Blaðamenn tölublaðsins Contributing Journalists
Armando Garcia T.
Arnheiður Björnsdóttir
Atli Freyr Þorvaldsson
Auður Helgadóttir
Eva Margit Wang Atladóttir
Gabrielé Satrauskaite
Helgi James Price
Íris Hadda Jóhannsdóttir
Katla Ársælsdóttir
Maicol Cipriani
Sam Patrick O'Donnell
Unnur Gígja Ingimundardóttir
Ávarp Ritstjóra
Hólmfríður María Bjarnardóttir ÞÝÐING TRANSLATION Julie Summers MYND PHOTO Kata Jóhanness
Editor's Address 2020 hefur svo sannarlega verið áhugavert ár fyrir okkur öll. Ég er búin að detta tvisvar beint á andlitið, bókstaflega „faceplanta“ Reykjavík. Ég veit ekki hvort það var álagið í skólanum eða bara klaufaskapur sem olli því en ég mun ganga fegin inn í nýtt ár þar sem ég mun láta eins og það hafi bara verið hluti af þessu bölvaða ári og muni aldrei koma fyrir aftur. Fresta þurfti mörgum viðburðum. Brúðkaup, leiksýningar og afmæli hafa verið færð yfir á næsta ár eða voru keyrð áfram með minna sniði. Sumir hafa ekki hitt fjölskyldu sína eða vini í allt of langan tíma, aðrir hafa kannski fengið nóg af fjölskyldunni sinni í bili og hlakka til að komast út
2020 has certainly been an interesting year for all of us. Personally, I’ve fallen flat on my face – literally face-planted – on the streets of Reykjavík, not once, but twice. I don’t know whether it was because of school stress or just plain clumsiness, but I’ll be relieved when 2020 gives way to 2021, because I’m planning on pretending that my tumbles were just part of this cursed year and will never be repeated. Many events had to be postponed this year. Weddings, theater performances, and birthday parties were rescheduled for next year or scaled down significantly. Some people haven’t seen their friends and family in far too long, while others have perhaps had about enough of their families for now and can’t wait to get out of the house. The editorial team met in person once at the beginning of the school year, but since then, all meetings related to the paper have taken place through computer screens. In that regard, it’s been a peculiar process and quite a departure from what I imagined when I took over as editor. I’m sure we’re all excited to get back to familiar routines, free from gathering restrictions, hand sanitizer, and face masks. But we can’t forget that the situation won’t magically resolve in 2021; on the contrary, we must continue to band together and take precautions in order to beat this virus. The theme of this issue is the Student Council’s 100th anniversary! But of course, we also can’t