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Dr. Austin Prabhu
Radio Plays: Broadcasted 10 Konkani small plays on All India Radio, Mangalore Station (1978-1981) highest #of plays in a shortest period by a Konkani Writer in Mangalore at that time. Awards & Citations: 1. Ankwaar Celly - Best Drama Script Award by Konkani Bhasha Mandal, ® (Literary Organization), Goa (1977) 2. Adarsh Yuvajann - Best Educational Book Award by Konkani Bhasha Mandal, ® Goa (1980) 3. Best Drama Actor III - Kala Sampath, Mangalore (1980) 4. Bendur Parish Council Cycle Race III place, Bendur, Mangalore, India 5. President's Appreciation Award - Lions Club (Damayan 1991, Kala Sampath 1997) 6. Lion of the Year Award - Damayan Lions Club (1991-92) Awarded by Gov. King Pye, Dt. 1-A 7. 100% President Award - District 1-A (1992-93, Chicago Damayan Lions Club) by Gov. Mike Smigielski 8. Club President Excellence Award – Chicago Damayan Lions Club - Lions Clubs International (1993) 9. Melvin Jones Fellow - Lions Clubs International Foundation's Highest Award (1992) 10. Gold Award - United