YE ARE SLUMBERING GODS! The essential attributes of the Great Spirit are organized in your individual soul. The Creator has organized omniscient love into a glowing sun of light and power, and this divine ego is your soul, your true self, the Power of your mind and body.
The living Pearl of Divinity is the Presence of Jehovih within your nature. You can well afford to sell all your accumulations of earthly thought, even though it seems a great sacrifice, in order to attain conscious possession of this Pearl of great price.
This divine individual essence of Jehovih is slumbering in the spiritual depths of your being, awaiting the quickening word to arouse Its mighty consciousness into spiritual activity and power.
Spiritualize your mind and body, or your positive and negative mind, with the radiance of the Creator’s presence through prayerful devotion, for thus you will polarize to yourself the spiritual emanations of the Ever-Present, which will surround and infuse your soul with heavenly life and strength, and awaken it again to a realization of its mighty possibilities as a living son or daughter of the Creator.