Water Is My True Savior!! By Leila Seaton
I can remember when I was playing in the water then a whole bucket of water splashed in my mouth. This is the time when I fell in love. You may think how water represents me. It’s not food, not even an object, it’s just a thing that flows. But the reason why I think I represent water is because it’s calming and also very helpful. I think that water represents me because it helps us survive. Sometimes I help people who are struggling with problems and other personal things. Also, when friends or family are upset or sad, I calm them down by doing kind things. The last reason why water represents me is because sometimes water flows and never stops like how I never stop talking and playing around. If you think water is boring and it’s not helpful you’re wrong because water is the most important source of life, more than food. You can survive a few days without food but you cannot survive without water. I used to think water was worthless. But when I heard about the problems that people were faced with when they did not drink water, I changed my mind. Now I drink lots of water today. The movements of water remind me of emotions. When water is mad we see a storm getting stronger, the sea is unforgiving, it’s in so much rage. This reminds me of how I get mad when people are being annoying or disrespectful. Another emotion that water has is happiness. This makes me think of when it’s hot and everyone is coming to visit the ocean. This reminds me of when someone does something nice for me. Water will be the only thing that will represent me. I will always stay true to water. Water is everywhere, in your body, around the world,