Sigrar Stúdentaráðs í GREIN ARTICLE Katla Ársælsdóttir ÞÝÐING TRANSLATION Julie Summers MYNDIR PHOTOS Úr myndasafni SHÍ og HÍ From the Archive of the Student Council and UI
100 Years of Student Council Success
100 ár The University of Iceland Student Council has worn many hats over the past hundred years, tackling a wide variety of issues related to student welfare, and it’s incredible to see how much the Student Council has done for the university community. Looking back on everything the Council has undertaken, it’s clear that UI students have always had a fighting spirit. On this timeline, we’ve highlighted some of the Student Council’s landmark achievements from the past century. Learn more on the Student Council’s new website, 1920
Stúdentaráð Háskóla Íslands hefur tekið að sér verkefni af ýmsum toga síðastliðin hundrað ár. Baráttumál stúdenta hafa verið mörg og mismunandi í gegnum árin og ótrúlegt að sjá hvað Stúdentaráð hefur gert margt fyrir háskólasamfélagið. Þegar litið er á þau fjölmörgu verkefni sem ráðið hefur tekið sér fyrir hendur, liggur það í augum uppi að baráttuandinn í stúdentum hefur alltaf verið til staðar. Hér er stiklað á stóru yfir þá sigra sem Stúdentaráð Háskóla Íslands hefur unnið síðustu 100 ár. Frekari upplýsingar má finna á nýrri vefsíðu Stúdentaráðs, 1920
Stúdentaráð stofnað: Þann 11. desember árið 1920 fóru fram fyrstu kosningar til Stúdentaráðs Háskóla Íslands.
Fyrsta tölublað Stúdentablaðsins kom út.
Félag háskólakvenna og kvenstúdenta stofnað.
Hlutbundnar og leynilegar kosningar til Stúdentaráðs teknar upp. Sérstakir listar voru boðnir fram í kosningum til ráðsins og þá fóru að myndast pólitísk samtök sem sáu um slík framboð. Fyrstu samtökin, Félag róttækra háskólastúdenta, voru stofnuð sama ár.
Fyrstu Stúdentagarðar teknir í notkun. Í fyrstu Stúdentagörðunum var pláss fyrir 37 nemendur sem og garðprófast. Þar var einnig lestrarsalur, bókaherbergi og íþróttasalur í kjallara.
Student Council founded. The first Student Council election was held on December 11, 1920.
First issue of the Student Paper published.
Association of University Women founded.
Student Council adopts a system of party-list proportional representation and implements elections with secret voting. Lists of candidates were presented to voters, and political associations began forming to curate these candidate lists. The first such association, the Association of Radical Students, was founded the same year.
First student residence hall opens. The first residence hall had space for 37 students as well as a residence hall director. It had a reading room, library, and a gymnasium in the basement.
Students protest military use of residence halls. British forces commandeered student residences for their own use. Students were vehemently opposed, as many of them struggled to find suitable housing.
Nýi-Garður opens and students move in. The 63-room residence hall was completed in September 1943, nearly a year and a half after construction began. Due to a housing shortage, many students ended up sharing single rooms, and 90 students lived in the building the first semester after it opened.
1956 1934 Fyrstu Stúdentagarðar teknir í notkun. First student residence hall opens.
The Student Council approves a roposal to begin construction of additional p student housing, Hjónagarðar.