There’s a man following me. Or a woman. It’s indescribable, and the fact that I can’t think clearly doesn’t help at all. Maybe I’m just paranoid, that’s what they told me at that psychiatric hospital where I spent the most damaging months of my life. But this is different. I can feel it’s breathing intoxicating my lungs. Every time I turn around to face what’s chasing me there’s nothing behind me, so I suppose the pursuer is just chasing my spirit. I won’t let it win. I can’t. My entire family let the chaser win, leaving me all alone in the big city of New York. The nurses were right when they told me my illness was because of genetics. I wish I had believed them at that time. Since my legs have decided to not work, I crawl on the dirty streets searching for a safe space to hide. There’s an abandoned circus just around the corner, therefore I assume it’s the perfect spot to survive. I wish I never had that betraying thought. Silly me. I drag my body to get there with the only strength that I have left. I open the door of the place that was supposed to be my salvation and find ten doors each one of different sizes and colors. I choose the one in front of me with the only desire to stay alive and suddenly a black dust eats me. Now I’m back with my family in a surreal way, chasing lonely souls.