Stúdentablaðið - október 2020

Page 5


Blaðamenn tölublaðsins Contributing Journalists

Atli Freyr Þorvaldsson

Arnheiður Björnsdóttir

Auður Helgadóttir

Ásdís Eva Goldsworthy

Dorota Julia Kotniewicz

Dylan Herrera

Eva Margit Wang Atladóttir

Gabrielé Satrauskaite

Helgi James Price

Katla Ársælsdóttir

Maicol Cipriani

Sam Patrick O'Donnell

Unnur Gígja Ingimundardóttir

Ávarp Ritstjóra

Hólmfríður María Bjarnardóttir ÞÝÐING TRANSLATION Julie Summers MYND PHOTO Kata Jóhannesdóttir

Editor's Address Fyrsta tölublað Stúdentablaðsins þetta skólaárið er hér með komið út! Yfirskrift þess er óvissa en þó með mikilli áherslu á líf stúdenta á tímum covid. Fólk er ef til vill komið með leið á því umræðuefni en við töldum mikilvægt að ávarpa það, þar sem það hefur gífurleg áhrif á allan heiminn, þar á meðal á stúdenta. Samkomubannið mætti, dagar

This year’s first issue of the Student Paper is officially out! The theme this time around is uncertainty, especially as it relates to student life in the era of COVID. People may be tired of this particular topic, but we thought it was important to address, as it is having a huge impact on the entire world, including on students. A gathering ban was implemented, days and nights ran together, and we learned to knit, crochet, bake sourdough bread, and suddenly found ourselves running and doing yoga. Those yoga ads on YouTube totally got me. I signed up for Grammarly and bought a subscription to MasterClass, which I always forget to use. But unfortunately, the effects of the situation have not always been as positive as free access to various apps. On the contrary, students have suffered significantly from all this uncertainty. As I write, there is, like so often this year, great uncertainty in the air. The University Center is virtually empty, Háma is closed, there are questions about whether schools will stay open and how the semester will unfold. The Student Council is currently working to get the university to approve digital final exams, as many students have contacted us asking for help with this. Students are struggling more than normal and facing tremendous pressure. Requiring students to take their exams in person is unacceptable under these circumstances. Even


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