Introducing Rupert Murdoch A 21st-century warlock Who uses the pull of the goggle-box To reach out to those in the boon-docks And serve as a right-wing soapbox That’s FOX News
To blame for so much of the media’s Hyping fake news and the tedious Repetition and defence of the hideous Barrage of lies from Trump’s White House Always divisive and devious That’s FOX News They bring on a mug like Steve Hilton He thinks he’s the next John Milton His opinions stink like ripe Stilton Couldn’t put one past Peter Shilton Just another clown on stilts on FOX News Or the King of them all Sean Hannity Always verging on profanity Quite an insult to humanity With his conceited, vulgar vanity He rarely brings any sanity To FOX News They also bring you Tucker The smuggest little fucker His mouth seems set in a pucker As he takes us all for suckers You can see how he got stuck there On FOX News Or bring on the lovely Laura Self-basting in her aura However you try and ignore her She’ll twist the headlines for yer No wonder they adore her On FOX News