Hjálparsíður og smáforrit fyrir nemendur Helpful Websites and Apps for Students
GREIN ARTICLE Karitas M. Bjarkadóttir ÞÝÐING TRANSLATION Brynjarr Þór Eyjólfsson
Þó námið virðist ef til vill einmanalegt þegar tímar eru á netinu, lesaðstöður lokaðar og lítið rými til að ræða hversdagslega um námsefnið við samnemendur, ertu ekki eitt. Þetta meina ég auðvitað bókstaflega þar sem nemendur Háskólans telja þúsundir fyrir utan alla þá sem eru í öðrum skólum, en ég vil líka benda á það hvernig tæknin getur orðið þinn besti vinur í komandi prófa- og verkefnaskilatíð. YFIRFERÐ OG SKRIF Á ÍSLENSKUM TEXTA Skrambi les yfir íslenskan texta og leiðréttir samkvæmt íslenskum málreglum. Athugið samt að Skrambi er ekki enn orðinn nógu klár til að leiðrétta út frá samhengi og getur því oft misst af villum ef orðið er til í annarri beygingarmynd, o.s.frv. Hvort tekur maður of djúpt í árina eða árinni? Málið er aðgangur að gögnum og fræðslu um íslensku á silfurfati. Hún finnur fyrir þig allar tiltækar upplýsingar um orðið sem þú leitar að þannig þú þarft ekki að vesenast í mörgum orðabókum eða vefsíðum. Málið er líka til sem smáforrit fyrir Android síma og spjaldtölvur.
Even though studies may feel isolating when courses are online, reading facilities are closed, and there are few places for day-to-day chats about schoolwork with your classmates – you are not alone. I mean this literally, of course, as University of Iceland students number in the thousands, to say nothing of all the students attending other schools, but I also want to point out how technology can be your best friend during the coming weeks filled with project due dates and exams. WRITING AND PROOFING ICELANDIC TEXTS Skrambi reads over texts in Icelandic and corrects them according to Icelandic grammar rules. Take note, however, that Skrambi is not good enough to correct based on the context and often misses errors if, for example, a word is in another conjugated form, etc. Which form of the word ár (oar) should we use to express the idea of “putting a lot of weight behind one’s words”: “að taka of djúpt í árina” or “árinni”? Málið presents all sorts of resources and information about Icelandic on a silver platter. It finds all the relevant information about the word you are looking for so that you needn’t trouble yourself checking a lot of different dictionaries or websites. Málið is also available as an app for Android phones and tablets. Every university student who is required to do a lot of reading and writing should invest in a subscription to Snara. It allows you to look through Icelandic, English, Danish, Polish, German, Spanish, French, Italian, and Greek dictionaries, and there are 13 reference works for Icelandic and 11 for English. In short, it is more thorough, reliable, useful, and scholarly than Google Translate. If you have no interest in paying for Snara, you can access it for free whenever you’re using the university’s wifi or connected to the network via VPN. Not quite sure whether to use hönd or hendi in the singular nominative? Or is it perhaps possible to say both? BÍN (Beyingarlýsing íslensks nútímamáls) will come to the rescue for every declension dilemma that you find yourself in, solving tableside disputes and allowing you to see whether contestants on the Icelandic language challenge show Kappsmál are clueless even before Bragi Valdimar tells you so. If you are not quite sure which variation of a word is “more correct” to use and have googled your wits out but cannot, for the life of you, come to a conclusion, then is a good website to have avail-