Verdoyer, cultiver, hybrider
AUTHOR(S) — Daniel Hazanas (ES/FR), Lila Bonneau (FR),
CONTACT — 5 rue Claude Decaen, 75012 Paris (FR)
Miguel Porras (ES), Alejandro Gonzalez (ES),
+33 750962981
Architects /
TEAM POINT OF VIEW — Facing the environmental crisis and the
need to reconnect human with nature, how can we take care of the population and their nourishing earth? By playing on different temporalities, the project proposes not to build on the wasteland, but rather to landscape it and cultivate it while taking sustainable development into account. The objective remains to provide a porous urban park, a public space of mixing and sharing that is modular and reversible. In addition, how can natural and unbuilt spaces be conserved and highlighted while at the same time densifying and reorganizing already urbanized land parcels? As such, considering the palimpsest of the places, we plan to reconsider the existing by explaining the evolutionary potential of each built typology.