ACI No.1 2022 - Croatian / English

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Have you ever dreamed of having your own yacht? We believe you have. This could be the right solution for making your dream come true. THE CROATIAOWNERSHIPTOAPPROACHEASYYACHTYACHTINGd.o.o. Authorised dealer for Hanse Yachts and Bali Catamarans Split I T: +385 21 332 332 I M:

Owning a yacht often seems like a big commitment, not only in nancial terms. You must arrange for the berth, regular maintenance and check-ups while you also have to spend time getting the yacht ready for your holiday every time you want to use it. If you would like to own a yacht without worrying about anything, or if you are not sure you could nance it, maintain it or you do not have enough available time to use it as much as you would like to, our Yachting World charter management is something that you should seriously consider.

Use the yacht when you want, and our experienced team will take care of the yacht the rest of the time. How does it work? The program is designed to enable you

to nance the purchase of a yacht, its maintenance, and berth costs from the income generated by chartering, making it also possible to earn additional prot. On top of that you have a professional team taking care of your yacht, which enables it to retain maximum resale value and offers a carefree sailing vacation for you when you use your yacht. When it comes to choosing a yacht, the nal decision is yours. However, to make your purchase more favourable for you, we will recommend the best performing models, with detailed income and cost projections, based on our business experience. Hanse and Bali models can be seen, tested, or chartered in our charter bases in Kaštela, Seget, Dubrovnik or Biograd. Disclaimer: Pre-owned boats are available after the charter season (Oct 2022) / The prices do not include VAT / **The above indicated prices are valid only if the charter management contract is signed (minimum two year period) / Croatia Yachting reserves the right to change the prices and charter management discounts at any time. / *The prot is based on an average of 20 charter weeks. For the current prices please visit: and • special purchase conditions for your yacht • try and buy option with a free weekly charter included in the purchase price • excellent booking results with stable charter income • carefree sailing vacations on your yacht that is ready to sail before your arrival • high maintenance standards ensure best resale value for your yacht regardless of its age • professional commissioning & high-quality aftersales support by a brand certied service team • favourable nancing conditions through afliate leasing companies • transparent cash ow reports through constant insight in income and expenses • simple brokerage and trade-in options with special conditions Secure a brand new boat on time for delivery in spring 2023, or choose one right away from our premium selection of pre-owned boats: Your dream yacht is one request away CROATIA YACHTING Brand/Model Year Annual prot* Purchase price** New Hanse 388 2023 18.755 € 193.495 € Hanse 418 2022 20.280 € 228.800 € New Hanse 418 2023 21.294 € 245.471 € New Hanse 460 2023 34.456 € 327.189 € New Bali Catspace 2023 42.335 € 420.928 € New Bali 4.2 2023 51.714 € 517.710 € New Bali 4.4 2023 67.306 € 677.754 € Bali 4.6 2022 74.940 € 688.800 € Bali 4.8 2022 93.113 € 879.900 € New Bali 4.6 2023 76.439 € 747.171 € New Bali 4.8 2023 94.519 € 952.600 € BOOK YOUR TRY AND BUY WEEK OR ASK FOR MORE sales@croatia-yachting.hrINFOor+385213323489 our charter management program: reasons to consider

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Co-financed by the European Union from the European Maritime and Fisheries Fund. Sufinancirano sredstvima Europske unije iz Europskog fonda za pomorstvo i ribarstvo.



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Slurp it directly from the sea, rinse it with a glass of local variety pošip and see why the Adriatic tastes better.

Did you know that the sea you're sailing on is a home to the tastiest oyster in the world? While sailing down the South Adriatic, don't miss tasting Mali Ston oyster PDO - e Queen of Oysters. e European at oyster (lat. Ostrea edulis), one of the most valued species of oysters, here re ects centuries of tradition, cleanli ness of Mali Ston Bay waters and a special gastronomic experience.

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Snorkel or scuba dive & explore a truly unique underwater museum.


Kristijan Pavić, predsjednik Uprave

In accordance with the saying that everything is impossible until some one does it, 2021 was marked by Mate Rimac, who unveiled the Ne vera and established one of the most innovative and prestigious hy percar companies in the world – Bugatti Rimac. In the year of the tiger, we present you the new Formula One tiger, Max Verstappen; Jessica Chapplow’s amazing world of artificial intelligence; President of UEFA, Mr. Aleksander Čeferin's, thoughts on the most important irrelevant thing in the world – football, and two geniuses of design, Juan Kouy oumdjian and Walter de Silva.

vjerujemo da ćete uživati čitajući dnevnik Ivice Kostelića s velike offshore regate Transat Jacques Vabre i razgovor s autorom biografije Zlatana Ibrahimovića Davidom Lagercrantzom. Nautičarima željnima vrhunskih gastronomskih doživljaja predstavljamo naš izbor restorana koje mogu posjetiti u blizini ili u samim ACI marinama, a lju biteljima sedme umjetnosti nudimo plovidbu u kojoj su glavni junaci jadranske destinacije koje se pojavljuju u svjetski poznatim filmovima i Zaserijama.vassmo

U skladu s izrekom sve je nemoguće dok to netko ne napravi, Mate Rimac obilježio je 2021. godinu predstavljanjem Nevere i osnivanjem jedne od najinovativnijih i najprestižnijih tvrtki za hiperautomobile na svijetu Bugatti Rimac. U godini tigra predstavljamo vam novog tigra u Formuli 1 Maxa Verstappena, čudesan svijet umjetne inteligencije Jessice Chapplow te dizajnerske genijalce Juana Kouyoumdjiana i Waltera de Silvu, a predsjednik Uefe Aleksander Čeferin podijelio je s nama razmišljanja o najvažnijoj sporednoj stvari na svijetu – nogo Istometu.tako,

The premiere edition of ClubSwan 36 ACI Cup is a real game changer in the development of Croatia as a prestigious yacht racing destina tion, and the high praise that ACI has been receiving for the regatta it organised in Rovinj are just an indication of great things that we have in store for the Adriatic in the future.


We firmly believe that you will enjoy reading Ivica Kostelić's diary writ ten on the great offshore Transat Jacques Vabre race and the inter view with the author of Zlatan Ibrahimović’s biography, David Lager crantz. To boaters looking for unforgettable gastronomic experiences, we present our selection of restaurants that are in or near ACI marinas, and, to lovers of the big screen, we offer a boat ride along Adriatic destinations that appear in world-famous films and series.

Velik adut najvećeg lanca marina na Mediteranu je i nova, tročlana Uprava ACI-ja, kojom će kao predsjednik Uprave i dalje rukovoditi Kri stijan Pavić, dok su novi članovi Uprave Josip Ostrogović i Ivan PremijernoHerak. izdanje ClubSwan 36 ACI Cupa jest game changer u razvo ju Hrvatske kao prestižne regatne destinacije, a brojne pohvale koje je ACI dobio za organizaciju regate u Rovinju najava su velikih stvari koje pripremamo na Jadranu.

osmislili i detaljan vodič o prekrasnoj Korčuli, a na stranica ma magazina ACI No.1 čekaju vas još brojni drugi zanimljivi sugovornici i teme, kao i katalog svih naših marina. Veliku zahvalu upućujemo našim novim i postojećim ACI No.1 partneri ma te svima koji su sudjelovali u pripremi novog izdanja magazina. Nji hovo znanje, vještina i strast te ljubav prema moru i nautici bili su pre sudni kako bi se ostvarili vrhunski rezultati u skladu s ugledom ACI-ja. Svim svojim gostima i nautičarima na Jadranu želimo mirno more i si gurnu Navigareplovidbu.necesse est

of the largest chain of marinas in the Mediterranean is the new three-member Management Board, which will still be chaired by Kristijan Pavić as its President, with Josip Ostrogović and Ivan Herak, PhD as its new members.


We wish fair winds and smooth sailing to all our guests and boaters in the NavigareAdriatic.necesse est


We have also provided you with a detailed guide to beautiful Korču la, and, you will find many other interesting people and topics on the pages of ACI No. 1 magazine, as well as a catalogue of all our marinas. We extend our deepest gratitude to all our new and existing ACI No. 1 partners and to all those who have participated in the making of the latest issue. Their knowledge, skill and passion, and love of the sea and boating were crucial in achieving spectacular results in accord ance with ACI’s reputation.

Kristijan Pavić, Chairman of the Board INTRODUCTION/


Početkom veljače odlukom Vlade RH imenovana je nova, tročlana Uprava ACI-ja. Na njezinu čelu i dalje će biti Kristijan Pavić, koji je tu dužnost obavljao po sljednjih pet i pol godina, a novi su članovi Uprave dr. sc. Ivan Herak i Josip Ostrogović.

In early February, the Government of the Republic of Croatia decided on ACI’s new, three-member, Mana gement Board. Kristijan Pavić, who chaired the Board in the past five and a half years, will continue to be its president, while the new Management Board mem bers are Ivan Herak, PhD, and Josip Ostrogović.

Ono što je obilježilo petogodišnji mandat Kristijana Pavića su pozitivni financijski rezultati, diversifikacija poslovanja i inve sticije. Kontinuirano se realiziraju strateški projekti koji uvelike podižu kvalitetu domaćeg turizma te dodatno pozicioniraju Hr vatsku kao globalnu nautičku velesilu.

The ACI Sail project was a grand way to start the diversification of the Company’s business. This unique project brings together a crew of medal-winning sailors – some of them Olympians –and a fleet of the world’s most luxurious sailing boats made by the Finnish manufacturer Nautor’s Swan. In addition to the crew of champions, the main assets of this project are the exclusive partnership with Nautor’s Swan and the world’s only training centre for their top ClubSwan36 sailing boats, located in Split. We have brought ACI back to the sailing sport, to its natural environment. The regattas we have organised and the ones we are planning to hold in the future, will extend the season and attract visitors with greater purchasing power.

Despite the difficult conditions for business during the coro navirus pandemic, we have maintained partnerships and pre served all jobs without infringing workers’ material and other Inrights.the




Rovinj has got a completely renewed ACI marina Rovinj, one of the most luxurious Croatian marinas and one of the few that boast a prestigious 5-anchor rating. In partnership with GITONE Kvarner, which is part of the prominent Lürssen Group, ACI Marina Rijeka is being built, which will change the cityscape of Rijeka, create more than 130 new jobs and take the entire destination to the next level.

Svakako nastavljamo proširivanje portfelja naših usluga. Raz matra se ideja povezivanja naših otoka s kopnom u sklopu pro jektu hidroaviona. Razvijat će se boutique varijanta smještajnih projekata u našim marinama, a razmišlja se i u smjeru proši rivanja djelatnosti na nautički čarter. U posljednjih pet godina zacrtali smo putanju, a sad punim jedrima osnaženi nastavljamo Jernaprijed.ploviti se mora… 

Rovinj je na mjestu stare marine dobio novu ACI marinu Rovinj, jednu od najluksuznijih i rijetkih hrvatskih marina koja se može pohvaliti s prestižnih pet sidara. U Rijeci se s tvrtkom GITONE Kvarner, koja je dijelom poznate Lurssen grupacije, gradi ACI marina Rijeka, koja će promijeniti vizuru grada Rijeke, ponuditi više od 130 novih radnih mjesta te cijelu destinaciju podići na višu razinu.

posljednjih pet godina izvršena su ili su u tijeku znatna ulaganja poput onih u ACI marine Korčulu, Dubrovnik, Vodice, Split itd. No temelj za bilo kakva daljnja ulaganja jest produ ljenje koncesija s obzirom na to da koncesija za gotovo sve ACI-jeve marine istječe 2030. godine.

U diversifikaciju poslovanja na velika se vrata ušlo s projektom ACI Sail. Taj jedinstveni projekt okuplja posadu odlikovanih je driličara, od kojih su neki i olimpijci, te flotu najluksuznijih svjet skih jedrilica finskog proizvođača Nautor's Swan. Osim posade velemajstora glavni je adut projekta ekskluzivno partnerstvo s tvrtkom Nautor's Swan te jedini svjetski trening centar za njiho ve vrhunske ClubSwan36 jedrilice koji je smješten u Splitu. Vra tili smo ACI u jedriličarski sport gdje on i pripada. Organizacijom regata produljujemo sezonu i privlačimo goste veće platežne

S ponosom mogu reći da smo unatoč otežanim uvjetima poslo vanja tijekom pandemije koronavirusa očuvali partnerske od nose te sačuvali sva radna mjesta bez zadiranja u materijalna i druga prava radnika.

Kristijan Pavić's five-year term was marked by positive financial results, diversification of business, and investments. Strategic projects have continuously been implemented that greatly im prove the quality of domestic tourism and further position Cro atia as a global nautical superpower.


During the last 5 years, significant investments such as those in ACI marinas Korčula, Dubrovnik, Vodice, Split, etc. have been made or are under way. But the basis for any further investment is the extension of concession periods since the concessions for almost all ACI marinas will expire in 2030.


future, we are certainly going to continue to expand our service portfolio. The idea of connecting our islands to the mainland through a seaplane project is under consideration. Boutique accommodation in our marinas will be developed, and we are also considering expanding our operations to boat chartering. In the last five years, we have set a trajectory, and now we are sailing full steam ahead. Navigare necesse est…. 


Kao jedan od ulagačkih prioriteta Društva u predstojećem ra zvojnom ciklusu, osim temeljite rekonstrukcije morskih i kopne nih dijelova te proširenja kapaciteta postojećih marina (npr. ACI marina Opatija), nameće se širenje poslovanja na nove marine. U izgradnji novih marina vidimo priliku za jačanje tržišne pozi cije, povećanje prihoda te unapređenje konkurentnosti, što sve ima za posljedicu još veću profitabilnost poslovanja Društva. Trenutačno se detaljno analizira gotovo 140 potencijalnih loka cija marina, a za odabrane lokacije koje se pokažu isplativima inicirat će se raspisivanje natječaja za koncesiju. Istodobno s navedenim aktivnostima Društvo će težiti uklanjanju problema koji su objektivna prepreka daljnjem razvoju, ponajprije ograni čenja koja proizlaze iz važeće prostorno-planske dokumenta cije JLS-a te, ne manje važno, i onih koji se tiču rokova trajanja koncesija kao i proširenja obuhvata koncesijskih područja za gospodarsko korištenje luka nautičkog turizma – marina. Osim navedenog Uprava Društva razmatra mogućnosti preuzimanja postojećih marina, kao i koncepciju širenja portfelja i osnaživa nja tržišne pozicije Društva pripremom menadžment programa, tj. upravljanjem marinama bez izravnog ulaska u njihovu vla sničku strukturu. U predstojećem razdoblju Društvo namjerava znatna financijska sredstva uložiti i u druge segmente poslova nja, ponajprije u razvoj trgovačke djelatnosti, charter turizam i

almost 700,000 boaters visit ACI marinas annually, it is the intention of the Company's Management Board to further develop its own retail network, widen the range of retail prod ucts, and improve the Company's sales policy over the next five-year period. 


C.V.: Diplomirao na Ekonomskom fakultetu u Rijeci, smjer me nadžment i stekao diplomu magistra ekonomije. Radio kao rukovoditelj nabave u velikom trgovačkom lancu, nakon čega je 12 godina bio u privatnom poduzetništvu. Od 2017. do 2021. godine bio je predsjednik Nadzornog odbora „Autoceste Rije ka-Zagreb” d.d.


C.V.: Graduated from the Faculty of Economics in Rijeka with a degree in management, and earned a master's degree in economics. Worked as a procurement manager in a large retail chain, followed by a 12-year period of entrepreneurship. From 2017 to 2021 he was chairman of the Supervisory Board of Au tocesta Rijeka-Zagreb d.d.

As regards Company’s investment priorities in the forthcoming development cycle, in addition to the thorough reconstruction of the land and sea facilities and the expansion of the capacity of existing marinas (e.g., ACI Marina Opatija), another priority that has been identified is the expansion of business to new marinas. By constructing new marinas, there is an opportunity to strengthen our market position, increase revenues and en hance competitiveness, resulting in even greater profitability for the Company. At the moment, almost 140 potential locations for marinas are being analysed in detail. For selected locations that prove to be profitable, a concession tender procedure will be initiated. At the same time, the Company will tackle prob lems that pose a real obstacle to further development, primarily the limitations arising from the current local self-governments’ spatial plans and, no less important, those concerning the con cession periods as well as the expansion of concession areas intended for the commercial use of ports of nautical tourism –marinas. In addition, the Management Board of the Company considers the possibilities of taking over existing marinas, as well as the idea of expanding the portfolio and strengthening the Company's market position through creating management programmes, i.e. through managing marinas without directly entering their ownership structure. In the coming period, the Company intends to invest considerable financial resources in other segments of the business as well, primarily in the devel opment of commercial activities, charter tourism and the hotel

to da kroz ACI marine godišnje prođe gotovo 700 000 nautičara, namjera je Uprave Društva da u sljedećem petogodišnjem razdoblju dodatno razvije vlastitu maloprodaj nu mrežu, osnaži maloprodajni asortiman i unaprijedi prodajnu politiku Društva. 







C.V.: Zamjenik financijskog direktora „Valamar Riviera“ d.d. Po reč, glavni koordinator pretvorbe i privatizacije „Valamar Rivie ra“ d.d., direktor „Valamar Riviera“ Ges.m.b.H., Wien, zastupnik uSaboru i predsjednik Odbora za turizam Sabora Republike Hrvatske (dva mandata), predsjednik Sabora i Vijeća Hrvatske turističke zajednice, član Upravnog Vijeća i potpredsjednik Nadzornog odbora Hrvatskog fonda za privatizaciju, ministar turizma u Vladi Republike Hrvatske, savjetnik zastupnika u Eu ropskom Parlamentu,član Upravnog vijeća Instituta za turizam Republike Hrvatske. Aktualno - posebni savjetnik ministrice tu rizma i sporta za područje turizma, predavač na poslijediplom skom doktorskom studiju Ekonomskog fakulteta.

C.V.: Deputy finance director of Valamar Riviera d.d. Poreč, chief coordinator of the privatisation and transformation process of Valamar Riviera d.d., director of Valamar Riviera Ges.m.b.H., Vienna, member of the Parliament of the Republic of Croatia and president of the Tourism Committee of the Parliament of the Republic of Croatia (two terms), president of the Croatian National Tourist Board Assembly and Council, member of the Governing Council and vice-chair of the Supervisory Board of the Croatian Privatisation Fund, minister for tourism in the Go vernment of the Republic of Croatia, adviser to member of the European Parliament, member of the Management Board of the Institute for Tourism of the Republic of Croatia. He is currently Special Adviser to the Minister for Tourism and Sports on touri sm matters, and lecturer at the Faculty of Economics, teaching courses at the postgraduate doctoral level.

ACI d.d. has seen continuous growth in all business segments. Given the substantial revenues it has generated and good busi ness results it has achieved, the Company is ready to make con siderable investments in the coming period in order to improve the quality of services it provides, establish an adequate struc ture and enhance the quality of berths and onshore facilities, and to make new acquisitions while implementing international standards of quality, environmental and energy management. In this way, it will maintain its position as the leading nautical company in the Adriatic, and strengthen the brand in Europe and worldwide.


In this context, the diversification of the Company's business, primarily the orientation of the Company's financial and human resources towards developing catering and tourism (hotel in dustry) and commercial activities (retail business) and setting up its own charter fleet, all with the aim of raising revenues and creating new jobs, is one of the key factors of future develop ment. The Company intends to finance a large portion of the planned investments using its own resources, but also plans to draw on the funds of the National Recovery and Resilience Plan as well as the Operational Programmes of the European Union (the 2021–2027 EU Multiannual Financial Framework).



U navedenom kontekstu diversifikacija poslovanja Društva, pr venstveno usmjeravanje financijskih i ljudskih resursa Društva urazvoj ugostiteljsko-turističkih (hotelijerstvo) i trgovačkih dje latnosti (maloprodaja) te razvoj vlastite charter flote, sve s ciljem podizanja prihoda i otvaranja novih radnih mjesta, jedan je od ključnih čimbenika budućeg razvoja. Velik dio planiranih inve sticija Društvo namjerava financirati iz vlastitih sredstava, ali i iz sredstava Nacionalnog programa za oporavak i otpornost kao i iz operativnih programa Europske unije (Višegodišnji financijski okvir Europske unije za razdoblje 2021. – 2027. godine).

Since one of the key factors of the development of individual marinas and the system as a whole are the employees who, through their work, directly and indirectly impact the quality of the service provided, there will be a thorough restructuring of human resources in the coming period, primarily by deciding on specific requirements in the new personnel recruitment process. The Company plans a thorough reorganisation of the structural elements of the management system and a wide set of programmes and activities whose main goal is to increase the employees’ competences, raise the efficiency of the Com pany as a whole and optimise business processes. 

ACI d.d. bilježi kontinuirani rast u svim segmentima poslovanja. S obzirom na velike prihode i dobre poslovne rezultate koje ostvaruje, Društvo je spremno u sljedećem razdoblju znatno uložiti u unapređenje kvalitete pružanja usluga, uspostavu od govarajuće strukture i kvalitete vezova te sadržaja na kopnu i nove akvizicije, sve to uz implementaciju međunarodnih normi upravljanja kvalitetom, okolišem i energijom. Na taj način zadr žat će poziciju vodeće nautičke tvrtke na Jadranu te osnažiti brend u europskim i svjetskim okvirima.

Budući da su jedan od ključnih čimbenika razvoja pojedinih ma rina i sustava u cjelini zaposlenici koji svojim radom izravno i neizravno utječu na kvalitetu pružene usluge, u predstojećem razdoblju pokrenut će se temeljito restrukturiranje na području ljudskih resursa, ponajprije postavljanjem specifičnih uvjeta za zapošljavanje novih kadrova. Društvo planira temeljitu reorga nizaciju strukturnih elemenata sustava upravljanja te širok sklop programa i aktivnosti kojima je osnovni cilj povećanje kompe tencija zaposlenika, podizanje efikasnosti organizacije kao cje line i optimizacija poslovnih procesa. 

Više od tri desetljeća ACI i Rovinj igraju ključnu ulogu u razvoju Hrvatske kao prestižne regatne destinacije te su kombinacija mediteranskog šar ma, nautičke izvrsnosti i besprijekornih uvjeta u srcu povijesnog Rovinja bili idealna pozornica za premijerno izdanje ClubSwan 36 ACI Cupa, regate kojom se ACI u velikom stilu vratio na svjetsku je driličarsku scenu. Prvu regatu brenda ClubSwan u ACI marini Rovinj, na kojoj su jedrile posade iz cijele Europe, orga nizirali su ACI i ACI Sail uz podršku Nautor's Swa na, uglednog proizvođača jedrilica koji je ujedno tvorac jedriličarske lige ClubSwan. Regate kao The Nations Trophy, Rolex Swan Cup i Swan One Desi gn Worlds organiziraju se na poznatim mediteran skim lokacijama, kao što su Porto Cervo, St. Tropez i Palma de Mallorca, a prva takva regata u Hrvat skoj bila je ujedno najava ClubSwan 36 Europskog prvenstva kojemu će Split biti domaćin u listopadu 2022. godine.

Premijernim izdanjem ClubSwan 36 ACI Cupa održanim u Rovinju ACI se u velikom stilu vratio na svjetsku jedriličarsku scenu

Fotografije / Photos: ACI Sail / Studio Borlenghi


With the Rovinj premiere of the ClubSwan 36 ACI Cup, ACI returned to the world of racing in great style

Over three decades, ACI and Rovinj have played a key role in the development of Croatia as a pres tigious racing destination, and the combination of Mediterranean charm, nautical excellence and perfect conditions in the heart of historic Rovinj served as the ideal backdrop for the premiere of the ClubSwan 36 ACI Cup, a regatta with which ACI returned to the world of racing in great style. The first regatta of the ClubSwan brand at the ACI Marina Rovinj, where crews from all over Europe participated, was organised by ACI and ACI Sail with the support of Nautor’s Swan, a renowned sailing boat manufacturer and the founder of the ClubSwan Sailing League. Races such as the Na tions Trophy, Rolex Swan Cup or Swan One De sign Worlds are held in well-known places in the Mediterranean, such as Porto Cervo, St Tropez and Palma de Mallorca, and first such regatta in Croatia was, at the same time, an announcement of the ClubSwan 36 European Championship, which Rovinj will host in October 2022.



has sailing in its DNA. Not only as a sport, but also as an activity that significantly contributes to making tourism in Croatia more varied and promotes our sea in the best possible way, Kristijan Pavić, President of the Manage ment Board of ACI, pointed out.

After three days spent racing in the ClubSwan 36 speedboats, which had been designed by Juan Kouyoumdjian, one of the world’s most successful naval architects, the crew of the sailing boat Tracing Perfection and its skipper Daniel Kipp from Germany



- Nautical tourism in Croatia has become one of the main genera tors of a successful tourist season. Therefore, this race should be seen as the perfect tool that allows us to start the season much earlier and finish it much later. The goal of the partnership with Nautor’s Swan is to bring such clients and races to Croatia with the aim of developing a completely new generation of nautical tourism. The ClubSwan 36 ACI Cup has showed that Rovinj and the entire Croatian coast have enormous potential and expertise necessary for organising world-famous regattas. ACI definitely has sailing in its DNA. Not only as a sport, but also as an activity that significantly contributes to making tourism in Croatia more varied and promotes our sea in the best possible way, Kristijan Pavić, President of the Management Board of ACI, pointed out.

„ACI definitivno u svojem DNK ima jedrenje, i to ne samo kao sport nego i kao djelatnost koja znatno pridonosi širenju turističke ponude u Hrvatskoj i promovira naše more na naj bolji način”, istaknuo je predsjednik Uprave ACI-ja Kristijan

„Nautički turizam u Hrvatskoj profilirao se kao jedan od glavnih ge neratora uspješne turističke sezone. Stoga ovu regatu treba gle dati kao savršen alat koji nam omogućuje da bitno ranije započne mo te mnogo kasnije završimo sezonu. Cilj partnerstva s Nautor's Swanom jest dovođenje ovakvih klijenata i regata u Hrvatsku radi razvoja potpuno nove generacije nautičkog turizma. ClubSwan 36 ACI Cup pokazao je da Rovinj i cijela hrvatska obala imaju golem potencijal i znanje za organizaciju svjetski priznatih regata. ACI de finitivno u svojem DNK ima jedrenje, i to ne samo kao sport nego i kao djelatnost koja znatno pridonosi širenju turističke ponude u Hrvatskoj i promovira naše more na najbolji način”, istaknuo je predsjednik Uprave ACI-ja Kristijan Pavić. Nakon tri dana jedrenja u regati morskih jurilica ClubSwan 36, koje je dizajnirao jedan od najuspješnijih svjetskih pomorskih arhitekata Juan Kouyoumdjian, slavila je posada jedrilice Tracing Perfection sa skiperom Danielom Kippom iz Njemačke ispred posada Bracing

ACI No.1 // ClubSwan 36 ACI Cup

Kristijan Pavić Predsjednik Uprave ACI-ja / ACI President of the Management Board

Since ACI’s earliest days, sailing and regattas have played a key role in the creation of the largest ma rina chain in the Mediterranean. The prestigious ACI Match Race Cup regattas, the ACI No. 1 maxi cruiser, after which our magazine was named, and the premiere ClubSwan 36 regattas are an indi cation that sailing and love of the sea are a con stituent part of ACI’s DNA. We are also a partner on a number of sailing projects such as the races in the Croatian and European Melges 24 Cup. We lend support to Ivica Kostelić on extreme offshore regattas around the world, we back our rising stars such as Palma Čargo, and we also encourage the development of sailing through continuous coope ration with ASC Universitas, the University of Split sailing club. Supporting the sailing sport with a view to its improvement and further popularisation in the Adriatic region has been and is one of the important areas we focus on.

Još od samih početaka ACI-ja jedrenje i regate odi grali su ključnu ulogu u stvaranju najvećeg lanca marina na Mediteranu. Prestižne regate ACI Match Race Cupa, maksi krstaš ACI No.1 po kojem je naš magazin dobio ime te premijerne ClubSwan36 re gate pokazatelj su da su jedrenje i ljubav prema moru duboko utkani u DNK samog ACI-ja. Partner smo i brojnim jedriličarskim projektima kao što su regate hrvatskog i europskog Melges 24 kupa. Pružamo podršku Ivici Kosteliću na ekstremnim offshore regatama diljem svijeta, mladim jedriličar skim nadama kao što je Palma Čargo te podrža vamo razvoj jedrenja kontinuiranom suradnjom s akademskim jedriličarskim klubom Sveučilišta u Splitu ASC Universitas. Podrška jedrenju kao spor tu s ciljem njegova unapređenja i dodatne popu larizacije na Jadranu bio je i ostaje jedan od naših fokusa.

ACI ima jedrenje u svojem DNK


ACI has sailing in its DNA

ACI No.1 // ClubSwan 36 ACI Cup

Breeze sa skiperom Lukaszom Podniesinskim iz Poljske te Facing Future sa skipericom Nevrom Eker iz Turske.

„Moji dojmovi o Hrvatskoj su sjajni. Imali smo zahtjevne uvjete za jedrenje jer lagani vjetar testira vaše strplje nje i znanje. ACI Marina u Rovinju pružila nam je toplo gostoprimstvo, a posebno me oduševilo jedrenje ispod vizura starog grada. Sigurno se vraćam u Hrvatsku je driti jer je riječ o prvoklasnoj destinaciji”, ispričala je skiperica trećeplasiranog ClubSwan 36 Nevra Eker.

'My impressions of Croatia are great. The sailing con ditions were demanding, because light wind tests your patience and skills. ACI Marina Rovinj gave us a warm welcome, and I was especially impressed by sailing un der the vista of the old town. I’m certainly coming back to Croatia to sail because it is a first-class destination,' said Nevra Eker, skipper of the third-placed ClubSwan 36 crew.

„Projekt ACI Sail pokrenuli smo prije tri godine i ova je regata za nas velika prekretnica. Tri predivna dana u Rovinju nazvao bih jedrenjem nove generacije zbog svih događanja koja su pratila ClubSwan 36 ACI Cup. Jednako su oduševljeni i klijenti ACI Saila, koji će među svojim poslovnim partnerima i prijateljima sa zado voljstvom podijeliti priču o sjajnim uvjetima koje su imali u Rovi

Nevra Eker

celebrated their victory, ahead of the crews of the Bracing Breeze and its skipper Lukasz Podniesinski from Poland, and the Facing Future with its skipper Nevra Eker from Turkey.

- We launched the ACI Sail project three years ago and this regatta is a big milestone for us. I would call these three wonderful days in Rovinj ‘the next generation of sailing’ because of all the events that accompanied the ClubSwan 36 ACI Cup. Equally enthusias tic are the clients of ACI Sail, who will be happy to tell their busi


„ClubSwan 36 ACI Cup velik je poticaj za budućnost i pokazatelj da Hrvatska ima sve uvjete postati sjajna destinacija za ClubSwan regate”, smatra izvršni direktor Nautor grupe Giovanni Pomati.

„Prvi dolazak u Hrvatsku, prvo jedrenje na ClubSwanu 36 i odmah pobjeda. Teško da sam kao jedriličar mogao napisati ljepši scenarij za Rovinj. Inače u Njemačkoj jedrim na J/70, ali ClubSwan 36 sasvim je druga dimenzija jedrenja. Sve pohvale ACI-ju na sjajno odrađenoj regati”, naglasio je skiper pobjedničke posade Daniel Kipp.

nju, ACI-jevoj marini i prekrasnom iskustvu koje su ovdje stekli”, poručio je voditelj projekta ACI Sail Ivan Kljaković Gašpić.

„ACI je uložio nevjerojatan entuzijazam i energiju za organizaciju ovakvog vrhun skog događaja. ACI marina Rovinj i vizure starog grada bili su savršena pozornica za regatnu premijeru ClubSwana u Hrvatskoj.

The ClubSwan 36 ACI Cup is a great incen tive to continue as well as an indication that Croatia has all the prerequisites to become a great destination for ClubSwan races, said Giovanni Pomati, Nautor’s Group CEO.

Projekt ACI Sail spaja bogatu ACI-jevu tra diciju organiziranja regata, Jadran kao sjaj nu jedriličarsku destinaciju i najmodernije jedrilice ClubSwan 36 u novo, jedinstveno iskustvo jedrenja u Hrvatskoj.

Veselimo se što ćemo ovdje ugostiti još regata na kojima će se vlasnici ClubSwana osjećati kao kod kuće”, najavio je Federico Michetti, izvršni direktor odjela ClubSwan Racing. 

ness partners and friends about the great conditions they had in Rovinj, about the ACI marina and the wonderful experience they have gained here, said Ivan Kljaković Gašpić, ACI Sail project manager.

The ACI Sail project combines ACI’s rich tradition in race organisation, the Adriatic as a great sailing destination and the most modern ClubSwan 36 sailing boats into a new and unique sailing experience in Cro -atia.ACI has invested incredible enthusiasm and energy to organise such a first-rate event. ACI Marina Rovinj and the vistas of the old town were the perfect backdrop for the ClubSwan race premiere in Croa tia. We look forward to hosting more rac es here, where ClubSwan owners will be made to feel at home, Federico Michetti, CEO of the ClubSwan Racing Department, announced. 

Daniel Kipp i pobjednička ekipa / Daniel Kipp and the winning crew

'This is my first visit to Croatia and my first sail on ClubSwan 36, and we have immedia tely scored a win. As a sailor, I could hardly have written a better script for Rovinj. I nor mally sail on the J/70 in Germany, but the ClubSwan 36 is a completely different sa iling dimension. Kudos to ACI for the great organisation of this race,' said Daniel Kipp, skipper of the winning crew.

ACI received praise for its efficient organ isation of the race by Nautor’s Swan, the partner with whom the largest nautical chain of marinas in the Mediterranean shares a vision, expertise, tradition and passion for sailing.


Pohvale nakon sjajno odrađene regate ACI-ju su stigle iz Nautor's Swana, partne ra s kojim najveći nautički lanac marina na Mediteranu dijeli viziju, znanje, tradiciju i strast za jedrenjem.


Fotografije Photos: ACI Sail / Studio Borlenghi Sail





'We are glad that Nautor's Swan recognised the value of Croatia as a great sailing destination. ClubSwan is an exclusive club whose members are owners of the best sailing boats in the world; each ClubSwan regatta combines sailing and business to bring together the best of the best in the world of boating and is the highlight of our sport,' said Ivan Kljaković Gašpić, ACI Sail project manager.

JEDRILIČARSKA ELITA U SPLITU SAILING ELITE IN SPLIT UZBUDLJIVA GODINA ZA ACI SAIL EXCITING YEAR FOR ACI SAIL U Hrvatsku prvi put dolazi regata iz prestižnog ClubSwan One Design kalendara. Split je od 4. do 8. listopada domaćin ClubSwan 36 Europskog prvenstva For the first time, a regatta in the prestigious ClubSwan One Design calendar is coming to Croatia. Split will host the ClubSwan 36 European Championship from 4 to 8 October Iza projekta ACI Sail vrlo je uspješna i uzbudljiva godina. U 2021. u Hrvatskoj prvi je put održana ClubSwan regata, a nadolazeće sezone ljubitelji ma jedrenja donose brojne novosti. Naime, ACI Sail ove će godine u Splitu organizirati prvu regatu iz prestižnog ClubSwan One Design kalendara –ClubSwan 36 Europeans. „Drago nam je što je Nautor's Swan prepoznao vri jednost Hrvatske kao sjajne jedriličarske destinaci je. ClubSwan je ekskluzivni klub koji čine vlasnici najboljih jedrilica na svijetu, a svaka ClubSwanova regata kombinirajući jedrenje i biznis okuplja naj bolje od najboljih u svijetu nautike i predstavlja vr hunac u našem sportu”, naglasio je Ivan Kljaković Gašpić, voditelj projekta ACI Sail.

The ACI Sail project has had a very successful and exciting year. The year 2021 saw a first ClubSwan regatta in Croatia, and the forthcoming seasons bring a lot of news for sailing enthusiasts. This year, ACI Sail is organising the first regatta in the prestigious ClubSwan One Design calendar – the ClubSwan 36 Europeans – to be held in Split.

'We are glad that Nautor's Swan has recognised the value of Croatia as a great sailing desti nation. Each ClubSwan regatta combines sailing and business to bring together the best of the best in the world of boating and is the highlight of our sport,' said Ivan Kljaković Gašpić, ACI Sail project manager

'ACI is Nautor’s Swan’s valuable partner, with whom we have found ed the ACI Sail ClubSwan 36 training centre in Split, the world’s

ACI Sail is an indispensable member of the renowned ClubSwan community, which competes in races held in exclusive destinations around the world, such as Porto Cervo, St Tropez or Monte Carlo. Since only ClubSwan boat owners can race in those regattas, ACI Sail is currently the only one in the world offering its clients the possibility of renting ClubSwan 36 sailing boats so they can com pete in ClubSwan races.

ACI Sail neizostavan je član uglednog Clubswan društva, koje se natječe na ekskluzivnim destinacijama diljem svijeta, kao što su Porto Cervo, St. Tropez i Monte Carlo. Budući da na tim regatama mogu prisustvovati isključivo vlasnici ClubSwan brodova, ACI Sail trenutačno jedini u svijetu svojim klijentima nudi mogućnost naj ma jedrilica ClubSwan 36 u svrhu ulaska na regate iz ClubSwan Takoprograma.klijenti

partner Nautor's Swana s kojim smo u Splitu osno vali ACI Sail ClubSwan 36 trening centar, prvi svjetski centar na

„Drago nam je što je Nautor's Swan prepoznao vrijednost Hrvatske kao sjajne jedriličarske destinacije. Svaka ClubSwanova regata kombinirajući jedrenje i biznis okuplja najbolje od najboljih u svijetu nautike i predstavlja vrhunac u našem sportu”, naglasio je Ivan Kljaković Gašpić, voditelj projekta ACI Sail

ACI No.1 // ACI Sail 38

In this way, clients can sail in world-famous races such as the Copa Del Rey or Rolex Swan Cup, and, from this year on, they will be able to try their sailing skills in one of the most beautiful Mediterranean cities, Split, which will host a regatta in the prestigious ClubSwan One Design calendar from 4 to 8 October. One of the most chal lenging sailing courses in the Adriatic, state-of-the-art ClubSwan 36 sailing boats, first-rate amenities in the ACI marina, the beauty of the old Split – a perfect combination for a grand finale to the ClubSwan racing season. ClubSwan is not only about sailing, but is also a way of life; it is love of beautiful things and love of the sea. And this is exactly the kind of nautical hedonism that ACI wants to promote world-wide. For many boaters, Croatia is much more than a country. It is a brand that has great potential for ClubSwan regat tas, great boating events and other promotional activities that can highlight many of the beauties of the Croatian coast and islands.

mogu jedriti na poznatim svjetskim regatama poput Copa Del Rey i Rolex Swan Cupa, a od ove godine svoje će je driličarske vještine moći iskušati i u jednom od najljepših medi teranskih gradova – Splitu, koji je od 4. do 8. listopada domaćin regate iz prestižnog ClubSwan One Design kalendara. Jedno od najizazovnijih regatnih polja na Jadranu, napredne ClubSwan 36 jedrilice, vrhunski sadržaji ACI marine, ljepote starog Splita: savr šen spoj za sjajan kraj sezone ClubSwan regata. Naime, ClubSwan nije samo jedrenje nego i način života, ljubav prema lijepim stva rima i ljubav prema moru. A upravo takav nautički hedonizam ACI želi promovirati u svijetu. Mnogim je nautičarima Hrvatska mnogo više od zemlje. Riječ je o brendu koji ima velik potencijal za dola zak ClubSwan regata, sjajne nautičke evente i ostale promotivne aktivnosti kojima se mogu istaknuti mnoge ljepote hrvatske obale i „ACIotoka.jevrijedan

ACI Sail ClubSwan 36 training center based in Split offers: training camps, individual training, regatta charter, team-building and corporate regatta organization.

Saila jest omogućiti klijentima maksimalno zadovoljstvo uz jedrenje na najvišim standardima po principu „ključ u ruke”, što znači da se naši klijenti mogu fokusirati samo na isustvo jedrenja, dok mi rješavamo sve logističke poslove. 

In the ClubSwan 36 training centre, ACI Sail runs comprehensive sailing school courses, offering knowledge transfer and training intended for both professional sailors and enthusiasts with no pri or experience but with the desire to experience sailing on a real racing boat furnished with top-quality equipment and crewed by professionals. ACI Sail runs training camps and individual trainings, but it also offers the possibility of races within existing regattas as well as of separate regattas at any of the 22 ACI marinas in the

AsAdriatic.part of this service, ACI Sail handles everything, from trans portation, logistics, boat preparation and servicing to boat main tenance during the regatta, training and everything else that the clients may need, freeing them from any logistical and organisa tional problems.

U sklopu ClubSwan 36 trening centra ACI Sail nudi kompletnu uslugu škole jedrenja, prenošenja znanja i obučavanja, rezervira nu za profesionalne jedriličare i entuzijaste koji nemaju iskustva, a imaju želju iskusiti jedrenje s ozbiljnim regatnim brodom, najkvali tetnijom opremom i sa stručnim pojedincima. ACI Sail u ponudi ima organizaciju trening kampova, individualne treninge, a moguća je i organizacija regata unutar postojećih regata, kao i organizacija zasebne regate na bilo kojoj lokaciji 22 ACI marine na Jadranu.

mijenjen ljudima koji žele upoznati jedrenje na drugačiji način. ClubSwan 36 ACI Cup velik je poticaj za budućnost i pokazatelj da Hrvatska ima sve uvjete postati sjajna destinacija za ClubSwan regate”, istaknuo je izvršni direktor Nautor grupe Giovanni Pomati.

U sklopu ove usluge ACI Sail brine se o svemu, od transporta, lo gistike, pripreme broda i servisa do održavanja broda za vrijeme regate, edukacije i svega onoga što klijentu može zatrebati kako ne bi imao nikakvih logističko-organizacijskih problema.

first centre aimed at people who want to try sailing in a different way. The ClubSwan 36 ACI Cup is a great incentive to continue as well as an indication that Croatia has all the prerequisites to become a great destination for ClubSwan races,' said Giovanni Po mati, Nautor’s Group CEO.

'The ACI Sail ClubSwan 36 was extremely well prepared. Ivan and Marin did a great job. I think in the last week I've learned as much as I did in the previous five years of training. It has been a great ex perience. With the ACI Sail training series in Split, you will improve your sailing very quickly,' said Nikolai Burkart, an ACI Sail client.

ACI Sail’s mission is to provide its clients with a great level of satis faction while offering the highest standards of sailing that include a 'turnkey' system, which means that our clients can focus only on the sailing experience while we take care of all the logistics. 

ACI No.1 // ACI Sail 39

„ClubSwan 36 iz ACI Saila bio je iznimno dobro pripremljen. Ivan i Marin odradili su sjajan posao. Mislim da sam u posljednjih tjedan dana naučio onoliko koliko sam naučio u pet godina treniranja. Bilo je to sjajno iskustvo. Uz seriju ACI Sail treninga u Splitu vrlo brzo ćete unaprijediti svoje jedrenje”, opisao je Nikolai Burkart, klijent ACI

ACI Sail ClubSwan 36 trening centar s centrom u Splitu nudi: organizaciju trening kampova, individualne treninge, regatni najam, team-building te organizaciju korpo rativnih regata



The MarInn Maritime Innovation Cluster was established with the aim not only to strengthen the inventiveness and competitiveness of the maritime industry but also to connect key stakeholders and partners in order for them to work together on important maritime industry projects. The idea behind setting up the cluster is to repo sition Croatia on the map of maritime powers, and one of its main goals is to establish, in the Kvarner region, a global centre for inno vation and smart skills in the maritime industry.

Maritimni inovacijski klaster MarInn osnovan je s ciljem jačanja ino vativnosti i konkurentnosti pomorske industrije, kao i povezivanja ključnih dionika i partnera u suradnju na važnim projektima u po morskoj industriji. Osnivanjem klastera Hrvatsku se želi vratiti na kartu vodećih pomorskih država, a jedan od glavnih ciljeva jest pokretanje globalnog središta za inovacije i pametne vještine u pomorskoj industriji na Kvarneru.

Fotografije / Photos: LDCK

Maritimni inovacijski klaster postat će okosnica maritimne industrije u Hrvatskoj razvojem autonomnih plovila, pametnih, zelenih i samoodrživih marina, pretvaranjem otpada u energiju te razvojem čistih, ekološki prihvatljivih pogona plovila


Maritime Innovation Cluster will become the backbone of the Croatian maritime industry through the development of autonomous vessels, smart, green and self-sustaining marinas and environmentally friendly marine propulsion systems, as well as the conversion of waste into energy.


The Lürssen Group, world’s most famous manufacturer of megay achts, is the cluster’s initiator and one of its founders, while ACI, the largest chain of marinas in the Mediterranean, and the Univer sity of Rijeka are among its key partners, along with a number of other partners from Croatia and abroad.

Izvršna direktorica Lürssen dizajn centra Kvarner / Managing Director at Lürssen Design Center Kvarner

ove suradnje tehnološke kompanije iz Hrvatske, Austrije i Njemačke imat će priliku pomicati granice tehnoloških dostignuća pomorske industrije te surađivati na važnim nautičkim projektima u Hrvatskoj. Jedan od mogućih poligona za testiranje projekata i novih tehnologija mogla bi biti i buduća ACI marina Rijeka koja će se graditi u Porto Barošu. Riječ je o zajedničkoj investiciji ACI-ja i Lürssenove tvrtke Gitone Kvarner u kojoj će, prvi put u Hrvat skoj, ali i znatno šire, biti razvijeni sustavi za autonomnu navigaciju plovila, uz niz pratećih usluga, poput automatskog prepoznavanja plovila, osiguravanja svih potrebnih informacija za nautičare i prije nego što su uplovili u marinu, kao i punionice za plovila pogonjena vodikom i električnom energijom te sustav za proizvodnju električ ne energije iz otpada najnovije generacije.

ACI No.1 // Riječki centar izvrsnosti / Rijeka Centre of Excellence

Teuta Duletić

Buduća ACI marina Rijeka koja će se graditi u Porto Baro šu jedan je od mogućih poligona za testiranje projekata i novih tehnologija

Inicijator osnivanja i jedan od osnivača klastera jest grupacija Lür ssen, najpoznatiji svjetski proizvođač megajahti, a među ključnim su partnerima u klasteru najveći lanac marina na Mediteranu ACI i Sveučilište u Rijeci, uz brojne druge partnere iz Hrvatske i ino Uzemstva.sklopu

In this partnership, tech companies from Croatia, Austria and Ger many will have the opportunity to push the boundaries of techno logical advancements in the maritime industry and work togeth er on important nautical projects in Croatia. One possible testing ground for projects and new technologies could be the future ACI marina Rijeka, which will be built in Porto Baroš. This is a joint in vestment by ACI and Lürssen’s company Gitone Kvarner, which, in a first for Croatia and beyond, will develop autonomous navigation systems for vessels, accompanied by a number of other services such as automatic vessel identification and supplying boaters with all the necessary information even before they have sailed into the marina, as well as facilities such as charging points for vessels powered by hydrogen and electricity and a state-of-the-art system of generating energy from waste.


The future ACI marina Rijeka, which will be built in Porto Baroš, is one of the possible testing grounds for projects and new technologies


"ACI is at the forefront of nautical tourism in Croatia and beyond. That is why we are actively involved in Maritime Innovation Clus ter as its key partner. The innovations and technological advance ments that the cluster will promote will be implemented in ACI Marina Rijeka, the most technologically advanced marina in the Adriatic," said Kristijan Pavić, President of the Management Board of Therefore,ACI.

Kristijan Pavić

priorities will be green and self-sustainable marinas, waste-to-energy transformation, autonomous vehicles and clean hydrogen-based technologies ACI No.1 // Riječki centar izvrsnosti / Rijeka Centre of Excellence


Predsjednik Uprave ACI-ja / ACI President of the Management Board

the establishment of Maritime Innovation Cluster is a very big and important step for the whole Kvarner region, primarily because it will connect key stakeholders into a first-rate compe tent entity with the aim to develop state-of-the-art technologies for large-scale projects. Moreover, by developing the traditional industry of the local area, Maritime Innovation Cluster will greatly contribute to the branding of the city of Rijeka, as one of the cham pions of the maritime industry.

„ACI je predvodnik nautičkog turizma u Hrvatskoj, pa i šire. Stoga smo se aktivno uključili u Maritimni inovacijski klaster kao ključni suradnici. Inovacije i tehnološka dostignuća koja će klaster pro micati bit će implementirani u ACI marinu Rijeka, najsuvremeniju marinu na Jadranu”, istaknuo je predsjednik Uprave ACI-ja Kristijan StogaPavić.

Maritime Innovation Cluster brings together the entire eco-inno vation system, from academia, to the business sector, to local self-government and NGOs, and strengthens cooperation in the maritime industry in order to position itself in Croatia and Europe as a centre of excellence for the development of new technologies and smart skills in the maritime sector. By joining the cluster, all partners will be able to work on existing commercial projects as well as on future EU projects related primarily to innovation and research and development in the maritime industry. 

je osnivanje Maritimnog inovacijskog klastera velik i važan korak za cijeli Kvarner, prvenstveno zato što će povezati ključne dionike u iznimno kvalitetnu i kompetentnu cjelinu s ciljem razvoja najsuvremenijih tehnologija za potrebe velikih projekata. Štoviše, razvojem tradicionalne industrijske grane lokalnog područja Ma ritimni inovacijski klaster iznimno će pridonijeti brendiranju grada Rijeke kao jednog od nositelja pomorske industrije. Maritimni inovacijski klaster okuplja cijeli ekoinovacijski sustav, od akademske zajednice, poslovnog sektora, lokalne samouprave i nevladinih organizacija, te jača suradnju na području maritimne in dustrije kako bi se pozicionirao u Hrvatskoj i Europi kao centar izvr snosti za razvoj novih tehnologija i pametnih vještina u maritimnom sektoru. Ulaskom u klaster svim partnerima omogućen je rad na postojećim komercijalnim projektima, ali i budućim EU projektima vezanim prvenstveno uz inovacije, istraživanje i razvoj na području maritimne industrije. 

Prioritetna područja klastera bit će zelene i samoodr žive marine, transformacija otpada u energiju, auto nomna vozila i čiste tehnologije temeljene na uporabi

Yacht Agents • Fiscal Representation • Provision



Thanks to the enhancement, the exterior of the A8 has an even more representative, confident, and athletic effect. To summarize, the newly designed and precisely orches trated design elements in the front, side, and rear areas significantly increase the A8’s presence and authority and sharpen the pro file of the brand’s top model.

Audi osigurava bolji nastup i veću razinu sportske elegancije modela A8 markantnim diza jnom, posebice u prednjem i stražnjem dijelu vozila, te inovativnim tehnologijama. Stoga poduzeće s četiri prstena još intenzivnije radi na stvaranju samopouzdanog i progresivnog karaktera ove luksuzne limuzine za aktivan životni stil. Nova, vrhunska glavna svjetla i stražnja svjetla nadahnjuju inovativnim funkcijama te tvore vrhunac impresivnoga teh nološkog portfelja modela A8.

Zahvaljujući unaprjeđenju, vanjski dizajn mo dela A8 sada se odlikuje reprezentativnim, samopouzdanim i sportskim efektom koji je još očitiji. Ukratko rečeno, novo dizajnirani i precizno izvedeni elementi dizajna na pred njem, bočnom i stražnjem dijelu vozila uve like unaprjeđuju karakter i autoritet nastupa modela A8 te čine profil vrhunskog modela marke još markantnijim.

With sharpened design, particularly in the front and rear, and innovative technologies, Audi is ensuring the increased presence and sporty elegance of the A8. For that reason, the company with the four rings is even more intensively working out the confident and progressive character of the active luxury sedan. The new high-end headlights and tail lights inspire with innovative functions and form the apex of the A8’s established technol ogy portfolio.



Fotografije / Photos: Audi

Osim osnovnoga vanjskog dizajna, Audi svojim kupcima nudi kro mirani paket vanjskog dizajna te, prvi put za model A8, S line pa ket vanjske opreme. Izgled vozila dodatno se definira dodatnim paketom dizajna u crnoj boji. Paleta boja za A8 obuhvaća jeda naest boja, među kojima se nalaze nova metalik District zelena, Firmament plava, Manhattan siva i Ultra plava. Novitet za Audi A8 predstavlja pet mat boja – Daytona siva, Florett srebrna, District zelena i Glacier bijela.

Digitalna LED matrix glavna svjetla i OLED stražnja svjetla Slično kao kod videoprojektora, digitalna LED matrix glavna svjetla koriste se tehnologijom DMD (digitalni mikrozrcalni uređaj). Sva ko glavno svjetlo sadrži oko 1,3 milijuna mikrozrcala koja raspršuju svjetlo u sitnim pikselima te ga precizno kontroliraju. Nove su funk cije svjetla za vozni trak i orijentacijska svjetla za autoput. Redi zajnirani model A8 u okviru serijske opreme nudi digitalna OLED stražnja svjetla.

Digital Matrix LED headlights and OLED rear lights

Comparable with video projectors, the Digital Matrix LED head lights use DMD (digital micromirror device) technology. Each head light has approximately 1.3 million micromirrors, which disperse the light in tiny pixels and precisely control them. One new function is lane and orientation lights for highways. The enhanced A8 comes with Digital OLED rear lights as a standard feature. Reduction as a design medium

Beyond the basic exterior, Audi is offering its customers the chrome exterior package and, for the first time in the A8, the new S line ex terior package. The look is even more defined with the additional black appearance package. The color swatch for the A8 includes eleven colors, among them the new metallic district green, firma ment blue, Manhattan gray, and ultra blue. New in the Audi A8 are five matte colors – Daytona gray, florette silver, district green, and glacier white.

ACI No.1 // Novi / new Audi A8 46

The range of seats and seat equipment in the enhanced Audi A8 is varied, very comfortable, and radiates the highest degree of au thority – especially for the back seats, where many options are available. The relaxation seat in the A8 L is the apex of the pro gram. It offers numerous adjustment options and a footrest on the back of the passenger seat. Passengers can use it to have the bot toms of their feet warmed and massaged to various degrees. The high-quality workmanship underscores the A8 interior’s workshop character.

ACI No.1 // Novi / new Audi A8 47

Ponuda sjedala i opreme za sjedala u unaprijeđenom modelu A8 raznolika je, vrlo udobna te zrači najvišim stupnjem autoriteta –posebice kada je riječ o stražnjim sjedalima, za koja su dostupne brojne opcije. Vrhunac programa pri tome predstavlja sjedalo za opuštanje u modelu A8 L. Ono nudi brojne opcije prilagodbe i naslon za noge na poleđini suvozačeva sjedala. Putnici ga mogu upotrebljavati za grijanje i višestupanjsku masažu donjeg dijela nogu i stopala. Visokokvalitetna izrada naglašava stupanj kvalitete izvedbe unutrašnjosti modela A8. Za suvremene zahtjeve: novi zasloni u stražnjem dijelu vozila Atraktivne opcije također su dostupne za infotainment hardver. Novi zasloni u stražnjem dijelu vozila prilagođeni su potrebama

For modern demands: the new screens in the back

Smanjenje kao odlika dizajna Arhitektura unutrašnjosti strogo je vodoravno orijentirana kako bi se naglasila širina vozila. U tami će paket ambijentalnog osvjetlje nja plus obasjavati unutrašnjost, a u stražnjem dijelu vozila dostup na su i svjetla za čitanje s LED matrix tehnologijom.

The architecture of the interior is strictly horizontally oriented to emphasize the car’s width. In the dark, the ambient light package plus elegantly stages the interior and there are reading lights in the rear that use Matrix LED technology.

Attractive options are also available for the infotainment hardware. The new screens in the back are tailored to the expectations of to day's rear-seat passengers. That means two 10.1 inch displays with full HD resolution attached to the backs of the front seats.

Tri paketa: sustavi potpora za vozača Za unaprijeđeni model A8 dostupno je oko 40 sustava potpora za vozača. Neki od njih – uključujući sigurnosne sustave Audi pre sense basic i Audi pre sense front – serijska su oprema za ovu modelsku liniju. Opcije su raspoređene po paketima „Park”, „City” i „Tour”. Paket sustava potpora plus usto upotpunjava ove pakete. Značajke kao što su potpora svjetala za noćnu vožnju i kamere za nadzor okoline dostupne su zasebno.

With five motorizations, the enhanced Audi A8 offers customers a wide range of drive systems. From the V6 TFSI and V6 TDI en gines, both of which draw their power from three liters of displace ment, to the plug-in hybrid drive systems of the TFSI e, the V6 TFSI engine, and electric motors, to the 4.0 TFSI engine. The latter is available for the A8 and the S8 in various output levels. It distrib utes its four liters of displacement to eight cylinders in a V-assem bly and comes equipped with cylinder on demand technology. The 3.0 TFSI powers the Audi A8 55 TFSI quattro and the A8 L 55 TFSI quattro with 250 kW (340 PS). In the version for the A8 models, the 4.0 TFSI generates 338 kW (460 PS) and 660 Nm of torque, which are available between 1,850 and 4,500 1/min. These create very sporty performance: The A8 60 TFSI quattro and the A8 L 60 TFSI quattro both sprint from zero to 100 km/h in 4.4 sec onds. One highlight of the V8 is the cylinder on demand system (COD), which temporarily deactivates four cylinders for moderate Thedriving.3.0

današnjih putnika u stražnjem dijelu vozila. To znači da su dva 10,1" zaslona s punom HD razlučivošću integrirana u poleđine prednjih sjedala.

There are about 40 driver assistance systems available in the en hanced Audi A8. Some of them – including the Audi pre sense ba sic and Audi pre sense front safety systems – are standard equip ment for the series. Options are clustered into the “Park,” “City,” and “Tour” packages. The assistance package plus consolidates the packages. Features like the night vision assistant and surround view cameras are available separately.

Three packages: the driver assistance systems

TDI is in the Audi A8 50 TDI quattro and the A8 L 50 TDI quattro. The engine brings 210 kW (286 PS) of power and 600 Nm or torque.

ACI No.1 // Novi / new Audi A8 48

Motor 3.0 TFSI pogoni modele Audi A8 55 TFSI quattro i A8 L 55 TFSI quattro snagom od 250 kW (340 KS). U verziji za modele A8, motor 4.0 TFSI razvija snagu od 338 kW (460 KS) i okretni moment od 660 Nm, što je dostupno u rasponu okretaja između 1850 i 4500 o/min. Pomoću njih osiguravaju se izraženo sportske perfor manse: oba modela A8 60 TFSI quattro i A8 L 60 TFSI quattro ubr zavaju od 0 do 100 km/h za svega 4,4 sekunde. Jedna je istaknuta značajka tehnologije V8 sustav isključivanja cilindara (COD), kojim se privremeno deaktiviraju četiri cilindra radi umjerene vožnje.

Uz pet vrsta motora, unaprijeđeni Audi A8 kupcima nudi bogatu ponudu pogonskih sustava. Od motora V6 TFSI i V6 TDI, pri čemu oba snagu crpe iz 3-litrenog volumena, i plug-in hibridnih pogon skih sustava motora TFSI e, motora V6 TFSI te elektromotora sve do motora 4.0 TFSI. Posljednji je za modele A8 i S83 dostupan s tri razine izlazne snage. Svoje četiri litre volumena raspodjeljuje na osam cilindara u izvedbi tehnologije V te se isporučuje s tehnolo gijom isključivanja cilindara na zahtjev.

Suverenost i učinkovitost: ponuda motora

Sovereign and efficient: the engine range

ACI No.1 // Novi / new Audi A8

The Audi A8 60 TFSI e quattro and the A8 L 60 TFSI e quattro are the plug-in hybrid models (PHEV) in the series. With these, com pact electric motors support the 3.0 TFSI. The lithium-ion battery in the rear can now store a net 14.4 kWh of energy. With 330 kW (449 PS) of system power and 700 Nm of system torque, the Audi A8 60 TFSI e quattro goes from zero to 100 km/h in 4.9 seconds (A8 and A8 L).

One highlight of the enhanced A8 is the predictive active suspen sion. It can load or unload each wheel with additional power in dividually via an electric motor and thereby actively regulate the position of the chassis in any driving situation. The wheel range for the enhanced Audi A8, which goes from 18 to 21 inches, includes six new designs from Audi and Audi Sport. In top versions like the Audi S8, Audi offers carbon fiber ceramic brake disks as an option. 

Svi motori u modelu Audi A8 povezani su s brzim 8-stupanjskim sustavom tiptronic sa sustavom blagog prebacivanja. Zahvaljujući električnoj uljnoj pumpi, automatski mjenjač može mijenjati stup njeve prijenosa čak i kada motor na izgaranje nije uključen. Kon stantni pogon na sve kotače quattro sa samoblokirajućim središ njim diferencijalom dio je standardne opreme, a opcijski se može upotpuniti sportskim diferencijalom. Njime se aktivno raspodjeljuje okretni moment između stražnjih kotača tijekom brzih vožnji za vojima, čime se upravljanje vozilom odlikuje većom stabilnošću i sportskim karakterom. Adaptivni zračni ovjes („adaptive air sus pension”) s kontroliranom amortizacijom također je dio serijske opreme. Dodatnu serijsku značajku predstavlja progresivni uprav ljač. Usto je dinamičko upravljanje svim kotačima dostupno opcij ski. Ono je dio serijske opreme u modelu Audi S8. Prediktivni aktivni ovjes

All engines in the Audi A8 are connected to a fast and gently tog gling eight-step tiptronic. Thanks to an electric oil pump, the auto matic transmission can change gears even when the combustion engine is not running. The constant all-wheel drive quattro with the self-locking center differential is standard, optionally supplement ed with the sport differential. It actively distributes torque between the rear wheels during fast cornering and thereby makes the han dling even sportier and more stable. The adaptive air suspension with controlled damping is standard. Progressive steering is anoth er standard feature. Dynamic all-wheel steering is also available as an option. It is standard equipment in the Audi S8.

Tiptronic, quattro and the sport differential: the whole gamut of driving experience

Predictive active suspension

Motor 3.0 TDI nalazi se u modelima Audi A8 50 TDI quattro i A8 L 50 TDI quattro. Motor razvija snagu od 210 kW (286 KS) i okretni moment od 600 Nm.

Tiptronic, quattro i sportski diferencijal: cjelokupni raspon doživljaja vožnje

Dodatna je istaknuta značajka unaprijeđenog modela A8 predik tivni aktivni ovjes. Pomoću njega svaki se kotač može individualno opteretiti ili rasteretiti dodatnom snagom putem elektromotora, čime se aktivno regulira položaj voznoj postroja u svakoj situaciji ti jekom vožnje. Ponuda kotača za unaprijeđeni model Audi A8, koja seže od 18" do 21", sadrži šest novih izvedbi dizajna marki Audi i Audi Sport. U vrhunskim verzijama kao što je Audi S8, Audi opcijski nudi keramičke diskove kočnica od ugljičnih vlakana. 

Audi A8 60 TFSI e quattro i A8 L 60 TFSI e quattro predstavljaju plug-in hibridne verzije (PHEV) ove modelske linije. Kod njih kom paktni elektromotori podržavaju motor 3.0 TFSI. Litij-ionska bateri ja u stražnjem dijelu vozila sada može sadržavati neto energetski kapacitet od 14,4 kWh. Uz 330 kW (449 KS) sistemske snage i 700 Nm sistemskog okretnog momenta, Audi A8 60 TFSI e quattro ubr zava od 0 do 100 km/h za 4,9 sekunde (A8 i A8 L).


All these lines could make at least four cars, said Walter de Silva as we passed one of the cars on display at the Geneva Fair. The casual comment he made in 2007 as we were looking for a quiet place to talk perfectly summarises the human and business sides of the designer whose works marked the late 20th and early 21st

Jedan od najuspješnijih automobilskih dizajnera u povijesti tijekom četiri deset ljeća velike karijere nacrtao je više od 130 prototipova, natjecateljskih, izlož benih ili proizvodnih modela za Alfa Romeo, Seat, Audi, VW, Bugatti, Bentley, Lamborghini, Ducati i Maserati, a čak pet modela s njegovim potpisom okitilo se titulom Automobila godine u Europi

Sa svim tim linijama mogli bismo napraviti najmanje četiri automobila, prokomentirao je Walter de Silva dok smo prolazili pokraj jednog od izloženih automobila na sajmu u Ženevi. Rečenica koju je te 2007. izrekao onako usput dok smo tragali za mjestom na kojem ćemo na miru porazgovarati savršeno je sažela ljudsku i poslovnu stranu dizajnera čija su djela obilježila kraj 20. i početak 21. Uglađenstoljeća. i čist u svojim kreacijama, istodobno izravan i oštar u stavovima, de Silva je uoči švicarske smotre 2007. promoviran u prvog čovjeka dizajnerskog odjela grupacije Volkswagen, dok je pozornost publike plijenio Audi A5, model koji će mu tri godine poslije donijeti Design Award, Oscara u svijetu dizajna.

clean in his creations, and, at the same time, direct and sharp in his opinions, de Silva was promoted to the first man of Volkswagen Group Design ahead of the Swiss motor show in 2007, where the attention of the audience was captured by the Audi A5, the model that, three years later, would bring de Silva the Design Award – the Oscar of the world of design.

During his career spanning over four decades, one of the most successful automotive designers in history has designed more than 130 prototype, sports, concept and production cars for Alfa Romeo, Seat, Audi, VW, Bugatti, Bentley, Lamborghini, Ducati and Maserati, and as many as five of his designs have won the European Car of the Year award Walter de Silva




Daniel Nikodem

Fotografije Photos: Alfa



PhotographyVolkswagenWdscarsHongqi 51

Jedan od posljednjih uradaka jest zapanjujući hibridni supersportski Hongqi S9 iza kojeg stoji ulaganje ame ričkog Silk EV-a i kineskog diva FAW, automobil na ko jem je izvješena cijena od dva milijuna eura. Unatoč brojnim komplimentima koji su pratili prezentaciju, de Silva je vrlo kritičan prema dizajnu azijskog diva.

- Kinezi dizajnu pridaju važnost samo kao strategiji. Za njih uvijek morate napraviti nešto iznenađujuće, ali to nikada ne odražava vrijednost marke ili proizvoda. Kada

- The Chinese attach importance to design only as a strategy. For them, you always have to do something

ACI No.1 // Walter de Silva 52

Most cars that come on the market today are absolutely boring. They all look the same, and new models are just replicas of one another, which is perceived both by professionals and by clients. Part of the blame can be placed on the excessive impact of computers that can do anything but do not have the power to touch, feel and love, so everything turns out to be just a mathematical formula in the end.

Karijeru je započeo 1972. kao pripravnik u dizajnerskom odjelu Fiata, a okončao 43 godine poslije pomalo ne očekivanim odlaskom s pozicije glavnog stratega za izgled tada najvećeg proizvođača automobila u svijetu. Tijekom četiri desetljeća nacrtao je više od 130 prototi pova, natjecateljskih, izložbenih ili proizvodnih modela za Alfa Romeo, Seat, Audi, VW, Bugatti, Bentley, Lam borghini, Ducati i Maserati, a čak pet modela s njegovim potpisom okitilo se titulom Automobila godine u Europi. No odlazak u mirovinu nije značio kraj. Ljubav prema estetici i funkcionalnosti s četiri kotača prelila se na vi soke potpetice i 2017. lansirao je liniju ženskih cipela pod svojim imenom, a dvije godine poslije pokrenuo dizajnerski studio Wds & Partners kojim se vratio prvoj ljubavi, automobilima.

Većina automobila koji se danas pojavljuju na tržištu apsolutno su dosadni. Svi izgledaju jednako, a novi modeli kopije su kopija, što primjećuju profesionalci i klijenti. Dio krivnje krije se u pretjeranom utjecaju računala koja mogu sve, ali nemaju moć dodirivati, osjećati i voljeti, pa sve na kraju ispadne samo matem atička formula.

He started his career in 1972 as an intern in the design department of Fiat, and 43 years later, somewhat un expectedly, retired from his position as chief designer of what was then the largest automaker in the world. Over four decades, he had designed more than 130 prototype, sports, concept and production cars for Alfa Romeo, Seat, Audi, VW, Bugatti, Bentley, Lamborghini, Ducati and Maserati, and as many as five of his designs had won the European Car of the Year award. But the fact that he retired did not mean he stopped working. His love of aesthetics and functionality shifted from four wheels to high heels and, in 2017, he launched a line of women's shoes under his name, followed by the estab lishment of the WdS & Partners design studio two years later, with which he marked his return to his first love, Onecars.

of his latest designs is the stunning hybrid super sports Hongqi S9, which is backed by an investment by the US-based Silk EV and the Chinese giant FAW, a car that comes with a price tag of €2 million. Despite the many compliments that accompanied the presentation, de Silva is highly critical of the Asian giant's design.

ACI No.1 // Walter de Silva 53

pristupe nekom projektu, jasno vam kažu kako mora izgledati taj automobil, a to se često svodi na kopiranje. Nažalost nisu jedini. Većina automobila koji se danas pojavljuju na tržištu apsolutno su dosadni. Svi izgledaju jednako, a novi modeli kopije su kopija, što primjećuju profesionalci i klijenti. Dio krivnje krije se u pretje ranom utjecaju računala koja mogu sve, ali nemaju moć dodirivati, osjećati i voljeti, pa sve na kraju ispadne samo matematička for mula. Kada se tomu pridoda neshvatljiva agresivnost u završnom dotjerivanju i marketingu, nastaju automobili koji nemaju identitet marke. Naravno, postoje i iznimke poput Porschea, čiji su modeli nepogrešivi, bilo da je riječ o 911 ili električnom Taycanu. Doslje dan je Range Rover, Hyundai ulaže velike napore s Genesisom, a pohvale zaslužuje i rad Flavija Manzonija u Ferrariju za otvaranje novim tržištima i proizvodima. Volkswagen se nastavlja kladiti na jednostavne, nekomplicirane automobile, Alfa Romeo unatoč pro blemima zadržava identitet, no najbolji dizajn trenutačno potpisuje PremdaMercedes.električni pogon otvara potpuno nov pristup dizajnu auto mobila, većina proizvođača drži se tradicionalnih oblika.

that is surprising, but it never reflects the value of the brand or product. When they start a project, they clearly tell you what that car must look like, and this often comes down to copying. Unfortu nately, they're not the only ones. Most cars that come on the mar ket today are absolutely boring. They all look the same, and new models are just replicas of one another, which is perceived both by professionals and by clients. Part of the blame can be placed on the excessive impact of computers that can do anything but do not have the power to touch, feel and love, so everything turns out to be just a mathematical formula in the end. Add incomprehensible aggressiveness in the final touch and marketing, and you end up creating cars with no brand identity. Of course, there are excep tions such as Porsche, whose models are infallible, be it the 911 or the electric Taycan. Range Rover is consistent, Hyundai is making great efforts with Genesis, and Flavio Manzoni's work at Ferrari opening new markets and products deserves praise. Volkswagen continues to bet on simple, uncomplicated cars, and Alfa Romeo, despite its problems, has maintained its identity, but it is Mercedes that currently has the best design.

Although the electric drive opens up a completely new approach to car design, most manufacturers stick to traditional forms.


- I don't know the answer to that question. It is certain that any technological innovation will be backed and driven by finances and resources of different countries. Chinese automotive compa nies are becoming a major competitor, primarily due to their highly advanced industrial and economic policies. The phone story will not happen again if we Europeans put aside our quarrels, change our way of thinking, stop producing aggressive cars and look for new concepts. Then we can take the Chinese out of the game. European culture is our greatest treasure and a weapon to deal with those who just want to produce replicas. It takes a step for

- Nekad su nas prevozili konji, a zatim su stigle kočije opremljene motorima. Bilo je to prije više od 130 godina i aktualni dizajn auto mobila polako je dobio formu. Sada treba ponovno pronaći arhi tekturu, odnosno vanjske i unutarnje dimenzije za nove oblike po gona. Treba vremena, ali zahvaljujući inovacijama i tehnologijama i dizajneri će pronaći nova rješenja. Električni automobil tek trebaju pronaći vlastitu morfologiju i tipologiju koja će se razlikovati od au tomobila s termičkim motorima. Tri su elementa koji će definirati automobile budućnosti. Prvi su komponente poput motora i bate rija, koje će biti sve manjih dimenzija, kao u mobitelima. To će nam dati više prostora iznutra. Drugi je aerodinamika koja mora postati prvi formalni aspekt vozila s obzirom na to da je ključna za po trošnju, a potom moramo poraditi na identitetu marke, odnosno na dizajnu kao jednom od njegovih glavnih obilježja. Želimo li privući mlade ljude, potreban je nov pristup mobilnosti koji mora biti digi talan, povezan i atraktivan. Ključ je, kao što je Steve Jobs učinio s Appleom, stvoriti želju, ponuditi ono što kupac nije mislio da bi mu moglo trebati i generirati novitete koji proizlaze iz promjene, za što je primjer Citroen DS iz 1955. koji je bio poput svemirskog broda. Svi se sjećamo dominacije telefona Nokia na tržištu, dok danas svi pametni telefoni dolaze iz Kine. Može li se isto dogoditi s električ nim automobilima?

We all remember the dominance of Nokia phones in the market, while today all smartphones come from China. Can the same hap pen with electric cars?

- Na to pitanje ne znam odgovor. Sigurno je da će svaka tehnološka inovacija biti pokrenuta i podržana financijama i resursima različi tih zemalja. Kineske automobilske tvrtke postaju jaka konkurencija prije svega zbog vrlo napredne industrijske i ekonomske politike. Priča s telefonima neće se ponoviti ako mi Europljani ostavimo po strani svoje borbe, promijenimo način razmišljanja, prestanemo proizvoditi agresivne automobile i tražimo nove koncepte. Tada ih možemo izbaciti iz igre. Europska kultura temeljno je bogatstvo i oružje za suočavanje s onima koji samo žele kopirati. Potreban je iskorak koji će javnost prihvatiti ili odbiti, ali mislim da je spremna za nešto drugačije.

'We started with horses, which were followed by engine-powered carriages. That was more than 130 years ago, and cars' current design has slowly taken its forms. Now it is necessary to find the architecture again, that is, the external and internal dimensions for the new forms of drive. This takes time, but thanks to innovation and technologies, designers will find new solutions. The electric car has yet to find its own morphology and typology, which will dif fer from cars powered by heat engines. There are three elements that will define the cars of the future. The first are components such as engines and batteries, which will get smaller and smaller, in the same way that the batteries in mobile phones did. That will give us more space on the inside. The second is aerodynamics, which must become the first formal aspect of a vehicle, since it is crucial for fuel consumption, and then we need to work on the identity of the brand, that is, the design as one of its main features. A new approach to mobility is needed if we are to attract young people, an approach that has to be digital, connected and attrac tive. The key is to do as Steve Jobs did with Apple, to create a desire, to offer what the customer didn't think they might need and to generate novelties arising from a change, like the 1955 Citroen DS, which was like a spaceship.

- Bez ikakve sumnje slažem se s Gordonom Murrayom. Najveća teškoća pri dizajniranju malih automobila za široku publiku dolazi iz dva aspekta. Prvi je vezan za dimenzije koje moraju biti malene te ergonomiju i aerodinamiku, dok se drugi povezuje uz troškove proizvodnje koji dizajneru moraju biti u svakom trenutku prioritet. 

ACI No.1 // Walter de Silva 55

- Miura i VW Buba dva su projekta koja su dio moje karijere. Prvi je konceptni automobil koji nas je podsjetio na izvanrednu ideju i projekt koji su realizirali Ferruccio Lamborghini i Giampaolo Dalla ra. Priznajem da sam razmišljao kako oživiti te godine i dizajnirao svoju verziju Miure bez imalo želje da iznevjerim originalni dizajn. Buba je u startu zamišljena kao serijski proizvod, a tehnička evolu cija snažno je utjecala na izgled. No priznajem da me retro dizajn nimalo ne očarava, ali me veoma intrigira.

You've tried your hand at reviving legendary models from the past such as Lamborghini Miura and Volkswagen Beetle. What is your opinion of retro design?

- The Miura and the VW Beetle projects have been part of my ca reer. The first was a concept car that reminded us of an extraordi nary idea and project realised by Ferruccio Lamborghini and Giam paolo Dallara. I did think about how to bring those years back, and I designed my version of Miura without any desire to let down the original design. The Beetle was initially conceived as a serial prod uct, and technical evolution strongly influenced its appearance. But I have to admit that retro design doesn't fascinate me at all; however, it intrigues me a lot.

Želimo li privući mlade ljude, potreban je nov pristup mobilnosti koji mora biti digitalan, povezan i atraktivan. Ključ je, kao što je Steve Jobs učinio s Appleom, stvoriti želju, ponuditi ono što kupac nije mislio da bi mu moglo trebati i generirati novitete.

- Za Alfa Romeo 156 i Audi A5 osjećam posebnu povezanost. U pozadini obaju modela kriju se dvije slične priče. Zajednička im je složenost razdoblja u kojem su nastali, a povezuje ih i apsolutni prioritet koji je stavljen na njihovu ljepotu. 156 je imao zadatak po novno pokrenuti povijest Alfa Romea, kako za sam modela, tako i identitet marke. Njegova je misija bez sumnje bila izvanredna i uz svesrdnu suradnju svih u Centro SAtile Alfa Romeo uspjeli smo spojiti povijest i budućnost. Audi A5 imao je dvostruku misiju. Tre bao je najaviti povratak GT klase u Ingolstadt, ali i potvrditi snagu single frame maske na cestovnim modelima. Okušali ste se u oživljavanju legendarnih modela iz prošlosti poput Lamborghinija Miure i Volkswagen Bube. Kakvo je vaše mišljenje o retro dizajnu?

Your name is always associated with the Alfa 156, but one of your key designs is also the Audi A5. Which of these two cars best ex presses your design style and how much has it changed over the -years?Ifeel

Vaše ime u javnosti se uvijek veže uz Alfu 156, ali jedno od vaših ključnih djela jest i Audi A5. Koji od ta dva automobila najbolje izra žava vaš stil dizajniranja i koliko se on promijenio tijekom godina?

A new approach to mobility is needed if we are to attract young people, an approach that has to be digital, connected and attractive. The key is to do as Steve Jobs did with Apple, to create a desire, to offer what the customer didn't think they might need and to generate novelties.

ward, which the public will accept or reject, but I think it's ready for something different.

Gordon Murray voli reći da je lakše dizajnirati sportski nego mali gradski automobil koji će se prodavati u velikom broju. Što vi mi slite o tome?

a special connection to the Alfa Romeo 156 and Audi A5. Both models have similar background stories. They share the com plexity of the period in which they were created, and they are also connected by the absolute priority placed on their beauty. The 156 was designed in order to reboot the history of Alfa Romeo, both for the model itself and for the brand identity. Its mission was un doubtedly extraordinary and, with the wholehearted cooperation of everyone in Alfa Romeo's Centro Stile, we were able to combine the past and the future. The Audi A5 had a dual mission: to an nounce the return of the GT class to Ingolstadt, but also to confirm the strength of the single-frame grille on road cars.

agree with Gordon Murray. The greatest difficulty when designing small cars for the general public arises from two as pects. The first has to do with small dimensions, and ergonomics and aerodynamics, while the second is related to production costs that must be a priority for the designer at all times. 

Gordon Murray likes to say that it is easier to design a sports car than a small city car that will be sold in large numbers. What is your -opinion?Ientirely

/ Photos: Red Bull Content Pool / Getty Images 56


Max Verstappen

Ayrton Senna, Jim Clark and Emerson Fittipaldi, multiple Formula One cham pions and legends, have one thing in their careers in common: all three made their F1 world championships debut at the age of 24. Max Verstappen is well on the way to joining this elite compa ny; at 24, he had already had 141 Formu la One races, 20 wins and one champi


kid, Max Verstappen dreamed of being a Formula One champion. His wish was fulfilled at the Abu Dhabi Grand Prix, where he ended Lewis Hamilton's long-standing dominance with a dramatic victory in the final lap

Još kao dječak Max Verstappen sanjao je o naslovu prvaka u Formuli 1. Želja mu se ostvarila na Velikoj nagradi Abu Dhabija gdje je dramatičnom pobjedom u posljednjem krugu prekinuo dugogodišnju dominaciju Lewisa

Ayrton Senna, Jim Clark i Emerson Fi ttipaldi, višestruki prvaci i legende For mule 1, imaju zajednički detalj u karijeri. Sva trojica su na svjetskom prvenstvu F1 debitirali u dobi od 24 godine. Max Verstappen na najboljem je putu ulaska u to elitno društvo jer s 24 na leđima iza sebe u Formuli 1 već ima 141 utrku, 20 pobjeda i jedan naslov prvaka. Poput nadarenog učenika koji u školi preskače razrede i Max je preskakao automobilističke klase i discipline. Sa 17 godina i 166 dana nastupom na Velikoj nagradi Australije 2015. postao je naj mlađi vozač Formule 1.


Likeonship.agifted student skipping years at school, Max skipped motorsport cate gories and disciplines. At the age of 17 years and 166 days he became Formula One's youngest driver, debuting in the 2015 Australian Grand Prix.

- Some, of course, said I was too young. I didn't even have a driving license at the time, Max recalls. – It was interesting when I went to take the test during the season. Everyone knew I was in Formula One, but the driving instructor – he was very strict. Which was good, but I was a bit con cerned, so I had caps and T-shirts ready in case someone needed to be bribed, but he didn't take it.

„Osvajanje naslova bio je cilj s ko jim sam došao u F1, a sve što slijedi nakon toga bit će bonus. U novoj sezoni utrkivat ću se s brojem 1 na bolidu i dat ću sve od sebe kako bih obranio 'Winningnaslov.”thetitle was the goal I had when I came to F1, and anything that happens afterwards will be a bonus. In the new season I'll run the No 1 on my car and I'll do my best to defend my title.'


- Neki su, naravno, rekli da sam premlad. U to vrijeme nisam imao ni vozačku dozvolu, prisjeća se Max. – Bilo je zanimljivo kada sam tijekom sezone išao polagati. Znali su svi da sam u Formuli 1, ali instruktor vožnje bio je vrlo strog, što je bilo dobro, ali no bio sam malo zabrinut i imao sam spremne kape, majice ako nekoga treba podmititi, ali on to nije uzeo.

The track to Formula One was a fast one. Barely five, Max started driving go-karts, and he was only seven when he showedup at the start of an official race and, rac ing against opponents who were nine or ten, immediately recorded a victory. What followed laid the path for the world cham pion of today. Father Jos Verstappen, a former Formula One driver whose career spanned most of the 1990s, realised very quickly that his son had something more than what he himself had. After all, he had been in a team with Michael Schumacher

ACI No.1 // Max Verstappen

Put do Formule 1 bio je strelovit. S nepunih pet Max je sjeo u karting, a već sa sedam pojavio se na startu jedne službene utrke i protiv suparnika koji su imali devet ili deset odmah upisao pobjedu. Ono što je slijedilo postavilo je temelje današnjem svjetskom prvaku. Otac Jos Verstappen, bivši vozač Formule 1 čija se karijera protezala veći dio devedesetih, vrlo brzo je shvatio da sin ima nešto više od onoga što je on imao. Uostalom dijelio je momčad s Michaelom Schumacherom i iz prve ruke svjedočio kako se postaje prvak. No Max nije samo od oca naslijedio DNK za utrke. I njegova

ACI No.1 // Max Verstappen

- Odrastao sam s oktanima u krvi. Bio sam okružen boli dima od mlađih dana, ali nikada me roditelji nisu tjerali da vozim. To je bila isključivo moja odluka.

In the decade that followed, father and son went from one race to another, stringing together victory after victory. In a van with a go-kart, tools and spare parts, they would travel up to 100,000 kilometres a year, success following them on their journey. Until 2013. By then, Max had won over twenty titles in various karting championships and the time came to join a more serious company. Max completed the Winter Series, organised by the Ferrari Driving Academy in Florida in 2014, with two wins and a third place overall. In the same year, he participated in the Formula 3 European Championship with the Van Amersfoort racing team, fin ishing in the third place overall with ten wins, including the Masters of Formula 3 final race at Zandvoort.

Back in the days of the go-kart competitions, he caught the attention of Mercedes scouts, but Red Bull had a more con


Još u vremenima natjecanja u kartingu privukao je po zornost skauta Mercedesa, ali Red Bull je bio konkretniji. Austrijska momčad talentiranom Nizozemcu rođenom u Belgiji mogla je jamčiti program koji je izravno vodio do

and witnessed firsthand how one becomes a champion. But Max didn't inherit the racing DNA just from his father. His mother, Sophie Kumpen, also had a successful karting career, which saw her winning the prestigious Andrea Mar gutti Trophy in 1995.

- I grew up with octane in my veins. I'd been surrounded by racing cars since I was very young, but my parents never made me drive. That was exclusively my own decision.

majka, Sophie Kumpen, izgradila je uspješnu karijeru u kar tingu u kojoj se izdvaja osvajanje prestižnog trofeja Andrea Margutti 1995. godine.

U desetljeću koje je slijedilo otac i sin putovali su od utrke do utrke nižući pobjedu za pobjedom. U kombiju s kartin gom, alatom i rezervnim dijelovima godišnje bi prevalili i do 100.000 kilometara, ali sve je bilo protkano uspjesima. Do 2013. Max je osvojio više od dvadeset naslova na ra znim prvenstvima u kratingu i došlo je vrijeme za prelazak u ozbiljnije društvo. Winter Series koji je 2014. na Floridi organizirala vozačka akademija Ferrarija Max je završio s dvije pobjede i ukupnim trećim mjestom, a iste godine su djelovao je na Europskom prvenstvu Formule 3 s timom Van Amersfoort Racing. Završio je treći u ukupnom poretku s deset pobjeda, uključujući i finalnu utrku Formula 3 Ma sters na Zandvoortu.

ACI No.1 // Max Verstappen 60

- Iskreno, nemam neka očekivanja. Samo se želim prila goditi bolidu, razumjeti ga, proučiti podatke i vidjeti što moj suparnici rade jer najvažnije je osvojiti bodove. Što se mene tiče, ne osjećam veći pritisak. Naravno da sada vo zim za vrhunski tim, ali na kraju uvijek nastojiš dati sve od sebe.

mjesta na startnoj rešetki F1 i već 2014. Max je stekao prva iskustva na slobodnim treninzima u Japanu, SAD-u i Brazilu u bolidu Toro Rosso. Ako si dovoljno dobar, dovoljno si i star, bila je mantra koju su ponavljali u Red Bullu najavljuju ći Maxa u postavi koja će 2015. braniti boje momčadi Toro


Like a gifted student skipping years at school, Max skipped motorsport categories and disci plines. He started driving go-karts was when he was five years old, and at the age of just over 17 he was already driving a Formula One car

- Honestly, my expectations are not high. I just want to adapt to the car, understand it, study the data and see what my rivals are doing because the most important thing is to score points. As far as I'm concerned, I don't feel any extra pressure. Of course I'm driving for a top team now, but in the end you're always trying to do your best.

Iznimna prva sezona donijela je ne samo obilje prvenstve nih bodova nego i nagrade za novaka godine, osobnost godine i akciju godine za njegovo fenomenalno pretjeca nje na belgijskoj stazi Spa. Max je prvenstvo 2016. zapo čeo u momčadi iz Faenze, ali nakon četvrte utrke sezone naprasno je promoviran u redove A momčadi Red Bulla. Helmut Marko, siva eminencija austrijskog konstruktora, odlučio je baciti sve karte na vozača kojeg je uspoređivao sa Sennom i u kojem je vidio nasljednika Sebastiana Vette la. Uoči utrke u Barceloni, prve za Red Bull, Max je negirao dodatni pritisak.

crete offer. The Austrian team could guarantee the talent ed Belgian-born Dutchman a programme that led directly to a place on the F1 starting grid and, as early as 2014, Max gained his first experience in free practice in Japan, the USA and Brazil in the Toro Rosso car. If you're good enough, then you're old enough was a mantra repeatedly said by Red Bull when announcing Max in the line-up that would be defending the colours of the Toro Rosso team in All2015.the

koje su pratile najave koje su odjeknule svije tom vrlo brzo su nestale nakon što je Max tituli najmlađeg vozača koji se pojavio u F1 već na drugoj utrci sezone pri dodao naslov najmlađeg osvajača bodova. U Maleziji je završio na sedmom mjestu, a do kraja prvenstva bodove je osvajao na još devet utrka. Najbolji rezultat bilo je četvrto mjesto u Mađarskoj, a isto je ponovio u SAD-u na utrci na kojoj se borio za mjesto na podiju.

criticism coming with the announcements that re sounded around the world quickly disappeared after Max added another title to the one of the youngest driver to run in a F1 race – in the second race of the season, he had already become the youngest driver to score F1 points. He finished seventh in Malaysia, and by the end of the cham pionship he had won points in nine more races. His best result was finishing fourth in Hungary, which he equalled in the USA, in a race where he fought for a place on the Hispodium.remarkable

Poput nadarenog učenika koji u školi preskače razrede i Max je preskakao automobilističke klase i discipline. U karting je prvi put sjeo kao petogodišnjak, a s malo više od 17 godina već je vozio bolid Formule 1.

first season brought not only plenty of championship points, but also the "Rookie of the Year" and the "Personality of the Year" awards, as well as the "Ac tion of the Year" award for his sensational overtake on the Spa race track in Belgium. Max started the 2016 champi onship on the team from Faenza, but after the fourth race of the season he was suddenly promoted to the ranks of the Red Bull's A team. Helmut Marko, the grey eminence of the Austrian constructor, decided to stake everything on the driver he compared to Senna and in whom he saw Sebastian Vettel's successor. On the eve of the Barcelona race, the first he was running for Red Bull, Max denied any additional pressure.

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Modesty in words was translated into a remarkable tri umph on the track. In his debut with Red Bull, Max became the youngest winner in F1 history. He made it to the top step of the podium at Montmeló at the age of 18 years and 228 days.

- All the excitement and concentration was spoiled by the cramps I started to feel five laps before the end, Max re called the experience of his first victory. - It was pretty crazy and I was literally counting laps to the finish line. The pres sure was immense, but not just for me. Dad eventually got so excited that he got a nosebleed. His debut victory in Spain was just a preview of what was to follow in the 2017 season, in which Max recorded two more wins (Malaysia and Mexico), eventually finishing sixth in the championship. Uncompromising, always ready to fight, Max was involved in at least one crash in each of the first six races of the 2018 season. With two frustrating re tirements, it was far from expected, but the mood improved with the Austria win. It was followed by victory in Mexico

Skromnost u riječima pretočila se u fenomenalan trijumf na stazi. U debiju s Red Bullom Max je postao najmlađi po bjednik u povijesti F1. Na najvišu stepenicu pobjedničkog postolja na Montmelou popeo se s 18 godina i 228 dana.

- Silno uzbuđenje i koncentraciju pokvarili su mi grčevi koje sam počeo osjećati pet krugova prije kraja, prisjetio se Max iskustva prve pobjede. - Bilo je prilično ludo i doslovno sam brojio krugove do cilja. Pritisak je bio golem, ali ne samo meni. Tata je na kraju postao toliko uzbuđen da mu je iz nosa počela curiti krv. Debitantska pobjeda u Španjolskoj bila je samo najava onog što je slijedilo u sezoni 2017. kada je Max upisao još dvije pobjede (Malezija i Meksiko) i na kraju zauzeo uku pno šesto mjesto u prvenstvu. Beskompromisan, uvijek spreman za borbu, Max je u prvih šest utrka sezone 2018. sudjelovao u najmanje jednom sudaru na svakoj utrci. Uz dva frustrirajuća odustajanja bio je to daleko od očekiva nja, ali raspoloženje je podigla pobjeda u Austriji. Slijedilo

Max improved as the car got better and better. The number of mistakes was decreasing, he transferred the focus of one lap to the entire race, the entire championship, but his driving style re mained the same: the aggressiveness that often caused him to come under fire by critics and referees did not diminish. The finale of the 2020 season, which was cut short by the pandemic and in which Red Bull, thanks to Max, proved to be an equal to the mighty Mercedes, was a good announcement for 2021.

- Osvajanje naslova bio je cilj s kojim sam došao u F1, a sve što slijedi nakon toga bit će bonus. U novoj sezoni utrkivat ću se s brojem 1 na bolidu i dat ću sve od sebe kako bih obranio naslov. 

After a fierce and an uncertain battle against Lewis Hamilton, the most successful driver of today, the title race ended in the season's final round, literally in the final lap. In a dramatic finish to the race in Abu Dhabi, Max recorded a victory, ending Hamilton's reign and winning his first F1 championship. The first Dutchman on the throne is also the 34th driver in history to become the F1 champion. The fourth youngest ever, he has also become the holder of a record number of races (18) finished on the podium in one season. But, in all likelihood, this is only the beginning for the driver whom the great Niki Lauda called the talent of the century.

and a solid second leg of the championship, which he ended in fourth place.

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- Winning the title was the goal I had when I came to F1, and any thing that happens afterwards will be a bonus. In the new season I'll run the No 1 on my car and I'll do my best to defend my title. 

je slavlje u Meksiku i solidna druga etapa prvenstva okončana če tvrtim mjestom.

Uz sve bolji bolid rastao je i Max. Broj pogrešaka bio je sve manji, fokus jednog kruga prenio je na utrku, na prvenstvo, ali njegov stil vožnje, agresivnost zbog koje se često našao na udaru kritičara i sudaca nije otupjela. Završnica pandemijom skraćene 2020. u ko joj se Red Bull u rukama Maxa pokazao ravnopravan takmac moć nom Mercedesu bila je dobra najava za 2021. godinu. Nakon žestoke i neizvjesne borbe s Lewisom Hamiltonom, naj trofejnijim vozačem današnjice, utrka za naslov okončana je u posljednjoj utrci sezone, u posljednjem krugu. U dramatičnoj za vršnici utrke u Abu Dhabiju Max je upisao pobjedu, prekinuo Ha miltonovu vladavinu i osvojio prvi naslov prvaka F1. Prvi Nizozemac na tronu ujedno je 34. vozač u povijesti koji se uvrstio među prvake F1. Četvrti najmlađi dosad, postao je i vlasnik rekorda broja utrka (18) završenih na postolju u jednoj sezoni. No po svemu sudeći to je samo početak za vozača kojeg je veliki Niki Lauda nazvao talentom stoljeća.

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Nakon 22 dana, 14 sati, 29 mi nuta i 51 sekundu Ivica Kostelić i Calliste Antoine na jedrilici Croatia Full of Life ušli su u cilj Transat Jacques Vabre kao 17. posada u Class 40. Za magazin ACI No 1. Ivica Kostelić napisao je dnevnik s regate



Neću zamarati čitatelja predugim uvodom da bih mu potanko pričao o neposrednoj pripremi za Transat u luci Le Havre. Ukratko ću reći da je Transat Jacques Vabre velik sportski događaj koji privlači više stotina tisuća posjetitelja kroz race vi llage u tjednu prije starta. Veliko je zadovoljstvo vi djeti elitu offshore jedrenja na okupu, a velika flota basnoslovno skupih jedrilica i trimarana na jedno me mjestu privlači pozornost brojnih znatiželjnika. Tu su Class 40, Imoce, Ocean Fifty i Ultimi… uku pno 85 brodova.

I won’t bore the reader with too long an introduc tion to describe in detail the preparation immedi ately preceding the Transat in the port of Le Havre. I’ll just briefly say that the Transat Jacques Vabre is a great sporting event attracting hundreds of thousands of visitors to the ‘race village’ in the week before the start. It’s a great pleasure to see the elite of offshore sailing brought together, while a large fleet of incredibly expensive sailing boats and trimarans in one place automatically at tracts the attention of many interested spectators. There are the Class 40s, the IMOCAs, the Ocean Fifties and the Ultime... a total of 85 boats.

After 22 days, 14 hours, 29 minutes and 51 seconds, Ivica Kostelić and Calliste Antoine, sailing on the Croatia Full of Life, crossed the finish line of the Transat Jacques Vabre as the 17th crew in Class 40. During the race, Ivica Kostelić kept a diary for ACI No. 1 magazine


Fotografije / Photos: Jean-Louis Carli / Alea Jean-Marie Liot / Alea Croatia Full of Life Transat Jacques Vabre

Last night wasn’t for those of a nervous disposition. The wind rare ly exceeded 3-4 knots, and the current off Ouessant Island (the westernmost point of Brittany) was 4-5 knots, against us at that. The shallower the sea, the less current. Everywhere around us are shallows, some rocks are visible, and some are covered by high tides. All these dangers are hidden from the eye on a pitch-black night, especially when it rains, like it did last night. Anyone brave enough (or a little crazy, if you will) will try to slalom between the rocks in the shallows and this is the only way to slowly push for ward. Actually, it might have been a good thing it was nighttime, so I didn’t have to see the tight spots we went through last night...

7 November 2021

Prošla noć nije bila za one tankih živaca. Vjetar je rijetko premaši vao 3-4 čvora, a morska struja kod otoka Ouessant (vrh Bretanje) bila je 4-5 čvorova, i to protiv nas. Struja je manja što je more pliće. Oko nas sve vrvi od pličina, neke su hridi vidljive, a neke je pre krila visoka plima. Sve te opasnosti skrivene su od oka u mrkloj noći, posebno kad pada kiša, kao sinoć. Tko je hrabar (ili malo lud, kako se uzme), pokušat će slalomirati između hridi u pličinama i to je jedini način da se polagano probijaš prema naprijed. Zapravo, možda je dobro da je bila noć pa nisam morao gledati kroz kakve smo škripce prošli sinoć.

9 November 2021

We got off to a good start with 20 knots from the northwest and fought the wind to the first mark, then set a Code 0 to continue to Étretat. At the same time, I took my first real washing over on the bow; however, we successfully moved up six positions before making the turn at Étretat.

10 November 2021

10. 11. 2021.

We chose the riskier option and quickly sailed across the shallows at the exit of Chenal du Four, which let us catch a favourable cur rent at Raz de Seine. From there, we had very light and variable conditions as we tried to break through a high-pressure ridge. Per sonally, since I come from the Adriatic, I have already mastered the

7. 11. 2021.

Izabrali smo riskantniju opciju i brzo preplovili plićak na izlazu iz ka nala du Four, što nas je natjeralo da uhvatimo povoljnu struju kod Raz de Sein. Odatle smo imali vrlo lagane i promjenjive uvjete dok smo pokušavali probiti greben visokog tlaka. Budući da dolazim s Jadrana, svladao sam već školu laganih vjetrova i tu sam se osje ćao kao na domaćem tlu. U jednom trenutku popeli smo se čak na

9. 11. 2021.

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Dobro smo startali s 20 čvorova sjeverozapadnjaka te smo se borili uz vjetar do prve oznake, a zatim smo postavili Code 0 za nastavak do Etretata. Bilo je to ujedno moje prvo pravo kupanje na pramcu, ali smo napredovali šest pozicija prije nego što smo napravili okret kod Etretata.

14 November 2021

Technically, we’re only now starting to cross the Atlantic Ocean, having sailed over 2,200 miles to warm up. Sailing through the Cape Verde islands means we are halfway through the voyage, and if, at the same time, you rank sixth, then a small celebration is in order. Cal

Za razliku od jurnjave i vremenskih uvjeta bez milosti koje smo proživjeli uz obalu Portugala, od jučer ujutro na oceanu idilično je jedrenje s puno sunca i – napokon – more je plavo kao kod kuće na Jadranu. U kabini je ugodno toplo, valovi više ne plave palubu pa u kokpitu možemo osušiti odjeću, obuću i drugu opremu koja je bila mokra od prvog dana. Calliste spava skoro cijeli dan, ja sam se dobro naspa vao već jučer. Trebalo nam je jer su dva dana uz Portu gal bila teška.

Tehnički, tek sada počinjemo prelazak Atlantskog oce ana, nakon što smo odjedrili više od 2200 milja za za Prolazakgrijavanje.kroz

Sport is an area of human creation, spirit and will; the realm of the secret that lies beyond the possibility of human understanding and the extent of what can be explai ned. That’s why we can and should dream, even those dreams that are completely unimaginable

school of light winds and I felt as if I was on home soil. At one point we even made it up to the fifth position. That moment came as a reward to my team because, as a complete outsider financially and technically, I had beaten the big players for at least a split second. Always outnumbered, never outgunned!

petu poziciju. Taj trenutak došao je kao nagrada mom timu jer sam, kao potpuni autsajder u financijskom i teh ničkom smislu, pobijedio velike igrače barem na djelić sekunde. Always outnumbered, never outgunned!

19 November 2021

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19. 11. 2021.

Sport je sfera ljudske kreacije, duha i volje; tajne koja leži onkraj mo gućnosti ljudske spoznaje i dosega objašnjivog. Zato smijemo i treba mo sanjati, čak i potpuno nezami slive snove

14. 11. 2021.

Unlike the racing and the merciless weather conditions we experienced off the coast of Portugal, since yester day morning the sailing on the ocean has been idyllic, with lots of sun; and the sea is – finally – as blue as it is at home on the Adriatic. It is pleasantly warm in the cabin, the waves are no longer washing over the deck, so now we can use the cockpit to dry our clothes, shoes and other equipment that have been wet from day one. Calliste’s been sleeping almost the whole day; I already had a good sleep yesterday. We needed it because the two days along the coast of Portugal were hard.

Zelenortske otoke znači i prelazak pola puta, a ako k tomu zauzimate šesto mjesto u floti, mala je proslava sasvim u redu. Callisteova djevojka Carline pripremila nam je paketić iznenađenja posebno za ovu

prigodu, a sami sebe nagradili smo kompotom od kruške i s dva deci Nemamocalvadosa.višekruha, što je posebno frustrirajuće zato što se na lazimo pokraj pekara. Da, susjedni brod zove se La Boulangere (pekarnica).

Danas je moj rođendan!

23. 11. 2021.

Noćas smo se bili popeli do trećeg mjesta u redoslijedu. Kratko poslije starta regate poslao sam poruku prijatelju na kopno, a glasila je točno ovako: „Ako se ikada dogodi da budemo u prvih deset tijekom regate, molim te napravi screenshot”. Htio sam to imati za uspomenu.

20. 11. 2021.

love sport. Because sport is an area of human cre ation, spirit and will; the realm of the secret that lies beyond the possibility of human understanding and the extent of what can be explained. That’s why we can and should dream, even those dreams that are completely unimaginable. Realists can get very far, reaching the limits of human possibilities and knowledge; but it’s the dreamers who come the furthest of all. ‘No one comes as far as the one who doesn’t know where he’s going.’

Svakog iole produhovljenog čovjeka prelazak oceana preplavi oceanom emocija, posebno kada je taj prelazak začinjen natjecateljskom strašću i Travellingnaporomacrossthe ocean, any even remotely sophisticated person is overwhelmed by an ocean of emotions, especially when the journey is spiced up with competitive passion and effort


liste’s girlfriend Carline prepared a surprise packet for us, specif ically for the occasion, and we rewarded ourselves with a pear compote and a glass of Calvados. We’ve run out of bread, which is especially frustrating because we’re literally next to the baker’s. Yes, the closest boat is called La Boulangere (‘bakery’).

Tonight, we were up to the third place in the rankings. Shortly after the race had started, I texted a friend on the mainland, writing these exact words: ‘If we ever happen to be in the top ten during the race, please take a screenshot’. I wanted to have it as a That’smemento.whywe

Kao dio kaubojske macho škole moga oca, prema kojoj su rođen danska slavlja namijenjena djeci i ženama, ni ja obično ne slavim

Zato volimo sport. Zato što je sport sfera ljudske kreacije, duha i volje; tajne koja leži onkraj mogućnosti ljudske spoznaje i dosega objašnjivog. Zato smijemo i trebamo sanjati, čak i potpuno neza mislive snove. Realisti mogu doći vrlo daleko, do granica ljudskih mogućnosti i spoznaje, ali sanjari su ti koji dolaze najdalje od svih. „Nitko ne dolazi tako daleko kao onaj koji ne zna kuda ide.”

23 November 2021

20 November 2021

It’s my birthday today!

As part of my father’s cowboy/macho school, according to which birthday celebrations are for children and women, I don’t usually celebrate my birthdays; this time, however, we used it as an excuse for a celebration in order to break, for a brief period at least, the monotony of living on board. To celebrate, we sacrificed the last bar of chocolate, placing it between two pieces of rusk to act as a birthday cake. We also added pear compote, which we specifically saved for the occasion. Instead of a candle, we stuck a fork in the

Prošli smo kroz nekoliko velikih polja plutajuće morske trave / sargasa. Ta područja bila su duga nekoliko de setaka milja, a nakupine toliko prostrane da ih se nije moglo izbjeći. Njezino je uklanjanje sizifovski posao par excellence. Prestao sam brojiti nakon 63 čišćenja u roku od tri sata – koža mi se počela odljepljivati od dlanova.

These joys brought about by small pleasures, so char acteristic of life in the wild expanses, whether at sea or in the snow, have almost been lost in civilization. It seems to me that this conflict is only part of a much deeper agenda, summarized in the chapter ‘to have or to be’ of the story of human happiness.

26 November 2021

We passed through several large fields of floating sea weed/sargassum. Those areas were tens of miles long, and the clusters were so vast that they could not be avoided. The removal of sargassum is an uphill battle par excellence. I stopped counting after 63 cleanings within 3 hours – my skin began to peel off my palms. We had to stop the boat three times, and I had to dive once, in order to get the grass off the keel.

rođendan, ali ovoga smo ga puta ipak iskoristili kao izli ku za slavlje kako bi barem nakratko razbili monotoniju života na brodu. Za proslavu smo žrtvovali zadnju plo čicu čokolade, koju smo smjestili između dva komada dvopeka da glumi rođendansku tortu. Pridodali smo kompot od kruške, koji smo posebno čuvali za ovu pri godu. U „tortu” smo umjesto svjećice zaboli vilicu, a na njezin vrh nataknuli komadić papira koji smo pripalili. Improvizacija je jedna od najvažnijih vještina u offshore Tajedrenju.veselja što ih pružaju mala zadovoljstva, toliko ka rakteristična za život na divljim prostranstvima, bilo na moru ili snijegu, gotovo su se izgubila u civilizaciji. Čini mi se da je ovaj konflikt samo dio mnogo dublje agende sažete u poglavlju „imati ili biti” u sklopu priče o ljudskoj sreći.

26. 11. 2021.

By the way, the scourge of the sargassum grass is so well-known that an entire part of the Atlantic Ocean northeast of the Caribbean is called the Sargasso Sea. I suppose it was very difficult to clean the rudders and keels on old sailing ships, so I guess they were trapped for days, held in place by the heavy bulk of accumulat

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‘cake’, placing a piece of paper on top of it, which we then lit. Improvising is one of the most important skills in offshore sailing.

Last night passed in an unprecedented racing action. As if the Atlantic was preparing a huge fireworks display for the finish, the conditions for setting records were perfect. The wind wasn’t that spectacular, 20-25 knots, but it happened that we had to sail relatively sharply

Vedro noćno nebo krase ljepuškasti oblaci, kao nacr tani. Kreću se s istoka na zapad, a ispod većih oblaka uvijek pojača vjetar. Toplo je, ugodno toplo za razliku od dnevne vrućine. Vjetar je topao, čak i more koje te ponekad zapljusne dok sjediš na kormilu. Brod leti i uživam. Optimus prime iznad 12 čvorova br zine počinje ispuštati zvuk, neku rezonancu koju proi zvode kormila. Što je brzina broda veća, to je ton zvuka viši i zvuk snažniji. Tako svatko na brodu i bez drugih osjetila može znati ubrzava li brod ili usporava. Kada se brod bliži maksimalnim brzinama, tuli kao da će netom

28 November 2021

28. 11. 2021.

The boat is sailing smoothly and I’m enjoying it. The Op timus Prime starts making a sound at the speed above 12 knots, a resonance produced by the rudders. The higher the speed of the boat, the higher the tone of the sound and the more powerful the sound. So everyone on board can know if the boat is accelerating or slow ing down without resorting to other senses. When the boat approaches maximum speeds, it starts blaring as if it were about to explode.

ACI No.1 // Ivica Kostelić

29 November 2021

ed grass. Combined with the possible lack of wind and equatorial sun, it must have been hell.

Slowly, you can ‘smell’ the finish line. The finishing race is starting now, and, as in every good race, there is go ing to be a merciless ‘stampede’. osjeća miris cilja, sad počinje finiširanje, kao i u svakoj dobroj utrci, sad počinje gaženje bez mi losti.

Tri puta morali smo zaustaviti brod, jednom sam i ronio, kako bismo skinuli travu s kobilice. Uzgred budi rečeno, pošast sargaške trave toliko je po znata da se cijeli jedan dio Atlantskog oceana sjevero istočno od Kariba zove Sargaško more. Pretpostavljam da je na starim jedrenjacima bilo vrlo teško čistiti kormi la i kobilice pa su valjda danima bili zarobljeni, okovani teškim teretom nakupljene trave. U kombinaciji s even tualnom bezvjetricom i ekvatorijalnim suncem to mora da je bio pakao.

Clear night sky is studded with beautiful clouds, pret ty as a picture. They move from east to west, and un der larger clouds the wind always picks up. It is warm, pleasantly warm as opposed to the daytime heat. The wind is warm and so is even the sea, which sometimes splashes over you as you sit at the helm.

ACI No.1 // Ivica Kostelić

at a 125-130 true-wind angle, which, combined with the favourable sea conditions, resulted in an all-night racing at an average speed of about 15 knots.

Dragi Preploviliprijatelji!smo

30 November 2021

My dear friends!

29. 11. 2021.

Svakogvječnima.iole produhovljenog čovjeka prelazak oceana preplavi oceanom emocija, posebno kada je taj prela zak začinjen natjecateljskom strašću i naporom. Sada ću pustiti da me obuzme čar spokoja koji nastane kada se nakon 22 dana jurnjave odjednom zaustavite, kada gr mljavinu krijeste zamijeni tišina sigurne luke, kada blagi noćni povjetarac šapne umornom mornaru: mirno spa vaj. 

The show took place at night (at my place, rock ’n’ roll is most often played at night), so the darkness additionally sharpened all the senses. The wild game ended with my new personal record: 323 nautical miles covered within 24 hours with an average speed of 13.2 knots.

Travelling across the ocean, any even remotely sophisti cated person is overwhelmed by an ocean of emotions, especially when the journey is spiced up with competi tive passion and effort. Now, I will allow to be overcome by the allure of the calm that sets in when after 22 days of racing you suddenly stop; when the thunder of a wave crest is replaced by the silence of a safe harbour; when a gentle night breeze whispers to a tired sailor: sleep peacefully. 

Protekla noć prošla je u dosad neviđenoj jurnjavi. Kao da je Atlantik pripremao velik vatromet za kraj, poklopili su se uvjeti za rekordne brojke. I nije bilo nekog spekta kularnog vjetra, 20-25 čvorova, ali se pogodilo da smo morali jedriti relativno oštro pod kutom 125-130 od pra vog vjetra, što je u kombinaciji s povoljnim stanjem mora rezultiralo cjelonoćnom jurnjavom s prosjekom brzine od oko 15 čvorova.

Predstava se odvijala po noći (kod mene se najčešće rock'n'roll svira po noći) pa je mrak dodatno nabrusio sva osjetila. Divlja partija završila je mojim novim osob nim dosegom: 323 nautičke milje prevaljene u roku od 24 sata s prosjekom brzine od 13,2 čvora.

We have sailed the ocean, creating a long wake be hind us. It is man’s destiny that this wake, like any other trace of a human being, is short-lived. The waves have already covered our track and all that remains is a story; it outlives our tracks and makes them eternal.

30. 11. 2021.

ocean, ostavili smo dugu brazdu iza nas. Čovjekova je sudbina da ta brazda, kao i svaki drugi nje gov trag, kratko traje. Valovi su već poklopili našu rutu i ostaje samo priča; ona nadživi naše tragove i učini ih

Kod Gorana Ivaniševića ništa se ne može odvijati na normalan način. Kao što je u jednom od najluđih finala osvojio naslov u Wimbledonu kada se to više nitko nije nadao, tako je i primanje u Kuću slavnih odgođeno godinu dana zbog pandemije.





Fotografije / Photos: ATP Umag

Gorana je 17. srpnja 2021. među teniske besmrtnike putem videolinka uveo njegov idol iz djetinjstva John McEnroe, tek nekoliko dana nakon što je obilježeno 20 godina od sportskog blockbustera u All England Clubu. Citirat ćemo reportera BBC-ja koji je nakon Ivaniševićeva naslova na londonskoj travi s olakšanjem izustio: „At last, he did it” (konačno je uspio, op.a). Odjeven ležerno, u bijelu košulju i crno odijelo bez kravate, te srpanjske subotnje večeri održao je pravi goranovski govor. Topao i duhovit, emotivan i poučan. Govor o jednoj fascinantnoj sportskoj karijeri.


With Goran Ivanišević, nothing happens in the usual way. He won Wimbledon in one of its craziest finals, when all hopes seemed to be lost, and his induction into the Hall of Fame was delayed by a year due to the pandemic. On 17 July 2021 Goran joined the ranks of tennis immortals, with his childhood idol John McEnroe inducting him via video link, just days after the 20th anniversary of Goran's resounding win at the All England Club. We will quote a BBC reporter who, following Ivanišević's victory on London's court, said with relief: 'At last, he did it'. Dressed casually in a white shirt and a black suit with no tie, he gave a real Goranesque speech on that Saturday night in July – warm and funny, emotional and enlightening; a speech about a fascinating sports career.



In 2001, he entered his favourite tournament as a wild card, with out any expectations – like a former actor who thought the best days were behind him. But someone had different plans. The road to the stars is paved with good intentions. Until the epic final with Patrick Rafter, he produced a string of victories beating Fredrik Jonsson, Carlos Moya, Andy Roddick, Greg Rusedski, Marat Safin, and, finally, Tim Henman in a three-day semi-final that made the whole of Great Britain cry. And then came People's Monday, with a football stadium atmosphere and the last game of the match, in which Goran's whole life was condensed. The fourth match point was lucky. Australia's Patrick Rafter hit a forehand return into the net following the second serve. The Croatian tennis player, who was then ranked 125th by the ATP, won the world's largest and most important tournament as a wild card, the first and only one in history.

'More than 40 years ago I set out on this amazing journey from a small town in Split, Croatia, and I'm finishing it now in Newport. If I have made it to the Hall of Fame from one small street, then all kids need to know that they can do anything they want if they work hard. I thank the Wimbledon committee for giving me a wild card. I don't know if they did a good job and if they regret it now, but thank you guys – if it hadn't been for you, I wouldn't have made it to Newport. It was a good decision. One match changes your life, your career, everything.'

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„Prije više od 40 godina započeo sam ovo nevjerojatno putovanje iz malog grada Splita u Hrvatskoj i završavam ga u Newportu. Ako sam ja iz jedne malene ulice uspio stići do Kuće slavnih, onda sva djeca moraju znati da mogu napraviti sve što žele ako naporno rade. Zahvaljujem wimbledonskom odboru što mi je dodijelio po zivnicu. Ne znam jesu li obavili dobar posao i žale li zbog toga, ali hvala vam, dečki. Da nije bilo vas, ne bih došao do Newporta. Bila je to dobra odluka. Jedan meč promijeni ti život, karijeru, sve.”

Te 2001. godine ušao je na najdraži turnir s pozivnicom. Bez ikak vih očekivanja. Poput bivše glumačke zvijezde koja je mislila da su najbolji dani iza njega. No netko je imao drugačije planove. Put do zvijezda posut je dobrim namjerama. Do epskog finala s Patric kom Rafterom nanizao je Fredrika Jonssona, Carlosa Moyu, An dyja Roddicka, Grega Rusedskog, Marata Safina i Tima Henmana u trodnevnom polufinalu koji je rasplakao cijelu Veliku Britaniju. A onda je stigao People’s Monday, atmosfera kao na nogometnom stadionu i posljednji gem meča u koji je stao cijeli Goranov život. Četvrta meč-lopta bila je sretna. Forhend nakon drugog servisa Australac Patrick Rafter zapucao je u mrežu. Hrvatski tenisač koji je tada bio 125. na ATP ljestvici kao prvi i jedini u povijesti osvojio je najveći i najvažniji svjetski turnir s pozivnicom. „Vjerojatno više nikada nitko s pozivnicom neće osvojiti Wimble don, a zbog krova više se takva atmosfera neće ponoviti. Bilo je ludo. Mješavina rock koncerta i nogometne utakmice. Uvijek sam

Prije više od 40 godina započeo sam ovo putovanje iz malog grada Splita u Hrvatskoj i završavam ga u Newportu. Ako sam ja iz jedne malene ulice uspio stići do Kuće slavnih, onda sva djeca moraju znati da mogu napraviti sve što žele ako naporno rade

More than 40 years ago, I set out on this journey from a small town of Split, Croatia, and I'm finishing it now in Newport. If I have made it to the Hall of Fame from one small street, then all kids need to know that they can do anything they want if they work hard.

„To je još jedan prilog tezi da kod mene ništa nije bilo normalno i da u mojoj karijeri nije bilo sredine. Možda bih trebao diplomirati psi hologiju jer sam si pomogao da pobijedim i da se smirim i učinim nešto drugačije. To je također nekako nevjerojatno. Lansirao sam priču o tri Gorana, dobrom, lošem i onome koga zove u pomoć.

zadivljen i iznenađen koliko je taj Wimbledon, čak i sada kada je prošlo 20 godina, promijenio živote ljudi, promijenio moj život.” Gdje ste bili 9. srpnja 2001. godine? Većina u Hrvatskoj na to će vam pitanje spremno odgovoriti: Gledali smo Gorana. Poseban dio vašeg govora u Newportu bio je posvećen navijačima… „Bilo je frustrirajuće, bilo je tužno, vjerojatno se mnogo ljudi ra zvelo zbog mene. No jedno je sigurno – bilo je zabavno biti moj navijač. Mislim da ću ostati zapamćen kao Goran, zanimljiv tenisač s kojim nikada nije bilo dosadno. Čak ni ja u nekim trenucima svoje karijere nisam znao što će se dogoditi. Da, mogao sam biti bolji igrač, ali mogao sam biti i lošiji. Neki kažu da sam mogao osvojiti više Grand Slam turnira. U načelu se slažem, ali isto tako mogao sam i ne osvojiti Wimbledon. Nakon što ste pokušavali osvojiti Wimbledon na konvencionalni način, najbolje što ste uspjeli bila su tri srceparajuća poraza u fi nalima protiv Agassija i Samprasa. Te 2001. stigli ste u London s ozlijeđenim ramenom i slabijim vidom. Igranje u istim čarapama, gledanje Teletubbiesa, parkiranje na istom mjestu u All England Clubu. Sve to zvuči kao priručnik za posebne metode ratovanja?

'A wild card will probably never again win Wimbledon, and, be cause of the roof, that atmosphere will never be recreated. It was crazy. It was a combination of a rock concert and a football game. I'm always surprised and amazed at how much Wimbledon – even now, 20 years later – has changed people's lives, changed my life.'

Where were you on 9 July 2001? Most people in Croatia will an swer immediately: We watched Goran play. A special part of your speech in Newport was dedicated to the fans.

'It was frustrating, it was sad; probably a lot of people got divorced because of me. But one thing is for sure – it was entertaining to be my fan. I think I'll be remembered as Goran, an interesting ten nis player who was never boring to be around with. Even I didn't know what was going to happen at certain points in my career. Yes, I could have been a better player, but I could also have been a worse one. Some say I could have won more Grand Slam tour naments. In principle, I agree, but I could also not have won Wim Tryingbledon.'to win Wimbledon in the conventional way, the best you managed was three heartbreaking defeats in the finals against Agassi and Sampras. In 2001, you arrived in London with an in jured shoulder and eyesight problems. Wearing the same pair of socks, watching the Teletubbies, parking in the same spot at the All England Club – all this sounds a bit like a manual for special methods of warfare?

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'Looking through the prism of my behaviour on the court, people never thought of me, never imagined me, as a coach. I was the way I was on the court, and based on that, they wondered what kind of coach I was going to be. When they meet me, they change their minds. I'm quite withdrawn, I don't like to talk much, I'm calm, I keep to myself, I watch what's going on from the sidelines. It's a lot easier to be a tennis player than a coach, but in the end, I'll probably be a better coach than I was a tennis player. I've had the privilege of working and winning Grand Slams with top players. 

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Mislim da ću ostati zapamćen kao Goran, zanimljiv tenisač s kojim nikada nije bilo dosadno. Čak ni ja u nekim trenucima svoje karijere nisam znao što će se dogoditi. Bilo je frustrirajuće, bilo je tužno, vjerojatno se mnogo ljudi razvelo zbog mene. No jedno je sigurno – bilo je zabavno biti moj

Kakav je Goran Ivanišević kao trener?

„Kroz prizmu mog ponašanja na terenu ljudi me nikada nisu per cipirali i zamišljali u ulozi trenera. Na terenu sam bio takav kakav sam bio i na temelju toga su se pitali kakav ću biti trener. Kad me upoznaju, mijenjaju mišljenje. Dosta sam povučen, ne volim puno govoriti, miran sam, ne diram se u ljude, sa strane gledam što se događa. Puno je lakše biti tenisač nego trener, ali na kraju ću vjero jatno biti bolji trener nego što sam bio tenisač. Imao sam privilegij raditi i osvajati Grand Slamove s vrhunskim igračima. Svoju prvu Grand Slam pobjedu u ulozi trenera, s Čilićem na US Openu 2014., nikada neću zaboraviti.” 

You played against many great players, but somehow it seems that the one who marked your tennis career the most was Pete Sam 'Somepras.

of them ruined my life. Almost. All of them made me a better player. And Sampras? Mr Sampras. A great champion and a good guy. I'm extremely proud to have played in his time, to have played against him, and to have shared a dressing room with him. I had a feeling he was one step ahead at almost every moment. I played great matches, but Pete got crucial points. The story repeated it self, over and over again, as in the film Groundhog Day. Saying that he ruined my career may be a bit too hard, but what it would have been like if it hadn't been for him, I'll never know.'

Ljudi su se počeli smijati, a onda sam rekao zašto ne. Pomagali su mi tijekom mečeva. Malo sam razgovarao sa sobom, s druga dva Gorana. Na kraju je to postala nevjerojatna priča. Humorom sam najviše pomogao sam sebi. Nakon 20 godina i dalje me pitaju koji je Goran ovdje. Samo jedan. Dovoljan je jedan. Tu je bilo najmanje riječ o tenisu, udaranju forhenda i bekhenda. Vjerojatno su mi tre bala tri Gorana da osvojim Wimbledon. S jednim Goranom to nisam mogao učiniti, pa sam trebao stvoriti nešto posebno. Igrali ste protiv mnogih velikih igrača, ali čini nam se da vam je Pete Sampras obilježio karijeru.

'It's another proof that nothing was normal with me and that there was no middle ground in my career. Maybe I should get a degree in psychology, because I helped myself win, calm down and do something different. It's also kind of amazing. I started the story about three Gorans: the good, the bad and the emergency one. People found it amusing, and then I said, “Why not?” Those three helped me during the matches. I talked to myself a little bit, to the other two Gorans. In the end, it became an amazing story. Through humour, I helped myself the most. After 20 years, they still ask me, which Goran is here? Just one. One is enough. It was the least about tennis, hitting forehands and backhands. I probably needed three Gorans to win Wimbledon. With one Goran, I couldn't win it, so I needed to create something special.'

„Neki od njih uništili su mi život. Umalo. Svi su me učinili boljim igračem. A Sampras? Gospodin Sampras. Velik šampion i dobar momak. Iznimno sam ponosan što sam igrao u njegovoj eri, što sam igrao protiv njega i dijelio s njim svlačionicu. Imao sam osjećaj da je gotovo u svakom trenutku bio korak ispred. Znao sam igrati sjajne mečeve, ali Pete je dobivao ključne poene. Priča se nasta vila ponavljati, iznova i iznova, kao u onom filmu ‚Beskrajan dan’. Reći da mi je uništio karijeru možda je preteška riječ, ali kako bi mi to izgledalo da ga nije bilo, to nikad neću znati.”

What is Goran Ivanišević like as a coach?

InavijačthinkI'll be remembered as Goran, an interesting tennis player who was never boring to be around with. Even I didn't know what was going to hap pen at certain points in my career. It was frustrating, it was sad; probably a lot of people got divorced because of me. But one thing is for sure – it was entertaining to be my fan


Prva hrvatska svjetska prvakinja u džudu za naš magazin govori o svojim strastima i izazovima, džudu kao stilu života

First Croatian world judo champion talks to us about her passions and challenges, judo as a lifestyle and other topics

Fotografije / Photos: Ivo Čagalj / PIXSELL

Prema riječima oca džuda Kanōa Jigorōa: „Judo je put do najučinkovitijeg korištenja fizičke i duhovne snage. Uvježbavajući vas u napadima i obrani, oplemenjuje vaše tijelo i vašu dušu i pomaže vam da duhovnu bit džuda učinite dijelom svojeg bića. Tako se možete usavršiti i pridonijeti svijetu nešto vrijedno. To je konačni cilj džuda kao discipline.” U čari te prekrasne borilačke vještine kao klinka se zaljubila i Barbara Matić. Prva hrvatska svjetska prvakinja u džudu za naš je magazin progovorila o najvećim izazovima karijere, tatamiju kao načinu života, moru i Mediteranu.




According to the father of Judo, Kanō Jigorō: 'Judo is the way to the most effective use of both physical and spiritual strength. By training you in attacks and defences, it refines your body and your soul and helps you make the spiritual essence of Judo a part of your being. In this way you are able to perfect yourself and contribute something of value to the world. This is the final goal of Judo Barbaradiscipline.'Matić is one of the people who fell in love with the magic of this beautiful martial art as a kid. The first Croatian world judo champion talks to us about the biggest challenges of her career, judo as a way of life, the sea and the Mediterranean.


Kako ste se počeli baviti džudom?

You won the first senior judo medal for Croatia – the world gold. Can you remember what it's like to stand on the highest step of a winners' podium?

When I think of it now, I get goosebumps and I'm over come with emotion. It's surreal and beautiful. It's the most beautiful dream come true, a feeling which can only be surpassed by happiness and satisfaction at win ning the Olympic medal, hopefully the gold one in Paris in 2024. To listen to the national anthem in the world's biggest competition, surrounded by top judokas, know ing that I would always be the first world judo champion from Croatia... That's what you live and train for. I remem

Bilo je to u prvom razredu osnovne škole na splitskim Pujankama kada su treneri Vladimir i Slavko Preradović došli na sat tjelesnog i pokazali nam džudo. Više od 20 godina poslije oni su mi i dalje treneri i gradimo lijepu priču. Svidjelo mi se jer sam se družila sa super ljudima, putovala, razvijala se, treninzi su bili raznoliki i sve sam uklopila u svoj život. Zna se spomenuti da sam odabra la džudo umjesto baleta, ali tada su to bile jedine dvi je aktivnosti u sklopu OŠ Pujanki i ja sam se odlučila za džudo jer sam bila mala bucka i nisam se vidjela u haljinicama kako plešem. Odmah mi se svidjelo na tom pokaznom satu, došla sam kući i rekla mami: „Ja hoću trenirati džudo”. I to je bilo to.

Za to se živi i trenira. Prisjetila sam se svih izazova, na pora, odricanja, dragih ljudi koji su mi bili i jesu potpora.

Kad se toga sjetim, prođu me trnci i ispune me emocije. Nestvarno i prekrasno. Ostvarenje najljepših snova koje će nadjačati samo sreća i zadovoljstvo ako osvojim olim pijsku medalju, nadam se zlato, u Parizu 2024. godine. Slušati svoju himnu na najvećem natjecanju na svijetu, okružena vrhunskim džudašicama, sa spoznajom da ću uvijek biti prva svjetska prvakinja iz Hrvatske u džudu...

How did you start practising judo?

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Osvojili ste prvu seniorsku medalju za hrvatski džu do. I to svjetsko zlato. Možete li se prisjetiti kakav je osjećaj stajati na najvišoj stepenici pobjedničkog po stolja?

It was in the first year of primary school, in the Pujanke quarter of Split, when coaches Vladimir and Slavko Pre radović came to one of our PE classes to present judo to us. More than 20 years later, they are still my coaches and we are making nice things happen. I liked judo be cause I could hang out with cool people, travel, grow; the training was diverse and I fit it all into my life. You can hear sometimes that I chose judo over ballet, but back then they were the only two activities in the Pujanke Primary School and I opted for judo because I was a chubby kid and I didn't see myself dancing in tutus. I im mediately liked what I saw in that demonstration class. I came home and said to my mum, 'I want to practise judo'. And that was it.

The hardest and happiest moments of your career, and why?

Najteži je trenutak uvijek ozljeda, kao u 2016. godini, kada na svoje prve Olimpijske igre (Rio de Janeiro) nisam otišla potpuno spre mna, a zatim sam u rujnu iste godine zadobila ozljedu koljena na Grand Prixu Zagreb. U tim ste trenucima nemoćni jer nije sve u vašim rukama i onda je najvažnije dobro psihološki ući u razdoblje oporavka i vratiti se potpuno spremni. Najsretniji mi je svjetsko zla to, kao i još nekoliko uspjeha, poput prvog naslova svjetske junior ske prvakinje (bila sam dva puta svjetska juniorska prvakinja – prvi put 2013. u Ljubljani i drugi put 2014. u Fort Lauderdaleu) kada je sestra Brigita bila sa mnom (i ona je bila tada brončana u svojoj ka

se sastoji od osam vrlina: čast, hrabrost, iskrenost, poštovan je, prijateljstvo, pristojnost, samokontrola i skromnost. Sve je to iznimno potrebno i primjenjivo u svakodnevnom životu Judo

Toliko toga prođe kroz glavu, a što teško možete verbalizirati, nego samo pokažete uz osmijeh i suze radosnice.


Džudo ima

Have you always known that you were destined to achieve great things?

The most difficult moment is always injury, and this was 2016 for me, when I went to my first Olympic Games in Rio de Janeiro with out being fully ready because of an injury, and then, in September of the same year, I suffered a knee injury at the Zagreb Grand Prix. In those moments you are powerless because everything is out of your hands, and the most important thing then is to have good moralni kodeks koji has a moral code consisting of eight values: honour, honesty, respect, courtesy, self-control and esty. All of them are extremely necessary and can be used in everyday


Oduvijek vjerujem u sebe i shvatila sam u najranijoj dobi da sam uporna, spremna na rad i konstantan napredak. Isto tako ne zado voljavam se prosječnim tako da sam znala da ciljam na najveće re zultate i postignuća. Već na prvim natjecanjima bila sam uspješna te su mi izvrsnost i penjanje na najvišu stepenicu postolja postali ljestvica prema kojoj mjerim vlastito postignuće. Uz to nešto što imam urođeno, dodala sam još mnogo više uz rad, trud i zalaganje i taj je spoj rezultirao velikim postignućima. Samo što nisam tip sportašice koja se zadovolji učinjenim, nego znam koliko imam još potencijala i odmah nakon svjetskog zlata nastavila sam raditi da budem još bolja i kvalitetnija džudašica i osoba.

I have always believed in myself and I realised from an early age that I was persistent, ready to work hard and to make constant im provements. Also, I saw that I wasn't settling for the average, and I knew I was aiming for the highest scores and achievements. I was already successful in my first competitions, and then excellence and the top step of the podium became a measure for my own achievement. In addition to something I have inborn, I added a lot more, through work, effort and commitment, and then this whole mix brought about great results. Only, I'm not the type of athlete who settles for what's been done; I know how much more potential I have in me, so after winning the world gold I immediately started to practise in order to be an even better and finer judoka and a person as a whole.

Jeste li oduvijek znali da vam je suđeno da ostvarite velika po stignuća?


bered all the challenges, efforts, sacrifices, nice people who were, and still are, supportive of me. So much goes through your head, which is hard to put into words, so you just show it with a smile and tears of joy.

Najteži i najsretniji trenutak karijere i zašto?

life ACI No.1 // Barbara Matić 81

Džudo me naučio da više toga mogu istrpjeti, ali bez trpljenja, nego prihvaćanjem. Viši je prag tolerancije, veća je koncentraci ja, ne reagira se na sitnice, pogotovo na ono na što se ne može utjecati. Džudo ima moralni kodeks koji se sastoji od osam vrlina: čast, hrabrost, iskrenost, poštovanje, prijateljstvo, pristojnost, sa mokontrola i skromnost. Sve je to iznimno potrebno i primjenjivo u svakodnevnom životu, tako da su mi svaki trening i svaki izazov na tatamiju donijeli i mnogo toga za život izvan tatamija. Diplomirali ste na Fakultetu elektrotehnike, strojarstva i brodo gradnje u Splitu. Koliko je bilo teško uskladiti sport i fakultet? Često me pitaju o tome uz opis da je to odricanje. Ne gledam to sve kao odricanje, nego stil života koji volim i u kojem želim biti najbolja. Uživam i u napornom treningu i u putovanjima. Naravno da mi nije sve u točno tom trenutku gušt, ali kada promotrim sve iz šire slike, užitak je cijeli proces koji vodi do uspjeha. Sve se može uskladiti, pogotovo što sam imala veliko razumijevanje čelnih ljudi

psychological strategies during rehabilitation and to come back fully ready. My happiest moment is the world's gold, as well as a few other successes, for example, winning the first world junior title. I am a two-time world junior champion: I won the first title in Ljubljana in 2013 and the second in Fort Lauderdale in 2014, when my sister, Brigita, was also there (and won bronze in her category), and we won the bronze medal as a team. I remember this con test fondly, particularly the emotional and enthusiastic welcome in Split, in Pujanke.

Opis džuda na svjetskoj razini jest „više od sporta”, a meni je džudo stil života. Osim što na japanskom znači „nježan put”, vidjela sam toliko djece i mladih koji zbog džuda dobiju kvalitetnije postavke u životu – od poštovanja drugih svojih godina, starijih osoba, trenera i sudaca do poštovanja treninga i rada. Nedavno je Međunarodna judo federacija nominirala moje osvajanje svjetskog zlata među pet najdogađaja u džudaškoj godini. Kada vidite da su među tim događajima situacije kada protivnice na tatamiju pomažu jedna drugoj i pokazuju koliko poštuju jedna drugu, to je najbolji poka zatelj što je džudo. Preko džuda upoznala sam prekrasne ljude, prijatelje i prijateljice za cijeli život i stekla kvalitetne radne navike.

The description of judo on a global scale is 'More than sport', and to me judo is a lifestyle. Its meaning in Japanese is the 'gentle way', and I have seen many times that practising judo teaches children and young people core values. They develop a sense of respect for their peers, older people, coaches and referees; they start ap preciating training and work. Recently, the International Judo Fed eration nominated my world gold win among the five best events of the judo year. When you see that among these events there are situations when the opponents on the tatami help each other, showing how much they respect each other, then this is the best indication of what judo is. Through judo, I met great people, friends for life, and gained a strong work ethic.

What things that you practise on the tatami can be used in everyday life?

Što se s tatamija može primijeniti u svakodnevnom životu?

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Judo taught me that I can put up with more, but without suffering, through acceptance. My tolerance threshold is higher, my concen tration is better and I don't react to inconsequential things, espe cially to those I can't change. Judo has a moral code consisting of eight values: honour, courage, honesty, respect, friendship, cour tesy, self-control and modesty. All of them are extremely neces sary and can be used in everyday life, so every training and every challenge on the tatami has also brought me a lot that I can apply to life outside judo.

tegoriji i ekipno smo bile brončane). I taj turnir ostao mi je u lijepom pamćenju i s posebno emotivnim i vatrenim dočekom u Splitu, na Pujankama.

Možete li svojim riječima opisati što vam znači džudo?

Can you describe in your own words what judo means to you?

Nima Splita do Splita. Proputovala sam zaista mnogo i veselim se svakom novom mjestu, ali biti u Splitu – to je moj najveći gušt. 

Do you have a place in the Adriatic that is just to your liking and why?

Imati obitelj, djecu i guštati s ostatkom obitelji i prijateljima. I raditi u struci (magistar elektrotehnike).

Imate li planova nakon sportske karijere?

Since my dad, Boris, is a seaman by profession, a ship captain, the sea and the Mediterranean have deeply been woven into me and they play an important part in my life: from enjoying the Mediterra nean food, relaxing in the sea and the sun, enjoying the summer, to savouring a cup of coffee in the shade. I use my every free mo ment to be near the sea and in the sun, so my whole life would be completely different if there wasn't this Mediterranean touch to it.

To have a standard, 'regular' family, children, and to enjoy with my family and friends. And work in my chosen profession (I have a Master's in Electrical Engineering).

Tata Boris kapetan je broda pa su more i Mediteran duboko utkani u mene i imaju važnu ulogu u mojem životu – od mediteranske hrane preko opuštanja u moru i na suncu, uživanja tijekom ljeta do kave u hladu za gušt

My dad, Boris, is a ship captain, so the sea and the Mediterranean have deeply been woven into me and play an important part in my life: from enjoying the Mediterranean food, relaxing in the sea and the sun, enjoying the summer, to savouring a cup of coffee in the shade

Do you have plans after your sports career?

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Naš se magazin, među ostalim, bavi morem i brodovima. Kao ro đenoj Splićanki kakvu je ulogu imao Mediteran u vašem životu? Budući da mi je tata Boris profesionalno moreplovac (kapetan bro da), more i Mediteran duboko su utkani u mene i imaju važnu ulogu u mojem životu – od mediteranske hrane preko opuštanja u moru i na suncu, uživanja tijekom ljeta i kave u hladu za gušt. Svaki slo bodni trenutak iskoristim uz more i na suncu tako da moj život ne bi bio isti da nisam dio mediteranskog štiha.

FESB-a i svojih profesora. Također, takva sam da čega se primim to i odradim pa mi nije bio problem učiti na putovanjima ili ne otići na druženje s prijateljima jer mi je uskoro bio ispit. Sad kada sam diplomirala pomažem drugima držeći instrukcije.

I'm often asked about it, the implication being it's a sacrifice. I don't see it as a sacrifice, but a lifestyle that I love and want to be the best in. I enjoy both hard training and travel. Of course, not everything is fun at any given moment, but when I look at a bigger picture, the pleasure of it is in the whole process that leads to success. Everything can be balanced, especially since the management of the FESB and my teachers showed me great consideration. Also, I'm the kind of person who finishes what she's started, so I had no problem studying while travelling, or not meeting my friends because I had to study for an exam. Now that I've graduated, I'm tutoring others.

Split is the best. I have travelled a lot and I look forward to every new place, but being in Split – that's really my thing. 

Among other things, our magazine is about the sea and boats. As a native of Split, what role did the Mediterranean have in your life?

You graduated from the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Me chanical Engineering and Naval Architecture (FESB) in Split. How hard was it to balance sports and studies?

Imate li neko mjesto na Jadranu koje je baš po vašem guštu i zašto?

KORČULA HILL & LA BANYA Korčula Hill kompleks je luksuzno opremljenih apartmana u Žrnovskoj Banji, 2 kilometra od starog grada Korčule. Korčula Hill is a complex of luxury apartments in Žrnovska Banja, 2 km from the old town of Korčula. Fotografije / Photos: Antonio Bokšić 84

Naši gosti uživaju u svim blagodatima i pogodnostima smješta ja koji jamče opuštajući boravak i nezaboravan odmor. Apartmani pružaju maksimalnu udobnost, a gostima su na ras polaganju i razne usluge čiji je cilj potpuna relaksacija 24 sata dnevno. Neovisno o tome planirate li kraći ili duži boravak, naš smještaj osigurava bogato opremljene kuhinje, luksuzne ku paonice i udobne dnevne boravke, a prostrana terasa i pano ramski pogled omogućuju opuštanje i uživanje u najljepšem pogledu na modro plavetnilo i zalazak sunca.

In addition to amazing accommodation, we offer high-speed op tic-fibre wireless internet, an underground parking, guest support services, the La’Banya Restaurant & Beach Bar, a tennis court with a US Open surface – a place where world tennis champions train – a basketball court, a gym, a children’s zone, an electric vehicle charging station, and two outdoor pools with a beautiful view of the Žrnovska Banja Bay and the Pelješac Peninsula. To our guests, we offer a speedboat shuttle service or a panoramic electric ve hicle shuttle service to the town of Korčula, as well as speedboat trips to nearby islands such as Mljet, Lastovo, Hvar, Brač, or the cities of Dubrovnik and Split. The location, offer and modern elegance of the Korčula Hill luxuri ous apartments will make your stay unforgettable!

Our guests enjoy all the advantages and benefits of accommo dation that offers a relaxing stay and an unforgettable holiday. The apartments not only offer maximum comfort, but also pro vide the guests with a variety of services that aim to ensure your complete relaxation 24 hours a day. For short or longer stays, our serviced accommodation comes fully furnished with well-equipped kitchens, luxurious bathrooms and comfortable living rooms, while the spacious terraces allow you to relax and enjoy the breathtaking panoramic view of the blue sea and the sunset.

ACI No.1 // Korčula Hill 85

Uz predivan smjestaj nudimo pristup brzom optičkom Wi-Fi-ju, podzemni parking, usluge podrške gostima, restoran-beach bar „La Banya“, teren za tenis s podlogom US Open- a na kojem treni raju svjetski teniski prvaci, košarkaško igralište, teretanu, zonu za djecu, punionicu za elektricna vozila, dva vanjska bazena s pre krasnim pogledom na uvalu Žrnovska Banja i poluotok Pelješac. Gostima osiguravamo vožnju do grada Korčule brzim gliserima ili panoramskim elektricnim vozilima a takoder u ponudi imaju izlete brzim gliserima za obližnje otoke kao sto su Mljet, Lastovo, Hvar, Brač ili gradovima Dubrovniku i Splitu. Lukksuzni apartmani Korčula Hill sa svojom lokacijom,ponudom i modernom elegancijom će vaš boravak uciniti nezaboravnim!

La’Banya is your dream holiday paradise! 

Inspiriran željom za istraživanjem mediteranske regije, restoran La'Banya brušeni je dragulj koji ne smijete zaobići tijekom boravka u našem resortu ili na otoku Korčuli.


Dok Jadransko more šapuće o obali, doživite zanosne arome iz spektakularne otvorene kuhinje i uživajte u laganom ručku ili ro mantičnoj večeri. Autentični sastojci ispunjavaju nepca okusima, a moderne kulinarske tehnike mame drage goste i nautičare koji traže izvrsna jela u egzotičnom okruženju s prekrasnim pogledom na more ili siguran vez na pontonu i bovama neposredno ispred Uživajterestorana.u svježoj i jednostavnoj mediteranskoj kuhinji poput ribe, tjestenine, hrskavih pizza, raznih salata, burgera i slastica uz prat nju nagrađivanih vrhunskih hrvatskih vina, najboljih sladnih viskija ili naših prepoznatljivih koktela.

Opustite se na našoj popularnoj ljuljački u moru, plivajte, uživajte u raznim sportskim aktivnostima, pijuckajte pjenušce u bazenu ili se hedonistički sunčajte u prirodnom dekoru maslina i mora. La Banya je vaš raj za odmor iz snova! 

Experience and enjoy the fresh and simple Mediterranean cuisine, such as fish, pasta, crispy pizzas, various salads, burgers and des serts paired with Croatian award-wining quality wines, the best malt whiskies or our famous cocktails.


The relaxed atmosphere and the view of the coast make the sunny terrace of the La’Banya Restaurant & Beach Bar the perfect place to start and end your day while on holiday in this part of the Adri atic Inspiredparadise.bythe

While the Adriatic Sea whispers to the shore, savour the mouth-wa tering aromas from the spectacular open kitchen and enjoy a light lunch or a romantic dinner. Authentic ingredients offering an explo sion of palate-pleasing flavours and modern culinary techniques make La’Banya the perfect choice for our dear guests and boaters looking for delicious dishes in an exotic environment that boasts a beautiful view of the sea and safe berths on the floating jetty or buoys right in front of the restaurant.

Opuštena atmosfera i pogled na obalu aduti su sunčane terase restorana beach bara La’Banya, koji je savršeno mjesto za početak i završetak dana tijekom vašeg odmora provedenog u ovom dijelu jadranskog raja.

desire to explore the Mediterranean region, La’Ban ya restaurant is a precious gem that you should not miss while staying at our resort or on the island of Korčula.

Relax on our popular and recognisable sea swing, swim, enjoy var ious sports activities, sip sparkling wine in the pool or sunbathe hedonistically in the natural environment of olives and the sea.

ACI No.1 // Korčula Hill 86  |  |  |  |  Book your berth easily and quickly! ACI APP & ACI BOOKINGONLINE


Margherita DAMIANI

Fotografije Photos: Damiani


The Margherita collection is inspired by the modern and fascinating Margherita of Savoy, known for its refined beauty, royal poise, and decisive character. This favorite queen fuelled the creativity of Enrico Grassi Damiani who dedicated a precious floral gem to her.

Each piece of Damiani jewelry is a unique work of art made by expert goldsmiths, as a result of unique designs, great attention to detail, and the use of high-quality gems.


ACI No.1 // Damiani Margherita

Queen Margherita's passion for art, as well as the expertise of Damiani jewelers, are united in the rings, bracelets, and necklaces of this collection that subtly combines precious and semi-precious stones, elegant settings, and unusual details, reviving tradition and modernity.

This collection is characterized by a completely handmade floral element that awakens the elegance of Margherita, a beautiful flower given in Italy among couples in love to express their connection. The linear and geometric design is adorned with blissful gems carefully selected by expert goldsmiths of Valenza. Harmoniously delicate and romantic, with bright combinations of gold and diamond colors, amethyst and sapphire, this collection gives its creations a refined and timeless appeal. Explore this exciting collection of Damiani diamond jewelry at the Mamić 1970 boutique in Frane Petric 7 Street in Zagreb. 

Ovu kolekciju karakterizira u potpunosti ručno izrađen cvjetni element koji budi eleganciju ivančice (tal. Margherita), prekrasnog cvijeta koji se u Italiji daruju među zaljubljenim parovima kako bi iskazali svoju povezanost. Linearan i geometrijski dizajn ukrašen je blistavim draguljima koje su pomno odabrali stručni zlatari Valenze. Skladno nježna i romantična, svijetlih kombinacija boja zlata i dijamanata, ametista i safira, ova kolekcija svojim kreacijama daje profinjenu i bezvremensku privlačnost. Istražite ovu uzbudljivu kolekciju dijamantnog nakita Damiani u butiku Mamić 1970 u Ulici Frane Petrića u Zagrebu. 

je strast prema umjetnosti kraljice Margherite kao i stručnosti zlatara draguljarske kuće Damiani ujedinjena u prstenju, narukvicama i ogrlicama ove kolekcije koja profinjeno spaja drago i poludrago kamenje, elegantna ležišta i neobične detalje, oživljavajući tradiciju i suvremenost.

Kolekcija Margherita inspirirana je modernom i fascinantnom Margheritom Savojskom, poznatom po svojoj profinjenoj ljepoti, kraljevskoj ravnoteži i odlučnom karakteru. Ova omiljena kraljica potaknula je kreativnost Enrica Grassija Damianija koji joj je posvetio dragocjeni cvjetni Upravodragulj.

Svaki komad nakita Damiani jedinstveno je umjetničko djelo koji su napravili stručni zlatari, kao rezultat jedinstvenih dizajna, velike pažnje detaljima i korištenjem visokokvalitetnih dragulja.


Fotografije / Photos: Chaumet

Zbog svog grafičkog i senzualnog dizajna, kolekcija Bee My Love kroz nekoliko je godina postala najprepoznatljivija i najpopularnija kolekcija draguljarske kuće Chaumet. Prstenje, naušnice, ogrlice i

Maison Chaumet connects its 240-year history with French history and Napoleon and Joséphine, of whom he was the official jeweler. The bee, which was a symbol of the imperial family, has been used as a motif since Chaumet founder Marie-Etienne Nitot first designed naturalistic jewelry for this imperial couple, thus laying the foundations for the Bee My Love collection design.

ACI No.1 // Chaumet Bee My Love 91


Draguljarska kuća Chaumet svoju 240 godina dugu povijest povezuje s francuskom poviješću i Napoleonom i Joséphine, čiji je bio službeni draguljar. Pčela, koja je bila simbol carske obitelji, koristila se kao motiv od doba kada je osnivač tvrtke Chaumet, Marie-Etienne Nitot, prvi puta osmislio naturalistički nakit za ovaj imperijalni par, i time postavio temelje dizajna kolekcije Bee My Love.

Trendovi u modi često se mijenjaju, ali ono što je vječno su kvalitetna izrada i dijamanti. Upravo te značajke krase kreacije pariške draguljarske kuće Chaumet koje svakoj ženi donose dašak Pariza i bezvremenskog stila.

Due to its graphic and sensual design, in a few years the Bee My Love collection has become the most recognizable and popular collection of the Chaumet jewelry house. Rings, earrings, necklaces, and bracelets can be worn separately, but

Fashion trends change often, but what is eternal are quality workmanship and diamonds. These features adorn the creations of the Parisian jewelry house Chaumet, which brings a touch of Paris and timeless style to every woman.


also mixed, which allows you to create different combinations with the same pieces of jewelry, revealing the playful spirit of the collection. Due to these countless possibilities of matching, this collection is suitable for every day, but also for celebrating special moments such as weddings and Withengagements.theBeeMy Love collection, Chaumet celebrates shimmering pieces of jewelry with a famous honeycomb design. With their timeless style, Bee My Love creations are an invitation to joyful and spontaneous self-expression through various combinations of jewelry in the most precious materials.

Zaronite u svijet ovih dra gocjenih komada nakita ispunjenih svjetlošću, gdje je motiv košnice ispunjen dijamantima, a saće su pretvorene u zlato. Dive into the world of these precious pieces of jewelry filled with light, where the hive motif is filled with diamonds and the honeycombs are turned into gold.

Zbog tih bezbrojnih mogućnosti slaganja ova je kolekcija prikladna za svaki dan, ali i za obilježavanje posebnih trenutaka poput vjenčanja i zaruka.

S kolekcijom Bee My Love, Chaumet slavi svjetlucave komade nakita sa poznatim dizajnom saća. Svojim bezvremenskim stilom kreacije Bee My Love pozivnica su na radosno i spontano samo-izražavanje kroz razne kombinacije nakita u najdragocjenijim materijalima.


No.1 // Chaumet Bee My Love 93

narukvice mogu se nositi zasebno, ali i nizati zajedno, što omogućava kreiranje različitih kombinacija s istim komadima nakita otkrivajući razigran duh kolekcije.

kolekciju Bee My Love prestižne draguljarske kuće Chaumet istražite u butiku Mamić 1970 u centru Zagreba u Ulici Frane Petrića 7. 

Svi komadi nakita dolaze u 18-karatnom ružičastom, žutom ili bijelom zlatu, kao i u raznim verzijama ukrašavanja s dijamantima koji svojom kvalitetom i bojom spadaju u najviše kategorije Uzbudljivudijamanata.

All pieces of jewelry come in 18 ct pink, yellow or white gold, as well as in various versions of jewelry with diamonds, which with their quality and color belong to the highest categories of Explorediamonds.the exciting Bee My Love collection of the prestigious Maison Chaumet at the Mamić 1970 boutique in the centre of Zagreb at Frane Petrić 7 Street. 

To emphasize the beauty, uniqueness, and style of every woman, Messika designed a special jewelry collection called Lucky Move. This modern collection in 18 ct gold, is inspired by medallions that bring good luck combined with diamonds in motion, which the house is famous for. In the Lucky Move Color variant, precious diamonds are combined with medallions in semiprecious stones, such as turquoise, mother-of-pearl, carnelian, and onyx, bringing a touch of color to this recognizable line.

Dijamanti su često zamišljeni kao nakit za posebne prilike i označavanje posebnih trenutaka. Međutim, Valérie Messika, osnivačica kuće dijamantnog nakita Messika donosi potpuno novu percepciju dijamanata –svakodnevno nošenje i beskrajno kombiniranje raznih kolekcija!


Kako bi naglasila ljepotu, jedinstvenost i stil svake žene, Messika je osmislila posebnu kolekciju nakita nazvanu Lucky Move. Ova moderna kolekcija u 18-karatnom zlatu inspirirana je medaljonima koji donose sreću u kombinaciji s dijamantima u pokretu po kojima je kuća poznata. U varijanti Lucky Move Color, dragocjeni dijamanti spojeni su s medaljonima u poludragom kamenju, poput tirkiza, sedefa, karneola i oniksa, donoseći dašak boje ovoj prepoznatljivoj kolekciji.


Each stone symbolizes one type of energy and character, so the process of choosing a color is deeply connected to what a person is.

Fotografije / Photos: Messika

Svaki kamen simbolizira određenu vrstu energije i karaktera, stoga je sam proces odabira boje duboko povezan s onim što

Diamonds are often perceived as jewelry for special occasions and for marking special moments. However, Valérie Messika, the founder of the diamond Maison Messika, brings a completely new perception of diamonds - everyday wear and an endless combination of various collections!

ACI No.1 // Messika Lucky Move

Messika Paris & Kendall Jenner - Lucky Move; Fotografija / Photo: Chris Colls


osoba uistinu je. Tirkiz primjerice označava osobu koja je slobodnog duha, malahit predstavlja autentičnost, oniks snagu, dok će crveni karneol na prvi pogled odmah prikazati strast i


ACI No.1 // Messika Lucky Move 96

„Tijekom snimanja imala sam mogućnost diviti se raznim prekrasnim komadima nakita koji su mi omogućili uvid u stručnost draguljarske kuće koja se vidi u svakom detalju.“ - Kendall

Messika je ponosno predstavila i novo lice kampanje za 2022. godinu – Kendall Jenner koja je i sama ljubiteljica nakita ove draguljarske kuće. Ovom kampanjom draguljarska kuća Messika potvrđuje svoju snažnu povezanost sa ženama. Tako kreirajući nakit koji se lako nosi i kombinira omogućavajući ženama da žive svaki trenutak onako kako žele, odišući samopouzdanjem i slobodom.

dijamantni nakit draguljarske kuće Messika u Zagrebu u butiku Mamić 1970 u Ulici Frane Petrića 7. 

Kendall Jenner

Explore the diamond jewelry from Maison Messika in Zagreb at the Mamić 1970 boutique in Frane Petrić 7 Street. 

Turquoise, for example, means a freespirited person, malachite represents authenticity, onyx strength, while red carnelian will at first glance immediately show passion and enthusiasm.

„Tijekom snimanja imala sam mogućnost diviti se raznim prekrasnim komadima nakita koji su mi omogućili uvid u stručnost draguljarske kuće koja se vidi u svakom detalju.“

Kendall Jenner

This year, Messika proudly presented the new face of the campaign for 2022 - Kendall Jenner, who is also a lover of jewels from this jewelry house. With this campaign, Messika confirms its strong connection with women. Thus creating jewelry that is easy to wear and combine, enabling women to live every moment the way they want, with self-confidence and freedom.


"During the filming, I had the opportunity to admire a variety of beautiful pieces of jewelry that gave me an insight into the expertise of the jewelry house that is seen in every detail." - Kendall Jenner

"During the filming, I had the opportunity to admire a variety of beautiful pieces of jewelry that gave me an insight into the expertise of the jewelry house that is seen in every detail."

FREE ENTRANCE TO WELCOME TO KORNATI & ACI PIŠKERA!  |  |  |  |  NP KORNATI for all visitors of ACI marina Piškera

Fotografije / Photos: Rolex




Rolex is unveiling its latest creations: watches that shine the light of optimism and innovation on the watchmaking world. In its perpetual quest for excellence, Rolex constantly enhances the aesthetics and technologies of its emblematic timepieces. They are an invitation to push boundaries, to reach ever higher. With, as always, the same promise of outstanding quality thanks to the company’s complete, in-house mastery of watchmaking expertise.


The sky's the limit

ACI No.1 // Rolex 2022



Rolex otkriva svoje najnovije kreacije: satove koji obasjavaju svjetlo optimizma i inovacija u svijetu urarstva. U svojoj neprestanoj potrazi za izvrsnošću, Rolex neprestano poboljšava estetiku i tehnologiju svojih prepoznatljivih satova. Oni su poziv za pomicanje granica, za postizanje „još više“. Uz, kao i uvijek, isto obećanje izvanredne kvalitete zahvaljujući potpunom, internom majstorstvu u izradi satova.

A tribute to explorers of the skies, the Oyster Perpetual Air-King celebrates the pioneers of aviation and invites wearers to take command of their own destiny. This new watch has a completely redesigned case with a crown guard and straight sides like the majority of Professional category models. The proportions of the Oyster bracelet have also been revisited, and the central link has been broadened. In a first for the model, it is equipped with an Oysterlock safety clasp. The watch's display has also been refreshed and is perfectly balanced thanks to the addition of a ‘0’ before the ‘5’ on the minutes scale. Each five-minute interval is, therefore, now marked by two digits. The new generation Air-King benefits from an optimized Chromalight display, guaranteeing maximum legibility in dark conditions, and is equipped with calibre 3230, a movement at the forefront of watchmaking technology, enabling it to display the hours, minutes and seconds.

Odajući počast istraživačima neba, Oyster Perpetual Air-King slavi pionire zrakoplovstva i poziva nositelje sata da preuzmu zapovjedništvo nad svojom sudbinom. Ovaj novi sat ima potpuno redizajnirano kućište sa štitnikom za krunu i ravnim stranama poput većine modela kategorije Professional. Proporcije narukvice su također promijenjene, a posebno je proširen središnji članak, dok je narukvica Oyster opremljena sigurnosnom kopčom Oysterlock. Prikaz sata također je osvježen i savršeno je izbalansiran zahvaljujući dodavanju '0' prije '5' na ljestvici minuta. Svaki petominutni interval je, dakle, sada označen s dvije znamenke. Nova generacija modela Air-King koristi optimizirani prikaz Chromalight, koji jamči maksimalnu čitljivost u mračnim uvjetima, i opremljena je kalibrom 3230, mehanizmom koji je preteča urarske tehnologije, koji omogućuje prikaz sati, minuta i sekundi.

ACI No.1 // Rolex 2022 100

GMT-Master stvoren je za avanturu u zraku. Sada je sat koji je izbor svih putnika, povezujući ljude izvan vremenskih zona. Nova, neočekivana verzija modela Oyster Perpetual GMT-Master II donosi krunicu i štitnik krunice na lijevoj strani kućišta, dok su prozorčić za datum i leća Cyclops također pomaknuti i pojavljuju se na 9 sati. To je zahtijevalo promjenu postupka testiranja preciznosti za neke od završnih kontrola provedenih u sklopu certifikacije Superlative Chronometer. Izrađen u čeliku Oystersteel i opremljen narukvicom Oyster, ovaj sat ima dvobojni monoblok umetak prstena Cerachrom u zelenoj i crnoj keramici – uparivanje boja koje nikad prije nije bilo viđeno na ovom modelu. Nova verzija GMT-Master II opremljena je kalibrom 3285, mehanizmom koji je preteča urarske tehnologije, koji mu omogućuje prikaz sati, minuta, sekundi i datuma, kao i dodatnu vremensku zonu u 24-satnom formatu.

Hvatajući nove obzore


The GMT-Master was made for airborne adventure. Now the watch of choice for travellers, it connects people beyond time zones. On the new, unexpected version of the Oyster Perpetual GMT-Master II the crown and crown guard are on the left side of the watch case, while the date aperture and Cyclops lens have also moved and appear at 9 o’clock. This required changing the precision testing process for some of the final controls carried out as part of the Superlative Chronometer certification. Made in Oystersteel and fitted with an Oyster bracelet, this watch features a two-tone monobloc Cerachrom bezel insert in green and black ceramic - a colour pairing never before seen on this model. The new version of GMT-Master II is equipped with calibre 3285, a movement at the forefront of watchmaking technology, enabling it to display the hours, minutes, seconds and date, as well as an additional time zone in 24-hour format.


Day-Date has always epitomized prestige and innovation. Excusively made from precious metals, it was the first calendar wristwatch to indicate, in addition to the date, the day of the week spelt out in full in a window on the dial.


Rolex is releasing the Oyster Perpetual Day-Date 40 in 950 platinum, which is easily recognizable thanks to the ice-blue dial, with a fluted bezel for the first time. Until now, this striking component has been made only in 18 ct gold, and now it exists in the most prestigious metal available. Producing fluting with the perfect shape and sparkling surfaces was a technical feat that the brand was able to realize thanks to its outstanding expertise. The new version of the Day-Date 40 is equipped with calibre 3255, a movement at the forefront of watchmaking technology, enabling it to display the hours, minutes, seconds, day and date.



Najodvažniji smjer

The boldest course

Day-Date je oduvijek predstavljao prestiž i inovativnost. Izrađen isključivo u plemenitim metalima bio je to prvi kalendarski ručni sat koji je, osim datuma, označio dan u tjednu u cijelosti napisan u prozorčiću na brojčaniku. Rolex predstavlja Oyster Perpetual Day-Date 40 koji je lako prepoznatljiv zahvaljujući plavom brojčaniku, ali po prvi put s rebrastim prstenom. Ova upečatljiva komponenta do sada je bila izrađena samo u 18-karatnom zlatu, sada postoji u najprestižnijem dostupnom metalu. Proizvodnja nazubljenog savršenog oblika i blistavih površina u platini bio je tehnički podvig koji je brend uspio realizirati zahvaljujući svojoj izvanrednoj stručnosti. Nova verzija Day-Date 40 opremljena je kalibrom 3255, mehanizmom koji je preteča urarske tehnologije, koji mu omogućuje prikaz sati, minuta, sekundi, dana i datuma.

Sjajući novim sjajem


ACI No.1 // Rolex 2022 102

Novi dragulj sjaji na površini mora: po prvi put, Yacht-Master 42 dostupan je u žutom zlatu. Nova verzija, koja, kao i originalni model, uključuje dvosmjerni rotirajući prsten i umetak Cerachrom s povišenom gradacijom, kao i inovativnu narukvicu Oysterflex, koristi se optimiziranim prikazom Chromalight. Oznake sata i kazaljke ispunjene su ili premazane novim luminiscentnim materijalom, ekskluzivnim za Rolex, koji jamči dugotrajniji intenzivan sjaj. Na dnevnom svjetlu ovi elementi zaslona također imaju svjetliju bijelu nijansu.

Nova verzija Yacht-Master 42 opremljena je kalibrom 3235, mehanizmom koji je preteča urarske tehnologije, što mu omogućuje prikaz sati, minuta, sekundi i datuma.

A new jewel shines on the surface of the sea: for the first time, the Yacht-Master 42 is available in yellow gold. The new version, which, like the original model, includes a bidirectional rotatable bezel and a Cerachrom insert with a raised graduation as well as the innovative Oysterflex bracelet, benefits from an optimized Chromalight display. The hour markers and hands are filled or coated with a new luminescent material, exclusive to Rolex, that guarantees a longer-lasting intense glow. In daylight, these display elements also have a brighter white hue.

OYSTER PERPETUAL YACHT-MASTER 42 Glowing with new brilliance

The new version of the Yacht-Master 42 is equipped with calibre 3235, a movement at the forefront of watchmaking technology, enabling it to display the hours, minutes, seconds and date.

A splash of colour. A poetic shimmer. A sense of renewal. The dials that decorate the new Datejust 31 are bursting with fresh energy and full of promise. Rolex is presenting three new versions of the Datejust 31 with striking floral-motif dials. Calling to mind wild summer meadows, the design comprises 24 flowers that stand out distinctly from one another thanks to their finishes – either sunray,matt or grained. Each of the flowers is lit from within by a diamond set into the centre. The floral-motif dial is azzurro blue on the first new timepiece –a white Rolesor version (combining Oystersteel and white gold) fitted with a fluted bezel. On the second watch, crafted from 18 ct yellow gold, it is in olive green, and on the third –an Everose Rolesor version (combining Oystersteel and Everose gold) – it is in silver. On the second and third watches the bezel is set with 46 brilliant-cut diamonds, and they are equipped with a President bracelet and a Jubilee bracelet respectively. The new versions of the Datejust 31 are equipped with calibre 2236, a movement at the forefront of watchmaking technology, enabling them to display the hours, minutes, seconds and date.



Klasik, na novi način

Prskanje boje. Poetsko svjetlucanje. Osjećaj obnove. Brojčanici koji ukrašavaju novi Datejust 31 pršte svježom energijom i puni su obećanja. Rolex predstavlja tri nove verzije modela Datejust 31 s upečatljivim brojčanicima s cvjetnim motivima. Podsjećajući na divlje ljetne livade, dizajn se sastoji od 24 cvijeta koji se jasno razlikuju jedan od drugog zahvaljujući svojim završnim obradama – s efektom sunčevih zraka, mat ili zrnatim. Svaki od cvjetova iznutra osvijetljen je dijamantom postavljenim u sredini. Brojčanik s cvjetnim motivom je azzurro plavi na prvom novom satu u bijeloj Rolesor verziji, koja kombinira čelik Oystersteel i bijelo zlato, s rebrastim prstenom. Na drugom satu, izrađenom u 18-karatnom žutom zlatu, u maslinasto zelenoj boji, a na trećem, u verziji Everose Rolesor, koji kombinira čelik Oystersteel i Everose zlatu, u srebrnoj je boji. Na drugom i trećem satu prsten je optočen s 46 dijamanata briljantnog reza, a opremljeni su narukvicom President i narukvicom Jubilee. Nove verzije Datejust 31 opremljene su kalibrom 2236, mehanizmom koji je preteča urarske tehnologije, koji mu omogućuje prikaz sati, minuta, sekundi i datuma.

A classic, reimagened


Tamo gdje se nebo susreće s oceanom i sunce izlazi iznad vode, zrak je na trenutak prožet bojom. Novi Yacht-Master 40 koristi ove prolazne trenutke kako bi im se mogli diviti na zapešću. Prsten, ukrašen dijamantima i safirima u tonovima plave, srebrne i ružičaste, inspiriran je polarnom svjetlošću i sjajem zore. Izrađen u 18-karatnom bijelom zlatu, koji se prvi put pojavljuje na ovom modelu, novi Yacht-Master 40 ima rotirajući prsten s dragim kamenjem izrezanim u obliku trapeza. Ružičasti safir, svijetloplavi safir, dijamant, ljubičasti safir i tamnoplavi safir donosi skladan niz koji se ponavlja osam puta. Ovaj dizajn prstenu donosi jedinstven sjaj koji je dodatno pojačan trokutastim dijamantom na 12 sati. Kućište blista s 46 dijamanata briljantnog reza od lugsa (nogica kućišta) do štitnika krune. Ova nova verzija Yacht-Master 40 s dragim kamenjem opremljena je kalibrom 3235, mehanizmom koji je preteča urarske tehnologije, koji mu omogućuje prikaz sati, minuta, sekundi i datuma.

Svi Rolex satovi nose oznaku Superlative Chronometer, koji osigurava izvrsne performanse na zapešću. Istražite čaroban svijet Rolex satova u butiku Mamić 1970 u centru Zagreba u Ulici Frane Petrića 7. ,

Explore the magical world of Rolex watches at the Mamić 1970 boutique in the centre of Zagreb in 7 Frane Petrića Street. 

ACI No.1 // Rolex 2022 104



All Rolex watches carry the Superlative Chronometer certification, which ensures excellent performance on the wrist.

Where the sky meets the ocean and the sun comes up over water, the air is momentarily rippled with colour. The new Yacht-Master 40 harnesses these fleeting instants so they can be admired on the wrist. The bezel, set with diamonds and sapphires in tones of blue, silver and pink, is inspired by the aurora borealis and the glow of dawn. Rolex is unveiling a new colourful, sparking version of the Oyster Perpetual Yacht-Master 40. Cast from 18 ct white gold – a first for the model – the watch features a rotatable bezel set with trapezecut precious stones. Pink sapphire, light-blue sapphire, diamond, purple sapphire and dark-blue sapphire: a harmonious sequence that is repeated eight times. This design gives the bezela unique sparkle that is further enhanced by a triangular diamond at 12 o’clock. The case shines with 46 brilliant-cut diamonds from the lugs to the crown guard. This new gem-set version of the Yacht-Master 40 is equipped with calibre 3235, a movement at the forefront of watchmaking technology, enabling it to display the hours, minutes, seconds and date.

CROATIA Bach Yachting d.o.o. Aci Marina Split Croatia T +385 91 32 11 492 E W Performance Bluewater Yacht

ACI No.1 // Tudor 2022 Fotografije / Photos: Tudor 106

Slijedeći na svoju reputaciju u stvaranju amblematičnih modela koje su odabrali najhrabriji avanturisti, TUDOR ove godine predstavlja Black Bay Pro, potpuno novi model sa značajkom dvostruke vremenske zone. U liniji Black Bay, kultni Black Bay GMT model sada je dostupan i u S&G (čelik i zlato) verziji, s toplim bojama i vintage notom; predstavljene su nove verzije za Black Bay Chrono S&G; i linija TUDOR Royal. TUDOR također predstavlja modele Black Bay 31, 36, 39 i 41 S&G, koji imaju zaobljeni dizajn i Manufakturni kalibar.

Building on its reputation for creating emblematic models chosen by the boldest adventurers, this year Tudor presents the Black Bay Pro, an entirely new model with a dual time zone feature. In the Black Bay line, the iconic Black Bay GMT model is now also available in a S&G (Steel & Gold) version, featuring warm colours and a vintage touch; new versions are presented for the Black Bay Chrono S&G; and the TUDOR Royal line. TUDOR is also introducing the Black Bay 31, 36, 39 and 41 S&G models, featuring a curvy design and Manufacture calibres.




TUDOR presents a new technical model with a whole new aesthetic. Named Black Bay Pro, it has a 39-millimetre diameter, a fixed steel bezel and a Manufacture Calibre with built-in GMT function. Black Bay Pro is an entirely new model with a dual time zone feature, a technical complication that establishes local time without losing sight of the time in another time zone. Compact, robust and sporty, this model boasts many unique aesthetic details and celebrates the spirit of the technical watches that TUDOR has produced for professionals throughout its Recognisablehistory.

by its 24-hour graduated satin-brushed fixed bezel and its yellow 24-hour “Snowflake” hand, Black Bay Pro is powered by the TUDOR Manufacture Calibre MT5652 with built-in GMT function.

Prepoznatljivi Black Bay GMT model s integriranim Manufakturnim kalibrom GMT sada je također dostupan u S&G (čelik i zlato) verziji, s toplim bojama i vintage stilom. Black Bay GMT S&G je model s više vremenskih zona, vrlo funkcionalna komplikacija koja uspostavlja lokalno vrijeme uz dvije druge vremenske zone. Prepoznatljiv po 24-satnom gradacijskom rotirajućem prstenu u dvije boje, koji predstavlja dan i noć, Black Bay GMT S&G također daje suptilnu estetsku notu povijesti ove urarske funkcije.


The iconic Black Bay GMT model with integrated Manufacture Calibre GMT is now also available in a S&G (Steel & Gold) version, featuring warm colours and a nostalgic touch. Black Bay GMT S&G is a model with multiple time zones, a highly functional complication that establishes local time without losing sight of the time in two other time zones. Recognisable by its 24-hour graduated rotating bezel with two colours, representing day and night, the Black Bay GMT S&G also gives a subtle aesthetic nod to the history of this watchmaking function.


TUDOR predstavlja novi tehnički model s potpuno novom estetikom. Nazvan Black Bay Pro, ima promjer od 39 milimetara, fiksni čelični prsten i Manufakturni kalibar s ugrađenom GMT funkcijom. Black Bay Pro je potpuno novi model sa značajkom dvostruke vremenske zone, tehničkom komplikacijom koja uspostavlja lokalno vrijeme uz drugu vremensku zonu. Kompaktan, robustan i sportski, ovaj model ima mnogo jedinstvenih estetskih detalja i slavi duh tehničkih satova koje je TUDOR proizvodio za profesionalce tijekom svoje povijesti. Prepoznatljiv po 24-satnoj gradaciji, satiniranom fiksnom prstenu i žutoj 24-satnoj kazaljci “pahulja”, Black Bay Pro pokreće TUDOR Manufakturni kalibar MT5652 s ugrađenom GMT funkcijom.

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The chic chronograph in the Black Bay line in steel and yellow gold, with a self-winding Manufacture Calibre, featuring a column wheel and vertical clutch, follows in the purest tradition of sporting timepieces. TUDOR has been producing watches that are closely tied to the world of motor sport since the presentation of the Oysterdate in 1970, the brand’s first chronograph. In the same way, since 1954 TUDOR has been constantly refining its professional divers’ watches.

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TUDOR presents a new version of its Black Bay line in steel and yellow gold with a fixed bezel. All fitted with Manufacture Calibres, the models come in four sizes, with a five-link bracelet and clasp with rapid adjustment.

Modeli Black Bay 31, 36, 39 i 41 S&G donose jedinstvenu estetiku liniji Black Bay. Njihova zaobljena kućišta, naglašena dijelovima u poliranom žutog zlata, nude jezik koji malo odstupa od kultnog duha satova brenda kako bi prihvatio sofisticirani, svestrani,

TUDOR predstavlja novu verziju svoje linije Black Bay u čeliku i žutom zlatu s fiksnim prstenom. Svi opremljeni Manufakturnim kalibrima, modeli dolaze u četiri veličine, s petodijelnom narukvicom i kopčom s brzim podešavanjem.



The Black Bay Chrono S&G model combines these traditions in a sport-chic chronograph, with contrasting sub counters and a high-performance automatic Manufacture Calibre, with column wheel and vertical clutch.

Elegantni kronograf linije Black Bay od čelika i žutog zlata, sa samonavijajućim Manufakturnim kalibrom, koji ima sklopni kotač i okomitu spojku, slijedi najčišću tradiciju sportskih satova. TUDOR proizvodi satove koji su usko povezani sa svijetom motosporta od 1970. kada je predstavljen model Oysterdate, prvi kronograf brenda. Isto tako, od 1954. TUDOR neprestano usavršava svoje profesionalne ronilačke satove. Black Bay Chrono S&G model kombinira ove tradicije u sportsko-šik kronografu, s kontrastnim podbrojčanicima i automatskim Manufakturnim kalibrom visokih performansi, sa sklopnim kotačem i okomitom spojkom.

BLACK BAY 31/36/39/41 S&G

BLACK BAY 31/36/39/41 S&G

The Black Bay 31, 36, 39 and 41 S&G models bring a unique aesthetic to the Black Bay line. Their curved cases, highlighted with polished yellow gold sections, offer a language that departs

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With its integrated metal bracelet, notched or diamond-set bezel and automatic movement, the TUDOR Royal range is the epitome of versatile and affordable sport-chic. Royal is a name first used by TUDOR in the 1950s to emphasise the superior quality of its watches. With this heritage in mind, the TUDOR Royal range offers self-winding sport-chic watches with integrated bracelets that are as affordable as they are uncompromising. Boasting first-class technical performance and a refined aesthetic, this line sits at the crossroads between classic and sports watches. It comes in stainless steel or gold and steel and is offered in four sizes with nine possible dials.

Sa svojom integriranom metalnom narukvicom, rebrastim ili dijamantnim prstenom i automatskim mehanizmom, linija TUDOR Royal oličenje je svestranog i pristupačnog sportskog šika. Royal je ime koje je TUDOR prvi put upotrijebio 1950-ih kako bi naglasio vrhunsku kvalitetu svojih satova. Imajući na umu ovo naslijeđe, linija TUDOR Royal nudi samonavijajuće sportsko šik satove s integriranim narukvicama koje su jednako pristupačne koliko i beskompromisne. S prvoklasnim tehničkim performansama i profinjenom estetikom, ova linija nalazi se na raskrižju između klasičnih i sportskih satova. Dolazi u nehrđajućem čeliku ili zlata i čeliku, i nudi se u četiri veličine s devet mogućih brojčanika. Istražite svijet odvažnih TUDOR satova u butiku Mamić 1970 u centru Zagreba u Ulici Frane Petrića 7.  |

Explore the world of daring TUDOR watches at the Mamić 1970 boutique in the centre of Zagreb in 7 Frane Petrića Street. 

slightly from the brand’s iconic tool watch spirit to embrace a sophisticated, versatile, unisex chic. Fitted with Manufacture Calibres, including reference MT5201 which ushers in a new family of TUDOR movements, these models are at the cutting edge of technical watchmaking refinement. Another important feature for optimum comfort is the five-link bracelet which comes with the TUDOR “T-fit” clasp, with rapid adjustment, in all sizes.


uniseks šik. Opremljeni Manufakturnim kalibrima, uključujući mehanizam reference MT5201 koji uvodi novu obitelj TUDOR mehanizama, ovi su modeli na vrhuncu tehničke profinjenosti satova. Još jedna važna značajka za optimalnu udobnost je narukvica s pet članaka koja dolazi s TUDOR “T-fit” kopčom, s brzim podešavanjem, u svim veličinama.


DUBROVNIK: Pred dvorom 2

ZAGREB: Ilica 5 (Oktogon), Kaptol 13, Avenue Mall, Arena Centar, Westgate

RIJEKA: Korzo 3

VARAŽDIN: Trg Kralja Tomislava 2

SPLIT: Krešimirova 11 (Peristil), Mihovilova širina 7 (Voćni trg)



OSIJEK: Trg Ante Starčevića 5

SPLIT: Krešimirova 11 (Peristil), Mihovilova širina 7 (Voćni trg)

ZADAR: Jurja Barakovića 5 (palača Cedulin)

ZAGREB: Ilica 5 (Oktogon), Kaptol 13, Avenue Mall, Arena Centar, Westgate

ZADAR: Jurja Barakovića 5 (palača Cedulin)

DUBROVNIK: Pred dvorom 2

RIJEKA: Korzo 3

OSIJEK: Trg Ante Starčevića 5


VARAŽDIN: Ulica Ivana Kukuljevića 2

Fotografije / Photos: Mamić 1970 112


Mamic 1970 brought true luxury and prestige to the heart of a refurbished shopping destination that reopened its doors in May last year. The redesign itself was accompanied by the presentation of three exclusive retailerships of world-famous jewelry Maisons, Chaumet, Damiani, and Messika, to the Croatian market. This step is a confirmation of the market leader position in the industry of luxury products in this region.


Dašak ekskluzivnih butika svjetskih metropola ove godine stigao je u Zagreb otvaranjem redizajniranog butika Mamić 1970 u Ulici Frane Petrića 7, u samom centru glavnog Mamićgrada.

A touch of exclusive boutiques of world metropolis arrived in Zagreb this year with the opening of the redesigned Mamić 1970 boutique in Frane Petrić Street 7, in the very center of the capital.

1970 donio je istinski luksuz i prestiž u srce preuređene shopping destinacije koja je ponovo otvorila svoja vrata u svibnju prošle godine. Samo preuređenje popraćeno je predstavljanjem tri ekskluzivna zastupništva svjetski poznatih draguljarskih kuća, Chaumet, Damiani i Messika, hrvatskom tržištu. Upravo ovaj korak potvrda je pozicije tržišnog lidera u industriji luksuznih proizvoda na ovim prostorima.


MAMIĆ 1970


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Upon entering, attention will be drawn to a completely redesigned part of the boutique dedicated to the TUDOR, a Swiss watch manufacturer. In addition to recognizable colors, black, red, and white, the visual identity of the brand is also presented in materials. Visitors will recognize the satin finish, brushed black, translucent red, and structured white surfaces, which are matched with equally elegant watches. This space is adorned with a watch presentation desk that exudes the spirit of the slogan "Born To Dare".

The well-known space dedicated to the Swiss watch brand Rolex has been enriched with an additional room, a VIP lounge designed to receive exclusive clients, to provide complete privacy. The style of the room is similar to a home library adorned with specially designed bookshelves, a comfortable leather seat, and marble tables with gold details.

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Ono što valja spomenuti je kako butik Mamić 1970 među prvima u svijetu svome prostoru pridružuje najnoviji dizajn VIP sobe koji se

Poznati prostor posvećen brendu švicarskih satova Rolex, obogaćen je dodatnom prostorijom, VIP lounge sobom namijenjenom primanju ekskluzivnih klijenata, kako bi se pružila potpuna privatnost. Stil sobe nalik je kućnoj knjižnici koju krase posebno izrađene police za knjige, udobno kožno sjedište i mramorni stolići sa zlatnim detaljima.

When creating this great project that lasted a little less than two years, the goal was to create an intimate and pleasant atmosphere that introduces the customer to the brands and the spirit they bring, conveying the exciting emotions that the luxury world awakens. In addition to brand guidelines, the concept of boutique space design, as well as the details of the decoration, have been designed by the Franić Šekoranja Interior Design Studio.

What is worth mentioning is that the Mamić 1970 boutique was among the first in the world to join its space with the latest VIP room

Prilikom kreiranja ovog velikog projekta koji je trajao nešto kraće od dvije godine, cilj je bio stvoriti intimnu i ugodnu atmosferu kojom se kupac uvodi u brendove i duh koji oni donose te prenošenje uzbudljivih emocija koje luksuzni svijet budi. Uz određene smjernice brendova, sam koncept dizajna prostora butika kao i detalje uređenja osmislio je Studio za dizajn interijera Franić PriŠekoranja.samom ulasku pažnju će uhvatiti u potpunosti redizajniran dio butika posvećen brendu Tudor, švicarskom proizvođaču satova. Osim u prepoznatljivim bojama, crnoj, crvenoj i bijeloj, vizualni identitet brenda predstavljen je i u liniji materijala. Posjetitelji će prepoznati satiniranu završnu obradu, brušene crne, prozirne crvene i strukturirane bijele površine, koje su usklađene s jednako elegantnim satovima. Ovaj prostor krasi pult za prezentaciju satova koji odiše duhom slogana „Born To Dare“.

do sada mogao vidjeti samo na rijetkim svjetskim lokacijama, poput sjedišta tvrtke Rolex u Ženevi i butika Rolex u Dubaiju. Tako je sam interijer obogaćen plemenitim materijalima koji uključuju polirani mramor, prirodnu kožu i posebne vrste drva Jedanoraha.od

ACI No.1 // Butik/Boutique Mamić 1970

impozantnih i jedinstvenih dijelova interijera je i dizajn recepcije servisa koja koristi smaragdno staklo osmišljeno i urezano u uzorku valova, odjekujući dizajnom panela unutar butika izrađenih od najfinijih vrsta drva.

Butik Mamić 1970 među prvima u svijetu svome prostoru pridružuje najnoviji dizajn Rolex VIP sobe koji se do sada mogao vidjeti samo na rijetkim svjetskim

Thelokacijama.Mamić 1970 boutique was among the first in the world to join its space with the latest VIP room design that could only be seen in a few locations.

design that could only be seen in a few locations, such as the Rolex headquarters in Geneva and the Rolex boutique in Dubai. Thus, the interior itself is enriched with precious materials that include polished marble, natural leather, and special types of walnut wood.

Cijenjena talijanska tvrtka Barth, specijalizirana za opremanje luksuznih destinacija, realizirala je


One of the imposing and unique parts of the interior is the design of the service reception, which uses emerald glass designed and engraved in a wave pattern, echoing the design of panels inside boutiques made of the finest types of wood.

When descending to the spaces dedicated to the jewelry houses Chaumet, Damiani, and Messika, you will see the attraction of the Venini glass wall, consisting of 680 handmade Murano glass tubes, which is an oversized chandelier reflected on a mirror background from several sides. This unique creation introduces you to a space that, with its warmth of colors, materials, and lighting, creates the comfort of the salon in the style of TheArtDeco.lower part of the store is an attractive and luxurious salon rich in textures and layers of materials. This newly created space is enriched with combinations of marble, stone, precious wood, and velvet and leather fabrics, while an additional dimension is achieved by reflective materials such as metal, glass, and mirrors.

Pri samom silasku u prostore koji su posvećeni draguljarskim kućama Chaumet, Damiani i Messika, događa se atrakcija staklenog zida tvrtke Venini, sastavljenog od 680 ručno rađenih tuba od murano stakla, koji je zapravo predimenzioniran luster reflektiran na zrcalnoj podlozi s više strana. Ova jedinstvena kreacija uvodi vas u prostor koji svojom toplinom boja, materijala i rasvjete stvara posebnu ugodu salona u stilu ArtDeco-a. Donji dio dućana atraktivan je i raskošan salon bogat teksturama i slojevitošću materijala. Ovaj novonastali prostor obogaćen je kombinacijama mramora, kamena, plemenitog drva te baršunastim i kožnim tkaninama, dok se dodatna dimenzija postigla reflektirajućim materijalima poput metala, stakla i ogledala.

Mamic 1970

„Ovdje ne prodajemo proizvod, prodajemo posebne trenutke i emocije“

ACI No.1 // Butik/Boutique Mamić 1970

Mamić 1970

For over half a century, Mamić 1970 has been a recognized shopping destination for lovers of luxury and timeless style. It is the bearer of exclusivity and excellence throughout the region by providing an unforgettable experience to its clients and promoting watchmaking and expertise.

Već preko pola stoljeća Mamić 1970 prepoznata je shopping destinacija za ljubitelje luksuza i bezvremenskog stila. Nositelj je ekskluzivnosti i izvrsnosti u cijeloj regiji pružajući nezaboravno iskustvo svojim klijentima i promovirajući urarski zanat i stručnost. Kao dugotrajni obiteljski posao, tvrtka Mamić 1970 iz male urarske radionice razvila se u jedno od najcjenjenijih imena u industriji luksuznih proizvoda s misijom stvaranja jedinstvenih trenutaka koji traju vječno. 


As a long-term family business, the Mamić 1970 company has developed from a small watchmaking workshop into one of the most respected names in the luxury products industry with the mission of creating unique moments that last forever. 

The esteemed Italian company Barth, which specializes in furnishing luxury destinations, created a furniture design project for the presentation of jewelry accented by luxury Calcata Viola marble, whose veins will enchant the eyes of visitors. Italian style is also visible in the armchairs and sofas, which are a product of B&B Italia, with materials adapted to the style of the boutique and the company.

"We do not sell a product here. We sell special moments and emotions"

projekt namještaja prostora za prezentaciju nakita koji je naglašen luksuznim mramorom Calcata Viola, čije će vene očarati oči posjetitelja. Talijanski stil također je vidljiv i u foteljama i sofama, koje su proizvod tvrtke B&B Italia, s materijalima prilagođenim stilu butika i tvrtke.

1 ACI Umag 2 ACI Rovinj 3 ACI Pula 4 ACI Pomer 5 ACI Opatija 6 ACI Cres 7 ACI Supetarska Draga 8 ACI Rab 9 ACI Šimuni 10 ACI Žut + sidrište/anchorage Žut 11 ACI Piškera 12 ACI Jezera 13 ACI Vodice 14 ACI Skradin 15 ACI Trogir 16 ACI Split 17 ACI Milna 18 ACI Vrboska 19 ACI Palmižana 20 ACI Korčula 21 ACI Slano 22 ACI Dubrovnik ACI MARINE / ACI MARINAS SADRŽAJI U MARINAMA - LEGENDA / MARINAS' AMENITIES - LEGEND KATALOG CATALOGUE 2022. Recepcija s mjenjačnicom / Reception with exchange office Sanitarije prilagođene osobama s posebnim potrebama / Toilet and show er facilities with a section for persons with Restaurantdisabilities/Bistro / Caffe bar Trgovina prehrambenim namirnicama / Grocery Praonicastorerublja / Launderette Bankomat / ATM Parkiralište / Car park Navoz / BesplatanSlipwayWI-FI / Free WI-FI Internet access Bazen / Swiming pool Dječje igralište / Children's playground Sanitarije / Toilet and shower facilities Apartmani / Apartments Sidrište / Anchorage Lučka kapetanija / Harbourmaster´s office Iznajmljivanje brodova (charter) / Charter Iznajmljivanjeagenciesautomobila / IznajmljivanjeRent-a-car bicikla / IznajmljivanjeRent-a-bike motorkotača / RonilačkiRent-a-scootercentar / Diving center Benzinska crpka / Fuel station Samohodna dizalica / Travel lift Dizalica / Crane Tesla Universal Destination charge Tesla Only Destination Charge Golf vježbalište / Golf range Škola jedrenja / Nautical Academy Carina / Customs Fitness centar / Fitness center Vanjsko fitness vježbalište / Outside Wellnessfitnesscentar / Wellness center Tehnički servis plovila / Maintenance and repair shop Frizerski salon / Hair salon Kozmetički salon / Beauty salon Sauna

ACI marina ACI sidrište / anchorage ACI Golf Range Tesla Destination Charging Zračna luka / Airport MEDITERRANEAN’S LEADING MARINA www.aci-marinas.comOPERATOR CROATIA

Sadržaji u marini / Amenities in the Marina: Sadržaji blizu marine / Amenities near the Marina: 100 t, 50t 0,11 nm Prometna povezanost / Travel connections:  Pula, Trieste, Ljubljana  E751 Vezovi / Berths: Vezovi u moru / Wet berths: 475 Vezovi na kopnu / Dry berths: 40 Priključci struje / Power connections: 125 A Maksimalna duljina plovila godišnji vez: Maximum vessel length annual berth: 40m Maksimalna duljina plovila dnevni vez: Maximum vessel length daily berth: 119m Kontakt / Contact  Šetalište Vladimira Gortana 7, 52470 Umag  Tel: +385 (0) 52 741 066  GSM: +385 (0) 98 398 833   UHF kanal / VHF channel 17 Sjeverni Jadran / Northern Adriatic ACI MARINA UMAG Otvorena: Cijele godine / Open: All year round |  45° 26,02’ N 13° 31,00’ E 120

ACI marina Umag Najbliži aerodrom / Nearest Airport Lučka kapetanija Pula / Harbour Master’s Office Pula ispostava Umag / branch office Umag  tel:+385 (0) 52 741 662  UHF kanali / VHF channels 10 and 16  Tourist info: Za sigurnu plovidbu preporučuje se korištenje službenih pomorskih navigacijskih karata u izdanju HHI Split: The use of the official navigational charts, the HHI edition is recommended: 101, 300-31, INT3410, 100-15, MK-1, MK-2, Plan 11

Sadržaji u marini / Amenities in the Marina: Sadržaji blizu marine / Amenities near the Marina: 0,5 nm Prometna povezanost / Travel connections:  Pula, Trieste, Ljubljana  E751 Vezovi / Berths: Vezovi u moru / Wet berths: 196 Priključci struje / Power connections: 125 A Maksimalna duljina plovila godišnji vez: Maximum vessel length annual berth: 35m Maksimalna duljina plovila dnevni vez: Maximum vessel length daily berth: 100m Kontakt / Contact  Šetalište Vijeća Europe 1, 52210 Rovinj  Tel: +385 (0) 52 813 133  GSM: +385 (0) 98 398 836   UHF kanal / VHF channel 17 Sjeverni Jadran / Northern Adriatic ACI MARINA ROVINJ Otvorena: Cijele godine / Open: All year round |  45°04,06’ N 13°38,04’ E Za sigurnu plovidbu preporučuje se korištenje službenih pomorskih navigacijskih karata u izdanju HHI Split: The use of the official navigational charts, the HHI edition is recommended: 101, 300-31, INT3410, 100-15, 100-16, MK-2, MK-3, Plan 11 122

ACI marina Rovinj Najbliži aerodrom / Nearest Airport Lučka kapetanija Pula / Harbour Master’s Office Pula ispostava Rovinj/ branch office Rovinj  tel:+385 (0) 52 811 132  UHF kanali / VHF channels 10 and 16  Tourist info:

Sadržaji u marini / Amenities in the Marina: Sadržaji blizu marine / Amenities near the Marina: Za sigurnu plovidbu preporučuje se korištenje službenih pomorskih navigacijskih karata u izdanju HHI Split: The use of the official navigational charts, the HHI edition is recommended: 101, 300-31, INT3410, 100-15, 100-16, MK-2, MK-3, Plan 11 Prometna povezanost / Travel connections:  Pula, Trieste, Ljubljana  E751 Vezovi / Berths: Vezovi u moru / Wet berths: 192 Priključci struje / Power connections: 125 A Maksimalna duljina plovila godišnji vez: Maximum vessel length annual berth: 28m Maksimalna duljina plovila dnevni vez: Maximum vessel length daily berth: 55m Kontakt / Contact  Riva 1, 52100 Pula  Tel: +385 (0) 52 219 142  GSM: +385 (0) 98 398 837   UHF kanal / VHF channel 17 Sjeverni Jadran / Northern Adriatic ACI MARINA PULA Otvorena: Cijele godine / Open: All year round |  44°52,6’ N 13°50’ E 124

ACI marina Pula Najbliži aerodrom / Nearest Airport Lučka kapetanija Pula / Harbour Master’s Office Pula  tel:+385 (0) 52 222 037  UHF kanali / VHF channels 10 and 16  Tourist info:

Sadržaji u marini / Amenities in the Marina: Sadržaji blizu marine / Amenities near the Marina: 30t 11 nm 5 min Prometna povezanost / Travel connections:  Pula, Trieste, Ljubljana  E751 Vezovi / Berths: Vezovi u moru / Wet berths: 294 Vezovi na kopnu / Dry berths: 30 Priključci struje / Power connections: 63A Maksimalna duljina plovila godišnji vez: Maximum vessel length annual berth: 18m Maksimalna duljina plovila dnevni vez: Maximum vessel length daily berth: 35m Kontakt / Contact  Pomer 26 A, 52100 Pula  Tel: +385 (0) 52 573 162  GSM: +385 (0) 98 398 832   UHF kanal / VHF channel 17 Sjeverni Jadran / Northern Adriatic ACI MARINA POMER Otvorena: Cijele godine / Open: All year round |  44°49’ N 13°54’ E Za sigurnu plovidbu preporučuje se korištenje službenih pomorskih navigacijskih karata u izdanju HHI Split: The use of the official navigational charts, the HHI edition is recommended: 101, 300-31, INT3410, 100-16, 50-3, MK-3, MK-4 126

Lučka kapetanija Pula / Harbour Master’s Office Pula  tel:+385 (0) 52 222 037  UHF kanali / VHF channels 10 and 16  Tourist info: ACI marina Pomer Najbliži aerodrom / Nearest Airport

Sadržaji u marini / Amenities in the Marina: Sadržaji blizu marine / Amenities near the Marina: 15t 2 nm Za sigurnu plovidbu preporučuje se korištenje službenih pomorskih navigacijskih karata u izdanju HHI Split: The use of the official navigational charts, the HHI edition is recommended: 101, 300-31, INT3410, 100-18, 50-4, MK-5 Prometna povezanost / Travel connections:  Rijeka, Zagreb, Pula, Trieste, Ljubljana  A6, A7, E65, E71, E751 Vezovi / Berths: Vezovi u moru / Wet berths: 283 Vezovi na kopnu / Dry berths: 35 Priključci struje / Power connections: 125 A Maksimalna duljina plovila godišnji vez: Maximum vessel length annual berth: 35m Maksimalna duljina plovila dnevni vez: Maximum vessel length daily berth: 40m Kontakt / Contact  Liburnijska cesta 7 A, 51414 Ičići  Tel: +385 (0) 51 704 004  GSM: +385 (0) 98 398 840   UHF kanal / VHF channel 17 Sjeverni Jadran / Northern Adriatic ACI MARINA OPATIJA Otvorena: Cijele godine / Open: All year round |  45°19,0’ N 14°17,7’ E 128

ACI marina Opatija Najbliži aerodrom / Nearest Airport Lučka kapetanija Rijeka / Harbour Master’s Office Rijeka ispostava Opatija/ branch office Opatija  tel:+385 (0) 51 711 249  UHF kanali / VHF channels 10 and 16  Tourist info:

Sadržaji u marini / Amenities in the Marina: 80t 10t Prometna povezanost / Travel connections:  Mali Lošinj, Rijeka, Zagreb, Pula, Trieste, Ljubljana  A6, A7, E65, E71, E751  RijekaVBrestovaCres,-Porozina,albiska-Merag Vezovi / Berths: Vezovi u moru / Wet berths: 440 Vezovi na kopnu / Dry berths: 70 Priključci struje / Power connections: 63A Maksimalna duljina plovila godišnji vez: Maximum vessel length annual berth: 50m Maksimalna duljina plovila dnevni vez: Maximum vessel length daily berth: 50m Kontakt / Contact  Obala sv. Benedikta 3, 51557 Cres  Tel: +385 (0) 51 571 622  GSM: +385 (0) 98 398 839   UHF kanal / VHF channel 17 Sjeverni Jadran / Northern Adriatic ACI MARINA CRES Otvorena: Cijele godine / Open: All year round |  44°57’ N 14°24’ E 130

ACI marina Cres Najbliži aerodrom / Nearest Airport Za sigurnu plovidbu preporučuje se korištenje službenih pomorskih navigacijskih karata u izdanju HHI Split: The use of the official navigational charts, the HHI edition is recommended: 101, 300-31, INT3410, 100-16, 100-18, 50-3, Plan 20 Lučka kapetanija Rijeka / Harbour Master’s Office Rijeka ispostava Cres / branch office Cres  tel:+385 (0) 51 571 111  UHF kanali / VHF channels 10 and 16  Tourist info:

Sadržaji u marini / Amenities in the Marina: Sadržaji blizu marine / Amenities near the Marina: 9t 11 nm Prometna povezanost / Travel connections:  Rijeka, Zagreb, Zadar  E751  Stinica - Mišnjak, Valbiska - Lopar, Rijeka - Rab Vezovi / Berths: Vezovi u moru / Wet berths: 310 Vezovi na kopnu / Dry berths: 53 Priključci struje / Power connections: 32A Maksimalna duljina plovila godišnji vez: Maximum vessel length annual berth: 18m Maksimalna duljina plovila dnevni vez: Maximum vessel length daily berth: 18m Kontakt / Contact  Supetarska Draga, 51280 Rab  Tel: +385 (0) 51 776 268  GSM: +385 (0) 98 398 841   UHF kanal / VHF channel 17 Sjeverni Jadran / Northern Adriatic ACI MARINA SUPETARSKA DRAGA Otvorena: Cijele godine / Open: All year round |  44°48,2’ N 14°43,8’ E 132

ACI marina Supetarska Draga Najbliži aerodrom / Nearest Airport Za sigurnu plovidbu preporučuje se korištenje službenih pomorskih navigacijskih karata u izdanju HHI Split: The use of the official navigational charts, the HHI edition is recommended: 101, 300-31, INT3410, 100-18, MK-7 Lučka kapetanija Rijeka / Harbour Master’s Office Rijeka ispostava Rab / branch office Rab  tel: +385 (0) 51 725 419  UHF kanali / VHF channels 10 and 16  Tourist info:


blizu marine / Amenities near the Marina: 10t Prometna povezanost / Travel connections:  Rijeka, Zagreb, Zadar  A6, E65, E71  Stinica - Mišnjak, Valbiska - Lopar, Rijeka - Rab Vezovi / Berths: Vezovi u moru / Wet berths: 134 Priključci struje / Power connections: 63A Maksimalna duljina plovila dnevni vez: Maximum vessel length daily berth: 20m Kontakt / Contact  Šetalište kap. I. Dominisa 101, 51280 Rab  Tel: +385 (0) 51 724 023  GSM: +385 (0) 98 399 482   UHF kanal / VHF channel 17 Sjeverni Jadran / Northern Adriatic ACI MARINA RAB Otvorena: 1. 4. - 31. 10. / Open: April 1st - October 31st |  44°45,4’ N 14°46,0’ E 134

Sadržaji u marini / Amenities in the Marina:

ACI marina Rab Najbliži aerodrom / Nearest Airport Za sigurnu plovidbu preporučuje se korištenje službenih pomorskih navigacijskih karata u izdanju HHI Split: The use of the official navigational charts, the HHI edition is recommended: 101, 300-31, INT3410, 100-18, MK-7, Plan 20 Lučka kapetanija Rijeka / Harbour Master’s Office Rijeka ispostava Rab / branch office Rab  tel: +385 (0) 51 725 419  UHF kanali / VHF channels 10 and 16  Tourist info:

Sadržaji u marini / Amenities in the Marina: Sadržaji blizu marine / Amenities near the Marina: 15t 7 nm Prometna povezanost / Travel connections:  Rijeka, Zagreb, Zadar  A6, E65, E71  Prizna - Žigljen, Rijeka - Novalja Vezovi / Berths: Vezovi u moru / Wet berths: 191 Vezovi na kopnu / Dry berths: 45 Priključci struje / Power connections: 32A Maksimalna duljina plovila godišnji vez: Maximum vessel length annual berth: 14m Maksimalna duljina plovila dnevni vez: Maximum vessel length daily berth: 18m Kontakt / Contact  Obala 1, Šimuni, 23251 Kolan  Tel: +385 (0) 23 697 457  GSM: +385 (0) 98 398 843   UHF kanal / VHF channel 17 Sjeverni Jadran / Northern Adriatic ACI MARINA ŠIMUNI Otvorena: Cijele godine / Open: All year round |  44°28’ N 14°58’ E 136

Za sigurnu plovidbu preporučuje se korištenje službenih pomorskih navigacijskih karata u izdanju HHI Split: The use of the official navigational charts, the HHI edition is recommended: 101, 300-31, INT3410, 100-17, 100-19, MK-9, MK-10 ACI marina Šimuni Najbliži aerodrom / Nearest Airport Lučka kapetanija Zadar / Harbour Master’s Office Zadar ispostava Pag / branch office Pag  tel:+385 (0) 23 611 023  UHF kanali / VHF channels 10 and 16  Tourist info:

Sadržaji u marini / Amenities in the Marina: Sadržaji blizu marine / Amenities near the Marina: 8 nm Vezovi / Berths: Vezovi u moru / Wet berths: 120 Sidrište / Anchorage: 15 Priključci struje / Power connections: 16A Voda se isporučuje od 8 do 10 sati Water available from 8 to 10 a.m. Struja se isporučuje od 8 do 12 sati i od 18 do 24 Electricitysata available from 8 a.m. to noon and from 6 p.m. to Maksimalnamidnightduljina plovila dnevni vez: Maximum vessel length daily berth: 40m Kontakt / Contact  Obala sv. Ivana 47 E, 22242 Jezera  Tel: +385 (0) 22 786 0278  GSM: +385 (0) 98 398 844   UHF kanal / VHF channel 17 Srednji Jadran / Central Adriatic ACI MARINA ŽUT Otvorena: 1. 4 - 31. 10. / Open: April 1st - October 31st |  43°53,2’ N 15°17,4’ E Za sigurnu plovidbu preporučuje se korištenje službenih pomorskih navigacijskih karata u izdanju HHI Split: The use of the official navigational charts, the HHI edition is recommended: 101, 300-32, 100-20, MK-14, Plan 512 138

Lučka kapetanija Šibenik / Harbour Master’s Office Šibenik ispostava Murter / branch office Murter  tel:+385 (0) 22 435 190  UHF kanali / VHF channels 10 and 16  Tourist info:, ACI marina Žut

Sadržaji u marini / Amenities in the Marina: Sadržaji blizu marine / Amenities near the Marina: 12 nm Za sigurnu plovidbu preporučuje se korištenje službenih pomorskih navigacijskih karata u izdanju HHI Split: The use of the official navigational charts, the HHI edition is recommended: 101, 300-32, 100-20, 100-21, MK-14, Plan 512 Vezovi / Berths: Vezovi u moru / Wet berths: 118 Priključci struje / Power connections: 16A Voda se isporučuje od 8 do 10 sati Water available from 8 to 10 a.m. Struja se isporučuje od 8 do 12 sati i od 18 do 24 Electricitysata available from 8 a.m. to noon and from 6 p.m. to Maksimalnamidnightduljina plovila dnevni vez: Maximum vessel length daily berth: 40m Kontakt / Contact  Obala sv. Ivana 47 E, 22242 Jezera  Tel: +385 (0) 91 470 0091  GSM: +385 (0) 98 398 845   UHF kanal / VHF channel 17 Srednji Jadran / Central Adriatic ACI MARINA PIŠKERA Otvorena: 1. 4 - 31. 10. / Open: April 1st - October 31st |  43°45,6’ N 15°21,2’ E 140

Lučka kapetanija Šibenik / Harbour Master’s Office Šibenik ispostava Murter / branch office Murter  tel:+385 (0) 22 435 190  UHF kanali / VHF channels 10 and 16  Tourist info:, ACI marina Piškera

Sadržaji u marini / Amenities in the Marina: Sadržaji blizu marine / Amenities near the Marina: 10t Za sigurnu plovidbu preporučuje se korištenje službenih pomorskih navigacijskih karata u izdanju HHI Split: The use of the official navigational charts, the HHI edition is recommended: 101, 300-32, INT3412, 100-20, 100-21, MK-14, MK-15, Plan 512 Prometna povezanost / Travel connections:  Zadar, Split  A1, E65, E71 Vezovi / Berths: Vezovi u moru / Wet berths: 212 Vezovi na kopnu / Dry berths: 40 Priključci struje / Power connections: 32A Maksimalna duljina plovila godišnji vez: Maximum vessel length annual berth: 18m Maksimalna duljina plovila dnevni vez: Maximum vessel length daily berth: 20m Kontakt / Contact  Obala sv. Ivana 47 E, 22242 Jezera  Tel: +385 (0) 22 439 295  GSM: +385 (0) 98 398 846   UHF kanal / VHF channel 17 Srednji Jadran / Central Adriatic ACI MARINA JEZERA Otvorena: Cijele godine / Open: All year round |  45° 26,02’ N 13° 31,00’ E 142

ACI marina Jezera Najbliži aerodrom / Nearest Airport Lučka kapetanija Šibenik / Harbour Master’s Office Šibenik ispostava Tisno / branch office Tisno  tel: +385 (0) 22 439 313,  UHF kanali / VHF channels 10 and 16  Tourist info:

Sadržaji u marini / Amenities in the Marina: Sadržaji blizu marine / Amenities near the Marina: 60t 10t Za sigurnu plovidbu preporučuje se korištenje službenih pomorskih navigacijskih karata u izdanju HHI Split: The use of the official navigational charts, the HHI edition is recommended: 101, 300-32, INT3412, 100-21, MK-15, Plan 533 Prometna povezanost / Travel connections:  Zadar, Split  A1, E65, E71 Vezovi / Berths: Vezovi u moru / Wet berths: 398 Vezovi na kopnu / Dry berths: 24 Priključci struje / Power connections: 63A Maksimalna duljina plovila godišnji vez: Maximum vessel length annual berth: 25m Maksimalna duljina plovila dnevni vez: Maximum vessel length daily berth: 25m Kontakt / Contact  Artina 13 A, 22211 Vodice  Tel: +385 (0) 22 443 086  GSM: +385 (0) 98 398 847   UHF kanal / VHF channel 17 Srednji Jadran / Central Adriatic ACI MARINA VODICE Otvorena: Cijele godine / Open: All year round |  45° 26,02’ N 13° 31,00’ E 144

ACI marina Vodice Najbliži aerodrom / Nearest Airport Lučka kapetanija Šibenik / Harbour Master’s Office Šibenik ispostava Vodice/ branch office Vodice  tel:+385 (0) 22 443 055  UHF kanali / VHF channels 10 and 16  Tourist info:

Sadržaji u marini / Amenities in the Marina: Sadržaji blizu marine / Amenities near the Marina: 8 nm 300m 300m 300m 300m Za sigurnu plovidbu preporučuje se korištenje službenih pomorskih navigacijskih karata u izdanju HHI Split: The use of the official navigational charts, the HHI edition is recommended: 101, 300-32, INT3412, 100-21, MK-15, Plan 518 Prometna povezanost / Travel connections:  Zadar, Split  A1, E65, E71 Vezovi / Berths: Vezovi u moru / Wet berths: 180 Priključci struje / Power connections: 125A Maksimalna duljina plovila godišnji vez: Maximum vessel length annual berth: 30m Maksimalna duljina plovila dnevni vez: Maximum vessel length daily berth: 70m Kontakt / Contact  Obala Pavla Šubića 18, 22222 Skradin  Tel: +385 (0) 22 771 365  GSM: +385 (0) 98 398 848   UHF kanal / VHF channel 17 Srednji Jadran / Central Adriatic ACI MARINA SKRADIN Otvorena: Cijele godine / Open: All year round |  43°49,0’ N 15°55,6’ E 146

ACI marina Skradin Najbliži aerodrom / Nearest Airport Lučka kapetanija Šibenik / Harbour Master’s Office Šibenik  tel: +385 (0) 22 217 216  UHF kanali / VHF channels 10 and 16  Tourist info:

Sadržaji u marini / Amenities in the Marina: 9t Za sigurnu plovidbu preporučuje se korištenje službenih pomorskih navigacijskih karata u izdanju HHI Split: The use of the official navigational charts, the HHI edition is recommended: 101, 300-33, INT3412, 100-21, MK-16, Plan 534 Prometna povezanost / Travel connections:  Split  A1, E65, E71 (15 km) Vezovi / Berths: Vezovi u moru / Wet berths: 174 Vezovi na kopnu / Dry berths: 35 Priključci struje / Power connections: 32A Maksimalna duljina plovila godišnji vez: Maximum vessel length annual berth: 20m Maksimalna duljina plovila dnevni vez: Maximum vessel length daily berth: 30m Kontakt / Contact  Put Cumbrijana 22, 21220 Trogir  Tel: +385 (0) 21 881 544  GSM: +385 (0) 98 398 849   UHF kanal / VHF channel 17 Srednji Jadran / Central Adriatic ACI MARINA TROGIR Otvorena: Cijele godine / Open: All year round |  43°30,8’ N 16°15,2’ E 148

ACI marina Trogir Najbliži aerodrom / Nearest Airport Lučka kapetanija Split / Harbour Master’s Office Split ispostava Trogir / branch office Trogir  tel: +385 (0) 21 881 508  UHF kanali / VHF channels 10 and 16  Tourist info:

Sadržaji u marini / Amenities in the Marina: Sadržaji blizu marine / Amenities near the Marina: 10t 0,05 nm Prometna povezanost / Travel connections:  Split  A1, E65, E71  Split - Supetar, Split - Stari Grad, SplitVela Luka - Ubli, Split - Milna - Hvar - Vis, Split - Bol - Jelsa, Split - Hvar - Vela Luka - Ubli, Split - Bol - Hvar - Korčula - Dubrovnik, Ancona - Split, Ancona - Stari Grad - Split Vezovi / Berths: Vezovi u moru / Wet berths: 318 Vezovi na kopnu / Dry berths: 30 Priključci struje / Power connections: 63A Maksimalna duljina plovila godišnji vez: Maximum vessel length annual berth: 26m Maksimalna duljina plovila dnevni vez: Maximum vessel length daily berth: 90m Kontakt / Contact  Uvala Baluni 8, 21000 Split  Tel: +385 (0) 21 398 599  GSM: +385 (0) 98 398 850   UHF kanal / VHF channel 17 Srednji Jadran / Central Adriatic ACI MARINA SPLIT Otvorena: Cijele godine / Open: All year round |  43°30,1’ N 16°26,0’ E 150

ACI marina Split Najbliži aerodrom / Nearest Airport Lučka kapetanija Split / Harbour Master’s Office Split  tel: +385 (0) 21 302 400  UHF kanali / VHF channels 10 and 16  Tourist info: Za sigurnu plovidbu preporučuje se korištenje službenih pomor skih navigacijskih karata u izdanju HHI Split: The use of the official navigational charts, the HHI edition is recommended: 101, 300-33, INT3412, 100-21, 100-26, MK-16, MK-18, Plan 47

Sadržaji u marini / Amenities in the Marina: Sadržaji blizu marine / Amenities near the Marina: 8t Prometna povezanost / Travel connections:  Brač, Split  A1, E65, E71  Split Supetar Split Rogač Milna Split Milna Hvar Vis Split Milna Hvar Korčula Mljet Dubrovnik Vezovi / Berths: Vezovi u moru / Wet berths: 157 Vezovi na kopnu / Dry berths: 15 Priključci struje / Power connections: 63A Maksimalna duljina plovila godišnji vez: Maximum vessel length annual berth: 18m Maksimalna duljina plovila dnevni vez: Maximum vessel length daily berth: 35m Kontakt / Contact  Brdo I 3, 21405 Milna  Tel: +385 (0) 21 636 306  GSM: +385 (0) 98 398 851   UHF kanal / VHF channel 17 Srednji Jadran / Central Adriatic ACI MARINA MILNA Otvorena: Cijele godine / Open: All year round |  43°19,6’ N 16°27,0’ E 152

Za sigurnu plovidbu preporučuje se korištenje službenih pomor skih navigacijskih karata u izdanju HHI Split: The use of the official navigational charts, the HHI edition is recommended: 101, 300-33, INT3412, 100-21, 100-22, 100-26, MK-16, MK-18 ACI marina Milna Najbliži aerodrom / Nearest Airport Lučka kapetanija Split / Harbour Master’s Office Split ispostava Milna / branch office Milna  tel: +385 (0) 21 636 205  UHF kanali / VHF channels 10 and 16  Tourist info:

Sadržaji u marini / Amenities in the Marina: Sadržaji blizu marine / Amenities near the Marina: 5t Prometna povezanost / Travel connections:  Split, Brač  A1, E65, E71  Split - Stari Grad, Drvenik - Sućuraj, Split - Milna - Hvar - Vis, Split - Bol - Jelsa, Split - Bol - Hvar - Korčula - Dubrovnik, Ancona - Stari Grad - Split Vezovi / Berths: Vezovi u moru / Wet berths: 119 Vezovi na kopnu / Dry berths: 12 Priključci struje / Power connections: 63A Maksimalna duljina plovila godišnji vez: Maximum vessel length annual berth: 25m Maksimalna duljina plovila dnevni vez: Maximum vessel length daily berth: 35m Kontakt / Contact  21463 Vrboska  Tel: +385 (0) 21 774 018  GSM: +385 (0) 98 398 812   UHF kanal / VHF channel 17 Srednji Jadran / Central Adriatic ACI MARINA VRBOSKA Otvorena: Cijele godine / Open: All year round |  43°10,8’ N 16°41,0’ E 154

ACI marina Vrboska Najbliži aerodrom / Nearest Airport Za sigurnu plovidbu preporučuje se korištenje službenih pomorskih navigacijskih karata u izdanju HHI Split: The use of the official navigational charts, the HHI edition is recommended: 101, 300-33, INT3412, 100-25, 100-26, MK-19, Plan 535 Lučka kapetanija Split / Harbour Master’s Office Split ispostava Jelsa / branch office Jelsa  tel: +385 (0) 21 761 055  UHF kanali / VHF channels 10 and 16  Tourist info:

Sadržaji u marini / Amenities in the Marina: Sadržaji blizu marine / Amenities near the Marina: 2,5 nm Prometna povezanost / Travel connections:  Brač, Split  A1, E65, E71  Dubrovnik - Hvar, Ancona - Split - Hvar, Bari - Dubrovnik - Hvar, Taxi boats: Hvar - Palmižana Vezovi / Berths: Vezovi u moru / Wet berths: 180 Priključci struje / Power connections: 32A Maksimalna duljina plovila dnevni vez: Maximum vessel length daily berth: 40m Kontakt / Contact  21450 Hvar  Tel: +385 (0) 21 744 995  GSM: +385 (0) 98 398 853   UHF kanal / VHF channel 17 Srednji Jadran / Central Adriatic ACI MARINA PALMIŽANA Otvorena: 1. 4. - 31. 10. / Open: April 1st - October 31st d |  43°09,8’ N 16°23,8’ E 156

Za sigurnu plovidbu preporučuje se korištenje službenih po morskih navigacijskih karata u izdanju HHI Split: The use of the official navigational charts, the HHI edition is recommended: 101, 300-33, INT3412, 100-22, 100-25, 100-26, MK-19, Plan 50 ACI marina Palmižana Najbliži aerodrom / Nearest Airport Lučka kapetanija Split / Harbour Master’s Office Split ispostava Hvar/ branch office Hvar  tel: +385 (0) 21 741 007  UHF kanali / VHF channels 10 and 16  Tourist info:

Za sigurnu plovidbu preporučuje se korištenje službenih pomorskih navigacijskih karata u izdanju HHI Split: The use of the official navigational charts, the HHI edition is recommended: 101, 300-33, INT3412, 100-25, 100-26, 100-27, MK-22 Sadržaji u marini / Amenities in the Marina: Sadržaji blizu marine / Amenities near the Marina: 10t 0,5 nm Prometna povezanost / Travel connections:  Split, Dubrovnik  A1, E65, E71  Trajekt / Ferry (cijelu godinu / all year): -Orebić- Dominče (Korčula) -Split-Vela -Dubrovnik-Bari-Ploče-TrpanjLuka  Katamaran / Catamaran Cijelu godinu / all year: -Dubrovnik-Korčula-Ubli-Split-Hvar--Split-Hvar-Korčula-Orebić-KorčulaVelaLuka-Ubli Samo u sezoni: -Split-Bol-Makarska-Korčula-Mljet(Sobra)-Dubrovnik-Split-Hvar-Korčula-Mljet(Pomena)-Dubrovnik Vezovi / Berths: Vezovi u moru / Wet berths: 159 Vezovi na kopnu / Dry berths: 16 Priključci struje / Power connections: 63A Maksimalna duljina plovila godišnji vez: Maximum vessel length annual berth: 17m Maksimalna duljina plovila dnevni vez: Maximum vessel length daily berth: 50m Kontakt / Contact  20260 Korčula  Tel: +385 (0) 20 711 661  GSM: +385 (0) 98 398 854   UHF kanal / VHF channel 17 Južni Jadran / Southern Adriatic ACI MARINA KORČULA Otvorena: Cijele godine / Open: All year round |  42°57,6’ N 17°08,4’ E 158

Lučka kapetanija Dubrovnik / Harbour Master’s Office Dubrovnik ispostava Korčula / branch office Korčula  tel: +385 (0) 20 711 178  UHF kanali / VHF channels 10 and 16  Tourist info: ACI marina Korčula Najbliži aerodrom / Nearest Airport

Sadržaji u marini / Amenities in the Marina: Sadržaji blizu marine / Amenities near the Marina: 14 nm Za sigurnu plovidbu preporučuje se korištenje službenih pomorskih navigacijskih karata u izdanju HHI Split: The use of the official navigational charts, the HHI edition is recommended: 101, 300-34, INT3414, 100-27, 50-20, MK-25 Prometna povezanost / Travel connections:  Dubrovnik  A1, E65, E71 Vezovi / Berths: Vezovi u moru / Wet berths: 193 Priključci struje / Power connections: 63A Maksimalna duljina plovila godišnji vez: Maximum vessel length annual berth: 20m Maksimalna duljina plovila dnevni vez: Maximum vessel length daily berth: 50m Kontakt / Contact  Slanica 2, 20232 Slano  Tel: +385 (0) 20 441 721  GSM: +385 (0) 99 478 8059   UHF kanal / VHF channel 17 Južni Jadran / Southern Adriatic ACI MARINA „VELJKO BARBIERI” SLANO Otvorena: Cijele godine / Open: All year round |  42°47,1’ N 17°53,2’ E 160

ACI marina “Veljko Barbieri” Slano Najbliži aerodrom / Nearest Airport Lučka kapetanija Dubrovnik / Harbour Master’s Office Dubrovnik ispostava Slano / branch office Slano  tel:+385 (0) 20 871 177  UHF kanali / VHF channels 10 and 16  Tourist info:

Kontakt / Contact  Na skali 2, Mokošica, 20001 Dubrovnik  Tel: +385 (0) 20 455 020  GSM: +385 (0) 98 398 813   UHF kanal / VHF channel 17 Sadržaji u marini / Amenities in the Marina: Sadržaji blizu marine / Amenities near the Marina: 130t, 60t 162 Južni Jadran / Southern Adriatic ACI MARINA DUBROVNIK Otvorena: Cijele godine / Open: All year round |  42°40,3’ N 18°07,6’ E Vezovi / Berths: Vezovi u moru / Wet berths: 380 Vezovi na kopnu / Dry berths: 120 Priključci struje / Power connections: 125A Maksimalna duljina plovila godišnji vez: Maximum vessel length annual berth: 40m Maksimalna duljina plovila dnevni vez: Maximum vessel length daily berth: 45m Prometna povezanost / Travel connections:  Dubrovnik  E751  Dubrovnik - Korčula - Hvar - Bol - Split, Bari - Dubrovnik

Lučka kapetanija Dubrovnik / Harbour Master’s Office Dubrovnik  tel: +385 (0) 20 418 988, fax: +385 (0) 20 418 987, +385 (0) 20 418 987  UHF kanali / VHF channels 10 and 16  Tourist info: ACI marina Dubrovnik Najbliži aerodrom / Nearest Airport 988  UHF kanali / VHF channels 10 and 16  Tourist info: pomorskih navigacijskih karata u izdanju HHI Split:


Osobna iskaznica ili putovnica: Državljani EU-a, EGP-a, Švicarske




Napon gradske mreže 220 V, frekvencija 50 Hz Residential voltage 220 V, frequency 50 Hz



Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs of the RC:



Voda iz slavine pitka je u svim dijelovima



Ministarstvo vanjskih i europskih poslova RH:


Kuna, HRK (1 kuna = 100 lipa)

ID card or passport: EU, EGP citizens, Swiss citizens





TISNO  +385 22 439 313 Velika Rudina 1 PIŠKERA

SLANO  +385 20 871 177 Trg Ruđera Boškovića 23 "VELJKO BAR BIERI" SLANO DUBROVNIK  +385 20 418 988  Obala Stjepana Radića 37 DUBROVNIK



5. prijaviti boravak stranih državljana na plovilu sukladno poseb nim propisima.

PULA +385 52 535 877 Riva 18 POMER




Zapovjednik plovila koje uplovljava u Republiku Hrvatsku morskim putem dužan je najkraćim putem uploviti u najbližu luku otvorenu za međunarodni promet radi obavljanja granične kontrole te je du žan obaviti sljedeće:

4. Pay the sojourn tax;




ROVINJ  +385 52 811 132 Budičina 1, p.p.60 ROVINJ




VODICE  +385 22 443 055 Trg Marine bb  JEZERA

TROGIR  +385 21 881 508 Obala bana Berislavića 19 TROGIR


PULA +385 52 535 877 Riva 18 PULA

RAB  +385 51 725 419 Trg municipia Arbe 1 DRAGASUPETARSKA



MILNA  +385 21 636 205 Riva 7 SPLIT HVAR  +385 21 741 007 Fabrika bb  MILNA JELSA  +385 21 761 055 Jelsa  VRBOSKA HVAR  +385 21 741 007 Fabrika bb  PALMIŽANA

CRES  +385 51 571 111 Jadranska obala 1 CRES

3. Pay the required navigation safety fees;

5. Report the stay of foreign nationals on the vessel accordingly with specific regulations.


OPATIJA  +385 51 711 249 Zert 3  OPATIJA

ŠIBENIK +385 22 217 217 Obala Franje Tuđmana 8 VODICE ŠIBENIK  +385 22 217 217 Obala Franje Tuđmana 8 SKRADIN

ZADAR PAG +385 23 611 023 Golija 1 ŠIMUNI

RAB  +385 51 725 419 Trg municipia Arbe 1 RAB

KORČULA  +385 20 711 178 Obala Franje Tuđmana 1 KORČULA



1. podvrgnuti se graničnoj kontroli

2. ovjeriti popis posade i putnika koji se nalaze na plovilu u lučkoj kapetaniji ili ispostavi lučke kapetanije

ACI No.1 // Informacije za nautičare u Republici Hrvatskoj / Information for boaters in the Republic of Croatia

UMAG  +385 52 741 662 Josipa B. Tita 3 UMAG

4. platiti naknadu za boravišnu pristojbu

1. Pass through border control;

3. platiti propisane naknade za sigurnost plovidbe




The commander of a vessel, which sails into the Republic of Cro atia by sea, is required to sail by the shortest route to the nearest port open for international traffic for the purposes of border con trol, and is required to perform the following:

2. Verify the list of the crew and passenger who are on the ves sel with the harbormaster’s office or its branch office.

MURTER  +385 22 435 190 Trg Rudine 8  ŽUT


3. prijaviti boravak stranih državljana na plovilu sukladno poseb nim propisima.

Zapovjednik plovila koje je u Republiku Hrvatsku dovezeno kopne nim putem ili se nalazi na čuvanju u luci ili na drugome odobrenom mjestu u Republici Hrvatskoj dužan je prije započinjanja plovidbe:

Domaće i strane jahte i brodice plaćaju naknadu za korištenje objektima sigurnosti plovidbe u unutarnjim morskim vodama i te ritorijalnome moru Republike Hrvatske. Obveza plaćanja naknade nastaje kada plovilo uplovi u luku ili doplovi na sidrište unutarnjih morskih voda ili teritorijalnoga mora Republike Hrvatske. Domaće i strane brodice i jahte plaćaju godišnju naknadu, i to za tekuću (kalendarsku) godinu. Iznos naknade utvrđuje se prema formuli iz sljedeće tablice, a visina ovisi o duljini jahte ili brodice.



Vlasnik strane brodice ili jahte namijenjene razonodi, sportu ili re kreaciji koja plovi i boravi u unutarnjim morskim vodama i teritorijal nome moru Republike Hrvatske dužan je prilikom uplovljenja platiti naknadu za sigurnost plovidbe i zaštitu od onečišćenja. Iznos naknade utvrđuje se prema formuli iz tablice u nastavku, a visina naknade ovisi o duljini i ukupnoj snazi porivnih uređaja jahte ili brodice.



A vessel in the ownership of a natural person or persons, can, for the period of sailing in the Republic of Croatia, carry the owner

ACI No.1 // Informacije za nautičare u Republici Hrvatskoj / Information for boaters in the Republic of Croatia 166


3. Report the stay of foreign nationals on the vessel in accordan ce with specific regulations.


The owner or user of the vessel pays sojourn tax for themselves and all the people who spend the night on the vessel at a flat rate. A vessel in this sense is considered as any vessel longer than 5 meters with built-in bunks, that is used for holidays, recreation and cruising, and that is not a nautical tourism vessel. The flat rate so journ tax is paid by boaters to the harbormaster’s office before sa iling out, or to harbormaster’s branch office when they are staying and overnighting on the boat in nautical tourism ports or at a berth in a nautical section of a port which is open to public traffic. The harbormaster’s offices and harbormaster’s branches to whom boa ters have paid the flat rate of the sojourn tax are to issue a receipt regarding the payment of the sojourn tax. The amount of the flat rate of the sojourn tax for boaters depends on the length of the vessel and time for which the boaters have paid. The receipt for paying the sojourn tax must always be on board and the vessel’s commander is required to present it upon the request of an autho rized person.

2. Pay the sojourn tax;

2. platiti naknadu za boravišnu pristojbu

Vlasnik ili korisnik plovila za sebe i sve osobe koje noće na tome plovilu boravišnu pristojbu plaća u paušalnome iznosu. Plovilom u tome smislu smatra se svako plovilo duže od 5 m s ugrađenim ležajevima kojim se koristi za odmor, rekreaciju ili krstarenje, a koje nije plovni objekt nautičkoga turizma. Paušalni iznos boraviš ne pristojbe nautičari plaćaju prije isplovljavanja plovila u lučkim kapetanijama, odnosno ispostavama lučkih kapetanija, i to kada na plovilu borave i noće u lukama nautičkoga turizma ili na vezu u nautičkome dijelu luke koja je otvorena za javni promet. Lučke kapetanije dužne su izdati račun o plaćenoj boravišnoj pristojbi. Visina paušalnoga iznosa boravišne pristojbe za nautičare ovisi o duljini plovila i vremenskome razdoblju za koje nautičari kupuju boravišnu pristojbu. Račun za plaćenu boravišnu pristojbu uvijek se mora nalaziti na plovilu te ga je zapovjednik plovila dužan pre dočiti na zahtjev ovlaštene osobe.

1. platiti propisane naknade za sigurnost plovidbe

Na plovilu u vlasništvu fizičke osobe ili fizičkih osoba koje plovi u Republici Hrvatskoj mogu se za vrijeme plovidbe nalaziti vlasnik plovila, članovi njegove uže obitelji i osobe koje vlasnik plovila za to pisano ovlasti. Potpis vlasnika na pisanome ovlaštenju mora biti ovjeren od domaćega ili stranoga nadležnog tijela.

The commander of a vessel that has been brought to the Republic of Croatia by land or is located in a harbor or another approved place within the Republic of Croatia is required to do the following before going to sea:



1. Pay the required navigation safety fees;



An owner of a foreign boat or yacht intended for leisure, sport or recreation which sails and stays in the internal waters and territo rial sea of the Republic of Croatia is required upon sailing to pay a fee for the safety of the vessel and the prevention of pollution. The amount of the fee is set out in line with the formula from the following table, and the amount of the fee depends on the length and total propulsion power of the yacht or boat.

Domestic and foreign yachts and boats pay a fee for using aids for navigation safety within the internal waters and territorial sea of the Republic of Croatia. The obligation of paying the fee comes into force when a vessel sails into a harbor or arrives at an anc horage of the internal waters or territorial sea of the Republic of Croatia. Domestic and foreign boats and yachts pay an annual fee and it is for the current (calendar) year. The amount of the fee is set out in line with the formula from Table 2, and the amount of the fee depends on the length of the yacht or boat.

3. dokaz da je osoba koja zapovijeda plovilom sposobna uprav ljati plovilom, sukladno nacionalnim propisima države čiju za stavu vije odnosno sukladno propisima Republike Hrvatske

Na plovilu koje plovi u Republici Hrvatskoj moraju se u svrhu pro vjere nalaziti sljedeći dokumenti u izvorniku:

2. dokaz da je plovilo sposobno za plovidbu

4. Proof of third party insurance;


2. Proof that the vessel is seaworthy;

ACI No.1 // Informacije za nautičare u Republici Hrvatskoj / Information for boaters in the Republic of Croatia 167

Before sailing out from the Republic of Croatia the commander of a vessel is required to:

Zapovjednik plovila dužan je prije isplovljenja iz Republike Hrvat 1.ske: podvrgnuti se graničnoj kontroli

Nakon što obavi navedene obveze, zapovjednik plovila dužan je najkraćim putem napustiti unutarnje morske vode i teritorijalno more Republike Hrvatske.



1. dokaz da su plaćene sve naknade

For the command of small boats and yachts, a person must be qu alified in accordance with the regulations of the state under whose flag the boat or yacht is sailing, and if in the home state there is no such kind of written qualification for the command of a boat, then the regulations of Croatia shall be implemented.

3. Proof that the person who is commanding the vessel is capa ble of controlling the vessel, in accordance with the regulati ons of the country under whose flag it is sailing, and in accor dance with the regulations of the Republic of Croatia;

DULJINA PLOVILA (m) / VESSEL LENGTH (m) UPRAVNA PRISTOJBA / ADMINISTRATIVE FEE SIGURNOST PLOVIDBE / NAVIGATION SAFETY INFORMATIONKARTA/INFORMATIVNAMAP SVJETLARINA / LIGHT FEE < 11,99 40 kn 20*L+2*P 20 kn 10 kn/m 12,00–40,00 40 kn 20*L+2*P 20 kn 25 kn/m 40,01> 40 kn 7.500 kn 20 kn 25 kn/m L = duljina brodice ili jahte u m / length of boat or yacht in meters P = snaga motora u kW / engine power in kW

After completing the mentioned obligations, the commander is required to leave the internal waters and territorial sea of the Re public of Croatia via the shortest possible route.

5. dokaz o vlasništvu ili punomoć za korištenje plovilom.

4. dokaz o osiguranju od odgovornosti za štetu počinjenu trećim osobama

of the vessel, members of their immediate family and persons whom the owner of the vessel has given written permission to. The owner’s signature on the written authorization must be verified by an appropriate local or foreign authority.

The list of recognized foreign documents/licenses is available on the website of the


For the purpose of verification, original copies of the following do cuments must be on board the vessel sailing in the Republic of 1.Croatia:Proof that all fees have been paid;

2. Verify the list of the crew and passengers who are on the ves sel with the port authority or branch of the port authority.


5. Proof of ownership or authorization for use of the vessel

1. Pass through border control;

Za upravljanje brodicama i zapovijedanje jahtama osoba mora biti osposobljena sukladno propisima države čiju zastavu brodica ili ja hta vije, a ako u matičnoj državi nije propisana nikakva osposoblje nost za upravljanje brodicom, tada se primjenjuju hrvatski propisi. Popis priznatih stranih isprava / dozvola objavljen je na internet skim stranicama

2. ovjeriti popis posade i putnika koji se nalaze na plovilu u lučkoj kapetaniji ili ispostavi lučke kapetanije.




Treća najbolja marina po ocjenama nautičara

3. mjesto u kategoriji marina godine/ 3rd place in the Marina of the Year cathegory

2. mjesto u kategoriji marine po veličini/ 2nd place in the Size cathegory

“My favorite marina” Special Reward

The third-best marina recognized by their boaters

po ocjenama nautičara


Posebno priznanje za najljubaznije osoblje Zlatni osmijeh

Ekskluzivno priznanje za razvoj elitnog turizma

Kategorija srednjih marina/ Medium marina cathegory

Posebno priznanje za najbolju otočnu marinu/ The Best Island Marina special recognition


Posebna zahvala

Kategorija velikih marina/ Large marina cathegory

Posebno priznanje Moja najdraža marina


1. mjesto u kategoriji marina godine/ 1st place in the Marina of the Year cathegory


The second-best marina recognized by their boaters

Posebno priznanje za razvoj ponude luksuznog turizma / Special Recognition for the Development of Luxury

Special KolosNagradaTheZlatniTheBiserTheNajsigurnijaAcknowledgmentkorona-freemarinasafestCoronavirus-freemarinazelenemagistralePearlofthegreenhighwayvezgastronomijeGoldenberthofgastronomyKolosawardBestNewInvestmentReward FLOWER QUALITY FOR CROATIA

2. mjesto u kategoriji marina godine/ 2nd place in the Marina of the Year cathegory

3. mjesto u kategoriji marine po veličini/ 3rd place in the Size cathegory

The exclusive recognition for the development of elite nautical tourism


1. mjesto u kategoriji marine po veličini/ 1st place in the Size cathegory

Kategorija malih marina/ Small marina cathegory

The "Golden Smile of the Adriatic”Staff Kindness Special Reward

The best marina recognized by their boaters

Druga najbolja marina po ocjenama nautičara

/ Blue Posebnoflag priznanje za

ponude luksuznog turizma / Special Recognition for the Development of Luxury Tourism

ACI marina - Dobitnik priznanja ACI Marina - award winner

Plava zastava razvoj

For many years, ACI marinas have regularly won prestigious awards and recognitions “Tourism Flower Quality for Croatia,” and "The Golden Anchor" of the Jutarnji list Nautical Patrol award ed to the most successful, the best and the most recognized Cro atian tourist companies and destinations. These are some of the recognitions and awards ACI marinas have won since 2010:

1 ACI Umag 2 ACI Rovinj 3 ACI Pula 4 ACI Pomer 5 ACI Opatija 6 ACI Cres 7 ACI Supetarska Draga 8 ACI Rab 9 ACI Šimuni 10 ACI Žut + sidrište/anchorage Žut 11 ACI Piškera 12 ACI Jezera 13 ACI Vodice 14 ACI Skradin + sidrište/anchorage Vozarica 15 ACI Trogir 16 ACI Split 17 ACI Milna 18 ACI Vrboska 19 ACI Palmižana 20 ACI Korčula 21 ACI Slano 22 ACI Dubrovnik Fotografija / Photo: D. Žunić/ P. Fabijan PLAVA ZASTAVA / BLUE FLAG ACI Umag, ACI Pula, ACI Pomer, ACI Opatija, ACI Cres, ACI Supetarska Draga, ACI Rab, ACI Jezera, ACI Vodice, ACI Skradin, ACI Trogir, ACI Split, ACI Milna, ACI Vrboska, ACI Korčula, ACI Slano, ACI Dubrovnik 169

ACI marine dugoodišnji su i redovni osvajači prestižnih nagrada i priznanja “Turistički cvijet – kvaliteta za Hrvatsku” i "Zlatno sidro" Nautičke patrole Jutarnjeg lista koja se dodjeljuju najuspješnijim, najkvalitetnijim i najprepoznatljivijim hrvatskim turističkim subjek tima i destinacijama. Slijede samo neka od priznanja i nagrada koje su ACI marine osvojile od 2010. godine:


Obrt +385Lido(0)99 642 www.restoran-lido.eatbu.hrlidoaciumag@gmail.com5733

Sopravento j.d.o.o. +385 (0) 99 447 www.sopravento.eatbu.hrdavor.pula@gmail.com2434


Krka Belvedere d.o.o.

Obrt +385Pasquale(0)98588 arka.skipperclub@gmail.com108

Maistra d.d. +385 (0) 52 800 250

Turić i Bućan j.d.o.o. +385 (0) 91 306 paveturic@yahoo.com0057

Opus Meus d.o.o. +385 (0) 91 570







Loza Vrdoljak d.o.o. +385 (0) 21 399 333 +385 (0) 91 434 www.zrnosoli.hrzrnosoli.split@gmail.com3050



No. 20 Number 20 d.o.o. +385 (0) 99 432 no20@gmail.com4434

Obrt +385Lašk(0)21 884 pereza.mario2012@gmail.com001





Obrt +385Smokva(0)23697 053



M.B. Vičić d.o.o. +385 (0) 21 636 285 +385 (0) 91 734 info@mb-vincic.com4004

Authentic j.d.o.o. +385 (0) 91 223 cvitanduje@gmail.com3660





Maistra d.d. +385 (0) 52 800 250

ACI ŽUTŽUTNO. 20 Žut Number 20 nincevicmonika@gmail.comd.o.o.





Grašo commerce d.o.o. +385 (0) 21 398 560 +385 (0) 99 413 www.restaurantadriatic.comrestaurantadriatic@yahoo.com6361

Obrt +385Kolarin(0)20 805 013 +385 (0) 98 184 www.restaurantperast.cominfo@restaurantperast.com9165

Šimuni d.o.o. +385 (0) 20 871 www.restaurantazzurro.comrestaurantazzurro@gmail.com991

Raunig d.o.o. +385 (0) 91 622 info@zephyrus-yachtclub.com5624


Obrt +385Vojko(0)51 776 805 +385 (0) 91 677 www.vojko.hrvojko.rab@gmail.com6700


Shark Yacht Service d.o.o. +385 (0) 95 544 www.shark-yachtservice.hrinfo@shark-yachtservice.hr1966

Obrt +385Moras(0)51 725 048 +385 (0) 98 329 servis.moras@hi.t-com.hr698

Prestige d.o.o. +385 (0) 52 300 001 +385 (0) 98 403 www.prestige-yachservice.hrinfo@prestige-yachtservice.hr908



Paracelsus d.o.o. +385 (0) 51 776 makaus.denis@gmail.com483


Fokus d.o.o. +385 92 170 https://www.marinefokus.commarinefokus@gmail.com8199

Enia +385d.o.o(0)51 263 409 +385 (0) 51 264 128



+385 (0) 51 216 894 +385 (0) 91 502 www.secom-ns.comdanijel@secom-ns.com2622

Almi +385d.o.o.(0)52 741 065


Obrt Secom NS


ACI No.1 // Odabrane usluge i partneri u ACI marinama / Selected services and partners in ACI marinas



CTM d.o.o. +385 (0) 20 331



Obrt Wave Yacht Service +385 (0) 99 402 5562

Matadura d.o.o. +385 (0) 21 398 www.matadura.hrmatadura@matadura.hr561


North Star j.d.o.o.


Nautički centar Orka d.o.o. +385 (0) 22 435 437 +385 (0) 91 566 servis@ncorka.hr7755

Obrt +385Kuna(0)95 818 mario@kuna-dubrovnik.com3433

Obrt +385Lanterna(0)91533

Fra-Ni Remont d.o.o. +385 (0) 51 571 920 +385 (0) 98 234 www.fra-ni.infofra-ni.remont@ri.t-com.hr893


Coredus d.o.o. +385 (0) 20 000 000 +385 (0) 99 793




Obrt Polaris Yacht Service +385 (0) 22 443 021 +385 (0) 98 266 igor.lokas@si.t-com.hr343


Nautički servis Dubrovnik d.o.o. +385 (0) 20 454 215 +385 (0) 91 445 1110


Nicro Nautica nikola.violic@nicro.hrd.o.o.









Waypoint d.o.o. +385 (0) 21 367 686 +385 (0) 98 368 www.waypoint.hrbooking@waypoint.hr334




Nautika Kufner d.o.o. +385 (0) 91 478 www.nautika-kufner.hrinfo@nautika-kufner.hr9219

Obrt BB Jezera +385 (0) 98 985 www.bbjezera.cominfo@bbjezera.com7301

Mennyacht d.o.o. +385 (0) 91 573 www.mennyacht.cominfo@mennyacht.com1136


Adriatic Marine d.o.o. +385 (0) 91 600 www.adriaticmarine.deinfo@adriaticmarine.de1137

Dalmatia Charter Agency d.o.o. +385 (0) 21 797 239 +385 (0) 91 188 www.dalmatiacharter.cominfo@dalmatia-charter.hr2881

Aba Vela d.o.o. +385 (0) 21 321 407 +385 (0) 98 667 www.abavela.comcontact@abavela.com622


Studio tim d.o.o. +385 (0) 52 213 988 +385 (0) 98 334 www.vala-charter.cominfo@vala-charter.com684

Emu Yachting info@emu-yachting.comd.o.o.


ACI No.1 // Odabrane usluge i partneri u ACI marinama / Selected services and partners in ACI marinas

Pitter putnička agencija d.o.o. +385 (0) 23 386 www.pitter-croatia.cominfo@pitter-croatia.com700


Dream Yacht Croatia d.o.o. +385 (0) 20 456 750 +385 (0) 91 274 www.dreamyachtcharter.comcroatia@dreamyachtcharter.com5145


Mayer d.o.o.




Arkanđel j.d.o.o. +385 (0) 21 587 info@detonicharter.com211



Nova Eurospectra d.o.o. +385 (0) 95 516 www.eurospectra.cominfo@eurospectra.hr6212


Vito nautika d.o.o.


Veritas Yachting Europe GmbH +385 (0) 22 571 736 +385 (0) 99 437 www.veritas-yachting.cominfo@veritas-yachting.com8301

Angelina Trogir d.o.o. +385 (0) 23 385 www.angelina.hrinfo@angelina.hr293

Ultra jedrenje d.o.o. +385 (0) 21 398 578 +385 (0) 98 992 www.ultra-sailing.hrbooking@ultra-sailing.hr6339

Sub Rosa d.o.o. +385 (0) 22 212 736



+385 (0) 52 393 www.vitonautika.cominfo@vitonautika.hr890


BB Jezera



Centar Jedrenja d.o.o. +385 (0) 22 439 000 +385 (0) 99 443 www.alternautika.cominfo@alternautika.com9000



Admiral Boats d.o.o. +385 (0) 95 258 www.admiral-boats.hrinfo@admiral-boats.hr8827



Na pola puta d.o.o. +385 (0) 91 539 www.sail-charter-in-croatia.comivana@sail-charter-in-croatia.com0089

Obrt M Marine

Sunsail Adriatic d.o.o. +385 (0) 20 455 075 +385 (0) 99 813 www.sunsail.comsales@sunsail.com8624


+385 (0) 1 233 1661 +385 (0) 91 377 www.navigare-yachting.combooking@navigare-yachting.com7603

Croatia Yachting d.o.o.


Bach Yachting d.o.o. +385 (0) 91 606 www.bachyachting.cominfo@bachyachting.nl6609



Bomi Ship d.o.o. +385 (0) 21 314 555 +385 (0) 91 314 www.bomiship.combooking@bomiship.com5555


+385 (0) 21 332 332 +385 (0) 91 331 www.croatia-yachting-charter.combooking@croatia-yachting.hr3343



International Cruising Yachts d.o.o. +385 (0) 21 358 824

ACI No.1 // Odabrane usluge i partneri u ACI marinama / Selected services and partners in ACI marinas


Sail Croatia d.o.o. +385 (0) 21 317 www.sail-croatia.comsales@sail-croatia.com902


Fordewind d.o.o. +385 (0) 95 568 www.simplesail.cominfo@simplesail.com2288

Euromarine Charter d.o.o. +385 (0) 1 555 2200 +385 (0) 1 555



Fair Wind d.o.o. +385 (0) 98 162 www.croatia-charter.hrbooking@croatia-charter.hr0992

Adria Yachting d.o.o. +385 (0) 91 263 www.admiral-boats.hrinfo@admiral-boats.hr4256


Adriatic Yacht Charter d.o.o. +385 (0) 98 273 880






Orvas d.o.o. +385 (0) 21 735 377 +385 (0) 95 344 www.orvasyachting.comorvas-yachting@orvas.hr4111

Dubrovnik Yachting d.o.o. +385 (0) 91 488 www.yachting-dubrovnik.cominfo@yachting-dubrovnik.com1999




Sunčani Život d.o.o. +385 (0) 21 398 496 +385 (0) 91 3456 783


Navigare Yachting d.o.o.

Top Light d.o.o. +385 (0) 21 358 344 +385 (0) 91 605 www.splityachtcharter.cominfo@splityachtcharter.com3947



Astarea d.o.o. +385 (0) 23 385 www.angelina.hrinfo@angelina.hr293


Boltano d.o.o. +385 (0) 91 201 www.boltano.hrnautika@boltano.hr4607


Ultra d.o.o.


Seariver Tech. Department d.o.o. +385 (0) 20 486 040



Mennyacht d.o.o. +385 (0) 91 177 www.mennyacht.comcroatia@mennyacht.com2610


Adria Luxury Boats d.o.o. +385 (0) 91 727 1866

Aurani d.o.o. +385 (0) 51 774 823




+385 (0) 21 398 786


Kvarner nautika d.o.o. +385 (0) 98 983 www.kvarner-nautika.hrkvarner-nautika@ri.t-com.hr1430




Donar d.o.o. +385 (0) 52 219 173 +385 (0) 98 802 www.donarboats.hrdonarboats@gmail.com328

Nautički centar Liburnija d.o.o. +385 (0) 51 413 921 +385 (0) 99 548

Princess Yachts Adriatic d.o.o. +385 (0) 21 398 www.princessadriatic.cominfo@princessadriatic.com786

ACI No.1 // Odabrane usluge i partneri u ACI marinama / Selected services and partners in ACI marinas




Gumicentar d.o.o. +385 (0) 91 201 www.gumicentar.hrcres@gumicentar.hr2599





Lalizas Marina d.o.o. +385 (0) 20 454 www.marinastores.hr073

Nautika Centar Nava d.o.o. +385 (0) 21 407 www.navaboats.cominfo@navaboats.com705

Repens d.o.o.

+385 (0) 21 398 www.beneteau-croatia.hrsales@ultra-sailing.hr578


Fokus www.frigomarine.hrmarinefokus@gmail.comd.o.o.


Kaskade d.o.o. +385 (0) 21 398 320

Luka trade j.d.o.o.



P.V. Lišnjak trade d.o.o. +385 (0) 99 314 6205







Tisak plus d.o.o. +385 (0) 72 000 001

Auto d.o.o. (0) 52

Veliko plavetnilo d.o.o. (0)

+385 (0) 91 583 ivanaversicek@gmail.com4255


Timun d.o.o. +385 (0) 51 571 312




Konzum plus d.o.o. 0800 400 www.konzum.hrkonzum@konzum.hr000

Studenac d.o.o. +385 (0) 21 430 www.studenac.hrstudenac@studenac.hr801

51 704"rogi.ribaru@gmail.com741 RENT A CAR ACI AUTOROVINJBENUSSI

385 www.autobenussi.hrinfo@autobenussi.hr888 ACI No.1 // Odabrane usluge i partneri u ACI marinama / Selected services and partners in ACI marinas 175

Obrt +385Žele(0)21 744 988

Procella d.o.o.

Obrt Mala medena +385 (0) 21 881 430 +385 (0) 91 539 5866






ACI No.1 // Odabrane usluge i partneri u ACI marinama / Selected services and partners in ACI marinas SALONI ZA ULJEPŠAVANJE / BEAUTY SALONS ACI VALENTINAUMAG Obrt +385Valentina(0)52463 308 +385 (0) 98 335 563 ACI BEAUTYROVINJSPA AMARE Amare j.d.o.o. +385 (0) 95 505 amarerovinj@gmail.com3652 ACI DIAMONDOPATIJABEAUTY Obrt Diamond beauty +385 (0) 98 972 1111 ACI GLENDAKORČULACUT Obrt Glenda Cut +385 (0) 91 989 glenda.cut@gmail.com0200 ACI DAVORDUBROVNIKTOKIĆ privatna praksa dentalnog laboratorija +385 (0) 91 241 davor.tokic25y@gmail.com1997 ACI PAEONIADUBROVNIK Obrt +385Paeonia(0)99665 paeoniabeauty@gmail.com8820 PRAONICE / LAUNDRY SERVICES ACI ADMIRALOPATIJALAUNDRY Admiral Laundry j.d.o.o. +385 (0) 95 258 info@admiral-laundry.hr8827 ACI ARBIARABLAUNDRY ROOM Markel d.o.o. +385 (0) 51 725 villerab@markel.hr639 ACI ŠPALINESPLIT Špaline d.o.o. +385 (0) 95 716 www.praonica-rublja-spaline.hrspaline.aci@gmail.com4832 ACI PARILOKORČULA Parilo d.o.o. +385 (0) 98 417 parilokorcula@gmail.com415 ACI VELOXDUBROVNIK Velox d.o.o. +385 (0) 20 891 015 +385 (0) 99 417 velox.usluge@gmail.com7787 USLUGE ČIŠĆENJA / CLEANING SERVICES ACI BRUŠKINDUBROVNIKDUBROVNIK Bruškin Dubrovnik j.d.o.o. +385 (0) 91 603 bruskin1@outlook.com8910 TURISTIČKA AGENCIJA / TOURIST AGENCY ACI KORKYRAKORČULANAUTIKA Korkyra Nautika d.o.o. +385 (0) 20 721 073 +385 (0) 99 638 www.korcula-boat.comnautikakorcula@gmail.com8944 ACI DUBROVNIK N TRAVEL ADRIATIC N Travel Adriatic d.o.o. +385 (0) 99 834 ntraveladriatic@gmail.com3738 ACI SILENUSDUBROVNIKADRIATIC Silenus Adriatic transfersanita@gmail.comj.d.o.o. 176

PUTNIČKA AGENCIJA / TRAVEL AGENCY ACI AUTOTRANSKORČULA Autotrans d.d. +385 (0) 72 660 ŠKOLA JEDRENJA / SAILING SCHOOL ACI A.N.A.JEZERA Academia navalis Adriatica d.o.o. +385 (0) 51 711 814 +385 (0) 99 217 www.anasail.cominfo@anasail.com8404 ŠKOLA RONJENJA / DIVING SCHOOL ACI DRAULIKMILNAMILNA Ameba d.o.o. +385 (0) 21 386 250 +385 (0) 98 235 ameba.split@st.t-com.hr662 BANKOMAT / ATM 22 ACI EURONETMARINAS EFT usluge d.o.o. +385 (0) 1 632 www.euronetatms.hrcontact@euronetworldwide.com6777 ACI No.1 // Odabrane usluge i partneri u ACI marinama / Selected services and partners in ACI marinas 177

REGATASLATKO-SLANA SKRADINSKA REGATA / SKRADIN REGATTA FRESH SALTWATERAND REGATTA HRVATSKA JE DOBILA JOŠ JEDNU REGATU KOJA JE JEDINSTVENA PO TOME ŠTO SE ODRŽAVA NA PROKLJANSKOM JEZERU U NEPOSREDNOJ BLIZINI NACIONALNOG PARKA KRKA CROATIA HAS GOT ANOTHER REGATTA UNIQUE IN THAT IT IS HELD ON PROKLJAN LAKE IN THE IMMEDIATE VICINITY OF THE KRKA NATIONAL PARK Jadransko more jedno je od najljepših jedriličarskih igrališta na svijetu na kojem se svake godine održava više stotina regata. Profesionalci i amateri, veterani i debitanti ujedinjuju se u izazovima koje donosi jedrenje, a sportski duh i poštovanje prirode jednako su važni kao i dobar rezultat na regati. The Adriatic Sea is one of the most beautiful sailing areas in the world, where hundreds of regattas are held every year. Professionals and amateurs, veterans and first-timers are united by the common challenges that sailing brings, and sportsmanship and respect for nature are just as important as good race results. Fotografije / Photos: 178



Skradinska regata pred natjecatelje postavlja brojne zagonetke i prepreke, jedri se na području koje je podjednako izazovno koliko i slikovito, pa je svaki plov test i za najbolje jedriličare.

Organisedmix. by the Kon Tiki Croatia Sailing Club and ACI, the regatta has given the city of Skradin an excellent opportunity to promote itself and present its diverse boating potential and the rich mar itime tradition dating back to the ancient Romans, who moored their galleys here.

Posljednjih nekoliko godina u kalendaru hrvatskih regata nalazi se i jedna regata koja je jedinstvena po tome što se održava na jezeru u neposrednoj blizini Nacionalnog parka Krka. Naime, Skradinska regata jedri se početkom travnja na Prokljanskom jezeru, na mje stu gdje rijeka Krka ljubi more, a slatka voda miješa se s morskom. U organizaciji Jedriličarskog kluba Kon Tiki Croatia i ACI-ja grad Skradin dobio je izvrsnu priliku za pozicioniranje i predstavljanje raznolikih nautičkih potencijala kao i bogate pomorske tradicije koja potječe još od doba starih Rimljana koji su ovdje vezivali svo je galije.


ACI No.1 //

A few years ago, a regatta unique in that it is held on a lake close to the Krka National Park was added to the calendar of Croatian races. The Skradin Regatta takes place in early April on Prokljan Lake, where the Krka River meets the sea and the fresh and sea water

In the Skradin Regatta, the competitors are faced with numerous difficulties and obstacles, sailing in an area that is as challenging as it is picturesque, which makes each race a real test even for the best of sailors. Skradinska regata Skradin regatta

The appeal of the Skradin Regatta is not only in the overall victory: it goes deeper and is based on passion for the sea, teamwork, sharing amazing stories, creating unforgettable experiences and –most importantly – the willingness to accept personal challenges. And all of that happens in one of the most beautiful landscapes in the world, where sailing and boating stand out as one of the strongest Croatian tourist assets.

ACI No.1 // Skradinska regata / Skradin regatta

Skradinska regata pred natjecatelje postavlja brojne zagonetke i prepreke, jedri se na području koje je podjednako izazovno koliko i slikovito, pa je svaki plov test i za najbolje jedriličare. Privlačnost Skradinske regate nije samo u ukupnoj pobjedi. Ona seže dublje, temelji se na strasti prema moru, osjećaju timskog rada, dijeljenju nevjerojatnih priča, stvaranju nezaboravnih isku stava i, najvažnije, spremnosti na prihvaćanje osobnih izazova. I to u jednom od najljepših krajolika na svijetu u kojem se jedrenje i nautika ističu kao jedan od najjačih hrvatskih turističkih aduta. 

In the Skradin Regatta, the competitors are faced with numerous difficulties and obstacles, sailing in an area that is as challenging as it is picturesque, which makes each race a real test even for the best of sailors.


Blue Nautica Underwater Museum Jeste li ikada zaplivali u muzeju? Have you ever tried swimming in a museum? Istražite jedinstvenu podmorsku priču krei ranu za cijelu obitelj. Stalni postav muzeja nalazi se samo 2 NM od Trogira i postav ljen je na morsko dno na maloj dubini u rasponu od 4-12 m. Na taj način razgledanje je omogućeno svima, običnim kupačima, kupačima s disalicama i maskama, freediverima i roniocima s bocama. Explore the unique underwater adventure designed for the whole family. The museum’s permanent display is only 2 mi off Trogir, placed on the seabed at a shallow depth ranging from 4 to 12 m, which makes it possible for everyone – swimmers, snorkellers, free divers and scuba divers – to visit this undersea museum. Fotografije / Photos: Blue Nautica 182

A real military plane under the sea

potpun doživ ljaj cijele priče.  Kontakt:

In addition to the already existing underwater Way of the Cross, which consists of all the stations and is unique in the world, a new theme has been added to the museum.


After visiting the museum, visitors can relax on the beach, which has recently undergone a makeover, refresh them selves at the snack bar and have fun in the aquapark. Organised visits to the museum, departing from Trogir and Split, are offered in order to provide all visitors with a com plete experience. 

Pravi vojni avion pod morem Uz postojeći jedinstveni u svijetu cijeli Križni put pod mo rem, muzej je obogaćen novom temom. Na dubinu od svega 10 m postavljen je pravi vojni avion te je zbog male dubine u ponudi zanimljiva snorkeling i scuba lokacija i svatko može istražiti cijeli podmorski muzej. Stari otpisani avion dobio je novu svrhu i pretvoren je u pravu podmor sku atrakciju. Kozmetički je potpuno renoviran, a strogo pazeći na morski život povađeni su mehanički dijelovi i sve što bi moglo ugroziti okoliš. Nakon razgledanja muzeja, posjetitelji se mogu opustiti na novouređenoj plaži, osvježiti ponudom snack-bara i zaba viti u Posjetiaquaparku.muzejus polascima iz Trogira i Splita su organizira ni kako bi se svim posjetiteljima omogućio

A real military plane has been placed at a depth of only 10 m, which has made the underwater museum an interest ing snorkelling and scuba-diving location, suitable for any one to explore in its entirety. This old written-off plane has got a new life and has been turned into a real undersea attraction. It has been completely touched-up, and all me chanical parts and all other components that could pose a threat to the environment have been removed, taking special care of marine life.

PRIČA SETAKAMENUUSTORYINSTONE Korčula je jedan od najljepših i najbolje očuvanih srednjovjekovnih gradova na hrvatskoj obali koji nautičari rado posjećuju zbog sjajne marine u središtu grada, bogate povijesti i odlične ga Thestronomijetownof Korčula is one of the most beautiful and best-preserved medieval towns on the Cro atian coast, hugely popular with boaters because of a superb marina located in the city centre, the town's rich history and excellent cuisine Fotografije / Photos: Boris TZDeaMajaMarioDamirMarkoNevenKačanFazinićSitarPačićHlačaČaraŠainBoticaKorčula 184

Many boaters who come to the Adriatic often say that on the Croatian coast and islands, the culture of life near the sea is intertwined with natural and historical sights, often wrapped in the irresistible charm of summer parties and underlined by superb cuisine.

Brojni nautičari koji dolaze na Jadran često će reći da se na hrvatskoj obali i otocima kultura života na moru isprepleće s prirodnim i povijesnim znamenitostima, često umotana u neodoljiv šarm ljetnih zabava i podcrtana vrsnom


jadranskih otoka Korčula je posve drugačija. Prepuna legendi, povijesti i dobre hrane. Mediteranska priča u kamenu koja je u posljednjih nekoliko godina među „must see” odredištima za nautičare na Jadranu. Pritom je ACI marina u samom središtu grada idealna početna točka za upoznavanje jednog od najljepših i najbolje očuvanih srednjovjekovnih gradova na hrvatskoj obali.

Among a thousand plus Adriatic islands, Korčula is completely different. Full of legends, history and delicious food, it is a Mediterranean story set in stone that in recent years has become one of the 'must see' destinations for boaters in the Adriatic. ACI Marina Korčula, situated in the very centre of the town, is an ideal starting point for exploring one of the most beautiful and best-preserved medieval towns on the Croatian coast.


With a 'million-dollar' view of the old town, ACI Marina Korčula is one of the most prominent destinations in the largest marina chain in the Mediterranean S pogledom od milijun dolara na samu povijesnu jezgru grada ACI marina Korčula jedna je od potentnijih destinacija u najvećem lancu marina na Mediteranu

Korčula očarava bezvremenskom ljepotom, minula vre mena utisnula su trag u kamenu koji priča. Glavna grad ska ulica pravilno presijeca grad na istočnu i zapadnu polovicu te pokrajnje ulice što idu do gradskih zidina i neodoljivo podsjećaju na riblju kost, što omogućuje slo bodno strujanje zraka, ali i štiti od jakih vjetrova. Povijesno središte sagrađeno je na malom poluotoku što sužava prolaz između otoka i kopna na samo 1270 meta ra. Upravo je mogućnost nadzora plovidbe galija i jedre njaka istočnom obalom Jadrana na tome mjestu bio ra zlog postanka gradića tvrđave što je za razne gospodare činio tu važnu službu. Korčula je bila okružena zidinama i kulama iz 13., 14. i 15. stoljeća.

Korčula will enchant you with its timeless beauty; the by gone times left a mark in the stone that can tell stories. The main street neatly cuts through the city, dividing it into the eastern and western half, and the side streets extending to the city walls are strongly reminiscent of a herringbone. Such a plan allows free circulation of air, but also protects against strong winds.

The historic centre is built on a small peninsula that pro trudes into the strait between the island and the mainland, narrowing it to only 1,270 m. The possibility of monitoring the passage of galleys and sailing ships along the east ern Adriatic coast was the reason for the development of the walled city, which provided this important service to various masters. Korčula was surrounded by walls and towers from the 13th, 14th and 15th centuries.

ACI No.1 // Korčula 186

Kamenoklesarstvo i brodogradnja od davnina su najvaž niji korčulanski zanati. Kvalitetan kamen iz korčulanskih kava bio je nadaleko poznat i izvozio se po cijelome svi jetu. U 15. i 16. stoljeću talijanski i domaći graditelji podižu bogato ukrašene palače i crkve. Majstor graditelj Korču lanin Marko Andrijić dovršio je zvonik i podigao nebni cu nad glavnim oltarom katedrale sv. Marka s oltarnom palom talijanskog umjetnika Jacopa Tintoretta. U gradu Korčuli postoje tri bratovštine: Svih Svetih (1301.), Sv. Roka

Stonemasonry and shipbuilding have been Korčula's most important trades since ancient times. Quality stone from Korčula's quarries was widely known and exported all over the world. In the 15th and 16th centuries, Italian and local builders erected richly decorated palaces and churches. Marko Andrijić, a master builder from Korčula, finished the bell tower and built a ciborium over the main

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One of the most famous symbols of Korčula is Marco Polo, the world's greatest traveller from the 13th century. The legend of Ko rčula as the place of his birth has been around for centuries. In a story that blurs the line between myth and reality, one thing is certain: Marco Polo participated in the naval battle for his native Venice in 1298 and was captured and imprisoned in Korčula by the Genoese. In the city, his family house has been preserved, as has

(1575.) i Sv. Mihovila ili Blažene Djevice Marije od Utjehe – Pojasa (1603.). Bratovštine sudjeluju u procesijama tijekom cijele godine, od kojih su najdojmljivije tijekom Vele setemane i na Veli petak te za blagdan Sv. Todora (29. srpnja), nebeskog suzaštitnika grada Korčule, kad se iz bratimskih dvorana iznosi veli vosak – torci, ce referali, križi i sav sjajni liturgijski nakit koji bratovštine imaju. Naj bolji uvid u bogatu povijest dobit ćete posjetom palači Gabriellis u kojoj se nalazi Muzej grada Korčule, a brojne uličice koje obiluju šarmantnim portama i elegantnim palačama pokazat će vam svu raskoš arhitekture i kulturne baštine. Jedan od najpoznatijih korčulanskih brendova jest Marko Polo, naj veći svjetski putnik iz 13. stoljeća. Već stoljećima razvija se legenda o Korčuli kao mjestu njegova rođenja. U priči u kojoj se briše gra nica između mita i zbilje jedno je nedvojbeno: Marko Polo sudjelo vao je u pomorskoj bitki svoje Venecije 1298. te su ga Đenovljani zarobili i utamničili u Korčuli. U gradu je sačuvana rodna kuća, kao i uspomena na velikog Marka. Obitelj Depolo danas je još jedna od najstarijih korčulanskih obitelji.

Jedinstvenu tradiciju otoka Korčule predstavljaju i plesovi s mače vima moreška, moštra i kumpanija, koji su zaštićeni kao nemate rijalna baština Republike Hrvatske. Ti atraktivni plesovi prikazuju borbu osvajača i domaće vojske, dok moreška uprizoruje borbu dvaju kraljeva (crnog i bijelog) i njihovih vojski za ljubav djevojke Bule. Viteški plesovi tradicionalno se izvode na blagdane svetaca

altar of St Mark's Cathedral, whose altarpiece was painted by the Italian painter Jacopo Tintoretto. There are three confraternities in the town of Korčula: the Confraternity of All Saints (1301), the Confraternity of St Roch (1575) and the Confraternity of St Michael or Our Lady of Consolation/the Girdle (1603). Confraternities par ticipate in processions throughout the year, the most impressive of which are held during the Holy Week and on Good Friday, as well as on 29 July, the feast day of St Theodore (one of the two heav enly protectors of the city of Korčula), when all the valuables are brought out – big candles called torci, processional candle holders, or cereferali, crosses and all other shiny liturgical objects that are in the confraternities' possession. You will get the best insight into Korčula's rich history by visiting the Gabrielis Palace, which houses the Korčula City Museum, while the numerous narrow streets lined with charming entrances and elegant palaces will show you all the grandeur of architecture and cultural heritage.

The middle pier and the marina waterfront area will also be clad in stone in the coming years. The reconstruction of the breakwater is the first of five planned phases in the reconstruction of the entire marina. There are plans to build a hotel, luxury accommodation units, a restaurant and an underground garage, and to raise the level of the marina and the middle pier. In the final stage of the project, the dry berth and the crane will be relocated.

the memory of the great Marco. The Depolo family is one of the oldest families in Korčula today.

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Za one koji žele uživati u tradicionalnoj kuhinji tu je konoba Adio, Mare utemeljena 1974. godine. Srce konobe podsjeća na neka davna vremena, a na terasi, okruženi stablima korčulanskih limuna

The breakwater of ACI Marina Korčula has been reconstructed, providing better protection against rough weather, notably strong north winds. In addition, the level of service has been improved by installing new electrical and plumbing systems and a hydrant network, and boosting the internet signal. The new breakwater will add to the overall tourist offering of the town of Korčula, with ACI Marina Korčula as its important part. Since the ACI marina is locat ed in the immediate vicinity of the city walls and is itself one of the city’s hubs, the breakwater has been stone-clad so that the marina can blend in with the visual identity of the city.

zaštitnika mjesta, a u sklopu Festivala viteških igara tijekom ljetnih mjeseci za brojne turiste. Kumpanija se izvodi u Veloj Luci, Blatu, Smokvici, Čari i Pupnatu, u Žrnovu se izvodi moštra, a u Korčuli Smoreška.pogledom

With a 'million-dollar' view of the old town, ACI Marina Korčula is one of the most prominent destinations in the largest marina chain in the Mediterranean. Ahead of the new season, this marina, a fa vourite with boaters, has undergone a number of changes.

The unique tradition of the island of Korčula is also represented in sword dances called Moreška, Moštra and Kumpanija, which are under protection as intangible heritage of the Republic of Croatia. These attractive dances depict a battle between the invaders and the domestic army, while the battle in Moreška is also fought be tween two kings (black and white), and their armies, for the love of a girl named Bula. The sword dances are traditionally performed on the feast days of the towns' patron saints, and, as part of the Sword Dance Festival, they are staged for many tourists during the summer months. Kumpanija is performed in Vela Luka, Blato, Smokvica, Čara and Pupnat. Moštra is performed in Žrnovo, and Moreška in Korčula.

od milijun dolara na samu povijesnu jezgru grada ACI marina Korčula jedna je od potentnijih destinacija u najvećem lan cu marina na Mediteranu. Uoči nove sezone ta popularna i među nautičarima omiljena marina doživjela je brojne promjene. U ACI marini Korčula rekonstruiran je lukobran koji omogućuje bo lju zaštićenost uslijed nepovoljnih vremenskih utjecaja, ponajprije jakih sjevernih vjetrova. Osim toga povećana je razina usluge po stavljanjem nove električne i vodovodne infrastrukture, hidrantske mreže te internetskog signala. Novi lukobran pridonijet će ukupnoj turističkoj ponudi grada Korčule, čiji važan dio čini i ACI marina Kor čula. Budući da se ACI marina nalazi u neposrednoj blizini gradskih zidina te je i sama jedna od žila kucavica grada, lukobran se oblaže kamenom kako bi se marina potpuno uklopila u vizualni identitet Ugrada.sljedećim je godinama predviđeno oblaganje kamenom srednje ga gata te obalnoga platoa. Rekonstrukcija lukobrana prva je od pet predviđenih faza rekonstrukcije cjelokupne marine. Predviđeni su još gradnja hotela, luksuznih smještajnih jedinica, restorana i podzemne garaže, podizanje nivoa platoa marine i srednjeg gata te u završnoj fazi projekta premještanje suhog veza i dizalice. Raskoš arhitekture i bogata baština prožima i korčulansku gastro nomiju koja svojom raskoši privlači brojne ljubitelje dobre kuhinje. Palača Lešić Dimitri nalazi se u srcu starog grada Korčule i profinje nom elegancijom upotpunjuje bogatu povijest i kulturnu baštinu otoka. U sklopu palače smješten je i restoran LD nagrađen Mic helinovom zvjezdicom koji crpi inspiraciju iz bogate gastronomske tradicije otoka.

Architectural grandeur and rich heritage are reflected in Korčula's culinary delights, attracting many gourmets. The Lešić Dimitri Pal ace is located in the heart of the old town of Korčula and its re fined elegance complements the island's rich history and cultural heritage. In the palace, there is also a Michelin-starred restaurant named LD, which draws inspiration from the rich culinary tradition of the island.

In Korčula you will be captivated by the story of Marko Polo, the Moreška dance, some of the best Croatian white wines, and the irresistible charm of hedonism at sea

For those who want to enjoy traditional cuisine there is Konoba Adio Mare, founded in 1974. The central part of the restaurant is reminiscent of old times, and you can sit on the terrace, surround ed by Korčula's lemon and orange trees, savouring the flavours and scents and admiring the view over St Peter's, the oldest church in Korčula, St Mark's, the Korčula Cathedral, or, for instance, the Marco Polo house. Be sure to try local specialties such as Žrnovski makaruni (home-made pasta) or Korčula pašticada (a beef dish). A popular place among boaters is the Maha Bar, whose creative street food has, in the past two years, become a favourite with lo cals and tourists alike. The Maha Bar is the younger brother of the Konoba Maha, which is about a ten-minute drive from the town of Korčula on the way to Vela Luka.

Numerous small islands that are scattered like children in front of the town of Korčula are just the right place for hedonism at sea. We recommend the island of Vela Stupa, which is situated at a distance of two miles from Korčula and is one of the favourite ex cursion sites for the locals. The turquoise sea and beautiful nature are the main assets of this little paradise, and in recent years, due to Moro Beach Stupe, it has become an Instagram star.

At the end of the day, make yourself comfortable on your boat and watch the golden rays of the sun play with the stone city. Every moment in this beautiful setting will seem endless. 

i naranči, možete uživati u okusima i mirisima te gledati najstariju korčulansku crkvicu sv. Petra, korčulansku katedralu sv. Marka ili npr. kuću Marka Pola. Svakako kušajte lokalne specijalitete poput žrnovskih makaruna ili korčulanske pašticade. Popularno mjesto za nautičare je i Maha bar koji je u protekle dvije godine ponudom kreativnom street fooda oduševio domaću i stranu publiku. Inače, Maha bar mlađi je nasljednik Konobe Maha koja se nalazi desetak minuta vožnje od grada Korčule prema Veloj Luci. Tradicija vinogradarstva i vinarstva na Korčuli traje od vremena starih Grka. Otok je poznat po autohtonim sortama grožđa i vrhun skim bijelim vinima. Grk se uzgaja u Lumbardi, na istočnom dijelu otoka, dok se u središnjem dijelu uzgajaju pošip i rukatac u vino gradima Čare i Smokvice. Od crnih sorti najrašireniji je plavac mali. Ako ste ljubitelj vina, svakako ih degustirajte u lokalnim vinarijama i poslušajte autentične priče vinara o tradiciji, požrtvovnosti i posve ćenosti otočnom načinu života. Brojni otočići koji su poput djece rasuti ispred grada Korčule prava su mjesta za nautički hedonizam. Mi ćemo vam preporučiti dvije milje udaljen otočić Vela Stupa, jedno od omiljenih izletišta Korču lana. Tirkizno more i prekrasna priroda glavni su aduti tog malog raja, a u posljednjih nekoliko godina zbog Moro Beach Stupe po stao je i zvijezda Instagrama.

Korčula će vas oduševiti pričom o Marku Polu, moreškom, nekim od najboljih hrvatskih bijelih vina i neodoljivim šarmom nautičkog hedonizma

U smiraj dana udobno se smjestite na svojem brodu i promatrajte zlatne zrake sunca kako se igraju s kamenim vizurama grada. Svaki trenutak u toj ljepoti činit će vam se poput vječnosti. 

ACI No.1 // Korčula 189

The tradition of viticulture and winemaking on Korčula has been going on since the time of the ancient Greeks. The island is known for its autochthonous grape varieties and premium white wines. Grk is grown in Lumbarda, on the eastern part of the island, while, in its central part, Pošip and Rukatac are grown in the vineyards of Čara and Smokvica. Of the red varieties, Plavac Mali is most wide spread. If you are a wine lover, be sure to taste them in local win eries and listen to the authentic stories told by winemakers about tradition, self-sacrifice and dedication to the island lifestyle.

Sail to the Adriatic destinations that have played a part in the world’s most famous films and series such as Star Wars, Game of Thrones, Robin Hood etc.

In the past few years, the Adriatic coast and islands have become an absolute favourite as beautiful backdrops for hit films and series. Since most of these wonderful destinations can be visited by boat, we have arranged for you a trip through world blockbusters, in which you can take a peek into the world of intrigue and legends with Game of Thrones, get to know the world of Star Wars, learn the dark secrets of the Roy family with Succession or follow the fight between good and evil with Robin Hood. Although the competition of countries attracting large productions is increasing, Croatia enjoys the status of an extremely desirable film destination. International production companies decide to shoot in Croatia not only because of the beauty and variety of locations, but because of the Croatian producers’ trustworthiness and teams’ professionalism, which has been proven multiple times.

Upoznajte brodom jadranske destinacije koje su glumile u najpoznatijim svjetskim filmovima i serijama kao što su „Ratovi zvijezda”, „Igra prijestolja”, „Robin Hood”…


U proteklih nekoliko godina jadranska obala i otoci postali su apsolutni hit kao prekrasne kulise najpopularnijih filmova i serija. Kako se većina ovih predivnih destinacija može obići brodom, osmislili smo za vas plovidbu svjetskim blockbusterima u kojoj ćete zaviriti u svijet intriga i legendi uz „Igru prijestolja”, upoznati svijet „Ratova zvijezda”, saznati mračne tajne obitelji Roy preko serije „Nasljeđe” ili pratiti borbu dobra i zla uz „Robin Hooda”.


Iako je kompetitivnost zemalja u privlačenju velikih produkcija sve veća, Hrvatska uživa status iznimno poželjne filmske destinacije. Strane produkcijske kuće za snimanja u Hrvatskoj odlučuju se ne samo zbog ljepote i raznolikosti lokacija nego i zbog višestruko dokazane odgovornosti domaćih producenata te profesionalnosti ekipa.

Fotografije / Photos: Davor Žunić, Petar Fabijan




Hrvatski audiovizualni centar u suradnji s Ministarstvom kulture i medija i Ministarstvom financija od 2012. provodi iznimno uspješan program poticaja, poznatiji kao Filming in Croatia. Od pokretanja programa u Hrvatskoj je snimljeno 95 projekata koji su ostvarili više od 1,3 milijarde kuna lo kalne potrošnje, a svi projekti u sklopu programa poticaja snimali su se ukupno 2370 dana, od toga 1602 na hrvatskoj obali i otocima.

Full of colours and harmonious compositions, perfect as film scenery, Rovinj is one of Europe’s most romantic towns. A favourite with painters, poets and tourist nomads, Rovinj is a picture-postcard town; and anyone who visits this gem of Istria becomes its lifelong fan. The Church of St Euphemia as a symbol of Rovinj, the romantic alleys of the old town, the beautiful nature of the Zlatni rt (Golden Cape) forest park also charmed Hollywood stars Samuel L. Jackson, Sal ma Hayek and Ryan Reynolds, who came to Istria to make the action-comedy Hitman’s Wife’s Bodyguard. For lovers of sailing, there is ACI Marina Rovinj with the striking view of the old town and the island of Sveta Katarina (St Cathe rine). A modern marina with unique design and the latest

Prepun boja i skladnih kompozicija, kao stvorenih da budu zahvalna kulisa filma, Rovinj je jedan od najromantičnijih eu ropskih gradića. Miljenik slikara, pjesnika i turističkih noma da lijep je poput razglednice, a svatko tko posjeti taj istar ski biser odlazi kao obožavatelj. Crkva svete Eufemije kao simbol Rovinja, romantične uličice starog grada, prekrasna priroda šume Zlatni rt oduševili su i holivudske zvijezde Sa muela L. Jacksona, Salmu Hayek i Ryana Reynoldsa koji su u Istri snimali akcijsku komediju „Hitman’s Wife’s Bodygu ard”. Ljubiteljima plovidbe namijenjena je ACI Marina Rovinj s najljepšim pogledom na staru gradsku jezgru te otok Sv. Katarinu. Kao suvremena marina jedinstvenog dizajna i naj novijih tehnoloških rješenja ACI marina Rovinj pruža bogat


ACI No.1 // Filmske destinacije na Jadranu / Film destinations in the Adriatic

ACI MARINA ROVINJ (Hitman’s Wife’s Bodyguard)

Since 2012, the Croatian Audiovisual Centre, working with the Ministry of Culture and Media and the Ministry of Fi nance, has been implementing a highly successful incen tive scheme called Filming in Croatia. Since its launch, 95 projects have been carried out in Croatia, generating more than HRK 1.3 billion in local spending, and all the projects re alised within the programme have amounted to 2370 days of filming in total, of which 1602 on the Croatian coast and islands.


ACI MARINA ROVINJ (Hitman’s Wife’s Bodyguard)

The Opatija Riviera enjoys special status on the Croatian coast. The architecture, the atmosphere, a multitude of the finest restau rants and hotels are why Opatija has been branded ‘the queen of luxury tourism’ since 1844, when it was one of the two health resorts of the Austro-Hungarian Empire. For many years, the Eu ropean aristocracy, actors, Nobel laureates, writers and compos ers spent unforgettable moments here, which made the Opatija Riviera a symbol of elegance and grandeur. It was this aristocratic reputation of the ‘Kvarner lady’ that was the perfect scenery for the film Diana, based on the last two years of the life of Princess Diana, or the ‘Queen of Hearts’, and starring Naomi Watts. In the blue stretch of Kvarner, situated in the most beautiful part of the Riviera, there is also ACI Marina Opatija. Located in Ičići, not far from Opati ja, it is close enough to the city to enjoy all the amenities it offers, yet at a reasonable distance that allows visitors to enjoy the peace and security of one of the best ports in the northern Adriatic.

technological solutions, ACI Marina Rovinj offers rich content and quality of service, which places it among the very best in the world of nautical tourism.

sadržaj i kvalitetu usluge, zbog čega je pozicionirana u sam vrh svjetskog nautičkog turizma.


Split is one of the most popular boating destinations in the Med iterranean, and for all those who use the largest Croatian coast al city as the starting point on their sailing, the world of film fan tasy begins in the city centre. The fascinating world of Game of Thrones will welcome you to Diocletian’s Palace, specifically to its cellars, which represent one of the world’s best preserved ancient

Opatijska rivijera ima poseban status na hrvatskoj obali. Arhitek tura, atmosfera, brojni vrhunski restorani i hoteli zaslužni su za ti tulu kraljice luksuznog turizma još od 1844., kada je uživala status jednog od dvaju lječilišta Austro-Ugarske Monarhije. Europska aristokracija, glumci, nobelovci, književnici i kompozitori dugi su niz godina ovdje provodili nezaboravne trenutke zbog kojih je opatijska rivijera postala simbol elegancije i raskoši. Upravo je taj plemićki pedigre kvarnerske dame bio savršena kulisa za film „Dia na”, temeljen na posljednje dvije godine života princeze Diane, po znate i kao „princeza srca”, u kojem je glavnu ulogu igrala Naomi Watts. U modrom platnu Kvarnera, na najljepšem dijelu rivijere, na lazi se i ACI marina Opatija, smještena u mjestu Ičići, nedaleko od Opatije, dovoljno blizu gradu sa svim sadržajima koje on nudi, a opet na pristojnoj udaljenosti za uživanje u miru i sigurnosti jedne od najboljih luka na sjevernom Jadranu.

ACI MARINA SPLIT (Igra prijestolja)


Split je jedno od najpopularnijih nautičkih odredišta na Meditera nu, a za sve one kojima je početna baza plovidbe najveći hrvatski grad na obali, svijet filmske fantazije započinje u centru. Fascinan tan svijet „Igre prijestolja” dočekat će vas u Dioklecijanovoj palači, točnije u njezinim podrumima koji su jedan od najbolje očuvanih antičkih kompleksa ovakve vrste na svijetu i umnogome su zasluž ni što je povijesna jezgra Splita 1979. uvrštena na UNESCO-ovu listu svjetske baštine. Iz ACI Marine Split podno Sustipana dobivate

ACI MARINA SPLIT (Game of Thrones)

ACI marine u Rovinju, Opatiji, Splitu, Palmižani, Korčuli i Dubrovniku idealne su nautičke postaje i za ljubitelje sedme ACIumjetnostimarinas in Rovinj, Opatija, Split, Palmižana, Korčula and Dubrovnik are ideal sailing stops for the lovers of the big screen as well Split ACI No.1 // Filmske destinacije na Jadranu / Film destinations in the Adriatic 193

pogled na grad „vrijedan milijun dolara”, a tijekom šetnje Zapad nom obalom imat ćete osjećaj da su se prošlost i sadašnjost preto čili u neodoljiv spoj. Naime, splitska marina zapravo je točka kojom počinje splitski lungomare, najduža i svakako jedna od najljepših šetnica na Jadranu.

The town of Hvar and the Pakleni (‘Hell’s) islands are unmissable destinations for boaters sailing through Split’s waters. This beau tiful corner of the Croatian coast is a true paradise for all types of hedonists – visitors preferring remote places, partygoers and gourmets alike – therefore it is no wonder that The Odyssey, a film about the legendary French oceanographer and underwater explorer Jacques Cousteau, was filmed here. Hvar is known as a town that never sleeps during the season, which is why it was nick named the ‘Croatian Saint-Tropez’; however, entering narrow cob blestone alleys imbued with history, you will discover it is ready to show you its more intimate side. These different facets of Hvar also attracted the producers of the series Conversations with Friends, which was based on the novel by Sally Rooney. A little further from Hvar’s glamour there is a real oasis of marine hedonism. The ‘hell ishly’ beautiful ACI marina Palmižana is a seasonal marina that is open from the beginning of April to the end of October. It is located in the bay of the same name on the north-eastern side of Sveti Klement (St Clement), the largest of the Pakleni islands, and is one of the most striking marinas in the Adriatic.

Samuel L. Jackson, Salma Hayek, Ryan Reynolds, Jamie Foxx, Jamie Doran and Naomi Watts are just some of the Hollywood actors that have starred in films shot in the Adriatic




Samuel L. Jackson, Salma Hayek, Ryan Reynolds, Jamie Foxx, Jamie Doran, Naomi Watts samo su neke holivudske zvijezde koje su snimale na Jadranu

building complexes of its kind, and are very much responsible for the fact that the historic centre of Split was inscribed on the UNES CO World Heritage List in 1979. From ACI Marina Split at the foot of Sustipan, you get a ‘million-dollar’ view of the city, and during your walk along the West Coast you will have the feeling that the past and present have combined into an irresistible mix. The Split mari na is actually the spot where the Split Lungomare begins, the long est and certainly one of the most beautiful coastal promenades in the Adriatic.

ACI MARINA PALMIŽANA (Odiseja, Conversations With Friends)

Grad Hvar i Pakleni otoci nezaobilazne su destinacije nautičara koji plove splitskim akvatorijem. Taj predivni kutak hrvatske obale raj je za sve tipove hedonista – robinzone, partijanere i gurmane, stoga nije iznenađenje da je ovdje sniman film „Odiseja” o legendarnom francuskom oceanografu i istraživaču podmorja Jacquesu Couste auu. Hvar je poznat kao grad koji tijekom sezone nikada ne spava, zbog čega je i dobio nadimak hrvatska verzija Saint-Tropeza, no ulaskom u uske kamene uličice prepune prošlosti spreman vam je pokazati i intimniju stranu. Ta različita hvarska lica privukla su i producente serije „Conversations With Friends” koji je snimljen prema noveli Sally Rooney. Malo dalje od hvarskog glamura nalazi se oaza morskog hedonizma. „Pakleno” lijepa ACI marina Palmiža na sezonska je marina koja je otvorena od početka travnja do kra ja listopada. Nalazi se u istoimenoj uvali na sjeveroistočnoj strani Svetog Klementa, najvećeg od Paklenih otoka, i ubraja se među najupečatljivije marine na Jadranu.

ACI MARINA PALMIŽANA (The Odyssey, Conversations with Friends)


ACI MARINA DUBROVNIK (Game of Thrones, Star Wars, Robin Hood)

ACI No.1 // Filmske destinacije na Jadranu / Film destinations in the

ACI MARINA DUBROVNIK (Igra prijestolja, Ratovi zvijezda, Robin Hood)

The rich history of the old town of Korčula is evident in every stone, and a walk within the robust Korčula walls beneath the ornately decorated Renaissance and Gothic facades and palaces as well as Baroque churches will provide you with an unforgettable movie experience. In the city of Marco Polo, the highly successful series Succession was filmed, which won numerous awards such as the Emmys and the Golden Globe. In the second season of the Roy family saga, the Adriatic coast was presented in the best possible way – by sailing on a luxury yacht. Fascinating shots of Korčula, Ml jet, Šipan and Cavtat showed why Croatia is an incredibly beautiful boating paradise. And among the loveliest corners of this paradise is the ancient Korčula, whose marina has one of the most stun ning views of the city. ACI Marina Korčula, bordering on the historic centre, is an ideal starting point for exploring the hidden treasures of this dazzling place. When you step into the city’s stone interior adorned with eye-catching entrances, tarnished and ruined pal aces and narrow streets, you will find a spectacular experience waiting for you.

Dubrovnik Adriatic

Bogata povijest starog grada Korčule izvire iz svakog kamena, a šetnja unutar moćnih korčulanskih zidina ispod raskošnog ukra šenih renesansnih i gotičkih pročelja i palača te baroknih crkava pružit će vam nezaboravno filmsko iskustvo. U gradu Marka Pola snimana je vrlo uspješna serija „Nasljeđe” koja je osvojila brojne nagrade poput Emmyja i Zlatnog globusa. U drugoj sezoni sage o obitelji Roy jadranska obala predstavljena je na najbolji mogući na čin – plovidbom na luksuznoj jahti. Prekrasni kadrovi Korčule, Mlje ta, Šipana i Cavtata pokazali su zašto je Hrvatska nestvarno lijep nautički raj. A među najljepše kutke tog raja ubraja se i drevna Kor čula, čija marina ima jedan od najljepših pogleda na grad. Naime, ACI marina Korčula, naslonjena na samu povijesnu jezgru, idealna je početna točka za istraživanje skrivenih blaga ovog prekrasnog mjesta. Kada kročite u kamenu utrobu nacifranu fotogeničnim por tama, patiniranim i porušenim palačama te malenim ulicama, čeka vas spektakularan doživljaj.


Dubrovnik je idealan spoj povijesti i suvremenosti, okružen sred njovjekovnim zidinama dugim 1940 metara, koje su očuvane u izvornom obliku i atrakcija su za posjetitelje. Dostupne su kroz tri ulaza: kod crkvice sv. Spasa neposredno nakon ulaska s Pila, sv. Luke na istoku te kod Pomorskog muzeja. Jedna od najljepših ka menih pozornica na svijetu bila je Kraljev grudobran u „Igri prijesto lja”, galaktički grad Canto Bight u filmu „Ratovi zvijezda: Posljednji Jedi” te srednjovjekovni Nottingham u „Robin Hoodu”. U svojim njedrima Dubrovnik čuva beskrajno bogatstvo koje ostavlja jaku emociju kod posjetitelja, a u ovu čaroliju savršeno se uklapa i ACI Marina Dubrovnik. Romantični ručak ili večera uz elegantan ljetni kovac Sorkočević pravi je „happy end” filmske plovidbe. 


Dubrovnik is an ideal combination of history and modern times, surrounded by medieval walls 1,940 meters long, which have been preserved in their original form. A real attraction for visitors, the walls are accessible through three entrances: at the church of St Saviour at the Pile entrance to the city, at St Luke’s in the east, and at the Maritime Museum. One of the world’s most beautiful stone stages was the filming location for King’s Landing in Game of Thrones, the galactic town of Canto Bight in Star Wars: The Last Jedi and the medieval Nottingham in Robin Hood. In its bosom, Dubrovnik keeps an infinite richness that makes a strong impres sion on visitors, and ACI Marina Dubrovnik fits perfectly into this magic. A romantic lunch or dinner near the elegant Sorkočević Sum mer House is a real happy ending of your sailing through films. 

The cityscape reflects the history of the city – from prehistory to Gothic and, later, Baroque architecture, followed by strong influ ences of the Austro-Hungarian Monarchy. The layers of centuries have each left their architectural mark, creating an interesting city centre, rich in historical monuments.



Rijeka has a rich past, but it is not slave to it; it is pulsing in a dy namic rhythm of everyday life, which can best be felt in the very heart of the city, on the always vibrant central promenade, Korzo. But even when the lights go out and many cities go silent, Rijeka lives intensively in cafés and restaurants offering delicious menus,

bogatu prošlost, ali nije njome zarobljena, nego pulsira dinamičnim ritmom svakodnevice, koji ćete možda najbolje osjetiti u samom središtu grada, na uvijek živoj središnjoj šetnici, Korzu. Ali i kad se ugase svjetla i mnogi gradovi utihnu, Rijeka intenzivno živi u kavanama i restoranima s izvrsnom gastronomskom ponu

Rijeka je grad bogate povijesti i dinamične sadašnjosti, novih vizura i životne radosti. Svojim novostečenim prednostima turističkog središta koje se miljama odmaklo od svojedobne percepcije lučkog i industrij skoga grada dodaje i one nekadašnje – zbog odlične prometne pove zanosti cestom, brodom, željeznicom ili zrakoplovom u Rijeku se lako dolazi, ali je i ishodište za nova putovanja.

Rijeka is a city of rich history and dynamic present; a place full of new city views and life’s joys. Its newfound advantages as a tourist centre, miles away from the one-time image of a port and an industrial city, combine well with its former assets: its excellent transport connections make it easy to come to Rijeka by road, boat, rail or plane, but the city is also a starting point for new journeys.

U povijesnoj slici grada, od prapovijesti i gotičke pa potom i baro kne Rijeke te snažnih utjecaja Austro-Ugarske Monarhije, natalo žena su stoljeća i svako je od njih u arhitekturi grada ostavilo traga, stvarajući zanimljivu i povijesnim spomenicima bogatu gradsku


Fotografije / Photos: Arhiva TZGR / TZGR Archives

dom te, dakako, u klubovima u kojima zabava za mlade traje dugo u Riječkinoć.

On a visit to Rijeka and its beautiful surroundings, you can experi ence, taste and study all this, but also much, much more... 


In addition to the traditional, and always interesting, summer pro gramme of events, you will surely be captivated by Summer on Gradina, Porto Etno, Fiumanka sailing race and many others. Visi tors of all ages can enjoy their rich programmes of theatre, music, art and culinary events presented by well-known Croatian and in ternational artists.

je kalendar događanja prepun cijele godine pa će gosti – u koje god doba došli – u njemu pronaći mnoge zanimljive i atraktiv ne priredbe glazbenog, dramskog i likovnog izričaja, kao i urbane klubove za mlade koji nude provod baš po njihovoj mjeri.

Rijeka svojim zbivanjima potvrđuje titulu cjelogodišnje turističke destinacije jer brojna su događanja tijekom godine, a sve počinje svjetski poznatim i našim najvećim brendom, Riječkim karnevalom, koji se održava početkom godine. Sve kulminira najsjajnijim do gađajem godine, Rijeka Adventom, kad cijeli grad zablista okićen bezbrojnim lampicama i mirisima prigodnih adventskih začina i ča robnih Dodatnonapitaka.uztradicionalan, ali uvijek zanimljiv program ljetnih pri redbi, sigurno će vas zaokupiti i manifestacije kao što su Ljeto na Gradini, Porto Etno, jedriličarska regata Fiumanka i druge. Njihovi posjetitelji svih generacija uživat će u bogatom programu dram skih, glazbenih, likovnih i gastronomskih priredbi koje za njih prire đuju najpoznatiji hrvatski i svjetski umjetnici. Kad ste u Rijeci i prekrasnom riječkom prstenu možete sve to doži vjeti, okusiti, proučiti, ali i još mnogo, mnogo više… 

of events is full all year round, so visitors – re gardless of the time of the year they come – will find many inter esting and attractive events, be it music, theatre or art, and will be able to visit urban clubs where young people can have a great night out tailored to their age.

Rijeka has lived up to the title of a year-round tourist destination because there are so many events throughout the whole year, starting with our biggest brand, the world-famous Rijeka Carnival, which takes place at the beginning of the year. The brightest event of the year, Rijeka Advent, rounds it all off, with the whole city spar kling with countless lights, filled with scents of Advent spices and magic potions.

and, of course, in clubs where young people can party into the small Rijeka’shours.calendar

Mate Rimac je vizionar, izumitelj, dizajner, inovator, poduzetnik, veliki automobilski entuzijast…. Jednostavno, kako bi Englezi rekli, gamechangerMATE RIMAC

For a new or young entrepreneur with big ideas and a small budget, a real office space is often not a priority in the first stages of a company development. Therefore, it is not surprising that rooms, garages, basements and student dorms are places where some of the most successful companies of today were born.

Mate Rimac is a visionary, an inventor, a designer, an innovator, entre preneur, a great car enthusiast.... In short, a 'game changer'



Kako je netko jednom napisao, sve prave stvari krenule su iz garaže. Amazon, Google, Facebook, Apple, Microsoft, Disney…. Da nabrojimo samo neke poznate kompanije jer popis je jako Novomdugačak.ili mladom poduzetniku s velikim idejama i malim budžetom pravi uredski prostor često u početnoj fazi nije prioritet, stoga ne čudi što su sobe, garaže, podrumi i studentske spavaonice mjesta gdje su rođene neke najuspješnije tvrtke današnjice.

As someone once wrote, all great things started in a garage. Amazon, Google, Facebook, Apple, Microsoft, Disney, etc. – to name just a few famous companies, because the list is very long.

Fotografija / Photo: Rimac AutomobiliBugatti


Mate Rimac started in a similar way when he set out to make his dream of electric hypercars come true in a garage in Sveta Nedjelja in 2008. Just a little over 10 years later, Mate Rimac is a visionary, an inventor, a designer, an innovator, entrepreneur, a great car enthusiast.... In short, a 'game changer', who marked 2021 by launching the Rimac Nevera hypercar and establishing a joint venture with Porsche that incorporates Bugatti.

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'I'm honoured to lead this new company that is bringing together the strengths of the two brands, and to start what will no doubt be a successful, revolutionary and exciting new chapter for everyone involved. We believe that what we have created with Bugatti Rimac is the best hypercar company in the world, combining more than a century of history, technical expertise and innovation with fast thinking, engineering genius and the pioneering electrification technology of Rimac Automobili. I can't think of a better combination of expertise, and as a loyal Bugatti fan, I'm honoured to be leading this joint company as CEO into Bugatti's revolutionary new future. Sharing business with friends from Bugatti and Porsche is

Na sličan je način započeo i Mate Rimac kada je 2008. u garaži u Svetoj Nedelji započeo san o električnim hiperautomobilima. Tek malo više od 10 godina kasnije Mate Rimac je vizionar, izumitelj, dizajner, inovator, poduzetnik, veliki automobilski entuzijast…. Jednostavno, kako bi Englezi rekli, game changer koji je 2021. godinu obilježio predstavljanjem hiperautomobila Rimac Nevere i osnivanjem zajedničke tvrtke s Porscheom koja uključuje Bugatti. „Čast mi je što ću voditi ovu novu kompaniju koja ujedinjuje snage dvaju brendova i započeti ono što će bez sumnje biti uspješno, revolucionarno i uzbudljivo novo poglavlje za sve uključene. Vjerujemo da je ono što smo stvorili s Bugatti Rimac najbolja tvrtka za hiperautomobile na svijetu koja spaja više od jednog stoljeća nasljeđa, umijeća izrade i inovacija s brzim razmišljanjem, genijalnim inženjeringom i pionirskom tehnologijom elektrifikacije Rimac Automobila. Ne mogu zamisliti bolju kombinaciju stručnosti i kao vjernom obožavatelju Bugattija čast mi je voditi ovu zajedničku tvrtku kao izvršni direktor u revolucionarnu novu budućnost Bugattija. Dijeliti posao s prijateljima iz Bugattija i Porschea

Bugatti Rimac is the best hypercar com pany in the world, combining more than a century of history, technical expertise and innovation with fast thinking, engineering genius and the pioneering electrification

najbolja je tvrtka za hiper automobile na svijetu koja spaja više od jednog stoljeća nasljeđa, umijeća izrade i inovacija s brzim razmišljanjem, genijal nim inženjeringom i pionirskom tehnologi jom elektrifikacije

something I could never have dreamed of,' said Mate Rimac, who officially became CEO of Croatia-based Bugatti Rimac in November 2021.


A sljedeće poglavlje piše i tvrtka Rimac Automobili koja je lani Neverom pogodila svijet automobila. Nazvan po silnoj i iznenadnoj oluji koja juri pučinom, taj električni hiperautomobil 2.0 raspolaže s 1914 konjskih snaga, sposoban je ubrzati do 100 kilometara na sat za 1,97 sekunda, a do 300 kilometara na sat treba mu 9,3 sekunda. Impresivne brojke, slažete se?

And the next chapter is also ahead of the company Rimac Automobili, which hit the world of cars with Nevera last year. Named after the violent and sudden storm that races across the open sea off Croatia, this electric hypercar 2.0 has 1,914 HP, is capable of accelerating to 100 kph in 1.97 seconds, and takes 9.3 seconds to sprint to 300 kph. Impressive numbers, don't you agree? With only 150 units made, exclusivity is guaranteed, and with an outstanding personalisation scheme, Rimac will offer its main model in various editions: GT, Signature, Timeless, and a Bespoke option as well.

nešto je o čemu nikad nisam mogao ni sanjati”, ispričao je Mate Rimac koji je u studenome 2021. službeno postao izvršni direktor tvrtke Bugatti Rimac koja sjedište ima u Hrvatskoj.

Uz samo 150 proizvedenih primjeraka ekskluzivnost je zajamčena, a uz vrhunski program personalizacije Rimac će svoj glavni model ponuditi u raznim izdanjima: GT, Signature, Timeless ili

ACI No.1 // Mate Rimac 201

Innovative ideas need inspiring spaces to bring them to life. Back in 2019, Mate Rimac started preparations for the construction of a campus, one of the largest research and development and production complexes in Europe, which will have been built near Zagreb in a few years' time. The future global headquarters of Bugatti Rimac and Rimac Technology will be the place where each

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'This is the car I dreamed of when I embarked on this “impossible” journey. All our hard work has resulted in the Nevera – our record-breaking hypercar. This car was created to outperform all others and to raise the bar; to raise the standards for high-performance cars. I have always wanted to do this in Croatia and prove that it can be done here. As the saying goes, everything is impossible until someone does it.

Bespoke model po mjeri. Pritom će svaki vlasnik Nevere biti pozvan u Hrvatsku kako bi dizajnirao automobil prema svojem ukusu.

Every owner of Nevera will be invited to Croatia to design the car to their liking.

A big change in the automotive industry will come with a new era of mobility. People will no longer own a car, but share one with others

„Ovo je automobil koji sam sanjao kada sam krenuo na ovo ‚nemoguće’ putovanje. Sav naš naporan rad rezultirao je Neverom – našim hiperautomobilom koji obara rekorde. Taj automobil stvoren je da nadmaši sve i podigne ljestvicu, da podigne standarde za automobile visokih performansi. Uvijek sam ovo htio napraviti u Hrvatskoj i dokazati da se to može napraviti ovdje. Kao što izreka kaže, sve je nemoguće dok to netko ne Inovativnenapravi.” ideje trebaju inspirativne prostore da bi oživjele. Još 2019. Mate Rimac počeo je pripreme za gradnju kampusa, a za nekoliko godina u blizini Zagreba sagradit će se jedan od najvećih razvojno-istraživačkih i proizvodnih kompleksa u Europi. Buduće globalno

Velika promjena u autoindustriji doći će s novom erom mobilnosti. Ljudi više neće biti vlasnici, nego će automobil dijeliti s drugim ljudima

'The Rimac Campus is a very special project for me. For any company, the most important are the people who make up that company. It has always been extremely important to me to create the best possible environment for employees – in every way. When your environment is perfect, it's easier to create state-of-the-art products. And that's what we want with the Campus – to create the best possible place to be, work and be creative in, but not only for our employees. In addition, it is extremely important to us to be integrated into the environment as much as possible, as well as to be climate-neutral. Although we will soon open more locations in other countries, Croatia will always be our home, and the Campus makes this clear,' Mate Rimac said.

sjedište tvrtki Bugatti Rimac i Rimac Technology bit će mjesto gdje će se dizajnirati i razvijati svaki novi model Bugattija i Rimca te komponente koje Rimac Technology razvija za druge „Rimacproizvođače.Kampus

new model of Bugatti and Rimac and the components that Rimac Technology develops for other manufacturers will be designed and developed.

za mene je poseban projekt. Za bilo koju tvrtku najvažniji su ljudi koji čine tu tvrtku. Meni je uvijek bilo iznimno važno stvoriti najbolje okruženje za zaposlenike u svakom pogledu. Kada si u vrhunskom okruženju, lakše je stvarati vrhunske proizvode. S Kampusom želimo upravo to – stvoriti najbolje mjesto za boravak, rad i kreativnost, ali ne samo za naše zaposlenike. Osim toga iznimno nam je važno da budemo maksimalno integrirani u okoliš i okolinu te klimatski neutralni. Iako ćemo uskoro otvoriti više lokacija u drugim zemljama, Hrvatska će uvijek biti naš dom, a Kampus to jasno pokazuje”, najavio je Mate Rimac. Autoindustrija je posljednjih nekoliko godina pretrpjela brojne promjene.

The automotive industry has undergone a number of changes over the past few years.

'I think the main changes are yet to come. Despite electrification, the process has remained the same as it has been for the past 100 years. Manufacturers make cars, car dealers sell them to customers. Now, along with internal combustion engines, there are also electric motors, but everything is, basically, the same as it was before. A big change will come with the new era of

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Riječ koja najbolje opisuje Bugatti jest perfekcionizam. Više od 110 godina proizvode najekskluzivnije automobile na svijetu koji su oduvijek imali najnapredniju tehnologiju, nevjerojatne performanse i najbolju izradu. Mate Rimac zadužen je za pisanje sljedećeg poglavlja priče o Bugattiju.

The word that best describes Bugatti is perfectionism. For more than 110 years, they have been producing the most exclusive cars in the world, which have always had the most advanced technology, incredible performance and have been manufactured in the best possible way. Mate Rimac is in charge of writing the next chapter of the Bugatti story.

'For us, the easiest thing to do would be to take Nevera and stick Bugatti's logo on it, but I was explicitly against it. I'm a guy who loves electric cars, but a Bugatti should continue having an internal combustion engine for a while. It will be heavily electrified, but we will have a very attractive internal combustion engine. When people see the next generation of Bugatti, I think they'll be surprised that I backed something like that because people think of me in connection with electric cars. Considering the brand and customers and the available technology, I think we are developing the best possible solution for Bugatti, which, for now, is not an electric car. One day, it will be...'

From a garage to a respectable company in just over 10 years Rimac Automobili went their own way, which involved a lot of planning and creativity. When we showed our first car, Concept One, at the Frankfurt motor show in 2011, there were about a dozen of us, and today we have more than 1,000 employees. I wanted to prove, to demonstrate that it is possible to do this in Croatia, but I think we are only at the beginning of our journey. 

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„Mislim da nas glavne promjene tek čekaju. Unatoč elektrifikaciji sam proces je ostao isti kao posljednjih 100 godina. Proizvođači proizvode automobile, dileri ih prodaju kupcima. Sada uz motore s unutarnjim izgaranjem postoje i električni, ali u osnovi je sve isto. Velika promjena doći će s novom erom mobilnosti: autonomna vožnja, mobilnost kao usluga. Ljudi više neće biti vlasnici, nego će automobil dijeliti s drugim ljudima. To će automatski značiti i više vremena upotrebe automobila. Od sadašnjih pet do deset posto, koliko se njime koristite vozeći se na relaciji većinom kuća – posao, automobili će voziti 70 posto vremena, i to u potpunosti sami. To će sasvim promijeniti industriju.”

„Za nas bi najlakše bilo uzeti Neveru i na nju nalijepiti Bugattijev logo, ali ja sam bio izričito protiv toga. Tip sam koji obožava električne automobile, ali Bugatti bi još neko vrijeme trebao imati motor s unutarnjim izgaranjem. Bit će uvelike elektrificiran, ali ćemo imati vrlo atraktivan motor s unutarnjim izgaranjem. Kad ljudi vide sljedeću generaciju Bugattija, mislim da će se iznenaditi što sam se zalagao za takvo što jer me povezuju s električnim automobilima. S obzirom na marku i kupce te dostupnu tehnologiju mislim da razvijamo najbolje rješenje za Bugatti, koji zasad nije električni automobil. Bit će to jednog dana... Od garaže do respektabilne tvrtke prošlo je malo više od 10 godina. Rimac Automobili krenuli su svojim putem koji je uključivao mnogo planiranja i kreativnosti. Kada smo 2011. na sajmu automobila u Frankfurtu pokazali svoj prvi automobil, Concept One, bilo nas je desetak, a danas imamo više od 1000 zaposlenih. Htio sam dokazati i pokazati da je to moguće raditi u Hrvatskoj, no smatram da smo tek na početku puta. 

mobility: autonomous driving, mobility as a service. People will no longer own a car, but share one with others. This automatically means that cars will be used for longer periods of time. From the current 5 to 10 percent, which is the percentage of car use when driving it to and from work, cars will be in use 70 percent of the time, self-driving at that. This will completely change the industry. '

*Does not apply to the anchorage Žut CARDACI Exclusively granted to Annual and 2 Semi-annual combination contract holders!  |  |  |  | 

Aleksander Čeferin comes from a respected family of lawyers. The sense of law and justice he developed was handed down from his grand father, who was a law professor, and father, in whose law firm Aleksander began his career af ter finishing university. His rise through the ranks of football began in 2011, when he was elected president of the Football Association of Slove nia. He became the seventh president of UEFA in 2016, and he earned a second term as the head of the European football’s governing body in 2019. OF LIFE




Aleksander Čeferin potječe iz cijenjene odvjet ničke obitelji. Osjećaj za pravo i pravdu razvio je preko djeda koji je bio profesor prava te oca u čijem je odvjetničkom uredu nakon fakulteta započeo karijeru. Kada je 2011. izabran za pred sjednika Nogometnog saveza Slovenije počeo je i njegov nogometni uspon. Na izborima 2016. postao je sedmi predsjednik UEFA-e, a 2019. za radio je i drugi mandat na mjestu čelnika europ skog nogometa.

Fotografije / Photos: Richard Juilliart - UEFA/UEFA via Getty Images


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Predsjednik ste UEFA-e od rujna 2016. Što biste istaknuli kao pozitivne i negativne aspekte u tih šest godina vođenja jedne od najmoćnijih nogometnih organizacija?

Prethodnu je godinu najviše obilježio slučaj Superlige. Kako na to gledate danas, nakon odmaka od nekoliko mjeseci?

Zato što su UEFA i europska nogometna obitelj ujedinjene od pr vog dana i to jedinstvo nije fasada. Upravo suprotno, ono je istinsko i silno. Svi smo se mi, bez iznimke, zajedno suočili s preprekama. Međusobno smo razgovarali, slušali jedni druge i iznalazili rješenja. Sve su ove krize dokazale da je no gomet zauvijek ugrađen u DNK našeg društva. To je dio povijesti našeg kontinenta – i naših kolektivnih sjećanja.

For example, UEFA never had to move the final of a Champions League to another venue, but now, due to various issues, we have had to do it for the third time in three years. Not to mention how complicated it was to postpone EURO for a year and then organise it in 11 different countries in the middle of the COVID-19 pandemic. And yet, we always delivered. I must admit that all this makes me very proud.

Bilo je to jedno fantastično putovanje. Od 2020. godine doživjeli smo dotad nezapamćene događaje koji su doveli u pitanje i nogo met i život kakav poznajemo. Sve je počelo pandemijom, nakon koje su uslijedili egoistički projekti koji bi bili doveli do propasti nogometa kakvog poznajemo. A sada imamo taj strašan i izuzetno tragičan rat koji bjesni na europskom kontinentu. No unatoč svim tim preprekama, nogomet se pokazao vitalnijim nego ikad. Zašto?

Last year was marked by the Super League case. How do you view this event today, a few months apart??

To je bila samo jedna od mnogih kriza s kojima smo se suočili po sljednjih godina. Bila je to ideja koja se protivi samoj suštini nogo

Primjerice, UEFA nikada prije nije morala promijeniti mjesto odr žavanja finala Lige prvaka, a sada smo to zbog raznih problema morali učiniti triput u tri godine. Da ne spominjemo koliko je bilo komplicirano odgoditi EURO na godinu dana, a zatim ga organi zirati u 11 različitih zemalja usred pandemije bolesti COVID-19. A ipak, svaki smo put uspjeli. Moram priznati da me sve to čini vrlo ponosnim.

It has been a fantastic ride. Since 2020 we have gone through unprecedented events that challenged both football and life as we know it. It all started with the pandemic, followed by egoistic pro jects that would have doomed football as we know it. And now, we have this terrible and extremely tragic war raging on the European continent. But, despite all these obstacles, football emerged more vital than ever. Why? Because UEFA and the European football family have been united from day one, and this unity has not been a Quitefacade.the opposite, it has been genuine and powerful. All of us, without exception, have stood together in the face of obstacles. We talked to each other, listened to each other, and found solu tions. All these crises have proved that football is embedded in our society's DNA once and for all. It is part of our continent's history – and our collective memories.

You have been the President of UEFA since September 2016. What positive and negative things would you highlight during your six years of running one of the most powerful football or ganisations?

That was just one of the many crises we have faced in recent years. It was an idea that goes against the very essence of football.

Novčana nagrada odražava uspjeh na terenu. Vjerujem da je po šteno da momčadi budu nagrađene za svoju igru. Ono što me više

Pitanje će možda zvučati banalno, ali što je za vas nogomet?

Do you think the gap between rich and less rich clubs is widen ing? How can we try to prevent it?

The question may sound banal, but what is football for you?

You can rarely find a game so simple and yet so complex in its understanding and philosophy. Like our planet, the ball keeps roll ing year after year, giving us unique memories and emotions while offering valuable moral lessons on duty, teamwork and self-aware ness. It is truly a school of life.


A druga je lekcija ona o jedinstvu. Kada je europska nogometna obitelj zajedno, ne treba se nikoga bojati. Ako nema neprijatelja iznutra, vanjski nam neprijatelj ne može naškoditi.

European football is much more than business, as some people shallowly see it. You cannot ignore more than 160 years of football history and philosophy. You cannot treat fans as customers. No wonder the revolt across Europe was so strong and vocal. Football belongs to players and fans, and their heartfelt reactions quickly spread from the streets and stadiums across the entire world of football. Within minutes, the ill-constructed house of cards started to collapse.

The second lesson is about unity. When the European football fam ily stands together, it should fear no one. If there is no enemy with in, the enemy on the outside can do us no harm.

Što ste naučili iz te krize?

meta. Europski nogomet mnogo je više od unosna posla, kakvim ga neki površno smatraju. Ne možete zanemariti više od 160 godi na nogometne povijesti i filozofije. Ne možete navijače tretirati kao kupce. Nije ni čudo što je pobuna diljem Europe bila tako jaka i glasna. Nogomet pripada igračima i navijačima, a njihove spontane reakcije brzo su se proširile s ulica i stadiona cijelim nogometnim svijetom. U roku od nekoliko minuta loše izgrađena kula od karata počela se urušavati.

Najvrednija lekcija koju smo svi naučili jest da nogomet nije na prodaju. Nogomet pripada svima nama, istinskim ljubiteljima no gometa, a njegovi korijeni sežu preduboko u srž europske kulture i identiteta da bi nam ga itko mogao oduzeti.

Mislite li da se jaz između bogatih i manje bogatih klubova po većava? Kako to pokušati spriječiti?

Rijetko se može naći sport koji je u svojoj osnovi i filozofiji tako jednostavan, a opet tako kompleksan. Kao i naš planet, lopta se nastavlja kotrljati iz godine u godinu i pruža nam mogućnost stva ranja jedinstvenih uspomena i doživljavanja emocija, a istovreme no dijeli vrijedne lekcije o dužnosti, timskom radu i samosvijesti. To je uistinu škola života.

The most valuable lesson that we all have learned is that football is not for sale. The game belongs to all of us, genuine football fans, and its roots are too deep in the core of European culture and identity to be taken away by anyone.

The prize money reflects the success on the pitch. I believe that it is fair for the teams to be rewarded for their performances. What worries me more is the equilibrium with the clubs that are not par

What have you learned from that crisis?

We are discussing the new format with our stakeholders almost every day. As the discussions are still ongoing, it would be prema ture to say anything about it publicly, especially as no final decision has been reached. So you will need to be a bit more patient.

Jedna od ideja jest proširenje Lige prvaka na 36 klubova. Znači li to više prostora za klubove iz manjih zemalja?

Jednom ste rekli: U nogometu nema dovoljno novca, ali raspo djela je ključna. Možete li pojasniti tu rečenicu?

One of the ideas is to expand the Champions League to 36 clubs. Does that mean more space for clubs from smaller coun tries?

O novom formatu razgovaramo s našim dionicima gotovo svakod nevno. Budući da su rasprave još uvijek u tijeku, bilo bi preuranje no išta o tome javno govoriti, posebno zato što konačna odluka još nije donesena. Stoga ćete se morati još malo strpjeti.

ticipating in European competitions. We have already made deci sions to set up a more vital solidarity distribution.

You once said: There isn't enough money in football, but distri bution is the key. Can you clarify that sentence?



It is hard for me to remember when exactly that was said. Perhaps it was a response to a populistic statement such as ‘There is too much money in football’ or something similar. But I do agree that the distribution is the essence. UEFA’s role is to find a proper bal ance between the game’s development and profit. And we do it uniquely by re-investing in football more than 90% of the profit from the club and national teams' competitions. These investments are felt strongly in each segment of the game – in grassroots, youth and women's football, the quality and quantity of football infrastructure across the continent, and the education of coaches and other match officials.

Teško mi je sjetiti se kada sam to točno rekao. Možda je to bio odgovor na populističku izjavu kao što je "U nogometu ima previ še novca" ili slično. Ali slažem se da je distribucija suština svega. UEFA-ina je uloga naći odgovarajuću ravnotežu između razvoja nogometa i zarade. I mi to činimo na jedinstven način, ponovnim ulaganjem u nogomet više od 90% zarade od natjecanja klubova i reprezentacija. Ta se ulaganja zaista osjete u svakom segmen tu nogometa – u tzv. grassroots nogometu, nogometu za mlade i ženskom nogometu, u kvaliteti i količini nogometne infrastrukture na cijelom kontinentu te u obrazovanju trenera i drugih službenih osoba na utakmicama.

brine jest uravnoteženost s klubovima koji ne sudjeluju na europ skim natjecanjima. Već smo donijeli odluke o uspostavi odlučnije solidarne raspodjele.

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Top footballers play over 60 games in the season. Is that too much?

You will meet few people with such an experience in football; few people have such an immense and complete knowledge of the game itself. You will also meet very few people that speak about football with such passion and love for the game, and he never runs out of positive energy. It is an absolute pleasure to have him by my side, and I am confident he will give a lot more to the sport and UEFA.

The island of Hvar is your summer base. How do you relax when you are on holiday?

Our magazine is, among other things, dedicated to the sea. Do you like to sail?

I think I will run for another mandate. And hopefully, we will not live forever in times of permanent crisis. 

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Ideja održavanja Svjetskog prvenstva svake dvije godine je besmi slica. Sve ozbiljne studije pokazale su da bi to više naštetilo no gometu nego pomoglo njegovu razvoju, posebno kada je riječ o zdravlju igrača. Čak se i FIFA pokušala distancirati od te apsurdne ideje na zadnjem kongresu u Dohi.

Your term lasts until 2023. Are you planning a new candidacy?

Nedavno ste odbacili FIFA-inu ideju o održavanju Svjetskog pr venstva svake druge godine?

I agree with you that the calendar is quite tight. But, at the same time, existing competitions are the lifeblood of European football. Many smaller and midsized national associations would severely struggle without these revenues. I understand that the world’s best players are under a lot of pressure, but millions of others across the globe do not have the same number of matches throughout the season.

What is the collaboration with Zvonimir Boban like?

Most leagues are dominated by one, sometimes two or three clubs. How should we fight superclubs?

It is a true paradise on earth. It is a perfect place to get away from the stress and reconnect with nature, with yourself and the loved ones.

With the introduction of the UEFA Europa Conference league, we have offered more clubs a chance to compete on European matchnights. I am confident that both Europa League and Europa Con ference League will continue their strong growth in years to come and help us shorten the gap.

U većini liga dominira jedan, ponekad dva ili tri kluba. Kako se boriti protiv superklubova?

Slažem se da je kalendar pomalo pretrpan. No, istovremeno su postojeća natjecanja pokretačka snaga europskog nogometa. Mnoge manje nacionalne udruge i one srednje veličine teško bi se snalazile bez tih prihoda. Razumijem da su najbolji svjetski igrači pod velikim pritiskom, ali milijuni drugih širom svijeta nemaju tako velik broj utakmica tijekom sezone.

Najbolji nogometaši igraju preko 60 utakmica u sezoni. Je li to previše?

Mandat vam traje do 2023. godine. Planirate li novu kandidaturu?

Mislim da ću se kandidirati za još jedan mandat. I nadam se da nećemo zauvijek živjeti u vrijeme trajne krize. 

You recently rejected FIFA’s idea of a biennial World Cup?

Otok Hvar vaša je ljetna baza. Kako se opuštate tijekom odmo ra?

The Biennial World Cup was a nonsense project. All the serious studies showed that it would harm football more than help its de velopment, especially when it comes to players’ health. Even FIFA tried to dissociate itself from such a terrible idea in their last Con gress in Doha.

To je pravi raj na zemlji, savršeno mjesto za bijeg od stresa i po novno povezivanje s prirodom, samim sobom i voljenim osobama. Naš časopis je, između ostaloga, posvećen moru. Volite li ploviti? Volim more. Ono ne poznaje nikakva ograničenja. Samo dok ga gledate, čini se kao da vas može odvesti bilo kamo, a svijet odjed nom postane vrlo malen. Zapravo, dok sam odrastao, sanjao sam da postanem mornar. Da budem jedno sa širokim horizontom. Tko zna, možda ispunim taj san kad odem u mirovinu...

I love the sea. It knows no limitations. Just watching it, you feel as if it could take you anywhere, and the world suddenly seems very small. In fact, when growing up, I dreamed of becoming a sailor. To be one with the wide horizon. Who knows, perhaps I will fulfil my dream when I retire...

Uvođenjem UEFA-ine Europske konferencijske lige ponudili smo većem broju klubova priliku da se natječu u europskim utakmica ma i uvjeren sam da će se i Europska liga i Europska konferencij ska liga nastaviti snažno razvijati u godinama koje slijede i da će nam pomoći da smanjimo jaz.

Malo je ljudi s takvim iskustvom u nogometu; malo ljudi ima tako neiscrpno i potpuno znanje o samoj igri. Također ima vrlo malo ljudi koji govore o nogometu s takvom strašću i ljubavlju prema njemu, a Boban nikada ne ostaje bez pozitivne energije. Apsolutno je zadovoljstvo imati ga uz sebe i uvjeren sam da će još više prido nijeti sportu i UEFA-i.

Kakva je suradnja sa Zvonimirom Bobanom?


Fotografije / Photos: Privatna arhiva Jessica Chapplow / Jessica Chapplow private archives

Umjetna inteligencija po mjeri HumanisingčovjekaAI

Jessica Chapplow, specijalistica za umjetnu inteligenciju, blockchain i proširenu stvarnost Jessica Chapplow strastvena je promicateljica etičke upotrebe podataka i poticanja obrazovanja o UI i povezanim JESSICAtehnologijamaCHAPPLOW

Jessica Chapplow, a specialist in artificial intelligence, digital marketing and business transformation, is a passionate advocate for ethical data use and the importance of educating organisations about AI and related technologies

Više nije novost da su digitalizacija, virtualna realnost, umjetna inteligencija i robotika među glavnim obilježjima 21. stoljeća. Ono o čemu smo prije desetak i više godina čitali ili gledali u filmovima znanstvene fantastike postalo je realnost. Znači li to da uskoro prestaje doba ljudi i dolazi doba strojeva? Hoće li nam moderna tehnologija doista pomoći da krenemo naprijed i stvorimo više vremena za sebe ili će naš svijet učiniti složenijim i manje učinkovitim? Jedna od najboljih sugovornica o suživotu ljudi i strojeva jest Jessica Chapplow, specijalistica za umjetnu inteligenciju, blockchain i proširenu stvarnost. Jessica savjetuje brojne klijente o prihvaćanju novih tehnologija te je strastvena zagovornica etičke upotrebe podataka i odgovornog korištenja umjetne inteligencije. Autorica hvaljene knjige i pokreta Be More Pirate također ju je opisala kao 'modernog gusara', a usto je velika altruistica koja neumorno sudjeluje i pomaže u humanitarnim akcijama diljem svijeta.

It is no longer news that digitalisation, virtual reality, artificial intelligence and robotics are one of the main features of the 21st century. The things we watched in science fiction movies or read about a decade or more ago have become a reality. Does this mean that the age of humans is about to end and the age of machines is coming? Will modern technology really help us move forward and create more time for ourselves, or will it make our world more complex and less efficient?

One of the best people we could be talking to about the coexistence of humans and machines is Jessica Chapplow, a specialist in artificial intelligence, digital marketing and innovation Jessica advises many clients on embracing new technologies, and is a passionate advocate of the ethical use of data and the responsible use of artificial intelligence. She has also been described as a ‘modern-day pirate’ by the author of the acclaimed Be More Pirate book and movement. Whilst juggling a full-time career Jessica also somehow manages to take the time to tirelessly help in humanitarian efforts around the world.


I can't define the exact moment as I believe that a person's talent is honed through learning and dedication to their career over time. That being said, I think I succeeded because of three factors: in stinct, opportunity and business environment. I started out as one of the first employees in a specialised e-commerce department at one of the largest advertising agencies. In this role, I gained invalu able exposure to the challenges of building a department and digi tal specialism from scratch. It was about creating something based on what I thought was right and something that I found personally fulfilling at that moment. My golden work rule is to always know the difference between doing what you are told to do, and doing what you are capable of. Any success I have achieved has been borne out of understanding and acting on this.

You have been selected as one of MediaWeek's 30 most tal ented people under 30 and have been a finalist for Women in Tech's Young Leader of the Year; you are also a consultant to global brands. When did you first realise you had a talent for the job?

'I always say the hardest thing in connection with artificial intelli gence is making me stop talking about it. Croatia has been one of my favourite places to visit. People are cheerful, warm and kind, and I appreciate the patience of the taxi drivers that I practice my bad Croatian with.I can’t want to come back to visit again in the summer. The highlight of my last trip to Zagreb in November has to be visiting the Museum of the Broken Relationships. It's a weird and wonderful place where I felt as though I was making a voyeuri stic visit into so many people’s relationships from around the world.

U Hrvatskoj je gostovala dva puta i pokupila velike pohvale za svo ja inspirativna izlaganja.

Ne mogu definirati točan trenutak koji je bio presudan u mojoj ka rijeri, ali mislim da sam uspjela zbog triju čimbenika. To su instinkt, prilika i poslovno okruženje. Počela sam kao jedan od prvih zapo slenika u specijaliziranom odjelu za e-trgovinu u jednoj od najvećih agencija. Tako sam dobila pravu priliku da izgradim nešto od nule. Radilo se o stvaranju nečega na temelju onoga što sam smatrala ispravnim i nečega što me u tom trenutku ispunjavalo. Moje zlatno radno pravilo je da uvijek znaš razliku između raditi ono što ti se kaže i raditi ono za što si sposoban. Svaki uspjeh koji sam postigla proizašao je iz razumijevanja i djelovanja po tom pravilu.

Uvijek postoji sloj straha koji se pojavljuje kada smo suočeni s nečim što nam je nepoznato. Dio našeg mozga tako reagira jer ga je takvim napravila evolucija

She has visited Croatia twice and has been highly praised for her inspirational presentations.

„Uvijek kažem da je kod umjetne inteligencije najteže natjerati me da prestanem govoriti o tome. Hrvatska se ubraja među moja naj draža putovanja. Ljudi su veseli, topli i nasmijani, a ja s taksistima mogu vježbati svoj loš hrvatski. Definitivno želim vašu zemlju po sjetiti tijekom ljeta, a vrhunac mog posljednjeg putovanja u Zagreb u studenom bio je posjet Muzeju prekinutih veza. To je čudno i prekrasno mjesto na kojem sam se osjećala poput voajera koji po sjećuje veze ljudi iz cijelog svijeta“

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There's always an element of fear when we are faced with something unknown. Part of our brain reacts that way, because that's how evolution has made it

Izabrani ste kao jedna od MediaWeekovih 30 najtalentiranijih osoba mlađih od 30 godina, finalistica ste izbora Women in Te ch's Young Leader of the Year i savjetnica globalnih brendova. Kada ste prvi put shvatili da imate talent za posao?

Na Booking Manager Summitu u Zagrebu na jednoj ste radionici opisani kao osoba koja odluke donosi na logičan i racionalan na čin. Kako vam ta karakteristika pomaže u karijeri i svakodnevnom životu?

Sci-fi books and movies inspire people to dream, inspire them to venture into the unknown and try to achieve the impossible. The world is full of possibilities, and, pushing back the boundaries in this way, we hope to gain access to some of them at least. You know, some of the things that are mentioned in the books are no longer in the distant future, and some are already present in our lives. With the possibilities of modern technology and artificial in telligence, in some situations, the 'impossible' has become just an ordinary word. I'm a big fan of the Matrix film series, and we see that the use of augmented reality, virtual reality and machine le arning is progressing at a rapid rate in our real world. One of my favourite books is The Book of Why, I am fascinated by how Judea

SF knjige i filmovi nadahnjuju ljude da sanjaju, inspiriraju ih da se odvaže iskoračiti u nepoznato i pokušaju postići nemoguće. Svijet je prepun mogućnosti, a ovakvim pomicanjem granica nadamo se da ćemo dobiti pristup barem nekima od njih. Znate, neke stvari koje se spominju u knjigama nisu više daleka budućnost, a neke stvari već su prisutne u našim životima. Uz mogućnost moderne tehnologije i umjetne inteligencije u nekim je situacijama nemo guće postala samo obična riječ. Velika sam ljubiteljica serijala „Matrix”, a vidimo da u našem pravom svijetu korištenje proširene stvarnosti, virtualne realnosti i strojnog učenja napreduje velikom brzinom. Jedna od mojih najdražih knjiga je The Book of Why. Fascinirana sam kako nam Judea Pearl omogućuje ne samo da upoznajemo utroke nego i da otkrivamo svjetove koji su mogli biti.

Način na koji se bavim područjima umjetne inteligencije i strojnog učenja zahtijeva zaista mnogo analitičkih podataka i racionalan na čin razmišljanja. Bez statističkih pokazatelja i brojeva oslanjanje na vlastitu kreativnost bio bi iznimno velik izazov. S druge strane, sve je vrlo relativno i u nekim drugim projektima i zadacima više se ko ristim kreativnošću, a zanemarujem analitiku. Ne postoji čarobna formula ili savršen omjer o upotrebi logike i mašte, to se mijenja ovisno o prioritetima. Mnoge moje odluke u karijeri i životu temelji le su se na kombinaciji srca i razuma.

You focus on the role of cutting-edge technology in modern so ciety. Did you, as a young girl, read sci-fi books or watch movies that gave you ideas for some of your projects?

At one of the workshops at the Booking Manager Summit in Za greb, you were described as a person who makes decisions in a logical and rational way. How does this characteristic help you in your career and everyday life?

The way I work in the fields of artificial intelligence and machine learning requires a lot of analytical data and a rational mindset. Relying on your own creativity without using statistical indicators and figures would be a very big challenge. On the other hand, thin gs are very relative and in some other projects and tasks, I use creativity more, ignoring analytics. There is no magic formula or perfect ratio in the use of logic and imagination; it changes de pending on priorities. Many decisions I've made in my career and personal life came as a combination of heart and mind.


Fokusirate se na ulogu vrhunske tehnologije u modernom druš tvu. Jeste li možda kao djevojčica čitali znanstvenofantastične romane ili gledali filmove iz kojih ste dobili ideje koje su vas inspirirale za neke vaše projekte?

ACI No.1 // Jessica Chapplow

For many years, the luxury industry relied on the idea of exclusivity, but today, when almost 40 percent of customers are online, the rules of the game have changed. Brands turn to stories of authenti

Pearl’s work enables us to know not just whether one thing causes another: it lets us explore the world and the worlds that could have been.

Tehnologija je dobra onoliko koliko su dobri ljudi koji je pro gramiraju. Kao i u bilo kojem stručnom području, a to je pose bno važno u slučaju umjetne inteligencije potrebni su nam ljudi koji različito misle jer ćemo uz njihovu pomoć stvoriti moćnije, raznovrsnije i ravnopravnije algoritme

Technology is only as good as the humans who program it. As with any specialist field, but particularly critical in the case of AI is that we need people with diverse thoughts because they’re the ones we’re going to create, those algorithms that make the machine learning and the algorithms in the technolo gy more powerful, more diverse, and more equal


Velika ste poznavateljica industrije luksuza. Kako vidite njezinu transformaciju u posljednjih nekoliko godina?

Some are afraid of it, some think that it will take over the world, while others believe that it will help automate a lot of jobs and make a lot of them easier. Whenever I take part in conferences, I always ask people, at the beginning of my presentations, to rank their level of knowledge about artificial intelligence and machine learning. Some have only heard about these things, while others are more familiar and are interested in the further development of new technologies. But this mini-poll of mine points to a big gap between what we know and what we don't know; what artificial intelligence is and what it isn't. For me, there are many differen ces between the technical details of AI and areas where scientific technology is in conflict with people's fundamental values. I think we can only be afraid of what we don't know enough about. Each technological revolution brings up a number of questions and cau ses controversies. Remember how people reacted to the first cars, mobile phones, computers. I'd say it's human to be afraid of new things. There's always an element of fear when we are faced with something unknown. Part of our brain reacts that way because that's how evolution has made it. For me, one of the key questi ons is about ethics and morality when using artificial intelligence. Clearer and more standardised legislation must exist to prevent its misuse. Also, it's important that people are able to see its positive and negative implications, to learn how to adapt to it, how to use it in order to develop different solutions for the benefit of humanity. Technology is only as good as the humans who program it. Hear was born with a mission to raise awareness and encourage people to focus less on finding the right answer, but instead, ask the right questions about AI and related techno logies.

Industrija luksuza dugi je niz godina počivala na postulatu eksklu zivnosti, no danas, kada je gotovo 40 posto kupaca online, neka su druga pravila igre. Brendovi se okreću pričama o autentičnosti i održivosti jer sadašnji i budući klijenti to od njih traže. Onaj tko se neće mijenjati, neće uspjeti.

Neki je se boje, jedni misle da će ona preuzeti svijet, drugi vjeruju da će automatizirati dosta poslova i pojednostaviti mnogo profesi ja. Kada god sudjelujem na konferencijama, uvijek na početku svo jeg predavanja ljudima postavim pitanje koliko znaju o umjetnoj inteligenciji i strojnom učenju. Neki su samo načuli o tome, a drugi su detaljno upoznati i zanima ih daljnji razvoj novih tehnologija. No ta moja mini anketa upućuje na veliku prazninu između onoga što znamo i onoga što ne znamo. Ono što umjetna inteligencija jest i onoga što nije. Za mene postoji mnogo razlika u vezi s teh ničkim detaljima UI i područja u kojima se znanstvena tehnologija sukobljava s temeljnim vrijednostima ljudi. Smatram da se možemo bojati samo onoga o čemu ne znamo dovoljno. Svaka tehnološ ka revolucija donosi brojna pitanja i kontroverze. Sjetite se kako su ljudi reagirali na prve automobile, mobitele, kompjutore. Rekla bih da je ljudski bojati se novog. Uvijek postoji sloj straha koji se pojavljuje kada smo suočeni s nečim što nam je nepoznato. Dio našeg mozga tako reagira jer ga je takvim napravila evolucija. Za mene je jedno od ključnih pitanja ono o etici i moralu pri korištenju umjetne inteligencije. Mora postojati jasna legislativa koja će sprje čavati njezinu zloupotrebu. Isto tako važno je da ljudi mogu vidjeti njezine pozitivne i negativne strane, naučiti kako joj se prilagoditi, kako se njome koristiti da bismo razvili različita rješenja za dobro bit čovječanstva. Tehnologija je dobra onoliko koliko su dobri ljudi koji je programiraju. je rođen s misijom podizanja svijesti i poticanja ljudi da se manje usredotoče na pro nalaženje pravog odgovora, već umjesto toga postavljaju prava pitanja o AI i srodnim tehnologijama.

Za nekoliko godina ACI-GITONE, tvrtka nastala iz partnerstva Lür ssena i ACI-ja, predstavit će ACI marinu Rijeka, potpuno zelenu, održivu i pametnu digitalnu marinu s primarnim fokusom na si gurnost gostiju i personalizirano iskustvo. Što mislite o digitalnoj

What do people think of artificial intelligence? As a great ad vocate for the responsible use of artificial intelligence, do you think that such technology can be abused?

Što ljudi misle o umjetnoj inteligenciji? Kao velika zagovorni ca odgovornog korištenja umjetne inteligencije smatrate li da može doći do zloupotrebe takve tehnologije?

You're a great expert on the luxury industry. How do you see its transformation in the last few years?

Mogućnosti koje pružaju napredne tehnologije, strojno učenje i duboko učenje zaista mogu postati game changeri u pomorskoj in dustriji. Oko 90 posto robe prevozi se morem i industrija ima priliku donijeti odluke koje će imati dalekosežne posljedice na sve nas. Autonomni brodovi, umrežavanje različitih sustava, razmjena po dataka u stvarnom vremenu između kopna i mora – sve to mijenja naše živote nabolje. Brodovi se već koriste različitim senzorima, digitalnim GPS-om, kamerom i s mnogo toga što se temelji na razli čitim softverima i matematičkim metodama, pa je ljudska pogreška u nekim situacijama bitno smanjena. Sustavi vizualnog prepozna vanja brodova velika su pomoć tijekom plovidbe u lošim vremen skim uvjetima ili noću. Umjetna inteligencija ima veliku mogućnost primjene u brojnim granama industrije. Vidljivo je to i u Hrvatskoj. Maritimni inovacijski klaster u kojem su tehnološke kompanije iz Hrvatske, Austrije i Njemačke izvrstan je pokazatelj sposobnosti pomicanja granica u pomorskoj industriji. 

city and sustainability because current and future clients ask them to. The one who won't change won't make it.

The opportunities provided by advanced technologies, machine learning and deep learning can really become game-changers in the maritime industry. About 90 percent of goods are transpor ted by sea and the industry has the opportunity to make decisions that will have far-reaching consequences for all of us. Autonomo us ships, networking of different systems, real-time data exchange between land and sea – these are all things that change our lives for the better. Ships and boats are already using different sensors, a digital GPS, a camera and a lot of what is based on different sof tware and mathematical methods, and, in some situations, human error is significantly reduced. Vessel image recognition systems are a great help in navigation in bad weather or at night. Artificial intelligence can be applied in a number of industries. This is also evident in Croatia. The Maritime Innovation Cluster, which includes technology companies from Croatia, Austria and Germany, is an excellent indicator of the ability to push back the boundaries in the maritime industry. 

In a few years' time, ACI-GITONE, a company formed in the part nership between Lürssen and ACI, will present ACI Marina Rije ka, a completely green, sustainable and smart digital marina pri marily focused on visitors' safety and personalised experience. What do you think of the digital transformation and the imple mentation of artificial intelligence in the maritime industry?

ACI No.1 // Jessica Chapplow 217

transformaciji i implementaciji umjetne inteligencije u pomorskoj industriji?


Fotografije / Photos: Potomac Grupa d.o.o / Croata, Karlo Vukić

Katkada čovjek uđe u neku trgovinu samo zato što poželi zaviriti u nju. Pri vuče ga lijepi izlog, simpatičan natpis ili je jednostavno vrijeme da udahne malo svježine i razgleda što se nudi nakon zamornog lutanja po užarenim ulicama osunčanog grada. Neki su prostori više ili manje ugodni, ima ih dosadnih ili toliko otmjenih da bude nelagodu, ali postoje i oni u kojima poželiš ostati zauvijek.


Sometimes you walk into a shop just because you want to take a peek. Your attention is drawn by a beautiful win dow display or a catchy slogan, or you just simply need to take a break after an exhausting sightseeing tour through the scorching streets of the city basking in sunshine, so you enter and look around. Some places are cosy, some less so; there are boring ones or those that are so posh that make you feel uncomfortable. However, there are also places where you would like to stay forever.






da je riječ i o muzeju, prilika je to i da čujete priču prikazanu u čast kravati koja simbolizira i promiče vrijednosti zapadne civilizacije kao znak kulture i otm jenosti. CROATA Museum Concept Store prenosi priču o njezinu nastanku uz niz muzejskih naracija posvećenih glasovitim Zadranima. Riječ je o muzejskoj interpolaciji u prodajni prostor, inovativnom iskoraku u maloproda ji priznatom još 2008. u Milanu na Europskom forumu kompanijskih muzeja na kojem su sudjelovali i brendovi poput Ferrarija, Ducatija, Siemensa, Guinnessa, Sonyja. Dodamo li tome rapsodiju boja svilenih rubaca, šalova i kravata, uz bogati asortiman koji nudi širok spektar muških i ženskih modnih dodataka te košulja, stvara se

Bijeli kamen kojim su popločane mnoge zadarske ulice koji očarava posjetitelje naših dalmatinskih gradova čini upadljiv kontrast luksuznim zlatnim tonovima u dizajnu interijera.

ACI No.1 // Croata 220

Na samom ulazu u čaroban Zadar, u kulturno-povijesnoj palači Cedulin, smješten je salon luksuznog modnog brenda Croata. U besprijekornom interijeru nekadašn je rezidencije zadarske plemićke obitelji iz 12. stoljeća, CROATA Museum Concept Store oslikava koliko je snažna povezanost mode, tradicije i kulturne baštine.

The white stone that was used to pave many of Zadar’s streets enchants visitors to our Dalmatian cities, providing a stri king contrast to the luxurious golden hues in the design of the interior.

Takav je novi koncept dizajna interijera Croatina salona. Kao da si zakoračio u neku čarobnu priču, u salon ple mićke obitelji za koji nisi siguran pripada li kasnom kla sicizmu, ampir-stilu s naglašenim rimskim elementima ili je riječ o fuziæji stilova kojuæ obilježava bogatstvo dezena, zlatni tonovi i dizajnerski namještaj decentno smješten u prostor koji, koliko god bio raskošan, ipak čini nenametljivi okvir muzejskom konceptu s ekspona

Such is the new concept of interior design in the Croata showroom. It is as if you have stepped into a fairy-tale, into a drawing room of an aristocratic family’s house, and you are not sure whether it belongs to late classicism, the Empire Style with accentuated Roman elements, or if it is a fusion of styles marked by a wealth of designs, golden hues and designer furniture tastefully placed in a space that, however lavish, is nevertheless an unpretentious backdrop to the mu seum concept and its exhibits.

And since this is also a museum, you have a chance to hear a story told to honour the necktie, an item of clothing that embodies and promotes the values of Western civilization, symbolising culture and grace. CROATA Museum Concept Store tells the story of its origin in a series of museum nar ratives dedicated to the famous people from Zadar. This is a museum interpolated into a commercial space, an innova tive step forward in the retail business, recognised back in 2008 at the European Meeting Focused on Company Muse ums, which was held in Milan and attended by brands such as Ferrari, Ducati, Siemens, Guinness, and Sony.


At the very entrance to the magical city of Zadar, there is a showroom of the luxury fashion brand Croata, situated in the historic Cedulin palace. In the impeccable interior of what once was a Zadar aristocratic family’s residence dating back to the 12th century, CROATA Museum Concept Store shows how strong the connection between fashion, tradition and cultural heritage is.

Mnogo je priča i stihova posvećeno ovom ponosnom dalmatin skom gradu u kojem je. među ostalim, osnovano i prvo hrvatsko sveučilište, filozofsko-teološko učilište dominikanskog reda, ute meljeno još 1396. godine.

Mozaik na podu s motivom stilizirana pletera kao sveprisutni čuvar povijesti savršeno se stapa s biranim dekorativnim namještajem i pridono si harmoniji dizajna reflektirajući tradiciju kroz modernizam i inovaciju koji su postali sinonimi ovog brenda. (potpis pod sliku)

Valja naglasiti i da je interijer ovog novog koncepta uređenja, koji se nalazi bok uz bok svjetskim brendovima, dizajnirala je arhitekti ca vezana uz Francusku. Možda se i sada povijest ponavlja jer su upravo Francuzi u 17. stoljeću preuzeli dio odore hrvatskih vojnika i usvojili ovaj novi odjevni predmet koji se nosio a la Croate (na hrvatski način).

The floor mosaic with the stylised interlace mo tif as the omnipresent guardian of history blends perfectly with selected pieces of decorative fur niture and contributes to the harmony of design by reflecting tradition through modernism and innovation, which has become synonymous with this brand. (potpis pod sliku)

okruženje koje izaziva uzdahe, i to ne samo lokalnog stanovništva nego i turista koji se svake godine iznova zaljubljuju u ovaj naš domaći brend i jedan od najljepših dalmatinskih gradova.

U salonu je predstavljen i Krešimir Ćosić, hrvatska i svjetska košarkaška legenda te jedan od najboljih europskih košarkaša svih vremena. Poznati košarkaš i trener postao je član prestižne Kuće slavnih košarkaša (Basketball Hall of Fame) i ostavio svoj trag na kontinentu koji je kolijevka košarkaške igre.

If a colourful assortment of silk scarves, shawls and neckties is added to all this, along with a wide range of products such as men’s and women’s accessories and shirts, an awe-inspiring en vironment is created, enchanting not only the local population but also tourists, who, year in year out, fall in love with this Croatian brand and with one of the most beautiful Dalmatian cities. It should also be stressed that the interior of this new design con cept, on a par with international brands, was designed by a female architect with connections to France. Perhaps history is repeating itself because it was the French who, in the 17th century, took over an item that formed part of Croatian soldiers’ uniform and adopted this new piece of clothing worn à la Croate (in the Croatian man Therener).

are many stories and verses dedicated to this proud Dalma tian city, where, among other things, the first Croatian university, a philosophical and theological university of the Dominican order, was founded back in 1396.

Krešimir Ćosić, a Croatian and world basketball legend and one of the best European basketball players of all time, is also repre sented in the showroom. The famous basketball player and coach became a member of the prestigious Basketball Hall of Fame and left his mark on the continent where basketball was born.

ACI No.1 // Croata 221

Naturalist Špiro Brusina, dubbed the father of the Croatian marine biology, was also born in Zadar. The co-founder of the Croatian Natural History Society and world-renowned zoologist was a good friend of Charles Darwin himself.

U Zadru je rođen i prirodoslovac Špiro Brusina, nazvan ocem hrvat ske biologije mora. Suosnivač Hrvatskog prirodoslovnog društva i zoolog svjetskog glasa bio je dobar prijatelj i sa samim Charlesom NijeDarwinom.nitukraj priče. Znate li kakvu poveznicu sa Zadrom ima amer ički mjuzikl „Moje pjesme, moji snovi”? Pomorski časnik Georg von Trapp rođen je u Zadru, a upravo njegova obitelj portretirana je u

Želite li doznati što sve treba vidjeti u Zadru i kako izgleda Croatin salon s muzejskom interpolacijom otvoren u Osijeku? Ostavit ćemo to za neku drugu priliku jer koliko god to željeli ipak ne možemo u salonu ostati zauvijek, a treba požuriti i do rive, pogledati zalazak sunca. Slavni režiser Alfred Hitchcock, koji je volio nositi kravate, prilikom posjeta Zadru izjavio je kako Zadar ima najljepši zalazak sunca na svijetu. Osim u CROATA salonu, priča o njegovu borav ku u Zadru postavljena je i na zadarskoj rivi gdje se toliko divio sutonu nad morem. No prije no što krenemo, trebamo se vratiti u sadašnjost i naglasiti još nešto. Iako nije bilo jednostavno naprav iti novu kulturno-turističku atrakciju, upravo to je ovom modnom brendu, koji je kravatu učinila prepoznatljivim hrvatskim simbolom, u suradnji s neprofitnom ustanovom Academia Cravatica, pošlo za rukom. Stoga, putujući kroz Hrvatsku, možete pronaći CROATA salone gdje se možete upoznati i naučiti nešto novo o luksuznom modnom detalju koji je osvojio srca svakog svjetskog gurmana. 

ACI No.1 // Croata 222

priči i filmu iz 1965. godine, u kojem glume Julie Andrews i Chris topher Plummer. Priča je to o obiteljskim vrijednostima i ljudskim idealima uz dirljiv mjuzikl od čijeg je nastanka prošlo već pedeset godina, ali i danas nam je prirasla srcu.

But this is not the end of the story. Do you know what the connec tion between the American musical The Sound of Music and Zadar is? Naval officer Georg von Trapp was born in this town, and it was his family that was portrayed in the story and the 1965 film starring Julie Andrews and Christopher Plummer. It is a story about fami ly values and human ideals rendered in a touching musical made over fifty years ago, a story that we still hold dear to our hearts. Would you like to find out what there is to see in Zadar and what the Croata showroom with an interpolated museum in Osijek looks like? We will leave it for another time because as much as we would like it, we still cannot stay in the showroom forever; we should hurry to the waterfront, to see the sunset. Famous film di rector Alfred Hitchcock, who liked his ties, said on a visit to Zadar that this city has the most beautiful sunset in the world. In addition to the CROATA showroom, the story of his visit to Zadar can also be found on the Zadar waterfront, the place where he admiringly watched the sun setting over the sea. But before we go, we should go back to the present to say one more thing. Although it was not easy to create a new cultural and tourist attraction, this is exactly what this fashion brand has done: in partnership with the non-prof it organisation Academia Cravatica, it has turned the necktie into a recognisable Croatian symbol. Therefore, while visiting Croatia, you can go and find a CROATA showroom, where you can learn something new about the luxury fashion accessory that has won the hearts of every gourmet in the world. 

ACI 2022OFFERSSPECIAL DAILY BERTH BENEFITS* Î 2+1 FREE - ACI marinas Šimuni (except 1 Jul - 31 Aug) and Slano Î 2 + 1 FREE - ACI marinas Žut and Piškera Î 1 + 1 +1 FREE - ACI marinas Žut and Piškera ANNUAL BERTH BENEFITS for the first year to the new clients** who are entering the ACI and existing ACI clients for bringing the second and each subsequent vessel in the same marina: Î 15% discount on the annual berth rate in selected ACI marinas*** Î Umag Î Pula Î Cres Î Supetarska Draga Î Milna Î Vrboska Î Korčula *The aforementioned applies only in the case of consecutive dates. Does not apply to the anchorage Žut; for 2 paid daily berths, the third daily berth is free of charge; for one paid daily berth in ACI Žut and one paid daily berth in ACI Piškera, the second daily berth in ACI Piškera is free of charge and vice versa. **A new client is the owner of a vessel who has not signed any berth contract with ACI over the last ***Exclusivelyyearfor private and legal entities whose vessels are used not for commercial, but for private purposes  |  |  |  | 

Zašto se preporučuje angažirati 4 levuta kao Yacht Brokera? Sa sjedištem u Hrvatskoj, točnije u Šibeniku, u dobroj smo poziciji prodati klijentov brod s pristupom jednoj od najvećih neovisnih posredničkih mreža našeg partnera "Network Yacht Brokers Inter Svakakonational.

As a reliable intermediary and partner with extensive market knowledge and knowledge of the sales organization itself, we offer you experience and expertise combined with our advanced database, which results in a quick finding of a potential customer in a competitive market



Prodaja klijentovog broda preko nas nudi veću izloženost na pro dajnom tržištu od bilo kojeg drugog posredništva u Europi jer na raspolaganju stoji više od 25 ureda u grupi Network Yacht Brokers International, pa je oglašavanje preko našeg sustava, usuđujemo se reći, doista oglašavanje posvuda! Lista naših partnera je jako velika i tu se nalaze portali za oglašavanje kao što su: YachtWorld, Appoladuck,, Scanboats, Inautia, Boatshop24, Cosas de Barcos, i mnogi drugi… Kao pouzdan posrednik i partner s opsežnim poznavanjem tržišta i poznavanjem same organizacije prodaje nudimo iskustvo i struč nost u kombinaciji s našom naprednom bazom podataka, što re zultira brzim pronalaskom potencijalnog kupca na konkurentnom tržištu.


Selling your boat through us offers you more exposure in the sales market than any other brokerage in Europe because you have more than 25 offices in the Network Yacht Brokers International group, so advertising through our system, dare we say, is really advertising everywhere! The list of our partners is very large and there are advertising portals such as: YachtWorld, Appoladuck,, Scanboats, Inautia, Boatshop24, Cosas de Barcos, and many others…

Based in Croatia, more precisely in Šibenik, we are in a good po sition to sell your boat with access to one of the largest independ ent intermediary networks of our partner "Network Yacht Brokers

4 Levuta d.o.o. Šibenik, based in D-Marina ŠIBENIK is a company specializing in consulting and services in mediating the sale of used and new vessels (Full Service of Yacht Brokerage) and offers boat owners a service of technical operational logistics (Yacht management). The company is managed by the founder and director Aleksandar Barić, who has been active in the maritime and nautical world for more than 20 years.


Why is it recommended to hire us as a Yacht Broker?


Od 2022. godine na hrvatskom tržištu tvrtka 4 Levuta d.o.o je ovla šteni zastupnik i generalni distributer prepoznatljivog boutique dizajna slovenske trvtke ALFASTREET MARINE BOATS. Plovila su mješavina tradicionalnih i modernih elemenata sa savršenim teh ničkim inovativnim rješenjima prepoznatljiva po pouzdanosti, kom foru, performansi i kvaliteti. 

će se opis, specifikacija broda, upotrijebiti veliki skup fotografija i videozapisa i postavit će se brod na naš sustav oglaša vanja koji je bez premca te redovno izvještavati klijenta o oglaša vanju i kako napreduje.

sure that all documentation is updated and ready for further processing in the purchase process and in accordance with your requirements, we will prepare a complete specification, inventory list and list of items not included in the sale of the yacht or Weboat.willprepare


ćemo se pobrinuti da je sva dokumentacija ažurirana i spremna za daljnju obradu u procesu kupoprodaje te u skladu sa zatraženim zahtjevima, pripremit će se potpuna specifikacija, po pis inventara kao i popis stavki koje nisu uključene u prodaju jahte ili Pripremitbroda.

a description, specification of the ship, use a large set of photos and videos and place the ship on our unrivaled ad vertising system and keep you regularly informed about your ad vertising and how it is progressing.

4 Levuta d.o.o. Šibenik, sa sjedištem u D-Marini ŠIBE NIK tvrtka je specijalizirana za savjetovanje i usluge u posredovanju kupoprodaje rabljenih i novih plovila (Full Service of Yacht Brokerage) te vlasnicima plovila nudi i uslugu tehničke operativne logistike (Yacht ma nagement). S tvrtkom upravlja osnivač i direktor Alek sandar Barić koji je aktivan u pomorskom i nautičkom svijetu više od 20 godina.


Since 2022 on the Croatian market, the company 4 Levuta d.o.o. is an authorised dealer and exclusive distributor of the Slovenian ALFASTREET MARINE boats. A mixture of traditional and modern elements, these boats have a recognisable boutique design. 


"Our biggest advantage is that we work on a sales commission, which means that if we advertise your boat and don't sell it, we won't charge you a penny! So you have no additional costs or advertising risks, so with us - you have nothing to lose! "

Fotografija / Photo: 4 levuta d.o.o.

"Naša najveća prednost je što radimo na te melju provizije po prodaji, što znači, da ako reklamiramo klijentov brod i ne prodamo ga, nećemo naplatiti niti kunu! Dakle, nema dodatnih troškova ili rizika za oglašavanje, pa s nama - nemate što izgubiti!"

Studij turizma koji prati trendove razvoja turističkog gospodarstva

Ulaganja u razvoj nautičke infrastrukture, digitalna transformacija, ali i unaprjeđenje iskustva i znanja djelatnika koji rade u turizmu, okosnica su napretka cijelog turističkog gospodarstva u Hrvatskoj. Studij turizma na Edward Bernays University Collegeu posebnu pažnju pridaje upravo ovim obilježjima razvoja turizma uz naglasak na važnost turističkog doživljaja, inovativno poduzetništvo i učenje kroz iskustvo.

„Unatoč izazovima uzrokovanim pandemijom, Hrvatska je ostvarila sjajne turističke rezultate pri čemu je nautički turizam jedna od perjanica turističkog gospodarstva. Kako bi se nastavio kontinuiran uspjeh, na zadovoljstvo svih, potrebno je redovito praćenje novih turističkih trendova, rad na povećanju kvalitete cjelokupne turističke ponude te strateški pristup obrazovanju i usavršavanju turističkih djelatnika, kako budućih tako i sadašnjih. Upravo studij turizma na Bernaysu pokriva sve te značajke“, naglasila je doc. dr. sc. Katarina Miličević, pročelnica Odjela za turizam Bernaysa i utemeljiteljica thinktourism-a .

"Despite the challenges caused by the pandemic, Croatia has achieved great results in tourism, with nautical tourism being one of the flagships of the tourism industry. In order to carry on the continuous success, to the satisfaction of all, it is necessary to regularly monitor new tourism trends, to work to increase the quality of the entire tourism offer and to implement a strategic approach to the education and training of tourism professionals, both future and present. Bernays' tourism study programme covers all of these features", emphasized Katarina Miličević, head of the Tourism Department at Bernays and founder of thinktourism.

Photo by Andrew Neel/Pexels

Tourism study programme that follows the development trends of the tourism industry


Investments in the development of nautical infrastructure, digital transformation, but also improving the experience and knowledge of employees working in tourism, are the backbone of the progress of the entire tourism economy in Croatia. The tourism study programme at Edward Bernays University College devotes particular attention to these features of tourism development with an emphasis on the importance of the tourism experience, innovative entrepreneurship and learning through experience.

Od 22. do 25. rujna u prostorima stare Tvornice duhana održat će se 15. izdanje najboljeg festivala u regiji koji će i u novom izdanju komentirati i najavljivati aktualne i nadolazeće trendove, predstaviti novosti iz medijske industrije te dijeliti iskustva i uspješne prakse. Specifičnost ovog jedinstvenog i popularnog festivala je u aktualnom, bogatom i raznolikom programu, atraktivnim predavačima i neformalnom druženju u ugodnom rovinjskom ambijentu koji se svake godine kreira s idejom opti mizma i kreativnosti te otvara najznačajnije teme iz različitih, ali međusobno povezanih industrija i područja. Upravo zbog toga svake godine više tisuća stručnjaka, predavača, panelista, posjetitelja, stranaca i lokalaca odabire Wee kend Media Festival. Na tradicionalnom mjesto održavanja, uz samu rovinjsku rivu, festival će trajati tri dana te će, uz zanimljive panele i rasprave, biti zagarantirana i vrhunska zabava. Vidimo se na najboljem Weekendu u godini!

Najveći regionalni događaj koji privlači i ujedinjuje sve one koji su zainteresirani za trendove i novitete u medijskom i agencijskom svijetu – Weekend Media Festival, i ove će godine biti mjesto okupljanja u srcu Rovinja.


To be held on the premises of the old Tobacco Factory from 22 to 25 September, the 15th edition of the best festival in the region will once again comment on and announce current and upcoming trends, present news from the media industry, and share experiences and successful practices. The specific quality of this unique and popular festival is in the current, rich and diverse programme, attractive speakers and informal socialising in Rovinj’s pleasant environment. The guiding principle of every year’s programme is the idea of optimism and creativity, bringing up the most important topics from different but interconnected industries and fields. That is why every year thousands of experts, speakers, panellists, visitors, foreigners and locals, choose to come to the Weekend Media Festival. Taking place at the same venue as usual, next to the Rovinj waterfront, the festival will last for three days and, along with bringing interesting panels and discussions, it will also guarantee excellent entertainment.

See you at the best Weekend of the year!


The largest regional event, attracting and bringing together all those interested in trends and novelties in the media and agency world - Weekend Media Festival - will again this year be their gathering place in the heart of Rovinj.

In the 21st century, it is no longer the population or the size of the country that matters, but the soft power of the state, that is, the power of charisma, its values, contributions, communication and the stories it emits. After all, in Europe, Denmark, the Netherlands, Belgium, Switzerland, Luxembourg, Estonia have less territory than Croatia…, but they are listened to and respected because they have something to say. Successful countries communicate with the world on a daily basis through their political moves, products, cul ture, tourist destinations, sports, lifestyles, gastronomy, symbols… The messages they send speak of their identity, values, aspirations, achievements and abilities. Thus, they consciously and uncon sciously build their image in the global public, which is then reflect ed in the level of their recognizability and position in the globalized world, as well as political and economic successes. Countries with a better image, ie better communicators in international relations, find it easier to get investments, tourists, talented immigrants, re spect on the political stage… And finally, if we do not become a

232 ACI No.1 // Božo Skoko

Strateško komuniciranje država na međunarodnoj pozornici od iznimne je važnosti, a tijekom godina se razvilo u prilično kompleksno područje te jednu od primarnih vještina suvremenih vlada.

Strateško komuniciranje DRŽAVA strategic comunication of states

U 21. stoljeću više nije važan broj stanovnika ili veličina zemlje, već meka moć države, odnosno snaga karizme, njezinih vrijednosti, do prinosa, komunikacije i priča koje odašilje. Uostalom, u Europi su od Hrvatske teritorijem manje Danska, Nizozemska, Belgija, Švicarska, Luksemburg, Estonija…, ali ih se sluša i poštuje jer imaju što reći. Uspješne države svakodnevno komuniciraju sa svijetom putem svojih političkih poteza, proizvoda, kulture, turističkih destinacija, sporta, načina života, gastronomije, simbola… Poruke koje odašilju govore o njihovu identitetu, vrijednostima, stremljenjima, dosezima i sposobnostima. Tako svjesno i nesvjesno grade svoj imidž u glo balnoj javnosti, koji se potom reflektira na razinu njihove prepoznat ljivosti i položaj u globaliziranom svijetu te političke i gospodarske uspjehe. Države s boljim imidžom, odnosno bolji komunikatori u međunarodnim odnosima lakše dolaze do investicija, turista, talen tiranih useljenika, poštovanja na političkoj pozornici… A na koncu, ako ne postanemo subjekt i ako ne ispričamo priču o sebi, bit ćemo

Strategic communication of states on the international stage is extremely important, and over the years it has develo ped into a rather complex area and one of the primary skills of modern governments.


Dubovica Bay, island of Hvar: According to Blo om Consulting's Country Brand Index, Croatia is ranked 10th in Europe and 20th in the world in terms of the strength of its tourism brand.

Publisher Synopsis; co-publishers Pleiades and Edward Bernays College of Communication Management. 

That is why the management of national identity and image is no longer left to chance, but countries invest serious financial re sources in communication with the world, hire the best experts, create separate state institutions and use the most sophisticated strategies and tools of public relations and marketing, communi cation and diplomatic skills. contributions of the creative industry. Each country chooses specific areas in which it wants to become recognizable and creates its own communication and promotional strategies, ie organizational approaches, and the most effective models and practices are presented in the book Strategic Commu nication of States in which I tried to bring them closer to readers, both through theory and practical examples from around the world.

subject and if we do not tell a story about ourselves, we will be an object for others , and their story about us could become relevant, even if it was ill-intentioned.

objekt kojim će se drugi baviti, a njihova priča o nama bi mogla postati relevantna, makar bila i nedobronamjerna.


Uvala Dubovica, otok Hvar: Prema Country Brand Indexu Bloom Consultinga Hrvatska je po snazi turističkog brenda pozicionirana na 10. mjesto u Europi te 20. na globalnoj razini.

Upravo zbog toga upravljanje nacionalnim identitetom i imidžom više se ne prepušta slučajnosti, već države u komunikaciju sa svi jetom ulažu ozbiljna financijska sredstva, angažiraju ponajbolje stručnjake, kreiraju zasebne državne institucije i koriste najsofisti ciranije strategije i alate odnosa s javnošću i marketinga, komuni kacijska i diplomatska umijeća te doprinose kreativne industrije. Pritom svaka država bira specifična područja po kojima želi postati prepoznatljiva te kreira vlastite komunikacijske i promotivne stra tegije, odnosno organizacijske pristupe, a najučinkovitiji modeli i prakse prezentirani su upravo u knjizi Strateško komuniciranje dr žava u kojoj sam ih nastojao približiti čitateljima, kako kroz teoriju, tako i kroz praktične primjere iz cijelog svijeta. Nakladnik Synopsis; sunakladnici Plejada i Edward Bernays viso ka škola za komunikacijski menadžment. 

Fotografija / Photo: Božo Skoko



“Professional sailing is in a massive transformation and both the clothing of sailors and devices they use on board must represent material and technology innovation. We believe Graphene is the new Gore-Tex and wearables will be the new standard.” – said Istvan Papp, founder and CEO of 878. 

878 the most innovative sailing brand

878 focuses on solving new challenges of professional sailing, that’s why they also develop innovative, wearable technology solutions. In 2021, the company has introduced the world’s first

With its portfolio, 878 offers a unique set of technical apparel, which is ultralight, super-flexible, fully waterproof, thermally con ductive - and made from the Nobel Prize winner “super material”, Graphene. 878’s high-performance sailing apparels are the tri umph of the enduring dedication of designers, engineers, pro sail ors, and visionary industry experts who dared to merge scientific innovation with rare ingredients.

smart sailing jacket, and their revolutionary harness with a foldable screen, which provides constant access to the relevant sailing data to all team members on board. Their innovative mindset has its re sults: 878 has already has established partnerships with Quantum Racing and 69F Sailing.




Na tom je tragu nastao i novi izum, spojni element sidrenog lanca i plutajućeg pontona, kojeg je autor Gordan Župa nazvao zup spoj.Tvrtka Dubina inže njering d.o.o , vlasnika Gordana Župe, desetljeći ma radi na izgradnji sidrenih sustava duž Jadran ske obale, ali i u inozemstvu, na Malti su postavljali veliki valobran.Iza njih godine su iskustava i rada na terenu, brojni projekti, a samim time i suočava nje s problemima.Jedno od njih vječno je pitanje kako kontrolirati koroziju na sidrenom lancu unutar pontona.

the world for the better, and make life simpler and happier. The human mind is a miracle. Since the first invention – the discovery of fire – to the ones of the wheel, the printing press, penicillin, the Internet, to the technological advances of the 21st century, humanity has come up with different innovations to simplify life, and all those creations contributed to the evolu tion of the human species. Croatia is a small country, but a land of great minds and inventions. No matter in which sphere of life they work and explore, all inventors are guided by the same thought: to improve the field of their activity.

With this in mind, a new invention was designed, an element connecting the anchor chain and the floating dock, named by its inventor, Gordan Župa, the Zup Connector. The company Dubina Inženjer ing, owned by Župa, has been installing anchoring systems for decades, not only along the Adriatic coast, but also abroad, e.g., they have installed a large breakwater in Malta. They have years of experience and field work. They have completed many projects, and, of course, faced many prob lems, one of which is the eternal question of how to control corrosion on the anchor chain inside the floating dock.

Izumi mijenjaju svijet na bolje, a život čine jednostavnijim i kvalitetnijim. Ljudski je um čudo.Od prvog izuma otkrića vatre , preko kotača, tiskarskog stroja, penicilina, interneta do tehnološkog napretka 21. stoljeća, čovječanstvo je stvaralo izume kako bi pojednostavilo život, a svi ti izumi pridonijeli su evoluciji ljudske vrste. Hrvatska je mala zemlja, velikih umova i izuma.Bez obzira u kojoj sferi življenja rade i istražuju, sve izumitelje vodi ista misao,unaprijediti područje svojeg


Fotografije / Photos: Petar Fabijan, Davor Žunić





Fotografija / Photo:


Da su pucanja sidrenog lanca uslijed korodiranja i još dodatno potpomognuta vremenskim nepogodama česta nezgoda u našim marinama, znaju dobro investitori.Dvije su mogućnosti imali ili ići na težu i financijskih zahtjevniju opciju demontaže sidrenog susta va kod podvodnih pregleda ili promišljati o nekom novom proizvo du. I tu se Gordanu Župi „upalila lampica”.- Zup spoj bajpasira spoj plutače pontona i sidrenog lanaca .I to izvan samog pontona, tako da sidreni lanac ronilac pregleda bez demontaže spoja i izvlače nja na suho.Spojni element postavljen je u otvoru kroz ponton, s

Dubina inženjering d.o.o desetljećima radi na izgradnji sidrenih sustava duž Jadranske obale i u inozemstvu. Iza njih godine su iskustava i rada na terenu, brojni projekti, a samim time i suočavanje s problemima.Jedan od njih je kako kontrolirati koroziju na sidrenom lancu unutar Dubinapontona.Inženjering has been installing anchoring systems along the Adriatic coast and abroad for decades. They have years of experience and field work. They have completed many projects, and, of course, faced many problems, one of which is how to control corrosion on the anchor chain inside the floating dock.


- Korozija je kao nevidljiva pirana, grize dok ne izgrize lanac.Pro blem je što je korozija na sidrenom lancu unutar pontona oku ne vidljiva, odnosno vidljiva je tek kada kada je kasno, točnije kad lanac pukne, a onda nastaju veliki problemi i golema materijalna šteta- kaže Gordan Župa. Naime kod podvodnog pregleda sidre nog sustava plutajućeg pontona ronilac utvrđuje debljinu lanca, istrošenost, stanje škopca itd.. No da bi pregledao dio sidrenog lanca unutar otvora u pontonu, potrebno je lanac izvući iz pontona na suho , a to je organizacijski, tehnički i financijski zahtjevno, ne samo zbog težine lanca već i zbog slabljenja sidrenog sustava, jer su uglavnom za ponton privezana plovila za vrijeme pregleda.

Floating docks are anchored using anchor chains or alternative means connected to concrete blocks placed at the bottom of the sea, the so-called deadmen. The anchor chains are connected to the floating dock inside the dock itself: they extend throughout the dock’s hollow part and are held in place in the floating dock’s shell. The chain in the dock’s hollow part is at the waterline and is espe cially prone to corrosion. As floating docks are categorised as mo torless watercraft, they are subject to annual periodic inspections, and, every five years, to underwater surveys done by authorised -companies.Corrosion is like an invisible piranha, biting until it bites through the chain. The problem is that corrosion on the anchor chain inside the floating dock is invisible to the eye, that is, it becomes visible only when it’s too late, when the chain breaks, leading to big prob lems and enormous material damage, says Gordan Župa. Namely, when performing an underwater survey of a floating dock’s an choring system, the diver inspects the thickness of the chain, its wear and tear, the condition of the shackle, etc. But in order to inspect the anchor chain that is inside the floating dock’s hollow part, it is necessary to take the chain out of it and out of the sea, and this is logistically, technically and financially demanding, not only because of the chain’s weight but also because this leads to the weakening of the anchoring system since, generally, boats are moored to the floating dock during the inspection.

Sidrenje plutajućih pontona izvodi se pomoću sidrenih lanaca ili alternativnih sredstava povezanih na betonske blokove na dnu mora, tzv. „ colpomorto”.Sidreni lanci spojeni su s plutajućim pon tonom unutar samog pontona, tako da su postavljeni u otvoru kroz ponton s osloncem u čahuri pontona.Dio lanca u otvoru pontona, u zoni je vodene linije i posebno izložen korodiranju.Kako se pontoni smatraju plovnim objektima bez pogona, podliježu godišnjim peri odičkim pregledima, a svakih pet godina i podvodnim pregledima od strane ovlaštenih tvrtki.


That anchor chains in our marinas often break due to corrosion and, additionally, harsh weather is a fact investors are only too aware of. There was a choice: either go for the more difficult and financially more demanding option, i.e., disassembling the an

Miho Bakalić

ACI No.1 // Zup spoj / Zup Connector

osloncem u čahuri pontona.Donji dio viri izvan pontona i na njega se spaja sidreni lanac.Na ovaj način mjesto spoja sidrenog lanaca i pontona nije unutar, već izvan pontona te je lako dostupno za pregled, lanac je sav u moru, te je smanjeno korodiranje, a samim spojem bitno se smanjuje i oštećenje betonske stijenke pontonske konstrukcije- kaže Gordan Župa, inovator zup spoja.Njegovu za misao prvo su pohvalili u Hrvatskom registru brodova, a onda je ideju s inženjerom Baldom Bakalićem, pretočio na papir. S papira u djelo,zup spoj zaživio je u pogonima renomirane, domaće tvrtke Salona var d.o.o. koja je u dvadeset i pet godina isporučila više od 300 uspješnih velikih radova domaćim i stranim naručiteljima.Prvi zup spojevi već su postavljeni u našim marinama,investicija zane mariva u odnosu na dobrobit koju nosi, kažu investitori. Do sadašnji sidreni sustavi trajali su pet do deset godina.Uz po ložaj pontona, izloženost vjetru, korištenost, upravo je korodiranje sidrenog lanca unutar pontona, znatno utjecalo na vijek trajanja.Sa zup spojem, koji se radi od čelika najvećeg stupnja kvalitete, vruće cinčan, promjera 80 milimetar, tvrd, masivan, jak otporan na korozi ju, sidrenom sustavu produljen je vijek trajanja, te bi trebao biti u funkciji deset do petnaest godina, a to nije malo.Uz to umnogome je olakšana podvodna kontrola. U zadnjih desetak godina Dubina inženjering d.o.o. postavila je sedamdeset posto pontona u na šem moru.Njihov je cilj ne samo raditi, već unaprijediti i poboljšati, zato Gordana Župu posebno raduje što je njegov izum zup spoj ili spojni element sidrenog lanca i plutajućeg pontona dobio nagradu Društva inovatora Dalmacije za tehničko i tehnološko unapređe nje.Inovativni zup spoj u fazi je patentiranja te bi lako mogao po stati i zanimljiv izvozni proizvod, rezultat domaće pameti iskustva i inovativnosti. 

ACI No.1 // Zup spoj / Zup Connector 239

Until now, an anchoring system had a life of five to ten years; in addition to the position of the floating dock, wind exposure, and use, its service life was also significantly affected by the corrosion of the anchor chain placed inside the dock. Using the Zup Connec tor –made of the highest-quality steel, hot-dip galvanised, with an 80-millimetre diameter, hard, massive, strong and corrosion-resist ant – will extend the service life of the anchoring system to ten to fifteen years, which is quite a lot. In addition, underwater control has been made much easier. In the last ten years, Dubina Inženjer ing has installed seventy percent of the floating docks in our sea. But work is not their only goal; they want to improve and advance things, and that is why Gordan Župa is especially pleased that his invention of the Zup Connector, i.e., the element connecting the anchor chain and the floating dock, has received an award by the Association of Innovators of Dalmatia for technical and technolog ical advancement. The patent for the innovative Zup Connector has been applied for and this could easily become an interesting export product, the result of Croatian intellect, experience and in novation. 

Do sadašnji sidreni sustavi trajali su pet do deset godina.Uz položaj pontona, izloženost vjetru, korištenost, upravo je korodiranje sidrenog lanca unutar pontona, znatno utjecalo na vijek trajanja.Sa zup spojem, sidrenom sustavu produljen je vijek trajanja od deset do petnaest godina.

choring system during underwater inspections, or consider a new product. And this is where Gordan Župa hit on an idea – to move, using his Zup Connector, the spot where the float and the anchor chain connect outside the dock. In this way, the diver can inspect the anchor chain without disassembling the connector and pulling the chain out of the water. The connecting element is placed in the hollow, extending its entire length, and is held in place in the floating’s dock shell. The lower part sticks out of the dock and the anchor chain is connected to it. In this way, the place where the anchor chain and the floating dock are connected is not inside but outside the dock and is easily accessible for inspection. The en tire length of the chain is underwater, reducing corrosion, and the connector itself significantly reduces the damage to the concrete wall of the floating dock structure, says Gordan Župa, the inventor of the Zup Connector. Having had his idea praised by the people from the Croatian Register of Shipping, he put it to paper with the help of engineer Baldo Bakalić. From there, the Zup Connector came to life in the facilities of the renowned Croatian company Salona Var, which, in its twenty-five years’ history, has done more than 300 successful large-scale jobs for Croatian and international clients. The first Zup Connectors have already been installed in our marinas, the investment negligible in relation to the benefits it brings, the investors say.

Until now, anchoring systems had a life of five to ten years. In addition to the position of the floating dock, wind exposure, and use, their service life was also significantly affected by the corrosion of the anchor chain inside the dock. The Zup Connector will extend the service life of the anchoring system to ten to fifteen years.

Flavours of the Adriatic Okusi Jadrana

to enhance your sailing ex perience in the Adriatic, we have pre pared a boaters' list of restaurants in or near ACI marinas where you can enjoy what only sailing and living at sea can offer.

Kako bismo obogatili vašu plovidbu Jadranom, pripremili smo listu resto rana za nautičare u ACI-jevim marina ma ili u njihovoj neposrednoj blizini gdje možete uživati u svemu onome što mogu pružiti samo plovidba i ži vot na moru.

Damir & Ornella – Novigrad

Gastro and sailing enthusiasts coming to Croatia will easily be tempted by the allure of the healthiest cuisine in the world – the Mediterranean cooking. First-class ingredients and the surrou ndings that are a perfect fit for these dishes are the reasons why boaters regularly return to one of the world's most beautiful seas

Naša lista restorana za nautičare u ACI-je vim marinama ili u njihovoj neposrednoj bli zini nudi hedonizam u magičnom ozračju

This boaters' list of restaurants in or near ACI marinas offers hedonism in a magical atmosphere

Gastronomski entuzijasti i ljubitelji plovidbe koji dolaze u Hrvat sku s lakoćom će se prepustiti čarima najzdravije kuhinje svijeta – one mediteranske. Prvoklasne namirnice i ambijent u koji se takva jela uklapaju razlozi su što se nautičari redovito vraćaju na jedno od najljepših svjetskih mora

Dobra jedriličarska đita nije potpuna bez gastronomskih užitaka. Sjajno pripremljen obrok i vrhunsko lokalno vino s pogledom na nebesko plavet nilo provjereni su sastojci nautičkog hedonizma, a za mnoge je foodieje Hrvatska obećana zemlja.

U pomalo skrivenoj uličici u novigrad skoj jezgri skriva se gastronomsko blago. Konoba Damir & Ornella u obiteljskoj kući kraljevstvo je istar ske verzije sashimija. Jednostavan, a istodobno vrlo rafiniran jelovnik nudi samo najbolje od mora, a kombina cija okusa ribe koja je samo nekoli ko sati prije plivala u moru, izvrsnog ekstra djevičanskog maslinova ulja i nekoliko kapi limuna jamči unikatno iskustvo.

A good sailing trip is not complete without savouring culinary delights. A fine meal and premium local wine enjoyed while looking at the blue sky is true hedonism at sea, and Croatia is the promised land for many food

Damir & Ornella – Novigrad



Damir & Ornella – Novigrad

In a somewhat secluded alley in Novi grad's old town, you will find a real culinary treasure. Situated in a fam ily house, Konoba Damir & Ornella is where the Istrian version of sashi mi found its king's palace. A simple yet highly sophisticated menu offers only the best of the sea, and the taste of the fish that just a few hours earlier still swam in the sea, combined with excellent extra virgin olive oil and a few drops of lemon, guarantees a unique experience.

Agli Amici – Rovinj

Agli Amici – Rovinj ici – Rovinj

Cap Aureo – Rovinj

The restaurant whose menu is created by the famous Italian chef Emanuele Scarello, brings to Rovinj a Michelin-starred cuisine. Lo cated in the heart of ACI Marina Rovinj, the restaurant offers to its guests not only stunning views of Rovinj's old town and the island of Sveta Katarina but also a unique and unforgettable gastronomic experience. Elegance, precision and originality are presented in several tasting menus faithful to the regional and Mediterranean cuisine.

Cap Aureo – Rovinj

Agli Amici – Rovinj


Smješten na petom katu Grand Park Hotela Rovinj, ovaj restoran ima pogled od milijun dolara na staru gradsku jezgru i brodove vezane u ACI marini Rovinj. Uz otvorenu kuhinju i chef's table, gdje se jela pripremaju pred očima gostiju, na jelovniku je dvadesetak jela, točnije priča inspiriranih cucinom poverom. Sklad, zaigranost, nepoznati okusi i teksture poznatih namirnica pretvaraju Cap Au reo u izniman fine dining doživljaj.

Located on the fifth floor of the Grand Park Hotel Rovinj, this res taurant has a million-dollar view of the old town and the boats moored in ACI Marina Rovinj. In addition to the open kitchen and a chef's table, where dishes are prepared in front of the guests, the menu consists of twenty or so items, which are actually stories inspired by the cucina povera (lit. 'kitchen of the poor'). Harmony, playfulness, new flavours and textures of well-known ingredients make Cap Aureo an exceptional fine dining experience.

Cap Aureo – Rovinj

Restoran čiji meni potpisuje poznati talijanski chef Emanuele Sca rello donosi u Rovinj kuhinju koju krasi Michelinova zvjezdica. Smješten u srcu ACI marine Rovinj, restoran pruža zadivljujući po gled na staru gradsku jezgru Rovinja i otok Sveta Katarina, a gosti ma jedinstveno i nezaboravno gastronomsko iskustvo. Elegantno, precizno i originalno kuhanje prezentirano je u nekoliko degusta cijskih menija posvećenih regionalnoj i mediteranskoj kuhinji.

Batelina – Banjole

Batelina – Banjole

ACI No.1 // Okusi Jadrana / Flavours of the Adriatic 244

In the immediate vicinity of Rijeka, there is the Hilton Rijeka Costa bella Beach Resort & Spa with the Michelin-starred restaurant Nebo, which is located on the highest, fifth, floor of this glasswalled hotel, offering breath-taking views of Kvarner Bay. Run by chef Deni Srdoč, Nebo quickly found its way to the very top of the Croatian gastronomy scene. The style of cooking at Nebo is a combination of modern and traditional elements, and the menu of fers dishes and ingredients from all Croatian regions. The selected ingredients grown by Croatian farmers and producers correspond to the chef's farm-to-table and zero food waste philosophies.

Owned and run by Danilo Skoko, Konoba Batelina is a family-owned restaurant whose offer is based on fish mainly caught by the family members. The menu here is almost an unknown term because the choice of dishes is dictated by the catch of the day under the mot to 'provided by the sea'. The cuisine is based on traditional recipes from mum Alda with innovative additions from son David.

Nebo – Rijeka

Batelina – Banjole Nebo – Rijeka

U okolici Rijeke nalazi se hotel Hilton Rijeka Costabella Beach Re sort & Spa, a na najvišem, petom katu ostakljenog hotela, s pogle dom na Kvarner koji oduzima dah, restoran Nebo s Michelinovom zvjezdicom koji vodi chef Deni Srdoč vrlo se brzo svrstao u sam vrh hrvatske gastronomske scene. Stil kuhanja u Nebu kombinacija je modernih i tradicionalnih elemenata, a na jelovniku su zastupljeni sastojci i jela iz svih hrvatskih regija. Odabrani sastojci hrvatskih farmera i proizvođača podudaraju se sa chefovim filozofijama „od farme do stola” i „zero food waste”.

Nebo – Rijeka

Konoba Batelina obiteljski je restoran vlasnika i voditelja Dani la Skoka čija se ponuda temelji na ribi koju obitelj uglavnom lovi sama. Jelovnik je ovdje gotovo strani pojam jer izbor jela u resto ranu diktira dnevni ulov pod krilaticom „što more da”. Kuhinja se temelji na tradicionalnim receptima mame Alde s inovativnim do dacima sina Davida.

Pelegrini – Šibenik

Smješten u srcu povijesnog grada Šibenika, s čarobnim pogledom na katedralu svetog Jakova, Pelegrini se ubraja među najljepša ga stronomska iskustva na Jadranu. Restoran s Michelinovom zvjez dicom u kojem su lokalni okusi kraljevi kuhinje vodi vlasnik i jedan od najvažnijih hrvatskih chefova Rudolf Štefan. Mediteranski fine dining posveta je višestoljetnom bogatom gastronomskom naslje đu i dalmatinskoj filozofiji života.

Located in the heart of the historic city of Šibenik, with a spec tacular view of the Cathedral of St James, Pelegrini is among the most enjoyable gastronomic experiences in the Adriatic area. The Michelin-starred restaurant, where local flavours rule the kitchen, is run by the owner and one of the most distinguished Croatian chefs, Rudolf Štefan. The Mediterranean fine dining is a tribute to centuries-old rich culinary heritage and the Dalmatian philosophy of 'Croatialife.

is a beautiful, almost boutique, culinary destination, and we need to cherish our local flavours. One should be aware of one's surroundings. That is why we are constantly working to in crease the network of local producers as one of the backbones of our cuisine,' Rudolf Štefan said.

Pelegrini – Šibenik


Restoran hotela Boškinac poznat je po interpretaciji tradicionalne otočne kuhinje na kreativan i moderan način. U restoranu se po štuje gastronomska baština s bogatom ponudom ribe, janjetine, sira, pršuta i drugih svježih sezonskih namirnica uz maslinovo ulje, začinsko bilje i med, ali predstavljena na poseban način, s izraže nim autorskim pristupom. Ovu priču od 2020. krasi Michelinova zvjezdica, a gosti mogu uživati u maštovitim degustacijskim meniji ma koji predstavljaju teatar jedinstvenih okusa otoka Paga.

„Hrvatska je prekrasna, gotovo butikna gastronomska destinacija u kojoj trebamo njegovati naše autohtone okuse. Čovjek treba biti svjestan svojeg okruženja. Upravo zato neprestano radimo na po većanju mreže lokalnih proizvođača kao jedne od okosnica naše kuhinje”, objasnio je Rudolf Štefan.

Boškinac – Pag

Boškinac – Pag

The restaurant at the Boškinac Hotel is well-known for modifying the traditional island cuisine in a creative and modern way. The restaurant respects the culinary heritage, offering a rich menu of fish, lamb, cheese, prosciutto and other fresh seasonal ingredients, along with olive oil, herbs and honey, yet presented in a special way with a distinctive chef's signature. This restaurant received a Michelin star in 2020, and its guests can enjoy imaginative tast ing menus that represent the true theatre of flavors unique to the island of Pag.

Pelegrini – Šibenik

Boškinac – Pag

Adriatic – ACI marina Split

The Zrno Soli restaurant offers Croatian cuisine and nurtures cre ative cooking using local ingredients, fresh fish sourced from local fishermen, and locally grown vegetables and fruit. Located on the first floor of the ACI marina, from where there is a wonderful view of the city of Split, it radiates elegance, warmth and the simplicity of the Mediterranean. Each dish on the menu tells a local story with a modern flair and represents an innovative step forward from tradition to modernity.

Zori – Pakleni Islands

Zori – Pakleni otoci

Smješten na otoku Sv. Klementu, na Paklenim otocima u blizini grada Hvara, obiteljski restoran Zori ima 65 godina dugu i do sljednu tradiciju u stvaranju rajske hrane u kombinaciji s iznimnim iskustvom gostiju. Zori je stekao prestižnu i redovitu klijentelu iz cijelog svijeta, i to s vrlo dobrim razlogom. Tradicionalno je poznat po izvanrednim jelima pripremljenim sa strašću i ljubavlju, prekra snom krajoliku i, što je najvažnije, profesionalnoj usluzi koju odli kuje predanost i najsitnijim detaljima kako bi gosti doživjeli pravi komad savršenstva.

Restaurant Adriatic is a unique Mediterranean terrace that stimu lates all the senses because, in addition to exquisite flavours and aromas of selected fish and meat dishes – creatively Mediterrane an in style – it also offers its guests a magical view, through agaves, of the nearby islands and the open sea where sailing boats glide noiselessly. Every boater will tell you that the soul of every ACI marina is the restaurant – the place of socialising, recounting ex periences, enjoying food and celebrating life.

Zrno soli – ACI marina Split

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Adriatic – ACI marina Split

Located on the island of Sveti Klement, in the Pakleni archipelago near the town of Hvar, the family-owned restaurant Zori has an unbroken 65-year-long tradition in creating and offering paradise food combined with unforgettable experience. Zori has gained prominent and regular customers from all over the world, and for a very good reason. The restaurant is well-known for outstanding dishes prepared with passion and love, for beautiful scenery and, most importantly, its professional service, with a staff that pays special attention to even the smallest detail so that guests can ex perience a piece of true perfection.

Zrno Soli – ACI marina Split

Restoran Zrno Soli prezentira hrvatsku gastronomiju i njeguje kre ativnu kuhinju uz domaću namirnicu, svježu ribu nabavljenu od lo kalnih ribara te lokalno uzgojeno povrće i voće. Smješten u ACI marini, na prvom katu, odakle se pruža predivan pogled na grad Split, odiše elegancijom, toplinom i jednostavnošću Mediterana. Svako jelo u jelovniku priča autohtonu priču s modernim sjajem i predstavlja inovativan iskorak tradicije u suvremenost.

Restoran Adriatic jedinstvena je mediteranska terasa koja stimuli ra sva osjetila jer osim vrhunskih aroma i mirisa probranih ribljih i mesnih jela s predznakom kreativne mediteranske kuhinje svojim gostima nudi i čaroban pogled kroz agave na obližnje otoke i puči nu kojom bešumno klize jedrilice. Svaki nautičar reći će vam da je duša svake ACI-jeve marine restoran kao mjesto druženja, prepri čavanja doživljaja, uživanja u hrani i slavljenja života.

Zrno soli – ACI marina Split

Zori – Pakleni otoci / Pakleni Islands

Ploveći Jadranom, pronaći ćete najsvježije i najukusnije sastojke, jelovnike kreirane prema sezoni i recepte koji se prenose generacijama prezentirane na kreativan i moderan način

Adriatic – ACI marina Split


ACI No.1 // Okusi Jadrana / Flavours of the Adriatic

Sailing the Adriatic, you will find the freshest and most delicious ingre dients, seasonal menus and recipes that are passed down the generations presented in a creative and modern way

LD restoran – Korčula

LD restoran – Korčula

LD restaurant – Korčula

Pakleni Islands are a place where nature has already painted a magnificent landscape, special and unique even in the context of the Adriatic. In Vinogradišće, one of the most beautiful bays of the Pakleni Islands, you will find the Laganini Lounge Bar & Fish House. Founded in the 1960s by the Novak family as an inn, over the years it has become an unavoidable gourmet destination. Freshly pre pared fish and seafood dishes and a wine list containing some of the best local and international brands are part of the offer of this unique restaurant, which is called the hedonist's paradise of Dal matia for a reason.

Pakleni otoci mjesto su gdje se priroda pobrinula da oslika veličan stven pejzaž, poseban i jedinstven čak i u okvirima cijelog Jadrana. U Vinogradišću, jednoj od najljepših uvala Paklenih otoka, smjestio se Lounge bar & Fish house Laganini. Utemeljila ga je 1960-ih obi telj Novak kao gostionicu i pansion, a tijekom godina postao je ne zaobilazna destinacija svih gurmana. Svježe pripremljena jela od ribe i morskih plodova te vinska karta koja sadržava neke najbolje domaće i međunarodne brendove dio su ponude jedinstvenog re storana koji s razlogom nazivaju hedonističkim rajem Dalmacije.

Strastvena gastronomija LD restorana s Michelinovom zvjezdicom u Korčuli ukorijenjena je u bogatoj dalmatinskoj kuhinji. Ideje za jelovnike inspirirane su onim što je sezonski dostupno na kopnu i moru u kombinaciji s najboljim maslinovim uljima i vinima. Tim, pod kreativnim vodstvom glavnog kuhara Marka Gajskog, uvijek maštovito radi kako bi od ulova dana, divljeg otočnog bilja i ručno biranih sezonskih delicija stvorio nešto izvanredno. Terasa restora na ugnijezdila se ispod borova samo nekoliko koraka od mora, uz stoljetne srednjovjekovne zidine povijesnog grada Korčule.

Laganini – Pakleni Islands

The passionate cuisine of the Michelin-starred LD restaurant in Korčula is rooted in rich Dalmatian style of cooking. The menu is inspired by seasonally available produce and seafood, combined with the best of olive oils and wines. The team, under the crea tive guidance of chef Mark Gajski, always uses their imagination to create extraordinary dishes from the catch of the day, the island's wild herbs and hand-picked seasonal delicacies. The terrace of the restaurant has nestled under the pine trees just a few steps from the sea, next to the centuries-old medieval walls of the historic town of Korčula.

Laganini – Pakleni otoci

Laganini – Pakleni otoci


Restoran 360 – Dubrovnik

A lunch or a romantic dinner in the shadow of the romantic Sorkočević summer house is an experience that few marinas can offer to their guests, but it is this magnificent building, built in the glorious times of the Dubrovnik Republic, why ACI Marina Dubrovnik is one of the world's rarities. Since the restaurant in a marina is one of the first contacts of boaters with the country in whose waters they are sailing, Zephyrus promotes the food cul ture that presents Croatia as a destination. The menu is seasonal, and guests are offered local and fresh ingredients for which the Dubrovnik area is famous.

Zephyrus – ACI marina Dubrovnik

Restaurant 360 – Dubrovnik

A delicious and imaginative menu and a pleasant ambience with a beautiful view of Dubrovnik's old harbour make Restaurant 360 an elite oasis for guests with refined tastes. Inspired by the flavours and ingredients of the Dubrovnik and Mediterranean cuisine and shaped by the French cooking techniques, chef Marijo Curić uses food as a universally understood language in which everything important and dear is celebrated, toasted to and honoured. The Michelin star and one of the most beautiful terraces in the world are the perfect invitation to visit the Dubrovnik theatre under the stars. 


Zephyrus – ACI marina Dubrovnik

Zephyrus – ACI Marina Dubrovnik

Zahvaljujući ukusnom i maštovitom meniju te ugodnom ambijen tu s predivnim pogledom na staru dubrovačku luku Restaurant 360 elitna je oaza za goste istančanog ukusa. Inspiriran okusima i sastojcima dubrovačke i mediteranske kuhinje te uokviren fran cuskim tehnikama kuhanja, chef Marijo Curić koristi se hranom kao univerzalno razumljivim jezikom na kojem se slavi, nazdravlja i obilježava sve važno i sve milo. Michelinova zvjezdica i jedna od najljepših terasa na svijetu savršena su pozivnica za dubrovački teatar pod zvijezdama. 

Ručak ili romantična večera u sjeni romantičnog ljetnikovca Sor kočević doživljaj je koji rijetko koja marina može omogućiti svojim gostima, no ACI marina Dubrovnik ubraja se među svjetske rari tete upravo zbog velebnog zdanja koje je nastalo u slavno doba Dubrovačke Republike. Budući da je restoran u marini jedan od prvih doticaja nautičara sa zemljom u kojoj plove, Zephyrus njegu je kulturu hrane koja predstavlja Hrvatsku kao destinaciju. Meni se mijenja sezonski, a gostima se nude lokalne i svježe namirnice po kojima je dubrovački kraj poznat.

Restoran 360 – Dubrovnik

/ Photos: Maistra d.d. ACI No.1 // 5 restorana u Rovinju / 5 restaurants in Rovinj



Cap Aureo

ACI No.1 // 5 restorana u Rovinju / 5 restaurants in Rovinj

Za sve gurmane rovinjska gastronomska ponuda postala je vrlo poticajan motiv za dolazak u desti naciju, tim više što je Michelinov tim odabrao upra vo ovaj gradić ne samo za prvog nositelja zvjez dice u Hrvatskoj, već i za onaj koji jedini ima dva zvjezdana restorana. Također, prošle godine neka nova uzbudljiva mjesta obogatila su gourmet kar tu Rovinja, donoseći joj nova iskustva i okuse.

Rovinj’s gastro offer has become a compelling mo tive for gourmets to visit the destination, all the more so because Rovinj has been chosen by the Mi chelin team not only to be the first town in Croa tia to hold a Michelin star, but also to be the only one with two Michelin-starred restaurants. Last year, additionally, some new exciting places were placed on the gourmet map of Rovinj, enriching it and bringing to it new experiences and flavours.


Ovo je popis naših top pet restorana u Rovinju koje ove zime ne smijete propustiti.

This is a list of our top five restaurants in Rovinj that you should not miss this winter.

mješten na najvišem katu hotela Grand Park, ovaj re storan vrijedan je posjeta i zbog svoje lokacije, veliki stakleni zidovi restorana pružaju zadivljujući pogled na slikovitu starogradsku jezgru i more. Ono po čemu se ovaj restoran izdvaja od svih ostalih jest to što nudi jela u kojima dominira povrće, pa se zbog toga i sami pred stavljaju kao vegetable loving space. Ovdje ćete, na pri mjer, imati priliku probati karameliziranu cvjetaču ukuhanu s kozjim sirom s kvascem i jesenskim tartufom ili pak tart od artičoka s kozjim feta sirom, triljom i prahom od trilje. Jelovnik se sastoji od 20 sljedova, koji se temelje na se zonalnosti, lokalitetu i ljubavi prema ovom kraju, radi čega se neka jela, zbog specifične mikroklime, prilagođavaju i mijenjaju gotovo svaki treći tjedan.


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ts location on the top floor of the Grand Park Hotel is also the reason why this restaurant is well worth a visit: its lar ge glass walls offer stunning views of the picturesque old town and the sea. What makes this restaurant stand out from any other is that it offers dishes with vegetables as their chief ingredients, and that is why it presents itself as a vegetable loving space. Here, for example, you can try caramelised cauliflower simmered with goat cheese, with yeast and autumn truffles, or an artichoke tart with goat feta cheese, red mullet and red mullet powder. The menu consists of 20 courses, based on seasonal and local ingre dients as well as the love for this region, which is why some dishes, because of the specific microclimate, are adapted and changed almost every third week.


ani je obitelj Scarello, koja već generacijama vodi resto ran Agli Amici u mjestu Godia, Udine, otvorila restoran u Rovinju na šetnici Lungomare Plaza između Grand Parka i marine. Ovaj restoran koji je već dobio svoju prvu Michelinovu zvjezdicu, može se opisati kao jedinstveno, profinjeno i elegantno mjesto s čije se slikovite terase pru ža izravan pogled na more. Ovdje kuhinja priča jezikom te ritorija Istre i Furlanije-Julijske krajine, koji se prožima kroz tri degustacijska jelovnika koja je osmislio chef Emanuele Scarello: Godia, Istra i Rovinj; tri putanje koje prenose istu gastronomsku misao vodilju održivosti, strasti i istraživanja restorana Agli Amici.

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ast year, the Scarello family, which has been running the Agli Amici restaurant in Godia, Udine, for generati ons, opened a restaurant in Rovinj, located on the Lun gomare Plaza promenade between the Grand Park and the marina. This restaurant, which has already received its first Michelin star, can be described as a unique, sophisticated and elegant place, with a scenic terrace that offers a direct view of the sea. Here the kitchen speaks the language of the regions of Istria and Friuli-Venezia-Julia, suffusing the three tasting menus created by chef Emanuele Scarello –Godia, Istria and Rovinj – the three directions that convey the same gourmet guiding principle of the Agli Amici re staurant: sustainability, passion and exploration.





vo je jedno od onih mjesta u Rovinju koje je popular no kod svih gurmana i ljubitelja tradicije, bilo domaćih ili turista, u potrazi za domaćim jelima i atmosferom. Konoba privlači svoje goste kvalitetom te jelovnikom čija je originalnost u tradicionalnim jelima koja se ne mogu naru čiti nigdje drugdje u gradu. Prostor za sjedenje na vanjskoj terasi pruža pogled na najistaknutiju rovinjsku znameni tost, crkvu sv. Eufemije, kao i ribarsku luku prepunu ribar skih čamaca.


his is one of the places in Rovinj that is popular with all gourmets and lovers of tradition – both Croatians and tourists – who are in search of local dishes and local atmosphere. The konoba (tavern) attracts its guests with its quality and a menu whose originality is in traditional dishes that cannot be ordered anywhere else in the city. The se ating area on the outdoor terrace overlooks Rovinj’s most prominent landmark, the Church of St. Euphemia, and the fishing port full of fishing boats.

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ok istražujete gradsku jezgru, ne smijete propustiti šik restoran u stilu francuskog brasseria, koji se nalazi na trgu u srcu rovinjske vreve. Od 7 do 12 sati možete uživati u ukusnom i svježe pripremljenom à la carte doruč ku, nakon čega slijedi lagani ručak. Večera oduševljava u bogatom francuski inspiriranom tonu uz korištenje lokalnih okusa i sastojaka. Izbor viskija ovdje među najširima je u Hrvatskoj. Mještani ovo mjesto nazivaju gradskim dnevnim boravkom zbog lokalne atmosfere, okusa terroira i prekra snog pogleda na glavni gradski trg i malu luku.


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hile exploring the city centre, you should not miss the chic French brasserie-style restaurant, located in the square in the buzzing heart of Rovinj. From 7 am to noon, you can enjoy a delicious and freshly prepared à la carte breakfast, followed by a light lunch. Dinner with rich, French-inspired tones that use local flavours and in gredients is sheer pleasure. The selection of whisky here is among the widest in Croatia. Locals call this place the city’s living room because of the local atmosphere, the taste of terroir and the beautiful view of the main town square and the small port.


his is another novelty in the gourmet offer of the city. As one of the most visited places for lovers of Miche lin-recommended Japanese and Asian cuisine in Za greb for the past 20 years, Tekka has brought the tastes of the East to the west coast of Croatia. Here you can re ally taste high-quality sushi, sashimi, nigiri, tempura, wok, spring rolls, etc., made from the freshest of ingredients using traditional food preparation techniques. The attracti ve location, featuring both a designer interior and an invi ting organic garden terrace surrounded by beautiful lawns and pine trees, rounds off the experience.

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vo je još jedan novitet u gurmanskoj ponudi grada. Nakon što je zadnjih 20 godina jedno od najposjeće nijih mjesta za ljubitelje japanske i azijske kuhinje s Michelinovom preporukom u Zagrebu, Tekka je okuse Isto ka donijela na zapadnu obalu Hrvatske. Ovdje zaista mo žete kušati visokokvalitetni sushi, sashimi, nigiri, tempuru, wok, spring rolls... od najsvježijih sastojaka i tradicionalne tehnike pripreme. Atraktivna lokacija, koja nudi i dizajner ski interijer i primamljivu organsku vrtnu terasu okruženu lijepim travnjacima i borovima, upotpunjuje doživljaj.


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Najvažnija imena svjetske gastronomske scene od 05. do 08. svibnja dolaze u Rovinj na Weekend Food Festival

The Weekend Food Festival, a unique educational and decadent event, will open its doors in pictur esque Rovinj from 5-8 May 2022. In the heart of the city, in the area of

Rasmus Munk, Alchemist; Fotografija / Photo: Jon Angelo

Sergey & Ivan Berezutskiy, Twins Garden –Fotografija / Photo: arhiva restorana Twins Garden / Twins Garden restaurant archives

The most important names in the world of gastronomy are coming to Rovinj from 5-8 May for the Weekend Food Festival

Weekend Food Festival, jedinstven edukativno-hedonistički događaj, svoja će vrata otvoriti u živopisnom Rovinju, od 5. do 8. svibnja 2022. godine. U samom srcu Rovinja, u


It is a unique opportunity for all food lovers to taste the world's best cuisines as well as Croatian products and wines in one place. Tickets are available at 

stižu neka od najimpresivnijih svjetskih imena i zvijezda kao što su: chef Rasmus Munk iz danskog Alchemista, Sergey i Ivan Berezutskiy iz moskovskog Twins Gardena, Ana Roš iz Slo venske Hiše Franko, Santiago Lastra iz londonskog KOLa, te João Rodrigues iz portugalske Feitorie. Jedinstvena je to prilika za sve ljubitelje gastronomije da na jednom mjestu kušaju najbolje svjetske kuhinje kao i hrvatske proizvode i vina. Ulaznice možete pronaći na 


from around the world will be coming to Rovinj, including chef Rasmus Munk from the Danish Alchemist, Sergey and Ivan Berezutskiy from Moscow’s Twins Garden, Ana Roš from Slovenian Hiša Franko, Santiago Lastra from London’s KOL, and João Rodrigues from Portugal’s Feitoria.

Fotografija / Photo: Mario Kucera

the Old Tobacco Factory, the most important food and wine ex perts from around the world will gather for this four-day festival. Numerous panels, masterclasses and accompanying events will provide opportunities for the exchange of ideas and the opening of new perspectives and business opportunities. Gala dinners, ac companied by excellent wines, food and music guarantee that the Weekend Food Festival will be a place of good vibes and inspiring Topexperiences.culinarystars

Ana Roš, Hiša Franko; Fotografija / Photo: Suzan Gabrijan


prostoru Stare tvornice duhana okupit će se oni najznačajniji sa svjetske i regionalne kulinarske i enogastro scene. Brojni paneli, masterclassovi te popratni događaji prilika su za razmjenu ideja i otvaranje nekih novih vidika i poslovnih prilika. Gala večere, izvr sna vina, hrana i glazba spoj su koji garantira da će Weekend Food Festival biti mjesto dobrih, pozitivnih i nadahnjujućih doživljaja i



Alamat Kusijanović pripada novoj genera ciji redateljica, u posljednje vrijeme izrazi to vidljivoj u hrvatskom filmu, autoricama koje su ovdašnjem filmu udahnule druga čiju energiju, donijele ponešto i drugačiji narativ.


Frame-filling shots of the sea, scenes in which actors have to be good swimmers or even competent divers and to fish with harpoons, the blue against the back ground of the island’s rocky ground – this is how one could, in a sentence, vividly describe Antoneta Alamat Kusijanović’s Murina. Last year, the film won the Cam era d’Or at the Cannes Festival, an award that, at one time, was received by Jim Jarmusch, Naomi Kawase and Steve Mc AlamatQueen.Kusijanović belongs to a new gen eration of female Croatian film directors who have recently risen to prominence, breathing a new life into films made in this country and bringing a somewhat dif ferent narrative.



Kadrovi puni mora, scene za koje glumci moraju biti dobri plivači, poneki vješti i u ronjenju, loviti i ribu harpunom, plavetnilo suprotstavljeno otočnom kamenjaru, tako bi u jednoj rečenici vizualno opisali „Muri nu” redateljice Antonete Alamat Kusijano vić. Taj je film prošle godine na festivalu u Cannesu nagrađen Zlatnom kamerom (Camera d'Or), nagradom koju su svoje vremeno dobili i Jim Jarmusch, Naomi Kawase i Steve McQueen.

/ PressMarioZenPhotos:LefortTopićKitMurina Alban Pichon (Cannes) 261


This year, Kornati National Park – where, in addition to the islands of Koločep and Hvar, Murina was filmed – was one of the finalists for the best European film location award. It was nominated for the most beautiful filming location in a film or a TV series. Apart from Murina, the finalists included the locations where the films Dune and The Green Knight as well as the series The Queen’s Gambit and The Crown were made. This is the way Murina helped Croatia join the high ranks of locations where films are produced.


Why did she decide, having lived in New York and with a degree from Columbia, to make this film in Croatia? “It’s a country I know well. When you’re making a debut film, it’s very important to deal with topics that provoke a strong reaction in you, that bring about passion, the desire to fight. These are not topics that emerge from social activism; for me, this is deeper than that. These are topics that primarily come from very personal emotions, and I have such impulses only towards Croatia and the Croatian mindset.”

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Filmmaker Alamat Kusijanović graduated from the Zagreb Acad emy with a degree in production, then went on to graduate from New York’s Columbia University, receiving a degree in directing.

Otok Koločep, koji tamošnji ljudi i stanovnici dubrovačkog kraja zovu Kalamota, mjesto je gdje je redateljica posjećujući prabaku, potom baku dijelom odrastala, kraj u kojem se kao dijete formirala. „Kalamota je do danas ostala idilična. Ondje cijelo selo odgaja dje cu, svak’ pazi na svakog. Dobar dio vremena, skupa s ostalom dje


je nakon života u New Yorku, s diplomom Columbije, odlučila snimati u Hrvatskoj? „To je zemlja koju dobro poznajem. Kad radiš debitantski film, vrlo je važno baviti se temama koje u tebi provo ciraju snažnu reakciju, strast, želju za borbom. To nisu teme koje proizlaze iz društvenog aktivizma, to je meni dublje od toga, to su teme koje proistječu ponajprije iz vrlo osobnih emocija, a takav impuls imam jedino prema Hrvatskoj i hrvatskom mentalitetu.”


The story that the film tells is a family psychological drama that takes place on a Croatian island over four days. Murina is a sort of a sequel to the director’s short film Into the Blue, which won awards at the Berlin and Sarajevo festivals and was nominated for a Student Oscar. After seeing Into the Blue, Martin Scorsese got interested in the work of the Croatian filmmaker, and his produc tion company co-produced Murina. While working on the film, the Croatian fillmmaker got more than money; she also received some advice and encouragement by her fellow director.

The island of Koločep, which the islanders and the people from the Dubrovnik region call Kalamota, was part of the filmmaker’s growing up, the place where she, visiting her great-grandmother

Priča koju film pripovijeda obiteljska je psihološka drama, a radnja se zbiva na jednom hrvatskom otoku u samo četiri dana. „Muri na” je svojevrsni nastavak redateljičina kratkometražnog filma, na festivalima u Berlinu i Sarajevu nagrađivanog, „U plavetnilo”, koji je bio nominiran i za studentskog Oscara. Nakon što je vidio „U plavetnilo”, za rad hrvatske redateljice zainteresirao se Martin Scorsese te je njegova producentska kuća koproducent „Murine”. Osim novca od Scorsesea je autorica dobila savjete i kolegijalno ohrabrenje dok je radila na filmu. Redateljica Alamat Kusijanović na zagrebačkoj Akademiji diplo mirala je produkciju, a potom na njujorškom Sveučilištu Columbia

Nacionalni park Kornati gdje je, uz otoke Koločep i Hvar, snimana „Murina”, ove je godine bio u finalu izbora za najbolju europsku filmsku lokaciju, odnosno nominiran je za najljepše mjesto gdje je sniman neki film ili serija. Osim „Murine” u finalu su bile lokacije na kojima su snimani filmovi „Dina” i „Zlatni vitez” te serije „Damin gambit” i „Kruna”. Tako je „Murina” pozicionirala Hrvatsku na vrlo visoko mjesto i među filmskim lokacijama.


“I’ve had tremendous support there making my films in the last few years. Although there is no logistics on the island to make a short, let alone a feature film, we managed to shoot a lot there, thanks, in large part, to the great openness of the locals who may have recog nised the significance this has for the island.

and later her grandmother, spent some of her formative “Kalamotayears.has remained idyllic to this day.

Jednu od ključnih scena filma u kojoj tinej džerica roni slijedeći ribu murinu snimili su zahvaljujući pomoći redateljičine bake.

Lokalni ljudi dali su sve od sebe da pomognu, da uspijemo snimiti takav film na otoku na ko jem nema auta, cesta, na kojem nema infra strukture za veliku produkciju. Mislim da sam se snimajući na Kalamoti zapravo više vratila tim ljudima negoli samoj lokaciji. Jer podmor je je u cijelom Jadranu, ali na tom otoku sve mi je poznato i domaće.”

„Tražili smo lokaciju za tu vrlo kompleksnu scenu koja bi se svugdje u svijetu snimala u studiju s dubokim morskim bazenom u kojem bi trebalo uprizoriti morsku špilju. Tragali smo za lokacijom po bazenima širom srednje Eu rope, raspitivali se sve do Grčke. No takvo što košta zaista mnogo, a bio je veliki upitnik ho ćemo li u nekom bazenu uspjeti snimiti scenu na uvjerljiv način. Spomenula sam tu brigu svojoj noni, a ona mi je učas odvratila da ima jedna špilja na Kalamoti, na dijelu otoka gdje sam se kao djevojka odlazila kupati. ‚Špilja je izolirana, ali ne brini se ti, možete joj lako prići preko svjetionika’, rekla je odmah none dajući nam razne upute”, smije se redateljica pa objašnjava: „Moja none nije žena koja zna kako se snima film, ne zna da je iza kame re možda i stotinu ljudi kako bi snimili jednu osobu u špilji. I koliko god nama tada zvučalo suludo da bi to zaista moglo biti ono za čime tragamo, otišli smo provjeriti lokaciju i na kra ju doista odlučili ondje snimati. Ne moram ni govoriti koliko je neobično da smo cijelu tu scenu, tehnički vrlo komplicira nu, a za protagoniste zbog njihove sigurno sti vrlo zahtjevnu, uspjeli realizirati baš na toj morskoj lokaciji, daleko od bazena i studijskih uvjeta”, glasom će koji pokazuje da je veseli pričati tu anegdotu.

Local people did their best to help us make this film on an island where there are no cars, no roads, no infrastructure for a major pro duction. I think that by filming on Kalamota, I actually went back to those people more than I did to the location itself. Because the underwater world can be found anywhere in the Adriatic, but this island is what I know well and it feels like home.”

Kalamota nije samo asocijacija na dječju ra dost koju je ondje osjećala, taj je otok uvelike uključen i u njezin sadašnji život.

One of the film’s key scenes in which a teen age girl is swimming undersea following a moray eel (murina in Croatian) was filmed thanks to the help of the filmmaker’s grand “Wemother.were


me, kad se toga sjetim, ugrije osjećaj zajedništva. Svi su tamo rođaci ili, ako i nisu, znaju se, kao da su krvnom vezom povezani. Takvih mjesta na svijetu sve je manje i treba ih čuvati”, govori.

looking for a location for this very complex scene, which would be filmed every where else in the world in a studio with a deep seawater tank, where the underwater cave would be set. We searched for underwa ter stages all over Central Europe, and made enquiries all the way to Greece. But such a thing costs a lot, and there were some doubts whether we would be able to shoot the scene in a tank in a way that was convincing. I men tioned this concern to my grandmother and she instantly said there was a cave on Kala mota, in the part of the island where I went swimming when I was a young girl. ‘The cave is isolated, but don’t worry, you can easily ap proach it from the lighthouse!’ my grandma added right away, giving us various instruc tions,’ the filmmaker says laughingly, and then explains, “My grandma is not a woman who knows how a movie is made; she doesn’t


„Ondje sam posljednjih godina snimajući svoje filmove imala golemu podršku. Iako na otoku nema logistike za snimanje kratkoga, kamoli dugoga filma, mnogo smo toga uspjeli snimiti dobrim dijelom zahvaljujući i toj otvo renosti mještana koji su možda i prepoznali važnost koju to ima za otok.

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Children are raised there by the whole vil lage, and everyone looks after everyone else. I spent a lot of the time growing up on a small beach, along with the other kids on the island. Even today, when I think about it, I can feel the warm sense of community. Everyone there is a relative or, if not, they know each other, as if they were connected by blood. There are fewer and fewer such places in the world and they need to be preserved,” she says. Kalamota does not only remind her of the joy she experienced there as a child; this island is also a great part of Antoneta Alamat Kusijano vić’s current life.

com na otoku, odrastala sam na jednoj maloj Iplaži.danas


„Makar se bavi obitelji s jednog malog dalmatinskog otoka, ima priču koju mogu razumjeti širom svijeta. Jer ispričana je tako da gledatelja koji je geografski, kulturološki i na ine načine možda vrlo udaljen, nekoga recimo u Japanu ili u Teksasu tko nije u tinejdžer skim godinama kao moja protagonistica i tko je u posve drugači jem okruženju i mentalitetu, dramaturški lako vodi u situaciju te djevojke, može lako slijediti njezine poteze, osjećaje i razmišljanja.”

Alamat Kusijanović trenutačno s poznatim hrvatskim piscem Ivo rom Martinićem razvija scenarij za film „Stane”, dramu o hrvatskoj iseljenici u New Yorku koja se kad upadne u životnu krizu, iako je rasla i odgojena u američkoj kulturi, odjednom suoči s menta litetom hrvatskog kraja iz kojega je kao dijete s roditeljima došla u Ameriku, a za koji je mislila da je daleko od nje i njezina života. Radi na više projekata paralelno, među ostalim priprema snimanje jednog filma u Meksiku. „I nakon ‚Murine’ nastavljam se baviti obiteljskim odnosima. Često je među ženama u nekoj obitelji tanan, delikatan odnos, ponekad može biti i agresivan, odnos rivaliteta, ali ispod kojega je snažna ljubav i mnogo odricanja. Najkompleksniji su odnosi u kojima smo u dilemi između vlastitih potreba i potreba djeteta. Roditeljstvo nas blisko dovodi u kontakt s duhovnom stranom života.”


She will remember the filming of Murina, she goes on to say, for the magical dawns in Hvar’s Dubovica bay, the synergy of people and nature, for a lot of hard work, but also for singing, dancing, sailing towards the Kornati islands. “It was very emotional for all of us and we wanted to transfer that to the film.”

Why has Murina been so successful; what does its screenwriter and director believe to be the film’s strongest point?

“Even though it’s about a family on a small island in Dalmatia, peo ple around the world can relate to the story. It’s told in a way that a viewer who geographically, culturally and in other ways may be very distant – a person, say, in Japan or Texas who is, unlike my protagonist, not in their teens and who is surrounded by a com pletely different environment and mindset – that even he or she can easily get involved into the situation that this girl finds her self in, and can easily follow the things she does, her feelings and Alamatthoughts.”Kusijanović is currently working with the famous Croatian writer Ivor Martinić on a screenplay for the film Stane, a drama

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Snimanje „Murine”, pripovijeda dalje, pamti po čarobnim svitanji ma u hvarskoj uvali Dubovici, sinergiji ljudi i prirode, po napornom radu, ali i po pjesmi, plesu, jedrenju prema Kornatima. „Bilo je mno go emocija za sve nas i to smo željeli prenijeti na film.”

Zašto je „Murina” uspjela, što autorica scenarija i redateljica smatra da je najveća snaga tog filma?

know that there might be a hundred people behind the camera to film one person in a cave. And, as crazy as it sounded to us at the time that this could really be what we were looking for, we went to check the location and eventually decided to film there.

Needless to say, it is unusual that we managed to make this whole scene, which is technically very complicated as well as extremely demanding for the actors for safety reasons, at that sea location, far from tanks and studios,” she says in a voice that shows she is happy to tell this anecdote.

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She is working on multiple projects at the same time. She is pre-producing a movie in Mexico.

Posljednjih dvanaest godina živi na dvije lokacije. Kalamota i Du brovnik adrese su na kojima provodi pet mjeseci godišnje, ondje je ljeti te svaki prosinac i siječanj, oko Božića. Ostatak vremena provodi u inozemstvu. Pet je godina živjela u Americi, dvije u Pari zu, potom se vratila u Ameriku, pa otišla u Meksiko. Trenutačno je u teksaškom Hustonu.

Što život na dva kontinenta donese iznutra, čime oplemenjuje?

„Daje mi objektivan pogled i na Hrvatsku i na tu drugu zemlju u kojoj živim, a najčešće je to Amerika. Takav me život cijelo vrije me drži na klackalici, veoma mi je važno uvijek preispitivati sebe i svoj sljedeći pokret jer sve se stalno mijenja, ništa ne stagnira. Mislim da je to dosta zdrava dinamika za život. Svijet se razvija prema tome da smo sve više nomadi, da sve više imamo potrebu kretati se, zaljuljati ustaljene predodžbe koje nosi život na jednom Amerikamjestu.”

i Europa po mnogočemu su dva različita svijeta, to se ogleda i u filmskoj industriji, od načina financiranja nadalje. U ko jem je sustavu lakše raditi, koji se sustav čini funkcionalnijim? „Svaki sistem ima prednosti i mane. Europski je u načelu vrlo dobar jer filmove sufinancira novcem poreznih obveznika. Zato umjetnici imaju veću slobodu izbora tema i načina izražavanja jer im uvjete ne diktira isključivo tržište. No tu je veoma važno jesu li i koliko su

about a Croatian expat in New York who finds herself in a life crisis and, although she was brought up in the American culture, is sud denly faced with the mentality of the Croatian region she left as a child to come to America with her parents, a mentality she thought was far from her and her life.

“Even after finishing Murina, I have continued to explore family re lationships. Among women in a family there is often a gentle, deli cate relationship; sometimes it can be aggressive, a relationship of rivalry, but underpinned by strong love and a lot of sacrifices. The most complex are the relationships that pose a dilemma of choos ing between our own needs and the needs of the child. Parenting brings us closely into contact with the spiritual side of life.”

She has lived in two locations for the last twelve years. Kalamota and Dubrovnik are the places where she spends five months a year; she is there in summer and every December and January, around Christmas. The rest of the time she lives abroad. She lived in America for five years, followed by two in Paris. She returned to America once again, and then went to Mexico. At the moment she is in Houston, Texas.

What does living on two continents bring to your inner life, how does it enrich it?

O životu na dva kontinenta kaže: „Ponekad me frustrira što nemam sve knjige na istom mjestu.” Smijući se, dodaje: „To što nemam garderobu na jednom mjestu manji je problem, ne marim više za stil, odijevam se funkcionalno.”

About living on two continents, she says: “It’s sometimes frustrat ing not having all the books in the same place,” and adds, laugh ingly, “Not having my clothes in one place is less of a problem. I don’t care about style anymore, I dress functionally.”

U Americi tržište diktira što će se financirati, novac uložen u filmsku industriju privatni je novac, nije iz javnog budžeta i veoma se pazi na to da se to ulaganje financijski isplati.

Kusijanović was born in Dubrovnik and went to school there; she grew up there. She laughs when answering the question about the side of Dubrovnik that is invisible to foreigners: “Most often at the beginning of the tourist season I retire to Kala mota. I come to Dubrovnik to buy food supplies, but I actually stay on Kalamota. On the island, crickets wake up around five, then the village rooster crows. That’s when I get up and write on the terrace. Around noon, I go back to bed, to sleep. Later I swim in the sea and cook; in the evening, I hang out with friends. A lot of people come to visit me and stay at my house for a few days. I cook for them and talk to them into the small hours.”  BISMO SNIMILI JEDNU OD KOMPLEK SNIH SCENA, TRAŽILI SMO LOKACIJU PO CI JELOJ SREDNJOJ EUROPI I DO GRČKE, A NA KRAJU JU JE NA NAŠEM OTOKU PRONAŠLA MOJA BAKA KOJA SE U FILMSKU INDUSTRI JU UOPĆE NE RAZUMIJE LOOKED FOR A LOCATION WHERE TO SHOOT ONE OF OUR MORE COMPLEX SCENES ALL OVER CENTRAL EUROPE AND EVEN WENT TO GREECE; IT WAS EVENTUAL LY FOUND ON OUR ISLAND BY MY GRAND MOTHER WHO KNOWS NOTHING ABOUT THE FILM INDUSTRY

profesionalni, odgovorni i korektni ljudi koji odlučuju koje projekte financirati javnim novcem.

“It gives me an objective view of both Croatia and that other coun try I live in, and most often that’s America. This kind of life is a sort of a balancing act; it is very important to me to always question my self and my next move, because everything changes all the time, nothing stays the same. I think it’s a pretty healthy life dynamic. The world is evolving towards us being increasingly nomadic, to wards us increasingly needing to move, to challenge the estab lished notions which living in one place carries with it.” America and Europe are, in many ways, two different worlds; this can well be seen in the film industry, from the way films are fi nanced onwards. Which system is it easier to work in; which one seems more functional?

je u Dubrovniku, ondje je išla u školu, rasla. Smije se kad je pitamo da pripovijeda o onom Dubrovniku koji strancima ostaje nevidljiv: „Najčešće se na početku turističke sezone povučem na Kalamotu. U Dubrovnik dolazim po opskrbu hranom i pićem, ali za pravo sam na Kalamoti. Na otoku se oko pet bude zrikavci, potom se javi seoski pijetao. Tad ustajem i pišem na taraci. Oko podne se vraćam u krevet spavati. Kasnije plivam u moru, kuham, navečer se družim s prijateljima. Mnogo mi ljudi dolazi u posjet, ostaju nekoli ko dana kod mene, kuham im, s njima pričam do duboko u noć…” 

another kind of problems, and sometimes good but less commercial projects don’t get a chance. But once such directors have established themselves, they have the opportunity to do their own projects. A combination of the two ways of financing would be ideal and that’s exactly what we did with Murina. We received initial money from the Croatian Audiovisual Centre (HAVC), which is pub lic budget financing, and then, in the later stages, the project was financed by private investors. This is a model that would be good for the future of Croatian film, to support young filmmakers, to give them a start using public funds, and then to encourage others to invest their private money in such projects and, in this way, make our small film market stronger.


Croatian films are heavily dependent on taxpayers’ money, and that kind of budget is too small to make films that can compete in the world market. Half of the budget should come from private Antonetainvestors.”Alamat



To donosi drugu vrstu problema, nekad ne daje šansu dobrim, ali manje komercijalnim projektima. No jednom kad se takvi redatelji etabliraju imaju priliku raditi autorske projekte. Idealna bi bila kom binacija tih dvaju načina financiranja. To je upravo ono što smo mi s ‚Murinom’ napravili. Dobili smo inicijalni novac od HAVC-a (Hrvat skog audiovizualnog centra), znači financiranje iz javnog budžeta, a potom su projekt u kasnijim fazama financirali privatni investito ri. To je model koji bi bio dobar za budućnost hrvatskog filma, da se podrže mladi autori, da im se javnim fondovima otvore vrata, a potom potakne druge da svoj novac investiraju u takve projekte i time ojačaju naše malo filmsko tržište. Hrvatski film snažno ovisi o novcu poreznih obveznika, što je ne dovoljan budžet za snimanje filmova koji mogu biti kompetitivni na svjetskom tržištu. Pola budžeta trebalo bi biti od privatnih investi Rođenatora.”

“Each has its advantages. And disadvantages. The European one is generally very good because it co-finances films with taxpayers’ money. That’s why artists have greater freedom to choose their topics and the ways to express themselves because what they do is not dictated exclusively by the market. But it’s very important here whether and how professional, responsible and fair the peo ple are who decide which projects to finance with public money. In Croatia there is often lobbying and pressure exerted by interest Ingroups.America, the market dictates what gets financed. The money invested in the film industry is private money; it doesn’t come from public sources and great care is taken that the investment pays off Thisfinancially.brings

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Fotografije Photos:

Juan K StudioNautor’sdesignSwanBorlenghi



Juan Kouyoumdjian ili Juan K. strast prema nautici pretvorio je u profesiju. Nakon što je diplomirao na Sveučilištu Southampton u Engleskoj, počeo je raditi na brojnim jedriličarskim projektima, a 1997. godine osnovao je studio za dizajn.

Rambler 88, ABN Amro I, Ericsson 4, Groupama 4 samo su neki projekti koji su proslavili argentinskog genijalca. Juan Kouyoumdjian dizajner je i ClubSwan jedrilica poput ClubSwana 36 na kojima se jedrila prva ClubSwan regata u Hrvatskoj – ClubSwan 36 ACI Cup, ClubSwana 50, ClubSwana 80 i gotovo 43 metra duge „zvijeri” – ClubSwana 125.


ACI No.1 // Juan Kouyoumdjian


Juan Kouyoumdjian, or Juan K, turned his passion for sailing into his profession. After graduating from the University of Southampton, England, he began working on numerous sailing projects, founding his own design studio in 1997.


Od ranog djetinjstva jedrenje i more obli kovali su život i karijeru jednog od vode ćih svjetskih pomorskih arhitekata. Argen tinski genijalni um dizajnirao je osvajače olimpijskih zlata, pobjednike Volvo Ocean Racea i inovativne ClubSwanove jedrilice

Danas je jedan od vodećih svjetskih pomorskih arhi tekata čiji su brodovi osvojili dvije zlatne olimpijske medalje i tri legendarne regate, poput Volvo Oce an Racea, sudjelovali u šest kampanja za America's Cup te obarali brojne rekorde u offshore jedrenju.

Today, he is one of the world's leading naval archi tects, whose yachts have won two Olympic gold medals and three legendary races, such as the Vol vo Ocean Race, have participated in six America's Cup campaigns and have broken many offshore sailing records. Rambler 88, ABN Amro I, Ericsson 4, Groupama 4 are just some of the projects that made the name for this genius from Argentina. At the same time, Juan Kouyoumdjian is also the de signer of the ClubSwan yachts: the ClubSwan 36, on which the first ClubSwan race in Croatia – the ClubSwan 36 ACI Cup – was sailed, the ClubSwan 50, the ClubSwan 80 and the almost 43-metre-long 'monster', the ClubSwan 125.

Since his early childhood, the life and ca reer of one of the world's leading naval ar chitects have been shaped by sailing and the sea. The Argentinian brilliant mind has designed not only yachts that have won Olympic gold medals and Volvo Ocean Races but also the innovative ClubSwan yachts

Theč between a person and a yacht is an emotion spread through the rudder, and it is in this aspect that the ClubSwan 36 creates magic.

At the age of 17, after completing his first se mester at the Argentinian Institute of Technol ogy, Juan set sail to England, to the prestigious University of Southampton, where he earned an engineering degree a few years later. As he did his student practice with the legendary Philippe Briand, he was given the opportunity to work on the French challenger for the 29th

17 godina nakon završenog prvog semestra na argentinskom tehnološkom institutu Juan je krenuo put Engleske, na ugledno Sveučili šte u Southamptonu, gdje je nekoliko godina kasnije stekao diplomu inženjera. Budući da je praksu tijekom studija odradio kod legendar nog Philippea Brianda, dobio je priliku raditi na francuskom izazivaču za 29. izdanje America's


From early childhood, the life and career of Juan Kouyoumdjian were shaped by sailing and the sea, as by a skilful sculptor. His grow ing up in Buenos Aires was marked by numer ous offshore races, in which he sailed with his 'Sailingfather.

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is my passion, and being a naval ar chitect has always been a job I wanted to do. I have never considered anything else because sailing is one of the last domains that allow us to be free on this planet. Designing boats, be ing on the sea and the very experience of sail ing allow us to preserve this context of free dom that is being lost more and more each day, and to stay connected as much as possi ble with the world of freedom,' Juan Kouyoum djian begins his passionate account of sailing as a way of life.

Veza između čovjeka i bro da emocija je koja se prenosi putem kormila, a upravo u tom segmentu ClubSwan 36 pruža

Od ranog djetinjstva jedrenje i more su poput vještog kipara oblikovali život i karijeru Juana Kouyoumdjiana. Odrastanje u Buenos Airesu obilježile su mu brojne offshore regate na koji ma je jedrio sa svojim ocem. „Jedrenje je moja strast, a pomorski arhitekt oduvijek je bilo zanimanje kojim sam se že lio baviti. Nikada nisam razmišljao o nečem drugom jer je plovidba jedno od posljednjih područja koje nam omogućuje da budemo slobodni na ovom planetu. Dizajniranje bro dova, boravak na moru i sam doživljaj jedre nja omogućuje nam da zadržimo taj kontekst slobode koji svakim danom sve više gubimo i da ostanemo što više povezani sa slobodnim svijetom”, započeo je Juan Kouyoumdjian svoj strastveni ekspoze o jedrenju kao načinu živo

How would you describe your approach to designing yachts?

„Dizajn brodova ples je između znanosti i umjetnosti jer je brod podložan aerodinamici i hidrodinamici. Ključ je uspostaviti ravnote žu između njih i transformirati u energiju kako bi jedrilica uspješno jedrila. Pronalaženje te ravnoteže umjetnost je pri dizajniranju bro dova. Za razliku od tzv. komercijalnih brodova gdje je marketing

edition of the America's Cup. He then participated five more times in projects related to the most important sailing trophy in the world. The America's Cup is the pinnacle of yachting. A special kind of energy, dedication, creativity and sacrifice is required to make the whole team successful. At the beginning of my career, I had three goals. To win the Olympics, which I have managed twice, to win the race around the world, which I have done three times, and to celebrate victory at the America's Cup. This last one I'm still waiting for...

Yacht design is a dance between science and art because a boat is subject to aerodynamics and hydrodynamics. The key is to strike a balance between them and transform them into energy so that the yacht can sail well. Finding that balance is an art in boat de sign. Unlike so-called mass-produced boats where marketing is, in many cases, more important than creativity and performance, com petitive projects are the ones in which we can express ourselves the most, taking into account the rules of a class. We have great freedom of expression because, in many ways, what we are talking here are unique yacht specimens. In design, a great open-minded ness is needed, in which you try to change the rules of the game and come up with something new and radical. Computers can help here with some simulations, but the human factor remains crucial.


the sea and the very experience of sailing allow us to preserve the feeling of freedom that is being lost more and more each day.

Cupa. Potom je još pet puta sudjelovao na projektima vezanima uz najvažniji jedriličarski trofej na svijetu.

„America's Cup sam je vrh jedrenja. Traži posebnu vrstu energije, posvećenosti, kreativnosti i žrtve kako bi cijeli tim bio uspješan. Na početku karijere imao sam tri cilja. Pobijediti na olimpijskim igrama, što mi je uspjelo dva puta, zatim osvojiti regatu oko svijeta, što sam učinio tri puta, i slaviti na America's Cupu. Ovo posljednje još čekam…”

Kako biste opisali svoj pristup dizajniranju brodova?


Boravak na moru i sam doživljaj jedrenja omogućuje nam da zadržimo osjećaj slobode koji svakim danom sve više

ACI No.1 // Juan Kouyoumdjian

'ABN Amro I, the 2005/2006 Volvo Ocean Race winner by a wide margin. Before the start of the race there was some mistrust be cause that boat was very different from the Bruce Farr yachts that had dominated the scene until then. It had, for example, twin rud ders. Besides, I had a very close relationship with the team and it's a project I'm very fond of. I must also mention the ClubSwan 125, called Scorpio, which took us four years to develop.

What has changed in the world of sailing since you started your career?

'For me, sailing is like a giant canvas on which anyone can express their ideas. From classic classes, such as the Star, or radical Ameri ca's Cup projects and the new IMOCA yachts, which, in my opinion, are the driving forces of technological development. There is also the development of foiling, which has begun to spread to all types of yachts. As you can see, design offers a sea of opportunities for both those who race and those who just want to sail. This diversity

You have designed boats for the America's Cup, Volvo Ocean Race, Vendée Globe. If you had to choose just one project that best describes you, which would it be?

Dizajn brodova ples je između znanosti i umjetnosti u kojem pokušavate promijeniti pravila igre i smisliti nešto novo i radikalno.

„ABN Amro I, pobjednik Volvo Ocean Racea 2005./2006. s veli kom razlikom. Pred start regate bilo je je nepovjerenja jer se taj brod uvelike razlikovao od brodova Brucea Farra koji su dotad do minirali scenom. Imao je, primjerice, dva kormila. Osim toga bio sam vrlo blizak s timom i to je projekt koji mi je iznimno drag. Mo ram spomenuti i ClubSwan 125 nazvan Scorpio za koji nam je tre balo četiri godine da ga razvijemo.”

Yacht design is a dance between science and art, in which you try to change the rules of the game and come up with something new and radical.

u mnogo slučajeva važniji od kreativnosti i performansi, u natje cateljskim projektima možemo se najviše izraziti, vodeći računa o pravilima klase. Imamo veliku slobodu izražavanja jer je po mnogo čemu riječ o jedinstvenim primjercima brodova. Za dizajn morate biti mentalno otvoreni, pokušavati promijeniti pravila igre te smisliti nešto novo i radikalno. Pritom računala mogu pomoći u nekim si mulacijama, ali u dizajniranju je ljudski faktor i dalje presudan.”

Dizajnirali ste brodove za America's Cup, Volvo Ocean Race, Vendée Globe. Kada biste trebali izabrati samo jedan projekt koji vas opisuje, koji bi to bio?

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Kada smo kod foilinga, ClubSwan 36, a potom i veći modeli po put ClubSwana 80 i 125 upotrebljavaju tzv. C-foil?

„Za mene je jedrenje poput golemog slikarskog platna na kojem svi mogu izražavati svoje ideje – od klasičnih klasa poput zvijezde ili radikalnih projekata za America's Cup i novih IMOCA brodova koji su, prema mom mišljenju, nosioci tehnološkog razvoja. Tu je i razvoj foilinga koji se počeo širiti u sve vrste brodova. Kao što vidite, u dizajnu je more prilika i za one koji lete i za one koji i dalje žele ploviti. Treba slaviti tu različitost jer ne postoji sport ili vještina koji su toliko otvoreni, plemeniti i zahtjevni kao jedrenje.”

„Nautor's Swan poseban je brend upravo zbog strasti za jedrenjem i inovacijama, a ClubSwan jedrilice predstavljaju inovativan put u jedrenju. ClubSwan 36 okretan je i brz poput sportskog automobi la, a istodobno jednostavan za upravljanje pa i jedriličaru amateru omogućuje postizanje ekstremnih performansi. Izniman osjećaj surfanja brzinom od više od 20 čvorova u potpunoj sigurnosti tre ba doživjeti da biste povjerovali u moju tvrdnju. Veza između čo vjeka i broda emocija je koja se prenosi putem kormila, a upravo u tom segmentu ClubSwan 36 pruža čaroliju.”

„Puno prijatelja ispričalo mi je veoma lijepe stvari o hrvatskoj obali, no ono što sam vidio u Splitu nadmašilo je sva moja očekivanja. Grad koji živi uz more, mediteranski mentalitet, izvrsna gastrono mija, a istodobno otvoren i strastven za jedrenje s vrhunskim uvje tima za regate. Koliko znam, u Splitu se nalazi i prvi svjetski Clu bSwan 36 trening centar. Nadam se da ću imati još prilika uživati u jedrenju u Hrvatskoj.” 

should be celebrated because there are no sports or skills that are as open, noble and demanding as yachting.

'Nautor's Swan is a special brand precisely because of its passion for sailing and innovation, and ClubSwan yachts represent an in novative course in sailing. The ClubSwan 36 is as agile and fast as a sports car, while also easy to steer, allowing even an amateur yachtsman to achieve excellent performance. You need to expe rience the extraordinary feeling of surfing at speeds of over 20 knots in complete safety in order to believe what I’ve said. The link between a person and a yacht is an emotion spread through the rudder, and it is in this aspect that the ClubSwan 36 creates magic.

'A lot of friends had told me very nice things about the Croatian coast, but what I saw in Split exceeded all my expectations. A city that lives by the sea, with its Mediterranean mindset and excel lent cuisine, which is, at the same time, open to and passionate about sailing, offering perfect conditions for races. If I’m correct, the world's first ClubSwan 36 training centre is situated in Split. I hope that in the future I will have more opportunities to enjoy sailing in Croatia. 

Što se tijekom vaše karijere promijenilo u svijetu jedrenja?

U svibnju 2020. prvi ste put posjetili Hrvatsku tijekom Europ skog prvenstva u klasi zvijezda. Kakvi su vam dojmovi?

Speaking of foiling, do the ClubSwan 36 and the larger models like the ClubSwan 80 and 125 use the so-called C-foil?

May 2020 was the first time you visited Croatia, for the Star Eu ropean Championship. What were your impressions?

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Fotografije / Photos: Edi Matić /Fraktura

David Lagercrantz is an unpretentious and introspective man. A former jour nalist, Lagercrantz has been, for quite some time, a globally popular writer who talks about his emotions in public almost as openly as he writes about the life of his characters. Lagercrantz is one of the most prominent writers of the famous Nordic thriller production. He was born into a well-known Swedish family; his fa ther was a writer and publicist, his grand father a philosopher, and his sister, an ac tress, has been in the Swedish diplomatic service in recent years.


David Lagercrantz nepretenciozan je i introspektivan čovjek. Nekadašnji je no vinar, odavno globalno popularan pisac koji u javnosti o svojim emocijama pripo vijeda gotovo jednako otvoreno kao što piše o životu svojih likova. Lagercrantz je među nekoliko imena samog vrha slavne nordijske produkcije trilera. Iz poznate je švedske obitelji, otac je bio književnik i publicist, djed filozof, sestra, glumica, po sljednjih je godina u diplomatskoj službi švedske države.

He grew up in an environment where he was expected to get a PhD and pursue an academic career, or, if nothing else, to become a literary critic. Partly to rebel against his parents’ expectations, he be came a journalist, and in those early days he covered the crime beat for Swedish


Rastao je u okruženju gdje se očekivalo da doktorira i izgradi akademsku karijeru, ako ništa drugo da se bavi književnom kritikom. Dijelom i iz bunta prema rodi teljskim očekivanjima postao je novinar i davnih dana za švedske tabloide pratio crnu kroniku. Doduše, slične momente u biografiji ima i veliki Mario Vargas Llosa. I peruanski književnik u mladosti je izvje štavao o kriminalu, kasnije za svoje roma




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ne dobio Nobela i zasvagda ostao stajati uz bok Gabriela Garcije SvjetskuMá

Lagercrantz has gained worldwide fame by writing biographies. He first published a book about the Swedish mountaineer Göran Kropp and his ascent of Mount Everest, followed by a biography of the inventor Håkan Lans. His biography of Zlatan Ibrahimović, the Swedish footballer with roots in Bosnia and Herzegovina, was pub lished in 2011 and translated into thirty languages, selling a huge number of copies around the world.

After the death of Stieg Larsson, the author of the planetary suc cessful Swedish crime trilogy Millennium, Lagercrantz agreed with Norstedts publishing house and Larsson’s estate to pick up where Larsson had left off (The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo, The Girl Who Played with Fire, and The Girl Who Kicked the Hornets’ Nest). He took over Larsson’s characters and wrote three more novels in the Millennium series, telling the story of Lisbeth Salander, a talented woman with a traumatic past, and the journalist Mikael Blomkvist.

tabloids. True, there are similar moment in great Mario Vargas Llo sa’s biography. The Peruvian writer also was also a crime reporter in his youth, and later went to win a Nobel for his novels, forever earning a spot next to Gabriel Garcia Márquez.

slavu Lagercrantz stekao pišući biografije. Najprije je objavio knjigu o švedskom alpinistu Göranu Kroppu i njegovu us ponu na Mount Everest, potom biografiju izumitelja Håkana Lansa, a njegova biografija Zlatana Ibrahimovića, švedskog nogometaša podrijetlom iz Bosne i Hercegovine, objavljena 2011. prevedena je na trideset jezika te postigla goleme naklade širom svijeta. Nakon smrti Stiega Larssona, autora planetarno uspješne švedske kriminalističke trilogije „Millennium”, Lagercrantz je u dogovoru s izdavačkom kućom Norstedst i Larssonovim nasljednicima nasta vio pisati gdje je Larsson stao („Muškarci koji mrze žene”, „Dje vojka koja se igrala vatrom”, „Kule u zraku”). Preuzeo je njegove likove, napisao još tri nastavka „Millenniuma” u kojima pripovijeda o Lisabeth Salander, talentiranoj ženi traumatične prošlosti, i no vinaru Mikaelu Blomkvistu. U svijetu je David Lagercrantz postao poznat jednako koliko i Larsson, koji doduše popularnost vlastitih knjiga nije za života dočekao. Svaki nastavak „Millenniuma” („Što nas ne ubije”, „Čovjek koji je lovio vlastitu sjenu”, „Djevojka koja je morala umrijeti”) čitatelji su od Europe do Azije i Sjeverne Amerike čekali u niskom startu. Izda vači iz cijelog svijeta prijevode bi se požurili objaviti isti mjesec kad

David Lagercrantz has achieved world-wide popularity, becoming as famous as Larsson, who, admittedly, did not live to see his book become popular.

se David Lagercrantz zasitio, 2019. završio je posljednji, šesti nastavak „Millenniuma” te najavio da će napisati seriju trilera u kojima će pripovijedati o novim likovima, maknuti se od Lisbeth Salander i Mikaela Blomkvista koje je preuzeo od Larssona. U cije lom svijetu nema mnogo autora koji bez ijedne napisane rečenice mogu prodati knjige, potpisati lukrativne ugovore, dapače unosno naplatiti autorska prava za objavljivanje knjiga u desecima zemalja a da su te knjige u trenutku potpisivanja ugovora tek u njihovoj gla vi. To je uspjelo Davidu Lagercrantzu. Krajem prošle godine obja vio je roman „Obscuritas”, koji je u samo nekoliko mjeseci objav ljen u dvadeset i pet zemalja. Upitan je li bilo teže nastaviti pisati romane s likovima koje je stvo rio Stieg Larsson ili započeti nov, ambiciozan projekt od pet knjiga s novim likovima, ne krije da je „Obscuritas” pisao dugo i teško. Jedno je vrijeme, kazuje, samo sjedio i razmišljao, napisao bi pede set, šezdeset stranica pa sve, nezadovoljan, izbrisao. „Pišući ‚Millennium’, imao sam pomoć likova koje je napisao Stieg Larsson. Taj čovjek stvorio je ikonične, fantastične likove koji su


Every new addition to the Millennium series (The Girl in the Spi der’s Web, The Girl Who Takes an Eye for an Eye, and The Girl Who Lived Twice) was eagerly awaited by readers all over Europe, Asia and North America. Around the world, publishers rushed to publish translations in the same month the original came out; such was the level of interest Lagercrantz’s novels attracted.

“When I was writing the Millennium, I had the help of characters written by Stieg Larsson. That man created these iconic, fantastic characters, who helped me improve my writing. This time it was all up to me; I had to come up with a whole interesting and authentic new world. It was a different kind of challenge and it made me very anxious. Because, suddenly, I had to create it all myself. I was hor rified that people would say I couldn’t do it, that I wasn’t capable of writing well without the help of the characters and the whole universe created by Stieg Larsson. At first, I almost broke down under the weight of the high expectations I felt on my shoulders. I couldn’t write for a long time. But when I finally managed to start writing, it was that challenge that made me want to keep going. As a former journalist, I know very well what deadlines and expecta tions are.”

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it was harder to continue writing novels with characters created by Stieg Larsson or to start a new, ambitious five-book se ries with new characters, he does not hide that writing Obscuritas was hard and took a long time. For a while, he says, he would just sit and think; he would write fifty, sixty pages, and, discontentedly, delete them all.

And then David Lagercrantz had had enough. In 2019, he finished the last, sixth, instalment of Millennium, announcing that he would write a thriller series about new characters and get away from Lisbeth Salander and Mikael Blomkvist, whom he took over from Larsson. There are not many authors in the whole world who, with out having written a single sentence, can sell books, sign lucrative contracts and, indeed, earn big money from licensing translation rights in dozens of countries for books that are only in their heads at the time of signing the contract. That’s exactly what David Lager crantz managed to do. Late last year, his novel Obscuritas came out and was published in twenty-five countries within just a few Askedmonths.if


je izlazilo švedsko izdanje, tolik je interes pratio Lagercrantzove

“I’ve learnt that the best interviews are those that are actually conversations, exchanges, rather than classic interviews. I’m more open when a journalist brings a part of him- or herself into the conversation, when they share a part of themselves.”


Socijalne razlike u Švedskoj rastu. Na neki način to po kazuje i „Obscuritas”, koji je za hrvatsko tržište objavila izdavačka kuća Profil. Dva lika iz romana dolaze iz pot puno različitih sredina.


Hans Rekke jest profesor, nekadašnji pijanist, vodi unu tarnje borbe te je u njega, kaže Lagercrantz, vjerojatno ugradio i neke svoje probleme.

Social disparities in Sweden are increasing. In a way, this is shown in Obscuritas, which was published for the Croatian market by Profil publishing house. There are two characters in the novel who come from completely different backgrounds.

Hans Rekke is a professor, a former pianist, a torn per son. The author may have incorporated some of his own personal problems into the character, he himself says. How complicated was it for him to write about Micaela Vargas, a woman who grew up in a poor Stockholm sub urb, somebody coming from a very different world than the one David Lagercrantz inhabits?

O otvorenosti prema medijima, sklonosti da pokazuje vlastitu ranjivost kaže:

„Naučio sam da su najbolji intervjui zapravo konverzaci je, razgovori prije nego klasični intervjui. Otvoreniji sam kad novinar u taj razgovor unese i dade nešto od sebe.”

About his openness to the media, his tendency to show his own vulnerability, he says:

pomogli unaprijediti moje pisanje. Ovog puta sve je bilo na meni, morao sam osmisliti cijeli jedan zanimljiv i kva litetan novi svijet. Bio je to drukčiji izazov i zbog toga sam bio vrlo anksiozan. Jer odjednom sam sve to trebao stvoriti sam. Bio sam užasnut da će ljudi reći da ja to ne mogu, da nisam sposoban pisati dobro bez pomoći liko va i cijelog tog svemira koji je izgradio Stieg Larsson. U početku sam se gotovo slomio pod teretom velikih oče kivanja koja sam osjećao na svojim leđima. Pisanje mi dugo nije išlo. No kad sam konačno uspio početi pisati, baš taj izazov tjerao me da nastavim. Kao bivši novinar dobro znam što su rokovi i očekivanja.”

“The character of Micaela Vargas was a great challenge for me, because she is a woman and her social back ground is different than mine. But it is possible to feel empathy for every human destiny. That’s really what a writer’s job is. Writing the book about Zlatan Ibrahi



Prodao je milijune knjiga. No što je za njega uspjeh u životu?

Koliko mu je bilo složeno pisati o Micheli Vargas, ženi koja je odra sla u siromašnom predgrađu Stockholma, koja dolazi iz bitno dru gačijeg svijeta nego što je onaj kojem David Lagercrantz pripada?

„Otac sam troje djece i najvažnije mi je da su oni dobro. Kad je riječ o poslu, prodavati gomile knjiga nije tako važno, važniji je osjećaj da ste napisali nešto bitno, nešto što će trajati.”

Biografija o Zlatanu Ibrahimoviću postigla je velik uspjeh, nedavno je napisao i scenarij za film „Ja sam Zlatan”. Kakve su dosadašnje

mović, I learnt to find common ground with people that I thought I couldn’t relate to at all. The privilege I have from being born into the upper class is that I can be weak. I can feel bad, allow myself to be depressed, because there will always be someone to help, to stand by you. Poor people don’t have that privilege. They constant ly have to be strong, regardless of the problems that plague them; they don’t have the luxury of giving in when they are having a hard time. That’s what I’ve learnt by talking to people on the margins, writing about Zlatan and talking to him. Zlatan once told me that if you have a name that sounds foreign, it’s not enough to be good at something; you have to be three times better than someone who is middle-class. People from social margins who want to succeed have to be very, very good at what they do, because social barriers are huge.”

He has sold millions of books. But what does he think success in life is?


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Thevaluable.”biography of Zlatan Ibrahimović was a great success, and La gercrantz recently wrote the screenplay for I Am Zlatan. What have the reactions to the film been so far; does he think it will be just as popular as the book, indeed, maybe more?

“I am a father of three, and the most important thing for me is that they are well. As far as professional success is concerned, selling loads of books is not so important; the feeling that you have writ ten something influential, something that will last, is much more

„Lik Michaele Vargas bio mi je velik izazov jer je žena i drugači jeg je socijalnog podrijetla nego ja. No moguće je suosjećati sa svakom ljudskom sudbinom. To i jest posao pisca. Pišući knjigu o Zlatanu Ibrahimoviću, naučio sam vidjeti dodirne točke i s onima za koje se čini da su udaljeni od mene. Privilegij koji sam dobio rođe njem u visokoj klasi jest da mogu biti slab. Mogu se osjećati loše, dopustiti sebi biti depresivan jer uvijek će se naći netko pomoći, stajati uz tebe. Siromašni ljudi nemaju tu povlasticu. Siromašni stal no moraju biti jaki bez obzira na probleme koji ih muče, nemaju luksuz prepustiti se kad im je teško. To sam naučio razgovarajući s ljudima s margine, pišući o Zlatanu i razgovarajući s njim. Jednom mi je Zlatan rekao da ako imaš ime koje zvuči strano nije dovoljno biti dobar u nečemu, nego moraš biti tri puta bolji nego netko tko dolazi iz srednje, građanske klase. Da bi uspjeli, ljudi sa socijalnih margina moraju biti zaista dobri u tome što rade jer su barijere u društvu velike.”

a book about Göran Kropp and his ascent of Mount Everest. Which part of nature does he personally like more: does he prefer the mountains or the sea? Does he like to sail?

je knjigu o Goranu Kroppu i usponu na Mount Everest. Koji dio prirode voli više, jesu li mu draže planine ili mora? Voli li je „Sebedriti? nazivam kućnim alpinistom. Volim pisati o avanturama u divljini, avanturama opasnima za život, ali što se mene tiče, radi je ću sjediti kod kuće i pijuckati čašu crnog vina. Volim biti u blizini vode, to je izvorno ljudski. Nisam od jedrenja, ali volim veslati. Imam kuću za ljetni odmor na jednom oto ku u Finskoj i ondje veslam dok me ruke ne zabole.” 

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reakcije na film, misli li da će biti jednako po pularan kao i knjiga, dapače možda i više? „Film je doživio velik uspjeh u Italiji, a nadam se da će tako biti i u Švedskoj i ostatku svije ta gdje još nije stigao u kina. Kina se posvu da u svijetu bore s padom broja gledatelja, producenti se nadaju da će film privući novu publiku, kao što je to nekoć učinila knjiga, da će možda, nakon što pogledaju film, ljudi koji nisu od knjiga i knjižnica biti ponukani Napisaočitati.”


“I call myself a couch mountaineer. I love writing about adventures in the wilderness, life-threatening adventures, but as far as I’m personally concerned, I’d rather sit at home and sip a glass of red wine. I like being near water; this is inherently human. Sailing’s not my thing, but I like rowing. I have a summer holiday home on an island in Finland and I row there until my hands hurt.” 

“The film has been a great success in Italy, and I hope it will be the same in Sweden and the rest of the world in whose cinemas it hasn’t arrived yet. Everywhere in the world cinemas are struggling with decreasing numbers of viewers, and producers hope that the film will attract new audiences, as the book had done; that, perhaps, having seen the film, people who don’t read as a rule or visit libraries will be encouraged to Heread.”wrote


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koje ovaj sajam čine posebnim. Također očekujemo brojne međunarodne posjetitelje koji ujedno dolaze i na odmor.

ACI je dugogodišnji partner događaja, a posjetitelje će dočekati na izložbenom štandu u dvorani D, gdje će se održati poslovno umrežavanje Biograd B2B s proširenim kongresnim programom i društvenim događanjima.

Najveća izložba plovila na moru središnje i istočne Europe slavi svoju 24. godišnjicu nakon 22 godine kontinuiranog rasta. Sajam se održava u Ilirija resortu u Biogradu na Moru, u marini Kornati. Posebna atmosfera i bogat kalendar događanja privlače brojne izlagače i posjetitelje iz susjednih zemalja, što ga čini međunarodnim događajem za sve zainteresirane za jedrenje na Jadranu. Ovaj sajam je jedinstven jer se zabavna atmosfera gradom proteže od jutra do mraka, a očekujemo i povratak društvenim aktivnostima

24. BIOGRAD BOAT SHOW 26.-30. 10. 2022. Marina Kornati, Biograd na Moru NAUTICAL BUSINESS NETWORKING EVENT

Posjetite te upoznajte sajam preko 360° virtual toura na

al return to the social activities that make this show special. We expect many affluent international visitors that make a holiday of the event.

Central and Eastern Europe’s largest in-water boat show celebrates its 24th year following 22 years of continuous record breaking shows. The show is held in the resort town of Biograd, at Marina Kornati and includes Ilirija hotels, restaurants, and entertainment facilities. The special atmosphere and a rich calendar of events attracts many exhibitors and visitors from all neighboring countries, making it a truly international event for those interested in boating on the Adriatic. This show is unique, as the resort venue comes alive from morning to night, and we expect a gradu-

ACI is a long-term partner of the event, and will welcome visitors at a exhibition stand in Hall D, where nearby the BiogradB2B business networking event will take place with an expanded congress program and social events.

Take a virtual tour of the boat show and get more information at

Pokrovitelj: Sponzor:


Jagodina...sam Rijeka Boat Show i znam da ćete doći...

Rođen sam 1984. godine i postao sam prvi i najveći na ovim prosto rima. Mnogo je valova od tada udarilo u moje obale koji su me učinili samo jačim. Voljeli ste mi dolaziti u posjetu, a ja sam se uvijek tru dio biti dobar domaćin. U srcu sam Kvarnera, pogledom dosežem Istru. Vrlo sam blizu svim našim prijateljima iz Slovenije, Austrije, Italije, a glavni gradovi poput Zagreba i Ljubljane nadomak su mi ruke. Ponosim se poviješću i značajem mojeg grada i moje luke. Odu vijek sam relevantan, oduvijek sam bio referentna točka, oduvijek sam bio Prvo More većem dijelu Europe. Shodno novim ulaganjima u nautiku u mojem gradu, samim time sa modernim stremljenjima i respektabilnim partnerima te sa novom pokretačkom snagom, upornošću, hrabrošću i vizijom mojih čelnih ljudi, izuzet no se veselim budućnosti i godinama koje dolaze! Jer, tek mi je 38

I am Rijeka Boat Show and I know you will come...

I was born in 1984 and became the first and largest in this region. A lot of waves have hit my shores since then which made me only stronger. You loved coming to visit me, and I always tried to be a good host. I am in the heart of Kvarner, my eyes reach Istria. I am very close to all our friends from Slovenia, Austria, Italy, and capi tals like Zagreb and Ljubljana are close at hand. I am proud of the history and significance of my city and my port. I have always been relevant, I have always been a point of reference, I have always been the First Sea to most of Europe. In line with the new investments in nautics in my city, and therefore with modern aspirations and respectable partners and with the new driving force, perseverance, courage and vision of my leaders, I am extremely looking forward to the future and the years to come! Because I am only 38 years old...

Fred Bobek d.o.o. General Importer for CRO, SLO, SRB, MNE, BiH Put Gaćeleza 5/b, 22211 Vodice - CRO VODICE Tel. + 385 22 44 33 00 / Tel. + 385 22 44 07 00 E-mail: E-mail: ZAGREB Samoborska Cesta 352 Tel. + 385 1 346 0896 / Fax. + 385 1 346 4962 E-mail: To help you choose perfect model contact us on or +386 31 643 033. Burin Boats d.o.o, Leskoškova 12, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia . We are here for you. THE DIFFERENCE IS IN ALUMINIUM NEW HIGHFIELD SPORT LINE IS WAITING FOR YOU

ISSN 2584-7988

Sandra Antulov


the Board

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TISAK / PRINT Kerschoffset d.o.o.

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media records


Kristijan Pavić / predsjednik Uprave / Chairman of

Adriatic Croatia International za djelatnost marina d.d. R. Strohala 2, 51000 Rijeka. +385 (0) 51 + (0)


271 288 Fax.

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51 271 www.aci-marinas.com824 UPRAVA ACI D.D. / ACI MANAGEMENT



NASLOVNICA / COVER PAGE Zvonimir Barišin, Propono d.o.o. multimedia

Manuscripts,godišnje. and are non-returnable! Copying and transferring content of the magazine ACI No.1 without consent from the publisher is forbidden. Published annually.


Vixel, obrt za web i grafički dizajn


Josip Ostrogović / član Uprave/ Board Member Ivan Herak / član Uprave/ Board Member

Jasna Berket Bakota, Aleta Cvitan, Vibor Visković, Fotografski studio Prof, Fotofaktor d.o.o.



During the current summer schedule, Croatia Airlines significantly expands its network of destinations and from Zagreb plans to fly directly to 15 European des Barcelona,tinations: Amsterdam, Athens, Vienna, Brussels, Dublin, Frankfurt, Copenhagen, London (Heathrow), Munich, Paris, Rome (via Split), Sarajevo, Skopje and OurZurich.national airline and flag carrier connects Split with 18 European destinations, and in June introduced five new seasonal routes from Split.

From Split this summer season you can fly directly to Amsterdam, Bucharest, Dublin, Milan and Stockholm. Split will also be directly connected this summer with

Croatia Airlines connects Dubrovnik with direct inter national flights to six attractive destinations - Athens, Frankfurt, Munich, Paris, Rome and Zurich.

Seasonal flights Zagreb - Brač, Rijeka - Munich, Osijek - Split and Osijek - Dubrovnik are being re-introduced, and the establishment of year-round international flights on the Osijek-Munich route is also a novelty.

Athens, Vienna, Berlin, Düsseldorf, Frankfurt, Copen hagen, London (Heathrow and Gatwick), Lyon, Munich, Paris, Prague, Rome and Zurich.

Fly with Croatia Airlines this summer as well!

startsSummerwith us! Check our offers and book your flight

The World of ACI in your hands ACI No.1 Official Mobile App #acino1goesglobal  |  | 

THE MOST EXCITING BOOK AT SOUTHEAST EUROPE on three languages English, German and Italian edition Kontakt: Naklada Val d.o.o., Ivana Zajca 20/II, Rijeka, Croatia, Tel. +385 51 606 155 e-mail:, web shop:

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