New South Wales Bar Association
The New South Wales Bar Association is a professional association for practising barristers and associate members, such as clerks and judges.
The Association promotes the public good in relation to justice and the provision of legal services. This is achieved by promoting and maintaining the highest standards of excellence among local practising barristers. In pursuit of this objective, the New South Wales Bar Association:
- Carries out its regulatory functions through the work of the Student Opportunities Students may work as research assistants for barristers. Bar Council and its committees - Co-ordinates pro bono or reduced-cost legal services to underprivileged sections of the community - Operates the Bar Library
The NSW Bar website has a database of barristers who you can contact to enquire about opportunities and
- Appoints senior counsel (SCs), barristers who have work experience: demonstrated outstanding skill as advocates and advisers in https://find-a-barrister.nswbar.asn.au the administration of justice
- Promotes diversity and equality at the bar through its Best Fun Fact / Recent Project Court Technology Assistance for Barristers Practice Guidelines and other policies
- Monitors educational qualifications and entry requirements and Court Participants In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, the New via its Education Committee
- Organises the Bar Exams and the Continuing Professional South Wales Bar Association has prepared a Protocol for In-Person Hearings while Social Distancing. It is Development Program (CPD) - Supports the standards of practising barristers by running designed to apply to all in-person hearings and is the Bar Practice Course, the Ethical Guidance Scheme and the intended to provide guidance to practitioners who Mentoring Program
are required to appear in court in person during the
- Assists in matters of professional discipline of members and COVID-19 pandemic. the resolution of complaints against them through the work of Professional Conduct Committees and the Bar Council
The Bar Association also assists those required to use
Supports the wellbeing of its members
Their Innovation and Technology Committee provides
What kind of work?
- Maintains a Professional Standards Scheme
Barristers are independent, specialist advocates who are
trained to appear in a courtroom, in commissions of inquiry and in alternative forms of dispute resolution. Barristers may
also provide objective advice on particular legal problems
for clients, solicitors, businesses and governments. Barristers act as mediators and arbitrators as well as conducting other dispute resolution processes.
Location Sydney
online hearings as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. email assistance to members having connectivity