History of CoCom (1948-1993)
by Marco Giulio Barone
he Coordinating Committee for Multilateral Export Controls (CoCom) was the executive body of a General Council (GC) of Western states that in 1948 decided to contain the Eastern block’s technological and industrial base and capabilities. That said, CoCom had a 45 year long history and different phases throughout the Cold War1. Still, les1 Richard T. Cupitt and John R. McIntyre, CoCom: East-West Trade Relations, The List review process, a paper presented to the International Studies Association Convention, Toronto, March 1979. John H. Gibbons (Dir.), Technology and East- West Trade, Advisory Panel for the House Committee on Foreign Affairs and the Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation, November 1979. Ronnie Goldberg (Project Dir.),Technology and East-West Trade, OTA, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C., November 1979 [«Chapter VIII: Multilateral Export Control Policy: The Coordinating Committee (CoCom)», pp. 153-170]. Angela E. Stent, From Embargo to Ostpolitik: The Political Economy of West German-Soviet Relations, 1955-1980, Cambridge U. P., 1981: 2003. Gary K. Bertsch, East-West strategic trade. COCOM, and the Atlantic alliance, Atlantic Institute for International Affairs, 1983. Gary K. Bertsch and John R. McIntyre (Eds.), National Security and Technology Transfer: The Strategic Dimensions of East-West Trade, Boulder, Westview, 1983. Yoko Yasuhara, Myth of Free Trade: COCOM and CHINCOM, 1945-1952, Vol. 2. Madison, University of Wisconsin, 1984. Jakob Tanner, Bundeshaushalt, Währung und Kriegswirtschaft. Eine finanzsociologische Analyse der Schweiz zwischen 1938 und 1953, Limmat Verlag, Zürich, 1986. A. Schaller, Schweizer Neutralität im West-Ost-Handel, Das Hotz-Linder-Agreement vom 23. Juli 1951. Haupt, Bern/Stuttgart 1987. Carlo Jean, «Rapporti economici e problemi del trasferimento delle tecnologie critiche», Rivista Militare, marzo-aprile 1987, pp. 39-48. Bertsch (Ed.), Controlling EastWest Trade and Technology Transfer: Power, Politics and Policies, The Center for EastWest Trade Policy Controlling, Georgia University, Durham, Duke U. P., 1988. Alan P. Dobson, The Politics of the Anglo-American Special Relationship, 1940-1987, Brighton, Wheatsheaf, 1988, pp. 127-34. Vibeke Sørensen, «Economic Recovery versus Containment: The Anglo-American Controversy over East-West Trade, 1947-51», Co-operation and Conflict, vol. 24, June 1989, pp. 69-97. Wendy A. Wrubel, «The Toshiba-Kongsberg Incident: Shortcomings of CoCom, and Recommendations for Increased Effectiveness of Export Controls to the East Bloc», American University International Law Review, Vol. 4, issue 1, (1989), pp. 241-273. Stuart Macdonald, Strategic export controls: hurting the East or weakening the West?, Economist Intelligence Unit, 1990. Yoko Yasuhara, «The Myth of free Trade: The Origins of COCOM 1945-1990», The Japanese Journal of American