Bullying and Sexual Assault/Harassment Error Report Log in to Infinite Campus and follow this path: Index>>Behavior>>Reports>>Bullying and Sexual Assault/Harassment Error. This report will display a list of bullying and sexual assault/harassment referrals with errors. These errors must be corrected in Infinite Campus. After they are corrected, re-run the report to see that errors have been resolved. •
A new window will open. Use the dropdown menu to select your Region(s), School(s), and Calendar(s). Note: This report can be run for multiple regions, schools, and calendars. After you have made your selections, click on View Report to see the errors.
The report will show all bullying and sexual assault/harassment referrals in a school that have errors. The errors are listed in red. These errors must be corrected in Infinite Campus. Below is a list of the errors and how to correct them. o Resolution ID (Missing): Each victim and offender must have a resolution. The resolution for the offender must demonstrate what the school has done to prevent further actions of bullying from occurring. The resolution for the victim must show what the school has done to protect the victim from future bullying incidents. o Offender (Missing Victim)/Victim (Missing Offender): Each bullying and sexual assault referral must have at least one victim and one offender. The victim cannot be a staff member. o Not a school day for (Calendar Name): The date listed for the incident is not a school day for your school. The incident must occur while school is in session. o Must be Staff or Student at 17–18: The person listed for this referral is not a student at your school; the wrong person has been selected for the incident. A student must be enrolled at your school to be attached to a referral. Only students can be victims of bullying. Staff members should not be listed as victims of bullying. o Must be before StartDateTime/EndDateTime: The resolution start time or end times are not correct. The start time must be before the end time of the resolution. o Resolution Start/End Time (Not a school day for ____): The school day listed for the first day of suspension is not a school day for your school. The first day of suspension should be the start of the first day of suspension.