Celebrating Reading at Chyngton At Chyngton Primary School, we are crazy about books. We know how important reading is and how this life skill is the key to knowledge and learning. For example, did you know that by reading for just 21 minutes a day you will read almost two million words a year? We love books and stories, so this year, we are promoting reading for pleasure as widely as we can.
School Events
We love including our wider school community at Chyngton and ‘Books for Breakfast’ is the perfect example of this. One Friday morning each term we invite families in to school to enjoy books with us. Parents, carers and families come into the classrooms and spend time sharing books with children. This event Please recycle this magazine when you have finished with it.
is always enjoyed by all who attend and is a lovely way to start the day. We also run ‘Books with Cocoa’ evenings where children come back to school, often in onesies and pyjamas, enjoy hot cocoa and share books with their friends and teachers.
Our School Library
To further increase the profile of reading at Chyngton, we have spent time developing our library. This is an ongoing project, but with support from East Sussex Library Service we are currently updating the library stock. We were very fortunate to receive funding from Southover Manor Trust to buy new books and are incredibly excited about reading the new books that we will buy. Our library is run and maintained by a fantastic group of volunteers. They keep the stock updated, generally maintain the library and support the children to choose and take books out. We are very thankful for their support and understand how valuable it is. If this is something that you are interested in, please contact our school office.
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