ORGANIZATION In the beginning was Organizing Power. Through the process of organization, Infinite Life took form as the Creator’s universal nature. Without the law and process of organization there could be no form of any kind.
Whenever the Spirit of the Creator has anything to accomplish, an organization of atoms, of forces, of individuals, or of souls is evolved for its accomplishment. Even the atom is considered by modern science to be an organization composed of a nucleus surrounded by a large or small number of electrons. Thus, the atom is composed of a central spark of force with a number of smaller particles of force surrounding it. Atoms are aggregated together to build every variety of form in existence. The solar system is like an atom greatly magnified. Every force, material or spiritual, evolves a suitable organization for its expression and manifestation.
If, in the early history of the planet, atoms had not begun to be organized by that Intelligent Presence to build forms, the human form could never have been produced. The human body is the most perfect corporeal organization that has yet been evolved in nature by the progressive power of the I AM. 199