Fair Work Ombudsman About
Graduate Opportunities
The Fair Work Ombudsman (FWO) aims to promote FWO maintains an Employment Register for non-ongoing harmonious, productive, cooperative and compliant opportunities of up to 18 months. Positions are available workplace relations in Australia. They do this by:
at all Australian Public Service levels, including entry-
- Providing education, assistance, advice and guidance level positions. Opportunities are available across a range to employers, employees, outworkers, outworker entities of fields, including legal, compliance and enforcement, and organisations.
policy, analysis and reporting, and finance.
You can find more information here:
- Promoting and monitoring compliance with workplace
- Inquiring into and investigating breaches of the Fair https://www.fairwork.gov.au/careers Work Act.
- Taking appropriate enforcement action.
Fun Fact / Recent Project
economically and ethically
In September 2020, the FWO recovered $32,435 in unpaid
What kind of work?
outlets of fresh juice and salad franchise Top Juice across
- Performing statutory functions efficiently, effectively, Top Juice
wages for 18 workers following an investigation into 16
The Ombudsman educates and enforces workplace laws eastern Australia. The FWO found 44 per cent of outlets through:
were non-compliant with workplace laws. The most
- workplace investigations - involves collecting evidence, common breaches found were non-payment of weekend, applying to the AAT for a FWO Notice, evaluating whether public holiday and overtime penalty rates (65 per cent) a workplace law has been broken and deciding the most and underpayments of the minimum hourly rate (30 per appropriate outcome. If a person or company that has cent). Inspectors issued five Compliance Notices requiring broken the law fails to fix the problem, the case may be employers to rectify breaches of the law, resulting in full referred to court for further action.
- compliance notices - the FWO has the authority to
take an employer to court if they don't comply with a compliance notice - litigation
All capital cities