WE GROW LIKE THAT WHICH WE STUDY Noted throat specialists have died of ailments of the throat, and insanity experts have become as mad as their patients. Those who study the power of disease will find disease and death creeping over their whole organism, but those who give their attention to the power of Life will find the Power that can transform them into health and perfection.
We are all mind. We live in an ocean of Mind, and we are each a polarizing center capable of drawing into our being any quality of mind we may desire to incorporate.
Looking at the universe from the physical standpoint, it is a vast ocean of matter or negative mind. This ocean of living force is constantly in flux, like the water that is part of a whirlpool one minute, and the next minute has gone to form a gigantic wave. So the atoms of negative mind are building up one body today, which tomorrow will have disintegrated, allowing those same atoms to go to the formation of another body. The planet is one center of force, and the trees, the animals and our bodies are still other centers organized for the time being from the substance of the universe. The atoms which compose our physical bodies were once part of the planet, and before that, 23