Nick Underwood FR Chris Fournier,Graduate student wish inmy life"-Christina Row JR

"Iloved the movie 'Fireproof I cried " - Justin Fritts JR

Interact/Inspire RISK nt 103

With cookies intheir hands and hearts on their sleeves,the participants of CampusSERVE went out intothe community inhope of meeting both the spiritual and physical needs ofthe families they encountered

Every Saturday morning from 10 a.m to 1 p.m., groups went to eight different government housing sitesto spend time with children,visited nursing homes or participated inthe Helps program — going door-to-door offering to perform household chores

This student-led initiative started in 2001 when alumnus Paul Atkinson decided to begin a ministry that performed what he defined as,"more than just good works."

Director of CampusSERVE, Kevin Mahan, said, "CampusSERVE never stops with just a service

project [It] has to go into a spiritual realm and say,'It'snot about us,it'sabout this community having a right relationship with Jesus.'"

For Mahan, the goal of CampusSERVE was forthe students to walk away with a desire to become more deeply involved with the personal lifeof each family

"These are not only children,but they are starving for Christ's love and joy,"Candace Davey,junior, said. "Knowing that I might be the only glimmer thattheir littleeyes willever see keeps me continually waking up at 9 a.m on the only morning I have to sleepin."

"Iwent over there with the intention of maybe changing a child's lifeand itwas me that was changed inthe entire process,"Giovanna Arguello, sophomore, said "They letme into their lives, but they affected mine."

KD LU in in "D OJ OJ c c ru Q_ LO > o CJ QJ C 3
"IfI could enjoy afree lunch witha professor I would choose Dr Ross because of hisconstant search for truth despite constant opposition from other scientists."-Kimberly Carr, SR
"My favorite restaurantis Bojangles because it fuels my soul."-Scott Brodd FR
"[Best friends need to]betruthful, "My favorite movie of2008 is 'The accountable and loving They should love Dark Night."'- DeShawn Gilbert, FR God, people andlife."-Lisa Cvach, JR

IA young girl colorsduring a CampusSERVE session The program provided many opportunitiesabeneficial to students working towards acareer involvingchildren and teens Senior Jessica Pixleysaid, "CampusSERVE has prepared me foryouth ministry byone onone encounters with parents, childrenand students through teaming upforpersonal evangelism,door to door ministry andprayer walking in order to teach the necessity ofrelying onGod."

lJustin Mosebach and his friend engage in a game offooseball with two children at a CampusSERVE site Students had the opportunity tovisit avarietyofsites that helpawide range ofage groups "It's a sacrificetowake upat8:00 inthe morning on Saturday,but it's somuch more rewarding tosee liveschanged through the message ofthe Cross," Andrew Cheatham, junior, said about the rewarding experience of being aCampusSERVE site leader,

iDeidre Singleton reads a passage from the Bibletoagroup ofchildren Each week, CampusSERVE participantstaughta different lesson andencouraged children to participateand ask questions about the Bible "CampusSERVE has been an amazing oppprtunity to beinvolved with [It] allows me toget out ofthe Liberty bubble and witnessfirsthand how Godcan work insome ofthe most desperate situations." JanelleHoffer, sophomore, said


"By far, themost rewarding experience is toget tosee a child accept Christas their Savior After allthe time,effort and prayers putinto the ministryand investing inthese kids'lives, it is so rewarding tosee achild finallycome to accept Christ andhave an understanding of the Gospel That's what it's all about."

"Dr BenGutierrez is biblically sound and up-to-date with today's churches He's preaching God's Word, and he's really good at reaching college kids" -Steve Cole.SR

"My favorite restaurant in Lynchburg isTexas Roadhouse because it has the best ribs intown " - Andrew Haga SR

"The most rewarding experience that I've hadfrom CampusSERVE would be forming relationships with thekids and watching four of them accept Jesus as their Lord andSavior Moments like these make me realizejust how lucky I am tobea part of their livesandhow I will beable tosee them grow over the years."-Deidre

"Debate has shaped my entire college experience I really enjoy competing against some of the smartest kids from allover the country andseeing how exactly we compare" - Ross Garrett JR

"Ifsomeone would payfor me to visit another country I would love to revisitthe Amazon, Brazil This summer I went and the people captured a part of my heart" - Melisa Wallace, SR

Interact/Inspire RISK refinement 105
»#•«•» '

A student carefully paints a pairof TOMS shoes The TOMS shoes event was justthe beginning ofthe Studio's list of planned tripsand activities."The [Studio]is focusing on being activein the artcommunity thissemester We will be taking tripsto the Taubman Museum of Art inRoanoke and also the National Gallery inWashington DC Allof these activitieswere made possible by fund raising lastsemester,including the TOMS shoes event." Traci Tesenair, senior, said

Students begin the process ofdesignin a pair of TOMS shoes by choosing from a variety of paints Students saw the TOMS event as a way to show their creative side while helping children inneed Senior, Erica Mesman, said, "When I saw that there was going to be a TOMS event on campus I was really excited t^cause not only are they really fabulous shoes,but' forevery pairyou buy,a pair isdonated to a child who does not have shoes Afrd I wholeheartedly believe inboth of those things -great shoes and great giving," ;

Despite frigid temperatures,students gather inthe DeMoss courtyard to paint their pairof TOMS shoes'The event was open to anyone who bought a pairof shoes,regardless of their major "[The •* Studio]was created not just forthe graphics and studio artists, but forthe benefit of our community as a whole we continue to hold events and taketrips it isour mission to exude Christ through our individual creativity that He has given to us," Sarah Connally,senior, s^id .*',';"* -'.*.->Si ALLPHOT LEMAN • *'.•'} ^/Vfcj,

"After spending a semester training for the National Guard, I can't wait to get back to LU."- Brock Nardozzi,JR


"I always liketo see our otherteamswin I believe it encourages the restof athletic body and the school."-

A :
"My biggest pet peeve is when people smack their lipswhen they are
"JeffBarber isthe best thing that has happened to Liberty since Jerry Falwell."- Tim Talley,SR
Nicole Miglis, SO



Over 37,000 Ethiopian children received their first pair ofshoes in the month of December through the TOMS Shoes organization The Studio, an art group on campus, took part in supporting this organization by hosting a shoe painting event in the courtyard Senior Sarah Shoaf, the event coordinator of The Studio,appreciated those who came out tothe event despite the chilly November weather conditions "Iwas truly surprised by the turnout andsoencouraged that students were so generous inhelping the TOMS organization and hadsuch good attitudes about standing outside in the cold painting shoes," Shoaf said

For every pair ofshoes TOMS sells,they give a pair away toa child whoneeds one Senior Am y Hunt's passion made the event possible.

"They're walking intrash,on broken glass Some people have created makeshift 'sandals'out of plastic bottles Their feet are hard andswollen from walking in the bare

elements since they were born. Many diseases can becontracted from this,so it's important that they have protection for their feet," she said

At the event the 62 people who purchased shoes hadthe opportunity tocome outand style their shoes themselves orwith the help of The Studio members President ofThe Studio, senior Traci Tenesair, said, "A lot ofpeople in the community pulled together and helped."

Tenesair said AC Moore donated a box of paints, different bands came out, another organization sold T-shirts for AIDS relief and Sodexho provided hot dogs, cookies, hot chocolate andcoffee for whoever stopped by

Like most college students, time and money were in short supply for Hunt She said, "I don't have a lot oftime ormoney todonate, so I do the most I can. I buya pair of shoes so that someone else can have a pair That pair of shoes I just bought — it just changed someone's whole life."


"I want a little girl tohave a sparklypair ofshoes like me." Heather Patterson SR

"I bought TOMS shoes because they are so unique intheirlook, comfort and cause I loved theshoes,but when I found outthatthey givea pairto someone inneed.I was eager tocontribute You justdon'tsee many businesses do stufflike that"Dan Mills, JR

"When I saw thattherewas going to be a TOMS event on campus I wasreally excited because not only aretheyreally fabulbus shoes,but forevery pairyou buy, a pairis donated toachild who does not have shoes And I wholeheartedly believe inboth ofthose things - great shoesand greatgiving." EricaMesman, SR

"I thought it was agreat outletto showing mycreativesideand being able tocontribute totheircause.Knowing that the pairofshoes I bought was not just another pairI would leavesitting in my closet, but I know thatsince my purchase another person was able toown possibly theirfirst pairofshoes" Kelly Reece, SO

"Common Ground is agreatuplifting servicewhen you need it most in the week I always enjoy themessages and theworship" - PhilBrotzman JR

"I like ESPN com because I getall my sports "I'll catch up on mysleep when I die Until info for basketball, football and college then I'll study" - Andrew Bnttain SO football I canalsogetall theup-to-datenews, scoresand stats there"- Aaron Beasley JR

Interact/Inspire RIS K refinement 107
"I'mnot sure how much I'll use[the Snowflex],but I have no problem with it." - Christina Mitchell. FR

They heard the callofUncle Sam and chose tocombine military servicewith a college education "Ilived halfofmy lifeseeing how the Army changed my dad intothe great man thathe is today,and Iwanted to do the same,"Cadet Henry Davis, freshman, said.

Reestablished in2001, theArmy Reserve Officers' Training Corps (ROTC), apartnership school ofthe University of Virginia, grew from fivestudents to 116 "Libertyattracts service-oriented kids,"Director Major Robert Foy said

Before and afterclasseach week,while their classmates were either sleeping orbreathing sighs ofrelief that classeswere over, ROTC cadetstrained

Cadet Melissa Thomsen,senior, said, "This program ispreparation fora career as an Army officer, which is essentially a career as aleader."

Leadership and Thomsen went hand inhand.She received the SGT York Award,given tothe cadet who did the most to

support the ROTC program "Ireallyenjoy leadership,"she said "I'm glad I've gone thisroute I have a securejob Iknow where I'm going and how much I am going tobe making."

After graduating, each cadet would begin fouryears ofservice asa Second Lieutenant Untilthen, they were molded into strong, capable leaders Field training, labdays, physical fitnesstraining and classroom instruction added a minimum ofeight hours toeach cadet'sweek

"We go to Camp Hide-A-Way where we practice land navigation,map reading, riflemarksmanship and karate forms,"Cadet Michael Clanton, sophomore, said ROTC responsibilities on top ofschoolwork could be rough, but each cadet considered it worthwhile "You can become overwhelmed, but Scripture says thatGod willnever giveyou something thatyou can't handle,"Clanton said "Keeping thatrelationship [with God] strong is the only thing that helps tobalance everything out."STOFft


"IliketowatchmyfavontesoccerteamManchester "My

"My favoritehome cooked meal is country stylesteak, mashed potatoes, green beans and biscuits." - Jenna Shoffner,SO
twelve-year-oldcousin's battle
favorite coffee shop in town is The withcancerand preparingtogoonamission Unitedplay Iwatchthemeveryweekendandthen Muse."- TesiaJean-Baptiste, JR trip toBosnia, God hasreallyshown himself afterthat I hangoutwith my friends, playgames tome in many ways." - Hope Wozniak, SR andwatchmovies."-AllenMavunga,JR

Seen from University Boulevard, miniature flagsalong with the decorated spiritrock act asa visual signof remembrance on Veterans Day Dr Jerry Falwell Sr lefta long legacy ofpride in God and country that today isevidenced by themany opportunities for students to getinvolved Whether it be through volunteer effortsthroughout the year or the more long term commitment of ROTC students are able togam valuable leadership experience while servingour country Joaull Bazil, senior, said, "Ienjoy the hands on activities, from finding navigational points inthe woods, to squad attacks ona pinpointlocation."

Club Profile: Students Behind OurSoldiers

"Istarted thegroup inOctober of last year Basically our mission is to provide thesupport and awareness to ourtroops W e meet once a month and our primary duties include gathering donations to send care packages overseas and to hold several functions where we can show oursupport W e tryto do a variety ofdifferent activities There are around forty to fifty people in the

Dr Tim Lee, aVietnam veteran who lost both legs ina landmine explosion, addresses thestudent body during a convocation service Lee's message was part ofMilitary Appreciation Week which encourages students to be thankful for the service ofour soldiers Amanda Ashmead, junior, said, "Iam glad to see that ourschool takesthe time torecognize ourmilitary. Liberty dbes a great job offering an ROTC program giving men and women an opportunity toserve ourcountryand still getagreat Christian influenced education,"


"Personally I believe itisoneof the greatest opportunities ayoung male or female cando during theircollege experience It helps develop something that isstarting tolack inour culture and that isleadership It alsoinstills discipline orintheleastshows that we need discipline W e do have towear our uniform on Thursday forour lab time Those days I appreciate every moment because I'mnotonly taking a classortraining tobecome anofficer I am representing theU.S Army and allthose who have gone before me have done things from repellingout of helicopters tohaving torunsevers miles in20degree weather at5:30 inthemorning" BenWalls SR


"Ithink seeing members of the ROTC program walking around gives credibility toLiberty's campus that it supports a Pro-American outlook I also feelsafer inthe threat ofapotential terroristattack,"Joel Ready,SR

Interact/Inspire RISK refinement 109
"M fa onte hall meeting activity is "When I go to the ROT I usually get "Myabsolute favoriteConvo memory wasthe "My favorite things todo on theweekend is h tl thefellowship and being able to Chinese or pasta,butnomatter what I get man thatcameandtolduswhichanimalwe were totake tripstotheBlue Ridge Parkway with listenandgrow asafellowship." -TedPietrucha SO
usually putranch on it Yep,even on my andhadpeople whistlewhen we got too loud friendsandhave cookouts orjustplay pool at Chinese" -DiBryant,SO He wasout ofcontrol"-Courtney Haag JR theTilley and seeamovie' - David Stewart FR

Tubing down the James River,two students relax inthe sun Student Activities planned numerous eventsfor the student body every month Junior Courtney Addington,who worked on staff, said "Night on the town,$20 Night with Student Activities, priceless."

"I think Ultimate LU is a great addition, for not only the campus,but to the students who are a part of it It gives studentslike me something different to do,with the many options itopened up It offers many things fordifferent people whether it is more dirttrailsfor biking,slopes forthose who liketo snowbbard or even those who liketojust hang out with theirfriendsin the Tilley It has been creating a better college environment and it has Matt Cameron's approval."-Matt Cameron, JR

A student appreciatesthe scenic routeof the horse trail while ridingatthe Master's Inn Senior Nicole Pawlowskis said, "I enjoyed the wide variety ofeventsthat Student Activitiesoffered this year I have been riding horsesforyears so the opportunity to rideforfreewas great." Pi.

"Ibelieve that they're really putting a lot of money into things that,while good for the student body on a superficial level, detract from the experience as a whole,simply because we're missing key amenities such as parking and housing."

"I'm excited a new era has begun My firsttime voting and it counted!" - Alyssa Pegues, FR

"[At Common Ground] it's easy to be who you really are because you can say whatever you feel. You can be honest with yourself."- Anand Vissa, SO

"My favorite place to eatin Lynchburg is Chick-fil-A.The food's great and the service isalways unbelievable." -

"IfI could invitesomeone to sbeak at convo it would be George W, Bush because I feel likehe has stood firm as a leader for our country," -Shelley Rotruck,Staff


"There's nothing to do in Lynchburg," was a common phrase heard around campus. That notion changed with the onset of Ultimate LU, an action-packed array of activities and amenities geared forevery student

"Ultimate LU gives students multiple opportunities throughout the week to enjoy different forms of recreation,both indoor and outdoor," Chris Misiano,Director of Student Activities, said

The concept of Ultimate LU was designed to provide activities for students during down time.

For example,more double feature movie nights allowed students to enjoy movies like "Wall-E" and "Kung Fu Panda" forfree.

"Ilove the movies they play, and I also appreciate the free popcorn," Zach Buckler,senior, said

Students also played three-on-three grass volleyball, skated inthe new figure skating club, went white water rafting on the James River, enjoyed the Campus Artist Series of student concerts and even took gun safety courses.

The Tilley Student Center opened in September, allowing students to relax,play pool and do homework between classes ina contemporary and comfortable environment In addition,students could sign out to eitherTilley or the ILRC to socialize or study until 2 a.m

Patrick Andrews enjoyed Tilley even though he lived offcampus "Tilley'sa calm place to go ifyou want to escape," Andrews said "It'sso useful to us as students."

Justin Reid,a freshman worship major,said he visited Tilley four times a week "Iplay games,chill with friends and meet new people," he said "Ialso play guitar and sing at open mic every other Monday.'

According to Misiano,the total number of events offered for the fallsemester alone jumped from 32 infall2007 to 55 thisyear

Ultimate LU was featured inthe Roanoke Times on Oct 19,for its "cutting-edge extracurricular activities to attract students."

Misiano said,"There's guaranteed to be something for every student."


Play/Persevere RISK refinement in
•** . % ' >PS +V\: '«NJ >**ft$ fe >#5i 3?»WSi
"Iwould probably want tobe stranded on an island with PastorJohnnie Moore, only because he isso ADHD thathewould keep me entertained untilrescue came" Emily Long,JR
"I lovemarried life because my husband isaman afterGod's own heart. He helpsme staysane, points me toGod and makes me healthy lunches."-Kerne Anne Louie. JR
"I reallyenioy thethird floorof DeMoss because it'sopen tohanging out with my friendsand it'sarelaxed atmosphere" -Bethany Koran, FR
-theyear I turned twentysix-was theend ofayearthat became thebeginning ofmy new beginning" -TinaClark SR

Bethany Lam warms up during practice

Thisclub team was composed of beginners and expertsalike "I did gymnastics for eightyearsand competed through level nine. I was attracted totheclub team because it is a greatway to get back intothe sport I stopped competing years ago,so thisis a fun way to work my way backin,"

sophomore said

Megan Muller stunts on the uneven bars

The new team presented many forecoming challenges,but they embraced attitudes to overcome any obstacle "I am excited about participating inthe [gymnastics] club team I would liketo see the club grow and foreach person to gain more experience and become more skilled I would also liketo see us grow to a higher level of competition, maybe even division one,"Emily Mayhew, sophomore said -I

"My dream is to own my own business that "If I could go anywhere inthe world,I would "My favorite hall meeting activity willgive me the money I need to support go to Italyso then I could learn more about was dressing up for theme myself, but also use to help the livesof my heritage and where my grandparents nights."- Olivia Sheeser, JR those lessfortunate."- Joshua Whitaker,SR came from" - Ashley Munford, SR

"My greatestgoal is tocompletean ironman triathlon, which is a racewhere you dothree eventsback toback First swim, thenbikeand then finally a marathon."- Mark Brucker, JR

"My favoritecoffeeshop is theWhite Hartbecause it's cozy, they sometimes havelive music, thefood and I lovethe downtown atmosphere."-TaraEdwards, JR

She was devastated During her senior yearin high school Megan Muller was atthe top of her sport. Level 10 and qualified for nationals,she set her heart on a college career ingymnastics.Then came pain and the news that her L-3 vertebrae inher back had cracked. Potential colleges gave the thumbs down.

"When I saw inblack and white that I could not do it, I cried and cried,"she said "Iworked my whole lifefor that."

Our school turned up as an alternative plan "I always wanted to go to a Christian college,but I couldn't because of gymnastics," Muller,freshman, said "I was like, OK God, I'm going to go here and I don't know what you're going todo."

Half-way through the year, an announcement was made about the formation of a gymnastics club. "I came back after that [first] meeting and I started crying because I was so happy,so excited that we would have a gymnastics team," Mullersaid

Double back tucks on the floor Punch fronts and layouts on beam Straining muscles Pounding feet Practice began as Muller, with her back healed, joined over twenty students insetting the groundwork forthe newest club sport on campus.

"The atmosphere inthe gym ispositive and exciting,"junior Michelle Callissaid "I cannot wait to represent Liberty in upcoming competitions and give the student body another exciting school event to watch and enjoy."

Practicing on weeknights ina local gym, the gymnasts began to build skillsand relationships "I'm excited to compete for my school,meet new people and become a team," freshman Steven Lucia said.

The club welcomed alllevels "I am excited totry and compete again,"Brianna Crockett, junior, said "Gymnastics is the most challenging sport I have ever done,and I am excited to be challenged again."

A high-injury sport with bodies forced to twist and pound at alarming speeds and heights, fear was a factor that these gymnasts overcame daily through their love forthe sport "I do a lot of praying during gymnastics," Muller said with a laugh."Before I get ready to go do something, I'm like, 'One,two,three,oh Lord God please help me.'And I'djustgo."

Ultimate LU was not limited to just club sports and intramural activities, but also included a wide range of events that provide an opportunity for students to find an activity that fittheir unique personality and interests.

"Open mic is good togoto, whether you want tostudy while you arethere, conversewith friends, orjustkickyour feetup and chill and relax, all whilein the company ofgood and sometimes humorous entertainment Being on themic forme is definitelynerve racking, but it is agood experience regardless It is asmallstepthat can leadamusician anywhere if theyareseriousabout what they aredoing" -Melissa

"My biggest dream would be todo traveling nursing in Hawaiiand to do missionsin Africa."-Sarah Blair. JR

"My favoritespring breakwas when I went "I thinkmy favoritehall meeting would have to Georgiaand spenttheweekend withmy tobe when ChrisDeitchspokeon our hall, aunt I got tobringmy bestfriendfrom mainly because he's just reallyawkward back home withme" -DanielleTubbs JR and I like him" - ElizabethAcree, JR



Athletics came a long way sincethe very beginning Footballcoach Danny Rocco, men'sbasketball coach Ritchie McKay and women's soccer coach Jessica Celi were new coaches brought insince 2006 tobolster each team's performance within our division DirectorofAthleticsJeffBarber said, "We've created a rivalrywith Coastal Carolina Typicallythey'retheones we're going tohave tofighttowintheSasser Cup."

Students often wore red"Beat Coastal"t-shirts tofootball and basketball games toshow their schoolspirit.

Senior Travis Millsremembered the football team's 1-10 record forthe 2005 season "[Now] I think wehave better quality players, and wehave more professional and able coaches,"hesaid

AccordingtoToddWetmore.AssistantAthleticsDirector forCommunications,varioussportsexperienced record attendance.Over2,000attendedamen'ssoccergame,while asmany asl5,000rowdystudentsand fansfilledWilliams Stadiumforeachhomefootballgame.Thesenumberspropelled the school intoatop10spot forathleticattendance

SeniorJennaLandpraisedBarber'sathleticefforts."He's reallycoolandinterested in thestudent body,"shesaid "He's excited about getting usexcited aboutsports."

Land also said, "I think that w e are on theverge ofgreatness and that [our school is] going tobe really good in the next fiveyears School spiritisbeing redefined into areal college sports atmosphere."

Barber said,"We're starting traditionsand we're also having success I can't deny thefact that the coaches are recruiting theright kind ofplayersand youn g people."

"One ofthe coolest things about this "I wanted to do something really "It's amazing how God made in [the kids semester was finding out how awesome meaningful with my Saturday andnotjust thatneed tojustbe held," and inspiringthefreshmangirls on my hall something tofill time So I started going - Candace Davey, JR were" - ColleenCook, SO toCampus Serve,"- Maureen Lovetro, FR

xxxxx> <xxxx x xxxxx x xxx x xxx x Xxx x
"Inbetween classes, myfavorite thingtodois stop bythe library and flip through a magazine," - Carmen Granger, SO

Aformerfootballplayerstandsonthesideline atWilliamsStadium One can seewhat the football uniforms looked likeinthe1980's AlumnusKevinCorreasaid,"Theteamshave gottenmorecompetitiveona nationallevelit seems Igraduatedinmay2008,buteventhen the change in the athleticprogram was on therise Football,cross-country, and women's basketballall won conference titlesforthe firsttime inschool history."

Number 52 Ronnie Carter leaps inhopes totip the basketball to one of histeammates The game was against Lincoln on November 25, 1980 inthe old Schilling Center before itwas remodeled and we won the game 84 to 81 Ina matter ofdecades the University has observed many changes intheirathletic programs and facilities Alumnus Travis Campbell recalled, "When I got here in'02only our men's track, cross country team and women's basketball did well bn a consistent basis,but now the school is starting to get on the map in[other]sports with the addition of club teams like hockey"

With 12:12leftinthe quarter, second down and eight yards to go,the offensive player advances down the field craddeling the football as the opposing team tackles him inattempt to prevent a firstdown at a Homecoming game inthe 1980's New coaches have turned the University ina new and positive direction Alumnus Ben Handon said, "The addition of Coach Rocco and Coach Mckay inboth football and basketball [have changed the image of Liberty athletics] This is only Rocco's third season and Mckay's second and already things about their programs have people saying 'Liberty's legit.'"

The Flames hold theirtropheys with victorious spiritsas they have caputred the district title, NCCAA Basketball Champs, Past achievments have brought about an attitude of strength and perserverence Andrew McFadden,an Alumnus and assistant track coach stated,"I thinkit's great to see the new drive the work ethic of the athletic teams even since I was lastcompeting in 1996 We all see the fruitsof each other's labor really putting out for the one common purpose, toglorify God, I think now more than ever that message has been seen through the coaches and the playersas everyone is buying intothe mission and now we're reaping a lotof the payoff indifferent team successes It's great!"

Play/Persevere RISK 115
"I wanted todo something I enioyed as my "I love the area surrounding Jerry Falwell's "My favorite place isat Williams Stadium "My favorite place on campus is the Christian Service College Hill is fun and Memorial Sometimes Istand on the hill with 15,000 other screaming Flames fans baseball field There is nothing better than the kids have a lotof energy." and look out at the mountains.." watching the football team dominate" a baseball game on a nice Spring day " -Nathan Edwards JR - Chenoa Freeman JR - Jake Johnston GS - Alex Huddleston JR

What are the struggles that you have faced this year and how have you worked to overcome them?

Rachel Hammond

againstVirgina Commonwealth University "The women's team has shown a lot ofspirit and sportsmanship They have playedwell and kept theirenergy up They have displayed good sportsmanship and have given ussomething excitingto watch,"Kelly Mortensen, senior, said

Who or what has been a major encouragement for you this season?

Brolin Floyd and Seth Curryanticipate the ball's movement and potential rebound inthegame againstCoastal Carolina Flames won 68-55 "I wentto a game against UNC Ashevilleintending toleaveathalftime, but it was so close I decided tostayfor the restofthegame

It was so intensewith fansthrowing paper airplaneseverywhere, going crazy and therewas even a blimp in the vines!" Adam Parker, freshmansaid, Seth Curry out maneuvers hisopponent in thegame against Charleston Southern University which ended ina 79-60 flamesvictory Fueling the school spirit and excitement thatfilledtheVines Center on game nights, theSpiritband belted out both traditionaland modern crowd pleaserswith the intensity that only big brassand percussion can muster "Being in thejazzband gives you a differentperspective on thegame

The playerssay they appreciatethe band forsetting the mood and getting them pumped up,"RachaelChastain, freshman said PHOTOSBYLESSCHOFER

drivesthe ball in the pre-season game
"The homecoming eventsand thingsare "Common Ground is agreat placewhere "Thefacultyis helpful They know what "The best place totake adate is the great, but it's alsoatime forme tocatch students areabletogather and worship they're talkingabout, and they let me know Mezzanine because it's smallbut up with friends."- Don Wood,Alumnus in a personable manner outside of exactlywhat I need to do for me togetthe classy and you can enjoy eachother's campus church."- Grant Ingvalson, SO highestpossiblegrade." -Zach Seelinger, FR company."
- Brandon Baker SR



He may have been the leading freshman scorer inthe nation,but the media agreed that the Flames were the ones whoscored bigwhen they recruited Seth Curry toplay on the basketball team

"Ilove the atmosphere atLiberty.I love Coach McKay I have a lotoffun playing for the basketball team," Curry said

Even though hewasthe sonof former NBA star Dell Curry Seth wasoverlooked by bigger schools because ofhis size — by the same schools that overlooked his brother,Stephen.

The Curry name became known throughout households across the nation Becauseof their basketball roots,the brothers were cast intothe spotlight andoften compared to each other andtheirfather

However,Seth didnot mind the comparison to the Currys whowore the number 30 before him He said, "Ilove beinc 5d to such great players It helps me to play my best every night because I know I have tokeep upwith them."

Curry's teammates thought highly ofhim Junior Tyler Baker said, "Seth is a really good player He's smart He's really good, buthe's also humble,"

Head Coach Ritchie McKay recapped a recruiting trip inthe Dec 16issue of the Chicago Tribune Ho said "I thought,'That kidis going tobe special.'" id, "I thought,'That kidis going to

Adding Curry wasnotthe onlysrr recruiting decision the coach iade "The coaching staff has done agood job ofrecruiting a lotofguys rharacter," Baker said team of

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jn toadjus j the froshnrv jam became accustomed to itc media Baker said, for our mr

ik thenation id good right way. Seth good foi

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Play/Persevere RISK W 7,>
FS f
"IfIcouldinvitesomeonetospeakatconvoI "My favoriteplacetostudy is thelibrary "Ienjoyhelpingandencouragingyoungpeople "I would want tobe stranded onadesert ouldinvitePresidentObama ltdbenicetoget because it keepsme less distracted than toseetheworldandexpandtheirviewofGod's islandwith Johnnie Moore because he apersonaltalk'fromhim-especiallytoagroup being athome where I can watch TV or workinothercountries,learningtotrustGod is constantly talkingso I would never f conservativeChristians'-SherylynRow SR clean instead ofstudy"- Sarah Wilson JR throughoutthefundraismg" -EvanSprankle JR be bored" - Jacob Singleton, SO

The two rounds portray part ofthe November 11 match against GardnerWebb The flames defeated the Bulldogs 43-6 Wrestling fans attended | the matches forthe excitement and energy wrestlers bring to the Vines Center "I liked the intensity of thesport Two guys out on a mat,one on one, giving it all they've got,"Maria Owens, sophomore said PHOTOSBYLE!

"On weekends I love coffee shop hunting with my [friends],going to art shows,salsa dancing and the dollar theater."-Kate Williams,SR

"If I could go anywhere in theworld, I would "My favorite Convocation memory was "My most memorable spring break waswhe go toItalyso then I could learn more about when the cutest 'Children of the World' wentto Florida withsome ofmy closestfriends my heritage and where my grandparents came and performed They were so Itwasawesomejust beingabletorelaxandtak came from." - Ashley Munford,SR precious."- Noel Sagan,JR aweek offfrom school." -BekiEisentrout, FR



Determined tocontinue hislifetime ofwrestling, senior Christian Smith overcame major injuriesand attended two different colleges before he took the opportunity towrestlewith theFlames

"Ihave been wrestling since I was fouryears old,"Smith said, "so essentially, my entire life My fatherwrestled for Liberty when he was incollege, and he coached me."

Smith losttwo years ofcompetition due to injuries, transferring and a paperwork mix-up Because ofthis, he was granted a rare sixthyear ofcompetition from the NCAA

After having a 91percent winning record during high school,Smith began wrestling forDuke University where he was named "Freshman of the Year."During hissecond year there, a shoulder injury resulted ina medical redshirtcausing him to sit out for the remainder ofthe season

The following year, Smith transferred toVirginia Tech Before the season started, he torethe meniscus inhisknee, preventing him from even standing "While trying toavoid sitting out another season due to injuries, my coaches and I agreed totake my cartilage out altogether, with hopes of being abletocompete that season,"Smith said. The surgery went well, but when he tried to startwrestling again, he torethe other side ofthe meniscus

Around thattime, Smith learned ofthe Flames reinstating theirwrestling program,which he claimed he had prayed forinhigh school "My father wrestled forLiberty and 1 had always desired to attend and compete for a universitywith which Ishared the same beliefsand values,"he said

After making the decision totransfer, Smith had to sit out of competition fora full year because ofthe NCA A transferrule Despite missing half the season when the program was officiallyreinstated, he qualified for the NCA A National Championship at125pounds

Smith's teammates believed he was a trueteam player "I know he would go out ofhisway tohelp others and willdo anything he can tohelp contribute tothe team,"Chris Daggett, senior, said Senior Tim Harner agreed, explaining Smith'svalue tothe team Harner said, "Christian isa leader, whether he knows itor not."

What hasbeen themost difficultaspect of wrestling and how have you been able to overcome thosetrials?

"The most difficultaspect ofmy wrestling experience isadjusting tothe higher level ofcompetition that Division I wrestling is compared tohigh school Also, just being abletocompete with thebest guys inthenation is a challenge I have been abletomeet thechallenges I have faced because ofgreat teammates that have been thereforme, whether it was an extra workout that I needed tomake weight orjustthemotivation during a match," Sean Katz, JR

^ 3

What hasbeen themost rewarding aspect ofbeing a part ofthe wrestling team?

"Ithasbeen rewarding toseethechanges inallthelives oftheLibertywrestling team members including myself. So many peoplecame heretomerely wrestleand had little intenton having arelationship with theLORD,butthathas definitely changed throughout my threeyears here Of course I do enjoy winning matches and celebrating victorieswiththeteam butthere isnothing more fulfilling than knowing that I will seethese guys in heaven someday There is much thanks due tobe giventoCoach Sole Coach Castroand

"First ofall, I justlove playinggames Butduring "My goal is toown my own restaurant one

hall meeting, it'sa greatwaytospce things upand day, and my dream is to be

interactwithpeoplethatyou'venevermetbuthave and

been livingon thesamehall."-CarmenGooder.JR

Play/Persevere RISK refinement 119 PRESSING
PatrickWalker fortheirinput in all ofour lives." Christopher Daggett, SR
"Since Lynchburg issuch a crazy exciting "My favorite coffee shop in Lynchburg is
well known place tolive, my favoriteweekend activity TheWhite Hartbecause ofits uniqueness"
rich"- DanielOh SR is to play hide and go seek tag in Wal- - Kendra Mann,SR
Mart"-Christine Ford, FR



From USA Today to SportsIllustratedtoRunner's World, he became the one ofthe most talked about runners on thetrack and cross country teams Sophomore Sam Chelanga attracted media attention from all overthe nationbecause ofhisrecord-breaking performances.

Chelanga,originallyfrom Nairobi, Kenya,said, "I likethefact thatI represent something more thanjustaschoolor atrophy.That issharing the love ofJesus Christand spreading theGospel."

Coach Brant Tolsma appreciated the opportunity tohave such talented runners likeChelanga on theteam."Having tWO different runners intheracefor nationalchampion in cross country twoyearsinarow was almost unbelievable certainlyanamazing blessingfrom God," he said.

Chelanga was passionate about making surethe attention was brought more on the school ratherthan hisown achievements He said, "Iam happy thatevery time people see medoing something great, they see ouruniversity So the attentionis actuallygood because people gettoknow thatthere isanamazing school calledLiberty."

Not onlywere the media fansofChelanga, but sowere histeammates. SeniorJarvisJelen said, "Sam is one ofthe coolestpeople I have ever met He adds alottoour team and isgreattohave as a friend."

SeniorAaron Kolk alsoenjoyed being on theteam with Chelanga."One reason I wanted torun here is becauseI wanted tobe on ateam with great runners I think Samadds a lotofgood things totheteam thatI can tell so far."

Freshman Denise Troyer enjoyed racing with Chelanga "Sam is reallyinspiring totherestofus and gives awesome advice onimproving your running technique,"shesaid

Though Chelanga had alreadybroken records, including clocking the number two all-timecollegiatemark,13:1979 inthe 5,000-meter run, he still had acoupleyearstocontinue togrow.Tolsma said, "Sam certainly picked up where Josh [McDougal] leftoff, and he is only asophomore, sowelook forward tosome great days ahead."5T0RYBYBROOKEMCDOWELL

A student participatesin a crosscountry race Competitive running required many hoursoftrainingeach weekin additiontoscheduled practices "As trackand fieldathletesweareto train hard withthegoal ofgrowing mentally, spiritually, physically, and emotionallyto be like Christin every situation. Noother team in thecountry competes withthe ultimategoalofmagnifying and exalting JesusChristinstead ofourselves We prideourselvesinrunning for the audience ofOne," PhilipLeineweber, senior, said. PHOTOB>II ELCOLEMAN

"ForValentine'sDay mydorm and our brotherdorm had ajointhallmeeting During jointprayergroups we did speed dating"-KiraMohler, SO



"Myidealspringbreakwouldbespentonthe "I lovedthestringtrio at the Christmas freshmanyearwhentwoofmyfriendsandI beachinFloridawithmyfeetinthesandandthe Coffeehousethis pastwinter One ofmy madeaspontaneousdecision likethreeweeksin sunonmy back Justhangingoutwithfriends friends was theviolinplayerand his brothe advancetogotoFlorida."-SamanthaPattern,JR andhavingagoodtime"-JoshGentilella.FR was thecellist." - Joy

A member of the track team makes the high jump look easy Team members competed ina wide variety ofevents, from sprints, to pole vaulting to the javelin throw Sophomore Dacia Bushman, said, "I absolutely love running on the track team, I love how the team is unified inChrist and though there are many different events, we allhave one main goal - to glorify God in all we do."

What kind of adjustments have you had to make inyour schedule to be a part of the team?

"Ihave had to take the earliest classes all four years to fit them inbefore practice Coaches also recommend eight to ten hours of sleep fortop performance, and I realized if I wanted to give running my allI would have to cut out on the late nights with friends and get to bed on time People ask how I balance nursing and running allthe time,and I tellthemI wouldn't have it any other way It helps me livea disciplined colvlege life, and I enjoy that feeling."-Ashley

With a look of determination Matt Parker clears a hurdle during a race. The same determination shown on the track carried over to members' everyday livesas they remained focused on both athletics and academics Somphomore Athletic Trainer, TJ Knoche, commented on hisexperiences with the team."I really enjoy working with the team The coaches push them to achieve excellence on and offthe track [The team] work[s]very hard to achieve those goals and they are a joy to work with They are not only great athletes,but great people," he said

What aresome ofthe most rewarding aspects about being on thetrackand field team?

"As a track athlete at Liberty,I have learned dedication that is fortified by discipline and an attitude of subservience to God's will I am still very immature and stinted inmany areas of my life, but to not acknowledge the growth that has taken place in my lifethrough track and field would certainly show a poverty of gratitude and perspective

One ofour coaches,Coach Bingham, is a model of the man that I would love to become one day Hisspiritual maturity and love forpeople,especially hiswife, are second to none,and I try to emulate him as he emulates Christ"

Play/Persevere refinement 121
"I askedafriendtoplay 21questionsHetold me it "My favorite thing to do on the weekends "My favorite coffee shop isthe Starbucks "OnetimeatconvocatonI wastalkingabout wasastupdgirtygame butplayed Hewentfirst isto spend a lotof time with my friends in Boonsboro because it is never very someoneand IfellupthestepsMy roommatetold andasked ifI'dgoout onValentine's Daywith doing a lotof nothing " - Eva Messmer JR crowded" - Rachel Snyder,SR me that I shouldstoptalking badaboutpeople him We ended updating" - ElizabethBaldwin, FR becauseGod didn't like it" - Jazzmm Duff, JR

"Mv favoritecoffeeshop inLynchburg is the "My BHAG would be singing and playing "I love watching people fall asleep in "I love snowboarding at Wintergreen on Drowsy Poet Smiley makes my day every the piano in front of hundreds and Convo My friend and I tape them on our the weekends and anything else thatis time I go in there Also Milton's[milkshakes] hundreds of people nationally." phones sometimes."- KikiShivers,FR outdoors." - Emily Treichler,JR aretheabsolute best."-BrittanieKiebler,SO Chanel Williams, FR

My dream is to help children learn skills "My favoritethingtodoontheweekend isdo "IfI could be someone famous for a day I "My favoritehome cooked meal is chicken so they can become the leaders of the homework,clean,go tothemovies, hang out would be Thelma Wells I would lovenothing parmesan ' -Joe Cutz FR future,"-Kanann Durst,FR withfriendsand theonlysmartthingtodo in more than totravelthe world and share my Lynchburg -eat"-Amanda Daniele. SR heartwith otherwomen" -Jane Blaney,SR

Play/Persevere refinement / 123



Coming into his first seasonas head coach, Jim Toman ledthebaseball team and helped setnew records, including thehighestwinning percentageinMay.

Reaching the point of victories did not come easy for allof the players



After adisappointing knee injury,Senior Tyler Light took a different perspective onthe game of baseball

Light tore hisACLandmeniscus playing basketball his Senior year of high school, costing himthe majority of the basketball season andthe entire baseball season.

Light hadtolearn howto overcome thisinjury

"More than anything [patience] iswhat I had to learn,especially with that injury,"hesaid."It was something that was going to take time nomatterhow hard I pushed itorhowhard I wanted it to heal."

"The biggest learning experience I haveacquired through sports is tonever think too much aboutthe negativethings and alwayslearn from past failures."

- Jeff Jefferson SO

Light hadchosen thiscollege before his injury occurred Healways wanted toplay collegiate baseball for a Division-I school,butbeing from Los Angeles, hadnever heard of our school. After his dadsent himto a baseball camp here, he decided "itseemed likea unique place."

Teammate Andrew Wilson said, "[Light] has contributed to the team by being a key reliever.He has come out of the bullpen and helped our team winbig games."

Hecamehereasafreshmanhurtandrecoveringfrommajor surgery Hehadhissecondstartayeartothedayofhissurgery

"After losing everything andhaving to sitout, it kind of put things in perspective for me, realizingGod needs tocome first in my life,"Light said "Itturned my world upside down I learned a lotfrom it and to this dayI want to beknown asa Christian first and a baseball player second It'ssomething I do; It's not who I am I don't think I would have ever learned that had I notlearned it the hard way."

"[It's hard] beingaway from home I amfrom "Balancing school and aschool sport can "I took a trip toSpam, Italy and France "I love thearea surrounding Jerry Falwell' South Korea and adapting to theUnited bepretty tough,I do track andwhen we with Liberty this past spring and itwas Memorial Sometimes I stand on the hil Stateshas been difficult." - SujinKim, FR travelit can get hecticwith homework," amazing." - Whitney Bowers SR and look out atthemountains." -ErinHudson,JR - Chenoa Freeman, JR

Junior Kenneth Negron steps up to the plateto bat against his opponent Junior Kenley Teufel said "I enjoy going to baseball games because I liketo go and encourage my brother who plays on the team Baseball games have been watched inmy house ever since I was a child, soI somewhat understand whatthe game is all about Plus,it's agood chance to socialize with friends while supporting the team."

From lefttoright senior David Giammaresi, junior TylerLight, sophomore Errol Hollinger and junior Cody Brown bow their heads inunision for prayer before the game begins Pitcher Joe Steinwedell, a senior, said "Our team goal for thisyear is to win our conference andgo toa regional and hopefully beyond that Last year was disappointing losing inthe finals to Coastal but we have a lotofnew faces thisyear that willhelp usto victory."

Catcher Errol Hollinger ajunior, hurries to gettheball inhopes tostop Virgina «f Tech from scoring Junior Naomi Rivera stated "I usually attend thebaseball games with my fiance Matt, who is a huge baseball fan.He often has to fill me inon what's going on since I prefer the social excitement ofthe games The lights are agreat addition and make evening games a fun alternative"

Play/Persevere RISK
ifo 4
«»•••••'. • •' '.--• • •*•' c * ,
"My favorite place isat Williams Stadium "Myfavorite place to be on campus is inmy "My favorite place on campus is the "Outside the track [I like] the LaHaye with 15.000 other screaming Flames fans room because thegirls from my dorm make baseball field There is nothing better than center I want tosetsome records onthe watching thefootball team dominate." life so much fun"- Jacqueline Palmer JR a baseball game on a nice spring day" track though " - Chris Best SO -Jake Johnson GS " Ale x Huddleston JR



Challenges arose throughout the Softball season,but the team chose to focus on something other than the negative aspects

One challenge was the amount of new players on the team Softball media correspondent, Todd Wetmore,said,"More than fifty percent of their team are newcomers." There were seven freshmen and a juniortransfer

However, head coach Paul Wetmore looked past the challenges "It's not just Softball There's more to it than that,"he said

The sense of community shone when they played at Virginia Tech on April 16, justone year afterthe Virginia Tech massacre "[After dinner] we went to the candlelight vigiltogether," Paul Wetmore said. "Itwas a ten-minute walk and they walked us right back to our bus and I watched our kids hug their kids, and I thought,'How priceless is that?'People don't see that in athletics."

Freshman Elena Lampman said,"Win or lose,we always find a way to stick together and never letthe game bring us down."

Paul Wetmore agreed, "I think the team chemistry is good I'm not justsaying that."

Coach Wetmore prayed and delivered a gospel message to the players, and the Lady Flames offered tracts to the other players."We've been faithful inpassing out those tracts,"Paul Wetmore said "We've done it allover the country."

The Softball team's mission was more than justthe game—they were witnesses for Christ to every team they played. I E i

" I have yettofindanother place thatcan "Liberty has a variety of sports and accome close to matching the yearning for tivities forboth seriousathletesand those spiritualgrowth thatis in thisschool." who justwant tohave fun."
- Zac Sotomayer,SO
- Charity Holland, FR
"Iplay hockey here and its why I came "I have togo turtlehunting forone of m wish itwas a recognized sport but it classes here We hold this 80s antenna doesn't matter We'reawesome." thing and walk around lookingfor them."
- Josh Ahier, SR
- MattWood, SR


Former high school Softball player, Jennifer Pittman,decided herjunior year ofcollege to see if she could join the Softball team She decided to tryto walk on to the team She went through three days of try-outs and was told that she had been selected to jointhe team Making the team had been both a difficultand beneficial experience Due to new levelsof commitment, Pittman had to carfully arrange her schedule so she could accomplish allthat needed to get done Some of the obstacles she encountered sincejoining the team were "getting up and going to practice at 5:15 on Monday,Wednesday and Fridays, and trying to fit inschoolwork has been challenging I have really had toprioritize and make time forwhat is important." Life had definitely changed inthe amount of free time she had Practices not only occured inthe morning three times a week,but also inthe afternoons Monday through Saturday,Despite thechallenges, "the accomplishment of making a Division 1 college team has been a great and rewarding experience," Pittman said

Play/Persevere RISK j_ 127
Dana Wheeler,a sophomore,pitches the ball Senior Kelly Good said, "Iam really good friends with the girls[on the team] and we lived together lastyear I enjoy going to all of theirgames and being able to cheer foreach girlby name I love seeing my friends work hard and succeed at something they love so much." "On my downtime I love running the "My friends are my family Ihave friends "I've learned so much about myself and "Most of my friends here Imet on Facetrails on the mountain with my dog" back home But here, these people are grown a lot in Christ since I've been here book" -Steph Kearns.FR -Megan Law SR family" -Kira Domeier JR There isjustsomething special atLiberty." -Dana Chepulis JR

"I'll never forget my Communication Perspectives classwith Dr CliffKelly I wish every student had to take a class with him to graduate."- KristinAntes JR

"Atno other school can you get whole dorms to pray together - it's awesome." -Jared Groenewegen, FR

"Myjobisawesome I gettodoeveryday "North Campus Cafe is my favoriteplace mundanethingsbutknow forcertainthatwhat to eat since it has a lotofoptions and I Ido hasalastingand eternal impactin the really likeChick-fil-A."-Katie Gilligan, SO Kingdom ofHeaven." -AngelaWhitworth,Staff

"The most rewarding thing about my job is "I'dlove to work fora Missions Organization "My favoriteplace on campus is either "I had thepnvilegeoftwo missionarieswho had thatit is a short walk from my dorm and it's as a photographer and a journalist the swimming pool or the iceskating rink yearsoffield experiencetoteachan animism an incredible place towork with unbelievable Traveling the world is a dream of mine and because you can spend more time with your class They incorporated fascinatingand enticing Christian employees" - Jeremy Bourdon SO photography is my passion" - Jake Ford SO friendsand have fun yourself"- Grace Ju,SO storieswith Biblicaltruths" - Anna Kiewit JR

Play/Persevere RISK refinement 129

"The homecoming atmosphere is just likefunchaos because the campus isbuzzing Everyone goes around checking the new and oldstuff It's fun, but crowded." - Nichole Miglis,SO

"[The Point] is an amazing time of "I love totalk with students about worship inan intimate setting as you are important things,I hope tolearn surrounded by students with the same mor e myself, and I hope they passions for Christ."- Parker Jones, SR lear n mor e t0 °" " Ga y |e n LeverettAssistant Professor ofTheology

"Proverbs tells us straightforwardly what not togetinto It gives wisdom inlife and sets down rules of what I should doas Christian."-BillMcLarnon,FR

"Ilike helping people because I'm here to "My favorite blace in Lynchburg to have "One of the reasons Liberty stands out to "One thing about Liberty is the professors serve others It makes me warm and fuzzy dinner is Pueblo Viejo because they have rne from the other colleges I'veattended and how caring and knowledgeable inside" -Frank Hu SR trie best burrito supreme in the world!"IS th e feelmg of oneness Whenever they are I also really enioy convocation

Stefannie Miller SR you're having a bad day others around and have been lifted by the speakers you brighten your day" - Jon Krauter JR that have come in"-Kayla Sasser JR

Educate/Equip RISK 131

OH photo SNAP gallery


Subject: Rain Drops on Windshield

Date: September 5, 2008

Camera:Nikon D40

Focal length:40.0mm

Shutter: 1/60

F-Stop: f/5.0

ISO: 400



Date: January 13, 2008

Camera:Kodak Z812

Focal length: 10.5mm

Shutter: 1/30

F-Stop: f/3.2

ISO: 400



Location:Cafe inNew York

City Date:November 17, 2007

Camera:Nikon D40

Focal length:19.0mm

Shutter: 1/60

F-Stop: f/4.0

ISO: 200

"I was disappointed with some of the reactions, because regardlessofthe way you voted, thisis your President We need to be united."- Kenyetta

"The verse thatfires me up to overcome obstacles is Philippines4:13 Ithelps me become humbled every time I think about it." - Samuel Pak, SR
"After I graduateI would like to move to St, Louis and become anInvestment
Representativefor EdwardJones InvestmentsbecauseI have always enjoyed workingwithnumbers, - Chris Porter, JR
My favoriteplaceto have dinner in Lynchburg is Ml Patron.I loveMexican food!Ml Patron is more authentic and theemployees areso nice." -
Andrea Oberhelman,Grad Student
Coles, SO

"The Point is unique inthat it is a service lead by students for students inan attempt to do a verse by verse study of the Bible."-Leslie Phelps SR

"When you actually have to force yourself "The addition of Liberty's gymnastics to do new things,that'swhen you get the club made my semester It feels most expression because you don't have great to be back ina gym again." a clue what's going on" - Rob Hewitt SR - Noelle Blankenship,JR

"Being Jewish gives me a unique perspective on the predominantly Southern Baptist LU Jewish churches are smaller with more of an emphasis on the Old Testament Shimon Galiley, SO

Educate/Equip RISK 133

OH photo SNAP gallery





Focal length:22.0mm


Shutter: 1/160

F-Stop: f/8.0

ISO: 100


Subject: Plant

Camera:Nikon D50

Focal length:80.0mm

Program: manual

Shutter: 1/200

F-Stop: f/5.6

ISO: 200



Description: "I took thispicture in downtown Lynchburg It isjust a pictureofa random ladderleaning againsta random wall, buttheangle and thecolorscame togetherjust the way I hoped Thispicturewill always remind me ofmy photo walkswith dear friendsall overdowntown."

"The verse thatfires me up to overcome obstacles is Philippmans 4:13 Ithelps me become humbled every time I think about it." - Samuel Pak, SR
"After I graduate 1 wouldliketo moveto St Louis Myfavorite place to havedinner in Lynchburg "I wasdisappointed with some of the andbecomean investment Representative for isMiPatron I love Mexicanfood! MiPatron reactions, because regardlessofthe wa EdwardJones Investments because I havealways ismoreauthentic and theemployeesare youvoted, thisis your President, We enjoyedworking with numbers - Chris PorterJR sonice." -Andrea Oberhelman, GS need tobe
Coles, S

"BeingJewishgivesme auniqueperspectiveonthe predominantlySouthernBaptist [school] Jewish churchesaresmaller withmoreofanemphasis ontheOldTestament" -ShimonGaliley, SO

Educate/Equip RISK 135
JOHNATHANPIERC Camera: Canon Rebel XTi // Focal length:80.0mm // Program: shutter priority // Shutter:1/200 // F-Stop: f/10.0// ISO: 1600 "The Point isunique inthat itis a service led by students for students m an attempt to do a verse by verse study of the Bible" -Leslie Phelps SR "When you actually have to force yourself "The addition of Liberty's gymnastics to do new things,that's when you get the club made my semester It feels most expression because you don't have great to be back ina gym again." a clue what's gcmg on."- Rob Hewitt SR - Noelle Blankenship,JR

"My favorite coffee shop is the Muse in Wyndhurst their bakery stuff is the best and goes so good with a drip coffee." - Dana Pettus, FR

"My absolutefavorite hall meeting is thename "The pet storeon Ward's Road is one ofmy "Thefunniestconvo moment everwastheguy game whereyou divide thehall withablanket favoriterandom weekend activities I like David, who protested thehair lengthrulein and guesswho is on theotherside when the pretending tobe interested so thatthey let front ofthewhole studentbodytothespeaker blanketdrops. It's sointense." - KelleyRucker, JR me playwiththe puppies,"-JillianStewart, JR MikeHuckabee."-JessicaMaurhoff,SO



"I leftmy dad inthevillage,"Achuk said He laterlearned hisfatherdied inthewar. He also had brothers and cousins who were killed

Along thejourney, Achuk and others sawa great deal ofdeath He said they lostpeopleto diseases, starvation, exhaustion,crocodiles while trying topass through rivers, attacks by other tribes along theway and psychological problems

Achuk explained how some of the boys with mental disease acted."They would juststartscreaming a name Whatever name that came tohismind He would becrying,running around mentioning that name, notwanting toeatanymore,notwanting to drink Aftertwodays youwould seehim changing color — noteven black anymore — getting whiterand whiter Finally, lateron youwould find him dead."

Water wasscarce along the way and theboys resorted todrinking mud justtotrytohydrate

"[Igotthrough it] through God I was notsure I would make it It was horrible Very difficult," hesaid

Achuk and theothers with him were the first people totherefugee camp inEthiopia After reaching theirdestination, they found there was no food there They had to"startfrom scratch."

While they were at thecamp,theUnited Nations High Commissioner forRefugees came and took picturesto document and gave theboys medicines and oral salts.

The boys were still a targetforthe government After living and going toschool forfouryears in Ethiopia, they fled through Sudan toKenya to another camp,an eight-month journey,where they studied inschool fornine more years

Education wasvery important totherebelleaders

However,"The goal of the UN forthe refugees was just to keep them alive, butnottosatisfy theirneeds So education wasa minor thing for[the UN]," Achuk said Catholic missionaries who visited theboys inEthiopia, came back tothestateswith a proposal tobringthe boys here The proposal wasapproved in1997 In 1998 they told theboys they would be coming toAmerica.

"Atfirstpeople didn't want togo," Achuk said He explained thatthey thought they were being deceived

Achuk thought,"Why not? It's notcosting me anything." He said, "ButI wasalsovery skeptical because Ididn'twant toleave my country I couldn't waitto grow up and go back toSudan — that was my goal."

"We had been suffering and God hada plan forus," Achuk said "I willputall my trust in God Wherever God wants me togo, I'llgo" He arrived inthestateson Dec 4, 2000

"We didn'teven know where we were going,"hesaid. He lived with four cousinsand friendsinan apartment inMichiganfirst.

"We had never been incities W e didn't even know how toswitch thelightoffand on We had never used a refrigerator,"Achuk said "Even now I'mstill notused toeverything."

After passing theEnglish asa Second Language exam,Achuk passed theGEDtest, qualifying himtoattend a community college inMichigan where hestudied fortwo years.

He graduated from Calvin College in December 2006 and worked threejobsto send money back tohisfamily inSudan

Achuk became interested intheuniversity afterdiscovering Jerry Falwell, Sr.'s articles on men intheministry. "I ended up reading all hisarticlesabout it," Achuk said Since heagreed with almost everything Falwell stood for, Achuk looked intothecollege Ittook himabout twoor three years todecide tofinallycome here forSeminary,which he paid forthrough financial aidand student loans

Achuk said, "I have togo back tosee the country, seethepeople, seehow life is backin Sudan,and then come back and prepare myself to [livethere permanently] That is my goal."

Over Christmas break, Achuk returned home toSudan afterbeing gone 21 years

Despite having once fled forhislife, Achuk was determined that Sudan wastheplace where hewould oneday returntohelphis people He said, "Tobuild people's livesisthe most importantthing."

Tailgatingfor the firstfootballgameofthe season "One night I fell offofthetopbunk was the mostmemofabteactivityWehaveone onto my chairwhich tipped back, ssterdormandone brotherdocmso itwas crazy then onto apileoflaundry and finally gettingallthreedormstogether"-BrettGilley,FR onto thefloor" -KieraSchneder, FR

Interact/Inspire RISK -efinement 137
"One of the funniestmomentsIhaveeverhad "The guy[Todd Rukes]thatsang withmyroommateswouldbe haveto the times "I'mYours" atChristmas Coffeehouse she randomlywhipsout her crazydemonicvoice wasamazing Hewasvery unique to makefun of people"-KatieCampbell SO andtalented" -Aaron Garcia SO

Mark and Maria Phillips pause for a romantic kiss shortly after getting married Although some students decided totiethe knot while still in school,others think it isbest to wait untilafter graduation Senior,Michelle Lust,said, "I didn't want toget married inschool Thefinancial pressures,role differences,balancing school andwife duties were not what I wanted There's a time inlife for everything." ~i i IT


The faces ofNate and P3HEJ glow with excitement asthey pose for a photo after their wedding "Beftg married has been a whole new world for me while working fulltimeand also completing my Masters Degree," said Bekah,"Ithought it would be difficult balancing allthese things, but I've absolutely love being married ahd having someone there to supportand encourage me constantly It is sonice coming home to my husband each day. We are learning tobalance our time wisely with everything we have goingon, and plan time for each other."




"I wouldn't mind giving eHarmony a chance ifIam thirty and still single."


"Iwould not consider dating someone online because he could be a creeper."


"You can meet someone online,but to date I would have to meet them in person and get to know them."


"Online dating is for creepers It is dangerous and Ichoose not to participate."

Jacob and Alysha Clee embrace on his grandparents' property where the wedding shoot took place Some studentsfound thatmarriage was not a distraction but ratherthe company and encouragement ofa spouse made college life easier "When we decided toget married afterour sophomore year, most people said it was goingto complicate our lives and make things reallydifficult Ironically, we both get bettergrades, and we have seen God provideforus in ways we never expected Marriage isnotfor every college couple, but college should not be a barrierfor those who areready otherwise," Jacob Pierce, junior, said PHOTOB> BRETTHASTIE


"Iwould have to meet them in person to see what they were reallylike Kind of liketest driving acar."

"My goal inlife istodo whatever it takes "My favoritehallmeeting activity iswhen "Iwant totraveltoas many places to be in a position tohelp kidsinpoverty- a few other ladiesand I got thechance intheworld as I can and work atan stricken areasto be psychologically toshare our testimonies and how God is orphanage overseassomewhere." healthy and happy."-Jessika Foster, SR moving in our lives." -Erica Callicutt, SO -Lindsay Botzenhart, JR

"My favorite brotherand sisteractivitywaswhen we hadatalentshow betweenthedorms Ithink itwasauniqueway togetto know everyoneand I would lovetodo itagain." - SpencerParks,SO



The ceremony was beautiful. The reception, memorable, but Seniors Justin and Jenilee Boogades faced unexpected changes just days aftertheir walk down the aisle "When we came back from our honeymoon we learned that [Justin]had to work the night shiftor else get fired,"Jenileesaid

Justin put school onhold to work fulltime atahotel and Jenilee worked two jobs and studied

Like the Boogades's,Drew Menard,senior, and his wife Naomi,senior, worked to survive financial woes Both full-time students,Drew worked full-time while Naomi worked part-time."Being inschool takes away a lotof time forwork," Drew said. "Also,being married brings more bills, and with cutbacks at work, I find myself pinching pennies at the end of every month."

To prepare forfuture struggles,engaged couples often sought counsel for practical wisdom inpremarital counseling "They want amarriage that starts offonthe right foot,"said Dr Victor Hinson,director of Master of Arts inProfessional Counseling

Junior Kerrie Louie and her husband Peter, a graduate,worked with theirchurch to prepare for marriage "Our pastor spent afew months doing good, solid, biblical premarital counseling with us," Kerrie said "I have also been meeting forover ayear with a woman inmy church whohas three adult daughters The amount of wisdom she has shared with meis absolutely priceless."

Young couples worked with what they had and turned often unpleasant circumstances into relationship-building opportunities "Sharing one car to save money is fun but challenging," Kerrie said. "It takes teamwork to coordinate our schedules so that we can both get the things done that require acar It's good forour relationship, though W e can spend extra time together inthe day because wecarpool."

Young andinlove, engaged andnewlyweds alike faced the future with their special someone attheir side Senior Jennifer Statler and her fiance,graduate Kevin Dail, faced unknowns,such as where to live,work and attend graduate school,but were unconcerned Statler said,"I don't know where we willbegoing, but I have peace that it'll allwork out."

Zach and Crystal Beams celebrate theirmarriage Many couples found thatmarriage required learning new approaches toeverydaysituations.

"We're both used tostudying theBible on our own, praying on our own and now we'retryingtoget used totheidea ofpraying with somebody elseall the time and we're reallyencouraging and building each other up spiritually,"Casey Johnson, junior said.

Irememberaguywho[spokeatconvocation] "My favoritethingtodo on weekends aboutthe powerofjustsayingthankyou. He is spend timewith friends, but broughtfreethingsthatcompaniessenthimafter I barely do thatbecause I have he wrotelettersofappreciation."-TonyWicks JR tostudy" -Blaine Hagler, JR

"For spring breakI hadthe opportunityto go "GrowingupinsouthernCalifornia, I was to Taiwanandstayinanorphanagefor a week alwaysiealousof thosewho lived in placeswith We got to workwiththe kidsandjustbeableto seasons Aftera fewyearsonthe East Coast loveon them Itchangedmy life"-RoryTyer SR fall ismy favoriteseason"- JamesKimmey JR

Interact/Inspire RISK refinement 139


Though Virginia had voted Republican for over 40 years,polls consistently showed a race too close to call Such a reality,and statistics indicating low percentages of student voters,prompted Chancellor Jerry Falwell Jr to start a voter registration drive He encouraged students to register locally rather than voting through absentee ballots Falwell's argument was that votes cast in a battleground state would carry much more significance than those given in states where one candidate had a decided lead His call to action motivated students like freshman Chelsi Smith. "Iwent around Lynchburg and handed out literature," she said

National headlines featured Falwell's school once again as the registration of over 4,200 new voters in Lynchburg prompted plenty of predictions that our student votes could swing Virginia for McCain Falwell cancelled classes on Nov 4,2008, freeing up time for students to exercise their voting rights at local poling places — lines swollen to twice their original sizes since the registration of students

"Idefinitely think canceling classes contributed to the large number of [student] voters," Nikki Mashburn, sophomore, said Students gathered across campus to cover the nation in prayer and relaxed with a series of student activities during election day Events included free skating, open tennis courts,a bench press competition, open dorms and karaoke "I was very glad that free skate was offered," Mashburn said "Ialso participated in open dorms Dodge ball within my brother dorm was pretty sweet."

Students streamed to the evening election party "We worked about fourteen hours," Ashley Witherington, senior and member of the Student Activities team, said. "We painted signs,blew up balloons, set up tables and brought in old arcade games."

As voting opened across the east coast, Obama was stillleading in national polls,as he had been for the past few weeks, but Virginia remained a question mark until the end of the day when results came in showing the state had finally gone blue

While McCain lost the election,a few surprises were in store for the school The News & Advance published detailed voting records showing Lynchburg had gone for McCain though all surrounding counties went to Obama All fingers pointed to the school since 81 percent of the votes in Ward III, where Liberty students voted, went for McCain


Studentsparticipatein arally for Republican nominee John McCain. Students volunteered tocampaign forboththe Republican and the Demccratic parties

"I think voting is ourresponsibiltyas American citizens. Ifwe do notget involved in ourgovernemnt then we should not complain about it,"

STORl hi
"If someone would pay forme tovisit "A best friend should have honesty Being
th e game " -
"My favorite movie of2008 is 'Twilight' "Buffalo Wild Wings is the bestrestaurant another country I would visitItaly able totell you what you don't want to because I read all the books and I justhad because I lovegoing with agroupof because it sounds so beautiful and I love hear is crucialto the individual as wellas towatch the movie."- Shanay Mosley,FR friendstoget some wings and watch Italian food1" - Melissa McGunigale,FR the relationship."- Rachel Greenlee,FR
Victoria Thompson, SO

Junior Sarah Blanzy answers questions posed bythe Music Television Network at the Republican National convention Blanzy represented the conservative youth many of whom voted intheir first presidential election "I canhonestysay that voting forthe first time made mefeel likeatrue American Theexciting political fray oflastNovember was overshadowed by thejoy I had inknowing that my nation allows each person theright tovote That waswhat made my election daysospecial."Matthew Swam,junior, said •

Presidential candidate Ron Paul givs autographs tostudents after speaki inconvocation TheVines Center hosted political rallysand served as the election dayparty headquarters

"I would liketothank Jerry Falwella hisfamily for throwing the election | Ihada great time hanging out with friends andwatching theresults unf Rachel Richardson, senior, said

"If I were to get a free ride to anycountry "The best part [about Next Steps] is I'dgo toIreland togetintouch with my seeing theLord work inpeople's lives I ancestral roots."-Stephen Smith,SO love hearing testimonies ofhow He has used Next Steps tobring them closer

"I would invite TheAmbassador,formerly "The dollar theater is the best place a member ofthe Cross Movement totake adate inLynchburg It's ona (Christian Hip-Hop group)to convo ifI college budget1" - Tiffany Perez,SR could He makes awesome music and is



Interact/Inspire RISK refinement 141
,-\< irr\t-\ca 1^,/nHal Inno c Q P
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persononyourleftand introduceyoL SHOT AT THE AGE OF I! ctiriositystrikeswhen aguywearingayarrmilke'sit MINISTERS TO JEWISH PEOPLE t<

i develop relationships ., tnthepeopleonyourhall, inyoui ..-experience the same struggles inlifethatyoudo Atroub s.m Youleamthatyou have to depend on them, YOUcanno!.

)UfSelt On the line,exposingwho youareeven in thedarkestmoments,it i

opleyou met It inspires you. It challenges yc


ling others i ilongsideyou


Adrenaline ran through her veins as Jacqueline Palmer prepared to start her routine The music began and she dazzled the audience with dancing and baton twirling "By the time it's done and over with,you've been on the floor for two and a half minutes,butit felt liketwo seconds," Palmer, sophomore, said

Since firstgrade, Palmer competed and placed in local,regional and national baton twirling competitions Baton twirling was her life "I'd practice forever I was inthe gym and dance studio every day for hours on end," she said.

Despite her love of twirling,Palmer chose a different route for her life "Ithought about other colleges because I really wanted to twirl,but I knew the Lord was saying I better be here," she said.Many colleges offered her scholarships for dancing, but she said,"Iknew one hundred percent that I was not supposed to be anywhere else."

Palmer decided to major in Family and Child Development She said,"Ilove working with children Children bring so much joy to my life Ilove teaching them baton and dance."

Palmer and a friend planned to start a center for lessfortunate children.She said,"IfGod ever provides that center for us,I would love to do a baton and dance program through it."

Looking back at baton twirling,Palmer said "I miss it,but I know I'm doing what I'm supposed to b e doing now."


"The bestthing toeatatthe Rot isthe salad It'sthe safestway to go,and you can'tgo wrong eating a salad."- LizUrbanik,FR

"Winter ismy favoritetimebftheyear I lovethewinterseason I loveChristmas Everyone is always socheerfuland grateful I alsolovesnow Lotsofsnow

"I chosetocome toLibertybecause I felt like God was callingme heretodo nursing Thiscame asacompletesurprise tome becauseall my life I believed I was wish Virginiagot more."-Diana Chicas, JR goingtodo music."-SarahBlair, JR

"IfI could have any carinthe world itwould be a Porsche, I'dchoose a Porsche because it was like themost attractivecar inmy lifetimein the smallest size." - Jose Matos, SR

"My biggest pet peeve iswhen people chew with their mouths open " - Megan Leach,JR

"According to my knowledgeable words of wisdom, pathophysiology is the hardest class I have taken because it makes me use my brain"


Natasha Abner


Mikha Agustine


TimothyAmes Leong





Kathleen Baker



Grace Barnes

Stephen Barnes


Daniel Beall



Jared Bennett






Miriam Boady



Shea Brewer




Alexandra Brown

Michael Brown

Murray Brown


Steve Buchanan


Taylor Buckley




DavidCalhoun, Jr

Matthew Cameron






Amanda Carpenter

RobertCarson Iv





Andrew Cheatham



David Christopher


Kelly Clark

Meagan Clayton


"'Redeeming Love'is the best book I have ever read because it's such a therapeutic book It really takes you through the highs and lows of pain lustand love"-

"Thispastyear hockey has beenreally great to watch — the speed, the hitting. the last second goals and comebacks It has been really good this year"

Community/Camaraderie- Underclassmen RIS K refinement 145
- Enka Nelson JR
Katie Mitchell SR
-Kevin Schular SR

Bryant Cobb



Joel Collins

Isaac Conde



Rebecca Cottingham

Kenneth Cramer

Thomas Creek

Aaron Crotts

Kristi Cullison

Meredith Curtis




Prince Danso

Sam Davidson

Johnathan Davis

Malika Davis

Matt Davis

Nikkia Davis


Emily Defosse

Jasmine Demildt

Ashley Renee Denson


Mizaraim Diaz Roman

Chad Duncan

Jordan Dunn



John East

Spencer Easter

Richard Eaton, Jr

Herald Moses Edma

Andrew Edwards


Lauren England

Diana Estes

Yee Eunkyung


Elizabeth Ewing

Thomas FaddenIv



Robert Feldges


Cameron Fitzgerald



Stephen Francis

James Francois


Kwame Francois

Justin Fritts

April Fritzinger


Natalie Fusco

Maria Galeone

Laura Galinato

Gregory Galoway

David Garza

"My most memorable spring break was when I went to Florida with a bunch of friends We had a great time and lotsof fun" - Ashley Martin,SR
"My favorite Coffeehouse act since I have "I drove on to campus to see been here was the D.O.A. dance routine the rock covered with a sheet. It to 'Apologize.' It sent a scriptural message said, 'paper covers rock." It made through something that was relevant my day." - April Carlson, SR to our culture"- Laura Stewart, SO
"My best moment here at Liberty was during Spiritual Emphasis Week when evangelist David Nasser took up ajeans offering Being able to be a part ofa miracle was amazing," -Morgan Gatz,SO



"Itwas morning intheclinicand thisfamily was the firsttovisitourstation A woman who looked over forty years old satdown with a toddler onher lap He blinked thefliesaway from hisface and sat, open-eyed and worried ashismother described, inPortuguese,why shehad brought him in. Our translator told usshewas describing scabies

I was notfamiliar with theterm and cringed as one ofthenurses on ourtrip informed me thattiny bugs had burrowed into hisscalp.Theopen wounds they leftattracted theflieslanding on his head periodically The nurse looked to me and asked if I wanted toadminister thesoap tohisscalp I looked back and gently shook my head,theidea ofsmall bugs inhisskin was toomuch for me tohandle.

My teammate David Kephart immediately volunteered A tenderness that I had notseen from thisWest Virginia mountain man,who we nicknamed Vin Diesel, came with great ease as he gently poured water overthe boys head and massaged thesoap into hisskin The boy relaxed inhismother's arms as David filled his hair with thesuds that would suffocate the insects

I took this picture asDavid rinsed water over the boys head and knew that I had seen a picture of what Christ's service looked likeashe washed the disciples'feet."

"One ofmy favoritedorm moments had "Liberty'sbest keptsecretis the tobewhen aguyfrom ourbrotherdorm bald spot"- Kerah Kemmerer, SR threw aturkeyhead atour window.My roommate curled upin aballon the floorout offear -AprilCarlson. SR

Community/Camaraderie-Underclassmen RISK refinement 147
-Sabrena Carter,GS
"One weird tendency orquirkthat I have is sometimes I daydream about wrestling grizzlybearsandlions during boring lectures." - TimMattingly SR
"Theworstfashiontrendis skinny leans onguys"- EmilyBeaverson SR


ROTC cadet Brandon Smith, senior, interned at the Pentagon,through the Washington Semester Fellowhip organized by the Career Center He worked ina division within the Army StaffG-35-R Army International Affairs The mission was to manage bilateral relationships with land forces and synchronize Army programs

Through his internship experience he was able to work inreal life situations and learn applicabletraits He worked inthe office as a desk intern, helping to provide country profiles, talking points,information papers,country or issue briefings and executive summaries forArmy leadership "The time spent at the Pentagon exceeded every expectation," Smith said

His internship gave him the opportunity to attend Embassy receptions,counter-part visit briefings, special events,Officer Club receptions and National Defense University briefings Inaddition to the many events,Smith was able to interact and meet Army leaders including Chief of Staff General Casey, Sergeant Major SMA Preston and North Command Commander Gen Renuart ofthe United States Air Force

"From those experiences, the most important lesson I learned isthat anything ispossible through God," Smith said He believed Psalm 37:4 was made true inhislife "Delight yourself inthe Lord and he willgive you the desires of your heart,"he said.

"In May 2009, I willcommission into the Army as an Infantry Officer from Liberty University's ROTC program with the experience and knowledge gained from my fall2008 internship,"he said "My experience was truly the greatest chapter of my life thus far,and with that said I can't wait to see where the Lord takes me next." , , : .•••--••

"Theconstruction projectI am most excited about seeing completedis theski slopebecause it will be cheap and fun." - Matthew Campbell,FR

"One weird tendency orquirkthat I haveis I eatraw eggs.I saw it in 'Rocky' when I was young and I'vedone it eversince." -Panashe Nhekaird,SO

"IfI could writeon thespirit rock I would write 'Dr Shelton ismy role model."-Jonathan Pittman, SR

"The most influentialperson in my life was atenyearold from theBronx who taught me what Christianity is reallyabout — loveandforgiveness,"

-Amanda Draughty,SO




Amanda Guerra


Ruth Guthrie

Erika Haemmerle

Bill Hardin

Robert Harrigan


Samuel Harris


David Haughton

Garrett Hawkins

Krystal Heard

Chistopher Henriquez



James Hobson

Brian Hoffman

Sara Hoffmann

Jacob Holmes

Megan House


Kelsey Huff

Joshua Hughes

Jayme Ingram



Ryan Jacques




Marc Johnson


Chelsea Jones

Steve Jones

David Kacinski

Marissa Kauffman

Kristin Keene


Teron Kendall



Sung JinKim


David Kirega

Andrew Kiser

Derek Kitchen

Panida Kongpetch



Stephen Lamm

David Lange

Jeremy Larsen

Courtney Leblanc

Miriam Ledford

Michelle Leivonen

Brennan Lewis

Christina Lilly

Alexandria Lippold


Jack LongII

Community/Camaraderie -Underclassmen RIS K refinement 149
"If money was not a problem I would give my brother enough money to pay hisbills"- Zane Sayers.JR
"The most difficult classes I've taken are "My favorite time of the year is spring government classes." - Christian Rosas, JR because it's the perfect temperature outside."- Ben Berry,JR
"The best book I'veever read is The Perks ofBeing a Wallflower' because it depicts the storyand life a teenager and all the strugglesone can face"- Franco Santos FR

Aaron Lumpkin


Carolyn Marcelo



Joshua Marshall

Sara Martin

Carmina Martinez

Caleb Marvel

Allison Mashburn

Albert Mavunga

Joshua McDonald

Courtney McGill


Melissa McGunigale




James Michael



Lydia Minkarious


Jessica Moore

Meredith Moore

Rodney Moore

Hannah Morgan

David Morton

Jesse Moser

James Munsey


Neema Mwasha

Michael Myers


Andrew Neber

Logan New

Sierra Niemann





Courtney Owen

Sung EunPaik

Patrina Palmer


Bryan Parks

Andrew Parsons

Dane-Alexander Pascoe

Andrew Patterson

Corbin Payne



Stephen Perry




Angela Pignataro

Allen Pitts

Scott Plummer



Catherine Powell


"My most challenging classthisyear was biology because it'snot my major atall." - Joshua Serrano, SO
"IfI could take a picture ofone thing on campus it would be Sparky because he's the man — well, bird" - Travis Mills, SR
"I would give ninety percent of what have to run a group home for young teenage mothers and homeless kids."- Vanessa Metulus, SO
"My favorite rideis ajeep.It's masculine, yet stylish," - Rendall Allen, SR

My biggest petpeeve is girls tellingme when otherguys are cute"- Ben Colling, SR


"My favorite TV show is'Gilmore Girls'because I reallyenjoyed watching Rory grow up inthe midst oftwo completely different areas livingin the small town of Stars Hollow versus the fancy Hartford I also reallyenjoyed the way her and her mother fed offofeach other and have such an amazing relationship."-Brittanie E Kibler, SO

"I like 'So You Think You Can Dance' because I enjoy seeing the talent ofthe dancers and all the unique styles of dance from all around the world."-Kirsten

"I like 'Sportscenter' because it satisfies my craving forsport updates, scores,and the latest news from around each league and sport."-Brandon Knight,FR

'"Grey's Anatomy' is my favorite show because the music isamazing and because itmakes me think of what itwillbe likewhen I am a nurse."-Sarah Blair,SO

"My favoritethingtodo at Libertyistogo "My favoritehome cooked meal is tothefootballgames because theyare beefbrisket." -Anna Kiewit, JR excitingand loud"- Brandon Lewis,SO

"My favoritecartoon was Recess because thatshow fulfilled my dream ofrebellingm school that I could notcarryoutwithoutgetting introuble"- Emily Molloy SO

Community/Camaraderie-Underclassmen RIS K refinement 151
1 American Idol 2.Dancing With the Stars 3 CSI 4 The Mentalist 5 Desperate Housewives 6 Criminal Minds 7 Two and A Half Men 8 Grey's Anatomy 9 Survivor: Gabon 10 Without a Trace TotalViewers: 28,455,000 19,154,000 18,664,000 16,473,000 15,639,000 14,609,000 14,201,000 13,617,000 12,914,000 11,964,000 TlFVISinNINrjF'-'



Excitement came over himasheprepared for his first bull riding experiences Littledid he know, he would soon begin a long journey to recovery.

Riding a bull always interested junior Adam Steele While attending a bull riding camp in Oklahoma inJanuary 2008, Steele chose to mount the toughest bullavailable.

"I'vealways loved the sport and ithas been something I've wanted todo,"Steele said asherecalled riding the bull Steele andthe bull collided heads,and the bull hurled Steele onthe ground Forty-five minutes later,hewas inthe hospital with aconcussion,a broken thumb, skull fracture andsevere whiplash

Steele said,"Irealized,I could have died. If the head injury hadnot been fixed, I could have died."

Steele spent the entire spring 2008 semester recovering andsentenced to bed rest.Steele walked away and said,"It made me realized I hadanother chance atlife."

As for afuture inbull riding,Steele decided to stay with the original plan andpursue afuture in ministry After returning to school,Steele said,"God has a really big plan for my lifeand He blessed me sothat I could walk away."

TOP iWUMA'M ;'£/!"", "Til I; i


"If I could be someone famous fortheday "If I could playaprofessional I would be Tony the Tigerbecause I love sport, I would be acroquetplayer Frosted Flakesand Tony supports the because thatwould be themost SpecialOlympics."- Rachel Collins, SO extreme thing thatI could dowith my life."- Meredith Weber, SO

"My favoritehome cooked meal is Italian chicken, broccolicasseroleand momma's cheesy potatoes."- Chip Clark, SR
favoritecartoon was Scooby-Doo because I lovemysteries As a kid I used toenjoytrying tosolvethemysteries beforeScooby did." - HilaryHicks, JR



Tim Pyles

Amy Quesenberry


Ashley Reed

David Reynolds

Lisa Rhodes

Dajonna Richardson









Christina Row




Anderson Santos





Lauren Schools



Bernard Scott

Thomas Scott

Nathaniel Senderoff










Douglas Smith

Julius SmithII

Ryan Smith

Zachary Smith

Laura Sosnoski

Joshua Starnes

Rebekah Steeper

Glenn Stepp

Jeremiah Stevens

Samuel Stevens


Alyssa Stewart

David Stewart






Sarah Thomas

Steven Thomas

Chelsea Thompson

Courtney Thompson


"My favoritesport here is baseball because I love going to afternoon games and working on homework while taking m a game It's relaxing "

"The most influentialpeople inmy life are my parents They have been a constant in my life when everything elseseemed like it was going wrong" - Chnsti

Community/Camaraderie -Underclassmen RIS K refinement 153
"The best thing toeat atthe Rotis cereal or the occasional mystery meat."
- Tim Eller. JR
favoriteplace on campus is the gym because it's a place to get away from schoolwork " - Tim Roach. FR
- Aaron Rehrer, JR
Hmton, SR

Kimberlyn Thompson




Timothy Tomei

Edward Tookes










Thomas Vinson




Bennett Wampler

Ariana Ward


Lindsay Washabaugh


Elizabeth Weaver






Yahmeen Williams



Kimberly Winn

Lindsay Winokuzew






Joseph Young

LeeAnne Zipagan

"My favorite Saturday morning cartoon as "ItI could play any professionalspori a kid was Tom & Jerry," - Joey Adams, JR I would be a Rugby player just for the fun of it." - Ashley Allen,

"My biggest pet peeve is when people don't answer my question.I hate when people go around thequestions and don't answer it." - Lmdsey Ramirez,SR
"My favorite time otthe year is spring really love the springtime, but I don't have a good reason why, other than it's beautiful." - Abi Van Kampen, FR


"I've kind of always been fascinated by the idea of making yourself do something youthought youcouldn't do,"Angi Whitworth said of why shedecided tocompete Shewasoneofsix staff members and 15students who entered and finished theHoliday Lake 50K race Holiday Lake wasslightly longer than traditional 50K race because it totaled 32.3 total miles and took place in Appomattox, VA.The distance wasn't theonly factor inconsidering difficulty. The course wascomplicated by boulders, tree roots,hillsandmud

Dr David Horton,a faculty member, organized theHoliday Lake 50K Therace was part ofa six series race called"the Beast." It included three 50K races,two100K racesand a 50 miler Horton,a faculty member, founded four of the six races intheseries."Istarted these races togive local runners theopportunity to race without travelling veryfar and I love seeing runners achieve great goals,"hesaid

The race was kicked offby the258 runners and their supporters singing thenational anthem The running began at6:30 a.m Jonathan Micol,staff, said he wasthinking,"Oh man, here goes nothing, God Getme through this,please,"ashe took hisfirst strides Months oftraining ledup tothedayofthe event.Football coach Marshall Roberts gotmileage inwhenever he wasable. "Since my schedule is so busy I typically getup atabout 5:00 to 5:30a.m and do about three miles on thetreadmill I try to get inforty-five minutes toan hour on thetrails,"hesaid

The course wasone loop which competitors rantwice Several finishers described a "wall" near theend ofthe firstloop involving injury and mental fatigue "About two miles from theend ofthefirst loop I wasstarting tofeel it and pretty discouraged that I wasn't even halfway Seeing theother runners on their way around their second loop wasa bigencouragement Their 'good job'and 'almost there'comments gotme totheend ofthat loop,"Whitworth said, "My greatest joy atthefinish isgreeting each runner to congratulate them on achieving a desired goal or finishing their firstultra, something that they thought was beyond their capabilities,"Horton said.

"As I crossed thefinish line I thought,'Praise theLord.' It wasanother reminder that even inthetrivialthings God isourstrength and He's theonly reason my foot crossed that line,"Whitworth said


Community/Camaraderie-Underclassmen RISK refinement 155
"My favoritehome cooked meal is my "If I could play anyprofessional mom's stroganoff"- Tatiana Almeida JR sport I would playcricketbecause it is sofunandtotally interesting"
-Tafadzwa Bmdu, SR
I could besomeone famousfor a dayI would betheleadguitarist from Dragon Force, soI would be abletoknow what it's like to play likethat"- Jonathan Allen, SR
"My favorite placeoncampus is the gym I'd live thereif I could I love toworkout and it is agreatplaceto relieve stress from peopleand classes"- Davma Statile. JR


After going through financial problemsand leaving Salem International University,junior Albert Mavunga became homeless andwent from shelter to shelter Mavunga came toLynchburg where he began attending school andfounded the organization Smile 4 Africa,a non-profit organization

"God hasreally blessed usand He hasbeen opening doors,"Mavunga said with asmile

Their mission wastoprovide spiritual and physical needs toothers,and byfulfilling those needs,tospread theGospel.Thegroup helped provide short-term scholarships tosend over200 students toschool inAfrica They also played a part inseeing over 200students come to Christ

Senior Paul Dakum, health director forthe ministry, hoped tocontinue hisinvolvement with Smile 4 Africa even after his Maygraduation He said,"Ilove the people They're really fun,goal oriented and well organized."

Mavunga andthe others planned tovisit Zimbabwe inJuly 2009."Wewillvisitvillages andschools forfive days and minister to those with HIV,"hesaid

They also hoped togather onemillion toothbrushes within twoyears tohand outinAfrica while also giving them the opportunity tospeak about Christ

Mavunga said,"Let's love oneanother and look beyond color,look beyond race,look beyond your disabilitiesand reach outtothose that are hurting Indoing so,God willbless us. Kindness isan act that both therich andthepoor can practice."


"My favorite home cooked mealis Thanksgiving dinner-turkey, squash, mashed potatoes,green beans, cranberry sauce and myNana's cherry pie."-Jessica Ryskamp, SO

"IfI could besomeone famous for a day I would beAngelina Jolie because she is abeautiful, fierce, strongand independent woman whocould kick anyone's butt any day."-Magin Mills, SR

"IfI could play any professional sport I would docurling professionally because I enjoy analyzing the properties of friction."- Josh Tancordo, JR

"My favorite Saturday morning cartoon was the Power Rangers because I always wished I could bethepink power ranger."-Lauren Joy, SO

B / Li -is-r:,nrc AVERV CASTILU I


Lauren Adkins







Cynthia Ayers

Angel BadilloCessa

Christine Barbera

Michael Barnes

Anthony Barone

Zachary Batdorf

Darius Bates


Jameson Beckner

Elizabeth Bennett

Owen Benson

Aliesha Benzinger

Melissa Betts

Tania Blanco


Aubrey Blankenship

Fred Boothman



Bonnie Breuner

Rebekah Brewer

Allison Brooks

Nathan Brown

Joshua Bryant


Timothy Bullock



Monica Cardenti



Amy Chandler

Lauren Chase

Cameron Chastain


Steven Chichester


So YeonChoi



Matthew Clark

Tamika Clarke

Andres Claudio

Emily Coates

Joshua Cockerham

Heather Cole

Robert Cole

Community/Camaraderie -Seniors RIS K refinement 157
"The Dark Knight ismy favorite movie because it is a movie that captures the true meaning of good vs evil"- Allen Anchenl JR
"I would say the prettiest place on campus is the lawn in front of the tunnel There are always people in hammocks, in trees and some sort of flowers in bloom." - Kristi Taylor, JR
"My most difficultclass I took was Anatomy and Physiology" - Pamu Sherpa. JR
"One ofthefunniest times I have ever had here at Liberty happened on the intramural field We went mud sliding after church m the field It was very messy but a ton of fun" - Simeon Herring. SO

"My favorite Coffeehouse moment was the girl. Laura, at Christmas. She sang about how a guy's love was as constant as the sunrise, but she was from Alaska. It was really funny." - Brett Sauers, SO

Kristin Collins

Joanna Colmery


Brittany Cooksey

Timothy Cotsamire

Emily Coumbe

Hilary Cox


David Cramer

Danielle Cross

Rory Crowley


Benjamin Dargan

Rebekah Davis

Kera Day



Jason Dew

Toni-Maria Diggs


Matthew Dlugos

James Doak

Elizabeth Dorn

Matt Downey

Jason Drinnen

Georges Dugue

Bethany Dunmoyer

Rebecca Eatmon

Jonathan Edds

Vastille Edma


Dorothy Emami


Joseph Endicott


Stephanie Eriksen

Sara Estevez

David Evans





Miranda Fielder



Sharon Forbes


Christina Forshey

Rachel Fortney

Chanita Foster

David Foxwell


Tyler Frable

Emily Franks

"One weird tendency I have is that I fold my jeans before putting them inthe dryer, actually, I fold most of my clothes before putting them in the dryer."-Amy Wakefield,JR

"My favorite brother and sister dorm activity was when we had a spring cookout party right between our dorms. The guys grilled, we had a slip and slide, volleyball, karaoke, - Lindsey Litton, SO

"Someone [once]threw a tennis ball out our dorm window with afriend's name on it The ballhad thewords, "Facebook me" and the girl'sname written on it," - Tiffany Fitzgerald, GS

Forspring break. I mostly went home It was awesome tobe abletoseemy friends and family."-ErikaHowell. JR


Each year students faced difficultieswith appliances, electronical devices,mechanical functionsor broken structures Inorder to deal with thoseissues, students hadtosubmit a work order requesting maintenance to come andfixtheirproblems

Pamela Hilgeman shared some of the maintenance department's favorite ormost unusual requests follow: "Please remove our mirror Itisright across from my bedanditissoannoying having myself stare back at me ALLthetime!"

"We have a mouse running around inour apartment. W e have seen himnowsixor seven times I woke upthis morning tohimchewing on my roommates vitamins and then I watched himscurry away W e are finding hisdroppings everywhere even inour cups Please take care ofhimfastandwe would love you forever!"

Other students shared about some oftheirunusual work order requests:

"Once we had to submit a work order because our quad dryer wasn't working Itturned out none ofthe girlsliving inour dorm hadcleanedthe linttrap inover a month." -Jessica

"The sink in our room is reversed. Cold water comes out the hot andhot comes out the cold." -Ricky

"The girls across the hall had their sink flow over at 6 a.m. andhadbrown stuff explode out of it." -Jessica

"All of our ceiling tiles came out of our dorm room W e leftthe window open oneday and itwas really windy They laughed at us but itworked out." -Grant

"IfI could writeon thespirit rock I would write, I'm outofhere.'"-Carly Eley. SR

"Themost difficult classI havetaken would most definitelybe Philosophy 201 I havehad thepleasureof taking it threedifferenttimestofullymaster theconcepts"- PaulJesse, SR

"TheconstructionproiectI ammost excitedaboutseeingcompleted is theindoorsoccerarenabecause I am curioustoseewhat it will look like" - Brandon Lomasney SR

Community/Camaraderie-Seniors RISK refinement 159


Senior Tessa Knotts invested inthe lives of orphan children fortwo months during the summer while working at the Door of Hope ministry inJohannesburg, South Africa

Knotts checked out the Virginia Baptist Mission Board's collegiate summer mission program in South Africa "When I looked on the website, Isomehow stumbled upon the listof tripsfor summer 2007 instead of summer 2008," Knotts said "The VBMB had taken a group to work at the Door of Hope orphanage in Johannesburg, South Africa in2007 Just by reading the littleblurb about the orphanage on their website, I knew I would be spending my summer inJo'burg."

Knotts worked with infants,taking care oftheir physical needs and showing them much needed love. "The Door of Hope isa children's home that takesin abandoned infants and toddlers Basically,I was a mom to seven premature babies allsummer," she said Knotts gained a variety of experiences that significantly impacted her life. She said,"Taking six babies to the doctor isquite the experience On more than one occasion I found myself carrying one baby ineach arm and carrying a third baby ina car seat."

Knotts not only invested inthe livesof 20 to 30 children,but was also personally impacted

"IfI learned one thing it was that alltheselittle things we feel likewe absolutely need to survive really are not very important inthe big picture," Knotts said "Investing inthings isnot a very good use of your resources Invest in people Invest inthat which is eternal."

"Liberty'sbest kept secret is the Sounds ofLibertyWorship Team Theydon't perform toooften, but whenever they reallyget intoit, it's alwaysa highlight."- Daniel Martinez, JR

"My favoriteCoffeehouse act since I'vebeen here was my freshman year, 2005, there were these dancers and they danced toMichaelJackson songs."- GiselleColbert, SR

"My favoriteBro/Sis activitywas when I "One weird tendency or quirkthatI have first got herewe played ultimatefrisbee is that I tell everyone to'be careful' abou and I loved it It was agreat icebreaker everything."-MelanieBowman,SO and agood way todeveloplasting friendships."- Jennifer Keiper, SR

"My most memorable spring break was lastyear going to France and North Africa I learned so much not only about the Muslim culture, but also about myself "- Kathryn Williams

"'If I could write on the Spirit Rock I would not write another happy birthday' Instead I would write 'His mercy is new every morning.'"

Sarah Freel

Joseph Freeze


Emily Funderburke


Benjamin Galley



Nicholas George

Krista Gillikin

Kelly Good

Jacqueline Gooden

Bryson Goss

Charles Goss

Nathan Grace

Andrew Gragan

Andrew Gravatt


Lance Green

Seth Grove


Melody Hale


Nichole Hargett

Jessica Harley

Jennifer Harpe

Remi Harvey


Aaron Hedden

Brendan Hegarty

John Helms

Isaac Henschel

Mark Hicks

Matthew Hicks


Leah Hird

Alyssa Hodges

Eric Hoke



Jeremy Horning

Siu Yu Hsu

Courtney Hunt

Karin Hutson



Nathan Joachim

Adam Johnson

Christina Johnson

Christopher Johnson

Thomas Johnson

Jonathan Jones


Mary Jordan

"I can't stand the whole legging trend that is going on This is 2009 not the 1980s Wake up people I do love the Northface trend even though everyone wears them" - Sarah Booth. JR

"Some weird tendencies— I takenotes in markers and I am OCD about a bunch of things Odd numbers are evil I fall asleep anywhere and anytime and I make everything awkward" - Christina Johnson. SR

Community/Camaraderie - Seniors RIS K refinement 161
- Kaela Robitaille. SO

Mequel Joshway



Zachary Karnavas



A-Rom Kim

Namjoon Kim





Sandra Kouaho





Jonathan Lambert

Michael Lampman

Chad Laughlin


Aaron Lawler


DongHee Lee

ElizabethLee JungLee



Christine Lemon

Mitchel Lintjer


Adam Long





Philip Luca





Sarah Mandel

Jacob Mann






Lauren Mason

Sara McCarty

Brooke McDowell


Heather McFann



"I loved the dance team that performed lastyearatthe2008 Coffeehouse They did such a good job putting thatwhole thing together and it was justa lot of fun to watch."-DanielleJohnston,SO

"I am most excited about seeing a parking garage built Having one will alleviatejustabout all parking problems atLiberty."-ChrisAmos, SR
"A weird quirk I have is that I tend to stick my left leg out the window of my car when driving long distances." -Lauryn Lenzen,SR
kept secretis the fourth floor of DeMoss-where no one ever goes." - Karly Larson, JR


"Falwell Announces Drive to Register Students to Vote"


September 15, 2008

"Falwell hopes 10,500 Liberty students helptip election"

USA Today

September 25, 2008

"Can Falwell's University Tip Virginia To McCain?"

October 6, 2008

"Year-Round Skiing, Thanks to Snowflex"

Washington Post

October 19, 2008

"God,Country and McCain"

Washington Post

October 31, 2008

"Guided by unique unity, triplets help Liberty rulethe BigSouth"


December 2, 2008

"Another Curry So Smooth He Slipped Through theCracks"

New York Times

January 1, 2009

"Whenour sister dorm vandalized us wedid somethingspecial instead of retaliating For opendormswe dressed up linedthehallwayswith rosepetals and made them brownies."- ChrisBiddix FR

"I wasasked outby thisguyand I was "My most memorable spring break was hesitant tbgo [After the movie] hetold when I went toNew York I lovethe city me heknew I wastheoneand hetold his and I gottoseemyfamily I didalot of family Needless tosaythat wasthe last shopping and metup with afriend from time we went out" - Leslie Phelps SR back home" - Valeria Ontaneda JR

"The most difficultclassI have takenis Corporate Finance"- Aaron Lassiter JR

Community/Camaraderie-Seniors RIS K refinement 163

Four solid years saw an inseparable group of friends participate as a team in intramural sports.Daniel Wilson, senior,had been on a team with the same guys since freshman year

"Even though now we alllive in different places off campus, we are still just as close,"he said. "Whenever itcomes to signing up for intramural sports it's a no-brainer - we're allgoing to play on the same team Itbrings us back together again."

Starting up as a fun dorm activity,the team expanded to competing insoftball, volleyball and basketball intramurals "We alllove sports and can be pretty competitive," Wilson said.

Last year their intramural softball team, Straight Filthy,won the championship "Itwas quite possibly one ofthe most fun experiences I have had here at Liberty,"he said "Istillcan't believe that we won We alltake great pride inthe trophy — wait,I mean T-shirt that we won Some of the teams we played actually had team uniforms made up,but we didn't need that We're alljust skill,"Wilson said. •":</,-trnp-jn

"I would like to have a jeep because it easilyhandlesthe terrainof my country Haiti." - Emmanuel Theart,SR

"The most difficult classI'vetaken is Math 421, Abstract Algebra,"- Paul Dakum, SR

"The best books I'veread arethe Christy Millerseriesbecause I became a Christianreading through thosebooks," -Elianna Carrasquillo, JR

"The tastiestthingattheRotwould have tobe thetacos.I could eat them all the time,"-Shannon Horvath, SO

Dominique McKay

Sarah McMahon

Heather McPherson

Ashley Meckley


Jacob Mendoza

Amanda Micol

Jessica Milbourne

Magin Mills

Travis Mills

Ryan Minnie


Elizabeth Mizer

Brittany Moles


Gisselle Morales

Raquel Moran

Justin Morgan



Lauren Muller


Brittany Murnane

Joshua Nare



Shakia Nicholson


Lydia Norton

Young Novalis


Hannah Oberlander


Hyemi Oh




David Ortiz

Peggy Ortu

Constance Owuor


Samantha Palmer




Tiffany Perez



Jonathan Peters

Stephen Peters





"I absolutely love the early fall, right after "My greatest pet peeve is when someoneis the first frost when the leaves are starting book smart but doesn't have any common to turn and they're so pretty, especially sense at all It's so aggravating to explain here in Lynchburg " - Ashley Kern, SO stuff to them" -

Community/Camaraderie-Seniors RIS K refinement 165
"My mom has been incredibly influential "One of my alltime convocation inmy lifebecause she has shown me how favorites isthe Parade of Nations to be a woman." - Lauren Seamon SO every year" - Sushant Thapa JR
Tierney Murphy, FR

"My favoriteConvo memory would have to be the firsttime 'TheChildren oftheWorld'came and sang. It reminded me thatthe God we serve is everywhere."- Stephanie Corbm, JR

Jonathan Pittman

Logan Powell


Nathanael Powers






Adam Ray




Benjamin Rhoads



Courtney Roberts

Jonathan Robinson

Jacquelyn Rodriguez

Donald Roebuck

Apryl Rowan

Vanessa Sanchez





Adam Schwenk







Edward Shepard

Timothy Shepherd

Eun JooShin

Morgan Shingler

Sarah Shoaf



Brandon Smith


Gary Smith





Joshua Stadtlander

Tracie Stiteler

Jeremy Stone



Rachel Sweet


"The best book ever is hands down 'Redeeming Love' by Francine Rivers. Who doesn't want their own Michael Hosea?" - Valerie Gardner, SO

"If I had limitlessamounts ofmoney I would buy my daddy a bbat because he lovestoskiand he has always given me so much,"- Emily Dare,FR

"If I could takea picture ofanything on campus it would certainly be the guy who looks likeMr McDreamy and drives the blue mustang." - Jordan Willis,SO


"Mymostuniquebrother/sisterdormactivity that I remember waswhen it snowed my freshmanyearandmyentire hall andbrother dorm wentoutsleddingbehindourdorm It wassomuch fun." - Ema-Leigh Rust, SR


Saved Snickers® Barwrappers ledtoa true golden ticket experience that BlissSpillar,Resident Director, would never forget.After entering 10 wrappers into Snickers'® "Live Your Super Bowl Fantasy Sweepstakes," Spillarfound himself "surrounded by Steelers fans six rows offofthe 50 yard line and being treated likea true VIP,"hesaid.

"Inever dreamed I would actually win,especially since my dad already entered forty,"Spillarsaid with a laugh Spillar enjoyed histwo free tickets tothe Super Bowl XLIII inTampa Bay,Florida, aswell asfree accommodations,travel and transportation He brought hisfriend Tyler McClure,senior,as "payback" since McClure treated him toa Redskins vs Cowboys game Thistrip included fivedays ofVIPtreatment,access to theMadden 2009 party,tickets toUniversal Studios and theexperience ofa lifetime The highlight for Spillar was thegame itself "Itwas incredible and certainly my favorite part Just being there wasamazing," hesaid Spillarand McClure sported theFlames colors in true school spirit. "That was an awesome opportunity to spark conversation and explain topeople where we were from and what we were about," hesaid

The man with thegolden ticket enjoyed the opportunity torubshoulders with VIPs."Oneof my favorite memories from thewhole trip was breakfast with former Steelers running back Merril Hoge W e just sat and talked fortwenty minutes about leadership and ministry I don't even know if he is a Christian,buthe shared insight on it from theperspective of someone inleadership and it was awesome," Spillarsaid

As a Cowboy's fan,Spillar did notreally care who won He said,"Itwas so surreal tojust be a part ofit I just wanted a good game and we definitely got one."

"My favoritetimeofyearis thefall I know thatGoddid it forHisglory, but I like tothink thatHecreated it justforme because I loveit so"- Eboni Jolly, SR

"Theworst fashiontrend is guys wearing tight, skinnyjeans The best trend is theclassy look Nothingtoo revealing. Nicebig shirtswith tights"

"The constructionprojectI amexcited aboutseeingcompleted is the new bookstorebecauseI love toread, and it will benicetohaveanotherplace to relaxwhilereading"-Julie McMillian. JR

Community/Camaraderie-Seniors RISK refinement 167
-Kathryn Raffield, SR



T„ K I -H ,A f'l-H I

Then he got an idea! An awfulidea!


"Eureka! Shazam! I'vegot it!"hechirped,

So he made afake beak and a Flamesfootball shirt

He added feathersand gobbled, "What great Grinch mularkey!"

"With this eagly disguise, I lookjustlike Sparky!"

He packed up hislunch, astack ofGrinchflapjacks

Then went back tohislair forhis gigantic knapsack

The Grinch cackled, "By Cracklins!"with his arms and legs floppy, And sped down the mount in hisUncle Randy's jalopy

So he creeped hisGrinch-jeep up on theconcourse

He hopped out ofhis ride, and he saw a smallLU

Why,itwas Cindy Who-LU,who had justturned22

"My goose iscooked!", the Grinch thought for adash, "But I have afeeling she likeysomecash!!"

He dug hiswing deep intohis Grinch-coffer

And like Grinch Corleone, made hisun-refusable offer

She fell forhis trick, so slyand so nifty,

When he said, "You didn'tsee me," and slipped hera fifty

With justafew hours tilthestartoftheshow, You'd think hisGrinchy-deed would be done...but no!

For kicksand forgiggles, forhis sheerGrinchy-pleasure, He thieved afew campus items, justforgood measure

From hislair, he reflected, the sun glared off the chrome

So he took offthe lidoftheVinesCenter dome!

On up the road, with atweet and abock, He pulled the LU spirit from the LU'sSpirit Rock!

One cruelfinal trick: he plucked the D'sfrom Doc's Diner, "It's hilarious!" he clucked, "Now they'll eatat'Oc's 'Iner!!'

With only moments tospare, the Grinch returned tphis roost To watch like a Grinch-hawk allthe griefhe'd induced

And the Grinch paced back and forth, "How could this happen?? "They'resinging, they'redancing, the rappersare rappin'!!"

"It came without a stage!No keyboard, no drum!"

"Not even one singlestrum-strumbler tostrum!"

And astheGrinch picked hisbrain, indeep contemplation, He came toa most wonderful, awesome realization:

"Maybe Christmas Coffeehouse isn't all whistlesandbells,"

"Maybe Christmas Coffeehouse...comes from the LU's themselves!"

"My favoriteCoffeehouse actwas the string trio back in2007 They sang 'O come O come Emmanuel' and itwas amazing."-Kaitlyn Wojcicki,SO

"My first year I made great memories with guys inour brotherdorm and am so blessed tohave made such greatfriends."-Danyelle Crum,SR

"My best spring break was when my friendsand I took a road tripto Virginia Beach Itwas great tojustrelaxand get away fora little while."-Ten Dua,FR

"My favoriteCoffeehouse wasthe Hanson Mmmbop act It wasthe '90s Coffeehouse last year Itwasso funny towatch."-ErikaHowell, JR

"I wasnotreallyasked outon a date in acrazy way.rather I wasstalked through Facebook It was more awkward than crazy" - RaeMacey,SR

"IfI had limitlessamounts ofmoney I would give my family's sponsor child, from Bangladesh, money to come to college here and then live here if she wanted " - Allie Rogelin. FR




Shawn Teufel

David Thaxton

Jeremy Thompson

Jonathan Thompson


Timothy Thorn



Jason Townsend

BrittanyTownsend House





Benjamin Wadley

Andrew Walker




Shawn Webb


Stephen Weeks


Shetarrah White






William Wittenbrook

Grace Woodson

Lauren Wooldridge




Qian Yang


Heeju Yoon

Heeyoon Youm

Ashley Young

Hyekyung Yun


"If I could choose my dream car I would go with a white Jetta I don't even want an expensive car, iust a cute little Jetta" - Justine Wagner, SO

"Theprettiestplacehereis thetopof the football stadium and looking out over the mountains at sunset They turn blue and it is absolutely incredible" - Emily Donawho. FR

Community/Camaraderie-Seniors RIS K refinement 169


6 Mont h Average Retail Price of Ga s in Virgini

Over the course of the school year students cringed as gas prices skyrocketed to unseen prices and then enjoyed watching them slowly return back to normal As the economy faced many highs and lows,thisalso brought about some changes inthe livesofstudents

"Since conditions ingas prices have continued to creep upward during the past year,I have been forced to limitmany of my tripsout oftown. Having a truck cuts down on my traveling tremendously Therefore, I only drive locally where I need to." -Will

"Gas has sucked me so dry I have to eat ramen noodles now." -Jonah

"I would typically make the seven hour drive home to Pittsburgh about every two weeks, but inthe lastschool year I've gone home two times,for holidays."-John

HTTP/, -

Regula 3.81 3.58 3.34 3.11
"IfI could playany professionalsport I would play footballbecause it would be incredibletobe afemale inthe NFL."
Brittney Branzelle,SO
"My favoritehome cooked meal isshepherd'spie My mom is the bestccok."- Mary Mattar, SR
"My favoriteSaturday morning cartoonas "IfI could be someone famousfora day a kidwas Rugrats."- Ashley Tucker, SR I would be Monk because he's flippin' awesome."-Matthew Henry, SO

David Babbitt

Carrie Barnhouse

Dwayne Carson

Ardith Coates

Charles Cook


David Dewitt


Linda Farver

Diane Garber

Cara George

Darin Gerdes

Mike Goldin

Bill Gribbin

David Hahn

David Hart

Harvey Hartman

Frances Holzknecht

Timothy Isaacson

Ralph Jernigan

Michael Jones

Howard King

Jeffrey Lennon

Ed Lewis

Beverly Mahoney


Randy Miller

Hope Mink

Rory Patterson



Stephen Preacher


Nathan Putney


Steven Samson


Barbara Sherman





Scott Thompson

David Ticomb

Elmer Towns


Tim Van Voorhis

James Wagner



Graduate Students

Mayom Achuk

Miranda Arnold


Sabrena Carter Deal

Christopher Fournier

Janice Kim

Laura Meadows

Kevin Powers

Goldy Richards


Community/Camaraderie - Faculty Staff GraduateStudents RIS K refinement 171
"If I could be someone famous for a day I would want to be Jennifer Aniston to be a part of the movies she'sbeen inand livethe lifestyleof a celebrity." - Alison Young, JR
"The most difficultclass I have taken would most certainly be pathophysiology" - Hanna Pollard, SO
"The most influential person inmy lifehas to be my dad He taught me how to work hard and has guided me to follow after God and bursue God's will for my life"
- Aaron Smith, JR
"I spent a lot oftime on the mansion lawn my sophomore year reading, sleeping and taking photos"- Lauren Hoessley SR



"I am not a late person. I like to buy textbooks early and order pizza ahead oftime incasethe delivery guy has a breakdown I have cerebral palsy, which makes it hard tobespontaneous At first, it feltstrange that I started attending college almost sixyears after I finished high school It felt late,"explained Sheila Swartz,religion major.

Swartz's situation wasnot asunique asit may have seemed Over 30,000 students enrolled in the university'sonline program in36 undergraduateand graduate degree programs. LU Online wasranked among the top 10 online programs inthe nation according tothe Online Education Database

"[We are]committed toproviding qualityand service toourstudents that willhelp uscontinue to achieve high rankings and bea leader inonline education intheworld,"ChrisJohnson,Vice President for Enrollment Management,told theJournal,

The degree plans offered flexibilityand enabled students tocomplete courses astheir schedules allowed Bonnie Walton,single mother oftwo,took the program ather own pace."I earned my Associate Degree after eleven long hard years," she said Completing her degree while being a mother to eight children and active inher church,Tyeesha Willissaid, "A learning environment that exaltsChrist does make adifference I willbethe firstperson inmy family toobtain a bachelor'sdegree."

The program boasted students locatedin America and abroad,offering reasonable financing options Member ofthe United States Air Forceand student intheMasters ofEducation Program, Hector Hernandez,said, "Inthese times ofeconomic stress, Liberty hasmaintained a reduced tuition makingit affordable forfull time military personnel to attend."

Those enrolled intheprogram most often completed degrees while juggling other responsibilities.It was worth it to Trina Mayhan-Webb. "Even though [my children]didn't physically see the juggles ofgraduate school,doing laundry,being atevery school event, they willreap the benefits asI further my career."

Rewards were reported on both personaland academic levels "I have found thePastoral Counseling Courses tobea life-changing experience It hasbeen instrumental inhelping toapply the renewing message of the Scriptures torid my life of[issues] that have hindered me from experiencing healthy relationships with God and others,"Harry Downs said.

"My favorite timeoftheyearis winter "I

because even though it's coldand bitter strikingly

theair smellsfresh Thereis asense wrong."-Leah

ofpurityand renewalthatjustmakes -TylerLillestol


think a best friend should be loyal yet "[I would like to havelunchwith] Dr. Caner, "I would love togo toAustraliasomeda
honest when you're just plain lustto pick hisbrain, andtoactually see so I could teach surfing." - Ashley
Hird SR what it is liketobeaTurkish immigrant." Witherington, SR
smile." - Thomas Usewicz JR

Renatha Adams

Jeffery Ainsworth

Steve Allen

Edwin Allen

Nestor Alvarado

Marilyn Amico

Darlene Anderson

Carla Antoine

Cheryl Arbelaez

Cipriana Arias

Bonnie Ayotte

Holale Azondjagni

Donald Bader

Jenna Badgley

Peggy Banks-Myles

David Barber

Tara Bardell

Daniel Barnes

Timothy Barrett

Kiven Basang

William Bell

Nyla Best

Robert Betancourt

Laura Beyrouti

Jim Blanchard

Marlene Blyden

Ainsley Bollig

John Bowman

Michael Boyd

Theresa Bradley

Willie Breeze

Garrick Bridgeforth

Tammy Briggs

Audra Brister

Patricia Brown

Annette Brown

Jole Brown

Greg Broyles

Michael Bryant

Rita Buchanan

Charles Buchanan-Boardman

Alex Calinisan

Sidney Capillas

Keyisha Carden

Elias Carrero

Chris Castlebury

Evan Cater

Joseph Chandler

Austin Chen

Leandro Chico

Kienna Childs

Tania Clarke

Larry Comstock, Jr

Christina Cook

Ingeborg Cotter

Dwight Crisp

Kandy Crosby-Hastings

Daniel Curtis

Stephanie Cutlip

Diana Davis

Dianne Davis

Lisa Davis

Ricky Dawson

Robert Deason

Wanangwa Dever

Rebecca Dills

Dorethia Dixon

Olivia Dodson

Frederic Dohle

Danny Dotson

Harry Downs

Carly Ederington

Gary Elliott

W.Travis Estes

Dale Farris


Veronica Fillingame

James Fiske

Christian Fobian

Joanna Foley

"The most influential person inmy life is "The best books I have ever read are The "IfI could have any car in the world it "My 'avorite time of theye my former youth pastor He taught me Chronicles of Narnia. It was great reading would be the 1997 Mazda RX-7 Type R owing to the display of bea how to love unconditionally and showed as a little kid and helped shape my life" - because they are as beautiful as womer creation through the medium me what it meant to truly serve God with Chris Kuczewski, JR and faster than a cowboy in a quick draw " colors ' - Nate Powers, SR a humble heart" - Noah Edwards. FR - Taylor Courtney. FR

Community/Camaraderie - LU Online RISK refinement / m L

Rebecca Fountain

Prophet Gentle

Tend Gervais


Everett Gilliam

Stephen Githuka

Mariana Glover

Leslie Gomez

Joan Goosen

Michael Gordon

Henry Gottwald

Krystn Goulet

Anythony Gray

Gretchen Green

Jason Gregg

James Griffin

Dan Griffith

Hope Griffith

Raymond Grignon, II

Dwayne Groome

David Hall

Lindsay Hall

Scharnelle Hamlin

Pamela Hamrick

Tracy Hankins

Michael Harbuck

Richard Hardwick

Katherine Harkey

Kim Harrenstein

Shenece Harris

Raymond Harrison


Jonathan Hartzell

Kelsey Hastings

Jessica Havens

Shantram Hawkins

Jessica Hayes

Norman Heath, Jr

Jacqueline Henderson

Vera Henry

Ralph Hensley

Hector Hernandez

Angela Hewitt


Nina Higgins HazelHill

Otto Hines II

Paige Hinst

Eria Honda

Howard Hood

Zachary Hooey

John Hooks II

Steven Hosteter

Daniel Howard

David Hughes

OTilia Hunter

Russell Hurd

Joseph Ichull-lngya

Ren^e Jackson-Halcame

Destiny Jacquet

Gerald Jameson

Raquel Johnican

Shang Jones

La'Kisha Jordan

Karina Kasem

Donna Kauffman

Michael Kee

Alyssa Kelley

Rose Kennedy

Carinda Kerr

Jacqueline Key

Tom Kisling

Pristina Kosovo

Elizabeth LaFranier

Ken Lake

Myra Lane

Latonya Law

Menda Lechiara

Avis Ledee

hristine Leighton

, • • • : i •f
Tuential person in my life "The best book Iever read ,s Goodnight "My favorite time of year ,s Fall because "If Icould have any car I would have an -ny Rocco because his Moon because when I don't read it Iget of the feelings ,t brings and the quickly Aston Martin DBS 2007 because of
football nightmares" -Trevor Pullen,JR approaching basketball season" style and power." -Samuel Bernhardt,SR Isaac Terry,JR inspired me." -Perkey Clark, SR



"In 2007,the Lord called me to serve overseas inan educational setting I moved to Budapest,Hungary inJune of 2007 aftergraduating from LU I have been teaching English as a second language ina Hungarian multi-lingual high school This has been an experience ofa lifetime DLP has allowed me to continue my pursuit of higher education while teaching I have been ableto not only serve God through missions but continue my education and teach I have loved my classes and look forward to the rest ofthem My classes have given me the extra boost of community,which I look forward to every time I log into Blackboard."

"As a Navy Reservist,full-time Federal employee and volunteer, my timeis valuable and I expect to get the most out of any education programI participate in. I have thoroughly enjoyed taking courses atLiberty University and find theirdistance learning courses suitmy work and military lifestyle As a recent Liberty graduate and now starting a MBA program at Liberty,I highly recommend it's flexibility to any Servicemember pursuing an accredited degree from a proven institution of higher learning The professors allowed me a degree of flexibilitywith completing assignments especially when I was recalled to active duty or on assignment."

Community/Camaraderie -LUOnline RIS K refinement 175
"IfIcouldenjoyafreelunchwithaprofessor "IfI could take a picture of one thing on "Ifmoney was not a problem I would give "It was so much fun tohang out with people Iwould choose Dr Peters because he is campus it would probably be Demoss Hall my parents a month long vacation." [on Election Day] The open dorm thing was such a funny, niceand great guy He is one because it "is"Liberty and it isa beautiful - Chris Pascarella SR funand voting was cool" of those men who make you happy to be building that represents so much " -Betsy Abraham, FR yourself." - Mary Claire
JR - Justin Forth,JR
JohnRuane DerrickRude WayneRudell
Sandling ScottSawyer
Schlagel TinaSchuenke DebbieShonk
Smith Kevin Snider KelleySpikes
BrendaStrom R ScottStultz MarySullivan Bradley Summey Chris Surber Aubrey Swanson Sheila Swartz LydiaTakeoka AnthonyTaylor AlfredTdoku CarolinaThomas CurtisThomas JustinThomas EmilyTolly JoshuaUpchurch Katalina Valdes AmyVarson TammyVierra Diana Vinson AngelaWaggoner BrandonWalker BonnieWalton NateWarren BrendaWarwick ArthurWeaver Anna Webb
LisaWest JasonR Whetstone
Willis TyeeshaWillis ElaineWilson RodneyWinkler
TraceaWorm KimWright
m and dad have been the most I people inmy life because •emade me into the man ay."-Jared Roeber, JR
RobertRuotolo PeteRupp Kristin
TaylorSimpson ShadonnaSmall Jacqueline
BrittanyStanlick TamaraStewart
DianeWeinhold-Styer MyrandaWeir James
VanessaWhite-Cameron MaryWhitfield StephanieWidmann DanicaWilliams ScottWilliams SandraWilliamson Michelle
DanielWood SharonWoodard
"My favorite book is Captain Underpants "My favorite time of the year is autumn "A friend should be honest, ou because it is so true and relevant to because that is when all great journeys someone who won't sugar coa begin inThe Lord of the Rings " tellyou what you need tohear America's society and culture
- Zach Wells, FR •Rory Tyer, SR - Grace Inman, SO

"My favorite time of the year issummer. "I went to the [election] party [and] I I work at youth camps and travel with a enjoyed the casual atmosphere of food band We spend our time making friends fun and friends Having liveresultswas a with studentsand pouring our heartsout plusaswell." - Courtney Thompson. JR tothem " - John Bradley JR


As a wife,mother,student and Army Chaplain Assistant, junior Tammy Briggs performed a balancing act with her everyday responsibilities

Briggs hoped to use her role inthe armed forces to win people to Christ.She said, "It provides me an opportunity to take the Gospel all over the Army,great pay and benefits and the opportunity to be exposed to higher echelons not accessible as a non-commissioned officer."

Inaddition to herjob inthe military, Briggs was the mother to three girls "It'sdifficult, yet rewarding I love my girlsdeeply and I want the best lifeI can provide forthem. I get great joy from being their mother and I have a very supportive and encouraging husband."

The online program made it possible for Briggs to continue her education while playing her other rolesas mother and pursuing chaplaincy "The biblicalhistory and insight that I've gained thus farwilltake my ministry further than I've ever imagined The instructors are phenomenal inwisdom, knowledge and understanding of the scriptures, time,context and content,"Briggs said.

For others considering chaplaincy,Briggs advised, "Be all you can be for God Soldiers,sailors, airmen and marines need Jesus too Do it foryourself Do it for your comrades Do it forGod and country."

"I love when Sparky dances and gives me "The most influential person m my life has highfives. He is somuch fun. He riles upthe been my RA NatePowers, notonlydoeshe crowd"- GraceJu. SO helpsme open my mailbox, buthe pushes me to grow spiritually" - NickGerardi FR

RIS K refinement / 179

Women's Soccer:

Longwood L (0-2)

Virginia L(0-5)

Old DommionL (0-4)

Navy L (1-2)

Florida Southern L (1-2)

Stetson T (0-0)

VMI L (0-2)

Charleston Southern L (0-2)

Coastal Carolina L(2-3)

Francis Marion L (1-2)

High Point L (1-3)

UNC AshevilleW (3-1)

RadfordL (1-3)

Presbyterian W (5-1)

Gardner-Webb L (1-2)

Winthrop T (1-1, 2 OT)

East Tennessee State W (3-1)

Women's Basketball:

VCU L(57-59)

UC RiversideW (45-44)

Western Carolina L (53-73)

Hartford L (39-46)

South Alabama L(61-65)

James Madison L (64-77)

Auburn L(53-64)

Saint Paul'sW (92-68)

Winston-Salem StateW (55-43)

Vanderbilt L (50-67)

North Carolina W (72-58)

VirginiaTech W (45-43)

Gardner-Webb W (55-42)

Winthrop W (55-51)

EastTennessee StateW (64-54)

Presbyterian W (59-49)

UNC AshevilleW (75-48)

Charleston Southern W (76-51)

Coastal Carolina W (65-40)

High PointW (65-42)

Radford W (80-38)

Gardner-Webb W (58-51)

Winthrop W (58-51)

Coastal Carolina W (77-44)

Charleston Southern W(81-59)

UNC AshevilleW(77-41)

Presbyterian W (71-33)

Radford W(80-61)

High Point L(53-58)

Big South Championsihp Tournament

Charleston Southern W(74-64)

Winthrop W (61-42)

Gardner Webb W(51-S0)

NCAA Tournament LousvilleL(42-62)

Women's Tennis: West VirginiaL(2-5)

EastCarolina L(2-5)

George Washington W (5-2)

Charleston Southern L(3-4)

CoastalCarolina W (4-3)

North Carolina A&T W (7-0)

Longwood W (6-1)

UNC Wilmington W (4-3)

Missouri Southern W (7-0)

HastingsW (7-0)

McMurray W (7-0)

James Madison W (6-1)

Radford W (6-1)

High Point W (5-2)

UNC AshevilleW (6-1)

Big South Quarterfinals UNC

AshevilleW (4-0)

Big South SemifinalsCoastal Carolina L(0-4)



Towson L (1-11)

KennesawStateW (7-0)

N.C. State L(1-2)

Delaware L(1-4)

astCarolina L(3-7)

Fordham L(2-3)

Towson L (0

Radford L(0-4

Presbyterian W (7-0;

Stetson L(0-3)

Presbyterian L(1-4)

Stetson L(0-5)

Stetson L(0-5)

Stetson L(1-2)

Baylor L (0-8)

UCF Fla L (0-3)

BostonUniversity L(0-2)

Penn State L(1-2)

nattanooga L(2-3)

)artmouth L(0-1)

St Louis L(0-1)

St LouisW (3-0)

•JCGreensboroW (1-0)

UNC Greensboro L(3-4)

James Madison W (5-4)

James Madison L (2-4)

Birmingham-Southern W (4-1)

BirminghamSouthern W(4-0)

Birmingham-Southern L(5-9)

Tennessee L(2-8)

Tennessee L(1-7)


VirginiaW (9-6)

Coastal Carolina L(2-3)

Coastal Carolina W (1-0)

Coastal Carolina L(2-5)

Longwood L(1-7)

Longwood L(0-3)

VirginiaTech L(2-7)

VirginiaTech L(1-9)

Radford L(1-4)

Radford L(2-3)

Radford L(6-8)


Richmond W (4-3) EastCarolina L(0-7) Appalachian State L(0-7) Charleston Southern L(1-6) Coastal Carolina L(1-6) Longwood L(1-6) UNC Wilmington L(3-4) Palm Beach AtlanticW (4-3) Hastings W (7-0) McMurray W (6-1) James Madison L(2-5) Lynchburg W (7-0) Radford L(1-6) Averett W (8-1) High PointL(0-7) UNC AshevilleW (5-2) Winthrop W (4-3) Big South Quarterfinals Coastal Carolina L(4-0) Winthrop L(0-6) Winthrop L(1-7) Winthrop L(1-4) Gardner-Webb W (5-4) Gardner-Webb W (5-4) Charleston Southern L(3-5) Charleston Southern W (7-0) Charleston Southern W (12-3) Big South Softball Championship BirminghamSouthern L (1-2) BigSouth Softball Championship Charleston Southern W (5-3) Big South Softba Championship Coastal Carolina W (8-2) Big South Softba Championship Radford W (2-0) Big South Softba Championship Title Game Winthrop L(1-6)
StateW (4-0) Norfolk StateW (4-3) Hampton W (3-0)


North Greenville W (49-10)

GlenvilleStateW (44-27)

Western Carolina W (19-16)

Youngstown StateW (31-28)

Coastal Carolina W (43-38)

Stony Brook W (33-0)

Lafayette L(21-35)

Charleston Southern W (42-0)

Presbyterian L(28-31)

VMI 26 W (38-26)

Gardner-Webb W (30-10)

Elon W (26-3)


Montreat W (97-77)

UNC Asheville L (56-84)

VirginiaW (86-82)

Coker W (88-66)

William & Mary W (80-74) 2 OT

George Mason W (69-66)OT

Gardner-Webb W (68-59)

Clemson L(75-80)

Anderson W (46-88)

DePaul L (63-64)

SaintLouis L(70-73)

Northern Colorado W (75-70)

USC Upstate W (77-64)

CincinnatiChristianW (86-55)

Winthrop L(57-59)

Presbyterian L (66-67) 2 OT

Charleston Southern W (79-60)

Coastal Carolina W (68-55)


Troy Invitational 3rd

Troy Invitational 3rd

VCU Shoot Out,15th

VCU Shoot Out,15th

Frank Landrey Invitational, 9th

Frank Landrey Invitational, 9th

CSU Invitational, 8th

CSU Invitational, 5th

ODU/Seascape Collegiate, 10th

ODU/Seascape Collegiate, 7th

Argonaut Invitational, 6th

Argonaut Invitational, 7th


Gardner-Webb W (43-6)

The CitadelTri Match W (22-16)

Body Bar Invitational9th out of11 teams

Hoosier DualsWon 2 Lost3

Spartan InvitationalT9th out of10teams

Reno Tournament of Champions

28th out of30 teams

Southern Scuffle26th outof31 teams

Southern Scuffle16th out of31 teams

Central Michigan VirginiaDuals L(15-27)

Northern ColoradoVirginia

VMI W (91-80)

High PointW (61-56)

Radford L (82-94)

High PointW (78-63)

UNC AshevilleW (78-66)

Gardner-Webb L (90-95)20T

WmthropW (57-47)

Presbyterian W (69-48)

Charleston Southern W (95-80

Coastal Carolina W (85-82)

Old Dominion L (56-80)

VMI L(72-109)

Radford W (92-85)

Big South Championship Tournament

Gardner-Webb W (88-77)

VMI L(58-78)

College Tournament

Rider W(79-64)

James Madison L(65-88)

FirstMarket Bank Intercollegiate, 6th

FirstMarket Bank Intercollegiate, 7th

Lacrosse Homes Collegiate 2nd

Lacrosse Homes Collegiate, 2nd

Ironwood PirateIntercollegiate, 2nd

Ironwood PirateIntercollegiate, 2nd

Ironwood PirateIntercollegiate, 4th

Wolfpack Invitational, T13th

Wolfpack Invitational, 15th

Wolfpack Invitational, 14th

Big South Men's Championship, T6th

Big South Men's Championship, 6th

DualsW (25-16)

Penn VirginiaDuals L(9-35)

Wyoming Tri Match L (3-44)

N.C StateTri Match T (22-22)

Bucknell L(12-37)

Campbell W (27-12)

UNC Greensboro L(13-25)

East Regional Duals1st out of7 teams

NCAA National Championship

55th out of76 teams

NCAA National Championship

58th out 76 teams

Reference RIS K refinement / 181
••••••••••••••••••••• **

Volleyball: N.C State W (3-0)

Central Michigan W (3-2)


Saint Francis (Pa.) W (3-0)

George Mason W (3-1)

Rutgers W (3-1)

James Madison W (3-1)

CornellW (3-1)

Northern Iowa L(0-3)

Kansas State L(1-3)

Notre Dame L(0-3)

Western Michigan L(1-3)

UC IrvineW (3-0)

Charleston Southern W (3-0)

Coastal Carolina W (3-1)

VCU L (1-3)

Gardner-Webb W (3-0)

Radford W (3-0)


PresbyterianW (3-0) UNC AshevilleW (3-0) High PointL (2-3;

W (3-0) Radford W (3-0) CoastalCarolinaW (3-0)

Southern W (3-0)

Gardner-Webb W (3-2) UNC AshevilleL (2-3)

L (2-3) High PointW (3-0) Winthrop W (3-0) South Championship Tournament

Gardner-Webb W (3-0) UNC AshevilleW (3-0) CoastalCarolinaW (3-1) NCAA Tournament Nebraska L (1-3)


Bluefield W (3-1)

Campbell W (1-0)

Marshall W (3-2)

Radford L(1-2)

North CarolinaL(1-4)

Howard W (3-0)

Winthrop L(1-3)

High Point W (3-1)

Coastal Carolina L (1-2, OT)

Virginia L(0-3)

Southern VirginiaW (3-0)

Presbyterian W (2-1)

Gardner-Webb W (3-0)

LongwoodT (Tl, 2OT)

VMI W(3-2,20T)

UNC AshevilleT (0-0, 2OT)

Big South Championship Tournament

High PointW (2-1)

Winthrop T (1-1) PKs6-7


Baseball: Notre Dame Clearwater

InvitationalW (6-2)

Albany Clearwater InvitationalW (5-4)

Iowa Clearwater InvitationalW (3-1)

Norfolk State W (5-1)

RiderW (4-3)


Rider W (18-2)

VCU L (4-5)

Old Dominion L(7-9)

Army W (11-5)

Army W (13-7)

Army W (15-7)

CalState Northndge CocaCola ClassicL (7-11)

Southern Miss CocaCola Classic L (0-5)

CalStateNorthridgeCocaCola Classic L(2--9)

James Madison L(2-3)

Columbia W (13-10)

Columbia L(6-11)

Columbia L(3-7)

Columbia W (12-2)

Cross Country:

VirginiaTech Cross Country Relay

Men-lst, Women-2nd

Liberty Big South Preview

Men-lst, Women-2nd

Brooks Paul Short Run

Men-lOth Women-20th



New Balance Big South Cross Country Championships

Men-lst, Women-2nd

NCAA Southeast Regional Championships

Men-5th, Women-15th

George Mason L(0-13)

CoastalCarolina L (3-5,11 inn.)

Coastal Carolina W (9-6)

Coastal Carolina L(1-2)

William & Mary L(9-7)

Norfolk State L(5-8)

UNC Asheville L(0-9)

UNC Asheville W (14-1310 inn.)

UNC AshevilleW (11-4)

James Madison L (0-4)

Virginia L(3-7)

Radford W (5-4)

Radford W (18-4)

Radford W (12-5)

Williams Mary W (13-3)

VirginiaTech L (1-11)

VMI W (8-0)

VMI L (5-6,16 inn)

VMI W (6-1)

James Madison L(7-10)

Old Dominion W (11-3)

Winthrop L(5-10)

Winthrop W (7-6)

Winthrop L(7-8)

Track/Field: Sykes-Sabock Challenge Cup


New Balance Big South Indoor Track Championships

Men-lst, Women-2nd

ECAC/IC4A Indoor Track Championships

Men-18th, Women-32nd

George Mason L (6-7, 11 inn.)

Charleston Southern W (8-3)

Charleston Southern W (13-2)

Charleston Southern W (8-2)

VirginiaTech W (7-6)

Longwood W (5-3)

Longwood W (12-4)

Longwood T (3-3)

VCU W (10-3)

High PointW (8-1)

High PointW (5-4)

High Point L(4-8)

Big South Championship

Radford L(15-4)

Big South Championship

UNC AshevilleW (10-1)

Big South Championship

Radford W (11-2)

Big South Championship

Winthrop W (15-3)

Big South Championship Title Game

Coastal Carolina W (13-1)

Big South Champipnship Title Game #2

Coastal Carolina L(2-9)

NCAA Division I Indoor Track Championships


Reference RIS K refinement / 183

Group Photos

TaylorAutone, Philip Brown, SarahCoffey, JavierDiaz, Buffie Jordan, Chad Laughlin, Celeste Madonna,AnthonyThompkins Uzo Ikejiofor, BryanDoz DanielEarley, MariaEller, Dan Belcher, CourtneyGilmore, Kurt Jackson, Bill McLarnon,ToddPicht, Megan Reneau,ZacSeelinger BryanCrabtree, Rex Wimmer EmilyHouse,LaceyJudd, Meghan Sabella, SydneySmith EmilyHouse, LaceyJudd, Meghan Sabella, Sydney Smith ValerieGardner,ShannonHorvath, CassieFlowers,JordanWillis, LindseyLitton, StephanieCorbin AlisonShayVitello, TravisMarshallDudley Kristinaten Pas, AngelaMeert,JaneEdwards, ClayWhipple, NathanAmiri PhilipLeinweber Sarah Fox
JordanAnderson,JarodCherdt, JordanHons, KelseyNicholas
Reference RISK refinement / 185
KiraMohler,JulieStillwagon, Ranecca Abell, SarahWillet, KaitlynBurroughs DallionWitgins, Cameron Lewis,Jessica DiCaro, AlyssaQuinn, DanialDendit ElizabethBaldwin, Martha Zasadny MilessaYowell, KaitlynThompson, BeverlyPowell, Brittany Gillespie, KaitlynBurroughs Leo EverettHowell, Ray Ferrell, Sarah Goss AshleyPeterson, Nina Palazzo,JeffreySchlaudt, JohnSchlaudt,Dana Brunstetter, Mizraim Diaz Danyeu Crum,Leigh Anna Renstrom,LydiaMercer, Laura Stewart, LauraFaidley, Jenni Blanzy, KaitlynWojciki, Danielle Johnston, Lauren Seamon, MylinaHolt, SarahColein, ErickaMorris, Mary Byers Ben Quartuccio,WillOusley,Ted Inman, Sean Dalton, LizMizer Mai Dang, KellyMortensen, Nicole Meyeres NoelGarcia, Ashley Peterson, Erik Diederiks, ScottR Pinto, Dana Brunstetter, AaronMarvel, Dane Pascoe,TaylorEley, Kimmy Hendricks, Cameron Park, Monica Cardenti, Ben Baxley, Stephen Weeks Ciji Prosser, ChristaMcClenny,Courtney Moultrie, LouiseWamjai,Lindsay Maclnnis Leah Burling AllisonWalker, JeffFortier,Rigoberto Jimenez, ChristiLancaster

Geoff Matthews,'Gramps'Sean Philpott, Bryce Kimmel, David Feliciano,AdrianDurkee, DaveWeddingJr, ElizabethHefner, Dan Doll,Andrew Baumgardner,Dominic Corson Scalfaro, AlenaBethlrisNaff, JonOwens, BrittneyLeanne Martin, DanielBruce

Robert Hardy,Timothy Rebert, DustinRhodes, Robert Rock, James Dresler,Travis Mills, Matthew Homan,Lee Bishop

A'lishaTalib,Aeron Moore,Amber Dubberke, LynnHoldstock, Beth Arnold, MollyBortz, StephanieBarnard, BrittneyRoberts, KartherineFath, LindseyRamirez, Rhonda Hawks, KatherineKearney, Heather Braddock

TimothyThorn, Dwayne North,Badley Blackburn, PrestonTurpin,JacobWhitman, Matthew Peele,Aaron Crawford, Matthew Person, DanielSmith, CarlosColon

%• *
Jared Bredeson, SteveBalocki, AmyTase, ZakWhite, SemyRhee, RyanPowell, Dave Christopher, NoelStates, JenniferCarlson, LizSweeny KristinatenPas, Angela Meert,JaneEdwards, ClayWhipple, Nathan Amiri CoryHaden, ClayMackie, RachelAllen, NatalieLozano, Danielle Kearney, PeggyWarren,Rebekah Shank, KieraWortham, Megan Chapman, Samantha Balandimal YoungNovalis, Ryan Gottier,Jameson Beckner, Neil Durner,JasonWalters, Mark Krom,JoshuaGrubbs,AaronO'Dell KelseyBaker, MichelleLust, Monica Cardenti, Amanda Thomas,Amanda Donawho, Rebekah Buthcer,Jennifer Tarr,Johnna Anderson,SteffanSwitzer, CelesteMadonna,ElishaDudley TaylorEley,AlbertHedden, BrianMull, Joshua Varney, Benjamin Knotts, JoelReady, Jason Ginsburg, Matthew O'Meara, ChristopherKretzer

Samuel Smith, Adam Schwenk, Adam Blosser, Shane Swanson, LisAlbertoLucchini, Parker Jones,JonathanTurner, ChristopherPascarella

GabrielleBrochu, RebeccaCover, KathrynLewellyn,Amanda Crews, RachelRichardson,Yodani Powell, Rhea Dukelbarger, Lerisa Pelfrey, Lauren Hoessly

DallionWitgins,Cameron Lewis, JessicaDiCaro, Alyssa Quinn, DanialDendit, Elizabeth Baldwin, Martha Zasadny

KyleMullett, StephenWeeks,Benjamin Baxley, Nathan Nettekoven,Matthew Toogood, JessePerry, Chad Laughlin, James Humphrey,MichaelLumpkin, DanielNeb, Danny Lamonte

AllenMustian, Roy Badillo Cessa, KevinCheung, NicholasGo,Brandon Milks, Ryan Robertson, Matthew Cameron, Stephen Peters, StephenCribb, Tom Hinkley

ChristinaLilly.Allison Kilgore, Kristi Negron, Elizabeth Griffith, BuffieJordan, ShannonKinzie

Tom Hinkley, RachelMahan,NateTaylor, TrippSetliff, ZionTankard, Courtney Stephens, CarlosColon, MikeWynn, ChrisCortes, LeslieParks, Heather Braddock, KristinWolfe, MatthewShort, Rebekah Taylor, DustinRife, Shannon Kinzie, Bliss Spillar, Lori Peele, Christina Cooper, DanielleMcCarthy, ElishaDudley, DustinDuBose,Rebekah Gregory, Danny Lamonte,Lee Bishop, Emily Woody

Megan Lowe, Sharon Forbes, CarrieJohn, MollyMorgan, ReneeWingert, Brittany Tencher,JessicaBates, Carmen Goodier, Rachel Mahan

ChelseaDavis, Kristin Sones, AlieshaBenzinger, EmilyMercado KrystalGreene, Rebecca Gregorin,Jessica Rife, DanyelleHudgens, Amanda Sommers, DanielleMcCarthy

RIS K refinement / 187
RachelMcCullough, CharlesBussey, Lance Green,Aaron Smith, Ryan Sebastian, FletcherAbbott, PhilipLuca, DorelCaptari, LeviBaker, Sean Philpott,Timothy Yonts Andrew Walker,Jonathan Woods, Ashley Harris,Christopher Foumier, Gregory Forrest, Brandon Ediger, JamesWright, RyanJeffers, Brian Benner,JungLee, Matthew Short TylerMcClure, BlissSpiller,Andrew Gragan KristinAntes, KristinaMann,TessaKnotts, DanielleJacobs, HilaryHicks, MaginMills, Audrey Morrett,JaneBlaney,Courtney Stephens, Dwayne Carson Joshua Murray, Matthew Clark, Steven Chichester,Joshua Fish, DavidVoltmer, Steven Thomas, Brenton Lehman, KivettHicks, Nate Taylor, DanielWebb,Stephen Richardson Alexandria Lippold,JayneFullbright, LindsayBeck, Aimee Roberson, Kathryn Overbey, RachaelJohnson, Heather Seetaram,Artea Ambrose Lutesha Campbell, LorraineClason, Anastasia Brooks, Deanne lllig Heather Patterson, ErinReynolds, Christine Barbera,JillianZavacky, KellyCyrus AustinDavis,JasonCizdciel, RyanPhelps, Ryan Mowen,RoryTyer, NathanaelPowers, Joshua Cushing, Jeremy Demarco DanieleReavis, StephaniePlace, ElizabethClarke, RacelCerra, Kimberly Stepuch,JillianAndre,Holly Harrington, AlannaJones, Raphaela Torman, LeslieParks Stephanie Chatman,Amber Kostura,JennaLand, Anna Cribb ErinDellinger, KristenWolfe,Melody Hale,Anneke Darling, HollyFreeman, NicoleWish
Reference RIS K refinement 189
AlisonStultz, Lynn Holdstock, KellySnider, Nicole Meyers,JessicaBridge AmyTase, ZakWhite, SemyRhee, RyanPowell, Dave Christopher, NoelStates, JenniferCarlson, LizSweeny AshleyPeterson, Noe Garcia, Kimmy Hendricks Casey Moore, Chelsea Thompson Luke Mathisen, MattSciola, Brittni Campanella, NateRevell,TJKnoche Amonte Mickie, Marco Ruidiaz, JaredStewart, Martin Underwood,KyleVanduser CorrineAlape, ElizabethBennett,Valinda Bishop, JessicaDiCaro, David Duckworth, TaraEdwards, Sarah Ellis, Karissa Gruber, AshleyHale, KatieHankins, Clay Lindner, JesseMitchell, Shaw Murtagh, MckKenna Nylander, Leslie Phelps, EliseRamey,Naomi Satterfield, Nicole Shouse, Ragan Story,JustineWagner Jason Baird, Stephen Baker, GraceBarnes, Anna Cary,JarrettChambers,Luke Crouterfield, Ryan Donald, BrittanyEdgar, PaulHalsey, MindiHollingsworth, Jonathan LaLone, AustinMcNair, Jessica Moore Mitch Dalton, Zach Mann,Eddie Marquet, BenMauch.Dave McSherry, David Smith, MichaelStastay


From lefttoright: Nicole Pawlowskis, Dominique McKay,Satta

Ektrakul, Lindsey Oliver, Aubrey Blankenship •£S

Name: Jordan Dunn

Title: ArtDirector

Classification: JR

Hometown: Cleveland,Ohio

Best Yearbook Quote oftheYear: "It looks like.. 'Blue'"(Jordan/Brooke), "Joe,. He's ALIVE1!'"(Jordan/Carrie)

The most important thing I learned from being on staffthis year: Carrie is always right (HAHA) And teamwork is notaseasy as it sounds,it actually takes a lotofhard work tobe on asuccessful team

Brooke McDowell

Title: Copy Editor

Classification: SR

Hometown: Prattville, AL

Best Yearbook Quote ofthe Year: Any time Bretttried toinsultSabrena And it rarely worked Oh,and youcan'tforget the wedding cowntdown that we were reminded about every, single, day The most important thing I learned from being on staffthisyear:

People grow on you Life throws hard circumstances your way And ateveryone else, too No matter how hard accomplishing something is, there eventually is a breathing point...and it is amazing when you get there We're all going tobeOK

Lindsay Washabaugh

Title: Supplemental Editor

Classification: SR

Hometown: Chambersburg,Pa

Best Yearbook Quote ofthe Year:

"Guys remember when we went up tothe topofthe EiffelTower I mean theEmpire StateBuilding"

Dave Poore

Classification: JR

Hometown: Markham, Ontario Canada

The most important thing I learned from being onstaff thisyear: How to index..

The most important thing I learned from| being on staffthisyear: Proofs are the bane ofmy existence.J/k but seriously

Actually I learned how important every single person is tomaking the yearbook come together If oneperson fails todo his/her partthe process is slowed down andthe yearbook does not look itsbest Everyone on the team must communicate wellwith each other and do theirpart inorder to create the best yearbook possible

If I were the editor inchiefof the yearbook I would: Have corned beef sandwiches atevery meeting, and never letanyone look directly into the camera lens - Jordan Dunn, JR

If I were the editor inchief of the yearbook I would: die, -Brooke McDowell, SR

If I were the editor inchiefof the yearbook I would:buy lotsofpillows for allofthe long meetings andlate nights that many staffmembers spend in the "ice -Lindsay Washabaugh,SR

s '-•••*!'
"If I were the editor inchief I would cutouttheindex and let people find theirown names."
-Dave Poore, JR

If I were the editor in chief of the yearbook: I would throw something atJordan every time I hadto find the font Apex Serif Bold or Book, -Sabrena Carter BS MA,Mrs

As editor inchief I willget a microwave that won't short out the power in half the building Encourage messy desks Keep asleeping bag onhand Have a cnark box - Brett Hastie, S R

Sabrena Carter

Title: Office Manager and Interim Editor In Chief

Classification: BS.MA,Mrs

Hometown: Lake Stevens, W A

Best Yearbook Quote ofthe Year:

"I'm going tocome back with a great oneliner."-Brett Hastie

The most important thing I learned from being on staff thisyear: It'salways a littleworse than it seems anda little easier than youthought it would be

Brett Hastie

Title: Photography Editor


Hometown: Sicklerville, NJ

Best Yearbook Quote of the Year:

"Hi my name isSabrena Carter..NO STUPID .DEAL!!!" Sabrena Carter Deal

The most important thing I learned from being on staff this year: Toalways have a reason/purpose fordoing what you do Tostand upfor what youbelieve in Toalways beopen toconstructive criticism Toapply my entire selfto the task at hand andhonor the Lord in it

Katie Bell

Title: Marketing Director


Hometown: Chesapeake,VA

Best Yearbook Quote of the Year:

"How much is 25lbsof popcorn?"

The most important thing I learned from being on staffthis year: Excellence is only achieved through teamwork, andlotsof it1

If I were the editor inchief of the yearbook I would Find a way to make the yearbook includedin student fees -Katie Bell SO

If I were the editor inchief of the yearbook I would: Putthis story inabout acute little boythat I know who'sadopted . - Carrie Barnhouse DONE WITH SCHOOL1

ClosingSelahStaff RIS K refinement 191
CONGRATULATIONS W e love you and are VER Y proud of you!! Romans 8:38-39 MELISSA SCHISSLER Congratulations!YouhavegrownIn wisdomandstaturejustasJesusdid. We aresoproudofyou! Allourlove- Mom, Dad&Melissa Congratulation are all so proud i and grateful to < Love, Mom, Dad, Amanda, Jonathan His bannerovtrjotthaseverbeenbit. Yon art a blessing to nr! Congratulations'. We an so proud of you! hove Mom & Dad B& C Sports Inc. 10 % off with valid student I.D. at both locations in RiverRidge Mall. Excludes sale items special orders, an d Lay-a-ways
Reference Thank you 2009 Business Sponsor RIS K refinement / 193 0 % off for Flames Club Members 3700 Candlers Mountain Ri Lynchburg, V A (434) 846-5076
Thank you 2009 Business Sponsor (434) 237-7788 5501 f« 4 Ave* UjrtcUtwg, V A





Reference RISK refinement / 195
Thank you 2009 Business Sponsor Visit Liberty Print Services for all your print services Wedding Invitations Posters Projects Resumes Photos LIBERTY UNIVERSITY ™ Print Services A Division ofCOBBTechnologies
Reference RIS K refinement / 197 RIVER RIDGE MALL LYNCHBURG, VA 24502 434-239-5231 Thankyou2009BusinessSponsor Thankyou2009BusinessSponsor


JustinWords cannot express how proud we are of you God has huge plans for your life and we are honored to be a part of it. We love you

"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."

-Jeremiah 29:11

Michael James Lampman Congratulations, Lieutenant!

Withmuchlove, Mom,Dad, Adam &sweetheartLaura

"W e sleep safe in our beds because rough me n stand ready in the night to visit violence on those wh o would do us harm."

- George Orwell.


lay the Lordforeverblessyou andkeepyo

"Therefore, if any man be in Christ, heisanew creature;old things are passedaway; behold, all things are become new"


|We love you, are proud of you, and pray for yourcontinuedsuccess

Dad, Mom, EddieIII,6Aerica

(pim*/u^ €&»)
^S&t&ey, *r&6%*m

1 Best buddies trough the years, 1 sharing so man y ' great experiences No w ceiebrating this tremendous accomplishment together. We're so Proud of the young m e n you have become.

RIS K refinement / 199 nil *"*• *v

Matthew Raposas

You have made us all so proud. W e praise and thank God for all your hard work. You have done your best. Keep walking with Jesus and put Hi m first and H e will crown your efforts with success. The Lord bless you and keep you.


W e always love you, Mom , Dad, Lolo, Lola, Uncle and Auntie

Matthew is apositive thinker. I have neverseenhim getdiscouraged Heis | aloyal friend.

I JamesTorres- UCLA Studentof |Engineering

Dear Matthew,

-It has beenaprivilegetobepartof Iyourtrektoward allthat God wants r you to be High school, college,and Iwhat'snext- theU.S. Supreme Court? Iwould notbesurprisedforyou have alwayssucceeded evenwith difficult tasks. Congratulations,graduate! God bless you in yourwalk with Him, t Mrs. CarolynRhoades- Supervisor (Faith ChristianAcadem)

Matthew is creative andhighly intelligent.May heusethose things fori

God's glory

Sam Cardinal -Youth PastorACF

• Matthew is alwaystheone thatmakes otherslaugh.Thereis no dullmoment [withhim. He alwaysgives good advice to others.

\ NicoleMarquez - CalState Fullerton

Matthew is hardworking and also makes everyonelaugh

Josh Sanchez - CalStateLong Beach

Matthew, You alwaystaughtme nevertogive up - thanks. Can'twaittil you come back

OemarTebo - former studentat FCA

Matthew, You are verytruthful withmoney

Youare also verygivingtoothers and faithful ofgivingyourtithes. Keep on. I LolaDating-Anaheim, California

Donald Lee Roebuck, Jr.

We are soproud of you. We give all glory to God for your accomplishmements.

As you 20 froward may vou 1th that can do allthingsthrough strength. Phil. 4:13

May theGodof truth bless you and keepyou

Make adifferencefor Christ

Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths. Proverbs 3:5,6

We love and are so proud of YOU, Dad, Mom, Grammie Deanie, GrandpaBob, TMBC Family, FamilyandFriends




Reference RISK refinement / 201 Congratulations
Congratulations acqueline Gooden

ifeisrisky...simple asthat. Youcan't get anywhere by staying comfortable, and many times God allows things to happen .that are solely meant to get us moving inthe right direction,mature us and make usmore likeHim.This year's theme, developed by editorial contributor Jesse Perry,is all aboutthe challenges oflifeandthe people we become because ofthem,the process ofRisk/refinement For the Selah staffthisyear our production has been that process. We didn't intend to, but we lived the idea ofRisk/ refinement It's not often life experiences are so literal

We started the year gung ho about a book with story ideas, design and photos segmented into two categories we labeled either "Risk"or"Refinement." We would analyze each story andassign it alabel based on its characters,plot line, depth and emotional grab It wasclean and pretty simplistic inthought The more we dealt with the ideas ofriskand refinement, the more we realized they were nowhere near asneat and clean aswe hadassumed They proved to be unpredictable andfluid concepts W e fought totry and classify them asoneor the other.W e now know life andallit entails isnot andcannot be divided intotwoaspects,perspectives or viewpoints called Risk/refinement W e found ourselves notbeing able to tellonewithout the other Thus Risk/refinement gradually became more of astarting point anda

"My jobastheGrand Pooba

a.k.a ArtDirectorwasto come up withtheoveralllook and feel ofthebook, bysettingthe standardsin size, color pallets and fontselections I wouldalso be in chargeofthe dauntin< oflooking atablank spread and having toenvisionwhat might i become ofit, whetherthedesign delivered orwas adudrested on my weary shoulders. When proofs. would come back I wouldturn into "wonder boy"and pull an all nightertogettheproofsfixed up in one evening I live bythemotto

them giveyou newproofsfor the fifth time in arow." - Jordan Dunn

AAbbott, Fletcher

Abell, Rebecca

Abner, Natasha

Abraham, Betsy

Achuk, Mayom

AC Moore

Acree, Caleb



Adams, Joey

Adams, John

Adams, Renatha

Addington, Courtney


Adkins, Lauren

Agustine, Mikha

Aherns, Johnny


Ahier, Kylie



Ajabi, Mastaneh

Akpr Alpx AAI\CI, 1 1ICA



Alexander, Phillip

Allan, Tiffany









Allen, Tiffany

Allison, Alyshia



Ambrose, Artea Amico,Marilyn


Aristilde, Marc-Arthur


Arnold, Miranda

Arte' Dei CapelliSalon


Ashley, Gary

Ashmead, Amanda

Atkinson, Paul Autone, Taylor

Avery, Christine Avval, KianaVafaei Awvor, Christine


"I am an assistant graphic designer for theSelah We work asateam togetthingsdone properly. This is notwork It is thescience of l excitement, thefoundationof 1 awesomeness.Mybossesare SUPER COOL and I lovehow things work around here." -SattaEkrakul
•>'•••-, Ancheril, Allen Anderson,Darlene Anderson, Johnna Anderson, Jordan Anderson,Reese Andre, Jillian Andrew,Matthew Andrews, Patrick An, Mihyun Antes, Kristin 42 Anthony,Lauren Antoine, Carla Antoine, Christopher Arbelaez, Cheryl Arguello, Giovanna 188 145, 185 145 175 4, 137, 171 107 24 113 45, 95 154 77 173 110 145 157 145 49 1 76, 82, 126 53 17 173 157 78 189 32,55 157 46 154, 157 145 173 48 155 157, 186 150 173 132,157 17, 221 155, 223 173 188 173 184, 186 162 157 173 186 184 73 188 199 111,145 62 128,157,188 145 173 Dillon 198 173 104
Amiri, Nathan Amos, Chris
Inc Babbitt,
Barbera, Christine Barber,
Barbosa, Guilherme Bardell,
Barnard, Stephanie Barnes,
Barnes, Michael Barnes & Noble Barnes,Stephen Barnhouse, Carrie Barnwell, Harold Barone,Anthony Barrett, Timothy Bartlett, Genette Basang, Kiven 173 145 186 102, 171 48,197 48 86 109 104 184 145 154 60 157 173 173 23 54 192 171 173 173 75 93 189 37 41 80,116 145 34,186 188 189 117 186 145,185,187 31 49 186 173 157,188 173 106,114 145 173 186 39 173 145,189 157 22 145 171,191 145 157 173 88,90 173
Azondjagni, Holale Azu, Althea
Prasanna Baines, Katie Baird, Jason
Jeffrey Baker,Amanda
Tyler Balandimal,Samantha Baldwin, Elizabeth121,
Steve Banks-Myles,Peggy

Bliss, Mike

Block Party




Boateng, Joshua


Bollig, Ainsley

Bond, Will


Boogades, Jenilee

Boogades, Justin


Booth, Sarah

Boquist, Patricia

Bortz, Molly


Botzenhart, Lindsay

Boucher, Josephine



Bowler, Kristie





Bowser, Chris


Bozwell, Barry


Bradley, Theresa

Brandt, Christin

Branzelle, Brittney

Brawster, Jason

Bray, Lieutenant Bobby

Brearly, Patricia

Bredeson, Jared

Breer, Jeremiah

Breeze, Willie Breuner, Bonnie


Brown, Jared

Brown, Jole

Brown, Melissa




Brown, Patricia

Brown, Philip Brown,Ron Brown, Sarah Brown, Tiara






Kyle Bryant,Matthew


Mitchell Buchanan-Board man


Steve Buckingham,Nicole

Zach Buckley, Garret Buckley, Taylor

Buist, Kirsten Bullman, Scott

Bull, Natesha

Bullock, Timothy

Burling, Leah

Burroughs, Kaitlyn

Burton, Bethany

Bushman, Dacia

Bussey, Charles


Butterbaugh, April Byers, Jessie


Canderlirio, Mike

Caner,Dr Ergun


Cannie, Richard


Capillas, Sidney

Captari, Dorel

Carden, Keyisha

Cardenti, Monica

Carlson, April

Carlson, Jennifer

Carnes, Scott

Caro, JessicaDi

Carone, Jonathan


Carrasco, Patricia

Carrasco, Phillipe

Carrasquillo, Elianna

Carrero, Elias

Carr, Kimberly

Carson,Dwayne 45, 94, 171, 188

Carson IV,Robert

Carson, Kristi

Carter, Ronnie

Carter(Deal), Sabrena

Carver, Clayton

Cary, Anna

Castlebury, Chris

Castor, Rod'Esther

Castro, Fidel

Cater, Evan

Caudle, Ashley

Celi, Jessica

Cerra, Rachel

Cessa, Angel Badillo

Cessa,Roy Badillo

Chambers, Jarrett

Chandler, Amy

Chandler, Joseph


Chapman, Megan

Chaput, Travis

Charles, Brunell


Caccia, Courtney

Cagle, Jay

Calhoun, David

Calinisan, Alex

Callicutt, Erica

Callis, Michelle

Calvo, Jay

Cameron,Matthew 110, Campanella, Brittni


Chase, Lauren



Chastain, Rachael


Chavez, Hugo


Cheatham, Andrew


Chen, Austin



Cherdt, Jarod

Cheshire, Ashley


Closing RIS K refinement 205 Basinger, Hope 41 Bassie, Lauren 67,85, 99 Batdorf, Zachary 157 Bates, Darius 157 Bates, Jessica 187 Baucom,Phillip 92 Baumgardner, Andrew 186 Baum,Jason 98 Baxley, Benjamin 187,185 Bazil, Joaull 109 Beall, Daniel 145 Beals, Natalie 31 Beams,Crystal 139 Beams,Zach 12,139 Beasley, Aaron 21,50,107 Beasley, Dean 157 Beaverson, Emily 147 Beck, Joel 76 Beckles, Andrea 52 Beck, Lindsay 188 Beckner 186 Beckner, Jameson 157 Behnke, Curtis 145 Belcher, Dan 184 Bell, Katie 68, 145,191 Bell, William 173 Benner, Brian 188 Bennett, Elizabeth 157,189 Bennett, Jared 145 Benson, Owen 157 Benzinger, Aliesha 157,187 Berliner, Autumn 39 Bernard, Patrick 145 Bernhardt, Samuel 174 Berrios, Natalie 167 Berry, Ben 149 Best, Chris 125 Best, Nyla 173 Betancourt, Robert 173 Betts, Melissa 157 Beyrouti, Laura 173 Biddix, Chris 163 Bindu, Tafadzwa 155 Bishop, Lee 186, 187 Bishop, Valinda 189 Bixler, Matthew 177 Blackburn, Badley 186 Blackwell, Jennifer 48 Blair, Sarah 113,144,151 Blanchard, Jim 173 Blanco, Tania 157 Blaney, Jane 123,157, 188 Blankenship, Aubrey 157,190 Blankenship,Laura 145 Blankenship,Noelle 133, 135,145 Blankenship, Tanner 7, 74 Blanzy, Jenni 32,185 Blanzy, Sarah 98 141,145 Blessing, Olivia 72 Blevin, James Clay 192
Brewer,Rebekah Brewer, Shea Bridgeforth, Garrick 173 Bridge, Jessica 159,189 Bridges, Rachel 145 Briggs, Tammy 173 Bringham,Danielle 43,145 Brister, Audra 173 Brittain, Andrew 20,50,107,145 Brochu,Gabrielle 187 Brodd,Scott 104 Brooks, Allison 68,157 Brooks, Anastasia 188 Brooks, Corey 176 Brooks,Mattison 71 Brotzman,Phil 21,50,107 Brown,Alexandra 145 Brown,Annette 173 Brown,Carrie 22 Brown,Cody 125 145 21 187 173 145 76 68 173 40, 71 74 139 139 157 161 82 186 159 138 145 34, 43, 129 124 65 96 76 173 160 90 173 49 186 173 157 128,170 75 y 24 157 186 145 173 157 157 145
Mary Byrd, Stephanie 76 Charles 83 27 26 173 13 145 145 157 173 184 95 48 145 173 186 ,112 185 157 27 46 173 32 173 173 145 99 111 145 145 89 84 157 157 185 185 145 121 97, 188 24 186 ,157 60 157, 185 15
Campbell,Katie 137
115 7£ 145 85 145 145 145 173 138 113 , 79 187 189 CampusSERVE 104

framework for us— not only with our book but also with what we were experiencing asastaff It wasthe process bywhich we were creating anddesigning.. and it had become the process we were nowliving.

We designed and redesigned pages, searching for a way toconvey our theme andwe just kept missing the mark. It wasn't untilwe created our cover that it allbegan toclick Theonly part of a risk that you can somewhat control is actually taking the risk. The refinement process andallthe inbetween isleft to God It's controlled andintentional on His part, but the meaning behind some experiences is abstracton our end Watercolor held the key to illustratingthis concept.Watercolors themselves are neitherrisky nor refined It'showwe used them that made our point An unintentional brush stroke became a strok of genius which led todeveloping another rendering ofthe slash tointegrate the process of risk and refinement that we hadbeen seeking formonths

The cover is an original watercolor created by Jordan Dunn andBrett Hastie,modeled after the recycled stock used for both the endsheets and the firstsignature.It is afull-color rendering printed on white Permacote and laminatedto

"AsManaging EditorI hadthe opportunitytomingleand question thestudentbody on a variety ofrandom,unique, current or important issues, all in an effort to tryand exposethestudents' true feelings and reactions Theother rolewastoverifyand makeedits toall of theproofs, which I can honestlysaywas thebane of my 'tence Thistediousand daunting taskoftenleft mybrainin a state ofinformationoverload Despite all thebusinessand craziness at times, it was very rewarding to watch all thepiecesfinallybegin '"* mesh together Thismade all the work worth it and an resulted in overallgreatlearning experience."


"Being almighty Copy Editor, I was abletodigdeeper intothelives of studentsand findoutthingsI never expected I createdassignments forpracticum studentsand gave feedback ontheir articles I spent many latenightscheckingproofs tocatchwritingmistakesand put my two centsin forJordan aswell I ' alsomade peoplesoundintelligent

justused Dominiqueand Aubrey todoall thework Thoughthis job hasmade mewanttopull my hairoutatpoints, I havelearned somuch through this experience

Seriouslythough,I thinkI'll throw up if I heartheword 'proofs' again.'

Chicas, Diana



Cook, Charles

Cook, Cherrel Cook, Christina Cook,Colleen 70, Cooksey, Brittany


Cooper, Christina

Cooper, Craig

Cooper, Linda

Corbin, Kallie

Corbin, Stephanie Cordts, Sharon


Clark, Carrie





Clarke, Tania

Clark, Kelly

Clark, Matthew


Clark, Tina


Claudio, Andres

Clayton, Meagan

Cleare, Sylvia






Clendenin, Greg



Coates, Emily

Cobb, Bryant

Cockerham, Joshua



Colbert, Giselle



Cole,J J

Cole, Robert


Coles, Terrel


Colling, Ben


Collins, Joel

Collins, Kristin


Colmery, Joanna


Common Ground

Comstock, Larry

Conde, Isaac

Conklin, Janine

Connally, Sarah

Corlew, Kristen Cornell, Katie Cornwell,Dr Terri Correa, Kevin


Chism,Jeff Choi,So Yeon Christensen,Josh 144 157, 188 197 173 157 173 68 157 145 Christmas Coffeehouse 74,168
Chico, Leandro Chilcote,Laura Childs,Kienna
Christopher,David Cizdciel,Jason
145, 186, 189 188 108,145 157 152 102, 157 188 157 173 56, 145 157, 188, 202 174 111 188 157 145 6 12, 138 12,138 145 59 181 39 85 171 157 146 157 184 146 68,160 157 185 84 157 132,134 39 66,105 151 146 146 158 152 158 186,187 96 173 146 158 106
Katie Cotsamire, Timothy Cotter, Ingeborg Cottingham,Rebecca Coumbe,Emily Courtney, Taylor Cover,Rebecca Cowell, Victoria Cox, HilaryColette Crabtree, Bryan Craig, Heather Cramer, David Cramer, Erica Cramer
Kristina Crews, Amanda Cribb, Anna Cribb, Stephen Crigler, Chris Crisp, Dwight Crockett,Brianna 171 146 173 89, 91, 114 158 171 187 13 30 80 166, 184 83 146 59 75 115 187 56 158 173 146 158 173 187 90 102,158 184 158 158 93 159 146 68 186 69 68 146 26,61, 99 187 188 187 45,95 173 113 Crosby-Hastings,Kandy 173 Cross,Brittany Cross,Danielle Cross, Kim Crotts,Aaron Crouterfield, Luke Crowley, Rory Crum, Beth Crum, Danyelle Crum, Danyeu Cruz,Taylor Cullison, Kristi Curry, Dell Curry,Seth Curry,Stephen Curtas,Josh 46 158 22 146 189 158 75 168 185 29 146 117 116 117 87
III, Ricky
Crandall, Jamie Crawford,Aaron Crawford, Amanda



Defosse, Emily


Dendit, Danial

Denson,Ashley Renee

De Rosset,Rebecca

Dervish, Jan Michael



Dewitt, Dr David

Dewitt, Marci

Dew, Jason

Diaz, Javier

Diaz, Mizraim

DiCaro, Jessica

Dick, Emily

Diederiks, Erik

Diggs, Toni-Maria

Dilda, Sharee

Dills, Rebecca

Dion, Angela

Dixon, Dorethia

Dixon, Kristle


Doak,James 33,53



Dodson, Olivia

Dohle, Frederic

Doll, Dan

Domeier, Kira

Domino's Pizza


Donawho, Amanda Donawho,Emily Doney,Rachael

Durst, Kariann


Dye, Emily

c MHHHI ^^^H

Earley, Daniel Earley, Dave Eason,Hannah


Easter, Spencer

Eastin, Brittney

East, John


Eaton, Andrea

Eaton, Richard Edds,Jonathan Ederington, Carly

Edgar, Brittany

Ediger, Brandon

Edma,Herald Moses Edma, Vastille


Dudley, Elisha

Dudley, TravisMarshall

Duff, Jazzmin





Closing RIS E refinement 207 Curtis, Daniel Curtis, Meredith Cushing, Joshua Custom Cutz Cutlip, Stephanie Cutz, Joe Cvach, Lisa Cyrus, Daryl Cyrus, Kelly 173 146 188 197 173 123 104 24 188
Daggett, Sarah Dailey,
Danso, Prince Daramy, Alieu Dare, Emily Dargan, Benjamin Darling, Anneke Davey,Candace Davidson,Sam Davies, Joshua Davis, Austin Davis, Chelsea Davis, Diana Davis, Dianne Davis, Henry Davis, Johnathan Davis, Lisa Davis, Malika Davis, Matt Davis, Nikkia Davis, Rachel Davis,Rebekah Davis, Zach Dawson, Ricky Day, Kera
Dail, Kevin Dakum, Paul Dale, Danika Dalton, Kristyn Dalton, Mitch Dalton, Sean Damiani,
Dang, Mai Daniele,Amanda Dankers, Kristopher
Dechiara, Justine
Demarco,Jeremy Demildt, Jasmine 119 84 146 139 156,164 86 78 189 146,185 48 185 123 146 146 158 166 158 188 104,114 146 51 188 187 173 173 108 146 173 146 146 146 146 158 68 173 158 32 173 56 87 146 56, 62, 95 158 188 88 88 188 146
Deitsch, Chris Dejong, Jodi Dellinger, Erin DeLong, Janice DeLong,Robert
Elizabeth Dotson,Danny Doughty, Victoria Downey,Matt Downs,Harry Doz, Bryan Draughty,Amanda Dresler, James
Dua, Teri Dubberke, Amber
Dukelbarger,Rhea Duncan,Chad Dunham, Rachel Dunmoyer,Bethany Dunn,Jordan Durkee, Adrian Durner, Neil 158 185,187 146 91 146 173 128 88, 171 88 158 184 185 189 138 185 158 158 173 39 173 161 158 158,192 24 26 173 173 186 127 194 189 186 169 68 158 173 46 158 172 184 148 186 158 33, 76 168 40, 186 187 189 186, 187 184 41, 121 73 158 187 146 13, 103 158 146, 190 186 186
Edwards,Nathan Edwards,Noah Edwards, Tara Efird,
Eisentrout, Beki Ektrakul,
Ellis, Sarah Elmore, Chris Emami,Dorothy Emelike, Chioma Endicott, Joseph England,Lauren Enold, Bryce Erdman,Jenny Eriksen, Stephanie Erlenbach, Emily Estes, Diana Estes, W.Travis Estevez, Sara Ethridge, Lindsay Beth Eunkyung,Yee Evans, David Everett, Dale Evolutions Ewing, Elizabeth 123 35 82 184 171 146 146 146 222 146 158 202 146 158 173 189 188 146 158 146 184, 186 72 115 173 113,189 158 28 118 190 159 185, 186 97 184 153 173 189 146 87, 158 158 158 146 158 93 158 92 146 173 158 46 146 158 146 197 146 1 AC Faidley, Laura Falwell, Becki FalwellJr., Jerry 185 13, 67, 92 48, 66, 95,140 Fadden IV Thomas 146 Falwell Sr, Jerry20,52,92,95,100,137 Falwell, Trey 67,92 Falwell, Tyler 48 Family, Fallwell ; Farris, Dale 173 Farver, Linda 171 Fath, Katherine 158, 186' Faulk, Janel 158 Fazzone, April 7,146 Feagan,Laura 92 Feijoo, Maria 8, 62 Felder, Durley 146 Feldges,Robert 146 Feliciano, David 186 Felix, Miguel 158 Felton, Colby 158 Ferrell, Ray 185 Fick, Hannah 122 Fielder, Miranda 158 Fielding, Brian Field, Justine 173 Fields, Daniel 146 Fillingame, Veronica 173 Finley, Jonathan 102 Fiori, Joseph 158 Fish, Joshua Fiske, James Fitzgerald, Cameron Fitzgerald, James Fitzgerald, Terry Fitzgerald, Tiffany Flowers, Cassie Floyd, Brolin Fobian, Christian Foley, Joanna Forbes,Shannon Forbes, Sharon Ford, Christine Ford, Jake Foreman, Pattie Forney, Erika Forrest, Ben Forrest, Greg Forshey, Christina 90,158-, Forth, Amanda 109 Forth, Justin 175 Fortier, Jeff 185 Fortney, Rachel 158 Foster, Ashley 177 Foster, Augusta Foster, Chanita 158 Foster, Jessika 138 Fountain, Rebecca 174 Fournier, Christopher35,103,171,188 Fox, Sarah 184 Foxwell, David 158 Foy, Anna 43
Edwards,Andrew Edwards, Jane Edwards, Molly
Hannah Eller,

the 160-point binders board with mattefinis film Endsheets are Millstone in100# cover with a Pantone bronze pulled from the cover's watercolor, and feature anexpanded table of contentsto work with the non-traditional flow ofthe book

After our revelation with the cover, came inspiration from GQ and ESPN magazines Bigserifsand smooth curves gave usthe contrast we desired tohelp differentiate the parts ofthe Risk/refinement process We sought critique and feedback mercilesslyand didn'tstop designing and redesigning untilwe were sure we had"it." Theit that would continue totakeour book tothe next level inpursuit oftouching students' lives, more national acclaim and record-breaking sales

We had already (lived and) learned we couldn't compartmentalize the spreads andwe found we didn't want to compartmentalize the book either Instead offivesections we have the opening,the body and thereferences Inthe opening you'llfind ourmost powerful and relevant stories intentionally organized to push home the concept This section puts life in perspective.The journalistically crafted stories are the finepoints ofthe book with topics from human interestto current events surrounding the school year We decided tofurtherthe distinction ofthissection by printing it onan uncoated,textured paper adding to the visual andtactileexperience ofthe book

The divider moves the reader from the opening down tothe play by play ofthe year asithappened, putting thereader inthe shoes ofthe students. W e continued that same styleof coverage,added in the supplemental content—which won usa second

Foy,Major Robert


Frable, Tyler


Francis Marion


Francois, James


Francois, Kwame


Frederick, Brandon


Freeman, Chenoa


Freeman, Saquoia


Fritts, Justin

Fritzinger, April

Fugh, Brittney


Fulp, Justin



Gilliam, Everett


"Asassistantcopy editorI assisted thecopy editor..gofigure, i il H ¥ guessyou could call meBrooke's *i workhorse orthat's what she called , mewhen I asked what I should writefor this. In additionto editing

L*-; copy, interviewing peopleand writing stories, I collectedquotes-and lots ofthem I findyearbook tobetheperfectcombination 1 j ofwritingand publication designso I felt completelyat home."Dominique McKay

"Asanassistanttothecopyeditor, I was Brooke McDowell's right hand "man"and helped to edit and proofcopy - sometimeslate intolong, sleep-deprivednights I participated in thestaff's crazy brainstorming sessionsandwas responsiblefor writing articles of my own."-Aubrey Blankenship


Galeone, Maria



Galla,Patrick Thomas


Galoway, Gregory

Garber, Diane








Garvey, Luke

Garza, David


Gatz, Morgan

Gelar, Jennifer



Gentle, Prophet

Genung, Kristy

George, Cara

George, Nicholas

Gerdes, Darin


Gervais, Terri

Giammaresi, David

Gibbs, Jamison



^ v
Gillespie, Brittany Gilley, Brett 70,115 103 161 108 158 158 146 180 146 146 146 146 158 129 161 124 188 29 161 146 146 90 188 146 57, 161 133 161 185 166 146 76 146 135 146 192 161 146 171 102 137 13 189 184 199 67 10b 54, 161 146 12 146 161 77 120 174 102 171 161 171 43 174 125 10 104 185 137
Glover, Mariana Godsil, Mike Goff, Cory Goldin, Mike Goldstein, Ashley Gomes, Ed Gomez,Leslie Gonda, Troy Go, Nicholas Gonzalez,Anna Gooden,Jacqueline Goodier,Carmen Good, Kelly Goodson,Morgan Goosen, Joan Gordon,Michael Goss,Bryson Goss, Charles Goss, Sarah Gottier, Ryan Gottwald,Henry Goulet, Krystn Grace,Nathan Gragan,Andrew Granger,Carmen Gravatt, Andrew Gray, Anthony Gray, Daniel Gray, Philip Gray, Will Green,Bernard Eric Greene, Erika Greene, Krystal Green,Gretchen Green,Lance 65,10 42 174 ,149 ,128 46, 161 93 3Z 161 119 ,128 174 184 186 174 26 174 73 149 171 58 68 174 28 187 ,58 201 187 127, 161 ^/ 174 174 67,161 161 88,90 161 Green,Lance Hallowell Greenlee, Rachel Gregg, Jason Gregorin,Rebecca Gregory,Rebekah Gribbin, Bill Griffin, James Griffith, Dan Griffith, Elizabeth Griffith,Hope Griffiths, Garrett Grigg, Ashley Grignon,Raymond Grimes, Eli Groenewegen, Jared 42, 128 161 185 186 174 174 161 188 114 161 174 161 67 170 32 52 187 174 188 192 140 174 187 187 171 174 174 187 174 128 57 174 128 ,149
Katie Gillikin, Krista
Meghan Gill, Joshua Gilmore, Courtney
Closing RIS K refinement / 209 Groome, Dwayne Grove, Seth Grubbs, Joshua Gruber, Karissa Grutz, Seth Guelzo, Jonah Guerra,Amanda Gunter, Casey Guthrie, Abigail Guthrie, Ruth Guzman, Juan 174 161 186 189 100 170 149 149 161 149 77 Haas,Amanda Haden, Cory Haemmerle, Erika Haga,Andrew Hagan, April Hagler, Blaine Hahn, David Hale, Ashley Hale, Melody Hall, David Hall, Lindsay Halsey, Paul Hamlin, Scharnelle Hammond, Rachel Hampton, Courtney Hamrick, Chrystal Hamrick, Pamela Handon,Ben Hanes, Heather Hankins, Katie Hankins, Tracy Hanks, Melissa Harbuck, Michael Hardin, Bill Hardwick, Richard Hardy, Robert Hargett, Nichole Harkey, Katherine Harley, Jessica Harner, Tim Harpe, Jennifer Harper, Jordan Harrenstein, Kim Harrigan, Robert Harrington, Holly Harris, Ashley Harris, Brooke Harris, Charity Harris, Christopher Harris, Danielle Harrison, Cindy Harrison,Raymond Harris, Samuel Harris, Shenece Hart, David Hartman,Harvey 10 186 149 105 83 139 171 189 161,188 174 174 189 174 27, 116 84 161 174 115 49 189 174 72 174 149 174 186 161 174 161 119 161 98 174 149 188 188 82 149 134 32 49 174 149 174 171 171 Hartman,Rachael 74 Hart, Paul 149 Hartway,Michelle 174 Hartzell, Jonathan 174 Harvey,Remi 161 Haslund,Sarah 47 Hastie, Brett 161,191 Hastings, Kelsey 174 Haughton,David 149 Havens, Jessica 174 Hawkins, Garrett 149 Hawkins,Shantram 174 Hawk Nelson 128 Hawks,Rhonda 186 Hayes, Jessica 174 Head,Josh 92 Heard,Krystal 149 Heath, Norman 174 Hedden,Aaron 161 Hedden,Albert 186 Heddleston, Joy 120 Hefner, Elizabeth 75, 186 Hegarty,Brendan 161 Helms, John 161 Henderson, Jacqueline 174 Hendricks,Kimmy 185, 189 Henriquez, Chistopher 149 Henry,Matthew 170 Henry, Vera 174 Henschel, Isaac 161 Hensley, Beth 127 Hensley,Ralph 174 Hentschel,Erin 112 Hepler, Nathan 17 Hernandez,Hector 172,174 Herr, Brittany 47 Herring, Simeon 157 Hertzler, Chelsea 100 Heverly, Robert 93 Hewitt, Angela 174 Hewitt, Rob 133, 135 Hibbs, Dan 52 Hicks, Hilary 152,188 Hicks, Jeff 174 Hicks, Kivett 188 Hicks, Mark 161 Hicks, Matthew 161 Higgins, Julia 161 Higgins, Nina 174 Hileman,Brittany 64 Hilgeman, Pamela 159 Hill, Hazel 174 Hines,Labonne 82 Hines II, Otto Hinkle, Rhandi 149 Hinkley, Tom 187 Hinson,Dr Victor 139 Hinst Paige 174 Hinton, Christi 153 Hird, Celeste 149 Hird, Leah 161,172 Hobson,James 149 Hodges,Alyssa 161 Hoessly, Lauren 171,187 Hoffer, Janelle 105 Hoffman,Brian 149 Hoffmann,Sara 149 Hoge,Merril 167 Hoke,Eric 161 Holcombe,Jessica 66 Holdstock,Lynn 161, 186,189 Holland,Blair 61 Holland, Charity 63, 126 Holley, Drew 38 Hollinger, Errol 125, 161 Hollingsworth,Mindi 189 Holmes,Jacob 149 Holt, Mylina 185 Holt, Travis 89 Holzknecht, Frances 171 Homan, Matthew 186 Honda,Eria 174 Hons,Jordan 184 Hood,Howard 174 Hooey,Zachary 174 Hooks,John 174 Hoosier Duals 181 Horning, Jeremy 161 Horton,Dr David 155 Horvath, Shannon 164, 184 Hosteter, Steven 174 Housden, Glenn 218 House,Brittany 169 House,Emily 28,76,184 House,Megan 149 Houston, Tara 91 Howard,Clay 49 Howard,Daniel 174 Howell, Erika 159, 168 Howell,Leo Everett 70, 185 Howerton,Brian 87 Hsu, SiuYu 161 Huber,Nick 149 Huckabee,Mike 15 Huddleston, Alex 70, 73, 115, 125 Hudgens,Danyelle 187 Hudnall, Heath 98 Hudson,Erin 124 Huesser, Josh 127 Huff, Deborah 100 Huff, Kelsey 149 Huff, Zach 96 Hu, Frank 131 Hughes,David 174 Hughes,Joshua 149 Hughes,Justin 35 Humphrey,James 187 Hunt, Amy 107 Hunt Courtney 161 Hunt,Courtney Elizabeth 192 Hunter, OTilia Hunt,Hannah Hunt, Leslie Hurd, Russell Hursky, Nicholas Hutson, Karin 174 10 99 174 73 66, 161 Ice, David Ichull-lngya, Joseph Ikeakanam, Ify Ikejiofor, Uzo lllig, Deanne Ingram,Jayme Ingvalson, Grant Inman, Ted Irizarry, Jason Isaacson, Timothy Jackson-Halcame,Renee Jackson, Kathryn Jackson, Kurt Jackson, Latoya Jacobs, Danielle Jacques,Ryan Jacquet, Destiny Jameson, Gerald Jean-Baptiste, Tesia Jeansoffering Jefferson, Jeff Jefferson, J'Nae Jeffers, Ryan Jeffs,Dawn Jelen, Jarvis Jenkins, Brittany 88., Jenkins, Jordan 123 Jennings,Katherine 149 Jennings,Rashad 68 Jeremy Camp 128 Jernigan, Ralph 171 Jesse, Paul 159 Jimenez,Rigoberto 185 Joachim,Nathan 161 John, Carrie 187 Johnican, Raquel 174 Johnson, Adam 161 Johnson, Casey 12,139 Johnson, Chris 95,123,172 Johnson, Christina 161 Johnson, Christopher 161 Johnson, Courtney Johnson, Jake 125• Johnson, Justin 70, 83,149T Johnson,Katherine 95 Johnson, Krissy 149 Johnson,Logan 33 Johnson,Marc 149 Johnson,Rachael 188

silvercrown-and started therunning quotesat the bottom ofevery page toextend ourcoverage even further Thequotes act asa pulse check where students share about their"favs,"most memorable somethings,spiritualorlife lessons learned,thoughts on contemporary issues, current events and a host of other feedback they chose toletusetch intothis year inhistory. Thisallowed ustoatleast double our coverage,add more personality and simply let the students'voices be heard.It waseffective and contributed greatly torecord sales, topping anyof the lasteight years.. before the book waseven complete

The body of the book is where we preserved our year. We rethought traditional yearbook inconjunction with ourconcept Instead oftraditionaldivisions, our "sections"are woven throughout the book and connected by the folioswhich linked boththe ideas ofRisk/refinement with the section names to embrace theduality and unity ofour theme A story that would have been featured inourpeople section isinstead labeled Belong/Become and organized along with other spreads from other "sections" tomirror the way that life happens on our campus Play/Persevere featuresathletic stories Interact/Inspire covers service projects and spiritual life, Educate/Equip includes academicsand Community/Camaraderie is the people section

The book is a full-color publication printed at 175-line screen on a10-color Komori SuperPerfector press at

"I originallywasworking withSelah asaphotographer, tocompletemy community hours Eventually I was hiredtofill in where needed, and helpoutin theoffice. I suppose I was something alongthelines of anassistanttotheoffice manager I sentmany emailsand indexed a lot! This jobhashelped prepare me for afuturejobwithSelah, and helped metoseehow the yearbook was run."

"Asan editorial assistant, my responsibilities include photography, gatheringquotes from students, and writing captions I alsocheck proofstomakesure thateach photo hasa caption, ensurethatphotos printout the way they'resupposed to and make changestothespreads based onsuggestionsby other staff members It's alot of work, and my roommate basically has herownroom because I'm in the officeso much, butbeing a part

most rewarding experienceofmy collegecaree ' -NicolePawlowskis


Johnson, Tracy

Johnston, Danielle

Johnston, Jake

Jolly, Eboni

Jones, Alanna


Jones, Brittany

Jones, Chelsea

Jones, Jonathan

Jones, Josiah

Jones, Kyndal

Jones, Michael

Jones, Parker

Jones, Shang

Jones, Steve

Jonsson, Karl

Jordan, La'Kisha

Jordan,Mary 61, Joshway,Mequel

Joy, Lauren

Joyner, Michael



Brittanie E


43, Kilgore, Allison













Kacinski, David

Kader, Leigh

Kadolph, Katrina Kaiser, Melissa

Kalibbala, Kevin Kappa Delta Pi


Katz, Sean

Kauffman, Marissa

Kaz,Rachel Kearney, Danielle Kearney, Katherine Kearns,Drew

Kearns, Steph

Kee, Michael

Keene, Kristin

Keiper, Jennifer

Keith, Joshua

Keith, Lyndsay

Kelley, Alyssa Kelly, Shaoneke

Karnavas, Zachary Kasem,Karina
Kerongo, Mely Kerr, Carinda 161 69 162, 185 115 167 188 79 149 149 161 56 141 171 130, 161, 187 174 149 60 174 161, 184, 187 162 156 162 21, 184 43,89,129 149 162 84 63 77 102 29 162 174 119 174 149 22,25 105, 186 186 82 127 174 149 160 162,177 74, 162 174 44, 94 28, 147 149 149 174 147 165 27, 56 149 174 Kessy, Doreen Key,Jacqueline Kibler,
Kim,Janice Kimmel,
Kim,Sujin Kim,SungJin King,Clayton King,
Kirega,David Kiser,Andrew Kiser,
Kitchen,Derek Kleiser,Timothy Kline,Ashley Klock,Daniel Knight, Brandon Knight,Katie Knoche, TJ Knotts, Benjamin Knotts,Tessa Knowles,Allyshia Koech, Mike Kolk,Aaron Kongpetch, Panida Koran, Bethany Kosovo,Pristina Kostura, Amber Kouaho, Sandra Krauter, Jon Krautter, Joel Kretzer,Christopher Krimmel, Michael Krom, Mark Kroneberger,Kyle Kuczewski,Chris Kuznetsova,Ekaterina LaFranier,Elizabeth Lain, Mary Lake, Ken Lake, Rachael Lalone, Jon LaLone, Jonathan Lambert, Jonathan Lam, Bethany 149 174 151 122 74,129,151 187 31 162 26 171 186 139 162 124 149 128 171 149 63 187 149 149 162 174 149 16 37 24,66 151 31,162 121,189 162, 186 160,188 162 52 120 149 111 174 66,69,188 162 131 149 186 162 186 162 173 162 174 162 174 31 149 189 162 112
Kemmerer,Kerah Kendall, Emily Kendall, Teron Kennedy,Rose Kephart, David
Ashley Kern, Crystal

Lanford, Terry


Larsen, Jeremy

Lassiter, Aaron

Laughlin, Chad 110,162, Lawing, Brittany

Light, Tyler

Lillestol, Tyler

Lilly, Christina

Lindner, Clay

Lintjer, Mitch

Lintjer, Mitchel

Lippold, Alexandria

Little, Lynne

Litton, Lindsey 158

Litz, Zachery

Livernois, Lisa

Lock, Brian

Lockhart IV, Perry


Long, Adam

Long, Emily

Long II, Jack

Longwood 180

Lopez, Hilario

LoSasso, Jordan

Louie, Kerrie



Maine, Kittery

Majeed, Cicely

Major, Latoya

Mamoquin, Victoria

Mandell, Chris

Mandel, Sarah



Mann, Kristi

Mann, Krishna


Marcelo, Carolyn

Marchant, Daniel

March for Life

Marcilio, Andrea

Marcussen, Rachel

Marker, Brian

Marquet, Eddie

Marriot, Jamie

Marshall, Joshua

Marshall, Joy

Marshall, Tess

Marsh, Kylie

Marsh, Lorie

Martin, Alejandro

Martin, Ashley

Martin, Brittney Leanne


Martinez, Carmina

Martinez, Daniel

Martin, Garrett

Martin, Joshua

Martin, Kimberly

Martin, Michelle

Martin, Sara

Marvel, Aaron

Marvel, Caleb

Mashburn, Allison

Mashburn, Nikki

Mason, Cynteria


Masten, Katie

Mateer, Robert

Mathias, Paul

Mathisen, Luke

Matos, Jose

Mattar, Mary

Matthews, Geoff

Matthews, Kellie

Mattingly, Tim


Maurhoff, Jessica


Mavunga, Albert

Mavunga, Allen

Max, Kevin

Mayhan-Webb, Trina


May, Milana

Maynard, Ericka


Mazzarella, Nicole

Mburu, Amos


McBynum, Helen

McCain, John

McCann, Amanda

McCarthy, Danielle

McCarty, Sara

McClenny, Christa

McClure, Tyler

McCuiston, Josie

McCullough, Rachel


McDonald, Sarah

McDonald, Stanley


McDougal, Josh


McDowell, Sirena




McGill, Courtney

McGowen, Kylie

McGrath, Priscilla

McGunigale, Melissa

McKay,Coach Ritchie


McKinney, David

McLarnon,Bill 130, Mclaughlin, Brian

McMahon, Sarah

McMillian, Julie

McMillon, Keely

McMonagle, Paul

McNair, Austin





McSherry, Hilari


Meckley, Ashley

Meert, Angela

Meissner, Paul

Melin, Heidi

Mellette, Sara Meloy, Rachael Melvin, Justin


Closing Lamm, Stephen Lamonte,Danny Lampman,Elena Lampman,Michael Lampman,Michael James Lancaster, Christi 149 187 126 162 198 185 Land, Amanda 58, 61, 62 Land,Jenna 63, 99
Landwerlen, Courtney Lane,Myra
Larson, Karly
Law, Latonya
Lawler, Aaron
Leaper, Jared Leatherman,
Leblanc, Courtney Lechiara,Menda Ledee, Avis Ledford, Miriam Lee, Dong Hee Lee, Dr. Tim Lee, Elizabeth Lee, Jung 41, Lee, Sam Seughyeon Lee, Tyler Lehman,Brenton Lehman Brothers Leicht, Braxton Leighton, Christine Leineweber, Philip Leinweber, Philip Leivonen, Michelle Lemon, Christine Lennon, Jeffrey Lenzen,Lauryn Leong,Timothy Ames Lester, Chelsey Leverett, Dr Gaylen Lewellyn, Kathryn Lewis,Brandon Lewis,Brennan 71 Lewis,Cameron Lewis, Cordia Lewis,Ed Lewis, Tammy Lewis, Vivian Libby Nikki Liberty Champion 114, 188 30 174 26 149 149 162 163 184, 187 162 174 162 127 202 145 176 162 149 174 174 149 162 109 162 162, 188 69 101 188 17 51,162 174 120, 162 184 149 162 171 162 145 45, 95 130 187 151 83, 149 185, 187 97 171 177 177 44, 94 197 LibertyGodparent Foundation 84 Lickliter, Mark 177 Lietzan, Emily 97
Law, Megan Laybourne, Julie Leach,Megan
Anne Louie, Peter Lovelace, Elizabeth Lovetro,Maureen Lowe, Megan Lozano,Natalie 100 Luca, Philip Lucas, Jessica Lucas, Stephanie Lucchini, Lis Alberto Lucia, Byron Lucia, Steven Luckado, Jessica Lumpkin,Aaron Lumpkin, Michael LUnatics Lusk, Tersa Lust, Michelle 23, 138 Lu, Yang Lynchburg Inn Lynch-Doughtan,Ryan Lyttle, Allyn MacArthur, John Macdonald, Martin Macey,Rae Maclnnis, Lindsay Mackey, Kevin Mackie, Clay Mack, Jason MacLeod, Alicia Mac, Toby Maddox, Josiah
Mahan,Kevin Mahan,Rachel Mahan-Webb, Trina 124 172 149, 187 34, 189 21 162 149, 188 177 165,184 86 177 162 149 159 64, 162 111,162 149 182, 183 177 24 111,139 139 162 114 187 162, 186 162, 188 159 177 187 177 113 162 150 162, 187 70, 93 177 162, 186 41, 162 60 150 75 86 177 169 185 177 186 102 30 32 162, 192 184, 186 159 104 187 177
Maginnis, Grant
24 171 26 177 177 93 45, 95 162 162 119 41, 68 72 188 189 150 150 10 , 94 162 25 189 58,87 150 162 41 150 84 37,177 75 84 150 54 146 186 177 150 160 84 162 162 162 150 185 150 150 140 177 162 93 17 177 189 144 170 186 176 147 189 136 171 156 108 32 172 112 RIS K refine
Mercado,Emily Mercer,
Meredith, Scott MerrillLynch ment / 211 177 30 46 92 52 177 177 140^1 22 187 162 185 35, 167, 188 30,63^ 187 150 27, 60, 62 25 177 120 162, 190 162 ^Jf 82 '.ttfr'' 162 l°o 162 ; 140, 150 4 114, 117 165,190 62 136, 150, 184-J 177 165 167 127 177 \ 189 49 165 25 189 11 171 101,165 184, 186 150 165 150 29, 139 139 -^ 165 177 17
Menard,Drew Menard,
Mendoza,Jacob Meng,Aaron

Herff Jones Charlotte,NC, printing facility All imagt^ pass through Herff's tonal enhancement processto ensure the best reproduction onpress The book uses 80# premium white gloss stock for allsignatures except the firstwhich isprinted on80#Millstonetext We're anequal opportunity staff W e used Macs and pes to create the pages as wellas Canon's and Nikon's to take our photos The staff used Adobe Creative Suite 3 software and uploaded filesdirectly to the plant'sservers

We took our photography to a new level. We knew this was risky Instead of stretching concepts that might force "candid" photos,we chose to use bold, intense photographs of our subjects They served asa stop-action frame inthe life of the students,programs, activities, academics and people that composed thisschool year For aselect number of the athletic pages, we took another risk byflipping the design This was anintentional design allowing a different crop andsizefor some of the more outstanding photographs and tokeep the reader involvedand interested Headshots for our supplemental section were made black and white to create more visual hierarchy,putting emphasis onthe main story

"As photo editorit was myjob tomake surethatwehad photos thatwere appropriateforeach spread and thatalso effectively portrayed thetheme The photos were intentionallyshotand edited inan edgier stylewhen compared tothestereotypical yearbook I alsofunctioned as quasiartdirectorby helpingto come up with design concepts and storyangles thatwouldbe most unique toour book and also by painting whateverwatercolors we needed."- BrettHastie

"I joined theyearbook staff for a semester asthe Photography

Intern Myposition involvedtaking photographs forcertainspreads thatBrettasked meto capture My main rolewas towritecaptions forall thephotographs on each spread, which includesapresent tensedescription oftheaction and who was in thephotograph, basic information, and aquote from astudent about theparticular spread'stopic Mygoalwasto do mybesttoacquirea good range ofdifferent classifications ofstudentsand facultytohave a wellrounded voiceofthestudents attheUniversity Myinternship with theyearbook hasgiven me experienceworking with a team engulfed witha common goalofmaking aphenomenal publication."

Merritt, Joshua Lee

Mesman,Erica 56, 59, 66

Messmer, Eva

Metulus, Vanessa

Meyeres, Nicole

Meyers, Nicole

Michael, James



Micol, Jonathan

Miglis, Nicole 21, 51, Milazzo, Tim

Milbourne, Jessica

Miles, Lauren


Milks, Brandon

Miller, Adam

Miller, Alex

Miller, Bernice

Miller, Melanie

Miller, Michael

Miller, Randy

Miller, Stefannie

Mills, Dan

Mills, Magin 101, Mills, Travis 114, Milstead, Richard

Minkarious, Lydia


Minnie, Ryan

Miriello, Angela

Misiano, Chris

Mitchell, Christina

Mitchell, Jesse

Mitchell, Katie

Mizer, Elizabeth

Mizer, Liz

Moberly, Tyler


Mohler, Kira

Mohn, Jesse

Moles, Brittany

Moller, Stephen

Molloy, Emily



Mooney, Danielle


Moore,Aeron Moore,Casey


Audrey Morris, Ericka



Kelly Morton,David


Jesse Mosier, Bryan




Ryan Mull, Brian

Dr Faith

Dr William







Brittany Murphy,

Moore, Jessica
Moore, Johnnie Moore,Meredith Moore,Rodney
Morgan, JustinKeith Morgan, Molly 156, 150, 21 22 120, 62 79, 201 , 106, 107 121 150 185 189 150 189 165 155 106, 130 64 165 220 76 92,187 13 100, 150 177 177 62 150, 171 131 107 165,188 165,186 177 150 171 165 165 21, 111 , 50, 107 189 145 165 , 25,185 177 197 150, 185 99 165 83 151 177 165 22 177 186 189 150, 189 :, 94, 101 150 150 165 177 165 150 165,198 187
Tierney Murray, Joshua Murray, Rick Murray, Samuel Murtagh,Shaw Mustian, Allen Mwasha, Neema Myers, Daniel Myers, Michael NJH
Naff, Alena Naimat, Danial Napieralski, Danielle Napier, Althea Nardozzi, Brock Nare, Joshua Nason, Erik Nasser, David Natoli, Samantha Naude, Ian Navarro, Maria Neb, Daniel Neber,Andrew Neff, Mallory Negroni,Jonathan Negroni, Melanie Negron,Kenneth Negron, Kristi Nelson, Erika Nelson, Jessica Nettekoven,Nathan Newbold,Kayla Newburn, Derrick 30 188 185 55 13 116,185 71, 85 165 165 112 42 8 20, 51, 6, 150 105 150 73 140 165 185 ,188 ,186 88 88 165 112 ,187 177 !, 118 150 150 165 165 188 i, 59 28 189 187 150 177 150 186 54 •,99 177 106 165 177 128 177 150 177 187 150 77,165 59,6£ 64 .,98 125 187 145 80,81 187 138 177
Morales, Gisselle Moran, Ramon Moran,Raquel Morgan,Hannah
Munsey,James Murillo,

Newell, Daniel

Newhall, Michael

Newhouse, Robert

New, Logan

New York Times

Ngun, Sui

Ngun, Sui Zing











Nordman, Deborah

Norris, Jennifer


North, Dwayne


Norton, Rebekah


Otto, Michelle

Ousley, Will





Owolabi, Marian


Perry, Katie


Person, Matthew


Petersheim, Ben



Peterson, Samantha


Petro, Perry

Pettersson, Tobias

Powers, Kevin

Powers, Nathanael



Preacher, Stephen

Presson, Jennifer


Price, Cynthia

Price,Mary Claire



Pagano, Mike

Paik, Sung Eun



Palladino, Cailer

Pallaria, Christina



Palmer, Samantha

Park, Cameron

Parker, Adam

Parker, Charles


Parker, Lisa



Parks, Leslie


Parsons, Andrew

Parziale, Patrick

Pascarella, Christopher

Pascoe, Dane-Alexanc


Patchett, Justin


Pettus, Dana

Pfeiffer, Jessica Lyne

Phelps, Leslie 96,133 ,135

Phelps, Ryan



Phillips, Jessalyn

Phillips, Lisa










Pina, Felicia


Pinette, Bill


Pino, Talloch Pinto,ScottR

Pitts, Sharon

Pixley, Jessica


Planchard, Robyn




Poore, Dave



Peckham, Renee

Peele, Lori

Peele, Matthew


Perkins, Anthony Richard"Tony"

Porter, Chris

Porter, Craig

Porter, Kerri

Porter, Tanner


Potter, John Matt


Obama, Barack Oberhelman, Andrea Oberlander, Hannah O'Berry, Buddy O'Connor,Janessa Ocran,Joana O'Dell,Aaron Offield, Dr Martin O'Hara,Jason Oh, Daniel Oh, Hye Oh, Hyemi Okiwe, Emeka
Tristyn Nylander,
Oldham,Chris Oliver,
Oluwo, Olubusola
Peggy Ortu,Peter Ortu,Toni Osakwe, Maria Osborne, Ashley 121 97 177 150 163 165 55 148 184 177 165 177 150 82 150 75 177 177 165 177 186 165 38 165, 186 163 189 165 140 132, 134 165 128 90 53 186 86 23 119 165 165 177 59 177 165, 190 48 54, 165 186 163 177 177 12 165 165 165 150 150 177 121
O'Meara, Matthew Ontaneda,Valeria Opel,Victoria Orlander, Thomas Orme, Alysha Ortiz, Ashley Ortiz,David Ortu,
P •• •
Patterson,Andrew Patterson,Heather
Paul, Ron Paul Webel
Patrick, Kyle
Patterson,Rory Patton, Samantha
Paurillo, Florena Pawlowskis,Nicole Payne,Corbin Payne, Opal
150 185 188 150 186 118 85 165 71, 84 150 132,134 185 165 36, 67 125, 144 150 165 185 116 150 37, 98 177 121 150 187, 188 138 150 165 165,175,187 er 150, 185 184, 186 165 66 68, 150 107, 188 171 120 141 169 177 37, 177 110, 190 150 177 47 38 171 187 186 110 187 177 150 39, 141, 165
Pegues,Alyssa Pelfrey,
Pelzer,Marsha Pemberton, Kathryn
32 Perry, Christopher 165 Perry, Jesse 150, 187
Pittman,Jennifer Pittman,Jonathan Pitts, Allen
Ponder, Ryan
Powell,Logan 20, 51
Ryan Powell,Yodani 185 165 165 ,163 12 12 186 31 148 165 150 186 100 150 165 189 96 187 35 79 177 136 192 189 188 150 150 165 177 138 138 177 188 22 184 138 86 150 165 80 138 165 38 185 127 166 150 177 37 lLo 16, 132 110 186 166 188 177 150 171 171 176 190 134 32 26 150 177 150 177 185 150 53 166 189 187
K refine
Powell,Beverly Powell,Catherine Powell,Clarence
Pyles, Tim Quarton,Christie Quartuccio, Ben Quaye, Dean Quesenberry,Amy Quesenberry, Roy Quinn,Alyssa Quinn,Scott R Raffield,Kathryn Ramey,Elise Ramey, Leah Ramirez,Lindsey Raposas, Matthew Rasberry,Trevor Ray, Adam Rayner,Jessica Ray,Scott Ready, Joel Reagan,Brian Reagan,Katie Reavis,Daniele Rebert, Tim Rebert,Timothy Reece,Kelly Reed,Ashley Reed, Cory Reed, David Reed,Jake Reed-Krueger,Ashly Regner,Michelle Rehrer,Aaron Reichard,Walt Reid, Justin Reitzel,Laura ment 166 v/ ™ 171 , 188 177 150 171 166 177 166 175 53 185 58 44, 94H 174 166 166 153 24 24 171 153 | '«. 17, 166 185 154 109, 166 185' ' 177 ' 153 | 153 187 177 ^ j 167 189 33 186 1 200 45 166 177 43 186 177 166 jfcjj 141 ty 186 107 153 54 65 53 177 177 ' 153 171 111 132
Provost,Larry Puig,
Puig,John Pullen, Trevor Pulsford,Sarah Purdy,
Purdy,Michelle Purvis,Jacob Putney,Laura Putney,Nathan

The goal wastopersonalize the book as much as possible andtogive it avoice which could(pun intended)speak for itself This voice was fought for long andhard by not settling for mediocre stories It was the meat we chose toinclude inthefinal product.This required tireless combing throughand going over of details that at onepoint even ledto a redesigned block ofspreads tomake the book what you now hold inyour hands There was tireless effort onallfronts that meant more late nights than most of us would liketo recall This year was full of itsownset ofnewandvery unique situations, and the staff made it happen all the while still juggling school,some se mce of social lives,dorm leadership roles and many other responsibilities

What has resulted is this, the 35th edition of Selah A product ofthe Risk/refinement process the editorial staff underwent to produce noless than a labor oflove It seems sillynow— given that we struggled forsolong inthe beginning to define andcompartmentalize our chosen theme And now,we've lived it W e own it

It was a year like none other. Having come off the national recognition ofour previous CSPA Crown award,we were quickly brought back to humble beginnings with unexpected circumstancesand transitions W e implemented a newprocessof hiring a handful ofinternsto serve as editorial assistants, which resulted inaturnover from the falltospring semesters W e adapted to the changing faces andcan't say thank you enough

"I began theyearasourOffice Manager I cozied up in mybig blackchairtoanswer thephones, takeyearbook orders, controlthe yearbook e-mailsand keepthe "temperature"oftheoffice nice and cool I won'tlie and saythat I didn'tquestion and interjectwhere I saw fit, butforthemost part I kepttomyself Well, sometimes I kepttomyself. Afteraboutfour months,Godsaw fit togivemeone more chance atagold crown and made away formetoactas editor and chiefofthis, thefifthbook inmy reign I came alongside an amazing team and didwhatever it took toproduce the bestyearbook possible., including overusingthe red exclamation pointin e-mails We criedoverthisbook, wegot angry overthis book and some of useven gave up onit afewtimes. We risked it all withthis book We did it Nobody cantakethis away from usand weALL know that only God can receivethegloryfor this masterpiece."-Sabrena CarterDeal

Reneau, Megan

Renell, Nathan

Renstrom,Leigh Anna


Revell, Nate

Reynolds, David

Reynolds, Eric

Reynolds, Erin

Reynolds, Paul




Rhodes, Dustin

Rhodes, Lisa

Rice, Ian

Richards, Doneille

Richards, Goldy

Richardson, Angela

Richardson, Dajonna

Richardson, Rachel 141,

Richardson, Stephen

Richee, Lela

Riddell, Luke

Ridgley, Neville

Rife, Dustin

Rife, Jessica

Rinoldo, Kristin

Rios, Herbert

Ritchey, Kristin

Rivera, Michelle

Rivera, Naomi

Rivera, Stephanie

Roach, Tim

Roanoke Times

Robbie, Matt


Roberts, Brittney

Roberts, Courtney

Roberts, Denise

Roberts, Josh

Roberts, Marshall



Robinson, A Helene

Robinson, Cale

Robinson, Jonathan



Robitaille, Kaela


Rock, Robert

Rockson, Akintayo

Rodriguez, Jacquelyn

Roeber, Jon

Roebuck Jr., Donald Lee

Rogelin, Allie


Rogers, Jerry

Roman,Mizaraim Diaz

Rosas, Christian

Rowan, Apryl

Row, Christina

Row, Sherylyn

Roy, Samuel Rucker, Kelley

Ruidiaz, Marco

Russell, Nathaniel



184 102 185 166 189 153 34 26, 188 16 177 186,189 166 186 80,153 177 166 171 177 153 166,187 188 177 153 153 187 187 96 177 153 153 125 153 153 111 73 188 186 166 24 132 155 60,187 34 177 219 166 10 78 161 68, 114 186 153 166 41 166,201 169 177 177 146 149 Rosenthal, Ricky
Ross, Geri Rotruck, Shelley Rottler, Charles
Saint-Age, Dieusel Samson,Steven Sanchez,Vanessa Sanders, Jesse Sandison, Holly Sanford, Terence Santos,Anderson Santos,Franco Sarchet, Desiree Sarchet, Luke Sargent, Peter Sasser, Kayla Satterfield, Naomi Sattler, Abigail Sauers, Brett Sauerwein, Robin Savini, Justin Sayers, Zane 87, 102 103 55,81 22,38 87, 166 Scalfaro, Dominic Corson Schallmo, Sarahann Schissler, Melissa Schlaudt, Jeffrey Schlaudt, John Schmidt, Jennifer Schneider, Carly Schneider, Stephanie Schoffstall, Dr.Jim Schools, Lauren Schrieder, Kiera Schular, Kevin Schultz, Jordi Schultz, Rachel Schwartzbard,Aaror Schwenk, Adam Sciola, Matt Scott, Bernard Scott, Leander Scott,Thomas Scott, Trey 166 153 14E 153 153 no 177 166 153 ,117 133 136 189 153 182 29 156 65 184 48 118 153 171 166 116 129 153 153 149 192 34 153 131 189 171 158 90 77 149 186 153 ,192 185 ,185 100 153 166 26 153 137 ,166 153 153 155 166,187 189 153 166 153 63
Rutgers Ryals,
Sabatini,Amy Sabella,Meghan Sagaard, Julie Sagan,Noel

Seaman, Sarah

Seamon, Lauren

Sebastian, Ryan

Sebera, Laura


Seetaram, Heather



Sessoms, John

Setliff, Tripp


Shank, Rebekah

Sharber, Shanna

Sharma, Rudra

Sheeser, Olivia



Shelton, Julia

Shepard, Edward

Shepherd, Timothy

Sherman, Barbara

Sherpa, Pamu


Shin,Eun Joo

Smith, Jared

Smith, Jenn

Smith, Jennifer

Smith, Julie



Smith, Stephen


Smith, Zachary

Snider, Kelly

Snyder, Rachel



Sommers, Amanda

Sones, Kristin


Sosnoski, Laura

Sotomayer, Zac


South Alabama




Spartan Invitational

Speaker, Chelsey Special Olympics

Speck,Matthew Spillar, Bliss Spiller, Bliss


Steinwedell, Joe

Stephens, Al

Stephens, Courtney

Stepp, Glenn

Stepuch, Kimberly

Stevens, Jeremiah

Stevens, Samuel



Stewart, David


Stewart, Jillian

Stewart,Laura Steyn,Louis Stillwagon, Julie

Stone, Kari

Story, Ragan


Strathdee, Brian

Streeper, Carmen

Stuart, Angela StudentActivities

Stultz, Alison

Styer, Bonnie

Suders, Karla

Sullivan, Nicole


Sundheim, Jeff Suttles, Dan Swain,Matthew

The Bakery


The Studio

Thomas, Amanda

Thomas, Jeff









Thompson, Kaitlyn


Thompson, Scott

Thompson, Victoria

Thomsen, Christine

Thomsen, Melissa


Thorn, Timothy

Thornton, Adair

Tackett, Jerry Tainter, Heather

Tait, Michael

Talbert, John

Talib, A'lisha

Talley, Tiffany

Talley, Tim 20, Tancordo,Josh



Tan,Pui Ying

Tan State

Tarr, Jennifer

Thorpe, Matt Thurman,Candace

Taylor,Nathan 12,138,187,188


Technologies, COBB



Tenney, Jill

Terenyi, James


Terry, Isaac

Terry Volkswagon

Tesenair, Traci

Teufel,Kenley Teufel,

Closing RIS K refinement 215
Shively, Amanda Shivers, Kiki Shoaf,Sarah Shoffner, Jenna 41 Short, Matthew Shouse, Nicole Sibande, Thandizo Sibley,Rachel Sikkema,Caitlyn Siljander, Elizabeth Simpson, Chad Sims, Melanie Sims,Patrick Singleton,Deidre Singleton,Jacob Sloan,Terrence Small,Melissa Smallwood, Andy Smissen,Mary Pat Smith, Aaron Smith, Amanda Smith, Anthony Smith, Brandon Smith, Brock Smith,Catlyn Smith,Chelsi Smith,Christian Smith,Christina Smith,Daniel Smith, David Smith, Douglas Smith, Emily Smith,Gary Smith II, Julius 31 165,185 188 166 80,116, 184 188 153 150 153 187 166 186 166 153 112 166 49 166 166 166 171 157 131,134 166 166 153 74 122 107,1 34, 166 , 63,108,153 187, 188 153, 189 171 102, 166 56 55,153 28, 122 153 166 105 81, 117, 153 153 39 71 85 171,188 7 117 148, 166 68 92 140 119 166 186 189 153 46 166 153
Shingler, Morgan
Stadtlander,Joshua Stamey,
Starner,Reagan Starnes,Joshua Stastay,Michael States,Noel Statile,Davina
Steele, Adam Steeper,
Statler, Jennifer
Stoltz,Dalton Stone, Jeremy Stone, Josh 17 31 166 166 153 187 141 184 153 189 121 107, 197 166 187 187 166 153 126 29 180 181 182 74 181 61 26 176 60,167, 187 188 81,117 166 72 223 153 189 186, 189 155 139 152 153 125 129 171 55, 187, 188 153 188 153 153 153 153 153 189 136 146,185 123 185 166 53 166 58
Stiteler, Tracie
Sweeny, Liz Sweet,Rachel Switzer, Steffan •
Sheila Swearingen, Angela
166 189 164 28 80 153 21, 110, 140 83,189 40 166 46 193 84 171 141 187 172 23 186, 189 166 186 2 88, 153 32, 38 10 186 31 34,51, 106 156 55,187 68 166 48, 197 48, 186 77, 88, 169 186, 189 68 12,138,187 17 44,94, 157 153
Tarr, Matthew 33,
Amber Taylor(Stumberg), Bekah Taylor, Ben
Kristi Taylor,Michael
Shawn Thaxton, David Thaxton,Joleen Theart, Emmanuel 171 196 55 187 153 169 7,169 174 192 106,107 125 169 169 171 56,164
Theemn, Dan The New Zealand
Ticomb,David TilleyStudent Center Tillman,
Toman, Jim Tomei, Timothy TOMS Shoes Toogood,Matthew Tookes,Edward Toombs,Brandon Torman,Raphaela Tournesol Towles, Carolyn Towles,
Towles,Dr Matthew Towns,Dr Elmer
Nathan Treichler, Emily
Turner, Ashley Turner, Jonathan Turpin, Preston Tyer, Rory Tyson, Brittany Tyson, Michael 34 153 9 96 107 186 79 153 153, 188j| 184 153,189 153 153 169 fl 101, 169 185 154 171 140 169 108 32 169, 186 154 154 169 171 22 169 4 154 52,120 124 | 154 106 187 154 78 188."^ 197 88 88 88 92, 171 169 154 75, 154 122 17 120 113 169,170 154 154 154 70 187 ': 31,186 139,188 77 169
Tolsma, Brant
Dr David
Townsend,Jason Travis, Sarah Treese,
Trojan, Jarda Troyer, Denise Tubbs, Danielle
Ashley Tuley,
Tuning, Bryan

to the way they contributed to our team and our process W econtinued to work with the practicum classwith more than 30 students participating and actively contributing

We couldn't have finished it without the support and input of Steve Kent, creator of inspirational Christmas cards, and Mark Plylerof HerffJones W e would be remiss if we didn'tthank Annette Rollyson forthejumbo bag of popcorn which broughtus great joy and gave birthto the plan for25lbsof popcorn kernels W eowe adebt of gratitudeto Liberty Dining forallowing us space during photo week,LUPhotography forsupporting us with incredible images,Oliver for letting us borrow his sweet flash, the Parent Programs Office forall kinds of loveand support, Jesse Perry and Andrew Hicks fortheircontributions and Panera Bread forthe Chipotle Chicken sandwich.Our business partners must be recognized and weencourage you to frequent them often Last but not leastwethank Facebook forboth distracting and enabling us

So here we are. Summing up the book we never thought would be — or the book that almost wasn't We're proud ofthe transformation we've seen, the work dedicated and thejourney taken.We wouldn't have asked forit. Wecouldn't have predictedit. But we're thankful forit As areward,weplanned the most exciting, extravagant staffpage yet Please, go to page 190 and be very envious.

Selah maintains membership in Associated Collegiate Press, Columbia Scholastic Press Association and College Media Advisers.

Awards for "I Am," Volume 34:

From Associated Collegiate Press,it receivedits fourth consecutive "Apple Award" atthe New York convention forthe country's top yearbook inthe fewer than 304 pages category

As of this writing, the book had been named a "Pacemaker Finalist"awarded toonly15 college books inAmerica afterhaving been named an All-American with distinction in all departments Pacemaker winners willbe presented atthe FallACP/CMA National College Media Convention inAustin, Oct.28-Nov.1, 2009.

From Columbia Scholastic Press Association, it earned a "SilverCrown" forthe second consecutive year, ranking it as one ofthe country's top 11 yearbooks In addition,inthe numerical critique, it garnered aGold Medalist ranking with AllColumbians inall categories

Herff Jones named the book a national sample,and included it inthe showcase publication "Ideas ThatFly."

Ultimate LU



Urbanik, Liz

USA Today

U.S Capital


U. S. Supreme Court



Vadnal, John Vanderbilt

Vander Haar, Stephen

VanDuser, Kevin

Vanella, Micah

Van Engen,Dr Robert

Van Engen,Meagan

Van Kampen, Abi

Varela, Gerald

Varney, Joshua

Vassell, Oronde

Vaughan, Joshua

Vaughan, Nicholas

Velez, Joseph


VirginiaArmy National G

30, 169 jard


VirginiaQuarterly Review

Viriato, William

Vissa, Anand

Vitello, Alison Shay

Voltmer, David

Voorhis, Tim Van

Vought, Emma


Waddle, Erica

Wade,Josh 'Bubba'




Wagner,Justine 93

Waits, Jon Walker, Allison Walker,Andrew

Ryan Walters, Jason

a -•
Wamjai, Louise Wampler,Bennett Wanjai, Loise Ward, Ariana 169 169 105 138 111 189 103 144 163 10 172 10 171 180 24 189 67 45 45 154 154 186 169 97 154 154 154 37 84 9 154 110 184 188 171 30 17 12 219 169 97 171 , 189 154 185 ,188 ,169 109 154 ,186 172 88 185 154 169 154 Warner, Justin
Wallace, Melissa Walls, Ben Walter,
Warren,Christopher Warren,Peggy
Washington Post Watford, Charles Watson, Paul Weaver, Bill Weaver,Donna Weaver, Elizabeth Webb,Daniel Webber,Ashley Webb, Shawn Webel, Paul Weber,Meredith Webster, Lauren Wedding Jr., Dave Weeks,Stephen 169, Weider, Crystal Weir,Myranda Weiss,Christopher Puma Welborn, Scarlet Western Carolina Western Michigan West, Hope Wetmore,Paul Wetmore,Todd Wheeler, Bill Wheeler,Dana Wheeler,Dr David Whipple,Clay 36, Whitaker, Joshua Whitcomb,John White,Jeremy White, Nicolas White, Shetarrah White, Zak Whitman,Jacob Whitworth, Angi 42 Wicks, Tony Wieland, Rita Wilda, Tim Wilkins, Faith Willard, Erin Willet, Sarah Willhite, Andrew Williams, Benjamin Williams, BJ Williams, Brianna Williams, Chanel Williams, Kate Williams, Katrina Williams, Yahmeen Willis, Jordan Willis, Tyeesha Willoughby, Justin Wilson,Andrew Wilson, Daniel Wilson, Justin 35, 154 169 186 36 154,190 163 154 74 116 48 154 40,188 81 169 169 152 154 186 185,187 12 154 89 92 180,181 182 76 126 114,126 171 45,127 45 184,186 112 170 67 169 169 186,189 186 128,155 139 82 154 169 58 185 154 169 65 154 122 118 169 154 166,184 172 76 124,154 164,169 154 ' wt

Wilson, Kirsten


"As the marketing directorfor Selah,my number one priority was promoting and selling the yearbook This wasa loteasier said than done Asa wise yearbook adviser once said, "Itisimpossible to sellhistory tothose who are still inthe middle ofliving it." I was responsible forcreating marketing campaigns for Selah My job isfun, creative, and fast paced Being a part ofan award winning staff has been challenging and rewarding, but mostly rewarding." -Katie

"My role has been a lot more involved thisyear than most We've faced our fairshareof unexpected circumstances IfI had become jaded in my position asadviser,thisyearwas certainly meant toshake things up What has resulted isa deeper £, appreciation -notforsuccess, but for the people who make up thisstaff."-Carrie

Closing RIS K refinement / 217
Sarah 46, Wimmer,Rex Wingert,Renee Wingfield,Andrea Winiarski, Melissa Winn,Kimberly
Wood,Leslie Wood,Matt Woods,Jonathan Woodson,Grace Woody,Emily Wooldridge, Lauren Workman,Sarah Worley, Katherine Wortham,Kiera Wozniak, Hope Wright,Brandon Wright, Ishah Wright,James Wright, Liana Wyckoff, Joshua Wynn,Mike 38 29,169 59,81, 117 184 187 17 113 154 154 102 154 128 188 185, 187 140, 172 47, 169 168,185 187, 188 23 80,116 154 126 188 169 187 169 93 169 186 108 154 154 188 169 169 187
Ye,Vicky Yeoman
Yond, Richlyn Yonts, Timothy Yoon,Heeju Youm, Heeyoon Young, Alison Young, Ashley Young,Joseph Yowell, Milessa Yun, Hyekyung 61 169 171 154 61 57, 169 188 169 169 171 7,169 154 185 169 Zaloom,Laura Zasadny,Martha Zavacky, Jillian Zhao,May Zipagan,Lee Anne 185 169 31 187 188 61 154
Winokuzew,Lindsay Winstead,Barbara Winston, Christopher Wiseman, Holly Wish, Nicole Witgins, Dallion Witherington, Ashley Wittenbrook, William
Yang, Bing

"It's difficultcoming toaChristian university with afatherwho is unsaved.Inmy case, my dadhadahard time understanding why I would choose acostly, religiousschool, with adress code andcurfew, overalessexpensive stateschool, with little tono restrictions. I prayed for m y dad's salvation almost every night during my four yearsatLiberty. Then, nearing my last fewweeks before graduation, Iled m y dad to the Lord while hewasvisitingme atschool Now he understands why I chose Liberty."-Glenn Housden, SR

Chancellor Jerry Falwell, Jr, addresses the crowd during the election day party inthe Vines Center PHOTOE Lights flood Worthington Stadium as the baseball team competes during itsfirstfull season under thelights

"If there is anything that I've learned thisyear it's thatthislife is not about me.Mydad passed away thissummer from abrain aneurysm and it prettymuch shattered my whole life. I didn't know what to think, I was confused, I was angry and it's still astruggle.But through allofthis, I have learned one thing: God's plans are wa y bigger than mine. The testimony of mydad's lifehas brought so many to Christand got people thinking about the possibility that maybe they can put theirtrust inHim.Since then,Liberty has been so kind to meand ministered to me so personally Allthe people atOSL have been checking on meand praying forme. Chancellor Falwell was even kind enough to provide me with ascholarship to help mepay my school bills. I have been so blessed by this school."

"When I decided I wanted to follow God intothe future with all of mypassion,Itwas hard to letgo ofbeing incontrol.It wasso intoxicating to me— still is — but Hehelpsme keep it incheck It feltas though we literally wrestled forthe better part of two-and-a-half years until I was too tired and gave in. A s if I had a Choice? Following Him was scary, difficultand seemingly lonely.He was there but directing down apath with no one else. Surrendering was the best thing I could have done Lifeis still scary and difficult, but no longer lonely and definitely safe because of His protection." -

Closing RIS K refinement 219
Students utalizethe new mac lab located in the third floor of Demosshall The Campus Praise band leadsworship during Wednesday evening Campus Church
"Delightyourself in theLord and He will giveyou the desires ofyour heart,Psalms 37:4, hasreally been an important verse inmylife thisyear It has taught me todesirewhat God desiresformylife and tobe patient in waiting on Him." Lauren Miles, JR
Head Football Coach Danny Rocco isdoused with gatoradefollowing theteam's26-3 victoryover No 14 Elon giving theteam its first ever10 win season Againstthe backdrop of the Lynchburg skyline, students float down the James Riveron an Ultimate LUtrip Campus Artistspreform during the 2008 Block Party event inthe LaHaye Student Union parking lot PHOT

W*™ I I


"Every semester it's a fight to get here, it's a fightwhen everyone around me asks, 'Why are you doing it?' I got accepted to12other schools and a lot of people didn'tunderstand why I chose togo here.I was at a turning point and if I had gone anywhere else I wouldn't be the same person I know I'm growing I know I'm learning. M y faith has experienced exponential growth and I'veseen a 180 degree change inme just by being here. Without thatchange,God wouldn't be ableto use me likehe does now."-Alyshia Allison,SO

*<*j**fls & ^ *

"I know that there willalways be hard times inlife trying to hinder mywalk with Christ but InJob 37:5 it says that "God thunders with Hisvoice wondrously,doing great things that wecannot comprehend." Sometimes when I'm going through life's trialsand I amatthe point ofsaying, 'God, I don't understand,' Heis there telling metojustbestill and wait because Heis doing something inmylife thatwill make me stronger and hopefully alsobe ableto help others with theirlife challenges."Brittney Eastin, SO

The marching band performs during halftimeofa home football game. Cars stream paststudentstalking on thecornerofUniversity Driveand Liberty Lane The Flames battleRadford fora rebound during ahome game PHI >'< IBYLESSCHOFER

"God has reallyworked inmy life inthe past year.He has provided methe wonderful opportunity to attend LUSchool of Law,and opened the door formeto be able to impact the legal profession forChrist.Ittook a lot of growing upand a lotof losstobring me tothe point where I am today.Through the time the Lord has revealed hiswillformy life and I finallyfeelthat I'm doing the things that He would have medo Nothing feels better."Reagan

"Leaving Brazil, where I'm from,tocome to college is the greatest challenge I'vefaced so far. I took ayear offafterfinishing high school because I didn't know what to do Then, through incredible circumstances, the Lord called metocome to Liberty When I look back,I can'tbelievethat I'm here intheU.S., atLiberty. It's just craziness!I know God has an amazing plan foreach and every one ofus.Living life is hard, but when w e learn how totake risks, it's scary, but exciting at the same time!The Lord is good.That's why I'm here That is how I get through thisgreat journey called life. 'Formeto liveis Christ, and to die is gain.'"

Closing RIS K refinement / 223
A communion traystands in contrast to lightsproviding ambiance during the ceremony
4 r


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Matthew Raposas

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The Heart of Worship

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I On The Campaign Trail

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page 33


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Strength and Surviva

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Th e Ultimate Sacrifice

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