Journal 28th Sarajevo Film Festival

Page 66

Na prošlogodišnjem, 27. Sarajevo Film Festivalu Milan Marić oduševio je publiku naslovnom ulogom u biografskom filmu Toma o životu omiljenoga glazbenika Tome Zdravkovića

During the last year's 27. Sarajevo Film Festival Milan Marić amazed the crowd with the title role in the biopic 'Toma' about the life of a beloved musician Toma Zdravković

SARAJEVO FILM FESTIVAL IMA DIVNU ENERGIJU! Glumac Milan Marić prošle je godine u Sarajevu oduševio ulogom u filmu Toma , a ove godine dolazi u ulozi člana žirija Natjecateljskog programa igrani film

Last year, actor Milan Marić amazed the crowd in Sarajevo with the role in the film 'Toma', and this year he comes back in a different role as a member of the Jury of the Competition Programme Feature Film

Beogradski glumac Milan Marić ove je godine član žirija Natjecateljskog programa - igrani film 28. Sarajevo Film Festivala. Na Festival dolazi više od desetljeća, a prošle godine ispraćen je ovacijama zahvaljujući filmu ‘Toma’ koji je premijerno prikazan upravo u Sarajevu. Taj je film samo još jedan dokaz talenta 31-godišnjeg beogradskoga glumca koji je 2019. godine na Filmskom festivalu u Berlinu dobio nagradu Shooting Stars. “Volim Sarajevo Film Festival jer ima divnu energiju, divne ljude koji čine taj festival boljim. Otkada sam ga prvi put posjetio, a to je bilo 2011., SFF iz godine u godinu raste i napreduje te s pravom preuzima vodeću poziciju među filmskim festivalima na Balkanu. Sarajevo Film Festival zaista je mnogo učinio za film na ovim našim prostorima, što održavanjem radionica s mladima, što raznim programima, što konstantnom tendencijom da dovode ljude s ozbiljnom reputacijom iz svijeta filma i televizije. Mislim da tako naši filmski radnici imaju priliku povezati se s kolegama iz regije, ali i s kolegama iz nekih drugačijih sistema rada na filmu razmjenjivati iskustva i dopunjavati znanja”, rekao je Milan Marić za magazin Story. “Neće mi ovo biti prvo žiriranje, ali bit će prilično uzbudljivo. Siguran sam da će selekcija filmova biti odlična i da će nam time dodatno zakomplicirati već dovoljno kompliciran posao izbora najboljeg u nečemu što je umjetnost”, dodaje o prilično izazovnoj ulozi člana žirija.

66 SARAJEVO FILM FESTIVAL / 121 9/08/2022 /

This year, belgradian actor Milan Marić will be a member od the Jury of the Competition Programme – Feature Film during the 28. Sarajevo Film Festival. He comes to the SFF regularly during the past decade, and last year he was awarded with standing ovations for the title role in the film 'Toma' which had its world premiere in Sarajevo. This is just one proof od the amazing talent of this 31-year old actor, who won the Shooting Star award at the Berlin Film Festival in 2019. "I love Sarajevo Film Festival because this festival has such an amazing energy, the wonderful people who make it even better, and because the SFF, since I visited for the first time in 2011., grows and becomes better and has the right to take over the leading position among the film festivals in the Balkans. SFF has done so much for the film world in this area, through the workshops with young filmmakers, different programs, and through the constant tendency to bring people who have amazing reputation in the world of film and television. Film workers from this region have the opportunity to connect with their colleagues who work in different systems and parts of the world in order to exchange the experience and knowledge", told Milan Marić for the Story magazine. "This is not the firs time that I'm a member of a jury, and I'm sure that it will be very exciting. I believe that the movie selection will be exceptional and because of that we'll have a more complex job in choosing the best one in something that is called art", says Milan about his role as the jury member.

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Articles inside

Story intervju

pages 66-68

Talents Sarajevo

pages 64-65

Storyjev 20. rođendan 20 years of the Story

pages 62-63

Box Office

pages 58-61

Specijalne projekcije Special Screenings

pages 50-51

Dan ljudskih prava Human Rights Day / Program Mreže festivala jadranske regije / The programme of Network of Festivals in the

pages 42-43

Posvećeno / Tribute to

pages 38-39


pages 46-47


pages 28-31

Sučavanje s prošlošću Dealing with the Past

pages 40-41

Dječiji program Children's Programme

pages 44-45

Open Air

pages 26-27

Takmičarski program igrani film / Competition Programme – Feature Film

pages 10-11

Žiri / Jury / Nagrade / Awards

pages 6-8

Takmičarski program kratki film / Competition Programme – Short Film

pages 18-19

Takmičarski program dokumentarni film /

pages 12-17

Pretpremijere Serije Avant Premiere Series

pages 24-25

Dobrodošli / Welcome

page 5

U fokusu / In Focus

pages 22-23

Takmičarski program studentski film / Competition Programme – Student Film

pages 20-21
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