Journal 28th Sarajevo Film Festival

Page 46

Gajin svijet 2 / Gaja's World - This is my Planet!

Ne želim plesati / I Don't Wanna Dance

TEENARENA Gajin svijet 2 / Gaja's World This is my Planet!

Slovenia, 2022, Colour, 97 min. Režija / Director: Peter Bratuša Uloge / Cast: Uma Štader, Sebastian Cavazza, Enej Černe Berčič, Neža Smolinsky, Jurij Zrnec

Četrnaestogodišnja Gaja, koja potiče iz razorene obitelji, suprotstavlja se ljubomornim školskim kolegama, doživljava krađu identiteta na društvenim mrežama, te otkriva šta znači pravo prijateljstvo. Tokom praznika Gajin otac odvodi nju i njenu sestru tinejdžerku u kamp kraj mora, ali odmor još nije počeo. Uz pomoć prijatelja i policijskog inspektora, Gaja spašava vlasnika bara od ucjenjivača, ujedinjuje porodicu i usrećuje svoga oca. Dinamična priča puna humora, emocija i napetosti bavi se svakodnevnim problemima, prije svega razvodom, ali i opasnostima na internetu i odnosom tinejdžera i njihovih roditelja. 14-year-old girl Gaja, who lives in a separate family, confronts envious classmates, experiences identity theft on a social network, and learns what true friendship means. During holidays, her father takes Gaja and her teenage sister to a camp by the sea, but the vacation has not yet begun. With the assistance of her friend and a police inspector, Gaja rescues the owner of a bar from blackmailers, reunites the family, and makes her father happy. The dynamic story, full of humor, emotion, and suspense, revolves around common everyday problems, primarily parental separation and the dangers of the internet, and addresses teenagers and their parents.

Ne želim plesati /

I Don't Wanna Dance

Netherlands, 2021, Colour, 89 min. Režija / Director: Flynn Von Kleist Uloge / Cast: Yfendo van Praag, Romana Vrede, Eliyah de Randamie, Daniel Kolf

Nakon što su dvije godine živjeli s tetom, petnaestogodišnji Joey i njegov mlađi brat napokon se mogu vratiti majci Daphne. Zajednički život isprva teče glatko i sve se čini u redu: kuća je čista, hladnjak je pun, Daphne ima posao, a Joey postaje članom plesne grupe. Ljeto izgleda obećavajuće. No nad malom obitelji uskoro se ponono nadvija mračan oblak Daphneinih starih navika. Joey daje sve od sebe kako bi radnike socijalne službe zadržao u neznanju. No koliko dugo može održati taj destruktivni ples s majkom nauštrb vlastite sreće? After having lived with their aunt for two years,

Svemir između nas / The Space Among Us

fifteen-year-old Joey and his younger brother move back in with their mother to their great delight. At first everything goes well: the house is tidy, the fridge is filled, Daphne has a job and Joey finds his place in a dance group. It promises to be a beautiful summer. But the family joy soon comes under pressure when Daphne falls back into her old patterns. Joey does everything to keep child services out, but how long can he keep up this destructive dance with his mother, at the expense of his own happiness?


Italy, Argentina, 2022, Colour, 89 min. Režija / Director: Florencia Wehbe Uloge / Cast: Lucia Castro, Lara Griboff, Julieta Montes, Tiziana Faleschini, Liz Correa

Paula ima samo četrnaest godina, a već mrzi vlastito tijelo. Kako bi izrazila ono što osjeća, Paula pokreće blog i postaje dio velike virtualne zajednice ljudi koji imaju isti problem poput nje. Pod plaštom anonimnosti, ona na internet postavlja videe koja snima svojim telefonom, a u kojima razotkriva prijatelje i porodicu. Osjećaj pripadnosti zasljepljuje Paulu koja, u potrazi za samopoštovanjem, skreće na put na kojem joj prijete bulimija i anoreksija. At only fourteen years old, Paula hates her body. In an attempt to express what she feels, Paula creates a blog and becomes part of a large virtual community that shares her problems. Shelter in anonymity, she uploads content recorded with her cell phone, exposing her friends and family. The feeling of belonging blinds Paula, who begins to walk a lonely path in which bulimia and anorexia lurk as alternatives in the search for self-acceptance.

Put / The Path

Germany, 2022, Colour, 99 min. Režija / Director: Tobias Wiemann Uloge / Cast: Julius Weckauf, Volker Bruch, Nonna Cardoner, Bruna Cusí, Anna Maria Mühe

Francuska, 1940: progonjeni od nacista, njemački novinar i kritičar režima Ludwig i njegov dvanaestogodišnji sin Rolf ostaju zaglavljeni u Marseillesu. Cilj im je otići u New York gdje ih Rolfova majka već dugo čeka. Njihova zajednička igra pogađanja – "dobar ili loš, disident ili kolaborator?" – ubrzo postaje

46 SARAJEVO FILM FESTIVAL / 12-19/08/2022 /

smrtno ozbiljna jer sve češće se susreću sa policijskim inspektorima i nacističkim zvaničnicima u okupiranoj Evropi. Do slobode mogu stići samo tako što će preći opasan put koji preko Pirineja spaja južnu Francusku sa Španijom. Djevojčica Núria, koja je samo malo starija od Rolfa, ponudi se da im bude vodič na tom opasnom putu. Kada Ludwig biva zarobljen tokom puta, Rolf i Núria iznenada ostaju sami. Njihov jedini pratilac na putu koji ih uči da se, ako žele preživjeti, moraju držati zajedno i oslanjati jedno na drugo, je Rolfov pas Adi. France in 1940: persecuted by the Nazis, the critical German journalist Ludwig and his 12-year-old son Rolf are stranded in Marseilles. Their goal is to travel to New York where Rolf’s mother has been waiting for them now for far too long. Their guessing game of "Good or Bad? – Dissident or Collaborator?” soon turns deadly serious when they increasingly have to face inspectors and officials in Nazi-controlled Europe. The only way to freedom is a steep path leading from Southern France through the Pyrenees to Spain. Nuria, a girl, only slightly older than Rolf, offers to guide them along the hazardous path. When the father gets caught en route, Rolf and Núria are suddenly all on their own. Rolf's dog Adi is then the only companion on a path that teaches the two children to stick together and to rely on one another – if they want to survive.

Svemir između nas / The Space Among Us

Slovenia, 2021, , 100 min. Režija / Director: Rahela Jagrič Pirc Uloge / Cast: Kolja Chilima Budišin, Ivo Barišič, Manca Dorrer, Irena Mihelič, Alenka Kraigher

Film prati četrnaestogodišnjeg Kanađanina Tobija na ljetnom raspustu u Sloveniji koji provodi s majkom Kristinom, umjetnicom koja uskoro otvara značajnu izložbu u rodnom gradu. Tobi nije sretan što provodi raspust daleko od oca i prijatelja. Situacija se dodatno pogoršava kada ga članovi lokalne bande počnu maltretirati zbog boje njegove kože. Jedino što je u toj situaciji pozitivno je djevojčica po imenu Tjaša koja ga upoznaje sa umirovljenim, slijepim astronomom Hermanom. Dok čeka da

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Articles inside

Story intervju

pages 66-68

Talents Sarajevo

pages 64-65

Storyjev 20. rođendan 20 years of the Story

pages 62-63

Box Office

pages 58-61

Specijalne projekcije Special Screenings

pages 50-51

Dan ljudskih prava Human Rights Day / Program Mreže festivala jadranske regije / The programme of Network of Festivals in the

pages 42-43

Posvećeno / Tribute to

pages 38-39


pages 46-47


pages 28-31

Sučavanje s prošlošću Dealing with the Past

pages 40-41

Dječiji program Children's Programme

pages 44-45

Open Air

pages 26-27

Takmičarski program igrani film / Competition Programme – Feature Film

pages 10-11

Žiri / Jury / Nagrade / Awards

pages 6-8

Takmičarski program kratki film / Competition Programme – Short Film

pages 18-19

Takmičarski program dokumentarni film /

pages 12-17

Pretpremijere Serije Avant Premiere Series

pages 24-25

Dobrodošli / Welcome

page 5

U fokusu / In Focus

pages 22-23

Takmičarski program studentski film / Competition Programme – Student Film

pages 20-21
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