Uurimistööde artiklid ja konverentside teesid XIII

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Artiklid rakendusuuringutest

ÜLIÕPILASTE HINNANG OMA ÕPPIMISELE ÕPPEPRAKTIKAL Student evaluation of their own learning during practical training Reet Urban, Tiina Kukkes, Anne Vahtramäe, Marge Mahla

Abstract Practical training conducted outside the college forms a considerable part of the total study volume of health care students. Within the last decade, numerous studies have been carried out on the conditions and supervision of practical training in practice institutions as well as student feedback on supervision, but less attention has been paid to student learning in the practice environment. High expectations related to the achievement of learning outcomes of practical training coupled with a decreasing interaction of supervising teachers from the college with students during their practical training has resulted in a need for a comprehensive overview about student evaluation of their own learning during practical training. The purpose of the study was to explore health care students learning and the factors influencing their learning during practical training. The article is based on preliminary results of the study, providing an overview of student evaluation of their own learning during practical training in three areas: integration of theory with practice, acquisition of practical skills, development of professional attitudes, and general evaluation of one’s development within practical training. Quantitative data were collected by an electronic self-evaluation questionnaire from May 2018 to September 2019. The self-evaluation questionnaire included 26

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