PRAY WITHOUT CEASING How is the realization of the living Truth to be gained? By unceasing devotion to the Creator through daily study of divine truth and by daily prayer for more of the Spirit in heart and mind, united to mental affirmation of the love and wisdom and perfection in the soul.
You are in this world for no other purpose than the development and expression of your soul, through service to your Creator by serving the needs of others. Through fulfilling this necessity of your being, you will find enduring growth and satisfaction, and in no other way. If you turn all your attention to earthly things and do not develop your immortal soul, you will not find enjoyment in the realms of light when you leave this world, and you will feel no attraction toward the realms where congregate the enlightened and wise souls of heaven. Unless you develop a love for Divine Wisdom, and express Love in helping others while here, the social life of the heavenly spheres will prove distressing and confusing to you, because there is no self-centered happiness there any more than here, except in the activity of the higher faculties of the mind and soul. So, if your love is for earthly things and affairs entirely, if your treasure is in this world, your heart will be here and you will remain in the atmosphere of earth 206