TRUST IN THE CREATOR With the proper understanding of the truth of the mighty power of the Ever-Present within our lives, I know you can bring yourself to so perfect a faith in that Divine Power and Presence that you will not be moved by anything negative that transpires around you. Until you arrive at this stage of faith, your knowledge is a limited source of spiritual support.
When you are disturbed by inharmonious conditions in your own life, you allow yourself to be affected by the troubles of other people. This is due to your great sympathy. But if you are firmly poised in the truth of the Ever-Present’s goodness, and you make that fact real to your mind by constant affirmation, you will be undisturbed by the appearances of negativity. If you are poised in the truth that you are an expression of the Omnipotent One, you will do all that is possible to alleviate the conditions, because you will be firmly grounded in the faith that the Almighty cannot be thwarted, and all must from omnipotent necessity work for good.
When we are so strong in this faith, the true faith that unites us with the power of the Infinite, we then nurture the perfect mental conditions whereby only good can operate in and around us; 112