What’s up
Udiddit, la plate-forme d’apprentissage en ligne pour les élèves et les enseignants
Vous retrouverez sur Udiddit de nombreux compléments offerts aux élèves et aux enseignants :
Du côté élève
– Toutes les pistes audio et les vidéos téléchargeables en un clic ;
– Des exercices interactifs sur la grammaire et le vocabulaire ;
– Un lexique français-anglais et anglais-français, pour travailler en autonomie.
Du côté enseignant
– Le manuel numérique enrichi ;
– Le guide pédagogique ;
– Des évaluations pour chaque compétence imprimables et personnalisables pour tous les chapitres ;
–Et tout ce à quoi l’élève a accès !
What’s up 4 All-in-one
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Auteurs : Éline Bettens, Chris Jenkins, Marie Yancis sous la coordination de et avec Nicole Bya
Couverture : Nor production
Mise en page : Nor production
Illustrations : Thibaud Lissonnet - Shutterstock
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© Éditions VAN IN, Mont-Saint-Guibert – Wommelgem, 2023
1re édition, 2023
ISBN 978-94-641-7637-7
Art. 601245/01
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Hey, what’s up!
C’est comme cela que beaucoup d’anglophones se saluent aujourd’hui. What’s up signifie au départ « quoi de neuf ? », mais s’utilise maintenant pour dire « comment ça va ? » ou tout simplement « bonjour ».
What’s up, c’est aussi le nom que nous avons choisi de donner au manuel que tu tiens dans les mains et qui t’aidera à acquérir les bases de la langue anglaise. Voici un petit tour d’horizon de ce que tu y retrouveras.
6 Units
Les Units forment le cœur des apprentissages proposés dans What’s up. Elles sont structurées en plusieurs rubriques :
– La première page : elle résume les objectifs à atteindre en fin de Unit, ainsi que le vocabulaire et la grammaire abordés.
– Get into it : pour te permettre de te familiariser avec la thématique de la Unit et de découvrir les documents (textes, vidéos…) qui serviront de supports aux apprentissages.
– Work it out : pour t’entraîner, apprendre et progresser.
– Got it! : pour mettre en œuvre ce que tu as appris à travers une ou deux tâches finales.
– Vocabular y : pour regrouper tous les nouveaux mots et expressions rencontrés dans la Unit.
3 Recaps
Introduction ÉditionsVANIN
Placés après une suite de deux ou trois Units, ces courts chapitres proposent un moment de révision des apprentissages. Ils sont composés :
– de fiche s d’auto-évaluation , avec des QR codes qui te permettront d’accéder à des exercices de remédiation si tu as besoin de t’entraîner encore ;
– de plusieurs situations de communication tellement proches de la réalité que tu t’y croiras et qui te permettront de retravailler toutes les compétences.
1 Welcome back Unit et 1 Unit finale : New Challenges
Pour t’aider et t’accompagner dans ton apprentissage…
Pour t’aider à progresser le mieux et le plus possible, nous avons préparé de nombreuses ressources :
Des QR codes, qui te permettront d’accéder à tous les supports audio et vidéo, mais aussi aux flashcards, pour étudier le vocabulaire, et aux exercices de révision dans les chapitres « Recap ».
Be smart
Un « mica », ou plastic red cover en anglais, qui te permettra de masquer les textes de couleur orange sur la feuille, pour étudier plus facilement ou réaliser certaines activités.
Des rubriques Remember, qui synthétisent les éléments de grammaire dont tu dois te souvenir. Ces synthèses sont aussi présentes sous forme de tutos vidéo, présentés par notre auteur Chris !
Des rubriques Chris’s tips, dans lesquelles Chris attirera ton attention sur certaines difficultés ou particularités de la langue anglaise.
Des rubriques Be smart, dans lesquelles nous t’expliquerons comment te préparer au mieux pour communiquer en anglais, grâce à différentes stratégies de communication.
Une synthèse sur les stratégies de communication développées à travers le manuel. Un renvoi vers les Be smart correspondants te permettra d’y retourner facilement.
Les logos en un clin d’œil
Comme tu le découvriras, de nombreux logos vont te guider tout au long du manuel. Les voici regroupés ci-dessous :
Expression orale sans interaction
Expression orale en interaction
Compréhension à l’audition
Piste vidéo
Piste audio
Compréhension à la lecture
Expression écrite
Tâche complexe
Flashcards (pour étudier le vocabulaire)
Enregistreur (pour t’entraîner à la prononciation des mots)
Tous les compléments sont accessibles en un clic via ton smartphone ou ta tablette !
1. Télécharge l’application Sésame des Éditions Van In
2. Scanne le code sur la page : tu auras directement accès aux contenus multimédia de cette page !
UNIT 3 Down memory lane
Vocabulaire et fonctions langagières
– Les activités de loisir (sportives et culturelles)
– Le transport et le déplacement
– Les lieux de villégiature
– La notion de siècle
– Les adverbes et compléments de temps (2)
– Les pronoms personnels réfléchis et réciproques
– Le past continuous
� Utilisation et formation
� Formes affirmative, négative et interrogative
� Comparaison avec le past simple
– en compréhension à l’audition et à la lecture :
� de comprendre une biographie ;
� de comprendre un récit de vacances ;
� de comprendre une conversation dans une agence de voyage ;
� de comprendre la description d’un lieu d’hébergement.
– en expression orale et écrite :
� de rédiger une biographie ;
� de raconter en détail tes vacances ;
� de suggérer des activités de vacances.
À la fin de cette Unit, tu seras capable...
Get into it
Where to?
Holiday reviews
If you pass your exams at the end of the school year, your parents have promised that one of your friends can come with you on holiday. You decide to go online to find some destination ideas.
Read the reviews you've found, then complete the chart to compare the different options.
Avant de te lancer dans la réalisation de la tâche, liste en français, avec ton/ta partenaire, les éléments essentiels à prendre en compte pour l’organisation d’un voyage.
Be smart
Elena, 16 years old
Last year, my class and I went on a school trip to the Alps. It was a package tour; everything was organised for us. We travelled by train. It was my first time at a ski resort! We rented a self-catering cabin called “Retraite au coin du feu”. It is an accommodation at the bottom of the slopes offering mountain views . We stayed there for ten days. It was cosy and well-decorated. The property offered everything we needed: bed linen, blankets, dishes, extra pillows, towels, a coffee machine… There was even a fireplace! The weather was dry and sunny, and the slopes were icy early in the morning… Ideal for skiing or snowboarding! If you like to explore, it is also possible to snowshoe in the surroundings or to try snowmobiling during your ski holiday. One day, while I was skiing, I spotted a mummy bear and her baby in the forest!
Timothy, 17 years old
My friends and I went camping in Slovakia last year and we chose a campsite called “Tentastic” . We stayed there for a fortnight, from 1st to 15th July. It is located near Bratislava. It has 200 pitches on a 10-hectare site, 25 chalets and offers a lot of facilities: a football pitch, a tennis court, bikes for rent, a supermarket, a restaurant, free maps for hiking (avalaible at the reception), a bar and, best of all, a newly built sanitation block with free hot showers (no need to wash in the cold dirty river!). We decided to pitch our tents along the river anyway. Good for fishing, not for sleeping… I remember one night, we were singing songs and roasting marshmallows around the campfire when I realised we were invaded by mosquitoes
Ethan, 19 years old
After my secondary education, I spent a gap year travelling the world. I wanted to discover new cultures and learn different languages. I travelled to Australia for three months. I slept in a youth hostel called “The Arch”, and I met many exchange students. We shared the same dormitory, kitchen, and living room. We got to know each other and quickly got on well. The youth hostel was quite well equipped; TV corner, board games, terrace with table, chairs, and barbecue (including kitchen utensils). We spent most of our evenings together playing snooker, cards or table football in the games room . It was so weird to be below the Equator because the seasons are reversed. In December, I called my parents. We were talking to each other on the phone; I was eating ice cream and drinking cocktails on the beach to celebrate Christmas while my parents were freezing in England . For the active, there are pebble beaches where you can fly your kite near the hostel, and snorkelling and surfing lessons for beginners. If you like waking up early, there are also guided tours to watch the sunrise. It was also possible to meet kangaroos in nature parks, but I didn’t see any of them while I was visiting Australia!
Steph, 19 years old
Are you looking for the place-to-be in summer? Don’t hesitate any longer; Hotel Paradise is made for you! Ideal for friends, family or for lovers on honeymoon. A few years ago, I went on a girls’ trip to Florida. We used our savings, went to a travel agency, and booked a flight to Miami. Everything was included in the price. We stayed at the hotel for eighteen days and we all slept in a luxurious suite overlooking the Atlantic Ocean. Each suite is equipped with king-size beds or double beds, a private balcony, a full bathroom, a separate lounge area, a large flat-screen TV with free channels, Wi-Fi, and air-conditioning. We partied a lot during our stay , and my friends and I were often lying in while most of the tourists were sunbathing at the hotel pool the next morning. We did a bit of sightseeing and shopping on Lincoln Road. We also visited Jungle Island (which is one of the most popular attractions in the city of Miami). It was only a few minutes away from the hotel.
Complete the chart below with the information from the texts.
Retraite au coin du feu
Type of holiday
Type of accommodation
Place to sleep
Activities close-by
Means of transport
Reviens sur tes hypothèses de départ concernant les éléments essentiels à prendre en compte lors de l’organisation d’un voyage. Complète-les, au besoin, en t’aidant du tableau ci-dessus. Supprime les suggestions qui ne sont pas reprises dans le texte.
Tentastic The
ArchHotel Paradise
Be smart
At the travel agency
After you have chosen your holiday destination, you go to a travel agency for help in planning your trip. You are standing in the queue and the people in front of you are discussing with the travel agent. They don’t seem to be really satisfied… Watch the video.
Prends quelques minutes pour te préparer et anticiper le contenu de la vidéo.
1) Observe le dessin. Combien de personnes vois-tu ? Qui sont-elles ?
2) D’après ce que tu vois, quels pourraient être les besoins et les exigences de ces clients en termes de voyage ?
3) Toujours selon toi, pourquoi pourraient-ils être mécontents ?
Une fois que tu as réalisé les trois étapes du Be smart, compare tes réponses avec ton/ta partenaire. 113
1. Watch the first part of the video. Then answer the following questions.
a) How was their trip?
b) What did Jack and Rosie want to celebrate?
c) How did they travel?
d) What was included in the price? What kind of holiday was it?
e) What type of accommodation did they choose?
2. Watch the first and second parts of the video. Then answer the following questions.
a) What difficulties did they have with the coach journey?
b) What were the problems with the hotel?
3. Watch the first, second and third parts of the video. Then answer the following questions.
a) Were there any activities organised in the hotel?
b) Which one(s)?
c) Was this activity a problem? Why ?
d) Was it a problem for both of them?
e) What activity did they do?
f) Were there any problems?
g) Which one(s)?
h) What does the travel agent suggest?
i) Do the man and the woman accept?
Chris’s tip
Did you notice the expression used at the end of the conversation?
Write it down here:
What does it mean?
4. Match the beginning of each sentence with the right end. Then watch the video to check your answers.
a) The driver interrupted us…
b) People were dancing and singing super loudly…
c) When we opened the door of our room, …
d) The workers were still building and painting the hotel…
e) We lost our camera…
1) when we arrived.
2) while we were sailing.
3) a naked man was having a shower… in our bathroom!
4) while we were loading our luggage in the coach.
5) while we were trying to sleep.
a b c d e
Work it out
Past continuous
1. Read these sentences and complete them using the texts from the preceding pages.
a) While I , I a mummy bear and her baby in the forest!
b) I remember one night; we songs around the campfire when I we were invaded by mosquitoes.
c) We ice cream and cocktails on the beach to celebrate Christmas while my parents in England.
d) My friends and I often while most of the tourists at the hotel pool the next morning.
2. Analyse the verbs in each statement. Which ones are related to short or long actions? Classify them in the chart below.
Long actions
Short actions
3. In the sentences below, which actions happened first? Complete the tables.
While I was skiing, I spotted a mummy bear and her baby in the forest!
Action 1
Action 2
We were singing songs around the campfire when I realised we were invaded by mosquitoes.
Verb Tense
Action 1
Action 2
4. In the sentences below, when did the action take place? Read and complete
→ In these sentences, the first actions were by the second actions.
We were eating ice cream and drinking cocktails on the beach to celebrate Christmas while my parents were freezing in England.
My friends and I were often lying in while most of the tourists were sunbathing at the hotel pool the next morning.
→ In these sentences, the two actions were happening
UNIT 3 117
Verb Tense
On utilise le past continuous pour parler d’une action en cours à un moment précis du passé.
– Si cette action se déroule en même temps qu’une autre action au passé, on retrouve souvent la conjonction de subordination while signifiant « pendant que » : I was listening to music while my brother was doing his homework.
I was listening to music
My brother was doing his homework
Ces deux actions sont simultanées.
– Si cette action est interrompue par une autre action, on retrouve souvent la conjonction de subordination when signifiant « quand ». Cette deuxième action est brève et conjuguée au past simple : I was watching tv when my phone rang.
I was watching TV
The phone rang
L’action de regarder la télé est interrompue par le téléphone qui sonne.
Comme pour le present continuous, nous avons besoin de deux éléments pour former le past continuous. Il s’agit ici de l’auxiliaire « to be » (was ou were) conjugué au past simple et du verbe en « ing ».
I was singing I was not singing I wasn’t singing
You were singing. You were not singing. You weren’t singing.
He She It
was singing was singing. was singing.
He She It
was not singing was not singing. was not singing.
He She It
wasn’t singing wasn’t singing. wasn’t singing.
We were singing We were not singing We weren’t singing
You were singing You was not singing You wasn’t singing
They were singing.They were not singing.They weren’t singing.
Remember – Past continuous
Was I singing?Yes, I was. No, I wasn’t.
Were you singing?Yes, you were. No, you weren’t.
Was he she it singing? Yes, she was Yes, he was Yes, it was.
No, she wasn’t No, he wasn’t No, it wasn’t.
Were we singing?Yes, we were No, we weren’t
Were you singing?Yes, you were No, you weren’t
Were they singing?Yes, they were No, they weren’t
Règles d’orthographe
Lorsqu’on ajoute la terminaison -ing au radical du verbe, on applique les règles suivantes :
1) Si le verbe se termine par une voyelle + l, on double toujours le « l » en anglais. to travel g travelling to cancel g cancelling
2) Les verbes d’une syllabe contenant une voyelle et terminés par une seule consonne doublent la consonne devant le -ing. to run g running to swim g swimming
3) Pour les verbes de deux syllabes ou plus, la règle précédente reste valable uniquement si la dernière syllabe est accentuée. to begin g beginning
4) Si le verbe se termine en -e, le « e » tombe devant -ing et la consonne n’est pas redoublée. to cycle g cycling to dance g dancing
5) Si le verbe se termine en -ie, le « ie » se transforme en « y » devant le -ing. to lie g lying to die g dying
UNIT 3 119
5. Put the verbs in brackets into the past continuous.
a) John is a real football supporter. When I arrived, he (to watch) the football match on TV, and he (to drink) a beer at the same time. Of course, he (to wear) his team’s official shirt.
b) At the age of 25, my father’s hair already (to go) grey.
c) – you still (to work) at 7 pm last night? – No, I wasn't.
d) – What (to do) yesterday around midday? – I (to peel) potatoes.
e) It (to rain) while I (to run) yesterday.
f) While the mechanic (to repair) my car, I (to scroll) on my phone.
g) He (to drive – not) that fast when the accident happened.
6. Join the sentences using either “while” or “when”.
a) I was reading I fell asleep.
b) she was having a shower, the water was cut off.
c) Somebody knocked at the door she was working.
d) The cat was trying to catch the mouse it ran away.
e) Everybody was singing “Happy birthday” I was opening my presents.
7. Put the verbs in brackets into the past continuous or past simple. Choose the appropriate tense.
a) – What you (to do) at the time of the murder? – I (to be) at home; I (to prepare) dinner.
b) I (to drink) coffee when I (to jump).
c) I (to hear – not) the bell; I (to have) a shower.
d) I (to cross) the street when a driver (to go) through the red light. He (to look – not) where he (to go) so he nearly (to bump) into me.
e) – Where you (to go) when I (to see) you last night? – I (to go) back home from a party.
f) – Where you (to go) on holiday last year? – I (to travel) to Paris.
g) When I (to arrive) at the party, everybody (to dance).
h) I (to break) my leg while I (to ski).
i) My dad (to fall) off the ladder while he (to paint) the wall. He (to pay) attention.
j) I (to become) sick while I (to snowboard).
More personal pronouns Remember
– Les pronoms personnels réciproques
On utilise each other pour exprimer que plusieurs personnes / choses agissent chacune les unes sur les autres.
We talked to each other on the phone. Nous nous sommes parlé au téléphone They don’t like each other. Ils ne s’aiment pas.
– Les pronoms personnels réfléchis
Comme en français, les pronoms réfléchis s’utilisent lorsque le pronom complément renvoie à la même personne que le sujet (moi-même, toi-même, etc.).
moi-même yourself
elle/lui-même (objet)
Pluriel ourselves nous-mêmes yourselves vous-mêmes themselves elles-mêmes / eux-mêmes
toi-même herself himself itself oneself
I’ll do it myself. Je le ferai moi-même. We repaired the car ourselves. Nous avons réparé la voiture nous-mêmes. He often looks at himself in the mirror. Il se regarde souvent dans le miroir.
Remarque : Les verbes pronominaux en français ne correspondent pas toujours à un verbe pronominal en anglais.
I usually get up at 6.00. Je me lève généralement à 6 heures. She brushes her teeth three times a day. Elle se brosse les dents trois fois par jour. I always get dressed before breakfast. Je m’habille toujours avant le déjeuner.
UNIT 3 121
Complete the following sentences with the appropriate pronouns.
a) – Did you enjoy yesterday at the party? – Yes, I did!
b) Kate and Sam fell in love with when they were kids.
c) Lions can defend .
d) My smar tphone needs repairing: it turned off by
e) Cats and dogs hate .
f) My neighbours , Luke and Paul, often argue with
g) Let me introduce : my name is Jade.
h) They were friends before but now they don’t get on with anymore.
i) I built this shelf by !
j) Narcissus fell in love with
k) Claire did her homework
Planning a holiday
1. Create a mind map about organising a holiday.
a) First, list every important thing you need to think of before going on holiday (for example: accommodation). Correct with the teacher.
b) For each category, write as many words as possible (for example: accommodation > campsite, hotel…).
Accommodation and holiday destinations
tent campsite pitch
mountain cabin
ski resort
hotel room
youth hostel
cruise chalet
Activities and places
skiing football pitch tennis court
hiking fishing snooker
table football
snorkelling playing cards
surfing guided tour partying
2. Complete the sentences. Translate the words below and use them in the appropriate sentences. Don’t forget to conjugate the verbs nor to put the words into the plural when it is necessary.
station de ski – faire la fête – lune de miel – agence de voyage – croisière – dortoir –rester – tente – réserver – voyage organisé – faire la grasse matinée – piste de ski
a) The newly married couple left the party to go on their
b) – Where you on your holiday? – We slept in and our parents in a chalet.
c) The offers green, blue, red, or black .
d) Do you prefer sleeping in a or to have your own bedroom?
e) I would like to go on a but I’m afraid of being seasick.
f) Last year, we our holiday at a
g) – What is included in the price? – Everything; it is a .
h) I like when I’m on holiday, but it is often hard to get out of bed the day after. So, I usually
125 UNIT 3
lying in
roasting marshmallows campfire
3. These students went on a school trip to the mountains. Look at the picture and explain what was happening when the teacher came into the dormitory, to see if the students were sleeping.
When the teacher arrived,
Have fun!
My alibi
Be smart
Holiday problems
Student A
Context You work as a receptionist at a 5-star hotel. A guest comes to you. He/she seems very upset.
Task Listen to the guest’s complaint and try to understand why he/she is so angry. Calm him/her down and suggest activities in and around the hotel.
Student B
Context You are staying at a very luxurious hotel. Things aren’t going as planned. You decide to go to the reception to make a complaint.
Task Talk to the receptionist and explain exactly what is making you so furious. You can use the illustrations if you need inspiration.
La communication n’est pas uniquement verbale. Lors d’une conversation, on peut utiliser d’autres techniques pour faire passer un message. D’après toi, quelles sont-elles ?
Voici une série de cas de figure que l’on rencontre souvent lorsque l’on communique :
– Je ne comprends pas.
– Je ne suis pas d’accord.
– Je suis choqué(e).
– Je ne sais pas comment exprimer ce que je pense.
– J’ hésite.
– Je ne suis pas certain(e) d’avoir compris.
– Je suis d’accord.
– Je suis triste.
– Je suis satisfait(e).
– Je suis fâché(e).
Choisis un cas de figure sans le communiquer à ton/ta partenaire. Joue-le ensuite à ton/ta partenaire en utilisant un geste ou une mimique afin d’exprimer ce que tu ressens. Lorsqu’il/elle a trouvé ce dont il s’agissait, inversez les rôles. Exercez-vous plusieurs fois, puis réalisez ensemble la tâche de la mise en situation en tenant compte des réflexions menées précédemment.
UNIT 3 127
A voice message
Context In a few days, you’re supposed to join your friend in Canada, for a student exchange. He has already been there for a few days. He left you a voice message to explain what happened in the airbnb where he stayed. Task Listen to his message and take notes about what he thought of the accommodation.
Avant d’écouter, observe attentivement les photos. Que vois-tu ? Quels éléments qui composent l’appartement t’attends-tu à entendre en anglais ? Liste-les ci-dessous. Be smart
www.airbnb.com 1 review 129 Now listen to the voice message and note what your friend thought of the accommodation.
Get into it PART 2
Who was that?
A famous explorer
You’re surfing the Internet and you come across a video by your favourite TikTok influencer. He talks about his last adventure during which he decided to travel the world, following in James Cook’s footsteps. This video made you curious and you want to know more about this famous explorer.
Read the text and create James Cook’s profile.
James Cook
James Cook, also known as Captain Cook, was a British explorer, navigator, and cartographer from the 18th century. He was born a long time ago, on 7th November 1728 in Middlesbrough, in England, and died on 14th February 1779 in Hawaii. He is famous for his three voyages crossing the Pacific Ocean, discovering New Zealand and Australia in particular.
James Cook’s family was very poor. He had seven brothers and sisters. His father, also named James Cook, was a Scottish farm worker. His mother’s name was Grace Pace.
James Cook, by M. Nathaliel Dance-Holland, 1775 (Wikimedia Commons).
When he was still a child, James showed that he was smart and independent, so his father’s employer decided to pay for his school education. After five years of school, at the age of 14, he started helping his dad, who had become a farm manager. James was good at mathematics, astronomy, and cartography. In 1745, at the age of 16, he moved to Staithes, a fishing village, where he became an apprentice in a shop. In those days, children didn’t go to school for a long time. Some people say that's where he started dreaming about the sea. One year and a half later, his employer realised James was not made for that job so he decided to take him to Whitby. He introduced James to two of his friends: John and Henry Walker who were both ship owners in the coal trade. James became a merchant navy apprentice for them and started selling coal on the North Sea coast. During his apprenticeship, he studied algebra, trigonometry, navigation, and astronomy. When his apprenticeship was over, Cook started working on trading ships in the Baltic Sea. A few years later, in 1755, he became commander of a sailing ship and passed an exam allowing him to command a Royal Navy ship. A month later, he volunteered for service in the Royal Navy for the Seven Years’ War. Although he didn’t have much time for family life, James got married in 1762, when he was 34 years old. His wife’s name was Elizabeth Batts. Together they had six children: James, Nathaniel, Elizabeth, Joseph, George, and Hugh. Cook and his wife have no direct descendants because all their children died before having
children of their own. A few years after his wedding, James started drawing maps. He was very talented.
On 25 May 1768, Cook began his first voyage to the Pacific Ocean. One of the main objectives was to find a hypothetical austral continent. He left England, passed through Cape Horn, discovered New Zealand, and made a map of it. He also discovered Australia when he landed at Botany Bay on 29th April 1770. Once his observations were over, James sailed back to England.
Just after his return from his first voyage, Cook officially became captain. He started his second voyage in 1772. He reached icebergs and approached the Antarctic. He mainly navigated to the south. He came back to England in 1775.
In 1776, as soon as a third voyage was planned, Captain Cook left his native land and got back to the sea. He discovered Sandwich Island in Hawaii and explored the Bering Strait. During his stay in 1779, the Hawaiian people became hostile to Cook and his crew. Their chief stabbed Cook in the head and captured him. He was then beaten till he died. Some rumours say the indigenous people were cannibals and ate his body. After his death, his crew navigated to the Arctic and to China. Captain James Cook is considered one of the greatest explorers and one of the most talented map makers of all time. There is now a Captain Cook Memorial Museum in Whitby, in Henry Walker’s House.
View of Maitavie Bay, Willima Hodges, 1776
Il se peut que certains mots de vocabulaire ayant leur importance te soient encore inconnus. Avant de te lancer dans la réalisation de la tâche, assure-toi donc d’en comprendre le sens. Utilise le tableau ci-dessous.
J’ai déjà entendu ce mot ailleurs (radio, télévision…)
Je dois utiliser mon dictionnaire Traduction austral coal indigenous navy owner ship to stab to be over to reach trading
Mot similaire dans une autre langue
1. Complete the key below with the information you have about James’s voyages. Colour each box using the appropriate colour.
First voyage
Second voyage
The routes of Captain James Cook’s voyages
Third voyage
Route of Cook’s crew following his death
smart (1)
Après avoir lu le texte, et toujours avant de vous lancer dans la réalisation de la tâche, répondez, par groupes de deux, aux questions suivantes :
1) De quel type d’écrit s’agit-il ?
2) À quel temps ce texte est-il écrit ?
3) Quels sont les thèmes abordés dans les différents paragraphes ?
UNIT 3 133
Be smart (2)
Now, create James Cook’s profile.
Work it out
Famous people
1. Discuss these topics in groups.
Are you interested in the lives of famous people?
What kind of celebrities are you most interested in? Singers? Writers? Sportsmen/women?
Do you follow celebrities on social media? Which ones?
Do you sometimes read biographies or autobiographies? If yes, whose?
Do you sometimes watch biographical movies? If yes, about who(m)?
2. Some celebrities wrote their autobiographies. Match the title with the author.
a) Steve Jobs 1) Tesla, SpaceX, and the Quest for a Fantastic Future
b) Nelson Mandela 2) Long Walk to Freedom
c) Lady Gaga 3) The Man Who Thought Different
d) Elon Musk 4) I am football
e) Zlatan Ibrahimović 5) Poker Face
f) Cristiano Ronaldo 6) The Rise of a Winner
g) Michelle Obama 7) Becoming
a b c d e f g ÉditionsVANIN
3. Complete the table by writing the past simple of each verb. invent paint discover create make be record play win live travel write find teach leave die
4. What verbs can you use to write about these people’s lives? Follow the example under picture 2 and write them down in the past simple.
5. Rewrite these sentences as one sentence. Follow the examples below.
James Cook was an explorer. He was British. He discovered Australia. James Cook was a British explorer who discovered Australia. OR
James Cook, a British explorer, discovered Australia.
Chris’s tip
Who peut être utilisé comme pronom interrogatif mais aussi comme pronom relatif. Il correspond à « qui » en français.
UNIT 3 135
1 2 3
a) Pablo Picasso was a painter. He was born in 1881. He lived in Spain. He was famous.
b) Marilyn Monroe lived in the USA. She was an actress. She starred in The Prince and The Showgirl.
c) John Lennon was a singer and musician. He was killed by a fan on 8th December 1980. He was born on 9th October 1940.
d) William Shakespeare was a poet, playwright, and actor. He came from Stratford-UponAvon. Stratford-Upon-Avon is situated in England.
e) Diego Maradona was a football player. He was a professional. He was born in Argentina.
Adverbs, complements and time expressions of the past
Remember– Les adverbes, compléments et expressions de temps du passé
On emploie le past simple avec les adverbes et compléments de temps suivants :
ago il y a (dans le temps) A long time ago… Il y a longtemps… once une fois Once he was ready… Une fois qu’il était prêt…
in those days à cette époque
People didn’t go to school in those days Les gens n’allaient pas à l’école à cette époque.
in the … century au + nombre ordinal + siècle In the 21st century… Au 21e siècle…
first premièrement, d’abord First, he sailed to the Pacific Ocean. Il a d’abord navigué jusqu’à l’océan Pacifique.
then ensuite
Then, he sailed back to England. Ensuite, il est rentré en Angleterre.
at last à la fin
At last, he discovered Australia À la fin, il a découvert l’Australie.
when lorsque When he was a child… Lorsqu’il était enfant…
as soon as dès que
As soon as his apprenticeship was over… Dès que son apprentissage fut terminé…
before / after avant / après
He worked as an apprentice before. Il a travaillé comme apprenti avant. It happened after he arrived. C’est arrivé après qu’il soit arrivé.
till / until jusqu’à ce que He was beaten till he died. Il a été battu jusqu’à ce qu’il meure
Complete the sentence with the appropriate adverb or phrase.
a) Mar tin Luther King was shot he was standing on the balcony outside his hotel room in Memphis.
b) John Lennon said: “I believe in everything it’s disproved.”
c) This picture was taken Elizabeth ruled the UK. She wasn’t Queen yet.
d) , Kurt Cobain wanted to paint rather than do sports at school.
e) About sixty years , John F. Kennedy became the 35th president of the USA.
f) Coco Chanel worked with a local tailor she turned eighteen.
g) Bob Dylan left his acoustic guitar and decided to play the electric guitar.
h) she was ready to sail on her own, Jeanne Socrates became the oldest person to sail around the world, solo and non-stop.
UNIT 3 137
How to write a biography
Context This week, your school paper is dedicated to popular historical figures. As one of the main reporters, you decide to write about Elizabeth II.
Task Search online to find information about Queen Elizabeth II and write her biography.
Avant de te lancer dans la réalisation de la tâche, complète avec la classe ce tableau de synthèse en t'aidant notamment du textes sur James Cook et des exercices précédents. Cela te permettra de construire, au préalable, des phrases pour introduire les thèmes abordés dans une biographie.
She/he was called … Her/his name was … also known as … BIRTH DEATH
Be smart
Chris’s tip
Did you notice? The verbs in Cook’s biography are conjugated in the past simple because they all refer to finished actions, habits, or states in the past.
Can we write a biography about a person that is still alive using the past simple only? No.
Why? Because as the person is still alive, he/she can still accomplish things.
UNIT 3 139
Be smart
Queen Elizabeth II’s biography.
Now, write
UNIT 3 © Ink Drop / Shutterstock.com
Got it !
Happy reunion
Context The last time you saw your best friend was six months ago, before you decided to take part in a student exchange. Now you have come back, you want to tell him/her about the exchange and you can’t be bothered to write a long message. You decide to send an oral message or a video to be sure you don’t miss a single detail.
Task Record your message in which you tell your best friend everything about your stay.
Tu as déjà utilisé des stratégies qui permettent de réaliser une telle tâche. N’oublie pas de t’en servir ! Prépare ton travail ci-dessous.
Famous people
Context You’re listening to the radio and a programme dedicated to a famous rock star draws your attention.
Task Listen to the podcast and take notes about the main events in his life.
Be smart
Be smart
Tu as déjà utilisé des stratégies qui permettent de réaliser une telle tâche. N’oublie pas de t’en servir ! Prépare ton travail ci-dessous.
Bir th
Reasons for being famous
UNIT 3 143
© emka74 / Shutterstock.com
Everyday English
Holiday reviews
English French
My class and I went on a school trip to the Alps.
It was a package tour; everything was organised for us.
We rented a self-catering cabin.
It is an accommodation at the bottom of the slopes offering mountain views.
We stayed there for ten days.
Ma classe et moi sommes allés en voyage scolaire dans les Alpes.
C’était un voyage organisé, tout était organisé pour nous.
Nous avons loué un chalet avec cuisine indépendante.
C’est un logement au pied des pistes avec une vue sur les montagnes.
Nous y sommes restés dix jours.
The property offered us everything we needed. La propriété nous proposait tout ce dont nous avions besoin.
We travelled for a fortnight, from 1st to 15th July.
The accommodation offers a lot of facilities.
I spent a gap year travelling the world.
Vocabulary ÉditionsVANIN
Nous avons voyagé pendant quinze jours, du 1er au 15 juillet.
Le logement nous offre beaucoup d’équipements.
J’ai passé une année sabbatique à voyager dans le monde.
We shared the same dormitory. Nous partagions le même dortoir.
Are you looking for the place-to-be? Recherches-tu l’endroit où il faut être?
We used our savings, went to a travel agency, and booked a flight to Miami.
We all slept in a luxurious suite overlooking the Atlantic Ocean.
We did a bit of sightseeing and shopping.
It was only a few minutes away from the hotel.
Nous avons utilisé nos économies, nous nous sommes rendus dans une agence de voyage et avons réservé un vol jusque Miami.
Nous avons tous dormi dans une suite luxueuse avec une vue sur l’océan Atlantique.
Nous avons un peu visité et fait du shopping.
C’était seulement à quelques minutes de l’hôtel.
At the travel agency
English French
Is there something I can do for you?
How can I help you?
Y a-t-il quelque chose que je peux faire pour vous ?
Comment puis-je vous aider ?
We decided to go on a trip. Nous avons décidé de partir en voyage.
Could you give me some more details, please?
Everything had to be included in the price: the journey and the stay in an all-in hotel.
That’s unbelievable!
Let me fix that for you.
It was a real disaster…
Pourriez-vous me donner plus de détails, s’il vous plaît ?
Tout devait être inclus dans le prix : le trajet et le séjour dans un hôtel all-in.
C’est incroyable !
Laissez-moi arranger cela pour vous.
C’était un vrai désastre…
What a pity. Quel dommage.
Tell me about it!
The hotel was super noisy. L’hôtel était super bruyant.
Ne m’en parlez pas !
There were parties every single night. Il y avait des fêtes tous les soirs.
How about the cruise on the river? Comment était la croisière sur la rivière ?
I smell a rat. Je sens l’arnaque.
You will be hearing about us! Vous entendrez parler de nous !
Writing a biography
James Cook, also known as (aka) Captain Cook… James Cook, aussi connu sous le nom de Capitaine Cook…
He was a British explorer. Il était un explorateur britannique.
He was born a long time ago. Il est né il y a longtemps.
He died on 14th February 1779. Il est mort le 14 février 1779.
He is famous for his three voyages. Il est célèbre pour ses trois voyages.
His father, also named James Cook… Son père, également appelé James Cook…
At the age of 14… À l’âge de 14 ans…
In those days, children didn’t go to school. À cette époque, les enfants n’allaient pas à l’école.
Some people say…
During his apprenticeship…
A few years later…
Although he didn’t have much time for family life…
Certains disent…
Pendant son apprentissage…
Quelques années plus tard…
Bien qu’il n’avait pas beaucoup de temps pour une vie de famille…
James got married in 1762. James s’est marié en 1762.
Together they had six children. Ensemble ils ont eu six enfants.
A few years after his wedding… Quelques années après son mariage…
He also discovered Australia. Il a aussi découvert l’Australie.
Just after his return from the first voyage…
Juste après son retour du premier voyage…
During his stay… Durant son séjour…
After his death…
Captain James Cook is considered one of the greatest explorers and one of the most talented map makers of all time.
Après sa mort…
Capitaine James Cook est considéré comme l’un des plus grands explorateurs et l’un des plus talentueux cartographes de tous les temps.
Accommodation and holiday destinations
English French Context
accommodation hébergement
campsite camping
caravan caravane
chalet bungalow, chalet de camping
cruise croisière
dormitory dortoir
hotel hôtel
mountain cabin chalet de montagne
What kind of accommodation is available in the mountains?
I always stay at a campsite when I’m on holiday.
My grandparents still travel with their caravan
The campsite has 36 chalets
Tom and his wife went on a cruise to the Caribbean.
A dormitory is a large bedroom where several people sleep.
There are lots of luxurious hotels along Miami Beach.
I spent an unforgettable holiday in a mountain cabin.
pitch terrain (football, rugby...) emplacement de camping
ski resort station de ski
suite suite
tent tente
youth hostel auberge de jeunesse
This campsite has 150 pitches
This ski resort has over seven square kilometres of skiable terrain.
For their anniversary, my parents booked a suite, rather than just a room.
Scouts usually sleep in tents when they go camping.
Youth hostels are a good budget solution for single travellers.
Verbs related to travelling
to be located être situé
to book réserver
to discover découvrir
to go on a trip (go – went – gone) partir en voyage
to offer offrir
French Context
This cabin is located at the bottom of the slopes.
You must book your flight tickets in advance if you want to pay less.
The pirates discovered a treasure chest on the island.
This year, I’m going on a trip with my friends.
It is an accommodation offering mountain views.
to rent louer
to spend (spend – spent – spent) passer
to spot repérer
to stay rester
to travel voyager
We rented a villa on our last holiday.
I could spend my whole life listening to music.
I spotted some places we can visit.
We stayed in Spain for ten days.
I’d like to travel the world after my studies.
Types of holidays
English French Context
camp camp, stage Scouts often organise camps during the summer.
gap year année sabbatique A gap year is a year-long break before or after college.
girls’ trip voyage entre filles
honeymoon lune de miel
school trip voyage scolaire
ski holiday vacances au ski
My girlfriends and I went on a girls’ trip to Vegas.
After their wedding, the couple went on a honeymoon.
We visited the Globe on our school trip to London.
You can find your perfect ski holiday on the travel agency website.
English French Context
bed linen linge de lit
blanket couverture
fireplace cheminée
pillow oreiller
reception réception
sanitation block bloc sanitaire
towel essuie
At the hotel, bed linen is changed every two days.
Bring a warm blanket if you don’t want to be cold at night.
I like to sit in front of the fireplace to warm myself up.
If necessary, there are extra pillows in the cupboards.
There were free maps available at the reception
The sanitation block at the campsite was rather modern.
Don’t forget to bring your own towel!
English French Context
campfire feu de camp
to fish pêcher
football pitch terrain de football
guided tour visite guidée
to hike faire de la randonnée
to lie in (lie – lay – lain) faire la grasse matinée
to party faire la fête
to play cards jouer aux cartes
to roast marshmallows faire griller des marshmallows
sightseeing le tourisme
to ski skier
ski slope piste de ski
snooker snooker
That evening we all sat around a campfire drinking hot chocolate and telling ghost stories
My dad likes fishing in ponds.
This ship is as big as four football pitches
Museums often offer guided tours of the paintings in their galleries.
Hiking is still a popular leisure activity.
I like lying in on Sunday mornings.
snorkelling de la plongée
snowshoeing de la raquette à neige
to snowmobile faire de la motoneige
to sunbathe bronzer
to surf surfer
“I can’t stop partying” is a song by the American band, Weezer.
I like playing cards: belote is my favourite!
Sitting with friends around a campfire, roasting marshmallows on a summer evening is something I really like.
They did a lot of sightseeing on their holiday.
I learned how to ski when I was three.
The hardest ski slopes in the world are probably in Austria.
You need to go to a billiards hall or club to play snooker
The best place for snorkelling is Baa Atoll in Maldives.
It is possible to go snowshoeing off the slopes.
I really want to try snowmobiling in Alaska!
Apply sunscreen if you want to sunbathe
Surfing can be dangerous in storms and high winds.
to snowboard faire du snowboard
table football baby-foot / kicker
tennis court terrain de tennis
Snowboarding is much more complicated than I thought.
The Belgian Frédéric Collignon is the table football world champion.
Roland-Garros has 18 tennis courts
Other English French Context
to be included être inclus(e)
flight vol
journey trajet
overlooking surplombant
package tour voyage organisé
pebble beach plage de galets
savings épargne
self-catering avec cuisine indépendante
stay séjour
the surroundings les environs
travel agency agence de voyage
view vue
Breakfast is included in the price.
New York – Singapore is the longest flight in the world: it lasts more or less 18 hours and 30 minutes.
The train journey was exhausting.
We stayed at a luxurious hotel, in a suite with a balcony overlooking the hotel swimming pools.
With a package tour, you don’t need to worry about anything: everything is organised for you.
There is a pebble beach along the Promenade des Anglais, in Nice.
We used all our savings to travel the world.
My parents booked a selfcatering accommodation in the city centre.
I really enjoyed my six-month stay in Dublin.
Wow! The surroundings are stunning!
You can go to a travel agency to book your trip to Paris.
The hotel room offers a view of the ocean.