Čudo / Miracle
Magnetna rezonanca / R.M.N.
Selektorica / Programmer: Elma Tataragić
Greece, France, Romania, 2021, Colour, 97 min. Režija / Director: Christos Massalas Uloge / Cast: Elsa Lekakou, Foivos Papadopoulos, Stathis Apostolou, Rafael Papad, Salim Talbi
Nelly je pobjegla od svoje bogate, kontroli sklone porodice. Dok pleše u striptiz klubu, upoznaje Markosa, sitnog, ali harizmatičnog gangstera, koji joj pomaže pobjeći od poslušnika njenoga očuha. Markos uskoro postaje njen zaštitnik i ljubavnik. Vodi je u Broadway, napušteni zabavni kompleks u Atini, koji je naselila mala zajednica plesača, skitnica i lopova i jedan zarobljeni majmun. Neko vrijeme, život u zajednici je dobar, čak i kada Broadway ugosti misterioznog muškarca, ranjenog i umotanog u zavoje, kojeg najopasniji pripadnici atinske mafije žele vidjeti mrtvog. Međutim, nakon što je Markos uhapšen i zatvoren, novopridošli muškarac neočekivano preuzima značajnu ulogu u zajednici. Nelly has escaped from her wealthy and controlling family. As a dancer in a strip club, she meets Markos, a minor yet charismatic gangster, who helps her run away from her stepfatherís henchmen. Markos soon becomes Nelly's protector and lover. He brings her to Broadway, Athens, an abandoned entertainment complex squatted by a small community of dancers, tramps, thieves, and a captive monkey. For a while, everything goes well, even when Broadway hosts a mysterious man, injured, covered in bandages, and wanted dead by the most dangerous mafiosi in Athens. However, when Markos is arrested and imprisoned, this newcomer will take an unexpectedly important place in the gang.
Čudo / Miracle
Romania, Czech Republic, Latvia, 2021, Colour, 118 min. Režija / Director: Bogdan George Apetri Uloge / Cast: Ioana Bugarin, Emanuel P rvu, Cezar Antal, Ovidiu Crișan, Valeriu Andriuţă
Podijeljen u dva dijela, film ČUDO prati mladu opaticu Cristinu dok se iskrada iz svoga izolovanog manastira kako bi se pozabavila hitnim poslom. Njeno enigmatično putovanje
vodi je širom grada, ali naizgled je u nemogućnosti riješiti svoj problem i pronaći muškarca za kojim traga. Ostavljena bez opcija, Cristina se uveče vraća u manastir, ali usput je stiže neočekivana sudbina. Drugi dio filma prati Mariusa Predu, odlučnog policijskog detektiva koji pokušava shvatiti šta se dogodilo Cristini. Marius prati Cristinino putovanje, korak po korak, posjećujući sva mjesta koja je i ona posjetila. Njegova istraga ga navodi na tragove i otkrića koji ne samo da rasvjetljavaju nezamislivu istinu iza Cristininih misterioznih postupaka već, moguće, i istinsko čudo. In the first of its two chapters, MIRACLE follows Cristina, a young nun, as she sneaks out of her isolated convent to attend to an urgent matter. Her enigmatic journey takes her all around town but she is seemingly unable to solve her problem or find the man she is looking for. Out of options, she meets an unexpected fate in the evening on her way back to the convent. The second part of the film deals with Marius Preda, a determined police detective who is trying to determine what happened to Cristina. He retraces her journey through all the places she visited, step by step. His investigation uncovers clues and revelations that lead not only to the unfathomable truth behind Cristinaís mysterious actions but also, possibly, to an actual miracle.
Magnetna rezonanca / R.M.N. Romania, France, Belgium, Sweden, 2022, Colour, 125 min. Režija / Director: Cristian Mungiu Uloge / Cast: Marin Grigore, Judith State, Macrina B rlădeanu, Orsolya Moldov n
Nekoliko dana uoči Božića, nakon što je dao otkaz na svome radnom mjestu u Njemačkoj, Matthias se vraća u svoje multietničko selo u Transilvaniji. Želi biti više uključen u obrazovanje svoga sina Rudija, kojeg je predugo ostavio na brigu sinovljevoj majci Ani, te osloboditi dječaka strahova koji su ga ophrvali. Zauzet brigom o svom starom ocu Ottu, Matthias je željan ponovno vidjeti svoju bivšu ljubav, Csillu. Kada mala tvornica kojom
22 SARAJEVO FILM FESTIVAL / 121 9/08/2022 / www.sff.ba
Csilla upravlja uposli nove radnike, mir lokalne zajednice biva poremećen, otkrivajući strahove koji obuzimaju njene odrasle članove. Strahovi uzrokuju erupciju sukoba i strasti koji probijaju kroz tanki veo njihovog navodnog međusobnog razumijevanja i mira. A few days before Christmas, having quit his job in Germany, Matthias returns to his multi ethnic Transylvanian village. He wishes to involve himself more in the education of his son, who he feels has been left for too long in the care of his wife Ana, and to rid the boy of the unresolved fears that have taken hold of him. Matthias is preoccupied with his elderly father, and eager to see his ex lover, Csilla. When a few new workers are hired at the small factory Csilla manages, the peace of the community is disturbed, underlying fears grip the adults, and frustration, conflict, and passion erupt through a thin veneer of apparent understanding and calm.
Nježno / Gentle
Hungary, Germany, 2022, Colour, 92 min. Režija / Director: Anna Eszter Nemes, L szl Csuja Uloge / Cast: Eszter Csonka, Gy rgy Tur s, Csaba Krisztik, va Kerekes, J nos Papp
Edina, dizačica tegova, spremna je žrvovati sve za san koji dijeli sa svojim životnim partnerom i trenerom Adamom: osvojiti svjetsko prvenstvo u body buildingu. Skupi steroidi i dodaci prehrani prisiljavaju Edinu da se počne baviti dodatnim poslom kao escort dama. Novi doživljaj želje i čudna ljubav, koju usput iskusi, navode je da otkrije razliku između njenih snova i njene prave ličnosti. Edina, a female bodybuilder, is ready to sacrifice everything for the dream she shares with her life partner and trainer Adam: to win the world championship. Expensive steroids and supplements force Edina to take a side gig as an escort. New forms of desire and the odd love she finds on her way make her see the difference between her dreams and her true self.
Austria, France, Germany, 2022, Colour, 114 min. Režija / Director: Ulrich Seidl