THE MYSTERY OF OMNIPOTENCE Is there a personal or impersonal God who has free rein to function in and with the universe? Is there an omnipotent Intelligence guiding and controlling the operation of natural law? The atheist quickly answers no. To the atheist there is only a universal,
unchangeable law. The agnostic sees that there is undeviating law operative everywhere; but is uncertain as to how that fact should be negotiated The orthodox thinker claims that the Lord is omnipotent but he cannot give a reason why the Lord should allow cataclysms to interfere with the peace of humanity.
I promulgate the belief held by a great number of the advanced thinkers of the day that there is an omnipotent and universal Intelligence prevalent in the universe, but that there are different degrees of manifestation of this one almighty Power. The physical universe of matter is the negative form of this great Power, or Force, the mode of expression of which some call Natural Law; but it is a manifestation of the sentient Intelligence of the Ever-Present, nevertheless. The vibrations of force exist in various degrees, from the gross vibrations of physical substance to the finest vibrations of mental energy. As the forms of life come into manifestation, they organize and exhibit this universal 101