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TheTextile Association (India)

Publisher, Journal of the Textile Association


e-journal - Nov-Dec 2022

January 16, 2023

e-journal - Nov-Dec '21

January 15, 2022

e-journal - Jul-Aug '21

September 1, 2021

e-journal - Sep-Oct 2020

January 29, 2021

e-journal - Jul-Aug '20

November 27, 2020

e-journal - Nov-Dec '19

January 29, 2020

e-journal -Sep-Oct '19

December 10, 2019

e-journal - Nov-Dec '18

January 19, 2019

e-journal - Sep-Oct '18

December 1, 2018

e-journal - July-August '18

September 25, 2018

E journal nov dec '17

February 6, 2018

E journal sep oct '17

December 5, 2017

E journal jul aug '17

October 9, 2017

E journal may jun '17

August 22, 2017

E journal nov dec '16

February 3, 2017

E journal jul aug '16

January 18, 2017

E journal sep oct '16 r

December 2, 2016

E journal may jun '16

October 7, 2016

E journal nov dec '15

January 19, 2016

E journal sep oct '15

November 9, 2015

E journal jul aug 2015

October 20, 2015