Trinity Journal of Literary Translation
Online: The Sea
trans. Caroline Boreham
Far from the large black rocks that the tide caresses, The calm sea, the sea of lulling murmurs,
Over there, off the coast, slowly draws back.
And her sob of love in the evening air dies off. The wild sea, the virgin sea, the untamed sea,
To the depths of her inviolate mother-of-pearl bed,
Returns to sleep, far away, very far away from the shore, Beneath the single pure gaze of the soft starry sky.
The sea loves the sky: it is to better tell him, once more, Aside, in secret, of her immense torment
That the wild enamoured beast pulls back from the shore Into her bed of coral, amber and diamond.
And the breeze brings the jealous earth nothing But a whispering breath; vague, teasing.
The soul of the oceans trembles like a wife
Under the chaste kiss of the impassive heavens.