– Gefa öndunum – Gera fuglamat og setja út (hér er internetið vinur þinn) – Skreyta húsið og jólatréð saman – Skoða jólaþorpið í Hafnarfirði, Blómaval eða Jólahúsið á Akureyri – Skrifa jólasveini bréf – Pakka inn gjöfum (auðvitað til þeirra sem eru ekki að hjálpa til við innpökkunina) – Vasaljósaganga (hægt að hafa með nesti; heitt kakó í brúsa og smákökur) – Halda aðventuboð eða mæta með gotterí í heimsókn – Lesa/segja jólasögu – Fara á bókasafnið (stundum eru uppákomur í desember) – Gera teppavirki/hús inni í stofu (jólasería sem ljós) – Eyða deginum saman á náttfötunum og hafa það huggulegt Ef þig vantar fleiri hugmyndir og áminningu um boðskap jólanna heldur höfundur úti Instagram síðu sem heitir
– Visit the Christmas village in Hafnarfjörður, the Christmas display at Blómaval, or the Christmas House in Akureyri – Write a letter to Santa – Wrap presents (obviously for people other than whoever’s helping you!) – Go for an evening walk by flashlight (you can even take a thermos of hot chocolate and some cookies!) – Host a Christmas party or pay someone a visit to deliver some tasty treats – Read or tell a Christmas story – Visit your local library (many host special events in December) – Create a blanket fort in the living room and decorate it with string lights – Have a cozy day where you stay in your pajamas If you need more ideas or a reminder of what Christmas is all about, follow the author on Instagram at
Jafnrétti er fjölbreytt og síbreytilegt
GREIN ARTICLE Katla Ársælsdóttir
ÞÝÐING TRANSLATION Brynjarr Þór Eyjólfsson MYND PHOTO Helga Lind Mar
Equality is Multifaceted and Ever-Changing Bryndís Ólafsdóttir er 24 ára nýútskrifaður mannfræðingur en B ryndís situr í jafnréttisnefnd SHÍ. Blaðamaður Stúdentablaðsins spurði B ryndísi spjörunum úr varðandi störf og sigra nefndarinnar. Jafnréttisnefnd SHÍ vinnur hart að því að standa vörð um jafnrétti innan Háskóla Íslands og hefur það markmið að gera skólann að opnu og öruggu svæði fyrir okkur öll. Aðspurð hverjir helstu sigrar jafnréttisnefndarinnar væru síðustu
Bryndís Ólafsdóttir is a 24-year-old recent anthropology graduate and member of the Student Council’s Equal Rights Committee. A journalist from the Student Paper questioned Bryndís thoroughly about the committee’s role and accomplishments. The Student Council’s Equal Rights Committee works hard to protect equality at the University of Iceland and aims to make the school an open and secure place for each and every one of us. Asked about the Equal Rights Committee’s major victories over the past few years, Bryndís says she is very pleased to see that accessibility has been in the foreground: “Students who apply to study at the university make up a large and varied group, and the educational environment needs to be satisfactory for all these groups. It is clear that students want to improve our university. According to the Student Council’s yearly report from the operating year 2012-2013, the committee placed great emphasis on installing guiding lines for the blind on campus, and discussion on improved accessibility for blind and visually impaired students at the university had been thoroughly discussed that year as well as the previous year. It is satisfying to look back at the campaign to improve the student experience and see that these matters are taken into consideration. Today, at the university, there are continuous raised guiding lines all over campus,” says Bryndís. When discussing the state of equality issues, she says it’s important to realise that equality is not a single goal. Equality is, for the most part, a subjective concept and needs to be understood as such. “Despite the fact that it is easily possible to find many themes in our search, we may see that these themes are multi-