Tips for Conducting Investigations Upon learning of alleged student misconduct, the school administrator should conduct a thorough investigation. The primary goal of the investigation is to gather facts and determine next steps to bring about a resolution to the incident. Gathering Information ] Identify all parties (victims, offenders, and witnesses). ] Assess for additional threats to the situation (other student conflicts, injuries, outsiders, safety hazards). ] Considering if it is necessary to involve the police. If the police are involved, continue your investigation and observe interviews, if possible. ] Contact the Regional Superintendent or School Operations Manager for guidance or assistance. Conducting Interviews ] Conduct interviews. It is essential to interview people involved in the incident, especially the student himself/herself. Be sure to take notes and document the investigative process. ] Investigative Questions should not lead the witness to an answer. These questions should invoke a memory of a particular event, people involved, etc (samples below): – Can you tell me everything that happened concerning……? – Can you tell me what happened on ______ (date)? – Please tell me everything that occurred from the time you arrived at school on Thursday until you left at the end of the day. ] Gather and review evidence (witness statements, pictures, videos, social media postings, documentation of damages, injuries). ] School officials may conduct searches of students (at school) if there is probable cause or reasonable grounds for the search. ] School officials are authorized by state statute, to conduct locker searches without student consent or notification, if the searches are deemed necessary and appropriate. Follow Up ] Contact parents. Communicate incident, injuries, restraint/seclusion, and disposition. ] Enter incident in Infinite Campus. Document seclusion and restraint. ] When applicable, issue suspension to the student/parent. Mail a copy to the student’s home, if necessary. ] Contact specialized services provider and supervisor for students with disabilities. ] Submit report of conduct, if necessary, within 24 hours of incident.