Uurimistööde artiklid ja konverentside teesid XIII

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Artiklid rakendusuuringutest

ERIÕDEDE JA ÕDEDE HINNANG OMA PÄDEVUSTELE NING NENDE TÖÖALANE RAKENDUS Advanced practitioner nurses’ and general nurses’ assessment and professional use of their competencies Eve-Merike Sooväli, Liina Animägi

Abstract To improve the efficiency of medical personnel as a resource, the roles and responsibilities of nurses are distributed and in addition to traditional nursing care independent nursing services have been developed in specialized and primary care. Competence demonstrates the ability of the nurse to act in nursing situations and it is an essential quality indicator. Competence assessment should be carried out with certain regularity and using an appropriate assessment method. Assessment results provide an overview of professional development and help to predict the need for further education. To date competencies of the graduates of specialized nursing curricula have not been studied in Estonia. They have not assessed their competencies and the frequency of use in their working environment. The aim of the study was to explain and compare advanced practitioner nurses’ and general nurses’ assessment of their competence and the frequency of competence use, to identify associations between the assessment and the specialty of nursing. Subjects of the study involved graduates of the specialised nursing curriculum (N=541) at health care colleges; the control group was formed of nurses from one general hospital (N=390). The questionnaire was responded by 80 advanced practitioner nurses and by 25 general nurses from the control group. 7

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