AFFIRM ABUNDANT HEALTH There is no cause for infirmity in your soul nature, which is your true nature. While thinking how the truth of the soul can overcome erroneous thoughts of the mind, never give power to any cause that is not real in your soul nature. Your soul is Truth. The life and perfection of the soul is positive Power. Think the truth of your soul, speak the truth of your soul, and trust it to overcome all negative appearances in the body. While pain and disease may appear very real to the senses, they are not real conditions to the soul nature. What the soul knows and feels as true is the real standard of eternal Truth. The soul recognizes unlimited life and perfection as the only permanent truth, no matter what may appear real in the body. And if the conscious mind will agree with the soul and deny all causes of sickness and pain as unreal, the soul’s power and perfection will become manifest. As:
There is no cause in my soul for pain.
There cannot be any cause for pain in this temple of truth.
My soul is the life and peace of my body.