The Danish building regulations lists specific demands for energy consumption and thus proper insulation (Trafik-, Bygge- og Boligstyrelsen 2018). The introduction of non-traditional insulation materials
FIG. 35- Extended window sill as furniture
One of the possibilities and challenges a thicker wall provides is determining the placement of the window. According to the danish building tradition the window frame is placed close to the façade. The recessed window is normally found in the warmer climates, where it acts as solar shading strategy. The façade expression here is mostly depth from the shadows that are cast from the window cut (fig 37).
FIG. 37- Recessed window
is no exception. As the materials perform differently according to thermal conductivity, the thickness of the insulation layer differs, opening for various design possibilities.
Over the last decade, building regulations have pushed towards sustainable constructions through energy usage standards. To accommodate these standards, building have become more and more insulated. The tendencies in modern architecture dictate simple geometries and details caused by the heavily insulated building envelopes, and connection with nature through large window facades (Poulsen and Lauring, 2019). With increasing average temperatures caused by climate change, overheating has become a common problem in Danish buildings. Cooling measures such as air conditioning will only increase the energy usage. However, the thick insu-
FIG. 36- Window sill as furniture
When the window is aligned with the façade more daylight enters the building, and the façade expression is more subtle. The alignment of the window with the façade provides opportunity to utilize the depth created inside, and thereby can serve as furniture and act as an extension of the interior space (fig. 38). (Brunsgaard, Heiselberg & Jensen, 2008).
FIG. 39- Reeds
FIG. 40- Unfired clay brick
FIG. 41- Recycled bricks
FIG. 38- Aligned window FIG. 42- Recycled wood
lated walls can be incorporated in a passive shading F A C A D E C L A D D I N G strategy, lowering the solar contribution to internal heating (Poulsen, Lauring and Brunsgaard, 2019). Passive shading utilized as a mean to avoid overheating along with an optimal indoor environment is highly corelated with external and internal façade claddings. According to the district plan, external facades must present itself in black, white or earth tones and their mixtures with the greyscales (Jammerbugt Kommune, n.d.) leading to an investigation of architectural expression as well as properties of the following materials.
FIG. 43- Kebony wood
FIG. 44- Thermowood