DIY jóladálkurinn
GREIN & MYNDIR ARTICLE & PHOTOS Unnur Gígja Ingimundardóttir ÞÝÐING TRANSLATION Julie Summers
Let’s lower our Christmas stress and skip the unpleasant parts of the holidays. The trick is to start early, get organized, and spend smartly. After all, the Yule Lads often start filling their bags with gifts in the autumn. You can collect gifts all year round, and smiles don’t cost a thing. You can also create homemade gifts that encourage family togetherness. If money is tight, you can always write a thoughtful message and give someone a coupon to help them, babysit their kids, invite them for dinner, or whatever else you can think of. For this article, I’ve collected some ideas for DIY Christmas activities that fall into three categories: Christmas crafts, shoe presents or stocking stuffers, and quality time.
The DIY Christmas Column
Minnkum jólastressið og sleppum því sem okkur þykir leiðinlegt. Galdurinn er að byrja snemma, skipuleggja sig og safna í baukinn. Jólasveinarnir byrja oft strax á haustin að fylla pokana sína, jólagjöfum má safna yfir árið og bros kosta ekki neitt. Einnig má útbúa heimagerðar jólagjafir sem ýta undir samveru með fjölskyldunni. Ef skortur er á peningum má alltaf útbúa falleg skilaboð um inneign upp á hjálpsemi, pössun, boð í mat eða hvað sem þú getur lagt til. Í þessum pistli tek ég saman lista yfir jólaföndur, skógjafir og samveru. JÓLAFÖNDUR Það þarf ekki að vera flókið föndur, tilgangurinn er að hafa gaman. Föndur er góð samvera og getur orðið að fallegu jólaskrauti eða jólagjöf. Einnig er gaman að nostra aðeins við pakkana og gera þá einstaka. Þetta eru hugmyndir fyrir fólk sem hefur tíma. – Búa til tröllaleir. Það er hægt að móta hendur barnanna og gefa í jólagjöf – Föndra kortin sem fara á gjafirnar – Mála krukkur og nota sem kertastjaka – Það þarf ekki alltaf að kaupa dýrt jólaskraut. Klósettrúllur, lím og sprey koma þér ansi
You don’t have to tackle a complicated project; the goal is just to have fun. Crafting is a great way to spend time with loved ones, and you might end up with a beautiful Christmas decoration or a gift. You can also have some fun and take your time wrapping the gifts to make them extra special. These are ideas for people who have plenty of time on their hands. – Make salt dough (or buy bakeable crafting clay). You can use it to make molds of children’s hands and give them as gifts. – Create homemade cards or gift labels to go with your presents. – Paint jars to use as candle holders. – You don’t always have to buy expensive Christmas decorations. Toilet paper rolls, glue, and spray paint will get you pretty far. Pinterest is packed with ideas! – Fiber crafters can create beautiful Christmas gifts. My most prized possessions are hand-knitted and hand-sewn garments made by my grandmothers. – Make a Christmas wreath to hang on your door or in a window. – Create an Advent wreath or cover a platter with festive decorations and candles. – Save yourself the stress of the post office by sending digital cards. Including a family Christmas letter and photo album can be fun for people you don’t get to see very often. If you’re tech savvy, try using Canva or Photoshop. – You can buy all sorts of ready-to-use crafting kits complete with instructions. SHOE PRESENTS OR STOCKING STUFFERS
Everyone wants to make the holidays as memorable as possible for children. The Yule Lads who sneak into houses to place little gifts in children’s shoes on their windowsills should remember that all children are equal. Shoe gifts bring a little light and a spark of magic to the winter darkness. Here are a few ideas that I hope the Yule Lads will consider: