THE TRUE WAY There is but one manner of life on this plane that will bring satisfaction to the soul and enable it to express its powers in an ever-ascending degree through its physical temple, and that is the devotional life. The life that is entirely consecrated and devoted to the Creator’s service in love and truth keeps the door open for the entrance of that inspiring Presence. Such a life fulfills all the divine laws, and the soul attains, while incarnate, a greater growth and expression of its Powers, and gains from its earthly experience a power and wisdom that make it a God-like being in the realms of eternal life and bliss. There is true healing in the life devoted to service to others rather than preoccupied with service to self.
You need to keep your mind open toward the Heavenly Creator by speaking with intensity and devotion the word of exalted truth to all parts of your being. It is the intense devotion and love of the whole nature turned in one direction that polarize the Presence and Power of Eternal Truth. Rouse up your spiritual powers by using statements such as these daily:
My soul is awakened and illuminated by the presence and power of the Creator. My soul is glorified by Infinite light and glory. 163