ith over 40 years of
and developments. This is of paramount
with its SilverBACK range. The latest
experience, MultiDyne
importance as the broadcast industry is
version, the SilverBACK 4K5 Camera
Fiber Optic Systems is
in a constant state of transition. To this
Interface System puts all signals needed
established as a trusted,
end, MultiDyne brings fibre optic solutions
for multi-camera 4K/UHD TV production
proven supplier of signal conversion and
to the market that addresses the needs
onto a single tactical or SMPTE hybrid fibre
fibre-optic-based transport systems for
of the customers today, namely, higher-
cable with robust connectivity from any
the global broadcast and video production
density platforms, 4K/UHD support,
remote location.
communities. MultiDyne’s pioneering
12GB/s compatibility, etc, while planning
More recent MultiDyne product
innovations provide an unparalleled array
for a future where IP and fibre bring new
introductions such as the OG-3600 modular
of solutions serving applications such as
businesses and revenue opportunities to
series and the rugged, high-density BullDog
electronic newsgathering (ENG), sport, live
enclosure ideally represent today’s fibre
event production, government videos as
optic application needs. The OG-3600
well as digital cinema. Broadcast and cable
is MultiDyne’s latest entry for the open
networks, local TV stations, film production
MultiDyne’s reputation for innovation has
gear community and introduces a flexible
businesses and mobile production trucks
been cemented through intensive research
new option for modular, high-density
represent some of the end users who benefit
and development efforts, coupled with
fibre transport solutions to support all
from MultiDyne’s creative solutions.
tireless dedication to engineering and
bidirectional video, audio and data signal
MultiDyne’s astute ability to serve
customer service. In recent years, the
transfer needs.
customer needs today, yet continually look
company revolutionised the integration of
The OG-3600 series of eight purpose-
forward, keeps it ahead of industry trends
portable camera and fibre optic transport
built cards for broadcasters and content