Immigration Advice and Rights Centre
From its inception, the vision of the Immigration Advice and Rights Centre (IARC) has been for vulnerable people to receive fair and just immigration outcomes.
IARC's clients are financially disadvantaged, come from
culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds, and Graduate Opportunities frequently have low level English language skills. Many IARC offers opportunities to complete practical legal experience multiple layers of disadvantage including training for admission to legal practice in New South Wales.
homelessness, low education levels and disability. They PLT students will receive training and supervision and will have often experienced torture and trauma. assist with legal research, drafting, observing and client
What kind of work? Areas of practice:
- Family and humanitarian migration - Citizenship
- Visa cancellations Type of work done by employees: - Legal advice
- Legal information
- Legal representation
- Community legal education - Law reform and policy work
Location Sydney
Student Opportunities
IARC offers volunteer placements to law students who
Students must commit to a minimum of three days per week for 60 days.
You can find more information here:
Fun Fact / Recent Project
Select Committee on Temporary Migration
In 2019, the federal Senate resolved to establish a Select Committee on Temporary Migration to inquire into and report on the impact temporary migration has on the
Australian economy, wages and jobs, social cohesion and workplace rights and conditions.
IARC made a submisison recommending:
1. the removal of condition 8105 (40-hour work fortnight) from Student visas;
have completed at least two years of their degree. 2. amending condition 8607 to allow for at least 90 days Students must commit to one day per week for at least for a visa holder to find a new sponsor with the possibility six months. Volunteer legal assistants work directly with of a waiver of this condition where there is evidence of clients to provide information and referral services, workplace bullying/harassment/exploitation; and take instructions and schedule appointments. They
also provide administrative support through answering 3. there be a PR pathway created whereby holders phones, photocopying and filing and legal support of 457 visas or TSS visas working in their nominated
through research and drafting. Applicants should have occupation for a period of three years or more are administrative/paralegal experience; good oral and automatically eligible to apply for a subclass 189 or 190 written communication skills; the ability to take initiative and genuine interest in the issues affecting vulnerable migrants in Australia.
You can find more information here: