d-mars.com Top 50 Black Professionals & Entrepreneurs of Texas
Pernell Davis 2022 TOP P&E
tornadoes, oil spills, wildfires, and pandemics. Before joining Harris County Precinct 2 Commissioners Office he was a sergeant with local law enforcement and in-charge of managing the department of emergency management. He brings a wealth of experience that has assisted Harris County Precinct 2 with engaging community stakeholders during any crisis that may occur. His experience at the local and state levels continue to help improve our response and consolidate services for the community. Pernell’s approach is shaped by his personal as well as professional experience. In 2004, he was charged with preparing for Hurricane Katrina, a category 5 storm, which destroyed his home and livelihood. But it didn’t stop him from keeping his oath to office and serving the community with the sheriff office.
ernell Davis' life has been immersed in community service. He is dedicated, accomplished, results-driven, and assertive. These are just a few of the titles that Pernell holds. With 16-year career driving strategies to facilitate alignment with institutional and corporate visions and goals, Pernell has developed a record for addressing and implementing strategic plans for organizations. His efforts have allowed him to foster trusting relationships with the community and teams to achieve objectives and surpass expectations. Whether he is leading teams or delivering tailored support to key stakeholders, Pernell is passionate about bringing innovation from outside and implementing company strategies to
Pernell’s efforts have allowed him to foster trusting relationships with the community to achieve objectives and surpass expectations. Pernell has attended the University of Houston where he received a bachelor’s in political science and Sam Houston State University where he received his master’s in public administration. meet long-term business objectives.
Pernell is a firm believer in civic duty and continues to ensure that we work together to produce results that will create an equitable and a safer community. He understands the importance of fostering relations with all stakeholders to include local business, faith-based community, nonprofits, county, state, and federal emergency management partners.
Pernell’s key areas of expertise: Public Safety, Project Management, Strategic Planning & Design, Department Operations, Public Engagement, Emerging Issues, Customer Service, Budgeting/ Cost Controls Performance Metrics & KPIs, Contract Compliance, Standardization, Documentation & Reporting, Team Pernell Davis has raised community Leadership & Development, Change awareness and increased preparedness Management, Business Development, in our community. Human Resources, Community Relations, Communications & Media Relations, and Pernell Davis Legislative Relations. Pernell recently prepared Harris County Precinct 2 community for its biggest winter storm during the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic. In his many years of emergency management, Pernell has responded to hurricanes, floods,
Sr. Director Harris County 1001 Preston St., #924 Houston, TX 77002 pernell.davis@pct2.hctx.net pernelldavis@gmail.com 713-274-2337 (o) |832-882-2909 (c)